The detrimental effect of alcohol on the human body is difficult to overestimate. Which organ or system does not suffer from its negative impact?

Excessive and prolonged abuse of alcoholic beverages leads to intoxication of the body and the formation of alcohol dependence, accompanied by serious negative consequences. As a rule, this process occurs unnoticed by the addict and his relatives.

The effect of alcohol

Absorption of ethanol into the walls of the stomach (a couple of minutes after consumption).

  • Increased blood flow and vasodilation, unhindered passage of blood.
  • Pressure drop.
  • Blood does not flow to the limbs, and they do not receive oxygen.

Then there is a narrowing of the vessels, leading the body into a state of shock. Long-term systematic use of alcohol and a similar process affect the functioning of the body and lead to wear and tear on the work of the heart and blood vessels.

As a result, there is an increase in pressure, tachycardia develops, the heart begins to work in an enhanced mode, causing the supply of blood vessels with an abundant mass of blood. In this case, muscle wear becomes inevitable, and the production of adrenaline when drinking alcohol only enhances the negative effect.

Also, drinking alcohol leads to agglutination of red blood cells and loss of their membrane, which causes blockage of capillaries with thick blood cells. The result is oxygen starvation of cells and fouling of blood vessels with a fatty layer.

One hundred grams of alcohol kills about 10 thousand neurons that provide the thought process. This phenomenon does not occur for the body without consequences: as a result, the human brain loses mass and volume due to drying.

Further, a person becomes inadequate, loses a sense of shame, degradation occurs. Memory and the thought process, coordination of movements worsens, violations of the reflex arc are formed. Brain damage over time is expressed in mental problems.

The effect of alcohol on the cardiovascular system

There is an opinion that the use of alcoholic beverages in moderate doses leads to a decrease in pressure, dilates blood vessels and relieves stress. This is wrong.

According to research, ethanol is a poison, a toxic substance that cannot benefit health in any way and has a detrimental effect on all body systems. The effect of intoxication occurs due to the oppression of human health.

The vasodilation itself does not last long. Then the vessels narrow again, causing reddening of the skin of the face and increased heart rate due to wear and tear of the organ.

According to statistics, the highest mortality rate from diseases of the heart and blood vessels is observed in people who abused alcohol.

The effect of alcohol on the digestive system

What is the mechanism of action of alcohol on the digestive system? The main part of alcoholic beverages is absorbed through the stomach, therefore, harmful consequences do not pass by this organ.

Alcohol has a negative effect on the digestive system: being absorbed into the walls of the stomach, it burns and injures them, causes inflammation, heartburn and the development of chronic diseases in the body. There is a violation of the production of gastric juice, salt, catalysts. The glands that produce protein catalysts for the normal digestive process gradually die off.

Pancreatitis often develops, because. the pancreas does not have the necessary enzymes to break down alcohol. Alcohol also affects the mucous membrane: provoking gastritis, gastric ulcer, diabetes, cancer.

About 90% of alcohol is broken down in the liver. It can break down about 1 glass of alcohol in 10 hours, and the rest of the alcohol that enters the body destroys cells.

When drinking alcohol, the liver suffers primarily from:

  • Obesity.
  • Hepatitis A.
  • cirrhosis.

If you do not stop drinking alcohol with cirrhosis of the liver, the disease will turn into cancer.

Effect on the kidneys

The kidneys do more than just produce and excrete urine. They balance the acid-base and water balance and affect the production of hormones.

What kidney problems does alcohol cause?

When a person drinks alcohol, the excretory system begins to work in an enhanced mode. The kidneys scroll through a lot of fluid and remove harmful substances from the body.

Constant overload weakens the kidney functionality - gradually they lose the ability to work hard. The effect of alcoholic beverages on the kidneys can be traced after the holiday by a swollen face, increased pressure.

Also, the body accumulates fluid that the kidneys are not able to remove due to which the formation of stones occurs. In the absence of timely therapy, renal failure develops. The body loses the ability to form and excrete urine. Severe intoxication occurs and, as a result, death.

