The satirical work of Fonvizin does not lose its relevance to this day. The names of the main characters Mitrofan, Prostakova, Skotinin became common nouns, and phrases from the comedy were winged. Quotes characterizing the heroes of the comedy "Undergrowth" will help the reader to better understand what this or that character is in this work. Some quotes have become quite firmly established in everyday speech, thanks to their brightness, capacity and topicality.

famous comedy lines

"I don't want to study - I want to get married." Mitrofan's phrase addressed to his mother. In life, they apply to those young people who have the wind in their heads. Whose life is one continuous entertainment and pleasure. None of them even think about studying or working.

"And then you'll get married." Having entered into a marriage union on mutually beneficial terms, you can no longer worry about your future. A kind of marriage of convenience, not love.

"Don't do business, don't run away from business." So they say about those people who are irresponsible about work, but only create the appearance of it in the workplace.

"Cash is not cash value." The presence of money still does not say anything, and even more so automatically cannot make a person good in the eyes of others.

"Beleny ate too much." This phrase can be attributed to those people who commit inadequate acts, stupid things that cannot be rationally explained.



The direct dignity in man is the soul.

I was born in Moscow, if you need to know, and my villages are in the local governorship.

Excuse me, ma'am. I never read letters without the permission of those to whom they are written.

Moreover, from my own feat of my heart, I do not leave to notice those malevolent ignoramuses who, having full power over their people, use it for evil inhumanely.

I caress, however, to soon put limits on the wickedness of the wife and the stupidity of the husband. I have already informed our chief of all the local barbarisms, and I have no doubt that measures will be taken to appease them.

I am instructed to take custody of the house and villages at the first rabies, from which the people subject to it might suffer.

I beg your pardon for leaving you.

When only cattle can be happy among you, then your wife will have poor peace from them and from you.


An ignoramus without a soul is a beast.

For the whims of one person, all of Siberia is not enough.

The direct dignity in man is the soul. Without her, the most enlightened smart girl is a miserable creature.

An honest man must be a perfectly honest man

Not the rich one who counts out money to hide it in a chest, but the one who counts out extra money in order to help someone who does not have what he needs.

Everyone should seek his happiness and benefits in the one thing that is lawful.

Have a heart, have a soul, and you will be a man at all times.

I left the court without villages, without a ribbon, without ranks, but brought mine home intact, my soul, my honor, my rules.

It is much more honest to be bypassed without guilt than to be granted without merit.


I see and honor virtue adorned with enlightened reason.

I am in love and have the happiness of being loved.

The judge, who, fearing neither vengeance nor strong threats, gave justice to the helpless, is in my eyes a hero.

At my age and in my position, it would be unforgivable arrogance to consider everything deserved by which a young man is encouraged by worthy people.


Uncle! My true happiness is that I have you. I know the price.

I will use all my efforts to earn the good opinion of worthy people.

How many sorrows have I endured since the day of our separation! My shameless in-laws.

I was now reading a book ... French. Fenelon, on the education of girls.


I don't want to study, I want to get married!

Yes, all sorts of rubbish climbed into my head, then you are a father, then you are a mother.

Beleny ate too much.

I will learn; only that it be the last time, and that today there should be an agreement!

Well, say another word, you old bastard! I'll get you off.

Yes, get off my mother, how imposed!

For me, where they say!

As was customary in classicism, the heroes of the comedy "Undergrowth" are clearly divided into negative and positive. However, the most memorable, vivid are still negative characters, despite their despotism and ignorance: Mrs. Prostakova, her brother Taras Skotinin and Mitrofan himself. They are interesting and ambiguous. It is with them that comic situations are associated, full of humor, bright liveliness of dialogues.

Positive characters do not evoke such vivid emotions, although they are reasoners, reflecting the author's position. Educated, endowed with only positive traits, they are ideal - they cannot do lawlessness, they are alien to lies and cruelty.

Heroes are negative

Mrs. Prostakova

History of upbringing and education Grew up in a family characterized by extreme ignorance. Didn't get any education. I did not learn any moral rules from childhood. There is nothing good in her soul. Serfdom has a strong influence: her position as the sovereign owner of the serfs.

