Hello friends! Interest Ask and sometimes even necessary. Before answering the question of how to make a girl jealous, you need to understand why you want to do this. Most likely, in order to fall in love with yourself, so I advise you to read about "" and after reading this article.

I took for myself such a phrase that a man is not jealous, he draws conclusions. If a man respects himself, he stops communicating with a girl who gives obvious reasons for jealousy.

So, how to make a girl jealous, and what is jealousy? This is primarily competition and loss of positions. And if you lose position, then you will need to think, . Well, let's start:

Slow responses.

If you do not answer the girl's messages for a long time, the girl thinks that you are busy with something, that she is not at the top of your to-do list. Or perhaps you are texting or with another girl. This also includes ignore (short-term or generally for a couple of days). Play with her without getting in touch for a while)) It works.

But after that, you need to always justify your actions. For example, that there were strong problems, important things, depression, the phone sat down, and you could not write. You need to justify, because you are an “adequate and interesting” guy who at the same time likes this girl. Thus, you cause "smart jealousy."

For example, when other girls call you, you can say that you can’t talk right now, you are uncomfortable, and you will call back. If other girls comment on your photo, or leave something on the VK wall, then you can not delete the post. This will hook your girlfriend too. Here you can even contrive, create another account and write to yourself on behalf of the girl)) Well, or ask a friend / girlfriend to write something for you on the wall for these purposes))

Nice communication with other girls.
When you just talk nicely with others, it also turns her on a bit.

Mentioning the pluses of other girls.
This must be done casually and carefully so that she does not understand that you are doing this on purpose.

The condition for calling jealousy is the accessibility parameter. That is, you should not be available. Your availability manifests itself when you do everything according to her desire, do not lead in a relationship (here I advise you to study the article ""). If you are available, then calling jealousy will not work. That's all. Develop, learn and remember: a man is not jealous, a man draws conclusions!

Jealousy- a strong, and far from the most pleasant feeling, forcing partners to do stupid, rash acts that do not always strengthen relationships. Jealousy can cause various fights between men, sometimes with a fatal outcome of one of them.

Girls quite effectively and skillfully make guys jealous, as a result of which, the man becomes more pliable, afraid of losing his partner, and at that time she enjoys it. Of course, it will be unpleasant for anyone to receive expensive gifts, flowers, while all whims and desires will still be fulfilled.

How to make a girl jealous?

In general, you need to take the place of that girl who once made you jealous. She needs to be afraid of losing you.

And so, how not to succumb to the “zealous” manipulations of a woman and how to start yourself.

Is there an effective way to make a girl jealous, so as not to lose her in the end, but rather to tie her to yourself even more and thereby strengthen the relationship.

Is jealousy appropriate?

But, before running away and looking for new companions, you need to clearly know in what cases jealousy on her part would be appropriate, and when it is better to refuse such experiments:

  • You noticed that she was no longer interested in her;
  • You notice that you are more of a friend than a sexual partner in her life;
  • When a girl herself gives you reasons for jealousy;
  • You have enough and you want to strengthen them even more.

If you found yourself among this list (and especially in the first two paragraphs), then you must begin to act decisively, otherwise, instead of love from her, you will get a banal: “ Let's stay friends».

But how to make a woman jealous? There are several ways that you can quickly achieve success.

Get out of her life

This means that you completely need to leave her alone with her thoughts. When she calls you, don't answer the phone. The same rule applies to SMS messages and messages in social networks.

If possible, try to avoid those places in which she often happens so that you do not accidentally meet, otherwise it may turn out to be a scandal just on the street.

How long does it take to "disappear"? The answer to this question depends on how long you've been together. It is clear that if you met only two or three times, then such a break could be several weeks. If your relationship is longer, then the break may be shorter.

Do not go too far, otherwise she will call all your acquaintances and friends in order to find out if you are alive at all or if she will find a replacement for you at all.

For that period, while you do not communicate with her,. Change your hair, buy new clothes. Also, you can find yourself a new occupation, hobby, new hobbies, or just go in for sports. Find new girls in your life.

In general, do everything so that at the next meeting she “does not recognize” you and that she sees that everything is fine and interesting in your life, some good changes are taking place, even if she is not in it.

After you decide to talk to her, be a little incomprehensible, restrained, but at the same time benevolent enough.

During a conversation, you can not finish something, as if hiding it from her. It is with such simple and cunning tricks that you can confuse a girl, because she is used to the fact that you are always there and constantly running after her. And here everything happens quite differently.

This is a cunning and interesting maneuver to evoke a storm of emotions in a girl and thereby make her think about you.

When you decide to meet her, invite her to some party where you will not be just the two of you. It can be a club, a bar, or even someone's apartment.