The effect of alcohol on reproductive function

Drinking alcohol has a negative impact on the reproductive function of a person. Cell damage in women is irreversible: they remain in the system and pose a danger to the fetus. A fertilized cell damaged by alcohol increases the risk of serious disorders, the development and occurrence of genetic diseases, i.e. has a negative effect on the fetus. No one guarantees that it is the diseased cell that will be fertilized, but no one is immune from sad situations.

The male body is built differently and has the ability to update reproduction. However, in order to completely restore the composition of the sperm, it should take about 3-6 months. If during this time alcohol was not consumed, there is a complete renewal of spermatozoa.

Also, in addition to the germ cells, the entire system also suffers: there is a decrease in libido and a deterioration in the quality of the organs, which affects the entire body as a whole.

The action of alcohol also causes hormonal mutations (hormones break down due to toxins, improper production occurs). Over time, a woman's body begins to suffer from an excess of male hormones (testosterone), men - female (estrogen). The appearance, character changes, mental disorders occur and impotence develops.

The effect of alcohol on the respiratory system

Some time after drinking alcohol, many feel bad breath and heavy breathing. This is due to the fact that part of the ethanol is excreted from the body through the lungs.

Alcohol (especially strong - cognac, vodka) that has entered the body - dries out the bronchi, pulmonary surface, causes a lack of oxygen. Patients experience shortness of breath, asthma attacks. Chronic comorbidities appear.

Consequences of drinking alcohol on the human body

Each stage of addiction has certain symptoms and distinctive features. There are 4 of them in total.

The initial stage of alcoholism

This stage is characterized by a gradual increase in the consumed dose of alcohol, the formation of dependence and the influence of alcohol on the psychological level.


  • Pathological desire to drink alcohol, inability to control oneself or see the problem, positive attitude towards alcohol.
  • Swaggering and inappropriate behavior, inconsistency.
  • Memory impairment, increased irritability and aggression.
  • No hangover, feeling unwell in the morning.
  • Condemnation in a sober state of other addicts, the ability to realize the perniciousness of alcohol influence.
  • The development of alcoholic thinking, upholding the right to alcohol and a temporary reduction in the dose of alcohol.

The second stage of alcoholism

There is a desire to increase the dose of alcohol. Addiction develops at the physical level, i.e. the influence of alcohol is so significant that the body cannot function normally without alcohol. The volume of strong alcohol drunk per day is approximately 500 ml.


  • The appearance of a hangover syndrome (messages from the body about the formation of dependence), which lasts from 1 to 5 days - the patient experiences an irresistible desire to take alcohol in the morning. If the patient does not receive alcohol during this period, vegetative disorders appear in the form of thirst, dry mouth, increased anxiety, loss of appetite, lack of sleep.
  • Mental disorders (memory disorders, depression, extreme egoism, individualism).

The third stage of alcoholism

Destruction at the physical and psycho-emotional level, the formation of dementia.


  • Enlargement of the abdomen in an alcoholic as a result of cirrhosis or weight loss.
  • Violation of speech and thought activity, dementia.
  • Teenage alcoholism

    The negative effect on the organs is characterized by rapid development due to the rapid absorption of ethanol into the blood.

    Developing alcoholism in adolescents is more difficult to identify, and a drunken state, as a rule, is absent.

    Often the disease develops in conjunction with drug addiction and substance abuse.


    • Increased tolerance to ethyl alcohol.
    • Mild hangover syndrome.
    • Memory disorders.
    • Being in a state of euphoria, increased desire to talk.
    • Formation of chronic diseases.
    • Depressive thinking, intellectual disorders.
    • Disadaptation in society.

    Alcoholism in women

    The course of the disease in women is more rapid due to reduced tolerance to ethyl alcohol.

    Briefly about the symptoms:

    • Lack of gag reflex or control of the amount of alcohol consumed.
    • Unpleasant appearance.
    • Trembling in the hands.
    • Emotional imbalance.
    • Disorders of the digestive system.
    • Mental disorders (memory disorders, depression, extreme egoism, individualism, alcoholic delirium).

