A military parade was held in Moscow in honor of the 72nd anniversary of the Great Victory, CNN reports. As the Moscow correspondent of the channel Matthew Chance emphasizes, the parade serves for the Russians not only as a reminder of the exploits of their ancestors, but also as a demonstration of the country's military power (video).

Today Russia is celebrating Victory Day. Celebrations take place on Red Square in very cold weather. May 9, 1945 - the day when the act of unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany came into force in Russia, thereby ending World War II in Europe. This spectacular parade marks the anniversary of this major holiday in Russia. And just now, President Vladimir Putin delivered his annual address. CNN correspondent Matthew Chance, who is at the scene, is now in direct contact with us.

Matthew, tell us about the importance of this day for the Russian people. And what did President Putin just say during his speech?

MATTHEW CHANCE, senior international correspondent CNN: Victory Day is of great importance. You can see how many people have come here. If we look to the left, we will see thousands of people. They came here today and are standing by the road along which the parade will have to move after it passes through Red Square. You have already seen impressive footage of this spectacular demonstration of military equipment moving along the cobblestones of Red Square. This technique will soon pass here.

You know, these thousands of people - many of them Russians, there are also many people from the former Soviet republics - have gathered here to show their respect and remember this, in fact, a sacred day for Russia. More than 20 million people died in World War II, which Russians call the Great Patriotic War. And today is, first of all, the day when the memory of the people who died then is honored.

As you have already noted, Vladimir Putin delivered a short address today. It was not political, at least not explicitly: in it, the president honored the memory of the dead and called on living Russians to remember the sacrifice made by their grandfathers, great-grandfathers and other people in the fight against the Nazis on the Eastern Front - and in the end, as you know, the Soviet army reached Berlin.

At the same time, the president's speech also contained an appeal concerning the current era, and this parade is relevant both to the past and to modern Russia. Vladimir Putin said that the countries of the world should cooperate in the fight against terrorism in the same way that they cooperated during World War II. Once again, I note that the parade is connected in meaning with both the past and today.

One of its purposes is to demonstrate military power and serve as a vivid illustration for the armed forces of modern Russia. The country has spent billions of dollars over the past ten years or so to modernize its army, and as you know, it has been involved in operations in various theaters of war - in particular in Syria, where Russian aircraft have been conducting airstrikes for some time in order to support the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Thus, the parade is intended to highlight the fact that Russia has a powerful military and that the country - in the eyes of Russians - is a military superpower. And for the Russians and many people from all over the world watching the procession, he acts as a very convincing symbol of this, Rosemary.

Yes, great footage.

Material provided by CNN International.

Where are you wandering Hope?

All the high pathos of the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. The mass media of New Russia of Democratic Choice focused on the question of the legal continuity of the results of the victory of the liberal government of the Russian Federation and the inadmissibility of falsifying the history of the Second World War.

If we talk about the symbols of the victory of the USSR, then they are:

The Red Banner of Victory with a five-pointed star, a sickle and a hammer, as symbols of the Soviet power of workers and peasants.

Lenin's Mausoleum at the foot of the granite tribune which threw the banners of the defeated Third Reich of the German nation.

Black and gold "George" ribbon from the medal "For the victory over Germany" (with Stalin's profile) and the soldiers' Orders of Glory.

During the entire period of preparation for the anniversary, non-political politicians were saying that the falsification of the history of the Great Patriotic War in symbols would be: side of the enemy: Russian liberation army of Vlasov). As it was in all the victory parades in recent years.

B) “Cardboard props” of closing the Lenin Mausoleum with shields and installation of a temporary platform with seats for “spectators” in front of the hidden firmament of the granite Mausoleum.

C) The design of Red Square in the predominantly blue color of liberalism (similar to the colors of the flag of the European Union and NATO).

What could be seen in the symbolism in which the solemn march of the troops on May 09, 2015 at the turn of the epochs was inscribed?

1. The organizers heard the rationale for the need to carry the red Banner of Victory in front of the tricolor. However, we went further. Gradually, without comment, the first Banner under which the actual solemn march of the troops took place turned out to be the banner of the Suvorov Military School for Young Drummers - a white flag with an oblique (St. Andrew's) cross of orange. That is, a symbol from the period of Tsarist Rus'. It is also noteworthy that the Minister of Defense Shoigu, who was hosting the parade, having left the Spassky Gates of the Kremlin, signed himself with the banner of the cross under the icon above the gate.

