AND The Internet has given young people endless opportunities to connect. However, he did not simplify the process itself, since meeting a girl on the Internet is no easier than in real life. On the one hand, you can always "embellish" yourself. But on the other hand, there is no eye contact in virtual communication, so even the most handsome, sweet and well-mannered guy may not be interested in a girl. That is why young people often want to know how to meet a girl on social networks. networks or on other Internet resources, in order to certainly interest her.

All the secrets of finding a girlfriend

This is the mission that many people lie, but it does not always succeed. And the motives may be different: you may not be in the know, or you may not know how to do it right. But you don't have to worry: the sea is full of fish, so you just have to put yourself in good shape, take part and, especially, don't miss best advice to find a girlfriend or woman for you. But how do you do it?

First you have to work on yourself: women do not like the so-called "hooks", just as they do not like insecure men. So the first piece of advice is to learn to be yourself: this may seem like stupid advice, but it's not at all. First you learn to be comfortable and enjoy who you are before a woman sees you. Then, and only then, can you "fight her with equal weapons."

Where to begin

Starting a correspondence on the Internet is always difficult, since you need to start a conversation with something unbanal. A wink in the form of emoticons or a dry greeting will no longer interest anyone. And it will not be possible to smile pleasantly or establish eye contact over the Internet, since the interlocutors simply do not see each other at first. Then where and how to start a conversation with a girl on the Internet, if you really liked her and you definitely want to make an acquaintance?

Never get paranoid, be yourself, calm and always try to be open to the world and to your surroundings: never forget any possibility, don't rely solely on the physical aspect, but also look for an intellectual belonging.

How to find a girl on the Internet?

These are just a few preliminary tips to help you get started with some confidence in your pocket. And once you're ready, here's how to find a girl leaving the house or using new technology. Let's start with the fashion of the moment: many guys today are using digital to find a girlfriend or an adventure meant to be the classic bust and go. And you have the same chances as everyone else, since the network is full of dating sites that you can use for this purpose.

All girls love words of admiration addressed to them. Only the first compliment should not be banal. The worn-out phrase “You are such a beauty” is unlikely to interest the fairer sex. Praise her chest or figure will also repel. Better come up with a more elegant compliment. For example, highlight one thing - eyes, smile, grace. You can completely intrigue the young lady by saying that there is something unusual and mysterious in her. Women are very curious, so such phrases for dating will surely attract their attention.

While doing this, you must be patient: it's pointless to go on an adventure before you've entered all the information you care about. In your profile, you can upload one or more photos, enter your hobbies and passions and much more useful information for those who are looking for a guy like you.

Understanding how to find a girl online is an expectation and an investment: the best opportunities come when you discover all the features of these sites by paying for a subscription. But there are also portals that give you a few days of testing that you can "try out" to see what the benefits of a subscription are.

Sending compliments to several young ladies and abandoning correspondence while waiting for answers is a common mistake of guys who want to start dating a girl online. When you first meet, you need to chat online. Since it is better to conduct a dialogue right away, it is worth writing to those girls whose status is active. Or wait until the chosen one enters the network. Then you can write a compliment. If a girl is interested, then most likely she will answer right away.

But you have to understand that they all feel a bit, so you have to be different from the masses. Irony is your best weapon, but you have to calibrate it because you still don't know who you are and you don't know how much your jokes are. Don't forget to give her time: if she doesn't respond, don't message her, but try another friend.

You need another very helpful advice? Check out the events in your area, see the people attending and see if you find a woman of your interest: you could contact her as an argument for the event and maybe offer to see her there!

From what to write to a girl after meeting, questions about hobbies, interests, work, school, institute are suitable. Original questions and harmless jokes will also enliven the conversation. All further relationships depend on the success of the first dialogue. If the conversation turned out to be fun and interesting, then there is no need to delay the meeting in real life. Of course, on the first virtual date, you should not ask for the girl's phone number. It’s better to chat with a girl on social networks for 1-2 weeks, otherwise it will seem to her that your goal is a quick acquaintance. Then you can invite her to meet. The first real date is no less responsible than a virtual meeting. Now she needs to please not only with beautiful phrases. Favorite women's things will also help here: flowers, gifts, tokens of attention and compliments.