    As you already understood, the use of alcoholic beverages accelerates the development of irreversible consequences and leads to the failure of all internal organs and systems, however, if you stop using it in a timely manner, it is possible to restore cells and stop the destruction of internal organs. Take care of your health!

Alcoholism is a disease provoked by the steady dependence of the body on ethyl alcohol. The main toxic substances are ethanol, fusel vapors, which primarily disrupt the functions of the liver and central nervous system. The brain and psyche suffer, and over time, the influence of alcohol becomes stable, indestructible for the whole organism. To prevent such extensive pathologies, it is important to understand what threatens each drunk glass of alcohol.

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Dangerous effects of ethanol

The main threat to the body is that ethanol is almost immediately absorbed into the digestive tract, after which it penetrates into all biological fluids, quickly spreading to all organs and systems. Such an effect of alcohol is dangerous for humans, since there is a high probability of complete or partial intoxication of the body.

Separately, it is worth focusing on the internal organs and systems that are susceptible to ethyl poisoning.

  1. Stomach. As you know, alcohol enters the digestive organs through the mouth. Therefore, the pancreas, stomach, esophagus suffer. When the mucous membrane is damaged, epithelial cells die, and the resulting foci of necrosis significantly disrupt the functionality of the digestive tract. As a result of such pathogenic interaction, enormous damage is done to the glands that are involved in the production of gastric juice. As a result, deficiency of insulin produced by the pancreas prevails. As a result of a characteristic imbalance, such dangerous diseases for humans as gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis, diabetes mellitus, and oncological pathologies progress.
  2. Brain. Ethyl alcohol, together with the blood flow, rapidly moves to the meninges, provoking extensive foci of necrosis. With alcohol dependence for more than 5 years, the body suffers from alcoholic encephalopathy, which is accompanied by visual and auditory hallucinations, increased physical activity and emotional instability. The body gradually degrades, and a person can become disabled, die at a relatively young age.
  3. The cardiovascular system also suffers from the harmful effects of ethyl alcohol. Under the influence of alcohol, red blood cells do not cope with their main function - they are not able to transport oxygen to all internal organs directly from the lungs. The harm to health is obvious, and potential diagnoses are coronary heart disease, heart failure, and atherosclerosis. The action of alcohol can develop jumps in blood pressure, become the main cause of heart attack and stroke. Therefore, doctors once again remind drinking hearts about the dangers of alcohol.
  4. Liver. This large gland is especially affected by ethyl alcohol, as toxic substances interfere with its main function as a "human filter". The detrimental effect is obvious, moreover, it is represented by three stages: fatty degeneration, alcoholic hepatitis and alcoholic cirrhosis. In the latter case, the organism may die if the influence of ethyl alcohol is not stopped in a timely manner.
  5. The kidneys and urinary system are the last to come into contact with toxic substances, but they suffer no less from their harmful effects. Ethyl alcohol is harmful in that it provokes inflammatory and infectious processes in this paired organ, significantly weakens the immune system. As a result - pyelonephritis, nephritis.
  6. The action of ethanol is directed to the peripheral nervous system, as a result of which nerve cells lose their activity, the ability to remember and store valuable information. The harm of alcohol for a person also lies in the fact that tissue deformation, a decrease in the size of the brain, cystic neoplasms and petechial hemorrhages are not excluded. Such a harmful action contributes to the degradation of the individual, reduces the level of intellectual activity.
  7. The lungs of an alcoholic are also under attack, since it is under the influence of fusel vapors that this paired organ is especially weakened. As a result of such a harmful interaction, inflammatory and infectious processes of the lungs predominate, and the risk of tuberculosis increases.
  8. The human body with prolonged exposure to ethyl alcohol is not able to cope with sexual dysfunction. The diagnosed infertility progresses in the woman, and the man complains of erectile dysfunction, testicular atrophy. Also, venereal diseases of the female and male body against the background of a progressive imbalance are not excluded.

The effect of ethanol is obvious to a person, it remains only on the emotional level to overcome such a destructive habit, return oneself to a full-fledged lifestyle, and regulate the emotional sphere. If such an influence is incurable, the body may die, and the disability of the non-working group is also not excluded.

External reincarnations under the influence of ethanol

The systematic consumption of alcohol depletes the body, but not only the internal organs and systems of a person suffer, external reincarnations occur. The effect of fusel vapors on the dermis is obvious, since the skin begins to age and fade prematurely, wrinkles and signs of pigmentation appear, increased swelling and water imbalance occur. As you know, a drinking person can be seen from afar, even if at a particular moment he is completely sober. The harm of ethanol to hair, nails, teeth is also noticeable, since these important structures are also subject to spontaneous destruction.

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Dehydration is that unpleasant human condition that the body experiences after the systematic use of large volumes of ethanol. The harm of dehydration is obvious, but the skin is especially affected by the lack of fluid. Overdried dermis, spots and other signs of pigmentation, the appearance of signs of peeling and keratinized cells become alarming symptoms. Such symptoms turn a once young person into an old man, and inner well-being only confirms such an apparent opinion. This is due to the action of ethanol, which in unlimited quantities entered the body.

Alcohols differ in the degree of toxicity, each type is dangerous and can be fatal. If ethyl alcohol contained in most alcoholic beverages enters the body, then the central nervous system is depressed. Then there are destructive processes in the internal organs. The most poisonous and dangerous alcohol is methanol. Poisoning them leads to severe damage to internal organs, blindness, and can even cause death.

Types of alcohols and their effects on the body

Upon contact with methyl alcohol, the organs of vision are affected, in severe cases blindness occurs. Ethanol and methanol are widely used in industry.

There are different types of alcohols:

  1. 1. Methyl alcohol is a poison. It is not added to alcoholic beverages and is rarely used in medicine. If this substance is ingested, the work of the heart is disrupted, CNS disorders occur. If more than 25 ml enters the body, a fatal outcome occurs.
  2. 2. Ethyl alcohol is also found in alcohol, it is toxic. This substance quickly penetrates the gastrointestinal tract and is absorbed through the mucous membranes. The maximum concentration is observed one hour after administration. At first, a person experiences euphoria, as if he is in a state of trance. After - the effect of alcohol continues, but the nervous system is depressed, the mood becomes bad, there is a feeling of depression. The substance destroys brain cells, in the future they are not restored.
  3. 3. Isopropyl alcohol has the same toxicity. If this substance enters the body, a CNS disorder occurs, the functioning of organs and systems is disrupted. With an overdose of chemicals in the composition of the substance, a person falls into a coma, a fatal outcome is possible.
  4. 4. Allyl alcohol causes severe intoxication. If more than 25 g enters the body, a person loses consciousness, the respiratory organs are affected, and death occurs.

Harm of alcoholic beverages

The effect of alcohol on the human body is devastating. People who are addicted to alcoholic beverages live 10 to 15 years less. And an overdose of alcohol can be fatal.

The effect of alcohol on the brain

Ethyl alcohol destroys brain cells. Harmful substances contained in this substance lead to oxygen starvation of neurons. Because of this problem, intoxication and a number of mental disorders occur. Cell neurons are gradually destroyed, resulting in mental illness. If a person abuses alcohol, the functioning of brain structures is disrupted, the cerebral cortex is affected.

Drinking people experience hallucinations, convulsions, muscle paralysis. Alcohol poisoning leads to delirium tremens, in exceptional cases, the disease ends in death. Delirium tremens is accompanied by hallucinations, clouding of consciousness. The patient is disoriented in space, becomes excessively excited. With such an attack, the pressure rises, urgent care is required.

Gastrointestinal organs

Ethanol has a detrimental effect on the gastrointestinal tract, provokes the development of such serious diseases as:

  • ulcerative colitis;
  • gastritis;
  • pancreatitis.

In chronic alcoholics, the functioning of the stomach is disrupted. Mucous membranes are damaged, in severe cases peptic ulcer occurs.

Alcohol and the cardiovascular system

Alcoholism causes exacerbation of chronic heart disease. Ethyl alcohol disrupts the functioning of this organ. If a person abuses alcohol, the heart muscle, arteries located nearby, is damaged. As a result, dangerous diseases develop, in severe cases they lead to death. The heart enlarges with the regular use of drinks containing ethyl alcohol.

If a healthy person drank a large amount of alcohol, the heart rhythm is disturbed. Some people develop hypertension, in other situations, alcohol aggravates the course of the disease. In severe cases, coronary artery disease develops.

Respiratory system

Ethyl alcohol adversely affects the organs of the respiratory system. Patients with alcoholism experience shortness of breath, difficulty breathing. Against the background of such problems, tuberculosis can occur. Alcoholics are more prone to


The use of alcoholic beverages in large doses has a negative impact on health, as a rule, the pathophysiological effect of alcohol on the human body is due to its strength and numerous harmful impurities. With regular drinking of alcoholic beverages, alcoholism develops. This mental illness greatly worsens health, while the ability to work and moral values ​​​​of a person fall.

What is alcohol

The modern market in our country is replete with a variety of alcoholic beverages, which differ in strength, manufacturer and composition. As a rule, the effect of alcohol on the human body is always negative, because when it gets inside, it quickly spreads through the blood to all organs, often causing their destruction. Ethanol (ethyl alcohol), C2H5OH is a toxin, when taken, the liver tries to neutralize it. This volatile transparent liquid, which has a characteristic odor, pungent taste, is perfectly diluted with water.

This yeast fermentation product can be produced chemically. It burns well, is highly flammable, and is used as a technical brake fluid, as a solvent or fuel. Often a disease such as alcoholism is hereditary, if both parents drank in the family, and they were not given proper treatment, then their child may also become an alcoholic in the future.

How alcohol affects the human body

People who love strong drinks are often interested in the question of how alcohol affects the human body? Ethanol, as a rule, is concentrated in the brain and liver, it is quickly able to kill the cells of these organs. In addition, alcohol is a mutagen. As a rule, in an adult body, mutant cells are eliminated by the immune system, but if it fails, then people with alcoholism develop cancer of the stomach, mouth, liver, and esophagus. Alcohol also affects

in the following way:

  • disrupts the development of the fetus. The brain often suffers, the heart of the child is affected, and underdevelopment of the limbs occurs.
  • Activates GABA amino acid receptors, the main inhibitory transmitter in the nervous system. As a result, the excitability of cells decreases.
  • The high content of ethanol enhances the synthesis of endorphins and dopamine. The patient is euphoric.
  • Violates the metabolism in the body. This factor provokes the development of a psychological syndrome.
  • toxic action. As a rule, it is determined by an increase in heart rate, lack of air, a violation of the heart.
  • The systematic use of strong drinks provokes fatty degeneration and inflammation of the liver. Hepatocytes are destroyed, cirrhosis occurs.
  • Provokes alcoholic encephalopathy. The disease begins with mental disorders with static or monotonous visual illusions and hallucinations.

lethal dose

The harmful effect of alcohol on human health is impossible only when a man or woman does not drink strong drinks at all. Everyone else, as a rule, experiences the harmful effects of drinking ethyl alcohol. Only in small doses, alcohol is good for the body, but if you drink a little too much, then there will be more harm than good. Each person has their own lethal dose of alcohol. For a 70 kg man who does not drink, this is:

  • 750 ml of vodka drunk in five hours;
  • 300 ml of pure alcohol drunk for five hours.

For women it is:

  • 450 ml of vodka drunk in five hours.

If a person constantly drinks alcohol, he can die from 3 bottles of vodka or 600 ml of pure alcohol, drunk in 5 hours or less. Normal blood can contain 0.4 ppm (‰) and this is an acceptable level. When the concentration of alcohol is more than 3.8 ppm, paralysis of the respiratory tract can occur, as a result of which a person dies. Death is still possible when the concentration reaches 2.2-3.2‰.

