In school and student years, one interesting conversation or lunch break, and sometimes a fleeting acquaintance, was enough to make a new friend. The reason is that the strength of the desire to communicate at this age is very high. Over the years, character traits become less flexible, principles become more rigid, there is less free time and it seems that it is difficult to make new friends. But in fact, the main thing is to have a desire.

1. Joint spending of free time with colleagues.

It seems that this is the fastest and easiest solution to the problem. On the positive side, common unifying topics of conversation. The negative side is the likelihood that all friendship will be limited to these conversations. At the same time, psychologists say that thanks to friends at work, the level of stress decreases, productivity increases and improves general mood. Care should also be taken here, because in any work there is envy of the success of a colleague, competition and jealousy.

2. Decide exactly what you need a friend for. For shopping, general hobby or party use. Thus, you will not waste empty time and the search circle will narrow significantly.

3. Eliminate potential friends who are not suitable for you first. If at least something in communication with a person confuses you, you should not cherish the hope that he will improve. As a result, you will get insincere friendship, but complex and unpleasant relationships.

4. If a person flatters and compliments a lot, then you should be wary. And also remember that undisguised jealousy or envy is a fragile foundation for friendship.

6. Where to look for new friends? Everywhere! While walking the dog, in the gym, in line at the clinic, on vacation, in a cafe, in a store. Slow conversation can help best friend get to know a friend, and may be an occasion to exchange contacts. Do not forget about the Internet - this is also a good source of finding friends. Forums will help you find friends with common interests, and social networks will help you reconnect with old acquaintances.

Modern life forces us to communicate with a huge number of people daily and hourly. There is a misconception that it is good to have many friends. Some people are chasing their number, writing down in the category of friends, buddies and just acquaintances. But in fact, it is enough to have one true friend, which will replace ten. As the saying goes, less is better. How to find friends? After all, meeting a soul mate is not so easy. We will try to help you in this matter.

How to find your friends

“You are blind, and I am deaf and dumb, so let's join hands and try to understand each other,” wrote the outstanding Arab writer and philosopher Gibran. Wise words about friendship, right? Here are a few rules on how to find friends for yourself, following which you can find your soul mate in the crowd:

  1. Just be yourself. In no case do not pretend and do not try to seem better than you really are. Someone will certainly appreciate your personal qualities and will enjoy communicating with you.
  2. Do not impose yourself and do not allow other people to impose themselves on you. Leave for yourself free time and space so that communication with friends gives you real pleasure.
  3. The personal should always remain personal. You can share your experiences with your friends, but only as much as it is comfortable for you.
  4. Answer honestly to yourself the question: “How do you see your friend, and what kind of friend are you yourself?” Without exception, everyone wants our friends to be tactful, respect our right and freedom of choice. But the same is expected of us. You always have to start with yourself.

If you manage to talk nicely with a person, even if you have points of contact and common views on some life issues and situations, do not rush to think that you have a friend. It takes time to develop friendships. You must understand that the other person is also looking for communication with you, that your feelings, thoughts and actions are not indifferent to him. You should see that he is interested in what is happening to you. Friendship is a two-way relationship. Friendship is created and tested by time. A person finds a friend, sometimes without even noticing it. First there is communication. Then you understand that this communication is necessary for you and for him. Some common interests and events begin to connect you with this person. But every relationship has its ups and downs. Don't be afraid to lose a friend. Time will put everything in its place. If you had something in common, this common will not go away and will definitely manifest itself over time. Old friends deserve to be appreciated and cherished.

Where to find friends

With the question of where to find friends, an oncoming one arises: “Why look for them?” Perhaps you already have close people who can become your friends? Take a good look around you. Who do you communicate with most often? Who do you call or go to when your heart is happy? Whom do you turn to for advice in a difficult situation? Even if they are your relatives, they are your friends. For example, Pythagoras considered friendship with parents to be the most valuable kind of friendship. Ever since early antiquity, such friendship has symbolized sublime human relationships. It is not necessary to look for friends among strangers. Ordinary friendly relations with colleagues at work or with neighbors in the porch can be developed and strengthened into friendly ones. By and large, friends are not found - they become. Strive to be sympathetic, undemanding and interested in other people's problems. And then you will certainly find friends.

