“There is a kind of cheerful force in me. I see: everything that I had and have is good, bright in life ... - from this power. She is blessed both in me and in others - in people, birds, flowers and trees, in earth and water, ”Vitaly Bianchi wrote in his diary.

In the summer, the Bianchi family left for the village of Lebyazhye. Here Vitaly first went on a real forest journey. He was then 5-6 years old. Since then, the forest has become a magical land for him. Father constantly took little Vitaly with him into the forest, telling him about every bird and animal. Bianchi kept the tradition of spending the summer in nature, in the countryside, for life.

Vitaly studied at the gymnasium, then at the Faculty of Natural Sciences at the university, served in the army, and later worked as a teacher at a school. And Vitaly Bianchi always considered his father to be HIS main forest teacher. It was he who taught his son to record all observations. In numerous notebooks, Bianchi kept his notes on the habits of birds and animals, special local words, proverbs, hunting stories and stories of experienced people. Brother Anatoly, who often traveled with him, took photographs.

After many years, these observations were transformed into fascinating stories and fairy tales about nature.

Vitaly Bianchi wrote: “Forest houses”, “Whose nose is better?”, “Mouse Peak”, “Teremok”, “Like an ant hurried home”, “Latka” and many others. Since 1928, the work of the writer begins and continues until 1958 - as much as 30 years, on his main book "Forest Newspaper", ten editions of which were constantly supplemented and changed by the writer himself and came out during his lifetime.

Most of Bianchi's stories are about the forest, which he knew well from childhood. Bianchi's works teach to love nature and take care of it, watch animals and be ready to always help the weak.

A great creative success was brought to Bianchi by the radio program "News from the Forest", which lasted for many years and was very fond of the audience, on which he worked with his students. The last book of the writer, "Bird Identifier in the Wild" remained unfinished.

Vitaly Valentinovich Bianchi died in 1959, when he was 65 years old.

Vitaliy Valentinovich Bianki is a children's writer who, on the pages of his works, opens up the wonderful and picturesque world of nature for children. The biography of Bianchi, who is not only a biologist, but also a naturalist, is full of vivid life events.


Vitaly Bianchi was born in February 1894 in St. Petersburg. It is known that the father of the future writer, Valentin Lvovich, worked in the Zoological Museum of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. As head of the ornithology department, Valentin Lvovich set up a zoo at his home. From the very birth, Vitaly Bianchi, whose biography is interesting to readers, got used to the fact that turtles, terrariums with snakes and lizards were constantly with them in the apartment.

In the summer, the whole family, having taken the whole zoo, left for the village of Lebyazhye. One summer they even lived with a small elk, which was picked up by the huntsmen and brought to Bianchi's house. But in the city it was impossible to keep him in an apartment, so he was soon sent to the zoo.

The father of the future writer gladly introduced his children to the wonderful and mysterious world of nature. Together they went to the forest, where the children recorded their observations. In the future, such an interest in science determined the future fate of the children of this family. The elder brother of the famous writer became interested in entomology, and the middle one - in meteorology.


From childhood, watching the flights of birds, Vitaly Bianchi dreamed of becoming an ornithologist. But already in his childhood and school years, he was fond of music, singing, football, and even began to write poetry. After graduating from the gymnasium, the future writer enters the University of St. Petersburg, but Bianchi's biography changes dramatically, as the First World War. School had to be postponed for a while.

Politics in the fate of the writer

Bianchi's biography could have turned out quite differently if it were not for the war and the events that took place in Russia in those years. In his youth, the future writer became interested in politics. So, he first joined the Socialist-Revolutionaries, then fell into Kolchak's army. And this further influenced his fate.

After all revolutionary events the Soviet authorities persecuted the young and talented writer. He was even arrested several times for his counter-revolutionary activities.

But not only arrests were in the biography of the famous writer. He was expelled from St. Petersburg to Uralsk. After the revolution, Vitaly Valentinovich Bianki, whose biography is full of events, settles in Biysk. He works in local history museum, lectures students on ornithology and teaches biology to schoolchildren. But all this time he continues to write for children.