2. The organizers did not hear the arguments about the need to remove the "cardboard props" from the Lenin Mausoleum. However, not only the sacred symbol of Soviet power was covered with shields, but also under the very dome, the synodal Kazan Cathedral, located in the northern corner of Red Square, was also covered with shields, triumphant on earth. Thus, the whole meaning of the parade gradually turned out to be in the focus of St. Basil's Cathedral, built by order of the first Tsar of Holy Rus', Ivan the Terrible Rurikovich, in 1555-1561. and symbolizing the entrance of souls to Heaven - to Heavenly Jerusalem (to eternity).

3. The design of Red Square in the blue color of liberalism for the first time affected not only the seats of the temporary platform, but also for the first time built (apparently as engineering protection from snipers) a fence to the full height of the windows of all floors of the building of the State Department Store, which is on the opposite side of the Red Square from the Mausoleum area. In the symbolism of the victory, as before, there was no people's - the most massive medal of the Second World War: "For the victory over Germany."

It was gratifying to see that, following the example of President Putin V.V. during the passage of the troops in a solemn march, all the persons present on the platform, now, unlike in past years, met the parade not sitting, but in a standing position.

It is noteworthy that the solemn march of troops traditionally goes along Red Square from the northwest to the southeast to St. Basil's Cathedral and after Vasilyevsky Descent behind the Moskvoretsky Bridge, the vector of its movement goes to Bolshaya Ordynka Street - that is, it goes towards the headquarters of the Golden Horde. So back in the 16th century, Ivan the Terrible laid the sacred meaning of the acquisition of the Holy Spirit in Russian expansion to the East. And since the main guest at the anniversary was Chinese President Xi Jinping, who met with Patriarch Kirill of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Kremlin on May 8, 2015, it should be noted that the parade of troops in Beijing goes past the podium of the gates of the Tiananmen Imperial Palace from east to west. Which since the Ming Dynasty symbolizes Chinese expansion into Central Asia. That is, at the level of symbols, Russia and China are moving towards each other in the historical process.

According to the diplomatic protocol (to the left of Putin), the second guest at the anniversary was the President of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbaev.

So gradually the organizers of the celebrations at the level of symbols put together a bunch of three forces: China - Russia - Kazakhstan. Where Kazakhstan, to its own advantage, acts as a place where the interests of the Economic Belt of the New Silk Road and the space of the Eurasian Economic Union converge.

This is where the hope is hidden for preserving the historical truth of the results of the Second World War, although there was no faith in the sincerity of the partnership between liberalism in Russia and socialism with Chinese characteristics.
Performed by Andrey Devyatov (c)

upd from Devyatov.
My friends!
The transformation of Rus', which the non-politicians have been talking about for so long, has STARTED! And it began not so much at the parade as when the Immortal Regiment entered Red Square. It began with the communion of descendants to the feat of grandfathers and the Glory of the Fatherland. This is how the “strengthening of the ritual” necessary for the collective unconscious miraculously took place
The Transfiguration takes place according to the Leninist formula: “The outcome of the struggle, in the final analysis, is determined by the fact that Russia, India and China make up the vast majority of the population ... (this is from a political testament: “Better less, but better”). That is: the invisible planners behind the scenes are the "Bolshevik-Leninists" of our day.

The older the statehood of a nation, the more signs and symbols it bears. The preservation of historical memory, the protection of signs and symbols of the traditions and history of the people is the most important function of the state and the responsible part of society (the national elite). To destroy a people, it is enough to trample on its history.. And when children and grandchildren forget the exploits of their fathers and grandfathers, they will not even understand that they have become traitors to their people - and therefore themselves.

The parade on May 9, 2015 on Red Square, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory over German (and, in fact, Anglo-Saxon - sponsors and their performers) fascism, presented many signs and symbols to the whole world. Those to whom they were addressed saw and heard them...

Lenin's Mausoleum covered with decorations

Defense Minister S. Shoigu made the sign of the cross on camera

The meaning of these signs

The red project is not considered by the leadership of Russia as the ideological basis of our development. The thousand-year history of Russian statehood under the signs of Orthodoxy and autocracy does not agree well with communist symbols, imposed on us by the West.

The decision was made a long time ago, and, in my opinion, the decision is correct: the Red Project is our tragic and at the same time glorious great history. But the further development of Russia under the red banner is "inexpedient", no matter how unpleasant it may sound for real (without quotes) patriots of Russia, who sincerely believe that "Marx's teaching is omnipotent, because it is true."