Find friends online

If you want to find a pen pal, you can register on social networks and dating sites in the "Search for Friends" section. However, there is a problem of trust here. After all, no one can guarantee you that a person is exactly who he claims to be. It's better to trust people though. Even Cicero said that trust is one of the main conditions of friendship, along with sincerity, restraint, equality and good nature. Therefore, if you like to chat in chat rooms and exchange letters, by all means find yourself pen pals and enjoy communication. In frequent conversations, you are sure to find like-minded people with whom you want to meet. Don't hesitate for a second! Make an appointment. It is very important that virtual friendship develop into a real one. And then you will be able to support each other not only in words, but also in deeds.

Despite all the unpleasant moments associated with communication on the network, you can find friends on the Internet. At the same time, your friends can be from different countries and continents. Such communication will be very interesting and will surely bring you a lot of positive emotions. In addition, you can create a virtual magazine or blog and describe there various events that happen to you or excite you. So you can find friends online according to your interests, hobbies and hobbies. Where to find friends is up to you and only you. But remember, if you want to have close people, learn to take care, be friendly, smile more often and always respond to the requests of others. Then your chances of making good friends will increase markedly.

In children's fairy tales, the main theme is always friendship. And this is no accident, because the inability to establish friendly relations in many aspects complicates a person's life. As a rule, friends are not specifically sought. They somehow come into our lives. This happens most easily in childhood, when it costs nothing just to approach a peer and say “let's be friends!”. Childhood friends are remembered for a lifetime, even if they moved away or simply stopped maintaining relationships. Many people find friends in educational institutions - at school or in universities.

Usually, after graduation, friendships cease to form. The older a person gets, the more difficult it is for him to start a new relationship. Grown up boys and girls seem to have become not only wiser, but also more vulnerable. And now they will never be able to just approach the person they like, and, as in childhood, get to know each other and offer friendship. Even working in the same team, adults are often afraid of sincere communication, believing that they can be rejected or ridiculed by employees. Children grow up, and their complexes grow with them ...

But if there have been changes in life: it has changed Family status or place of residence, a child was born and former friends are in the past, what should I do so as not to be left alone? Of course, the best friend can (and should be) a spouse, but you want to talk to someone else. Yes, and without any other communication, except for the family circle, you can not only get bored, but also cease to be of interest to your soulmate.

Work on yourself. Before you start looking for friends, you need to pay attention to yourself. In any communication, both virtual and in real life welcome such qualities of the interlocutor as goodwill, friendliness, tolerance and sincere interest in people. In addition, think about how you yourself can be interesting to people. Empty conversations, facade communication are quite common in society, but they are of little interest to anyone. This is how people who are extremely poor spiritually communicate, without any hobbies and beliefs. To find not only good interlocutors, but also friends, you need to work on yourself, develop. As the Indian sage Ramakrishna said, when a lotus flower opens, the bees themselves fly to it. Let the flower of your soul bloom and don't worry about the result, it will come by itself.
To make communication pleasant, each time give something to the interlocutor. It can be something tangible, like tea biscuits, or something intangible (good news). If you can't give anything, give your smile. It doesn't cost anything, but it's very nice.
Do not come to a friend with an empty soul. Think about what you would like to talk about. Focus on the positive aspects of life, avoid the negative.

Where to look for friends? A sociable person most often does not think about where he should look for friends. For such a person, it will not be difficult to meet and make friends during a vacation, a long trip, and even in line with a doctor. But not all people can do this. For them, there are certain win-win options.

  • Sections, circles, clubs. Judo sections, dances and theatrical circles are attended by people not only in order to acquire any skills and abilities. They also go there to expand their circle of contacts. And often from such joint activities, not only friendly, but also family unions are born.
  • Social networks, chats, forums. Virtual communication encourages sincerity. The easiest way to find a friend is in chats and social networks. Seeing how and what people communicate on the network, you can find friends of interest and gradually bring your virtual friends out of the network into real life.
  • Rest houses, sanatoriums. The specifics of organized recreation in sanatoriums is that people come there not only for treatment and relaxation. They are also actively looking for communication, as the strict daily routine and isolation from home gradually inspire boredom. And it’s much more interesting to see local sights and go to procedures with friends than alone.
  • Trainings, seminars. Attending trainings and seminars involves working in a group. Experiencing vivid emotions that will inevitably be during the training, people in the group become very united. From a joint visit to a seminar or psycho-training, true friendship can grow.
  • Festivals. Thematic festivals dedicated to a certain style of music, historical restoration or memorable date gather all more people united by one idea. The peculiar atmosphere of friendliness and freedom is very conducive to communication. Sometimes people from several neighboring countries come to such events. From acquaintance at the festival, a strong friendship can turn out, because meeting your like-minded person here is much easier than in other conditions.

Whatever happens in life, do not lose hope of finding a soul mate. You can meet a friend at any age, the main thing is not to withdraw into yourself and not lose faith in the best.

You won’t wish even your worst enemy to experience the feeling of loneliness, because when you find yourself completely alone in this world, without support, no one needs and is not interested, you begin to experience wild fear that eats you all from the inside. Of course, if you are 7 years old, then there’s really no reason to worry, everything is still ahead, however, if your age has already exceeded 16, then it’s really time to start sounding the alarm. After all, you want your future to be happy?!

Today we will try to give you the most effective advice on where to look for friends and how not to lose them later.

Where and how to find friends

Before looking for a friend, you must love yourself. Moreover, you need to fall in love, despite all the shortcomings that you hate in yourself (commercialism, arrogance, stinginess, big belly, short legs, brittle hair, etc.). Until you do this, you will never be able to find yourself a good and faithful friend. After all, all the people around us see only the person that we create ourselves, but if we believe in ourselves, let's say that we are beautiful, kind and cheerful, the world will also be able to believe in this and become closer to us.

How to find friends online

Finding friends on the Internet is one of the most better ways search for people who have certain complexes in real life. The network allows you to get acquainted even with those people with whom you ordinary life you probably didn't get to know each other. A striking example of this are foreigners. In addition, on the Internet, you can immediately communicate with several users at the same time, which significantly reduces time.

Try not to look for those people who are in great demand even without you, but those who, like you, can be bored on the Internet. Friends can be found on special services, such as dating sites, or you can even get to know each other on some forum or social network. To please another person, you must become an interesting person. Think about what is in you that is not in others. If you didn’t find any zest in yourself, don’t be discouraged, you can create it, for example, with a quirky hobby or hobby.

If you want your new friend to like your photos even more, then be sure to process them in Photoshop, removing the flaws and adding the merits. Learn to process photos, as this can come in handy more than once in life. However, do not overdo it with processing, because if you meet in life, a person may simply not recognize you and pass by.

How to find friends in Odnoklassniki

To find friends in the Odnoklassniki social network, you must, first of all, register in it, and also fill out your page correctly, since all your potential friends and girlfriends will watch it. Try to collect in it the most positive moments from your life, and also tell us about all your positive features character. However, do it without lying or exaggerating so as not to appear empty.

As a rule, positive, successful and open people, always attract the same good people. Therefore, place on your page only those photos in which you turned out successfully and beautifully. Add photos from your vacation, perhaps you traveled with someone, saw something, walked somewhere. For more information, do not just name the photo: “Yalta beach”, but add in the comments: “Here we often walked in the evenings and looked at the stars.” Such a proposal will indicate your romance, carelessness and positive attitude to life.

Feel free to post your creations on your page, for example: photos of cooked dishes or pastries, photos of a repaired car, photos of bead crafts, or self-brewed soap, etc. By this you indicate your hobby or passion, thereby proving that you are an addicted person and have certain abilities.

When looking for friends in classmates, try to communicate only with those who have real photos, and not "fake" (fake). If kindness and sincerity emanates from the profiles of these people, then you will quickly get along with him, and friendships will quickly arise between you.

How to find friends on Skype (Skype)

Skype is rarely used to find friends, but you can find interesting personalities in it, who later become great friends for life. First of all, you need to look for people who are as similar as possible to you - they are also often online, they also like to communicate by correspondence or in video mode, and even in age you can be similar.

Try to look for friends of the same gender, otherwise sympathy may arise between you faster than friendship, although of course there is nothing wrong with that, but you just need to look for a girl or a guy for a relationship a little differently than a friend.

As in the previous paragraph, we also advise you to fill in as much information about yourself as possible. Do not forget that you get to know each other online and you can only learn about you in communication or through a questionnaire. Since it is difficult to open up in the first minutes of communication, you can open up in the questionnaire. When filling out your profile on Skype, provide links to your pages on social networks, they will also help you to get to know the person further. In the “About Me” column, write not only serious things, but also joke. Even trite jokes like "I have a black belt in cross stitch" can still bring a smile to the reader's face.