Literary activity

Vitaly Valentinovich always watched the natural world, so he wrote down all his observations. Usually any short biography of Bianchi gives a list of all the works that he wrote. There are more than three hundred of them: novels, stories, fairy tales about animals and articles.

The talented writer was able to truly pursue his literary career only after he returned to St. Petersburg from Altai in 1922. He immediately got into the literary circle of children's writers, which was organized by Samuil Marshak. He was so carried away by the adventures of animals and the description of the natural world that he did not see anything else around him. That is why any short biography of Vitaly Bianchi always indicates that a wonderful author created and published 120 books. The first work about nature was the fairy tale "The Journey of the Red-Headed Sparrow". This was followed by such books as "Mouse Peak", "Forest Houses" and others.

In 1932, a large collection of the writer's works was published. Readers really liked the book "Forest were and tales", where a talented writer talks about the natural world and about animals.

An unusual work was "Forest Newspaper" - the work of Vitaly Valentinovich Bianchi, whose biography is full of events. There have never been such works in Russian literature. Valentin Bianchi began his work on this book in 1924. But, despite the fact that the book was printed, until 1958 he constantly returned to work on it, editing and supplementing. For 34 years, ten editions of this extraordinary work have been published.

It is known that the "Forest Newspaper" consists of 12 chapters, each of which is devoted to a certain month of the year. Each such section contains encyclopedic articles, calendars, games, telegrams and announcements, feuilletons and stories from forest life. Not only children, but also adults liked this book. It has been translated into several languages ​​of the world.

In the 1950s, Vitaly Bianka hosted the informative radio program Vesti Lesa. It came out once a month and also represented a kind of calendar. The latest work Vitaly Valentinovich became his book "Identifier of birds in the wild." Unfortunately, it was never completed.

Personal life

The famous writer was married once. His wife, Vera Klyuzheva, was the daughter of a doctor and French teacher. Vitaly Valentinovich met Vera in the Altai Territory when he began working at the gymnasium. Vera Klyuzheva also worked there.

In this happy marriage there were also children: three sons and a daughter. From birth, the famous writer tried to instill in his children a love for his native nature. Every summer, Vitaly Bianchi, like his father, took the whole family to the village. And in their city apartment lived a lot of animals. Once, even among the dogs and canaries, a bat settled.

One of the sons of the famous writer, Vitaly Vitalievich, became an ornithologist and even defended his doctoral dissertation. He worked in the Kandalaksha Reserve, which is located in the Murmansk region.

Writer's death

The famous writer spent the last years of his life in the Novgorod region, where he rented half of a private house. He still liked to walk in the woods. But vascular disease deprived him of this opportunity.

It is known in last years of his life, the talented writer Vitaly Bianca suffered greatly due to illness. Doctors discovered that he had not only a vascular disease that made it impossible for him to move, but diabetes was soon diagnosed. According to the recollections of the grandson of the famous writer, Vitaly Valentinovich for 20 years suffered from the fact that he really wanted to live and wanted to write even more.

The famous and talented writer died in June 1959, when he was 65 years old, from lung cancer. It is known that he was buried at the Bogoslovsky cemetery.

Vitaly Valentinovich Bianki (January 30 (February 11) (1894-02-11 ) , St. Petersburg , Russian Empire - June 10th, Leningrad, USSR) - Soviet writer, author of many works for children.

Encyclopedic YouTube

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    Entered the natural department of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Petrograd University.

    In his youth, he played in the football teams of St. Petersburg in the games of the city championship. He played for the clubs "Petrovsky" (1911), "Neva" (1912), "Unitas" (1913-1915, 1916 spring). Winner of the Spring Cup of St. Petersburg in 1913.

    In February 1916, he married the daughter of a titular councillor, Zinaida Aleksandrovna Zakharevich.

    In 1916, Bianchi was drafted into the army. After graduating from the accelerated courses of the Vladimir Military School with the rank of ensign, he was sent to the artillery brigade.