Arrive there in advance and start chatting with someone, for example, with an old old friend or with someone else from the fair sex. The main thing is that when your girlfriend enters the hall, you are busy communicating with other beauties.

Do not sleep to run to her, continue to communicate and only after a while notice her, but again, do not rush. Let her feel a little uncomfortable and awkward, just like she once did with you.

After some time, communicate with her, flirt, flirt, but at the same time you can also act with other girls, the main thing is that she sees it.

Flirt, but don't show that you need her. Spend some time creating some sexual tension between you. Here you can use the techniques of playful communication, as well as gentle touches. Remember that increasing sexual attraction is a pretty serious move.

Remember, you should not act like a friend, but like a sexual partner. She should want you, not you her.

Of course, this technique is quite cunning and effective, but, as a rule, not everyone can do it. If you are confident in yourself, then feel free to use it. But if you doubt somewhere that you can cope with the task, then it is better to use other methods.

The best ways to make jealous

Social networks can help provoke jealousy

Each of us actively uses the Internet, the same applies to social networks. You can use them, both for the purpose of simple communication with friends, and for personal purposes, in particular, to arouse a feeling of jealousy in a girl.

And so, what should be done? Just add a few beautiful girls to her friends (believe me, she will notice). It will be even better if she knows your password and can read the correspondence between you and other beauties.

If you do not want to give her an access password, just leave the page open and go somewhere, curiosity will get the better of her. If you are not sure that you can skillfully flirt with other girls, ask your friends to register under the photo of erotic beauties and you are guaranteed success.

Telephone conversations

Ordinary phone, too, can become a provocateur of jealousy. All you need to do in this case is to start negotiating with someone about meeting or getting to know each other.

This conversation must be heard by your girlfriend. For all her questions, try to somehow evade, leave something out, etc. You can say that it was a friend, it doesn't matter, that one is so familiar or familiar.

If the first time she does not pay attention to who and what you are talking about, the second time she will definitely notice this, especially if the phone conversation is long enough and it will tire her.

Flirt with others

Start flirting with other girls just on the street, in transport. There is nothing complicated here, just wink at the beauties more often, smile at them, and if they do this in response, your girlfriend will understand that even if she leaves you, you will quickly find a replacement.

If she doesn’t pay attention to your such steps, start complimenting the girls, let her understand that you are not the only one and you can have many more such beauties.

In any case, if a girl has feelings for you, she will definitely react to such your “intrigues”. If there are no feelings, then they will flare up (especially if you ran after her).

Talk to her about other girls

If you don’t know how to make a girl jealous without having to involve other girls or friends, talk to her about your closest friends with whom you communicate every day. For example, if you study at the university, tell us about your classmate.

If you have been working for a long time, tell us about a colleague at work. This is a fairly simple trick. The main thing here is to make her jealous, if you just say that she was standing at the blackboard or at the boss and could not connect two words, this will not cause her a feeling of jealousy.

In a conversation, you should let her know that you are not indifferent to that other girl and, in general, she is quite beautiful and, if you wanted to be with her, she could make an excellent match for you. But, remember, all your phrases should not be direct, but indirect, tell her everything in hints.

I think she'll get hooked and end up asking about her and being jealous of you every time she gets the chance.

Hello to you, my dear readers!
Today we will touch on a very interesting topic - "WOMEN'S JEYALY". Many men don't realize that female jealousy is the perfect male tool to check girl's feelings to you for strength in order to awaken the former passion in order to attract her attention to yourself or in the worst case (which I sincerely do NOT wish you) - this is a great way to earn a couple of abrasions and bruises But we remember that scars adorn a man and that if he hits, it means he loves

So let's find out how cause female jealousy. Today I want to mention 5 ways to make a girl jealous. But remember, it's very THE FEELING OF MEASURE IS IMPORTANT so that instead female jealousy did not work out, as in my article, and know that female jealousy- this is much “cooler” than the male one.

female jealousy This is heavy artillery.

female jealousy

5 ways to make a girl jealous

Female jealousy. Method number 1

Naturally, in the best possible way make a girl jealous, is, so to speak - Flirting with other representatives of the weaker sex! You can't argue with that.
Of course, what could be worse than this? It turns out that MAYBE this is the renewal of “friendly” relations with his “ex”!!! But remember, in this situation female jealousy can get out of control, and then for sure ... (and then everything is like in a song)

Therefore, if you feel a certain decline in your relationship, then this method will help (I hope) to EXCELLATE past feelings. If, however, this does not cause female jealousy, then your business is bad
As practice shows, the absence female jealousy indicates a lack of feelings. Although anything happens

Female jealousy. Method number 2

Strange, at first glance, condition cause female jealousy - GOOD SENSE OF HUMOUR. I'll explain now. Typically, people with good feeling humor have more friends than people deprived of it.
Do you agree? And, as a rule, such people are THE SOUL OF THE COMPANY. I don't think this is in doubt either. We, women, are probably even more selfish than you - men, we just know how to hide it well. And therefore, we, of course, are not going to share you with anyone! We don't like it when a lot of friends are circling around you (or even worse - girlfriends) female jealousy“wakes up”, precisely at such moments.