Skype was originally created for video communication, so when looking for friends, you need to be prepared for the fact that a potential friend can not only write you a message, but also call or send a video call. Get ready for it! In order not to frighten the person on the screen, try to clean your room well: put things in order, remove unnecessary things behind your back, and vice versa, add there those items that would in the best way show your hobbies.

How to find friends on VKontakte

Friends are often searched for through the social network VKontakte. On the one hand, this is the right decision, since it concentrates the maximum number of people who use the Internet. Of course, this site was not created for dating, but under certain conditions it can be considered as such. First of all, it is necessary to take into account the fact that users initially get in touch out of boredom or loneliness, so you have every chance of finding a friend here. In addition, when choosing people with whom you would like to communicate, you must remember that each person wants to communicate only with a person equal to himself or more successful than himself. After all, you must admit that if you write to a person who lives in New York, has a well-paid job, a beloved wife and children, he is unlikely to want to communicate with a resident of distant Kazan, who has no penny behind him, no education, no goals. For what successful person extra load? And yes, a person from New York will think that they will want to communicate with him only for the sake of personal gain. Therefore, first of all, choose people according to their status. If you are still set up only to communicate with successful people, then try to fill out your page as follows:

  • Exclude from it all photos where you are dressed plainly or tastelessly;

  • Delete those photos that show how you live (if your apartment is far from ideal);

  • Do not add photos in which your acquaintances or relatives do not correspond to the status or position to which you so aspire;

  • Create a separate album of your desires, where you publish all those goals (cars, houses, vacation spots, etc.) that you strive for in your life.

How to find friends on Facebook (Facebook)

The social network Facebook is very popular abroad in our country, so this network is important to use if you want to find friends around the world. For example, in the US, Facebook is even more popular than the Google search engine. To find friends who live abroad, you will need to know foreign languages, so try to learn them, you can of course use online translators all the time, but this is not the most convenient way out of the situation.

We do not recommend making acquaintances with emigrants, since not all of them good people. Often they are fixated only on their future, and their friends are of little interest to them, and especially from those countries from which they themselves left. Native people foreign countries(USA, Germany, Italy, etc.) are much friendlier.

A less popular person in this network will contact you faster, that is, he should not have many friends, because otherwise he simply will not have time physically to answer everyone's messages and questions. Start a friendship from afar, no need to write him a long message that you are looking for friends, and he can become that person. Don't force yourself. First, start commenting on his photos, statuses, links that he posts, etc. Most likely, communication will begin in the comments. Do not forget to put "Like" under the photos you like, and duplicate cool links on your page. That is, do everything to show how interesting this person is. Compliments in the comments will also serve as a positive factor.

However, spend time not only on his page, but also on yours too. Try to publish the most interesting news, pictures, personal photos, your interesting thoughts and events. If you are focused on English-speaking people, then naturally your page should be in this language so that they can always read it.

How to Find Friends on Twitter (Twitter)

Twitter is one of the most popular services on the Internet today. Almost everyone uses them modern people, from a schoolboy in Tver to the world famous star, Madonna. Here you can quickly find friends of interest, especially if you are fond of something unusual (collecting dried butterflies, studying the history of vampires, learning magic, etc.). In addition, on Twitter you can find people who "fan" from the same artists or groups as you.

To find friends, just use the search and look for tweets on a topic that interests you. Finding interesting personalities, try to “follow” them right away, adding them to your feed, having collected 10-30 candidates, stop and try to read their feeds now, most likely you will not like all of them, having screened out more than half, continue the search again in the same way . Thus, select about 100-200 interesting tweeters. Then start following them by reading their tweets, retweeting, leaving questions, giving advice, expressing your thoughts on this or that topic, etc. That is, do everything to be noticed as an active person who is interested in the same topic.

With such communication, do not forget to publish interesting tweets yourself, if they turn out to be unique and interesting, you will most likely also be “followed” and read. After 2-4 weeks of such correspondence, you will already form for yourself from 5 to 15 persons who show the greatest interest in you. That's what you need to start a friendship with them. Write to them in private messages, ask them to write you their social pages or contacts (icq, qip, skype, etc.), where you could communicate more closely on common topics.

