Stepan Paramonovich Kalashnikov is a free and successful merchant. He is the master of himself and his family, requires order in the house and submission. He is noble and the word "honor" means a lot to him. Having learned about the misfortune with his wife, he goes to the mortal battle to defend the honor of the family. Kalashnikov is not afraid of the tsar, he directly answers the question that he killed the guardsman of his own free will. Just does not voice why, as this affects the honor of his family. The daring merchant believes in the king and his word, he asks that he not leave his family without help.

The image of the merchant Kalashnikov is revealed through the attitude of the author and other characters towards him, as well as through his actions.

Author's attitude

Merchant Kalashnikov is an exceptionally positive hero, whom the author portrayed as a Russian hero with the help of traditional epithets: “stately fellow”, “mighty shoulders”, “falcon eyes”, “breast brave”, and called the duel “heroic battle”.

Lermontov’s sympathies for Kalashnikov are also expressed in the fact that the poet presented him as a believer: the merchant wears a copper cross, he will only tell “God alone” about the reason for the duel, and orders his brothers to pray for his “sinful soul.” This indicates that Kalashnikov is close to the people, respects moral principles and Orthodox traditions, which actually elevates him to the rank of a martyr.

Attitude towards the merchant of other heroes

No less important for the characterization of Kalashnikov is the attitude of other heroes of the work towards him:

  • Alena Dmitrievna;
  • younger brothers;
  • Kiribeevich;
  • Tsar Ivan Vasilievich.

Alena Dmitrievna is afraid of her husband, but she confesses everything to him and asks for help: “Who, besides you, can I hope for?”. This indicates that she respects him and considers fair.

The younger brothers honor Kalashnikov, call him "the second father" and promise: "We won't betray you, dear."

The Tsar and Kiribeevich, as negative characters, are in opposition to the positive Kalashnikov. Kiribeevich is afraid, since the truth is on the side of the merchant, and foresees a quick retribution for his actions. The king, despite his anger, recognizes his strength and courage, promising "not to leave with his mercy."

Actions of Kalashnikov

Kiribeevich's actions hurt the honor of the merchant and his family. In order to wash away this shame, he goes to battle with the beloved oprichnik of the formidable king. Having killed a rival, he refuses to tell the king about the reason for their enmity, preferring to die. These actions characterize the merchant as a bold and noble man who preferred death to dishonor.

Kalashnikov is a hero who denounces the autocracy and evokes sympathy for the injustice shown to him.

Lermontov's work has always remained a mystery, not without reason, and his works are called unique. They reflected the spiritual mood of the poet. Take, for example, the variety of forms and themes that is observed in his work: the fantastic alternates with the real, laughter with sadness, strength with fatigue, prayer with a joke, romantic impulses with cold skepticism.

Who would have thought that one and the same author could at the same time create works that are completely different in thought, mood and tempo? IN last years the soul of the poet peaceful feelings embraced more and more often. The best example of this is the song about the merchant Kalashnikov written in 1837. Characteristics of the main character in this article.

History in the spirit of folk song

"Song about the merchant Kalashnikov" was created by the poet in 1837 in the Caucasian exile. This work of Lermontov is exceptional in its style. It is written in the spirit of a folk song and is presented to the reader as a legend sung by harpists.

The "Song" is also interesting in terms of the religious mood with which it is colored. The main idea of ​​the poem is the humility of a man strong in truth before an unfair but obligatory trial. The author tells tragic fate a merchant's son who stood up for an offended wife and washed away the offense with blood, but was executed.

Merchant Kalashnikov (characteristics of the hero below) humbly endures the fate, he submits to the court of the king and God. He does not speak a word against injustice, he does not show the slightest threat.

Sovereign Oprichnik

The story begins with a feast scene. Among the many people present in the king's refectory, the author in an artistic form highlights the main actor: everyone drinks at the table, but only one does not drink. This hero is Kiribeevich. This is followed by a dialogue between Grozny and the guardsman. This episode plays an important role in the characterization of the merchant Kalashnikov. It allows you to fully reveal the characters' personalities.

Terrible's appeal to his guardsman and his questions are built on the rise: first, the tsar then hit the ground with a stick and finally uttered a word that awakened the guardsman from oblivion. Kiribeevich answers the sovereign. The second appeal of the king is built on the same principle: is the caftan worn out, is the treasury wasted, is the saber notched?