So to make a girl jealous, be cheerful, funny, funny, in short - the soul of the company.

Female jealousy. Method number 3

The next one is the appearance of a new HOBBY or HOBBY in you. Unlike male jealousy, where, as a rule, jealous girl to man female jealousy- this is not necessarily the presence of a rival in the form of another representative of the fair sex. Often, this is not necessary at all. It is enough that you have a new hobby (sports, meeting on Saturdays with friends in a pub, electives at the institute ...), which brazenly interferes with your everyday life, and no less brazenly "steal" you from your girlfriend.
And she thought that you were so homely and only her

Female jealousy. Method number 4

If you do not live together, then this way to make a girl jealous- exclusively for you. Its meaning is very simple. You need to avoid it for a while! Even if you're crazy about her and can't live a day without her, IT DOES NOT MATTER!!!
Tighten your belt and do it. I'm not talking about a complete boycott, by no means!!! You just need to keep your communication to a minimum. Do not answer the phone occasionally. Come up with some ridiculous “excuses”, more secrets and secrecy. Dodge face-to-face meetings under any pretext.
Intrigue and curiosity multiplied by women's fantasy will do their job. Let her know that she has not “wedge white light”), how much you have in common with her.
You can, for greater persuasiveness, even call her and gossip cheerfully. But, again, a sense of proportion is very important !!!

Here are some of the tips we got how to make a girl jealous.
Do you have any advice on this subject?

Having gone through a breakup with your girlfriend, you experienced terrible emotions, maybe you are experiencing them at the moment. The pain that you experienced is difficult to put into words, because you did not expect such a dirty trick from a girl. You really want now that she goes through all the same trials that you went through, to yearn, be jealous, suffer. I understand you perfectly, but if you want to return the girl, then you should forget about any revenge, firstly, this will not bring you moral satisfaction and will never help build strong relationships. If you are not ready to completely forgive the girl in your soul and accept her again into your life without reproaches and resentment, then you should not start all this fuss with her return.

It’s a completely different matter if you want the girl to just be a little jealous of you. And what, it will even be very useful for the return of the girl. So, she left you, what to do immediately after breaking up. First of all, cut ties with her, do not call and do not get caught by the former. She's going to be pissed off at this alone. She thought that you would begin to persuade her, promise her mountains of gold, agree to any of her conditions, if only she would return, but no, you live ordinary life, it is important to note that this life should be bright, varied and successful. Do not spend all your time on stupid revenge, achieve some results, change yourself and become attractive, you will have plenty of time for this.

Now about jealousy, if you immediately after breaking up get a girlfriend or start flirting sharply with girls on social networks in front of your ex, it will smell like theater, she will understand that you have not forgotten her yet, and all your actions are nothing more than farce. Wait a while, because revenge is a dish best served cold. Another important moment in this whole story, you love the ex and want her back, so don't break the heart of the other by involving in your games. Everything should be honest, you can just flirt and flirt online, where the ex will see it. For these purposes, ask one of your friends directly about this, for sure there will be a girl who will agree to play along and play the role of your new girlfriend. You can organize a small photo session, put a photo on the page, but the photo session should be innocent, maybe even with other friends of yours involved in it. It is very important not to overdo it, you should not change girls every day for these purposes, otherwise the former will simply make sure that she did the right thing by leaving you. In all this flirting, there should not be obvious betrayal, do not go too far, because you intend to make peace with your ex-girlfriend and you do not need extra reproaches from her.

By this time, the ex-girlfriend is already pretty bored, she is increasingly thinking about you, because you have not caught her eye for a long time. From mutual friends, she has already learned about how gorgeous you look, what a wonderful and successful guy you have become, try to reach at least some heights during this time, complete courses, move to a better paid job or get a promotion, and sports make you look attractive. The former yearns and misses, because you are still for her close person, even if you are not together, she is almost ready to call you, and then she finds out that you are flirting with some girl, she will not be able to let someone get you, she will start returning you. The most important rule is not to overact, she should not be sure that you are with someone, only hints that give rise to more and more questions. Do not doubt yourself, everything will be fine!

If you are determined to return your girlfriend, I recommend reading the book by Sergei Sadkovsky and Oleg Ideal, how to return ex girlfriend.Many positive reviews. You can download it from the link below: