Reading time: 12 min

Good afternoon friends!

After another break, I decided to write another rather interesting post, which will be useful for beginners in the first place. But even experienced webmasters will be able to learn something new for themselves.

As you already understood from the title, the post will be about how to promote a site from scratch. We will touch on many aspects, and not just the issue of promoting a resource through content. The importance of every little thing in promotion will be considered. But there is one important note that I want to make right away - the material will be useful only for information projects, that is, article sites, blogs.

It can also help other sites and learn common truths that are important for each type of site. But not all recommendations will suit you if you have a forum, an online store or a site for renting real estate, and so on. Let's start.

Let's start by considering the preparatory actions (technical part) before promoting the resource, since it is possible to promote a young site only if all kinds of rules and point optimization are observed.

Actions before site promotion

Before you promote the site on your own, or rather, start doing it, a certain foundation of the site is always made, which is commonly called the foundation, and in the world of SEO, this is the technical or internal optimization of the site. Without it, as you understand, there is no way if you want to promote the site as efficiently as possible and, more importantly, save money. In some niches, you can still promote the site without any investment, just by making a competently internally optimized site. This is rare, but such niches exist.

In more common niches, through internal optimization, you can beat your competitors, get closer to them faster than other competitors, or at least reach the same results with a smaller investment of money.

In order not to argue strongly and not try to somehow stretch the text of this post, I will try to give all the information in the form of checklists and briefly explain each item from the list.

Let's go over the technical points that should be implemented on the information site if you want to promote the site in Google and Yandex as simply and efficiently as possible.

  • There should be a high-quality layout that will contain a minimum of code. The ratio of third-party layout code to content should be about 30/70, where 30% is content, the rest is layout. We need to give content to the search engine as much as possible. Naturally, you can’t do without third-party code, because. it forms the site structure, functions, scripts and other elements on the site. If we remove them and leave only the content, then the site will simply lose its functionality or stop working altogether. The layout has a lot of subtle nuances that should be taken into account when creating a template. There will be a separate post about this, which I recommend you wait for.
  • The technical optimization of the site itself should be done, which includes a set of actions that expand the functionality of the WordPress engine itself. By default, WordPress does not allow us to do some important things. These features include: adding meta tags to each page and setting up the indexing of each type of page - one of the SEO plugins will help with this (I recommend WordPress seo by yoast), a site map (both XML - for indexing, and HTML - for people and indexing), automatic backup - WP Database Backup plugin, caching - (plugins hyper cache, wp super cache, w3 total cache) and automatic relinking at the end of each article (I recommend Yet Another Related Posts Plugin). It is also worth installing an equally important plugin for translating links into RusToLat transliteration. This is the minimum set of plugins that expands the standard set of Wodpress features and adds the necessary minimum for high-quality initial website optimization.
  • In addition to the above plugins, it is worth installing human-readable URLs (page addresses), which is a very important point. First, install the RusToLat plugin, which will translate Russian words into transliteration, and then go to "settings-permalinks" and set an arbitrary look links, which will display the full nesting structure of the document.Learn what to insert in the field of this setting from the article about.
  • Also, do not forget about the important Robots.txt file, which tells search engines what to index on the site, and what it is better not to pay attention to.

That's all you need to do before you promote a young site. And these are not the weeks and months that beginners spend searching for information about internal site optimization, wondering how to promote the site on their own. The above set of actions is done in 20-30 minutes. Of course, not counting the layout, because ideally it should be done by a professional.

In the list above, I did not write all the features of layout and design for the site, since there will soon be detailed material on this with rather subtle points. In addition, at the very start of the site, it is not entirely necessary to do expensive layout with design. It is enough to find a high-quality template (without errors), even with minimal design, in order to start publishing materials and get the first results.

I recommend looking for such templates on the official WordPress site - this will save you from installing a bad template with viruses and too hard errors. In addition, now all templates have already begun to be added with adaptive design, which is currently a rapidly growing trend. Its meaning is that it adapts itself to popular mobile resolutions and the site is very easy to read on mobile devices, there are no unnecessary elements. All buttons, links have normal sizes, convenient for pressing and the site does not need to be scrolled in horizontal mode.

Also, I did not write about installing various plugins for displaying popular and recent posts, rating plugins, subscription forms and other points that are on a lot of sites. Yes, it is necessary, but not immediately, but later, when the site is already producing results. In the beginning, you need to make the maximum start with the necessary minimum. And 4-5 plugins and a couple of settings for this with a head. In the future, you can and even need to install various functional plugins to make the resource more complete and functional.

For example, on my new medical portal, one of these gadgets is only a plugin for fresh posts for the sidebar and a rating in the form of stars after the text to make the snippet in the search results brighter and attract the attention of users. The site, in fact, is completely empty outwardly - there are no popular posts, subscriptions and other elements, and this does not prevent the user from entering and easily reading the content.

Therefore, once again, what you need to install and do:

  1. Customize the appearance of URLs (RusToLat plugin + configure permalinks);
  2. Customize the Robots.txt file;
  3. Install one of the SEO plugins (I recommend WordPress seo by yoast);
  4. Install a caching plugin (I recommend hyper cache or wp super cache for starters);
  5. Make 2 types of site maps (XML - Google XML sitemaps, HTML - Dagon Design Sitemap Generator);
  6. Install an automatic linking plugin at the end of posts (I recommend Yet Another Related Posts Plugin).

By the way, now I jumped into the water and immediately wrote about the technical optimization of the site, but this is not the very first thing that needs to be done before the quality promotion of the site. There are 2 more points that are the most important in the promotion. And their point is not to promote the site as a whole, but to get the fastest possible result and, possibly, even without any investments.

What do you think is being said now?

- Properly chosen niche and semantic core is the basis for every article site. And it doesn't matter if you have a simple information site or a personal blog. The blog also has its own niche and it definitely needs a semantic core.

The right niche will allow you to get a quick and tangible result in traffic and profit with a minimal budget, and maybe even without a single penny. And the semantic core will help to publish high-quality texts and have on hand the entire list of articles of the chosen niche, which will be a plan for publication in the near future of the site development.

These 2 things are the foundation of any project. You can find a niche that will be completely unoccupied, but in demand by the audience. Thus, published only 20-30 texts, you will already be the leader of this niche, have solid traffic and make a profit.

Of course, choosing a niche for an information site is a rather difficult step that is not done in one day and at random. It is worth doing a multi-level generation of ideas, then expanding the list of ideas, and only then proceed to evaluate each niche. It may turn out that you will have to analyze more than a hundred niches, and this is not so easy and fast. But in the end, you can stumble upon a very good direction, in which nothing has been occupied yet and the result will be instant.

By the way, one of the following materials will be about choosing a niche. It will be complicated, but that's why I'm writing it, to help you figure it out.