What does alcohol affect

Often people are interested in the question of which organs are affected by alcohol? Based on research, doctors claim that it negatively affects the entire body, but to varying degrees. The basis of alcoholic beverages is ethanol - a compound that has a toxic effect. When it penetrates into the body as part of vodka, beer, wine or another drink, it is quickly absorbed from the intestines. Further, ethanol is distributed to all internal organs. At the same time, alcohol has a devastating effect on the heart, brain, stomach and reproductive system.

to the respiratory system

We know that breathing is life. When alcohol affects the lungs and bronchi, the work of the lung tissue is disrupted, which leads to a failure of the entire respiratory system. The mucous membranes dry out, the body's immunity weakens, and there is a high risk of tuberculosis. The first sign of its appearance is a strong cough, which can occur on the second day after excessive drinking. In addition, the negative effect of alcohol on the respiratory system can cause the following diseases:

  • emphysema;
  • tracheobronchitis;
  • Chronical bronchitis.

On the stomach

Alcoholic drinks have a detrimental effect on the cells of the digestive organs, destroying them, causing burns, resulting in tissue necrosis. In this case, the pancreas atrophies, and the cells that produce insulin die. This contributes to the fact that the flow of absorption of beneficial nutrients is disturbed, inhibition of the release of enzymes occurs, food stagnation forms in the intestines and stomach. As a rule, the negative effect of alcohol on the stomach can cause:

  • diabetes;
  • chronic stage of pancreatitis;
  • gastritis;
  • stomach cancer;
  • severe pain in the abdomen.

to the reproductive system

Strong drinks are considered especially dangerous for girls and women, because their dependence on alcohol occurs quickly. Girls suffering from alcoholism are prone to damage to the ovaries, because of this, menstruation is eventually disturbed. Representatives of the strong half of humanity also suffer from excessive consumption of strong drinks. The harmful effect of alcohol on the male reproductive system is expressed in a decrease in sexual desire, the development of impotence and infertility. Drunkenness still provokes testicular atrophy, leads to the birth of an unhealthy child.

on the human cardiovascular system

Alcoholic drinks provoke the destruction of blood cells - red blood cells. This causes deformation of the red cells, while they do not transfer the necessary amount of oxygen from the lungs to other tissues. In addition, the regulation of sugar is disturbed, which causes irreversible consequences: improper brain function, diabetes mellitus, problems with blood vessels. The influence of alcohol on the human cardiovascular system has negative consequences. This may be evidenced by such diseases:

  • high blood pressure;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • arrhythmia;
  • ischemic heart disease.

How alcohol affects the brain

The central nervous system and the brain are more likely than others to suffer from ethyl alcohol. The concentration of alcohol in such organs after consumption becomes higher than in the whole body. Alcohol is toxic to brain tissue, so you can often experience a state of intoxication after drinking strong drinks. Alcohol can provoke the destruction, numbness and death of the cerebral cortex. Negative effects of how alcohol affects the brain:

  • endocrine functions are disturbed;
  • brain centers that regulate vascular tone are affected;
  • the reaction of vegetative origin changes;
  • there are problems with the psyche, memory, mental development.

Effects on the skin and muscles

Chronic use of strong drinks often provokes weakening and wasting of muscles. In addition, 50% of alcoholics develop skin diseases, because the immune system is only half working, it cannot cope with various viruses. The liver also does not cleanse the body at full strength, so ulcers, boils, allergic rashes and acne begin to appear on the surface of the skin. Alcohol's effect on the skin and muscle condition is manifested in the following:

  • dehydration occurs.
  • testosterone decreases;
  • increased estrogen;
  • muscle mass decreases;
  • muscles weaken, atrophy, lose their tone;
  • reduced protein synthesis;
  • there is a deficiency of minerals (phosphorus, calcium, zinc) and vitamins (A, B and C);
  • there is an uncontrolled replenishment of the body with calories.

The positive effect of alcohol on the human body

Few people believe that the effect of ethyl alcohol on the human body can be positive. Indeed, in a small dosage, ethanol is useful for humans. For example, red wine contains trace elements and antioxidants that the body needs. At the same time, you should drink no more than three glasses a week. In addition, red wine removes waste and toxins, normalizes metabolism, and is an excellent prophylactic against atherosclerosis. Based on the drink, a positive effect can be distinguished:

  • champagne can be taken in small doses for a weak heart;
  • mulled wine supports the body with bronchitis, colds, pneumonia, flu;
  • vodka can lower cholesterol;
  • beer slows down the aging process, reduces the risk of heart disease.

But what dose of alcohol is good for a person? Doctors recommend that men drink no more than 20 grams of pure alcohol, and women - 10 grams. As a rule, this amount is contained in 100 grams of wine, 30 grams of vodka and 300 ml of beer. Taking one spoonful of alcohol twice a week can serve as a mobilizer for the body, i.e., the effect of hormesis occurs. This method helps a person shake himself quickly. It is strictly forbidden to give strong drinks to a child. If alcohol accidentally enters the child's body, an urgent flush should be done and a doctor should be called.

Video: The effect of alcohol

Attention! The information provided in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment, based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Alcohol is the most dangerous drug of all. Scientists came to this conclusion after evaluating the harm that ethyl alcohol causes to the body. This takes into account the influence of alcohol not only on the drinker, but also on others. The amount of drinks consumed is also of great importance. So, alcohol took first place among other drugs.

Can alcohol be helpful?

There is an opinion that small doses of alcohol can be beneficial for a person. Ethanol is one of the substances necessary for the normal functioning of the body. But for this, its own physiological processes of its production as a result of metabolism are provided.

Remember that the breakdown products of ethanol are concentrated in the brain, not in the blood. Their positive effect is associated with the nervous system:

  • alcohol relieves stress, calms, reduces the excitability of nerve cells;
  • alcohol improves mood, causes euphoria.

Pseudo-positive effects do not last long and are always associated with the risk of addiction. Despite this, studies are constantly published confirming the benefits of moderate doses of alcohol for organs and systems. Of course, such data should not be taken as a call to action. However, they contribute to the formation of the illusion of the safety of drinking alcohol.

How alcohol works

The effect of alcohol on the body can be clearly considered harmful. With an increase in the amount of alcohol consumed, it is impossible to protect the internal organs and brain from damage. Inevitably, there comes a point when there is no longer any hope of getting rid of an addiction on your own.

So, what is the harmful effect of alcohol?

  • Cell poisoning. Alcohol is a poison that kills all living things. That is why it is used as an antibacterial agent for tissue damage. The main concentration of ethanol is observed in the liver and brain. For cell death, men need more than 20 ml of alcohol, women - more than 10 ml.
  • mutagenic effect. The human immune system is set up to destroy all foreign cells. Alcohol causes mutation in tissues. This leads to cancer, as the immune system can not cope with the load.
  • Sexual dysfunction. In men, spermatozoa are formed within 75 days. To avoid the appearance of mutagens in children, he needs to refrain from drinking alcohol for 2.5 months before conception. For women, things are much more difficult. Oocytes are present in the body from birth, so all mutations are stored in them at the genetic level and can manifest themselves in offspring.
  • Violation of the development of the fetus. This fact is not associated with mutation, but with the incorrect functioning of the systems. Most often, the brain and limbs are affected.
  • Alcohol is a drug. Concentrated in the brain, it affects the work of two groups of neurotransmitters. Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptors begin to work in an enhanced mode. These cells are responsible for the inhibitory responses of the nervous system. The person calms down. Endorphins and dopamine begin to be produced in a larger volume, which leads to a state of euphoria.

The effect of alcohol on the brain

To a greater extent, the effect of alcohol extends to the brain. This organ is the main consumer of energy, it involves all other organs and receptors, and affects the functioning of systems as a whole. The negative effect of alcohol on the brain is based on the cessation of oxygen supply to neurons due to alcohol intoxication. Cells die, a person gradually becomes feeble-minded.

Intensive alcohol consumption has irreversible effects:

  • decrease in brain functions;
  • damage to the cells of the cerebral cortex.

All this invariably affects the intellectual abilities, and also explains the change in behavior, addictions and hobbies of alcoholics.

The effect of alcohol on other organs and systems

  • Heart and blood vessels. Diseases of these organs occupy the first place among other disorders caused by the use of alcohol. The action of alcohol destroys the heart muscle, leading to serious consequences up to death. Alcohol abuse leads to the development of hypertension, coronary disease, causes heart attacks. People with relatively little alcohol "experience" often have an increase in heart and heart rhythm disturbances.
  • System of external respiration. The effect of alcohol is manifested in the violation of the normal rhythm, the alternation of inhalations and exhalations. The result is serious disruption. Breathing becomes more frequent, as alcoholism develops, deterioration occurs. Against the background of such a disorder, diseases such as bronchitis, emphysema, tracheobronchitis, and tuberculosis occur. When combined with smoking, alcohol has a deadly effect on the respiratory system.
  • GIT. The mucous membrane of the stomach is the first to take a hit from the systematic use of alcohol. Studies reveal gastritis, ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, including the duodenum. The action of alcohol damages the salivary glands. With the progression of the disease, other tissue lesions are observed.
  • The liver occupies a special place among the digestive organs. Its functions include the neutralization of toxic substances, the removal of toxins. The liver is involved in the metabolism of almost all incoming elements - proteins, fats, carbohydrates and even water. Under the influence of alcohol, the body loses the ability to perform its functions normally. cirrhosis develops.
  • Kidneys. Almost all alcoholics suffer from impaired excretory function of this organ. Alcohol disrupts the work of the adrenal glands, hypothalamus and pituitary gland. This leads to improper regulation of renal activity. The epithelial cells that line the inner surface of the organs and protect them from damage die. This inevitably ends with serious pathological diseases.
  • Psyche. Under the influence of alcohol, a wide variety of deviations develop - hallucinations, convulsive phenomena, numbness in the limbs, severe weakness, muscle dysfunction. Often there is paralysis, which disappears during the period of abstinence from alcohol.
  • Immunity. The process of hematopoiesis is disturbed due to the systematic use of alcoholic beverages, the production of lymphocytes decreases, and allergies appear.
  • reproductive system. Sexual dysfunction is an indispensable companion of alcoholism. In men, against the background of impaired reproductive ability, neuroses and depression develop. Women suffer from the impossibility of conception, frequent toxicosis during pregnancy, early cessation of menstruation.

In addition to the above, the effect of alcohol depletes the muscles and worsens the condition of the skin. In patients, delirium tremens is observed, life expectancy and its quality are reduced.

Risk to future children

The negative effect of alcohol on fetal development has been known since ancient Greece. Then the first attempts were made to limit the addiction. Today, scientists have unequivocally proven that chronic alcoholics are practically unable to conceive healthy offspring.

The problem is complicated by the fact that genetic coding due to illness of the parents is almost impossible to correct by pharmacological means. As a result, risks for offspring increase:

  • mental retardation is manifested in most cases;
  • physical deformity is often the result of chronic alcoholism in parents;
  • in 94% of cases, even healthy children subsequently become drunkards themselves.

Of course, the question of the birth of healthy offspring is made up of many factors. But the danger of conceiving a sick child is too high. Even in almost healthy people who are prone to drinking alcohol, children with disabilities can be born. Especially if conception occurs at the time of intoxication.

A number of studies by European scientists were aimed at assessing the degradation of several generations of alcoholics in one family. The results of the observations were disappointing facts:

  • the first generation of chronic alcoholics showed moral depravity, excessive drinking;
  • the second generation suffered from alcoholism in the full sense of the word;
  • in the third generation there appeared hypochondriacs, melancholics, and homicidal persons;
  • the fourth generation became an indicator of the decline and cessation of the race (infertility, idiocy, mental inferiority).

Not only the effect of alcohol at the genetic level plays a role, but also the unfavorable environment in which children are brought up. Social factors are no less significant. Children are in a state of constant stress, they have learning difficulties. As a result, the child develops psychological disorders that lead to aggressiveness or isolation.

How to stop drinking alcohol?

The effect of alcohol on the body destroys a person. Not only the drinkers themselves suffer from the disease, but also the people around them, especially children. How to stop destroying yourself and find the strength to fight the disease?

Allen Carr's book The Easy Way to Quit Drinking will help you break free from addiction. The bestseller is specially created for people who have decided to change their lives and get rid of the harmful effects of alcohol. The book will help to realize the need for change and show the way back to normal life.