This episode shows that Kiribeevich is the tsar's favorite. He enjoys his favor and mercy. The oprichnik has everything - expensive caftans, money, good weapons. As the sovereign becomes interested, both his anger and desire to take part in the fate of Kiribeevich increase. This episode predicts further fate merchant Kalashnikov. The characteristic of the opponent is hidden behind the last question of the sovereign: “Did the son of the merchant knock you down in a fist fight?”

The oprichnik replies that that hand has not yet been born in a merchant family, his argamak walks merrily. The tsar's assumption that the invincible fighter lost the battle to the merchant's son was rejected by Kiribeevich as impossible. In his boasting lies the psychological anticipation of the poem, a kind of prophecy.

The reason for the sadness of the oprichnik

At the peak of the royal participation, the cunning and crafty Kiribeevich plays a tearful scene before him: I can’t wet my mustache in a gilded ladle because I fell in love with a beautiful woman without memory, and she turns away as if from a non-Christ. The autocrat, having learned that the sweetheart of his beloved guardsman was just a merchant's daughter, laughed: take a ring, buy a necklace and send gifts to Alena Dmitrievna. And do not forget to invite to the wedding, but bow to the matchmaker.

Kiribeevich was cunning, he outwitted Ivan the Terrible himself. It seems like he told everything in spirit, but concealed from the king that the beauty was married in the church of God. And why would Kiribeevich have a matchmaker if the sovereign himself is on his side. The author reveals the image of the adversary of the daring merchant Kalashnikov. The characterization of Kiribeevich is presented in full: a cunning self-confident person, a professional fighter and a noble family. His name indicates a non-Russian origin, Kalashnikov calls him an infidel son.

Wealth, patronage of the king spoiled the guardsman. Kiribeevich became a selfish person, trampling on family foundations. Alena Dmitrievna's marriage does not stop him. After watching his sweetheart, he offers her wealth in exchange for love. The presence of his neighbors does not stop him either, in front of whom he hugs and kisses his chosen one, knowing full well that this threatens her with dishonor.

Merchant Kalashnikov

Kalashnikov is one of the main characters. We can say that this is the main image of the poem, since it is assigned a positive role. A young merchant sits behind the counter. He lays out goods in his shop, lures guests with sweet speech, counts gold and silver. He closes the shop, as the bells ring the supper, and goes home to his young wife and children.

The merchant had a bad day. So far, this is only evident from the fact that rich boyars walk by, but they do not look into his shop. The merchant returned home in the evening and sees that something was wrong here too: his wife does not meet him, the oak table is not covered with a white tablecloth, and the candle barely flickers in front of the images. He asked the employee, what is happening? They answered him that Alena Dmitrievna had not yet returned from the evening.

When his wife returned, he did not recognize her: she was standing pale, bare-haired, and her plaited braids were strewn with snow. He looks with crazy eyes and whispers incomprehensible speeches. His wife told him that the royal guard Kiribeevich had dishonored her. Kalashnikov could not bear such an insult. He called the younger brothers and said that he would challenge the offender to battle and fight to the death. The merchant asked the brothers, if they beat him, then go out instead of him to stand for the holy truth.

The daring merchant Kalashnikov, whose characterization you are reading now, goes to the duel not out of jealousy, but for the holy truth. Kiribeevich violated the patriarchal way of life and the law of God: looking at someone else's wife is a crime. Stepan Paramonovich does not go out of jealousy to fight, but to defend his honor. First of all - the honor of the family, and therefore asks the brothers to stand up for the truth.


Before the battle, Kiribeevich comes out and silently bows to the king. Merchant Kalashnikov observes the rules of ancient courtesy: first he bows to the tsar, then to the Kremlin and holy churches, and then to the Russian people. Kalashnikov sacredly preserves the ancient foundations. He is not just a courageous and courageous person, the merchant is strong in his spirit. That's why he wins.

The duel is preceded by a boasting scene. Kiribeevich's boasting is just a ritual, and the merchant's response is an accusation and a challenge to a mortal battle. The duel has ceased to be a competition, it's all about moral rightness. Kalashnikov replies to his offender that he has nothing to fear: he lived according to the law of the Lord, did not disgrace another's wife, did not rob, and "did not hide from the light of heaven." Kiribeevich, hearing the words of Kalashnikov, turned pale in his face, which means he admitted he was wrong. Nevertheless, he hit his opponent in the chest.

The bones cracked, but the copper cross hanging on the chest of the merchant Kalashnikov saved him. In the characterization of the hero, this detail is essential. She says that the outcome of the fight was already, as it were, a foregone conclusion. Kiribeevich, molesting a woman married in a church, violated not only human laws, but also God's. Stepan Paramonovich hopes for God's judgment and tells himself that he will stand for the truth to the last.