There is no need to talk much about this post, since I have already written an article recently, which will help to collect good semantics (go to the material at the previous link). If you don’t want to collect it yourself, you can contact me and I can help you with this for a fairly modest fee. But it’s better, of course, when you yourself go through this, in order to know all the mechanics of actions, and then delegate this matter to other people.

So let's recap. Before filling and promoting the site, it is necessary:

  1. Choose the right niche;
  2. Build a high-quality semantic core;
  3. High-quality internal optimization;
  4. Compile a high-quality template + design (possible at a later stage).

An important point in internal optimization is the optimization of site loading speed, since in the Google search engine this is one of the most important ranking factors. Google says it's trying to give the user the most relevant response to their query and that fast sites are more responsive to user needs. In addition, if there are 2 equal sites in the search results, then the download speed can become a determining factor that will help one of the sites to take a higher position. Be sure to take care of the loading speed of your resource.

Differences between Yandex and Google

Consider the differences between both search engines in several points:

  • Domain name;
  • Hosting;
  • Optimization of texts and meta tags;
  • Linking;
  • Links;
  • Structure;
  • Adaptive design.

If you want to make a good knowledge on the topic "How to promote a site from scratch", then you certainly need to know the principles of determining the quality of sites in both search engines. In short, we will now consider this, adhering to the list above.

You should not take all comparisons of both PS as an option for sharpening the site for a specific search engine. You just have to understand that Google gives a return much faster than Yandex. The last search engine has been looking at the site for a long time, and when Google already gives good results, Yandex will only begin to slowly push your site to the TOP. Therefore, it is still better for young sites to focus on Google at the very beginning of their existence. But this does not mean that if you sharpen the site only for Google, it will not rank well in Yandex. It will, but after some time, and after a certain period of time, Yandex will even overtake Google.

Domain name

It's no secret that the determining factor in both search engines is the age of the domain. Also, the occurrence of the most high-frequency keywords in the domain name plays a small role. This is true for both Yandex and Google.

But interesting is the fact that Google still pays attention to the term of domain registration. This is explained by the fact that if the site intends to be created with high quality and be in the game for a long time, then the domain is registered for a long time, while useless domains are rarely registered for a period of more than 1 year.

After that, you may decide that you need to pay for the domain for several years. This is not necessary, since the influence of this ranking factor is not so great compared to others. It would be much more expedient to work on the site as a whole (content, links, and others). If the resource is at least a little better than competitors whose domain is registered for several years in advance, then this will not save them. You will bypass them without problems.


If you don’t already know, then Google differs from Yandex in hardware power, and therefore Google reacts to changes in the site much faster than Yandex.

Google indexes the site much more often, so you should get a good hosting, characterized by high-quality uninterrupted operation, so that the resource is always in service. If the site is often unavailable, then Google will not rank the site highly.

I can say from my own experience that this moment is very important. At an important stage in the development of this blog, when I began to have an abrupt increase in traffic from Google, an unpleasant situation occurred - the site became unavailable. At first, the downtime was 1 day, then another 1 day. As a result, letters from Google immediately began to arrive that the search engine could not access the site, since it was unavailable.

I resolved the situation in a couple of days, but after that: firstly, the important pages that brought the main traffic fell out of the Google index and to this day they have not returned their previous indicators. Secondly, the site stopped growing for 3-4 months. Only now the attendance began to slowly grow from week to week by a couple of dozen visits per day.

It is also worth understanding that the choice of a non-hosting tariff will depend on the load that your site will create. As a rule, up to 3-5 thousand visits per day will be enough for ordinary shared hosting. Moreover, it is already better to protect yourself and move to a dedicated server so that the site loads as quickly as possible. And, as you already know, site loading speed is an important point in determining its position in the Google search engine.

Behind Lately I have tried 2 hosting providers that I can safely recommend:

  • Mchost (
  • Eurobyte (

At the moment I am working with Eurobyte, as there was a conflict with Makhost, after which my site was blocked.

Optimization of texts and meta tags

In principle, the work of search engines in this direction is similar. Both Yandex and Google need only high-quality texts that fully reveal the topic and answer the user's question.

The only difference concerns the length of the text and meta tags. Google loves long texts more - because large text is able to cover a wider range of issues and give a more comprehensive answer to the user's question.

Yandex also loves texts that give an exhaustive answer, but it’s better to focus on competitor analysis to determine the average text length from the TOP. The slogan is: "We do the same as our competitors, and even better."

Google also likes texts with a higher density of keywords in the text and a greater presence of their synonyms. For Yandex, it is better to determine the average number of occurrences of keys from competitors.

With regards to meta tags, it is worth mentioning the description meta tag, which in most cases is taken by Google to form a snippet, and Yandex takes it very rarely and only when the text entered in the description is used in the text itself and contains the highest keyword density.

Thus, you can control the formation of the snippet in Yandex and Google. In the latest search engine, this is much easier - in most cases, it is enough to simply fill in the description meta tag with the necessary text. To form the necessary snippet in Yandex, you need to get a little confused - create a part of the text with sufficient keyword density and place it both in the description meta tag and in the text itself, so that Yandex will surely take it into the snippet.


The principles of linking for Yandex and Google are almost identical. Linking is aimed at improving the behavioral factors of the site, pointing users to other materials on the site. Linking is also involved in the distribution of static weight between the pages of the site.

In website promotion (manual inside the text) is the most powerful internal factor that can increase positions in search and increase traffic by 2-3 times without investing a penny, but only by devoting some time and patience to relinking.

It is also worth setting automatic linking after the text of the article. It is also worth putting, but it only gives a result if there are links to thematic materials in the block of similar posts.


Link promotion is a rather powerful factor, which at a certain stage makes the growth of the project simply explosive and spasmodic. This is especially true for Yandex, when at first traffic stands still, and then the pages simply fly out to the TOP and the traffic growth graph starts to rise sharply. Jumps are quite real, when from 100-200 visitors per day in the next update there is a jump to 1000 visits.

There are 2 options here:

  1. Either the site itself is generally good and Yandex decided to move it up sharply;
  2. Or the links worked.

If you follow the development trends in the field of link promotion, then you probably know that Yandex has recently begun to cancel link ranking for commercial topics in some regions. If you work with informational sites, then you have nothing to be afraid of - the links are still working and working well. But there is one important nuance - the links must be of high quality, which are becoming less and less every year, and even a month.

In Google, the situation is slightly different. Google spokesman Matt Cutts says that there will be no cancellation of link ranking, as this will negatively affect the quality of building search results. With regards to the quality of links, it is also worth adhering to here, and even more so than in Yandex, since Google severely punishes sites with its Google Penguin filter for low-quality link mass.


The qualitative structure in both PSs plays an important role, as it can give good behavioral characteristics of the resource. If your structure (menu, section, layout of elements, etc.) is simple and clear to use, then the user will certainly interact with the site and increase its rank in the eyes of the PS.