Both with China and with other countries, without exception, modern Russia will not build relations on any supranational"universal" organizational and ideological basis such as the Comintern or state departmental institutions of "freedom and democracy" and a network of NGOs around the world. It was this sign that was sent to all who equally wants to build a relationship with us, that Russia will not impose “its charter” on anyone(or their ideology, as it was quite recently, when some African cannibal dictator declared his country socialist, and immediately received tanks, armored personnel carriers, Kalash and, of course, currency from our aged Politburo for "development socialism").

Ceremonial calculations of Russia's allies

Participation in the Parade of ceremonial calculations from our friendly powers, which took place in this order: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan - the republics of the former USSR; India, Mongolia, Serbia, China are our closest allies.

For Azerbaijan and Armenia, this is a very important and significant event. The wise leaders of these states - I. Aliyev and S. Sargsyan - understand and do everything to ensure that the hostility between the two peoples, who for centuries together, side by side (in cities and villages) lived peacefully on the territory of the Russian Empire, and then the USSR , has disappeared. This hostility is organized and paid for by the West, for which friendship between neighboring peoples violates one of the main conditions for the existence of Western civilization - "divide and rule."

closes column of allies ceremonial calculation of the PLA. Not alphabetically. And by value. The meaning of this sign should be understood in this way: "We'll cover you, you can count on us."

In general, the participation of foreign ceremonial crews in Moscow on Red Square (and it doesn’t matter for what reason) suggests that Russia can quick and easy to turn on all its gigantic possibilities (even without resorting to the mobilization economy), and herself transfer from the status of a regional power (where we themselves and identified 25 years ago ... well, they wanted it!) to the status of a world-class power ( just got bored be a regional power).

Chinese President Xi Jinping

The most honorable place at the Parade for the Chinese guest, the President of the People's Republic of China and the General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, on the right hand of Putin, in itself does not carry any special meaning. But the thing is that this time the rest of the guests of the head of state were seated at a distance from this couple and were additionally “diluted” with Soviet veteran generals of the Second World War. And only two state leaders were sitting next to a couple- Putin and Xi Jinping. Without any doubt, this was a sign, and it was sent to our overseas and not so partners: Russia and China are ready to jointly expand their zones of influence, and naturally, at the expense of Western countries.

The West made a mistake: quite recently both Russia and China were ready to join the club of Western powers as junior partners. But PARTNERS! But the West considered that Russia and China would get by (and get away) even without partner status (they wanted to put us to waste, that is, to use countries and peoples as expendable material to maintain their global dominance).

Once, exactly 70 years ago, the world was already divided between two players - the USA and the USSR. And about five years before that, it never even occurred to ANYBODY that such an alignment would be possible in principle.
This is a sign to those who still doubt that history develops progressively and does not end in any FukuYama.

Army General Mahmud Gareev

Few people paid attention ... During the passage of the column of the legendary T-34 tanks and SAU-100 self-propelled guns, a Army General Makhmut Akhmetovich Gareev, sitting to the left of the GDP. The state television camera on that day did not show anything to viewers around the world JUST SO. Here is General Gareev - not a simple general, but the main confidant of the President of the Russian Federation in the military history of the Great Patriotic War and its results.

For reference from Wikipedia:
“I actively began to engage in military scientific work back in the 60-70s. Author of over 100 scientific papers, over 300 articles and publications in collections, magazines, newspapers. He wrote the books "Tactical exercises and maneuvers", "M. V. Frunze - military theorist", "Combined arms exercises", "Ambiguous pages of the war", "My last war".
After the establishment in February 1995 of the Academy of Military Sciences, a non-governmental research organization, he was elected its president. Much is engaged in the study of issues of the history of the Great Patriotic War. Actively participates in scientific discussions, opposes the falsification of the history of the war. He believes that the desire to challenge the victory of the USSR over fascism is closely connected with the propaganda campaign against modern Russia. Thousands of previously unknown documents about the war were put into circulation in scientific collections edited by Gareev. He performed in the program "Directive number 1 - War".

Anyone who is at least a little interested in the alternative, non-official history of the Second World War is well acquainted with the writer-historian Viktor Suvorov (Vladimir Rezun), who, “looking from London”, successfully popularized in the 90s and 2000s in Russian and for Russian readers, the main imperative of the West is that Stalinist Russia is no better than Nazi Germany: "Icebreaker" is a documentary and publicistic book by Viktor Suvorov, in which, using argumentation, it is stated that the USSR was preparing an invasion of Germany in July 1941, and, having unleashed the Great Patriotic War, Hitler only forestalled Soviet aggressive plans.

The writer V. Suvorov often referred to General M. Gareev in his untalented works as his main opponent in the history of the beginning of the Second World War.

These signs - Red Square, the Victory Parade, Putin and Gareev - should be understood only as “you are trying in vain”: the supreme commander attaches special importance to the historical memory of the Russian people. And those times when the samizdat works of A. Solzhenitsyn and the gigantic official circulations of V. Suvorov (Rezun) went through the hands of Soviet and Russian citizens will never return. We will no longer allow the noodles of Western anti-Russian propaganda to be hung on our territory.

This is also an answer to those of our "patriots" who cannot calm down in any way, that Russia does not have its own ideology, its own national idea like the USSR.

There are unshakable for all nations traditional (conservative) values: family, children, older generation, motherland, morality, ethics, beauty, respect, love, sacrifice - in the name of preserving all these values ​​... So why do gentlemen-comrades "patriots" reproach Putin for not accepting " lethal" into service against everything bad and for everything good ideology, the main goal of which is the final victory over the enemies of Russia?

My answer to the "patriots" is this: there can be no "final" victory of good over evil. The day cannot overcome the night. It is impossible to divide a magnet into "plus" and "minus". Life cannot overcome death... But to destroy the people "for all that is good" for gentlemen-patriots is a holy cause ... Bolshevism, especially in its extremely painful form in the form of Trotskyism(with whom Comrade Stalin fought, for which he is now most reproached and hated by our liberals-to-feed-at-the-State Department), is completely swept aside by the leadership of modern Russia.

The Victory Parade on May 9, 2015, as a set of signs and symbols, presented to the whole world a simple and understandable answer to all philosophical and civilizational questions in this topic: Russia carried the “isms” of the 20th century like a cross, alien to anyone, but to those more, Russian, in the broadest sense of this adjective words, people. We will no longer step on this rake. Don't try.

And if someone else has not understood and will continue to insist ... Here you have such, quite intelligible and understandable OTHER signs and symbols of the Parade of our Victory.

The judge of the Isakogorsk District Court of the city of Arkhangelsk fined 59-year-old Mikhail Listov 1,000 rubles for publishing a photograph of the 1945 Victory Parade.

The incident occurred on January 19, 2018 in Arkhangelsk. Judge Elena Kostyleva fined Mikhail Listov, explaining her decision by Article 20.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses (propaganda or public display of Nazi paraphernalia or symbols), which prohibits the display of Nazi and extremist symbols. The article implies punishment in the form of a fine of up to 2 thousand rubles and arrest for up to 15 days, the publication reports 29.ru.

The judge's decision also said that the publication of this photo "may cause suffering to people whose relatives died during the Great Patriotic War."

“I was born in the USSR and I hate Nazism in any of its manifestations. Both my grandfathers died in the Great Patriotic War, ”the Arkhangelsk edition quotes Mikhail.

Mikhail refused to admit his guilt and sign the protocol on the offense, because he believes that there are serious mistakes in the case.

Senator Anton Belyakov posted information about this incident on his page in Facebook, saying that he considers the judge’s decision illegal: “To my deep regret, this is not the first time lately that social network users have been fined and even arrested for posting photos from the Great Patriotic War. And this “causes suffering” for many bloggers, journalists and their readers. This “causes suffering” for me personally, as I regularly post about the exploits of Soviet people during the Great Patriotic War with the hashtag #to remember. I believe that such jurisprudence should be put to an end. Therefore, I quite consciously decided to publish the picture for which the Arkhangelsk blogger was fined.

According to him, when people see this photo, they can remember this day again and at least for a moment feel the endless joy of the victory of our people in the terrible and bloody massacre unleashed by the Nazis.

“And no one can convince me that this is not necessary, because this is our Pride, our Memory, our Glory and our Victory. Because in this war, which claimed millions of lives, two of my grandfathers died, and because I carefully keep their orders and medals, ”summed up Belyakov.

According to the senator of the Vladimir region, he intends to apply to the High Qualifications Board of Judges, so that they can give an objective assessment of the activities of Judge Kostyleva.

It should be noted that earlier in Arkhangelsk, a public figure Dmitry Sekushin and a veteran of the Airborne Forces, Valentin Tabachny, were tried under the same article.

On the website of the judge-russia.rf, on the page of Elena Kostyleva, four comments were left: three of them are positive, in the fourth, the user Vladimir criticized the judge, calling her “Another mediocrity in the judicial chair.”