    In February 1917, the soldiers elected him to the Soviet of Soldiers' and Workers' Deputies. Joined the Socialist-Revolutionary Party. He was a member of the commission for the protection of artistic monuments of Tsarskoye Selo. In the spring of 1918, along with his unit, he ended up on the Volga. In the summer of 1918, Bianchi began working in the Samara newspaper "People" (published from September to December 1918 by the propaganda cultural and educational department of the Socialist-Revolutionary Komuch).

    In connection with the advance of the Red Army, Bianchi was evacuated from Samara and lived for some time in Ufa, Yekaterinburg, then again in Ufa, then in Tomsk, and finally settled in Biysk.

    In 1921, the Biysk Cheka was arrested twice. In addition, he served 3 weeks in prison as a hostage. In September 1922, V. Bianchi was warned of a possible arrest, and, having issued a business trip, he went with his family to Petrograd.

    In 1923, he published his first story, The Journey of the Red-Headed Sparrow, and then published the book Whose Nose Is Better? .

    At the end of 1925, Bianchi was again arrested and sentenced for participation in a non-existent underground organization to three years of exile in Uralsk. In 1928, thanks to numerous petitions, including M. Gorky, who turned to G. G. Yagoda, he received permission to move to Novgorod, and then to Leningrad. In November 1932 another arrest followed. After three and a half weeks, he was released "for lack of evidence."

    In March 1935, Bianchi, as "the son of a personal nobleman, a former Socialist-Revolutionary, an active participant in an armed uprising against the Soviet regime," was once again arrested and sentenced to exile for five years in the Aktobe region. Thanks to the intercession of E. P. Peshkova, the link was canceled, and Bianchi was released. From 1924 to June 10, 1959 (with the exception of exile and evacuation) he lived in Leningrad at the address - Vasilievsky Island, Malyi Avenue, building 4.

    In these years before the war, V. Bianchi organized a “literary school” at his home in Leningrad. The students of the school were Nikolay Sladkov, Alexey Liverovsky, Zoya Pirogova, Kronid Garnovsky, Svyatoslav Sakharnov, Boris Zhitkov and others, who later became famous writers. V. V. Bianchi became the leader and mentor of the famous scientist-breeder and aspiring writer N. Pavlova. Vitaly Valentinovich treated this duty conscientiously. Before meeting with her, he carefully prepared, made many comments, explained the forms of development of the plot, how to start and end the work correctly, how to reflect time in the composition. With the help of Vitaly Valentinovich Bianchi, the writer wrote her first story, Record Shot (1935). New literary works Nina Mikhailovna Pavlova sent Bianchi for editing by mail, sometimes brought him manuscripts. Bianchi read and edited them. During her illness (acute articular rheumatism), the letters of V. V. Bianchi were a great support for her. In his ninth lifetime edition of the book "Forest Newspaper" V. Bianchi included 28 stories by N. Pavlova.

    Literary activity

    Bianchi's books reveal the world of nature, teach to penetrate into its secrets. The language is light and colorful, appealing directly to the child's imagination.

    "Forest newspaper for every year"(1st ed., 1928) has an original literary form: with the help of newspaper techniques - a telegram, a chronicle, an announcement, a feuilleton - a calendar of forest life is given for each month. It has twelve chapters-numbers - one number for each month. The year begins with the vernal equinox, the 1st month - from March 21 to April 20, and so on. Lesnaya Gazeta grew out of the "newspaper department" of the New Robinson magazine, where Bianchi kept a phenological calendar of nature from issue to issue. During the life of the author, Lesnaya Gazeta was repeatedly supplemented and reprinted (9th ed., 1958). The cover image of the book "Forest Newspaper" in 1949 and the mention of the author's name are in the text of the TSB 2nd edition. Currently (2000s) it is usually published in abbreviated form.

    Basically, Bianchi discovered his native nature at his dacha in Lebyazhye. Representatives of the scientific community of St. Petersburg often gathered at the dacha.

    Bianchi wrote more than three hundred stories, fairy tales, novellas and articles, published 120 books, which were printed with a total circulation of 40 million copies. In the Soviet Union, Bianchi's books were widely used in kindergartens and elementary schools.