The structure is quite an important stage in the creation of the site. If we take as an example informational portal, then the structure (divided, subsections) should be created in accordance with competitors and only if you have a complete semantic core in your hands in order to make the correct distribution of materials into sections and subsections.

Adaptive design

The real world is already moving away from using a computer to simply browse the Internet. The modern mobile lifestyle dictates the conditions for Internet users. You have to go online and look for answers to your questions directly from mobile devices (smartphones, tablets).

If earlier it was possible to get by with the usual design of the site and users normally viewed it through mobile phones, now you need to have an adaptive design that will adapt to different screen resolutions mobile phones and tablets. The time will soon come when most of the Internet traffic will come from mobile devices. What can I say, if now in some niches mobile traffic is about 50% of all visits.

What is the situation in Yandex and Google with adaptive design. If we take the first search engine, then the lack of adaptive design will simply negatively affect the behavioral factors of the site as a whole, since conventional computer design is quite inconvenient to perceive on mobile phones.

With Google, the situation is different and quite interesting. Quite a long time ago, Google announced and has already applied site ranking in mobile search in its algorithms. That is, there is a certain separation of issuance for mobile users and computer users. If there are 2 absolutely equal sites, but one has an adaptive design, then a user who is looking for information from a mobile device will be shown a resource with an adaptive design in the search results.

Therefore, it must be done. Especially if your niche involves searching for information from mobile devices. As a rule, these are ordinary information niches that do not require direct presence at the computer, when you just need to go in and check some facts, perhaps look at recipes or some symptoms.

From my own experience, I can say that even in medical niches, about 15-30 percent is mobile traffic. And thanks to the fact that I have adaptive design everywhere, visitors read the texts perfectly and do not leave the site.

How to quickly promote a new site

When asking the question "How to quickly promote a site", you should understand that there will not be a result in the form of a thousand traffic in any case, as it will take time for the search engines to take a closer look at you. In addition, to get at least 1000 visits, you need an appropriate amount of materials on the site, the publication of which will take 1-2 months, if you follow the standard publication mode - 1-2 texts per day.

Now for some simple arithmetic. The average response time for a document is 2-3 months, provided that the text is written on request with minimal competition. That is, we wrote the text and only in 2-3 months it will be in the TOP for its main queries. Thus, you can already roughly calculate how long it will take you to have the coveted 1000 visitors per day.

Let's say that you need 100 texts to overcome the bar of 1000. Then, publishing 1 text per day, the last 100th text will be posted on the site only in the last days of the 3rd month. It turns out that we delay the result of our 1000, approximately, as much as the 6th month. The principle of calculation, I think is clear.

Therefore, an important condition for the rapid explosive growth of site traffic is the publication of a large number of texts immediately after its creation. Ideally, in general, all texts from the semantic core are ordered to copywriters and in a couple of days all articles are posted on the site. It remains only to wait until they all work. With this approach, growth occurs in large leaps in 2-4 months to solid attendance.

After the publication of the texts, all that remains is to wait. And even better - buy high-quality links in order to somehow show search engines the dynamics of the site, since all the texts will already be on the site and there will be nothing to write about. Links will give an even greater "boost" in development, and when they work, Yandex will generally push your site to the TOP for most requests.

Also, do not forget about internal manual linking after the publication of all texts.

But we all understand that such an approach is possible only if there is a sufficient budget to order all the texts at once, of which there will be about 300-500 in the average niche.

If we are an ordinary ordinary site owner and the publication of materials in the mode of 1-2 texts per day is the only thing for us possible option, then it is worth determining the competition of the entire semantic core and, first of all, publishing texts only for requests with minimal competition (up to 5) and with maximum frequency. Such texts will enter the TOP in the very near future and will give the maximum return. This is the only reasonable option if there is no budget.

I can say from recent experience that texts can give traffic not after 2-3-4 months, but immediately after publication. In Google this is true, but in Yandex immediately the first hit of the text in the search. I published 4 texts on a new medical site and the texts immediately began to bring traffic from Yandex. From Google a little less, but the traffic goes right away. And this is only due to the fact that the texts were minimal competition - this is a decisive factor in quickly getting traffic to these pages.

I hope you understand - the faster you fill the site with texts, the faster they will work and the result will be. Otherwise, you will be waiting for a very long time. There will be results, but they will appear systematically and slowly, since it is possible to quickly promote the site only with a reactive approach.

This can be compared to a rocket that consumes 80% of its fuel at launch to overcome the earth's gravity, and then simply maintains its functions thanks to the remaining 20% ​​of the fuel. The same goes for the information site. We create a website, investing 80% of our efforts and money in it, and then we wait for it to shoot, and we support it with the necessary development steps, which will require 20% of our efforts and money - analytics, money for links, and so on.

You should learn once and for all that on information projects (article sites, blogs) the best way to promote a site is content. It must be of high quality, there must be a lot of it. The more content, the more traffic, the greater the coverage of the niche and the more earnings, both on contextual advertising networks and from the sale of direct advertising.

By the way, according to Yandex, a high-quality site is a resource that has information completeness in a niche, that is, the site contains all the materials on the topic.

In no case do we forget that text optimization should be carried out for absolutely every material, otherwise you simply won’t see high positions. But the principle is the following. The main thing is that the text itself should be the main dish, that is, it should be of high quality, fully revealing the issue, and optimization should be a kind of seasoning for the main course - the text. This is the only approach that currently works.

Ideally, a very high-quality text of the required length is first written, and then, based on competitor analysis, we use the required number of occurrences of keywords from the query group for which the material is written. Thus, the material is obtained absolutely for people, but contains a small amount of spices for search engines, so that the latter understand that the text is on a given topic.

In no case should you highlight individual key phrases in bold, italics, or underlining. For this, sites are punished - sanctions (filters) are imposed. You can highlight with such meaningful tags as bold, italic and underline, only important semantic parts of the text that you need to draw the visitor's attention to, as I did at the beginning of the paragraph. These are whole sentences or even paragraphs, but not individual words (especially key ones).

Subheadings and images must be used in texts. It is desirable that there is one picture and one title per user screen. Images do not have to be with any instructions. Many themes use related images, but only for coloring purposes. For example, in a weight loss niche, you can place images to color the text to make it easier to read. Find a couple of pictures with people with a beautiful figure to color the text.

In general, the following requirements are imposed on the text:

  1. The text should be written purely for people - the main dish;
  2. Ideally, the text should be rewritten not from one source, but from the TOP-3 issue;
  3. The length of the text and the number of occurrences of keywords is determined only by competitor analysis. We use keywords as seasoning for the text;
  4. Be sure to use pictures, subheadings, highlighting the semantic parts of the text with accent tags: bold, italic, underline, quote;
  5. In no case do not highlight the keywords themselves. They should be harmoniously inscribed in the text itself.