How to find a girl with old systems?

Know that the internet can be a fantastic resource for finding a girlfriend, but life is real life is life out there. If you don't know how to get out of your computer and back into your social life, your chances of finding a woman will be reduced to light fixtures.

How to find a girl leaving the house? Even so, it's always good that you start with some valuable information: look at your eyes first, avoid overkill in one direction or the other, and be elegantly casual. Obviously, your personal hygiene, haircut, nail and beard care.

How to have a conversation

When meeting girls on the Internet, the first days of communication are important. Then it is no longer so important what to talk about with the girl, since the style of communication will be developed. To show your interlocutor your interest, you should look at her profile. So you can immediately communicate on topics of interest to her, and not build a dialogue on boring questions. In addition, additional information about the girl when meeting will help shy guys start a dialogue, as there will be ready-made topics in service.

Once you've finished carving, you'll be ready to go hunting, but remember that lone wolves take up a little game: join a group of friends, or start hitting bars or clubs, creating a round of friendships. The network, in fact, works not only in work, but also in love.

Once you start staying with friends, you will find that you probably know some girlfriends - you will do it by chance, perhaps in a conference room, or you will be worthy of your group. Visiting people, friends and cousins, we can assure you.

Not everyone is able to meet girls in an original way. But the good thing about the Internet is that you can be anyone in front of a computer or phone screen. Of course, you should not impersonate another person, especially if virtual acquaintance involves the continuation of relationships in reality, but it’s worth keeping the intrigue. You don't have to post all of your information right away. Even specific questions about height, place of study or work, brand of car, etc. can be answered evasively in order to further stir up the interlocutor's interest in her person. However, moderation is important in everything. It is also not necessary to constantly fiddle and answer a question with a question, otherwise the girl will quickly doubt the serious intentions of the interlocutor. It is best to provide information about yourself in portions in order to draw out the joy of communication and warm up female curiosity well before the first date in reality.

Learn to take risks and get out of your comfort zone

Saving in your shell doesn't help: women don't come from the sky, but they come from adventurous kids who love to risk blood. And here's another valuable tip for finding a girl out of the house: break your daily schedules, re-learn your guts, and take what you like!

If a guy is always attracted to you, try it: know your cards, try to trick her, be fearless, and maybe you will find that you have been interested in her for a long time. The secret is to get out of your comfort zone: you decide when you can, because that's the only way you'll discover what potential girlfriends are looking for and not expecting.

In order to continue the correspondence and not lose interest in each other, it is important to gradually enter the life of the interlocutor. If the first online meetings were limited to discussions of your favorite sport, an interesting movie, the latest clip of a popular singer, then over time it is important to ask the girl about her mood, plans for the weekend, business at work, etc. Write about yourself too. So the relationship will quickly move to a fundamentally different level, even if there has not yet been a face-to-face meeting.

Never limit yourself to one girl at a time

Another very important star? Apply the law of great numbers to your side. Don't just try with one woman, but expand your reach by getting close to funny girls: you don't have to limit yourself to housework and bunch shooting. If a guy is interested in you, always try to deepen your knowledge, even if you already have 2 or 2, before you go, let's take a little more "multi-tasking": while you are not trying, when you are in the company of other girls with whom you tried get close, because you would make the figure desperate.

Common Mistakes

Unfortunately, even knowing that you can write to a girl, it is easy to get into a mess because of the typical mistakes of virtual communication. They should be taken into account, since getting to know a girl on the Internet correctly is also a kind of art of communication, which is not so easy to master. When meeting a girl on the Internet, you cannot:

In addition, in order not to miss the best opportunities, you will also have an excuse to train: by training on your own, you will become more and more confident in yourself, and why not even be tempted. Scrap won't hurt you any more than before and will decrease dramatically as you start to improve your technique!