Kalashnikov hits the enemy with a swing in the left temple, which was contrary to the rules of the battle. Kiribeevich falls dead. In fact, the merchant committed murder. But he does not lose sympathy - neither the reader's nor the author's. He goes to judge and fulfills his plan. From the point of view of the people's consciousness, Kalashnikov is right.

Trial of Kalashnikov

The tsar, and he already knew the rules of battle, angrily asks Kalashnikov whether he killed his faithful servant by accident or by his own will. The merchant admits that he killed Kiribeevich of his own free will, and why he did so, he will only tell God alone. In order not to subject the honor of the family to dishonor, he cannot say this to the king. He boldly confesses his deed to the king and is ready to suffer punishment. Just before his death, he entrusts his family to the care of the sovereign. And the tsar promises to welcome the orphans, the young widow and brothers of Stepan Paramonovich.

In the description of the merchant Kalashnikov, it should be noted that he goes to the block without regrets for his honesty and courage. The fact that he did not play up and kept the answer in good conscience, the sovereign liked. But the sovereign could not forgive and let him go just like that. After all, his faithful servant and best oprichnik was killed. The merchant administers the court arbitrarily. He aggravated his guilt by his denial before the king. And for that he should be punished.

The king is formidable, but fair. For honesty and courage, he does not leave the merchant with his grace: he orders to go to a high place. He orders the ax to be sharpened, the executioner to dress up, the big bell to ring. The sovereign gave gifts to Kalashnikov's young wife and children from the treasury, did not offend the brothers either - he ordered to trade duty-free.

stately fellow

Lermontov contrasts the merchant Kalashnikov with the oprichnik Kiribeevich in the poem. The author shows the merchant not only as a daring fighter, but as a fighter for the holy truth. The characterization of the merchant Kalashnikov from the “Song about the Merchant Kalashnikov” reflects the image of a stately young man, a Russian hero: the eyes of a falcon are burning, straightening his mighty shoulders and pulling on his combat gloves.

The image of the merchant Kalashnikov is the image of a brave and strong man, steadfast and honest. That is why the song about the merchant was composed. And although his grave is nameless, people do not forget it: an old man passes by - he crosses himself, a fine fellow walks by - he becomes dignified, if a girl passes, he will grieve. And the harpists will pass - they will sing a song.

Comparative characteristics main characters

"Songs about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, a young guardsman and a daring merchant Kalashnikov"

M.Yu. Lermontov.

In the lyrical epic work by M.Yu. Lermontov “Song about ...”, I met two heroes: Stepan Paramonovich and the royal guardsman Kiribeevich. To understand which side is the truth, it is necessary to compare these two heroes.

I'll start with the Kalashnikov. Stepan Paramonovich - “a young merchant”, “a handsome fellow”, “a daring fighter”, - this is what the author himself says about him. A beautiful wife, youth, prosperity - it would seem that his life was a success! But in one moment everything collapses!

In my opinion, in the situation that Kalashnikov found himself in, he behaved correctly and chose the right path. Of course, if he were a dishonest person, he would have met Kiribeevich on a dark night alone on the street and surreptitiously dealt him a mortal blow. But this would not be masculine and would hardly cleanse the honor of the family. Kalashnikov challenges him, his rival, to a fight in public, without fear, and in such a way that Kiribeevich "turned pale in the face, like autumn snow."

In my eyes, based on the "Song ..", Stepan Paramonovich appears as a brave, caring, fair, hardworking and smart person. And the fact that he acted more noble than his rival characterizes him both as a decent person and as a person with self-esteem.

For me, a man of the 21st century, the behavior of Kalashnikov and his wife is not entirely clear. Indeed, equality reigns in today's families, and Kalashnikov's behavior is, as it were, written off from a work of that time called Domostroy.

It seems to me that Stepan Paramonovich's steadfastness and perseverance were able, at least after his death, to cleanse his family of disgrace. And, despite his public execution, a good reputation was preserved among the people, and even the harpists composed songs about him.

It was Kiribeevich's turn. Not only in character and actions, but also in his position in society and appearance, he is very different from Stepan Paramonovich Kalashnikov. Kiribeevich is a young oprichnik, a favorite of the tsar. In this regard, he developed such character traits as vanity, excessive ambition, waywardness and arrogance. And this immediately repels readers from this hero. In appearance, he is in no way inferior to his rival Kalashnikov. Such epithets as “Bold fighter”, “violent fellow” draw in our imagination a young man of a stately, heroic physique.