If really high-quality competitive content is published, then the effect will not be long in coming, growth will go quickly and the question of how to promote a young site will disappear. Too much attention is paid to young projects, so we need to show from the first days that we are serious, namely: to do everything at the highest level and as quickly as possible.

  • First, there is no need to dwell on published materials. Always remember that the amount of content is the key to good traffic from search engines, whether it's just a content site, or a personal blog. Search traffic is needed everywhere, as it is as easy to get, free, and as targeted as possible. If the entire semantic core is published, then you can publish news on the topic by creating a new rubric. This will have to be done in any case, when all the texts are written out, since the resource always needs to grow. If it doesn't get updated, it's only a matter of time before the site starts to crash. You can also make separate sections on the site, for example, "Answers to Questions" or the "Question to an Expert" function, when you will be asked questions through the feedback form, and you will make detailed answers to them, from which separate pages will be obtained - this is additional content , and the very function of expert answers is an added value on the site.
  • Secondly, it is always necessary to do manual internal linking, since only it can give a huge increase in the position of the site's pages in the search, touching only the site itself and nothing more. This is how to quickly promote a site, only without untwisting it, connecting the materials to each other using some technology. Ideally, relinking is done constantly as new texts are published, but we are well aware that it is difficult to do it ourselves, since it is constantly necessary to analyze new and old materials in order to link them to each other. Therefore, you can do the following - do global linking as a certain number of texts are published. For example, at the very beginning, 100 texts were published and linked to each other. Then another 50-100 texts were published - they relinked again, but not only new 100 texts are already taken into account, but also old ones, since the linking must be complete.
  • Thirdly, one of the important elements of the development of the site is the increase in the link mass to the site, because when you write out the entire semantic core, there will be nothing left to do but come up with various services on the site (answers to questions, calculators, catalogs, a forum and others) and engage in linking. A good signal that the resource is useful is an increase in the reference mass. This is an inevitable moment if the site contains really high-quality content. But such a natural increase will be only when the site takes the first positions in the search results for the majority of niche queries. This takes time, so it’s worth starting with quality sites.
  • Fourthly, do not forget about attracting direct traffic, that is, traffic that will come to us from various social networks, services, forums and other similar sites where the target audience sits and you can leave a link. It will be strange if the site has good traffic from the search, but there are no direct visits from bookmarks, social networks and other sites. How can a site with quality content not shine on various sites? No way. Therefore, you need to immediately make sure that people from various sources come to your resource. You need a variety of traffic. Plus, while your site is only a couple of days old, you can already start posting links to existing site materials on various sites and attract direct traffic, and already collect a permanent audience of the site. In addition, search engines will take an assessment of user behavior on your site and, if their behavior is good, then such visits can quickly give an impetus to the site reaching high positions. These are what are called behavioral factors.
  • Fifth, there is no need to use any runs on article directories, trust site profiles, and the like. Previously, this gave a result, and even then, only after building up a trusted backlink pillow, which was originally created from high-quality eternal links from authoritative sites. We bought 30-50 links, and then finished off the pillow with a run. Now it may work, but it will be more profitable for the money that a run costs to buy a couple (or maybe a dozen) of good eternal links that will work with almost a 100% guarantee.

Site promotion options without attachments

In principle, you already know how to promote a site without money - to make a focus on content, although this also implies an investment in the texts themselves.

The way out of this situation is simple and complicated at the same time - you will have to publish the texts yourself. This is actually the first version of the free development of the site. We take all our strength into a fist and devote absolutely all the time to writing the maximum number of high-quality texts. If you see recommendations somewhere that it is necessary to publish 1 text per day, or even better - 1 text per 2-3 days, then know that such a "quick" filling of the site will not give a tangible result in the near future.

This option of self-writing texts is quite complicated in terms of many parameters. The main snag is the lack of copywriting (rewriting) skills. If there are none, then one text will take a lot of time, especially if a complex subject of the project is chosen. If you have the skills, and even better - you understand the topic, then there will be no difficulties in publishing texts.

This option is more suitable for beginners who want to save money, but it is far from the fastest in achieving good results.

The second option is some kind of partnership with a rewriter. You need to find a person. It is desirable if this is an experienced copywriter who has been doing this for a long time and has experience in writing texts in a given niche.

The fact is that copywriters earn quite well, but they are always drawn into the process of writing texts and always strive to find something more passive. It is necessary to find a person who is ready to write 3-4 texts a day on the site, realizing that the result will be in 3-4 months. As a result, you divide the further profit from the site in half.

Finding such a person is quite difficult if you cannot prove to him that the effect will really be. After all, you don’t want to work just like that for 2-3 months without rest. But, if you manage to find yourself a copywriting partner, then consider that you both win. You will only have to deal with content management - publishing articles on the site, designing, searching for pictures, videos. You will also have to deal with other technical things. In general, the management and promotion of the site falls entirely on you, and the copywriter is responsible for quickly writing high-quality texts.

By the way, if someone is reading these lines now and has skills in rewriting or is an active copywriter (rewriter), then you can contact me. Recently, I began to actively attract friends to create affiliate sites using the technology described above. If you are interested in such an option for cooperation, then you can write to me, we will discuss everything.

The most interesting thing is that you can find such a person even from your own circle of environment (friends, relatives) or from the circle of your loved ones. You don't have to look for a copywriter. Everyone has some kind of education, hobby, field of activity. So why not publish all your knowledge in the form of high-quality expert texts on the site. This is quite an interesting option. The only difficulty is to prove to people that it works and you need to work actively first, and then collect the cream.

I think you already understood why I offered only 2 options on how to promote a site without money. We have already figured out that the promotion of an information site is primarily due to its content. Therefore, I provided 2 options to choose from, which imply the content of the site.

  1. We write texts ourselves - long, difficult;
  2. We find a person who will write texts - if a person is experienced in the topic and knows how to write texts, then the process will be fast.

Naturally, the preparatory stage before filling the site itself, ideally, will not do without minimal investment, since to collect the semantic core you need a KeyCollector worth 1700 rubles and you will need to evaluate the competition of texts in the Mutagen service (100 requests 30 rubles). Competitiveness assessment is necessary if it is not possible to immediately publish a large part of the semantic core on the site. Otherwise, the competition must be evaluated in order to publish at the very beginning the texts that give results in the shortest possible time.

Let's summarize everything that was written earlier in the form of a short list.

Checklist for creating a successful communication project

  1. Pick the right niche.
  2. Collect a high-quality semantic core.
  3. Perform high-quality internal website optimization - the foundation.
  4. As quickly as possible, fill the site with a large number of materials that are well-optimized for key queries.
  5. Regularly increase the reference mass (eternal links).
  6. Regularly perform internal linking within texts as new materials are added.
  7. Create useful services on the site (calculators, catalogs, ratings, reviews, forums, and so on).