Main character traits Rough, unbridled, ignorant. If it does not meet resistance, it becomes arrogant. But if she encounters force, she becomes cowardly.

Attitude towards other people In relation to people, she is guided by rough calculation, personal gain. Merciless to those who are in her power. She is ready to humiliate herself in front of those on whom she depends, who turns out to be stronger than her.

Attitude towards educationEducation is superfluous: "Without the sciences, people live and lived."

Prostakova, as a landowner, a convinced serf-owner, considers the serfs to be her complete property. Always dissatisfied with her serfs. She is outraged even by the illness of a serf girl. She robbed the peasants: “Since we took away everything that the peasants had, we can’t tear anything off. Such a disaster!

Attitude towards relatives and close people Despotic and rude towards her husband, she pushes him around, does not put him in anything.

Attitude towards his son, Mitrofanushka Loves him, is tender to him. Caring for his happiness and well-being is the content of her life. Blind, unreasonable, ugly love for his son brings neither Mitrofan nor Prostakova herself anything good.

Peculiarities of speechAbout Trishka: "Swindler, thief, cattle, thieves' mug, blockhead"; turning to her husband: “Why are you so delusional today, my father?”, “All your life, sir, you walk with your ears hanging out”; addressing Mitrofanushka: “Mitrofanushka, my friend; my friend of the heart; son".

She has no moral concepts: she lacks a sense of duty, philanthropy, feelings human dignity.


(translated from Greek "revealing his mother")

About upbringing and education Used to idleness, accustomed to hearty and plentiful food, free time spends on the dovecote.

The main character traits A spoiled "sissy", who grew up and developed in an ignorant environment of the feudal landed nobility. He is not devoid of cunning and ingenuity by nature, but at the same time rude and capricious.

Attitude towards other people Does not respect other people. Yeremeevna (nanny) calls her an “old bastard”, threatens her with severe reprisals; he does not talk to teachers, but “barks” (as Tsyfirkin puts it).

Attitude towards education Mental development is extremely low, experiencing an insurmountable aversion to work and learning.

Attitude towards relatives close peopleMitrofan does not know love for anyone, even for the closest - to his mother, father, nanny.

Speech features It is expressed in monosyllables, in its language there are many vernaculars, words and phrases borrowed from courtyards. The tone of his speech is capricious, dismissive, sometimes rude.

The name Mitrofanushka has become a household name. This is the name of young people who know nothing and do not want to know anything.

Skotinin - brother of Prostakova

On upbringing and education Grew up in a family that was extremely hostile to education: "Don't be that Skotinin, who wants to learn something."

Main character traits Ignorant, mentally undeveloped, greedy.

Attitude towards other people This is a ferocious feudal lord who knows how to “rip off” quitrent from his serfs, and there are no obstacles for him in this occupation.

The main interest in life is Animal Farm, breeding pigs. Only pigs evoke in him a disposition and warm feelings, only to them he shows warmth and care.

Attitude towards relatives and close people For the sake of the opportunity to marry profitably (he learns about Sophia's condition), he is ready to destroy his rival - his own nephew Mitrofan.

Peculiarities of speech The inexpressive speech of an uneducated person often uses rude expressions, in speech there are words borrowed from courtyards.

This is a typical representative of small landowners-feudal lords with all their shortcomings.

Teacher of Russian and Church Slavonic. The half-educated seminarian "feared the abyss of wisdom." In his own way, cunning, greedy.

A history teacher. German, former coachman. He becomes a teacher, as he failed to find a place as a coachman. An ignorant person who cannot teach his student anything.

The teachers make no effort to teach Mitrofan anything. They more often indulge the laziness of their student. To some extent, they, using the ignorance and lack of education of Mrs. Prostakova, deceive her, realizing that she will not be able to verify the results of their work.

Eremeevna - Mitrofan's nanny

What place does she occupy in the house of Prostakov, her distinctive features She has been serving in the house of the Prostakov-Skotinins for more than 40 years. Selflessly devoted to her masters, slavishly attached to their home.

Attitude towards Mitrofan Protects Mitrofan without sparing himself: “I will die on the spot, but I will not give the child away. Sunsya, sir, just show yourself if you please. I'll scratch those walleyes."