Kiribeevich is rather selfish, and in his love for Alena Dmitrievna he thinks only of himself. But this character also has its charms. Courage, courage, fearlessness, steadfastness together form the impression of the "young guardsman" as a courageous person. Although, if we put on the scales all positive and negative qualities this hero, then, in my opinion, the negative ones will also be heavy.

A person who has dishonored someone's family simply cannot be goodie. I think that if this oprichnik is capable of loving like that, he will be able to embark on the path of correction, but only the person to whom he has feelings can change it.

I hope I've covered enough inner world these heroes. Like most people who have read this work, I am on the side of Kalashnikov. And you will probably agree with me.

Chueva, Elena Grade 7. branch of MBOU Sosnovskaya secondary school No. 1 in the village of Rabochiy, Tambov region

Poem by M.Yu. Lermontov is called "The Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich ..." it reveals the essence of opposing characters, shows the development of the conflict on the basis of different views and principles. By drawing a line between the characters of the main characters, one can draw conclusions about them, say how they lived, what was valuable for everyone and what they were like.

The author describes Kalashnikov as a positive character, we see how he treats his family, he loves them very much, respects the king, and is ready to go into battle. Outwardly, he appears to us as a tall, strong man. In addition to his good character, he was lucky in his work, he owned his own shop, and was also an exemplary husband for his wife. Kirebeevich was the opposite, the author did not even consider it necessary to call the hero by name, so we meet the nickname "Basurman's son." He does not understand the meaning of the will, because he was a slave, the beloved slave of Ivan the Terrible.

But once an unpleasant situation occurred, Kiribeevich fell in love with Kalashnikov's wife, and when she told everything to her husband, the merchant, without hesitation, went to talk to his rival. For him, this situation was insulting, because he loved his wife very much and would never have allowed her to be offended. For Kalashnikov, honor and dignity were important traits, so now he was faced with the task of defending his rights. He perfectly understood that Kirebeevich was much stronger, which means that the duel could end very tragically, but this does not stop the merchant. The duel must decide whether the honor of the Kalashnikov family will be pure or not. Speaking about Kirebeevich, we can say that for the most part he was the opposite of a merchant, the only thing they were similar in was strength. In character and attitude to life, these two characters were completely different.

Kalashnikov did not want to name the real reasons for their quarrel with Kiribeevich, although he understood that this could cause the tsar's anger. In battle, the merchant behaved with dignity, and killed his opponent with one blow. The next test for him was a meeting with the king, having gathered all his strength and courage, he directly told Grozny why Kiribeevich deserved to die. I believe that the author placed in the image of Kalashnikov the ideal features of a Russian person, with his actions, attitude to the world around him, this hero was remembered by readers for a long time.

Table Comparative characteristics of Kalashnikov and Kiribeevich

Kalashnikov Kiribeevich
Place in the poem: Stepan Paramonovich Kalashnikov is a truly positive character, but also a very tragic one. Kiribeevich is a real negative hero, the author did not even begin to give his name, but only the nickname "basurman son"
Place in society: Actively engaged in trade, ran a personal shop Kiribeevich was a servant of Ivan the Terrible, as well as a warrior and defender.
Life: Stepan had a wife Anna Dmitrievna, he doted on his family and children, was faithful to his parents and brothers no family, based on the entire work, no mention of any relatives and friends is visible
Attitude to free actions: Kalashnikov surrendered to his feelings and actions, was faithful to religion and the instructions of the king due to the fact that he had been under the leadership of the king all his life, the concept of will was unfamiliar to him
Physical indicators: Based on the description, the hero was tall, stately, strong and broad-shouldered. the physique is similar to Kalashnikov, he was just as tall and strong as a hero
Honor and dignity: These two qualities played a huge role for Kalashnikov although the author does not particularly mention these qualities, but based on some actions, it is clear that Kiribeevich is ready to defend his honor
Attitude towards Ivan the Terrible: showed respect in fact, he had respect for the king, but in order to get his own, he was still not afraid to deceive
Human qualities: Calm, balanced, loved his family and was ready for anything for her he was lonely, considered his life very tragic and wanted to feel freedom all the time. One great feeling can be singled out - love, which he carried in himself for a married woman.
Boastfulness: Such a quality was unacceptable for Kalashnikov, he carried out his instructions silently and efficiently loved to spread words, promise and say that he could do everything
Fate: was sure that the fate of each person was decided in advance, which is why the attitude to life was simple believed that everyone changes the course of his life, but he himself could not resist death
Hero Endings: death overtook Kalashnikov at the royal court. Buried with honors went to battle with a merchant, and died there, but the author does not particularly describe this

Comparison table for grade 7.