Find a pen pal

Dating sites are a great place to find a pen pal. There is no need to be embarrassed that you have registered on such a site. If you look carefully, you will find a lot of people there and most likely even acquaintances who have been using this service for a long time. About five years ago, dating on the Internet was considered something, if not shameful, then certainly not something that a girl or a guy should be proud of. But time has passed and things have changed. The younger generation literally grew up with the worldwide network, so it's no surprise that dating services are so successful with them.

However, when registering on such a site, clearly understand the purpose of your acquaintance, answer yourself honestly - you are looking for a friend or soul mate, as these are two completely different directions, each of which requires a special approach. Although it often happens that you are looking for a friend, but you find your love for life.

When getting acquainted on the site, try to be an open and sincere person, since it is such a person who is able to attract positive and interesting personalities to himself. When talking about yourself, do not exaggerate, say everything as it really is, without falsehood. Such honesty captivates the interlocutor and in return, he will also begin to open up to you.

Try not to be interested in the interlocutor in those things that he is not willing to talk about, if he wants to, he will tell, and if not, then it is unpleasant for him to continue the conversation on the chosen topic. Do not rush to switch to correspondence in ICQ or by E-mail. Give him and yourself the opportunity to get to know each other better, perhaps you are not suitable for each other, and having given your contacts, it will be difficult to “get rid” of communication.

We will not hide the fact that there are still scammers on dating sites on the Internet, so never rush to give the exact address of your residence, your phone numbers and, of course, do not go to a meeting with a person you do not really know. Not to mention don't send money to strangers or give out your credit card numbers. In general, for the first time with each new person, pay attention, be vigilant and follow basic safety rules.

How to find friends by interests

You can find friends of interest not only on the Internet, but also in real life, for this there are still various sections and courses where you can do dancing, fitness, aerobics, martial arts, modeling, drawing and other hobbies. Here you can meet new friends.

However, if you are still more attracted to online dating by interest, then we can offer you to register on thematic sites, because sites and even entire portals have already been created for each hobby, where you can chat on forums and chats, talking on interesting topics.

Finally, we would like to wish you to find as many people as possible who will become your true friends in the near future. Never give up in your search, even if it seems to you that the whole world has turned its back on you, remember that loneliness is not the best way out of the situation.

And we would really like to know how exactly you are looking for new friends?! Where do you meet them and in general, how does it happen?!

Not only a child, but also an adult needs friends and communication with them. IN modern world There are many ways to maintain friendships. For example, telephones, social networks on the Internet and, of course, personal meetings.

Why new friends?

Friendship is a special relationship based on trust, common interests and mutual assistance.

Among the many acquaintances there are several people - friends with whom you can remain yourself. As a rule, these people do not seek their own benefit after the assistance provided and accept us as we are.

For some, one comrade is enough and they carry their relationship through their whole lives, they are in no hurry to find new acquaintances.

Despite this, looking for friends is not just necessary, but even useful, although it is harder for an adult to do this than for a child.

Why you should find friends

It seems to many that it is enough that there are two or three close people. There are reasons why it is worth making new friends and expanding your social circle. The most important thing is not to forget about old friends.

New acquaintances will not replace trusted friends, but these people will help you discover new opportunities. It often happens that in the process of communication there are new ideas, interests and hobbies, the opportunity to visit new places.

The appearance of friends helps to reveal your features and talents that you did not know about before. With new friends, the history of relationships begins with a clean slate. Those people who did not know you before will not be able to “pin up” a story from childhood.

With the advent of new friends, the social circle expands. This means that you can find more people to communicate with and develop your personal qualities.

Some people find it hard to make friends. In this case, there is a feeling of discomfort, but there is no need to be afraid of it. The next stage of communication can be useful and bring the most positive impressions from communication. In order to make acquaintances and find friends, you need to make some efforts.

How to find friends?

First of all, it is worth understanding what you want to get from this relationship. This may be a colleague who will be happy to discuss working issues, and together you can solve possible problems. After troubles are eliminated, success can be shared together.

It is useful to communicate with a like-minded person of interest. It can be a common hobby in your spare time. You can meet to expand your own horizons. There may be many options, but by setting a goal, it is easier to significantly reduce the search time. Knowing exactly what you want from friends and from life, it is easier to find comrades.

You can find friends by visiting crowded places. These can be gyms, clubs, organizations and interest groups. Despite the fact that some people are more open to conversation, while others have a harder time “joining” a new company, there are ways to get acquainted with them. Forums and social networks can help with this. To do this, it is enough for a person to join the discussions of the topic of interest.