It is not only a demonstration of the strength of our army, but also a symbolic sacred rite-action in the images and meanings of the Orthodox tradition of our people. For a better understanding, let's consider what happened in the context of historical and religious associations, meanings and symbols. The main part of the mystery of the celebration of May 9 - Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War - unfolds on Red Square, including the Pokrovsky Cathedral, the Spasskaya Tower and the Execution Ground - the central stage of Russian history - the "silent country".

Red Square is the sacred sanctuary of our people, which has seen both victories and defeats in its lifetime. Until 1917, numerous religious processions flowed to the prayerful Red Square or from the Kremlin through it. In the Soviet period, the parades of 1941 and 1945 became great national symbolic events, mysteries. The dominants of Red Square are the Pokrovsky Cathedral with a monument to Minin and Pozharsky and the Spasskaya Tower with a gate icon of the Savior. It was to them that from the Arsenalnaya, then the Nikolskaya Tower and the Historical Museum, the movement of the columns was directed during the parade (salting around the Kremlin as the embodiment of the City of Heaven, which still corresponds to pre-Nikonian establishments).

If Red Square symbolizes the capital and national temple of the Spirit of the Russian people, then the Pokrovsky Cathedral is the altar of this temple. Intercession Cathedral was erected in 1555-1560. the first Russian Tsar John in fulfillment of a vow given during the siege of Kazan by Moscow troops. The temple is marked by the deepest semantic analogies of religious and state symbols. During the design and construction of the overall composition of the unusual forms of the temple, the ideologist of the Russian centralized state, Metropolitan Macarius of Moscow, was well aware that in the conditions of a hostile environment and the vastness of our spaces, only the Russian Cross can save the state - a clear disciplined vertical of the central government - and as a crossbar - the memory of ancestors , catholicity, language, culture, national spiritual ideals. Heading from the Arsenalnaya Tower to the Pokrovsky Cathedral, the parade participants are symbolically marching to the communion of the Spirit of the longed-for Russian Victory of our days.

The seven aisles of the cathedral in the context of this legend symbolize the seven city cathedrals of the reigning city, united together, the seven pillars of the ecumenical councils, corresponding to the seven days of creation, seven thousand years of the existence of the world and the seven kingdoms in the context of Christian and Old Testament imagery. There are three thrones in one line from east to west: the eastern one - in honor of the Life-Giving Trinity, the middle one - in honor of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, the western one - in honor of the Lord's Entry into Jerusalem. These aisles are given the main semantic meaning of the entire architectural composition. During the capture of Kazan, our ancestors formed the opinion that the Mother of God showed obvious patronage to the Russian troops. Therefore, it was Pokrovsky that became the central aisle.

To pay due honor to the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity, it was assigned the first, honorable, place in the east, in connection with which the entire temple complex was for a long time called the Trinity Cathedral - a "miracle of the people." During the construction process, in order to give the base of the temple a configuration of traditional symbolic meaning, another chapel was added. If the cathedral is considered as a whole, then the Trinity See can be imagined as the altar of the entire cathedral complex of different churches on a single foundation. The tent of the Church of the Intercession unites the entire group of side churches into a single whole, forming a cathedral of patron saints for the Russian people and its state.

Polynaming emphasizes the idea of ​​the unity of all Russian people in the Holy Life-Giving Trinity to overcome the tragic strife of this world. The harmony of the inflorescences of the domes of the Intercession-Trinity Cathedral clearly illustrates the idea of ​​Russian catholicity acquired over the centuries: communality, artelism, military brotherhood, life, when “one for all and all for one” ... The whole cathedral is energetically directed to the sky. The relatively small dome of the Church of the Intercession soars, dragging along the rest of the domes and the entire volume of the cathedral. During its construction, the Muscovite state only recently turned from a grand principality into a kingdom, so the approval of the images and symbols of the royalty of Rus' is one of the achievements of the creators of the cathedral.

It is the tented wedding of the temple that plays a special role here. The entire cathedral in general external features resembles the shape of the sacred royal place of God's vicar on earth, installed in the Assumption Cathedral in 1551. The crowning of the tent of the Intercession Cathedral with an onion dome on the drum symbolizes the procession of the Holy Spirit from the tent into the space of the temple. In the context of the religious ideas of the 16th century, the creators of the cathedral additionally imparted to the entire sanctuary a figurative comparability with Golgotha, which, according to the ideas of that time, was located in the center of the Earth and had a huge beneficial energy power. Figuratively speaking, the Intercession Cathedral accumulates bright, creative cosmic energies and transmits, communicates, broadcasts them to the parade participants. We live not only in space, but also in time, where there is the concept of timeliness, the idea of ​​the “eternal now”, memories of the past and preparation for the future, the future. In the context of time, a temple was erected to the east of the Kremlin on the huge Red Square - a symbol of the future salvation, expected after the Transfiguration of Russia, a symbol of the coming eternal kingdom.

The nearby Spassky Gates were revered in Moscow especially reverently. According to Christian tradition, the Second Coming will be marked by the entry of the Savior into Jerusalem through the Golden Gate. Therefore, even in ancient times, having captured Jerusalem, the conquerors laid the gate with a stone. The Turks did the same in the defeated Constantinople.

The Golden Gates were built shortly after the baptism of Rus' in Kyiv, then in Vladimir-Zalessky. As a result of well-known historical processes, it was Moscow, in the private opinion of the modest monk of the Pskov Eleazar Monastery Philotheus, that became the capital of the third Roman kingdom, and there will never be a fourth Rome. Thus, in a series of changes, only the main gates of the Moscow Kremlin, where the Savior of Smolensky icon over the gate awaits the Savior, remained in the role of the Golden. Characteristically, the main gates of the Kremlin-fortress in the Spasskaya Tower are directed towards the Pokrovsky-Troitsky Cathedral and the Execution Ground. In 1648, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich ordered that henceforth for all time to pass through this gate with an uncovered head. The current view of the tower was formed at the beginning of the 18th century. In 1812, the French wanted to blow up the Kremlin: a tunnel was made, and gunpowder was placed under the Spasskaya Tower and a fuse was set on fire.

At this time, a heavy downpour fell on the Kremlin, and the wicks were flooded with water. The chiming clock on the Kremlin tower against the background of the significant silence of the Intercession Cathedral and the Execution Ground involuntarily suggests the unstoppable flow of time, the inconsistency and transience of human existence ... Moving to the Spasskaya Tower, a parade participant may subconsciously feel that he is going towards time not as a duration, but as sequence of events. Bypassing the Spassky Tower, with sufficient imagination of the walking person, one can imagine oneself being freed from the power of time, leaving for eternity. The end of any festive procession along Red Square meets a water barrier - the Moscow River - Leta, the river of oblivion of ancient legends, symbolizing the irreversibility of the flow of time, personified by the flow of the waters of the Moscow River. This fills the subconscious with images of the transience, changeability of our earthly existence and a premonition of responsibility for the short "moment between the past and the future" entrusted to us.

The symbolism of the tent architecture of the temples as part of the Intercession Cathedral and the towers of the Kremlin found its unexpected development during the victorious salute of 1945 in Moscow. The light of powerful searchlights formed a tented dome, directed to the mountain world as a confirmation of the Victory in the war of the incorporeal forces of light. This tent of light directed the Kremlin, Red Square, Moscow and all of Russia through the night cover, “through thorns to the stars”, to the never-setting Sun of Truth. Let's remember the anniversary of 2015. For the first time in the ritual of a military parade, the beginning unexpectedly turned out to be symbolic: it was in the shadow of the Spasskaya Tower, leaving the gate, that the Minister of Defense crossed himself ... for the first time in a century after the disappearance of the Russian Empire.

The peoples, in addition to their will, are ruled by symbols. Soon, the guard of honor solemnly carried the banner of Victory out of the Spassky Gate to the sounds of the immortal “Holy War”, accompanied by the tricolor. It is symbolic that the soldiers of the Preobrazhensky presidential regiment in the stylized uniforms of the imperial guard carried the banner of Victory. The entire combined potential of the Russian Spirit and the heroic national history welcomed the parade participants. It was an uplifting message to the entire nation. The Banner of Victory solemnly sailed past the Execution Ground - the pulpit of the Red Square temple - to the center of the parade procession.

The route of the movement of troops along Red Square can be figuratively called the road to the temple as a visible image of the Victory: the votive Intercession Cathedral in memory of the conquest of the Kazan and Astrakhan khanates; the monument to Minin and Pozharsky in commemoration of overcoming the Time of Troubles and the expulsion of foreign and heterodox occupiers, the Spasskaya Tower, whose chimes sounded all over the world in the victorious 1945.

A.S. BOCHKOV, member of the Russian Historical Society