Now you know how to promote the site yourself. You have a clear plan for creating and developing an information project in your hands. You understood the main thing - content is the basis of resource promotion. It is possible to achieve impressive results with only one content, but only on condition that other requirements are met: the right niche, high-quality semantics and internal optimization.

If you want to go through this let with me, then click on the button below and get acquainted with the offer.

On that note, this article is over.

His main thoughts are:

  1. Be sure to choose the right niche;
  2. There must be a semantic core;
  3. The necessary minimum of internal optimization is required;
  4. For the rapid explosive growth of the project, the reactive speed of the publication of texts is necessary;
  5. To strengthen the project, links, services are needed;
  6. As texts are published, do internal manual linking.

By following these rules, you will always know how to promote a site on the Internet and promotion will take place quite quickly and without any problems. Well, how to do all the technical nuances (niche, linking, plugins, etc.), you can find on my blog. I try to cover all these topics in as much detail as possible and give out information that is not discussed on other SEO blogs.

That's all. See you later)

Sincerely, Konstantin Khmelev!

What are the methods of website promotion? How to independently promote the site? Where to order website promotion inexpensively?

By itself, any site is just a set of pages with useful, useless, entertaining, analytical, commercial, news or any other information. There are millions of them on the Internet. In order for users to pay attention to your site, you need to promote it. And do it competently, professionally and efficiently.

If you are too lazy to do SEO, then you can use the services of SEO company website promotion.

This is Denis Kuderin, an expert of the HeatherBober magazine on the monetization of network resources. I will tell you what it is website promotion why commercial sites must be promoted and promoted, and what methods exist for this.

You will also learn what professional SEO agencies do, how to choose a reliable partner from among them, and what mistakes people make when promoting resources on their own.

1. Website promotion - we are preparing a springboard for our business

Do you want your own website to generate income, and not mental anguish about wasted time and money? Take care of its search promotion and SEO optimization. To understand why this is necessary, it is first necessary to clearly understand what and where we are promoting.

Promotion(promotion) of the site - a set of measures to improve the attendance of an Internet resource by targeted visitors interested in purchasing services and goods presented on the site.

Sites are not promoted anywhere, but to the top positions of search engine results. You have all seen the results of such advancement. Type an arbitrary query in the search bar in Google, Yandex or another search engine (for example, “website promotion”) and get the result in the form of a multi-page list of addresses.

An ordinary user does not study this list beyond the first 1-2 pages, which means that all sites that did not get into the first places of issue are unlikely to be visited by potential consumers on this request.

However, this does not mean that the sites that are on the following pages are doomed to eternal life in the cold digital universe. It is quite possible that for other, more narrowly targeted queries, they will outperform their competitors and come out on top.

It is important to understand the main thing: Sites get into the TOPs of search engines for a reason. Previously, their owners, authors or specially hired optimizers do full-scale work to promote key queries in search resources.

There are many ways to promote websites on the network:

  • SEO optimization- promotion on requests that meet the main theme of the resource;
  • contextual advertising- displaying advertisements to users;
  • media advertising– placement of banners on third-party sites;
  • targeted advertising- displaying ads to the target audience;
  • partnership programs– promotion through links on third-party resources leading to the parent site;
  • SMM– attracting users in social networks by creating groups and other methods;
  • emailing list- informational and commercial mailings to users who have given their voluntary consent to this;
  • content marketing– promotion through the publication of useful unique content.

I’ll tell you in detail about the main methods of promotion in the next section, but for now, let’s try to figure out why some resources manage to get into the TOP, while others, despite the best efforts of the owners, remain in the margins of search results.

The main reason is that the first use professional tools for promotion listed above, and the latter are trying to achieve success in some other way. And they are the first to invest in promotion. The second try to make sites popular for free, on pure enthusiasm.

There is no absolute guarantee that the cost of paid promotion will fully pay off, but a professional approach will in any case be more effective than an amateur one.

Search promotion is especially relevant for corporate resources- online stores, sites for the sale of services on the network (accounting, legal, consulting). Not all owners of such resources are yet aware that their income, with the competent organization of network promotion, will increase several times.


My friend named Ilya is the owner of an online store selling heating systems for private houses. The goods are not cheap, and the town in which the point of sale is located is small. Ilya has a website, but no one has been particularly involved in it.

A year ago, I advised Ilya, who complained about the crisis and declining income, to pay attention to online sales. He attracted a specialist, paid him money, I also made several optimized articles for the site. As a result, sales of the store increased by 2.5 times in six months. And that's just for initial stage professional optimization.

The main thing is to be consistent, qualified and purposeful. Some people think that it is enough to buy links and visitors will immediately rush to your site in droves. Alas, it is not.

To attract the target audience, you need to do much more extensive work, track behavioral factors, and most importantly, offer visitors the most useful content, primarily created by for people and only then for robots.

SEO basics in this video:

2. Website promotion methods

Search engines (robots) are getting smarter and more selective every year. The days of “traditional SEO” are over. It is not enough just to scatter 100 pieces of keywords over the text stolen on another site in 5,000 characters. Such a page will not only not advance in the search results, but on the contrary, it will receive pessimization or fall under the filter.

Now you need to carry out full-scale work on all fronts. And most importantly, to give users really useful, interesting, unique and “human” content.

Consider the main promotion methods in detail.

1) Article promotion

An example of website promotion through articles is the HeatherBober resource you are on.

Articles aimed at promotion should be:

  • unique - the superficial rewriting (correspondence) of other people's articles is less and less relevant in terms of promotion;
  • interesting - so that, having started reading, the reader continues to the end;
  • useful - users should not only leave positive reviews, but also share links to articles with friends.

Search engines love detailed, sub-headings and logical blocks of articles with pictures, videos, graphs and tables. It is also important to maintain feedback with the audience and let readers have their say in the comments.

2) Contextual advertising (CR)

An easy way available to all website owners. The most popular are contextual advertising services from Google and Yandex - Google AdSense and Yandex.Direct, the Begun service and others.

An example of contextual advertising in Yandex

The principle of operation is simple - the user requests, the system shows him pre-paid advertisements. The probability that the user will read the query they were looking for in the search results and follow it is quite high.

CR is also present on sites among thematic content and leads to your resource if the reader clicks on the link. Ideally, you should use such advertising in combination with other promotion methods.

  • works fast- no need to wait several months until the costs pay off;
  • is inexpensive– regarding other methods of promotion;
  • aimed at the target audience– which increases returns;
  • available to everyone– You don’t have to be a promotion pro to launch a CD.

There are also disadvantages. The effect of such advertising is short-term - as soon as the money on the account of the service runs out, the flow of visitors dries up. In addition, over the years, the trust of visitors to the CD is gradually declining. Fewer and fewer people click on such ads.

3) SMM promotion

Social Media Marketing- a relatively young, but very effective promotion tool. It attracts visitors from social networks, communities and forums.

Now this is perhaps the most promising way - in particular, commercial selling resources. This is no longer primitive advertising, but a method of social promotion. SMM does not just attract visitors, but works with the target audience.

This promotion is designed to have a long-term effect. and pays for the costs (with proper use) tens and hundreds of times.

If your commercial resource does not yet have its own YouTube channel, VKontakte, Facebook or Instagram page, do it urgently! Or entrust this task to professional services. And don't forget to create widgets on your site so that visitors can quickly subscribe to community updates.

Comparison table of promotion methods:

3. 7 stages of self-promotion of the site

So, you have decided to promote your site on your own - you have the time and desire for this.

To make it easier, follow the expert step-by-step guide.

Stage 1. Audit of competitors

Nowadays it is impossible to create a site of a completely unique theme, especially a commercial one. Whatever line of business you choose, these resources already exist, and some of them are likely to succeed.

To avoid typical beginner mistakes, you should conduct a competent analysis of competitors. To do this is simple: enter keywords in the search box and study the results. Learning from competitors is not at all shameful, but on the contrary, it is useful and effective.

Stage 2. Selection of requests

In other words, the compilation of the semantic core (SN) of the site. If you haven't already done so at the resource creation stage, do it right now.

What is SYA? This is an ordered set of words (keys), phrases and phrases that most accurately reflect the thematic direction of the site, characterize the type of services and products that the resource promotes.

For example, for the site of a workshop that prints banners and other printing, the main request will be “printing banners”. All other phrases and phrases will be derivatives or synonyms from the main key.

There are services on the Internet that will help you compose the semantic core yourself. But if you have zero experience in this topic, it will take a few days. In addition, there are many nuances in the matter of compiling SL that beginners do not know anything about. It is more reliable and efficient to entrust the compilation of the kernel to professionals.

Stage 3. Internal optimization

Mandatory stage of promotion. Not optimized sites are poorly ranked by search engines, and users prefer ordered resources.

Optimization- this is the internal design of the site according to the requirements of search engines. It is necessary that the code and content of the resource pages correspond to the search queries as much as possible. It is called relevance.

This includes:

  • Site structure;
  • correct code;
  • linking pages of the site among themselves;
  • usability - convenience for the user;
  • meta tags;
  • social factors.

An optimized site meets certain characteristics: its content is unique, meta tags are written professionally and carefully, pages are optimized for search queries, and the site itself has clear navigation and is divided into sections.

The site should be beautiful, fast, have an original design. The network is full of resources similar to each other, like the Ivanov brothers. On the one hand, less successful ones imitate more successful ones, but if you want to have your own face, initially create a unique design and content.

Stage 4. Content preparation

I have already said enough about what the content should be - interesting, useful for the user, corresponding to the subject of the site. Search engines are increasingly responsive to quality content rather than keywords. And because content is king, everything else is retinue.

Stage 5. External optimization

External optimization is the analysis of the link mass and work on it. This is done after carefully setting up the project from the inside. Links to your site from other resources are the same recommendations. The more authoritative and quality they are, the better your site is ranked by search engines.

Stage 6. Link Building

Link mass should be increased gradually. Getting free links takes a lot of time, this is a long-term process.

Promote your online store (or other commercial resource) through all available channels - send data to company directories, review sites, thematic forums.

« More links - good and different!» This is the motto of quality external promotion.

Stage 7. Work with social networks

If your resource is “shared” on VKontakte, Insta, YouTube and other social networks, it means that users like the content. They don’t even have to write a detailed comment, just click “like” and another coin will fall into the piggy bank of your promotion.

Special services will help in self-promotion in the best possible way:

- automated advertising system, professional assistance in promotion and Internet marketing. The service provides users with access to the most advanced customer acquisition channels in the network. "Seopult" - guaranteed growth of your business. Help, training, site tour, free trial.

- a tool for explosive growth in Internet marketing. A necessary assistant for everyone who is engaged in self-promotion of sites. Link analysis, site audit, position monitoring and competitor analysis. There is also a free version.

- all SEO tools on one platform. Checking site positions with 100% accuracy in Google/Yandex/Yahoo/Bing in any regions of the world and for any device. Sign up for a demo account and try out the features of the service in test mode. A versatile tool kit that suits everyone! We track the position of our site with this service We are very satisfied and can safely recommend him!

4. Professional help in website promotion

If you don't want to promote yourself, that's your right. There will always be those to whom you can delegate the task. They will perform it competently, quickly and efficiently - however, for a certain fee.

For some reason, some site owners do not trust promotion agencies and services. They may have had negative experiences with unprofessional or fraudulent companies. Such sites also exist.

If you want to work with reliable and proven companies, use these platforms:

  1. Intelsib- Promotion of business on the Internet using the most modern promotion tools.
  2. Skobeev & Partners- promotion of sites in the TOP-10 in Moscow, an increase in traffic by 50%.
  3. professional search promotion, customer acquisition, successful experience with hundreds of well-known resources.

The price range is very wide, from 15 000 a month before 250 000 rubles per month (VIP marketing).

5. 4 main misconceptions about website promotion

In order not to make mistakes in promotion, you must immediately get rid of some misconceptions and outdated views on promotion and optimization.

We study the TOP 4 misconceptions.

Misconception 1. There are a lot of sites in my niche, so it’s impossible to break into the TOP 10

In fact, it is very possible, although it will take effort. Follow the guidelines above - "dig in this direction" and don't chase super-popular queries.

Team "" successfully brings articles to the TOP on topics on which thousands of texts have already been written.

Misconception 2. I got into the TOP-3 - you can do nothing

Alas, getting into the TOP does not guarantee a cloudless future.

Search rankings change daily: to stay afloat, you need to work on optimization constantly. The search engine algorithms themselves are also updated periodically: tracking their evolution is the job of professional SEO specialists.

Misconception 3. It is necessary to buy an expensive website design

Expensive design alone does not guarantee success. People with a lot of money order website design in the Art. Lebedev studio or Hungry Boys and still do not get into the TOPs of search engines. Others make do with neat and modest designs from a freelancer on the stock exchange and gain millions of visitors.

Let's start with the fact that I promoted and promote this site myself, and at the same time for free. Now the site is visited by a little more than a thousand people a day. How to promote your site also?

How to promote a site in search engines yourself and for free?

From the very beginning, you need to decide on the theme of the site. Let's say you bought a domain / hosting, linked them, installed wordpress on your site, and installed a theme. What's next? And then I will tell you how to promote an information site.


And now, in order to start promoting our site, we need to write articles for your website while optimizing them. Personally, I take a specific request and write an article for it.

Allows you to select queries (keywords) with minimal competition. This is important because the competition in many topics is very high. And if you want to promote for free, then you need to match queries that have competition of 5 points or less.