It is useful to learn the art of communication. This will make it easy to find new friends. The ability to keep up the conversation helps not only to draw attention to your person, but also to find common topics for conversation. For example, when a newcomer appears in a team, invite the person to drink tea together.

The most important thing in communication is not to be distracted from the interlocutor. It is useful to ask questions to get to know a friend better. When communicating with an unfamiliar person, you can exchange contacts, email addresses, and phone numbers in an unobtrusive way.

The result can be a long-term communication, which eventually develops into friendship.

Expand your social circle. To do this, you need to use various options. Once at a party, it is worth communicating not only with the company with which you came. You can approach other people, introduce yourself and start a conversation on any topic. To interest the interlocutor, you need to be sincere and listen carefully. Immerse yourself in the interests and hobbies of a new acquaintance. Such a simple conversation can be the beginning of a long communication.

To find new friends as an adult, it is useful to be an initiator. If the acquaintance has already taken place, then you need to not miss the moment and invite the interlocutor to a meeting. It can be assigned in any place convenient for two. For example, in a cafe, gym, cinema. Before choosing a meeting place, it is worth remembering common interests or asking a new acquaintance what he is interested in.

Traveling by train can also be a place to meet people. Spending time together on the road is sometimes useful and interesting. Feel free to strike up a conversation, but don't be too pushy. If the interlocutor does not make contact, then there is no need to insist - you will not make friends.

Friendship with neighbors is considered one of the most durable and reliable. It happens that people living on the same landing or in a common entrance do not know anything about each other. Offers of help, greetings upon meeting, an invitation to come in for tea can help you find your best friend.

If you have pen pals, you should try to translate virtual acquaintance into the real. In the age of computer technology, you can maintain a relationship with a person even hundreds of kilometers away. Living in different cities is an obstacle to frequent personal meetings, as you need to find time for this. Therefore, once in the native land of a friend, you can offer to meet in person. Crowded places are suitable for the first meeting. If you find a public institution of interest, then you can smooth out the embarrassment and awkwardness.

Important Rules of Friendship

Those who have real friends know that friendship is the result of many labors. If you want to continue a relationship with a new acquaintance, then they need to be constantly "warmed up". Remember what you talked about at the meeting, take an interest in how things are at home and at work.

Maybe your new acquaintance has achieved some results in sports or has acquired a new item for his collection. It is not necessary to meet for this - this can be done in telephone conversation or correspondence on social networks.

Finding a reason to call or message online is not difficult. It can be just a good day or, conversely, rainy weather. Don't be afraid of being thought of as an obsessive person. A lot of people love the attention they get.

If there is an opportunity to help a new friend, then do not refuse. However, do not allow this to enter the system. Otherwise, you will be remembered when necessary, and not because it is interesting to spend time with you.

We must not forget about politeness and respect in relationships. There are generally accepted rules of good manners, and you should not break them. It is not necessary to come to a person without an invitation late in the evening or early in the morning, unless, of course, nothing happened.

You should not "collect" and "spread" gossip, as well as reveal the secrets of one friend to another. If he wants, then he will tell everything. Otherwise, you risk losing even your truest friend.

Sometimes you and your friend disagree. In such cases, you do not need to go on principle and prove your case. On the contrary, find strength in yourself and take the first step towards reconciliation. After all, only mutual understanding and respect for each other can return your wonderful relationship.

Inconsistencies with friends can lead to a complete break in relations. If there is a desire to maintain friendship until the end of life, then for this you need to make an effort. When quarrels and misunderstandings occur more and more often, understand the reason for their occurrence.

When new friends appear, you should not forget the old ones, otherwise you risk losing them.

Psychologists advise:

  • Don't be left out;
  • Be interesting to others;
  • Help people;
  • Do not demand anything from others;
  • Get a four-legged friend.

If you want to make new acquaintances and friends, you do not need to stay apart. Try to be an interesting conversationalist. A person who is always silent and hides in the corners is unlikely to interest anyone.

There are times in life when someone needs help. If there is such an opportunity, then do not refuse. But at the same time, do not allow a friend to become a consumer and do not demand rewards.

With the appearance of the most faithful and reliable friend - a dog, even a modest person will find new acquaintances. When walking your pet, there will certainly be someone who will be interested in chatting with you, and perhaps not only about dogs.

Cheerful and sympathetic friends to you!