    Bianchi played a significant role in the fate children's writer S. V. Sakharnova. Sakharnov considered Bianchi his teacher. N. I. Sladkov is also a student and follower of Bianchi.

    Here are some of his works for children:

    • Anyutka duck
    • water horse
    • Where do crayfish hibernate
    • Eyes and ears
    • green pond
    • How the ant hurried home
    • How I wanted to pour salt on the hare's tail
    • Red hill
    • Who sings what?
    • Kuzyar-chipmunk and Inoyka-bear
    • cuckoo
    • forest houses
    • Forest scouts
    • Little Mouse Peak
    • heavenly elephant
    • Orange neck
    • First hunt
    • Sundew - mosquito death
    • Fish House (co-authored with Anna Akimkina)
    • snow book
    • Teremok
    • Terenty-grouse
    • Tails
    • Whose nose is better?
    • Whose legs are these?

    02/11/1894, St. Petersburg - 06/10/1959, Leningrad

    Russian writer

    Vitaly Bianchi was born in St. Petersburg. The melodious surname he inherited from his Italian ancestors. Perhaps, from them also carried away, artistic nature. From his father - an ornithologist - the talent of a researcher and interest in everything "that breathes, blooms and grows."
    My father worked at the Zoological Museum of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The apartment of the curator of the collections was directly opposite the museum, and the children - three sons - often visited its halls. There, behind the glass showcases, animals brought from all over the globe froze. How I wanted to find a magic word that would “revive” museum animals. The real ones were at home: a small zoo was located in the keeper's apartment.
    In the summer, the Bianchi family left for the village of Lebyazhye. Here Vitya went on a real forest journey for the first time. He was then five or six years old. Since then, the forest has become for him a magical land, a paradise.
    Interest in forest life made him a passionate hunter. No wonder he was given his first gun at the age of 13. He also loved poetry. At one time he was fond of football, even entered the gymnasium team.
    Interests were different, education was the same. At first - a gymnasium, then - the faculty of natural sciences at the university, later - classes at the Institute of Art History. And Bianchi considered his father to be his main forest teacher. It was he who taught his son to record all observations. After many years, they were transformed into fascinating stories and fairy tales.
    Bianchi never attracted observation from the window of a cozy office. All his life he traveled a lot (although not always of his own free will). Hiking in Altai was especially memorable. Bianki then, in the early 20s, lived in Biysk, where he taught biology at school, worked in the local history museum.
    In the fall of 1922, Bianchi and his family returned to Petrograd. In those years, in the city, at one of the libraries, there was an interesting literary circle, where writers who worked for children gathered. Chukovsky, Zhitkov, Marshak came here. Marshak once brought Vitaly Bianchi with him. Soon, his story "The Journey of the Red-Headed Sparrow" was published in the Sparrow magazine. In the same year, 1923, the first book was published (“Whose nose is better”).
    Bianchi's most famous book was The Forest Newspaper. There was simply no other like it. All the most curious, the most unusual and the most ordinary that happened in nature every month and day, got into the pages of the Forest Newspaper. Here you could find an announcement of starlings “Looking for apartments” or a message about the first “cuckoo” sounded in the park, or a review about the performance, which was given on a quiet forest lake by birds-crested grebes. There was even a criminal chronicle: trouble in the forest is not uncommon. The book "grew" out of a small magazine department. Bianchi worked on it from 1924 until the end of his life, constantly making some changes. Since 1928, it has been reprinted several times, becoming thicker, it has been translated into different languages ​​of the world. The stories from the "Forest Newspaper" were heard on the radio, printed, along with other works by Bianchi, on the pages of magazines and newspapers.
    Bianchi not only constantly worked on new books himself (he is the author of more than three hundred works), he managed to gather around him wonderful people who loved and knew animals and birds. He called them "translators from the wordless". These were N. Sladkov, S. Sakharnov, E. Shim. Bianchi helped them work on the books. Together they hosted one of the most interesting radio programs, News from the Forest.
    For thirty-five years Bianchi wrote about the forest. This word often sounded in the titles of his books: "Forest houses", "Forest scouts". Tale, short stories, fairy tales of Bianchi uniquely combined poetry and exact knowledge. He even called the latter in a special way: fairy tales, non-tales. There are no magic wands or walking boots, but there are no less miracles. Bianchi could tell about the most unsightly sparrow in such a way that we are only surprised: it turns out that he is not at all simple. The writer managed to find the magic words that "disenchanted" the mysterious forest world.

    Hope Ilchuk


    COLLECTED WORKS: In 4 volumes / Entry. Art. G. Grodensky; Comment. E. Bianchi; Il. E. Charushina. - L .: Det. lit., 1972-1975.

    FOREST NEWSPAPER FOR EVERY YEAR / Khudozh. V. Kurdov. - L .: Det. lit., 1990. - 351 p.: ill.

    There are no less events in the life of animals and plants than in us humans. There are many incidents in the forest every day. Someone builds a house, someone has a wedding. All this news will be told by the Forest Newspaper, from which you can find out: - what did the fish do in winter? - what bird screams like a tattered cat?Does the chick breathe in the egg? And a lot of other interesting things.

    MOUSE PEAK: Tale / Fig. E. Charushina. - L .: Det. lit., 1989. - 32 p.: ill. - (We read for ourselves).
    A small, helpless mouse, caught in a shipwreck, is in danger everywhere: either a robber owl will fly in, or goats will eat stocks prepared for the winter. But he does not lose heart, but as a real Robinson boldly masters his island.

    BIANKI V. WHY I WRITE ABOUT THE FOREST: Stories; BIOGRAPHICAL PHOTO-SKETCH OF THE DAUGHTER - E.V. BIANKI / [Fig. E. Charushina, V. Kurdova]. - L .: Det. lit., 1985. - 111 p.: ill.

    The book will answer the question why its author wrote all his life only about the forest. It has two parts. The first one is a photo essay of Vitaly Bianchi's daughter, which introduces the writer's biography in detail. The second part is forest stories created by Bianchi in different years.

    Hope Ilchuk


    Bianchi V. History of our kind; Excerpts from autobiography; Why am I writing about the forest // Bianchi V. Sobr. cit.: In 4 volumes: T. 4. - L .: Det. lit., 1975. - S. 203-218.
    Almazov B. First Prize // Almazov B. A and B sat on the pipe: Stories and a story. - L .: Det. lit., 1989. - S. 163-170.
    Bianchi Vitaly Valentinovich: [Biogr. help] // What is; Who is: In 3 volumes: T. 1. - M .: Pedagogy, 1990. - S. 153-154.
    Bianchi El. short biography Vitaly Valentinovich Bianchi // Bianchi V. Sobr. cit.: In 4 volumes: T. 4. - L .: Det. lit., 1975. - S. 368-391.
    [Bianchi E.V.] He wrote about the forest: Biogr. photo essay of the daughter - E.V. Bianchi // Bianchi V.V. Why am I writing about the forest ... - L .: Det. lit., 1984. - S. 3-68.
    Grodensky Gr. Vitaly Valentinovich Bianki // Bianki V. Sobr. cit.: In 4 volumes: T. 4. - L .: Det. lit., 1975. - S. 5-18.
    Dmitriev Yu. Stories about the books of V. Bianchi. - M.: Book, 1973. - 32 p.: ill. - (Soviet writers - for children).
    Shcheglova E.P. [Biogr. information about V. Bianchi] // Dear children: Sat. - L .: Det. lit., 1989. - S. 288.

    Sakharnov S., Sladkov N. Two hundred surnames: [Biography of V. Bianchi]. - M.: Filmstrip, 1970.



    - ART FILMS -

    One Hundred Joys, or the Book of Great Discoveries. Dir. Ya. Lupiy. Comp. E. Artemiev. USSR, 1981. Cast: O. Zhakov, A. Galibin, V. Mikhailov and others.

    - CARTOONS -

    Ant travel. Dir. E. Nazarov. USSR, 1983.


    Bianchi V.V. fairy tales

    It has become commonplace to repeat that "a child from two to five is the most inquisitive creature on earth", So what “Most of the questions with which he addresses us are caused by the urgent need of his tireless brain to comprehend the surroundings as soon as possible”. We would not once again quote here these words of K.I. Chukovsky from his book “From two to five”, but they really came to the place.
    However, in order to answer endless children's questions, it is necessary not only to have extensive encyclopedic knowledge, but also to be able to convey them to the baby. And here the books of Vitaly Valentinovich Bianki, one of the most recognized connoisseurs and "popularizers" of wildlife, will come in handy.
    Naturally, one should start not with the famous "Forest Newspaper", but with those small works that the writer himself christened "fairy tales".
    Most often, they are built in the form of answers to tricky children's questions: “Why does a magpie have such a tail?” or "Whose nose is longer?" Here you know? Bianchi knew. And he helped the kids to reveal their secrets.
    Entertaining plots, likable characters and a simple, easy style made his "fairy tales" the first ABC of forest life, according to which everyone can learn to "read" the world around them.
    And in order for this lesson to be not only “in theory”, diligent “readers” - small and adults - should at least occasionally break away from the bustle of the city and make real trips to a real living forest.

    Art Gallery

    Books by Vitaly Valentinovich Bianchi were designed not only by the best Russian animal artists, but also by our famous "storytellers":

    Yu.Vasnetsov - Bianchi V. Fox and Mouse. - M.: Det. lit., 1972.
    Vasnetsov Y. 10 books for children. - L .: Artist of the RSFSR, 1983.

    T. Kapustina - Bianchi V. Teremok. - L .: Artist of the RSFSR, 1977.
    Bianchi V. Whose nose is better? - L .: Det. lit., 1990.

    V.Kurdov - Bianchi V. Where crayfish hibernate. - L .: Artist of the RSFSR, 1988.

    M. Miturich - Bianchi V. Krasnaya Gorka. - M.: Malysh, 1986.
    Bianki V. Forest houses. - M.: Malysh, 1975.

    P. Miturich,
    V. Khlebnikova-Miturich - Bianchi V. The first hunt. - L .: Artist of the RSFSR, 1982.

    L.Tokmakov - Bianki V. How the Ant hurried home. - M.: Det. lit., 1966.

    N.Tyrsa - Bianchi V. Forest houses. - L .: Det. lit., 1982.
    Bianchi V. Snow book. - L .: Artist of the RSFSR, 1990.

    E. Charushin - Bianchi V. Bear-head. - M.: ROSMEN, 1996.

    N. Charushin - Bianchi V. Who sings with what. - M.: Malysh, 1984.
    Bianchi V. Forest houses. - L .: Artist of the RSFSR, 1977.

    F. Yarbusova - Bianchi V. Lyulya. - M.: Det. lit., 1969.
    Bianchi V. Terenty-grouse. - M.: Det. lit., 1973.

    From the latest editions:

    Bianchi V.V. Where crayfish hibernate: Stories, fairy tales / Il. E. Charushina. - St. Petersburg: Azbuka-classika, 2005. - 332 p.: ill. - (My favorite books).

    Bianchi V.V. Forest houses / Khudozh. K. Prytkova, K. Romanenko. - ROSMEN-PRESS, 2008. - 64 p.: ill.

    Bianchi V.V. Forest Tales / Il. E. Podkolzina. - M.: Strekoza-Press: Det. book, 2007. - 42 p.: ill. - (Gift for kids).

    Bianchi V.V. Forest fairy tales were / Khudozh. I. Tsygankov. - Tula: Spring; M.: AST: Astrel, 2009. - 48 p.: ill.

    Bianchi V.V. Tales: Teremok; Lyulya / Art. N. Aleshina. - M.: White City, 2006. - 29 p.: ill. - (We read for ourselves).

    Bianchi V.V. Teremok: Fairy tale / Art. O. Bai. - M.: Strekoza-press, 2006. - 10 p.: ill. - (Chi-ta-eat in syllables).

    Bianki Vitaly Valentinovich(1894-1959) - Russian writer, author of many works for children. The vast majority of Bianchi's tales are dedicated to the Russian forest. Many of them repeatedly express the idea of ​​the importance of knowledge related to wildlife, and they express it gently and carefully, awakening in children a craving for knowledge and research: "", "", "", "", "" and many others.

    Popular tales of Bianchi Vitaly Valentinovich

    Fairy tales and stories by Vitaly Valentinovich Bianchi

    Vitaly Valentinovich Bianchi was born in St. Petersburg in 1894. The writer was taught from childhood to the biological sciences, his father constantly took him to Zoo museum, and also instructed to write naturalist notes. Bianchi developed a love for nature as a child and continued to take naturalistic notes for the rest of his life. What was not in his notebooks: notes on the habits of birds and animals, hunting stories, fables, as well as local dialects relating to the nature of a particular region.

    The writer was very fond of traveling and always spent the summer months in nature, studying the forest flora and fauna in the most remote corners of our vast country. That is why tales and stories of Bianchi so colorful and varied.

    Vitaly Valentinovich thoroughly engaged in writing in 1922. At this time, he met Marshak, who would later have a significant impact on the writer's work. Marshak introduces his new friend to Chukovsky and Zhitkov, who were delighted to hear Bianchi's tales and stories. Just at that moment, the writer realized that the notes that he had so diligently collected all his life were not in vain. Each such entry is an occasion for new fairy tale, or an essay. Coming soon to children's magazine The Sparrow by Bianchi will be published for the first time.

    In 1923, many books by Vitaly Valentinovich will be released, which will then bring him wide fame:, and many others. Five years later, Bianchi's most famous creation, The Forest Newspaper, will be released, it was published until 1958 and was recognized as an exemplary children's work. Later, in 1932, the collection "Forest were and fables" will be released, which will combine both previously written tales and stories of Bianchi, and new works of the writer.

    The vast majority of fairy tales and stories of Vitaly Valentinovich are dedicated to the Russian forest. In many of them, the idea of ​​the importance of knowledge concerning wildlife is repeatedly expressed, and it is expressed gently and carefully, awakening in children a craving for knowledge and research.

    Bianchi was able to observe life through the eyes of children, it is thanks to such a rare gift that any of his works is read by a child easily and naturally. Thanks to travel, the writer knew a lot, but in books he focuses the attention of the child only on the most significant and precious moments. Tales and stories of Bianchi extremely interesting and varied. Some are funny and hilarious, some are dramatic, and some are full of lyrical thought and poetry.

    The folklore tradition is strong in many of Bianchi's works. Vitaly Valentinovich gave his creations all the best that he could draw from folk tales, tales of experienced hunters and travelers. Fairy tales and stories of Bianchi are full of humor and drama, they are written in simple and natural language, they are characterized by richness of description and swiftness of action. Any works of the writer, whether fairy tales or stories, are based on deep scientific knowledge, they have an excellent educational effect. The writer teaches children not only to observe nature, but also to strive to know its beauty, as well as to protect natural wealth, so necessary to a person especially in our difficult times.

    Although tales and stories of Bianchi written in the same genre, they are very diverse and completely different from each other. It can be both short fairy tales-dialogues, and multi-page stories. Young readers, getting acquainted with the work of Vitaly Valentinovich, receive their first lessons in natural science. The description in the works is so juicy and colorful that the child can easily imagine the situation, or state of mind characters.

    For the youngest lovers of literature, Bianchi wrote small humorous stories, the content of which is based on a curious, and at the same time instructive adventure. Along with individual works, the writer publishes whole cycles of stories for the little ones, for example, "My cunning little son." Main character- a curious boy who, in the course of walking with his father through the forest, comprehends forest secrets and makes many discoveries for himself.

    For older readers, Vitaly Valentinovich publishes the collection "Unexpected Meetings", all works in which have a harmonious composition, poetic beginning and ending. Seemingly ingenuous at first, the plot at the end will make the reader seriously think about what happened.

    In conclusion, I would like to note that tales and stories of Bianchi suitable for children of any age, they will help the child not only broaden his horizons, but also develop a craving for knowledge. No wonder the writer's works are included in the golden fund of children's literature, not only in Russia, but also abroad.