Here is a clear and good example:

In the screenshot above, we see the request by which you came here. You can see just the minimum level of competition, and at the same time such a number of views. The request is very tasty, and low-competitive.

And if you write the same article for this query, then for sure you will also get to the top of the search and will already receive visitors. The bottom line is that you need to select keywords with low competition and high views.

Article writing

Now that we have a request, we write an article. I won't say how many words are needed, what is the density of keywords, etc., because I don't follow any rules. I try to write in such a way that the topic is disclosed. Remember the main rule, you write for people, not for robots.


After writing the article, I will optimize it a little.

It's just that short description that you see in search engine results. If you want to see intelligible information about your post, then the plugin will help you.

The seo plugin helps me do this - All in One Seo Pack.

Images. To compress images, I use the RIOT program, that is, first we compress the pictures, and only then add them to the post. This is necessary in order for the page to load in less time. Affects output.

In conclusion, I want to say that do not expect quick results. To promote the site for free, you need to invest your efforts every day to improve it, writing posts, this cannot be done in 1-2 months, this is a long way.

1. Terms and definitions In this agreement on the processing of personal data (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement), the following terms have the following definitions: Operator - IP Dneprovskiy Oleg Aleksandrovich. Acceptance of the Agreement - full and unconditional acceptance of all the terms of the Agreement by sending and processing personal data. Personal data - information entered by the User (subject of personal data) on the site and directly or indirectly related to this User. User - any individual or legal entity that has successfully completed the procedure for filling in the input fields on the site. Filling in the input fields - the procedure for sending the User's name, surname, phone number, personal e-mail address (hereinafter referred to as Personal Data) to the database of registered users of the site, carried out in order to identify the User. As a result of filling in the input fields, personal data is sent to the Operator's database. Filling in the input fields is voluntary. site - a site hosted on the Internet and consisting of one page. 2. General provisions 2.1. This Agreement has been drawn up on the basis of the requirements of Federal Law No. 152-FZ of July 27, 2006 “On Personal Data” and the provisions of Article 13.11 on “Violation of the Russian Federation Legislation in the Field of Personal Data” of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and applies to all personal data that the Operator can receive about the User while using the Site. 2.2. Filling in the input fields by the User on the Site means the User's unconditional consent to all the terms of this Agreement (Acceptance of the Agreement). In case of disagreement with these conditions, the User does not fill in the input fields on the Site. 2.3. The User's consent to the provision of personal data to the Operator and their processing by the Operator is valid until the termination of the Operator's activities or until the withdrawal of consent by the User. By accepting this Agreement, and going through the Registration procedure, as well as making subsequent access to the Site, the User confirms that he, acting of his own free will and in his own interest, transfers his personal data for processing to the Operator and agrees to their processing. The User is notified that the processing of his personal data will be carried out by the Operator on the basis of Federal Law No. 152-FZ of July 27, 2006 “On Personal Data”. 3. List of personal data and other information about the user to be transferred to the Operator 3. 1. When using the Operator's Website, the User provides the following personal data: 3.1.1. Reliable personal information that the User provides about himself when Filling in the input fields and / or in the process of using the services of the Site, including last name, first name, patronymic, phone number (home or mobile), personal e-mail address. 3.1.2. Data that is automatically transmitted to the services of the Site during their use using the software installed on the User's device, including IP address, information from Cookies, information about the User's browser (or other program that accesses the services). 3.2. The Operator does not verify the accuracy of personal data provided by the User. At the same time, the Operator proceeds from the fact that the User provides reliable and sufficient personal information on the issues proposed in the Input Fields. 4. Purposes, rules for the collection and use of personal data 4.1. The Operator processes personal data that is necessary for the provision of services and the provision of services to the User. 4.2. The User's personal data is used by the Operator for the following purposes: 4.2.1. User identification; 4.2.2. Providing the User with personalized services and services (as well as informing about new promotions and services of the company by sending letters); 4.2.3. Maintaining contact with the User, if necessary, including sending notifications, requests and information related to the use of services, provision of services, as well as processing requests and applications from the User; 4.3. During the processing of personal data, the following actions will be performed: collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, blocking, deletion, destruction. 4.4. The user does not object that the information specified by him in certain cases may be provided to the authorized state bodies of the Russian Federation in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. 4.5. The User's personal data is stored and processed by the Operator in the manner prescribed by this Agreement for the entire period of the Operator's activities. 4.6. The processing of personal data is carried out by the Operator by maintaining databases, automated, mechanical, manual methods. 4.7. The Site uses cookies and other technologies to track the use of the Site's services. This data is necessary to optimize the technical operation of the Site and improve the quality of service provision. The Site automatically records information (including URL, IP address, browser type, language, date and time of request) about each visitor to the Site. The user has the right to refuse to provide personal data when visiting the Site or disable cookies, but in this case, not all functions of the Site may work correctly. 4.8. The confidentiality conditions provided for in this Agreement apply to all information that the Operator can receive about the User during the latter's stay on the Site and use of the Site. 4.9. The information publicly disclosed during the execution of this Agreement, as well as information that can be obtained by the parties or third parties from sources to which any person has free access, is not confidential. 4.10. The Operator takes all necessary measures to protect the confidentiality of the User's personal data from unauthorized access, modification, disclosure or destruction, including: ensures constant internal verification of data collection, storage and processing processes and security; ensures the physical security of the data, preventing unauthorized access to the technical systems that ensure the operation of the Site, in which the Operator stores personal data; provides access to personal data only to those employees of the Operator or authorized persons who need this information to perform duties directly related to the provision of services to the User, as well as the operation, development and improvement of the Site. 4.11. With respect to the User's personal data, their confidentiality is maintained, except in cases where the User voluntarily provides information about himself for general access to an unlimited circle of persons. 4.12. The transfer of the User's personal data by the Operator is lawful upon reorganization of the Operator and transfer of rights to the Operator's successor, while the assignee transfers all obligations to comply with the terms of this Agreement in relation to the personal information received by him. 4.13. This Regulation applies only to the Operator's Website. The Company does not control and is not responsible for the websites (services) of third parties to which the user can follow the links available on the Operator's Website, including in search results. On such Sites (services), other personal information may be collected or requested from the user, and other actions may be performed 5. Rights of the user as a subject of personal data, change and deletion of personal data by the user 5.1. The user has the right: 5.1.2. Require the Operator to clarify his personal data, block or destroy them if the personal data is incomplete, outdated, inaccurate, illegally obtained or not necessary for the stated purpose of processing, as well as take legal measures to protect their rights. 5.1.3. Receive information relating to the processing of his personal data, including information containing: confirmation of the fact of processing personal data by the Operator; the purposes and methods used by the operator for processing personal data; name and location of the Operator; processed personal data relating to the relevant subject of personal data, the source of their receipt, unless a different procedure for the submission of such data is provided by federal law; terms of processing personal data, including the terms of their storage; other information provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. 5.2. Withdrawal of consent to the processing of personal data can be carried out by the User by sending the Operator a corresponding written (printed on a tangible medium and signed by the User) notification. 6. Obligations of the Operator. Access to personal data 6.1. The Operator undertakes to ensure the prevention of unauthorized and non-targeted access to the personal data of the Users of the Operator's Website. At the same time, authorized and targeted access to the personal data of the Users of the Site will be considered access to them by all interested parties, implemented within the framework of the goals of the activity and subject matter of the Operator's Site. At the same time, the Operator is not responsible for the possible non-targeted use of Users' personal data that occurred as a result of: software and in technical means and networks that are beyond the control of the Operator; in connection with the intentional or unintentional use of the Operator's Sites not for their intended purpose by third parties; 6.2 The operator takes the necessary and sufficient organizational and technical measures to protect the user's personal information from unauthorized or accidental access, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, distribution, as well as from other illegal actions of third parties with it. 7. Change of the Privacy Policy Statement. Applicable law 7.1. The Operator has the right to make changes to this Regulation without any special notice to the Users. When making changes in the current version, the date of the last update is indicated. The new version of the Regulations comes into force from the moment of its placement, unless otherwise provided by the new version of the Regulations. 7.2. This Regulation and the relationship between the User and the Operator arising in connection with the application of the Regulation shall be governed by the law of the Russian Federation. I accept I do not accept