What did Eremeevna become for long years serf service She has a highly developed sense of duty, but no sense of human dignity. There is not only no hatred for their inhuman oppressors, but even no protest. Lives in constant fear, trembles before his mistress.

For her loyalty and devotion, Yeremeevna receives only beatings and hears only such appeals as “a beast”, “a dog's daughter”, “an old witch”, “an old bastard”. Eremeevna's fate is tragic, because she will never be appreciated by her masters, she will never receive gratitude for her loyalty.

Heroes are positive


About the meaning of the name A person who thinks in the old way, giving preference to the priorities of the previous (Peter's) era, preserving traditions and wisdom, accumulated experience.

Education StarodumAn ​​enlightened and progressive person. Brought up in the spirit of Peter's time, the thoughts, customs and activities of the people of that time are closer and more acceptable to him.

The hero's civic position This is a patriot: for him, an honest and useful service to the Fatherland is the first and sacred duty of a nobleman. Demands to limit the arbitrariness of the feudal landowners: "It is illegal to oppress your own kind by slavery."

Attitude towards other people He regards a person according to his service to the Fatherland, according to the benefits that a person brings in this service: “I calculate the degree of nobility by the number of deeds that the great master did for the Fatherland ... without noble deeds, a noble state is nothing.”

What qualities are honored as human virtues An ardent defender of humanity and enlightenment.

The hero's reflections on education Moral education attaches more value than education: “The mind, if it is only the mind, is the most trifle ... Good manners gives the direct price to the mind. Without him clever man- monster. Science in a depraved person is a fierce weapon to do evil.

What traits in people cause the hero’s just indignation Inertia, savagery, malevolence, inhumanity.

"Having a heart, have a soul - and you will be a man at all times."

Pravdin, Milon, Sofia

Pravdin An honest, impeccable official. The auditor, endowed with the right to take custody of the cruel landlords of the estate.

Milon An officer loyal to his duty, patriotically disposed.

Sofia An educated, modest, prudent girl. Raised in a spirit of respect and respect for elders.

The purpose of these heroes in the comedy, on the one hand, is to prove the correctness of Starodum's views, and on the other hand, to set off the malevolence and ignorance of such landowners as the Prostakovs-Skotinins.

The topic of today's story is the history of the creation and analysis of Fonvizin's "Undergrowth". The work of the author of the Catherine era has not lost its relevance today. Fonvizin's comedy "Undergrowth" entered the fund classical literature. This work will touch upon a number of problems and issues that attract readers at all times.

Analysis of the "Undergrowth" Fonvizin should include brief description characters in this drama. It is also worth talking about the idea of ​​a Russian writer. What inspired Fonvizin to write a comedy that has been popular for over two hundred years? What shortcomings of society did the author primarily want to ridicule in his essay? And what was the reaction of contemporaries to this work? The answers to all these questions are contained in the article. But before proceeding to the analysis of Fonvizin's "Undergrowth", one should talk about the main events depicted in the play.

Actions, as in any other dramatic work of the era of classicism, take place within just one day.

Events take place in the village of landowners Prostakov. What is the meaning of the name of the comedy "Undergrowth" by Fonvizin? Even without knowing the meaning of this word, one can guess that it has a negative connotation. The meaning of the name of the comedy "Undergrowth" by Fonvizin should be sought in the realities of the 18th century. The writer's contemporaries used this term in relation to young nobles who did not receive a special certificate indicating that they had received an education. This document was issued by the teacher. If the young man did not have a certificate, he was not accepted into the service and was not allowed to marry.

A son is called a minor in a comedy main character- landowners Prostakova. The work begins with a scene taking place in her house. Prostakova is angry with Trishka, because he sewed an overly wide caftan for her son Mitrofanushka. The fact that the servant does not have the necessary skills in tailoring, and giving him such instructions was initially a mistake, she does not take into account.

The sixteen-year-old boy does not show much zeal in his studies, which is facilitated by the ignorance and stupidity of his mother. We'll talk more about these characters later. First, the author introduces readers to Sophia, the positive heroine of the work.

The girl not so long ago lives in Prostakova's house. She is a relative of the landowner, and she does not have any fortune. At least, Prostakova believes so. But one day Sophia receives a letter from her uncle Starodum. Mrs. Prostakova is not able to read the message, because she is not educated in reading and writing. Pravdin, having read the letter, tells her summary. In Fonvizin's Undergrowth, this hero, along with Starodum, is a supporter of enlightenment.

What is the letter received by Sophia about? Starodum writes to his niece that he bequeaths to her a huge fortune. This leads to the excitement of almost all the characters in the comedy. Prostakova believed that the girl was an orphan. But an unexpected turn of events suggests that Starodum's niece can be married off to the careless Mitrofan.

Skotinin also begins to dream of marrying Sophia. However, Sophia's heart is busy. She is in love with officer Milon, whom she met in Moscow before she was orphaned. Soon she will meet the young man again, and he will save her from the claims of the mercenary Skotinin and the despotic Prostakova.

Starodum arrives in a small town where the main events take place. He recognizes one of Mitrofanushka's teachers as his former coachman. The teachers of the son of Prostakova deserve special attention.

Kuteikin is a half-educated seminarian. Tsyfirkin - retired sergeant. Vralman, whose last name speaks very eloquently about his human qualities, Mitrofanushka does not teach anything, because he himself knows little. As already mentioned, he used to work as a coachman. But he was fired, he did not find a suitable job, and therefore he became a teacher. The fact that Vralman is incompetent in teaching, Prostakova does not notice, since she herself is extremely ignorant.

History of writing

The idea of ​​the comedy "Undergrowth" came from Fonvizin in 1778. The Russian writer spent more than a year in France, where he studied jurisprudence and philosophy. He observed how European aristocrats lived and came to a rather disappointing conclusion: Russian nobility mired in inertia and ignorance. Upon returning home, Fonvizin began writing the work. It took him over three years.

The idea of ​​​​the comedy "Undergrowth" by Fonvizin was very original at that time. The writer sought to ridicule the shortcomings of typical representatives of the landowner class. It is not surprising that both in Moscow and in St. Petersburg they refused to stage his comedy for a long time.

Criticism of contemporaries

The theme of the comedy "Undergrowth" by Fonvizin seemed interesting to the censors, but there were too many bold remarks in it. The play premiered in 1782. Fonvizin's work was a resounding success. True, the theater on the stage of which the play was staged was almost closed. In addition, the comedy displeased Catherine II.

The idea of ​​the work

The spiritual decay of representatives of the nobility under the conditions of serfdom is the main theme of the comedy, about which we are talking In this article. According to Fonvizin, pedagogical methods determine the moral character of an entire generation. In the 18th century, landowners often entrusted the upbringing of their children to half-educated deacons, illiterate nannies, and foreigners with dubious education. Such "teachers" are able to teach only young men like Mitrofanushka, the central character in Fonvizin's comedy "Undergrowth".

The author of this work, using simple examples, showed that the nobles for the most part do not remember either honor or dignity. They do not serve the interests of the state, do not comply with moral and state laws. The sharpness of Fonvizin's dramatic work is given by the victory of good over evil, which, however, has an accidental character. If Starodum had not returned from Siberia on time, and Pravdin had not received an order to take Prostakova's property, everything would not have ended so well for Sophia. She would not have left the city with the young educated officer Milon, but would have become the wife of the stupid Mitrofanushka.


The image system in Fonvizin's "Undergrowth" is quite simple. Heroes are divided into positive and negative, almost all of them have speaking names: Vralman, Starodum, Pravdin. Negative characters are representatives of the old nobility, trying with all their might to hold on to the outdated ideas of the feudal system. They are opposed by heroes who support the ideas of the Enlightenment - Pravdin, Sophia, Milon, Starodum.

Positive and negative characters

Among the characters of the comedy, several dual pairs can be distinguished. So, Sophia is opposed to Mitrofanushka. Starodum is an adherent of enlightenment views. This is a man of the new age. Therefore, he is the opposite of the landowner Prostakova. Milon is opposed to Skotinin. If the first is educated and brought up and tests for Sophia sincere feelings, then the second wants to marry a girl for selfish reasons. Skotinin dreams of acquiring land where he will be actively engaged in animal husbandry, namely raising pigs.


An analysis of Fonvizin's "Undergrowth" cannot do without a description of this bright character. Stupid spoiled young man is absolutely not prepared for independent living. Everything for him is done by his mother, servants or nannies. From Prostakova, the lad takes over an uncontrollable passion for money. He, like his mother, is rude, disrespectful to his relatives. Mitrofanushka inherited his lack of will from his father. A sixteen-year-old boy does not want to study, but he wants to get married. He is the opposite of Sophia, an educated, serious, intelligent girl with a difficult fate.


When making an analysis of Fonvizin's "Undergrowth", attention should be paid to the negative heroine. Prostakova is an uneducated, stupid woman, but at the same time very cunning. She is a practical housewife, a loving mother. For Prostakova, the carefree future and happiness of Mitrofanushka are above all else. But in education she makes fatal mistakes, because she does not know anything about the correct pedagogical methods. She treats her son the way her parents once treated her. In managing the household and raising her son, the landowner uses exhausted values ​​and ideas.


When analyzing Fonvizin's "Undergrowth", special attention should be paid to the hero, who symbolizes educational ideas, about which few were known in Russia in the 18th century. Starodum communicates with Sophia in a completely different way than Prostakova and Mitrofanushka. He uses completely different methods of education. Talking with Sophia on an equal footing, he instructs, gives advice based on his rich experience. Knowing nothing about Sophia's feelings for Milon, he does not make decisions for her. Starodum wants her niece to marry an intelligent, educated officer, but does not impose his views on her.

In this image, the author portrayed his ideal educator and parent. Starodum is an authoritative strong personality who has come a worthy path. For modern readers, this hero, of course, is not an ideal educator. But he made a strong impression on Fonvizin's contemporaries, who were inspired by educational ideas.

Fonvizin's comedy "Undergrowth" was written in the best traditions of Russian classicism. In accordance with the classical canons, characters in the work are clearly divided into positive and negative, and their names and surnames concisely characterize and reveal the main features of the characters. However, unlike the traditional images of classic plays, the heroes of The Undergrowth are devoid of stereotypes, which is what attracts modern readers and viewers.

The positive actors are Pravdin, Sofia, Starodum And Milon. Each of them supports the ideas of the Enlightenment, considering the main human values virtue, honesty, love for the motherland, high morality and education. Their complete opposite is depicted bad guysProstakovs, Skotinin And Mitrofan. They are representatives of the "old" nobility, which with all its might clings to the outdated ideas of serf and feudalism. Their core values ​​are money, position in the social hierarchy, and physical strength.

In Fonvizin's play "Undergrowth", the main characters are divided into peculiar dual pairs, in which the author portrays people with similar social roles, but portraying them in a mirror distortion. So, in addition to a couple of "children" - Sophia and Mitrofan, one can distinguish "educators" - Starodum and Prostakov, "grooms" - Milon and Skotinin, as well as "owners" - Prostakov and Pravdin.

Mitrofan- undersized and main character comedies - a spoiled stupid youth of sixteen years old, for whom everything was always done by his mother, nanny or servants. Having adopted love for money, rudeness and disrespect for relatives from his mother (Prostakova is ready to deceive her brother in order to settle a marriage that is beneficial for her), and from his father complete lack of will, he behaves like a small child - he does not want to study, while he finds marriage fun fun. The complete opposite of Mitrofan is Sophia. This is an educated, intelligent and serious girl with a difficult fate. Having lost her parents at an early age and living in the care of the Prostakovs, Sophia does not adopt their values, but, in fact, becomes a “black sheep” in their society (Prostakova even resents that the girl can read).

Prostakov appears to readers on the one hand as an uneducated, cunning woman who is ready for almost anything for the sake of profit, and on the other hand, as a practical housewife and loving mother, for whom the happiness and carefree future of her son is above all else. Prostakova brought up Mitrofan the way she was brought up, and therefore she could convey and show by her own example outdated ideas and values ​​that had long exhausted themselves.

At Starodum a completely different approach to education - he does not treat Sophia as little child talking with her as equals, instructing her and advising her based on my own experience. In the matter of marriage, a man does not undertake to finally decide for a girl, because he does not know whether her heart is free. In the image of Starodum, Fonvizin portrays his ideal of a parent and educator - an authoritative strong personality who has come a long way on her own. However, analyzing the character system of The Undergrowth from the point of view of the modern reader, it is worth noting that the image of Starodum as an educator is also not ideal. All the time he was away, Sophia was deprived of parental care and left to herself. The fact that the girl learned to read, appreciates morality and virtue is rather the merit of her parents, who instilled this in her at a young age.

In general, the topic of kinship is important for both goodies plays "Undergrowth", and negative ones. Sofia- the daughter of worthy people, Milon- son good friend Starodum. Prostakova received this surname only after marriage, in fact she is Skotinina. Brother and sister are very similar, they are both driven by greed and cunning, they are not educated and cruel. Mitrofan is depicted as a real son of his parents and a pupil of his uncle, who inherited all of their negative traits, including love for pigs.

Characters whose relationship is not mentioned in the play - Prostakov and Pravdin. Prostakov is fundamentally different from his wife, compared to the active and active Prostakova, he looks weak-willed and passive. In a situation where he must show himself as the owner of the village, the man is lost in the background of his wife. This leads to the fact that the more active Pravdin, who was able to pacify Prostakova, becomes the owner of the lot. In addition, Prostakov and Pravdin act as some kind of "auditors" of what is happening. Pravdin is the voice of the law, while Prostakov is the opinion of a simple (remember the “speaking” names of the play) people who do not like how the “old” nobility in the person of his wife and brother-in-law behaves, but is afraid of their wrath, therefore he speaks only aside and not agreeing.

The last couple of characters are Skotinin and Milon. Men represent old and new ideas about marriage and family life. Milon has known Sophia since childhood, they love each other, and therefore their relationship is based on mutual respect and friendship. Skotinin does not even try to get to know the girl better, he is only concerned about his dowry, and he is not even going to arrange good conditions for her after marriage.

In addition to the main characters, there are secondary characters in the play - the teachers and educators of Mitrofan the underage. Characteristics of the heroes of the second plan - Eremeevna, Tsyfirkin, Kuteikina And Vralman- associated with their social role in the play. The nanny is an example of a serf who faithfully serves his mistress all his life, enduring beatings and injustice. On the example of the images of teachers, the author exposes all the problems of education in Russia in the 18th century, when children are taught by retired military men who did not graduate from the seminary or even grooms.

For the 18th century, Fonvizin's innovation consisted in the fact that the author portrayed the characters in The Undergrowth without excessive pathos and stereotypes inherent in many works of classicism. Each comedy hero is undoubtedly a composite image, but created not according to a ready-made “stencil”, but with its own individual features. That is why the characters of the work "Undergrowth" even today remain brightest images Russian literature.

Artwork test

As was customary in classicism, the heroes of the comedy "Undergrowth" are clearly divided into negative and positive. However, the most memorable, vivid are still negative characters, despite their despotism and ignorance: Mrs. Prostakova, her brother Taras Skotinin and Mitrofan himself. They are interesting and ambiguous. It is with them that comic situations are associated, full of humor, bright liveliness of dialogues.

Positive characters do not evoke such vivid emotions, although they are reasoners, reflecting the author's position. Educated, endowed with only positive traits, they are ideal - they cannot do lawlessness, they are alien to lies and cruelty.

Let's describe each of the characters in more detail:

Heroes Characteristic Character speech
Negative characters
Mrs. Prostakova The central negative character, a representative of the serf nobility. Depicted as an uneducated, ignorant and vicious woman, who owns all the power in the family: “I scold, then I fight, and that’s how the house is kept.” She is convinced that education is unnecessary and even harmful: "Without science, people live and lived." A two-faced person: with serfs, teachers, husband, brother, she communicates condescendingly, rudely, even aggressively, and tries to flatter people on whom her position depends. Confirmation of the same thought is a change in attitude towards Sophia. “Prezloyfury, to which the infernal temper makes the misfortune of the whole house,” Pravdin calls her. The only person who inspires her with good feelings is the son of Mitrofanushka, “a friend of the heart”, “darling”. Therefore, in the finale, she is even sorry, because he turns away from her. Trishke - "cattle", "swindler", "thieves' mug", "blockhead"; Yeremeevna - “a beast”, “a scumbag”, “a dog’s daughter”. To the Starodum - a “benefactor.” “Whatever the peasants had, we took away, we can’t rip anything off.” “Crooks, thieves, swindlers! I order everyone to be beaten to death.”
Skotinin Another sharply negative character, the owner of a bestial surname, narcissistic and cruel. The only passion - pigs and everything connected with them, gives his image a kind of animal. “I haven’t read anything since I was born ... God delivered me from this boredom.” “I love pigs ...” “Are there pigs in your villages?” “I want to have my own piglets.” “Eco happiness has fallen.” “I would ... by the legs, but about the corner”, “Oh, you damn pig!” - Mitrofan. "Yes, you see how she squealed" - about her sister.
Mitrofan A minor of sixteen years old, the son of provincial landowners. His name is “speaking”, because Mitrofan in Greek means “like a mother”. The same two-faced: a tyrant in relation to his family, humbly asks for forgiveness from Starodum in the finale. He has undeniable cunning. For example, a dream where "mother beats father." Education depends on the way of life, the environment, the conditions for the formation of a person. Mitrofan, who grew up in an ignorant family, is himself ignorant, stupid and lazy. Mitrofanushka is not only a complete ignoramus who has an aversion to teaching, but also an egoist, for him there is nothing significant other than his own interests. “An ignoramus without a soul is a beast,” according to Starodum. Rude and cruel towards serfs, teachers, nanny, father. “Although he is sixteen years old, he has already reached the last degree of his perfection and will not go further,” says Sophia about him. “Damned ingot,” as his uncle calls him, is the final result of the degradation of the nobility with a soul-disfiguring upbringing. Historically, a young nobleman who did not receive a written certificate of training from a teacher was considered "undersized". He was not hired, he was not allowed to marry. The image of "undergrowth", thanks to comedy, has become a household word: they usually say this about stupid and ignorant people. Eremeevna - "old hrychovka"; uncle - “Get out, uncle; get lost"; "garrison rat" - to teacher Tsyfirkin .. "Shoot them and Eremeevna" - about teachers.
Prostakov The person is helpless and weak. It is definitely impossible to say about him that he is the "head of the family." In everything he obeys his wife and is afraid of her. He prefers not to have his own opinion - a scene with sewing a caftan: "In your eyes, mine do not see anything." Illiterate "spineless henpecked", in fact, he is not so bad person. He loves Mitrofan, "as a parent should." “He is humble,” Pravdin says of him.
Positive characters
Pravdin State official sent to check the situation on the Prostakov estate. Arbitrariness, in his opinion, is an unforgivable vice. Tyranny deserves punishment. Therefore, the truth will prevail and the estate of the cruel and despotic Prostakova will be taken away in favor of the state. “From the feat of my heart, I do not leave to notice malicious ignoramuses who, having power over their people, use it for evil inhumanly.”
Sofia Niece of Starodum. A decent, kind, smart girl. In Greek, her name is "wisdom". Honest and educated. “God has given you the omnipotences of your sex,… the heart an honest man”, Starodum tells her. “How not to be satisfied with the heart when the conscience is calm ... It is impossible not to love the rules of virtue ... They are ways to happiness.” “I will use all my efforts to earn the good opinion of worthy people.”
Starodum Sophia's uncle and guardian. Performs the role of a reasoner, expressing the thoughts of the author. His name says that he was brought up in the era of Peter and adheres to its ideals, when they served faithfully and honestly at court, not fawning over the "powerful ones of this world." And he honestly deserved his fortune and position: he was on military service and served at court. Possesses straightforwardness and impatience to injustice. A person endowed with power, in his opinion, should not in any way violate the rights of other people. "Enlightenment elevates one virtuous soul." "Cash money is not cash dignity." "Ranks begin - sincerity ceases." "Have a heart, have a soul - and you will be a man at all times." "The dignity of the heart is inseparable." human - good manners.