Option 2

Merchant Kalashnikov is called respectfully full name Stepan Paramonovich. He is young and stately, married to the beautiful Alena Dmitrievna, and is raising children. His family does not know the need, he has a high house and a shop where he sells expensive goods - overseas silk manufactory, for which the boyars pay in gold and silver. The patriarchal way of his life is collapsing because of the lustful guardsman, who publicly insulted his wife Alena Dmitrievna with his harassment.

Defending the honor of the family, he kills the offender in a fistfight. For this, the merchant was executed by the will of the king with a painful death, shamefully buried not in the churchyard, but in an open field, like a robber. But people do not forget him and, passing by an unmarked grave, they cross themselves, mourn, realizing that not only a personal insult led him to battle, but upholding the foundations of faith, morality and honor of the people.

The name of his enemy Kiribeevich is never mentioned. It is only known that he is from the glorious family of the Skuratovs, the most fierce guardsmen. He is the favorite fighter of the formidable Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich. Being in the sovereign's service, he was granted many royal favors. He is young, endowed with heroic strength. No one could defeat him in fistfights. The nature of the young man is daring and violent. But there is no joy in his life, because he fell in love with himself and others on the mountain with a woman married to another. And, transgressing all Christian moral canons, he tries to achieve her favor. Publicly offers Alena Dmitrievna his love, wealth, noble position, neglecting people's rumors, thereby dishonoring her and ruining her family happiness. Because of him, she will remain a widow, her children will be orphans, the family will lose a breadwinner and intercessor.

How Kiribeevich changes when he finds out that with whom he will have to fight for the last time: fighting bragging disappears, valiant prowess disappears, fear and horror take possession of him. There is nothing heroic in him anymore, and he, like a “pine tree”, cut down to the root, falls dead from a powerful blow from Kalashnikov. Because of his passion, Kiribeevich ruined himself and others, because he did not understand that not everything is subject to the arbitrariness of power and wealth, but there are other moral foundations: honor, conscience and faith.

Comparison 3

Both heroes in creation are central. However, they have a huge number of differences. Kalashnikov is much older, he is an ordinary merchant, and Kiribeevich is a young man, but wealthy, but who has not found his place in life. He doesn't know his purpose. It is noteworthy that Lermontov himself calls this villain scornfully, or rather, "basurman's son."

Kalashnikov has a loving wife, Alena Dmitrievna. Kiribeevich does not have a woman, but he feels sympathy for Kalashnikov's wife. Moreover, he manages to disgrace her with his feelings. We can say that the young man is reckless. He doesn't think about the consequences.

If Kalashnikov looks like a whole, mature person, then Kiribeevich is completely different. Kalashnikov works honestly, appreciates his family. And Kiribeevich, one might say, is an arrogant and ill-mannered, but rich young man who is used to getting everything he likes at the snap of a finger. However, in the case of Alena Dmitrievna, this strategy does not work.

Kalashnikov is quite decisive and bold. He understands that his happiness cannot be given to anyone, you need to fight for it. Therefore, he enters into a conflict with the young man, and, remarkably, wins.


Merchant Kalashnikov is a positive character. This is the image of the Russian people, which carries bright ideals. As for Kiribeevich, he is a vile invader, a conqueror. Accordingly, the “stumbling block”, Alena, can be regarded in a figurative sense as the Russian Land, which is being encroached upon by the infidel son, and which is defended by a brave, kind, sympathetic and courageous, invincible Russian person.

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One of my favorite works of Lermontov Mikhail Yuryevich is “The Song about the Merchant Kalashnikov”. Its most basic feature is the confrontation of truth and honor against the power of higher officials.

The song describes two people. One is the oprichnik of the tsar and his good fighter, and the second is a simple merchant Kalashnikov, the husband of Alena Dmitrevna. Above her is a mocking oprichnik and thus casts a shadow on his family. The merchant is an honest, correct and brave man. Lives according to the laws, loves children and wife, takes good care of them. This is clear from Alena's words. She asks him for help and protection.

Kalashnikov, having gone to battle with the guardsman, inflicts a mortal blow on him, which makes the prince angry. But since he tells the truth, and the prince treats him with respect and promises not to leave his wife and children in poverty. The merchant is executed, and he will rest in an unmarked grave. But his action showed everyone that justice must be fought for, albeit at a high cost.

For me, the image of Kalashnikov is very bright and clean. He a real man who is ready to die for the honor of his wife and family. He personifies the whole common people, who for centuries have been trying to fight the injustice and venality of high-ranking people.