It took radio 38 years to reach 50 million people, TV 13. Facebook gained 200 million users in less than a year.

More than 82% of Internet users have social media accounts and use them for (at least) two hours a day. Russia ranks first in Europe in terms of the popularity of social networks.

There is a growing number of users who come to social networks not for communication, but for information, as well as businessmen who understand that social media is an effective marketing channel. If you want to promote a project through social networks, then get acquainted with four effective ways to promote it.

Content is the main promotion factor

Any SMM specialist will confirm that promotion tools are useless without quality content. If the page of your brand is boring, you should not count on the growth of the audience and its loyalty.

Three ingredients of good content:

  1. Uniqueness. The information you post should be relevant and engaging. Do not copy materials from other resources. The exception is cross-posting between the company's blog and its page on the social network.
  2. Regularity. Articles should be published systematically. Two, three, four or seven times a week - depends on the specifics of the business and its target audience. So, two or three updates will be enough for people from the business environment, and this is clearly not enough for the beauty community. It is necessary to adhere to the chosen content strategy, regardless of the number of subscribers.
  3. Virality. Publications should be lively, causing an emotional response in the form of a burning desire to tell friends about them. Avoid overt promotional posts.

Facebook in Russia- "social sphere is not for everyone." It is used by marketers, programmers and other IT-savvy people. They are not afraid of a “complicated interface”, but in their area of ​​interest are gadgets, the Internet, travel, education, books and business in all its manifestations. They willingly like and share materials on these topics, as well as motivating articles that set you up for positive. Most of the active Facebook audience uses the mobile application - it is recommended to illustrate posts with pictures 800 × 600 in size.

"In contact with"- the largest social network of Runet (more than 230 million registered users). Her audience is younger; the focus of users' interests is mainly entertainment (communication, games, music, films, etc.). VK users do not like text content (it is desirable that the length of the post does not exceed 500 characters), but they love photos and videos.

Among photo hosting sites in Russia, the most popular Instagram. At the same time, while maintaining a brand page on Instagram, it is recommended to adhere to a single style in design (use not only standard filters, but also third-party photo editors), as well as place objects in the photo on 2/3 of the screen (this makes the picture visually more attractive).


The possibility of placing targeted advertising is available in almost all social networks: VKontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki and others. At the same time, it is believed that targeted advertising in social networks is more suitable for the B2C sector. However, there are companies in B2B that effectively solve business problems through targeted advertising.

Some types of targeting:

  • Geographical (geotargeting) - displaying advertising to residents of a certain region / city / district, etc. For example, you want to promote a beauty salon located in Khimki, Moscow Region. Your targeted ad will be displayed to the residents of this city.
  • Socio-demographic - showing ads based on gender, age, marital status and other social criteria. Thus, advertising of children's goods and household goods is recommended to be placed on the pages married women over 25, and advertising for an art store on the pages of designers, architects, decorators.
  • Contextual - displaying ads in accordance with the interests of the user. Membership in groups such as "Fashion", Fashion, "Shopping", etc. clearly demonstrates the interests of the user. He will be interested in relevant advertising.
  • Behavioral - displaying ads depending on specific user actions (travel routes, favorite places, frequent search queries, etc.). Let's say a person is fond of Latin American dances, goes to a salsa club, looks for relevant videos - it is likely that he will be attracted by an advertisement for a last-minute tour to Cuba.

Despite its apparent simplicity, targeting is a tool that requires serious preparatory work. First, you need to analyze the target audience of the brand. Second, create an ad.

Community advertising

Advertising in communities (in the professional language of SMMs - sowing) is the purchase of posting or reposting in popular communities. In the first case (buying a post), the advertiser's goal is to increase traffic on the company's website; in the second (buying a repost) - attracting users to a company group on a social network. At the same time, the more subscribers the community in which you buy a post has, the more expensive the advertising campaign will cost.

You can negotiate directly with community owners or use the services of a special exchange. In 2013, the VKontakte social network (an office for an advertiser) opened one. Advertising is placed by the community administration in its feed and, according to the conditions, must remain there for a day.

Professional promotion in social media

It refers to services that provide paid services for promotion in social networks. As a rule, they independently create high-quality content, launch a targeting mechanism and negotiate advertising in communities. These conditionally include Plibber. Why conditionally? Because the possibilities of this service are much wider.

  • register;
  • decide on the format of work on the site (you can advertise your brand yourself or contact the Plibber team to organize an outrageous advertising campaign);
  • prepare an advertising post;
  • select the most suitable sites from the target audience and start sowing.

After preliminary moderation, your task will be available, and you can start attracting fans of your brand.

How to get organic loyal traffic? With this question, which is of interest to all advertisers, we turned to the founder of the Plibber project, Oleg Ratunin.

Oleg Ratunin

General director and ideological inspirer of Knows everything about social media and even more.

To attract potential fans to your brand, you should:

  • use quizzes (quizzes), infographics, illustrations, viral videos, promotional games, etc.;
  • place a link within the visible zone of the announcement of the post (first-second lines);
  • embed a call to action in the content;
  • add a provocative poll;
  • work with the associative content format and its adaptation to the brand;
  • launch creative, vibrant and unique contests.

If you've managed to find the content your audience is craving, you can count on over 600 clicks per post.

Also, do not forget to analyze the communication of large brands with their subscribers, now a good result is being detected in the community