Milon Handsome officer, Sophia's fiancé. Despite his youth, he already took part in hostilities, where he showed himself heroically. Modest. “A young man of great merit”, “the whole public considers him an honest and worthy person”, according to Starodum. "I'm in love and I am happy to be loved."“I believe true fearlessness in the soul, and not in the heart ...”
Minor characters
Tsyfirkin In the past, a soldier, therefore, cherishes the concepts of duty and honor: “I took money for my service, but I didn’t take it in an empty way and I won’t take it.” Rough, but straightforward and honest. “I don’t like to live idle,” he says. "Direct kind person named Starodum. “Here gentlemen are kind commanders!”, “Here is a quick fire a day for three hours in a row.” “Hello a hundred years, yes twenty, and even fifteen, countless years.”
Kuteikin A half-educated seminarian with a “speaking” surname: kutya is a ritual porridge, an obligatory Christmas and memorial dish. The man is undoubtedly cunning, as evidenced by the choice of text when teaching Mitrofan: “But I am a worm, and not a man, a reproach to people”, “that is, an animal, cattle”. Greedy for money, tries not to miss his own. Church Slavonic lexicon: “outer darkness”, “woe to me a sinner”, “the call of the past”, “I came”, “fearing the abyss of wisdom”.
Vralman German Adam Adamovich is a former coachman of Starodum. The man is a rogue, as his surname says, he pretends to be a scientist who can teach "in French and all the sciences", and he interferes with other teachers. The owner of a lackey soul, tries to please Prostakova, praising Mitrofan. Himself ignorant and uncultured. "They want to kill the kid!"
Eremeevna Nanny Mitrofan. She sincerely serves in the Prostakovs' house, loves her pupil Mitrofan, but is rewarded for her service as follows: "Five rubles a year, up to five slaps a day." "... I would have broken with him ... I would have become more careful with fangs." everything is undesirable."
    • D. I. Fonvizin lived during the reign of Catherine II. This era was gloomy, the forms of exploitation of the serfs reached the limit when only a Russian revolt, "cruel and merciless," could follow. The position of the peasants aroused deep sympathy among the enlighteners. Fonvizin also belonged to them. Like all educators, the writer was afraid of the complete freedom of the peasants, therefore he advocated easing their lot, placing great hopes on education and enlightenment. Mitrofan is the only son of provincial […]
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    • Starodum is Sophia's uncle. His surname means that the hero follows the principles of the era of Peter I (the old era): "My father constantly told me the same thing: have a heart, have a soul, and you will be a man at all times." In the comedy, Starodum appears late (at the end of the apparition). He saves (together with Milon and Pravdin) Sophia from the tyranny of Prostakova, evaluates her and Mitrofan's upbringing. Starodum also proclaims the principles of a reasonable state structure, moral education and enlightenment. Upbringing […]
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    • Luzhin Svidrigailov Age 45 About 50 Appearance He is no longer young. A prim and dignified man. Obese, which is reflected on the face. He wears curled hair and sideburns, which, however, does not make him funny. Whole appearance very youthful, does not look his age. Partly also because all the clothes are exclusively in light colors. He likes good things - a hat, gloves. A nobleman, previously served in the cavalry, has connections. Occupation A very successful lawyer, court […]
    • Bazarov E. V. Kirsanov P. P. Appearance A tall young man with long hair. Clothes are poor and unkempt. Pays no attention to his own appearance. Handsome middle aged man. Aristocratic, "thoroughbred" appearance. Carefully looks after himself, dresses fashionably and expensively. Origin The father is a military doctor, a poor simple family. Nobleman, son of a general. In his youth he led a noisy metropolitan life built a military career. Education Very educated person. […]
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    • Characteristics The current century The past century Attitude to wealth, to ranks “Protection from court in friends was found, in kinship, building magnificent chambers, where they overflow in feasts and extravagance, and where foreign clients of a past life will not resurrect the meanest traits”, “And for those, whoever is taller, flattery, wove like lace ... "" Be inferior, but if you have enough, two thousand generic souls, that is the groom" one uniform! He is in their former life […]
    • Landowner Appearance Manor Characteristics Attitude to Chichikov's request Manilov The man is not yet old, his eyes are as sweet as sugar. But this sugar was too much. In the first minute of a conversation with him you will say what a nice person, after a minute you will not say anything, and in the third minute you will think: "The devil knows what it is!" The master's house stands on a hill, open to all winds. The economy is in complete decline. The housekeeper steals, something is always missing in the house. The kitchen is preparing stupidly. Servants - […]