How to find a girlfriend by improving your technique?

If you've been following the conversation, you'll probably realize that finding a girl also means perfecting your techniques. This means that everything is part of communication: suitable for a quick conversation and always ready to win and respond, you will be able to hold the conversation firmly.

  1. Write with mistakes. After a couple of messages, the lady becomes indifferent to what the interlocutor writes about if he does it with a bunch of grammatical errors. If there are problems with the Russian language, then there are a large number of servers on the network that correct spelling.
  2. Use baby abbreviations. It is better to address older ladies with “you” and use polite phrases for getting to know each other. Girls will quite understand in correspondence such phrases as “throw a photo on the mail”, “let’s write to the Internet”, etc. that the level of development of the interlocutor corresponds to an elementary school student.
  3. Immediately disclose the purpose of communication. Statements in the style of "I will meet a girl for a serious relationship" are good for a dating site. On other resources, people often communicate without any specific goals. On the Internet, you can find both a pleasant interlocutor and a future lover. Even if you really liked the girl, you should not immediately tell her about your intention to meet, get married, etc.
  4. Be overly emotional and obsessive. If you met a girl on the Internet, you do not need to bother her, fearing that she will interrupt the correspondence. Most likely, she will do so if the guy bombards her with messages and enthusiastic remarks. This style of communication looks fake. One original compliment, a short but meaningful dialogue, an offer to continue communication the next day - this is enough for a first date.
  5. Insist on a meeting. Before you get acquainted on the network, you should decide on your desires. If you want a serious relationship, you do not need to insist on a personal meeting already on the first date. Girls are afraid of such assertiveness. If you want a relationship without obligations, then you can meet a girl who pursues the same goals. Decent young ladies will simply ignore a persistent gentleman.

However, you do not need to be too "correct" to meet a girl on the Internet. The main thing is not to make typical mistakes and be prepared for the fact that not every representative of the weaker sex will instantly respond to a beautiful compliment.

In addition, you will learn to restart dead times, which are also the number one danger in the first stage of knowledge. Starting with these grounds, also know that men who are too serious are generally not liked: you must be ironic, but also know how to get along, always without ridicule.

What are the best conversation topics?

Be careful, because the risk of becoming a clown to make a woman laugh is always very high: always respect yourself, even when using self-irony as a weapon. But what topics of conversation do you touch on? All right: the important thing is that they are not heavy, unfavorable or too demanding.

How to recognize a scammer

Through the Internet, you can not only get acquainted with interesting person, meet good friend or find your life partner, but also fall into the network of a swindler. Quite a lot of ladies roam the expanses of the World Wide Web and get acquainted with men for selfish purposes. Their only desire is to get money from a man. Some are limited to a quick acquaintance and any earnings, others communicate with a man for a long time, trying to get as much as possible from him. more money and gifts. How to meet a girl on the Internet and not become a victim of deception, and just not waste time?

How to find a girl talking to her? Instead, try pulling a topic out of the top hat that might even tease her: Women find out when they find the original boys, and they're very responsive to their knowledge. If you are interested in originality, then it is very likely that you will do it all together: you just need to keep the flow without losing it in a glass of water! Avoid too long conversations: by extending this time, the topic may end and risk not knowing what to say. The moment of the first approach should be interesting, but fast: when you see that you are interested in it, learn how to pull it a little.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the style of correspondence. Fraudsters use common clichéd phrases, as they have to correspond with several chosen ones at once. Often their questions to a man are formulaic. They ask a lot, but do not develop the topic. They practically do not say anything specific about themselves, using general information and ignoring many of the man's questions. But the swindlers are ready to declare their love on the second day, as they quickly want to attract the attention of the chosen one.

How is physical and visual contact calculated?

Tell her that you have an obligation or that your friends are waiting for you, but try to see them again, maybe for coffee and beer. Don't forget to ask for your phone number! Communication is not just words, but also views and feelings. This doesn't mean that you have to look at her neckline, or that you have to hit on her or be too sticky. You must learn that the line created between your eyes is sometimes worth a thousand words: never look away because you will lose a precious battle and always look for soft and affectionate physical contact.

Acquaintance with a girl on the Internet should alert if the interlocutor immediately starts talking about her financial problems. As a rule, the scammer comes up with a legend that she lives very far away, she has no money to come to her lover, her mother is sick, her salary is not paid at work, etc.

To avoid trouble when meeting a girl on social networks or on a dating site, it is better to check her profile. Scammers usually expose a small amount of photos and personal information. Often they use photographs of well-known people in certain circles, counting on the inattention of the interlocutor.

Finding a girl means being in a good mood

How to find a girl using your body? He touches the hand, creates foot-to-foot contact and, according to his reaction, begins to raise the shot: perhaps pointing to the hands, face or side. If you are a Mouzon, girls will avoid you like the plague: especially when she comes out, a woman just wants to enjoy herself.

This means that you should always avoid sad or heavy conversational topics, but you should cut it as well. If you like it, you will have fun too! In other words, learn to enjoy your evenings without the fixed goal of winning a woman.

Acquaintance with a girl is a rather complicated procedure, and without knowing some of the intricacies of its implementation, you can easily get a refusal. For this reason, for many representatives of the strong half of humanity, it remains a mystery how to get to know a girl correctly, especially if they have a negative experience in this area.

Even if you get down to figuring out how to find a girl, make sure the walk always comes first: happy, masculine, barren, devoid of boredom or distrust, for women it's a bit like honey for bees. Pure pleasure, however, has never been discounted. To have fun, you have to feel comfortable: if you don't like dancing, for example, it's useless to try to ride in a disco. You will feel out of the world and others will notice it. And you don't even have to force yourself to do it: masks may work for the first few minutes but then fall off.

The process of dating a girl can sometimes be very difficult. It depends on many factors that can influence it both positively and negatively.

What can affect the success when meeting a girl?

The first thing that can affect an acquaintance with a girl is the personal qualities of both yours and hers. The dissimilarity of such qualities can generally nullify the process of first acquaintance;

Women well study you deeply, more than you know, if you are sincere, sincere and carefree, you will make it clear that you are so, without fiction or secrets. To reach this level of awareness, you have to accept the same things that you are and accept that you will never like all of this. Once that's done, find an evening to suit your tastes and the best of you!

How to find a serious girlfriend?

Finding a serious girl is obviously more difficult: if you are looking for a potential girlfriend, we must add others to the previous tips. Once again, patience will be your best ally. When you've been able to break the ice and you've created a line of contact, you need to pause for a moment before inviting her to leave her alone. In a nutshell, getting closer and closer, taking advantage of other outings with the group, is part of it. If you don't, you will have to play the game and try to seize the moment by asking for a number.

The unwillingness of the girl to get acquainted with men at all;

social status. You yourself know that it is very rare for a person with a higher status in society to get acquainted with a person whose status is lower;

All kinds of complexes that interfere with normal acquaintance.

However, the realization that you just need a soulmate makes us go to any donations. The main thing is to know how to get along with a girl and spend time with her fully.

Do not be afraid. It is the fear that a girl will refuse you that can affect you. To meet a girl, the main thing is to be confident in yourself. Only in this way can you win the heart of your chosen one. Even if she refuses you, there are many others with whom it will be much easier and easier for you to get to know each other better;

The first impression upon meeting is always created by appearance. So your clothes, hairstyle, perfumes, shoes - everything should be perfectly clean and tastefully selected;

The main thing is to interest the girl from the first minutes of acquaintance. It depends on how well you know your strengths, how you can attract her. Find general theme for a conversation that would be interesting for both you and her. This way you can make contact faster. The main thing is that these should not be male-oriented topics;

Don't make communication an interrogation. You should not ask her a lot of questions, especially personal ones, but do not tell a lot about yourself either. It is better to give this kind of information in parts. If you do not want to answer any question, then it is better to say that you will talk about it next time. The main thing is not to lie and tell the truth;

You don't have to talk about your ex girls, no matter how many you have, or complain that the previous girl was a bitch and how much she hurt you;

When communicating, do not constantly look away. So your chosen one will know that you are frank and interested in her;

To get to know a girl, compliment her, but in moderation and according to her appearance. Exaggeration is also not the best way to interest her;

If your communication has been long enough and the relationship has reached a higher peak, do not stop there, but persistently and confidently achieve your goal.

How to meet a girl: original phrases

Freud once remarked that the most in a simple way the disposition of absolutely any person is considered to be a manifestation of a certain sense of humor. How to meet a girl phrases can be different. In reality, banal hackneyed phrases in an obvious attempt to get to know a girl, at best, will not be able to cause any reaction in response.

But the overly unceremonious appeal, which is as old as the world and everyone is tired of "Girl, does your mother need a son-in-law?" You can also get negative feedback. Therefore, the humor that you use when trying to win the favor of a mysterious stranger must certainly exalt the girl in the first place and somewhat belittle your (of course, significant) personality. For example, the question: “Girl, answer honestly in your purse, by chance, there will not be a gas canister in order to poison an impudent person who just wants to meet you?”, most likely, this question will cause an involuntary smile in a beautiful lady.

Why reinvent the wheel when the wheel was already invented? In reality, why, in order to get to know a beautiful girl, a young pick-up artist needs to invent something and thereby complicate his already lonely life. For you and for you everything has already been thought up (and not badly thought up) by others.

Let's go through the list and see what you can use to get to know a girl.

Do you need a faithful husband? ("No!" - "Oh, so I'm just right for you!")

Why did you stop smiling, I just started falling in love?!

Good evening, do you think we will be similar to a young dynamic couple?

Wait! It is very important! Do you need a great lover?

Are you looking at everyone in a row or only at those who you really liked?

Girl, you look at me soooo, as if your parents had left for a visit ...

What do you think, who likes whom more: you to me or me to you?

Help me¸ girl, go left!

You could not smile, otherwise it is already dark outside.

Tell me, what size shoes do you wear?.. Oh! I have the 44th. Well, we finally met!

Girl, how much time do you think it's decent to be late?

And what will you do this evening, after we met?

Shall we just talk, or will we continue to wink?

Did you notice by chance that my zealous white horse did not appear here about five minutes ago?

You smiled so gorgeously that I completely forgot where I was going.

How to meet a girl these and many other phrases can really help you only if you exude self-confidence. Just going from one girl to another with a list won't get you anywhere. Good luck!.

How to meet a girl on the street

Often, many young people cannot start a serious relationship, because there is no time or no one. Few people think about such a way as to meet a girl on the street, preferring to wait for a chance or when friends introduce a new passion.

Reasons why people are afraid to meet on the street

There are several reasons why young people are embarrassed to approach a girl on the street. They are alarmed by the openness and insecurity of what is happening. It's all about the imposed stereotypes, according to which it is much easier to meet a girl in a club or in any other enclosed space. Although, if you think about it, there is no difference. Both in the club and on the street, a potential couple is surrounded by strangers. And here and there, you have to overcome yourself and start a conversation.

Many, on the contrary, prefer to meet on the street, alone. They claim that in such a situation, in case of refusal, they do not feel embarrassed.

"Meet by clothes"

Getting acquainted on the street, you need to make every effort to make a pleasant impression once, as there will be no second chance. To meet a girl on the street and count on success, it is absolutely not necessary to be a mixture of Schwarzenegger and Brad Pitt. But neatness in clothes and hygiene will not be superfluous. If a potential gentleman has uncleaned shoes, dirt under his nails and poorly washed hair, he can hardly count on a long acquaintance. According to statistics, it takes a few seconds for a girl to understand how far she will let go in a relationship.

How to meet?

At all times, the best way for acquaintance and the emergence of a dialogue, there was a question. Most often they are interested in what time it is and how to get to some place. After the girl answered something, you need to defuse the situation a little and joke.

Choosing a conversation in the main way, how to meet a girl on the street, in no case should you use flattery, as well as hackneyed questions, such as: “What is such a beauty doing alone?”. The fair sex does not like this reception very much, considering it vulgar, addressed, as a rule, to lung women behavior.

To get to know a girl, from the very beginning of the conversation, you need to carefully monitor the reaction of the chosen one, since it is she who will make it clear what you can count on from this meeting.

If a girl shows counter interest, asks some questions, jokes, then she liked the new acquaintance. The original conclusion of such a successful acquaintance will be a promise to wait for the young lady in the same place, at the same time, for example, on the next weekend.

What can you expect if you meet a girl

When making an attempt to meet a lady, one cannot be cheeky, which is typical for men trying to establish numerous connections with women. Does not inspire confidence and insecurity shown by a young man, and caused by the fear of being rejected. As in all other life situations, in this one, the golden mean is just as important, and male image should decorate such features as correctness in relation to a woman, and self-confidence.

When meeting a girl, a man can expect:

For a short romance, and then he must find his chosen one among the visitors of discos and bars.

For a long-term relationship, in this case, a cinema, a cafe can become a place of acquaintance. In exceptional cases, the arena for such a significant event can be a street.

If you don't know how to meet a girl, you shouldn't address her with the words "let's get acquainted", it's better to talk to her about some topic, or just say "hello". And while she will be tormented by the question: “Do we know each other?”, You can start a conversation. But in order to arouse and keep the interest of the girl you like, you should remember:

That sociable people are always attractive, as well as those with a sense of humor. Therefore, it would be quite appropriate to please your new friend with a few anecdotes.

That an important role in getting to know a girl is played by the appearance of a young man, since, even today, a saying is relevant that emphasizes the importance of clothing in the image of a person.

That on the first evening, you should not talk a lot about yourself, it is better to give the floor to your new acquaintance, but at the same time it is necessary to answer all her questions in some detail.

That sincere and open people.

Now, knowing the answer to the question so exciting for many, “how to get to know a girl properly”, you can safely make new acquaintances, and some of them will definitely become very long, and maybe even a lifetime.

How to continue dating a girl

Everyone has long known one simple truth: girls love with their ears. Therefore, you must clearly decide for yourself what you will talk about with the girl and how to make your conversation effective.

But besides the fact that you need to be able to speak, it is important to be able to touch. Well-thought-out, correct touching causes sexual interest. There is such a well-established mistake when a guy and a girl communicate on a date without touching each other - there is a high probability that the guy will become friends and he will not become anyone else if he does not take the initiative soon. It is touch that will destroy your intimate barrier and take you one step closer to winning her heart.

But we'll get back to talking. What to say to a girl initial stage your acquaintance. How to continue dating a girl? In fact, you can talk about almost everything. What matters is not what you say, how. If you start talking about something very interesting, but the presentation itself is lame, then all this will not cause her any emotions.

Tell a girl interesting story. But not sad. You have to put a smile on her face, make her laugh. So your conversation will gradually move to a more relaxed stage.

How to continue dating a girl after the first meeting

Met a beauty, you can say the girl of your dreams, hesitantly met and absolutely do not know how to behave further? How to continue the acquaintance, having crossed the band of self-doubt and at the same time to fix HER attention on yourself beloved - that's what we'll talk about now.

Before you is a dazzlingly beautiful girl, and it seems that she is so chic that she does not want you to communicate with her further. Questions begin to overwhelm you: “What if she doesn’t like me? She’s so beautiful that she has enough guys without me. What if I’m not her type?”

You begin to look for flaws in yourself, instilling even more insecurity in yourself. Stop for a second and think: why is it better? Why should you be ashamed of her, because she is the same person, with her own, even if not outwardly visible, minuses.

In no case should you judge her attitude towards you by her look, which, it would seem, looks down on everyone. Remember, appearances are deceiving. You do not know what her character is, whether she is successful in life, what status she occupies in society. Fear arises just before the picture.

Most likely, she also stands and wonders what you think of her. So gather your will into a fist and boldly continue your acquaintance, without fear that you will be given a "turn from the gate."

So, you are already communicating, but at the same time you still experience uncertainty, fear? How to continue dating? Here are some tips to help you get rid of it.

When talking, be sure to relax. You must show that you are confident in yourself, in your words. Watch your facial expressions, your facial expression should not be repulsive.

Now you have to interest her purely visually - use lingering smiles and mysterious looks - while effectively proving yourself. Next, you need to show yourself on the good side and at the verbal level. Don't forget - girls love with their ears.

Therefore, you must clearly understand what you need to talk about with a girl and how to make this conversation interesting. To get to know a girl, express interesting thoughts and do not forget about compliments. Just be able to listen to her, do not interrupt.

Even if you are not very interested in the topic of conversation of your interlocutor, you should at least pretend that you are interested, and then quietly transfer it to another area. Ask her questions so you can get to know your new friend better. But don't turn your conversation into a survey. As they say, everything should be in moderation.

And most importantly: convince yourself that she likes you. Make her respect you by doing something appropriate for her.

Remember one thing: having developed a sense of self-esteem and confidence in yourself, you can forget about fear.

In case you just don't dare to invite a lady on a date, find another excuse for a meeting. Surely, she remembered any domestic problems - offer her help. You can also, on the contrary, pretend that you yourself need help from a girl - for example, a consultation on the treatment of your beloved cat, which has become somehow not like that.

If you spoke to interesting topic, ask her for contact details - a phone number or ICQ, email or nickname on Skype, in order to clarify the data you are interested in. If you made a good impression on the girl, she will not be able to refuse this request. After remote communication, it will become easier to agree on a new date.

How to start a relationship with a girl

We will give you some tips that will help you answer the difficult question: how to start a relationship with a girl?

Any person, first of all, is evaluated by their appearance, especially the one they see for the first time. You should not approach a girl in wrinkled or dirty clothes after a hard day's work - all this will only scare her away. You yourself should be radiant with positivity - smile, stay open and straight.

Remember that all relationships are established through conversation. If you notice on the street beautiful girl, then come up, and immediately, discarding constraints, start a conversation.

To start a relationship with a girl, it is best to think over a few sentences, phrases, or maybe even questions in advance so as not to hesitate and not let the girl think that you are a “brake”. If the object of sympathy answered, and the conversation began, try to find a topic that is pleasant for anyone to talk about.

A girl who is not too talkative can be relaxed with casual jokes or funny stories. The main thing is not to turn communication into an interrogation, let the girl insert her own words.

Compliments are also good, but in moderation so that she does not think that you are flattering her. If a girl talks a lot - this is a great sign, the main thing here is to nod or respond to her words in time, thereby making it clear that you are interested in her, and you are listening to her carefully.

To understand that the girl is interested in you, several signs will help:

She plays with her hair, straightens it, or tucks it behind her ear.

During a conversation, she looks at you, smiles casually and tilts her head slightly.

She often laughs and touches you or your clothes.

In any case, if a girl has already found her soul mate, then she is unlikely to get to know you. But showing interest and agreeing to further communication means excellent prospects. To start a relationship with a girl, the main thing is not to stand still and develop relationships - after exchanging numbers, do not expect the subject of sympathy to call or write first. Take the initiative and you will succeed!