Friends! Who among us does not like to dream? Here I am, with your permission, now just for a moment I will close my eyes, and I will be transported to medieval France. It was a golden time! The country was then ruled by a king, and his peace was guarded by musketeers. They did it with dignity, bravely and courageously fulfilling their duty! In those days, any young man considered it an honor to enter the service of the king, but, of course, one desire was not enough here! Not everyone could get into the service of the king. So, any applicant for the title of royal musketeer,

He had to come from a noble family. At that time, only the nobility from a young age was trained in the art of fencing and riding - these skills were required for any musketeer!

The novel is called The Three Musketeers, but at the same time, we all remember very well that there were four of them. e, Artagnan was the last of the Fab Four to become a Musketeer, but he is one of the main characters in the novel. Why didn't his name grace the title of the book? The fact is that Dumas simultaneously wrote and published a book, the title "Three Musketeers" was only a draft, and the author subsequently intended to insert the name d,

Artagnan. But it was already too late to change anything, since the novel already then, in the process of writing, had a resounding popularity. Dumas, however, later placed D. Artagnan on the cover alongside the other Musketeers, thereby emphasizing his importance to the novel.

Now let's get to know the main characters a little closer. Athos, Porthos and Aramis are bosom friends, they stand up for each other (I think many people remember their famous motto “One for all, and all for one!”). It is clear that they first accept the Gascon novice, Artagnan, with hostility. But later, when their friendship will be tested for strength, (you can’t do without love here!), There will already be four best friends and faithful musketeers of the king! And now they will go together until the very end, no matter what!

The famous novel by Dumas has been filmed several times, and also translated into several languages. Of course, he could not help but have a continuation, since even then, in the nineteenth century, this was very much desired by the first readers of the novel, and then by numerous other admirers of Dumas' work. The continuation was not long in coming, and a year later, fans of Dumas's work could enjoy the new work of the author "Twenty Years Later". In total, there are three novels in the "musketeer" cycle dedicated to the life of the royal musketeers in different years of their life - the third part was the no less popular book of this series, "Vicomte de Brazhelon".

Essays on topics:

  1. On the first Monday in April 1625, the population of the town of Meng on the outskirts of Paris seemed excited as if the Huguenots had decided to turn it ...
  2. One of the basic spiritual needs of a person is communication. Communication with someone who can be trusted, who will always understand and support, on ...

The Three Musketeers is a typical historical feuilleton novel. But that doesn't stop him from being amazing.

good and evil

Traditionally, the heroes of books are divided into positive and negative. At the same time, the line between these two characteristics is never clear. Same with Dumas. On the one hand, all the characters in the book can be attributed to one or another "camp": the reader is completely clear that the root of all troubles in the novel is the insidious Cardinal Richelieu, as well as his close associates Count Rochefort and Milady. At the same time, the reader has no doubt that the Musketeers, together with D'Artagnan, represent the "forces of good", as they fight against the Cardinal, do not allow the Queen to tarnish his honor, help the King, etc. At the same time, the three musketeers, if you look closely, are the most disgusting people: together they kill people right and left (while de Treville is trying in every possible way to “cover” them and justify them before the King), but individually they also have few attractive features: Athos - a drunkard, Aramis - a hypocrite prone to posturing, Porthos lives at the expense of a woman. Yes, and they do not always do the right thing and well. At the same time, at certain moments, you begin to understand that the Cardinal is not so bad, and maybe he really does everything “for the good of France”, no matter how Dumas tries to denigrate him (who, by the way, in the book “Twenty Years Later "pays tribute to the deceased Cardinal, noting that the current one (Mazarin) is only his shadow). The king, on the other hand, is presented as weak-willed and following the lead of other people. A lot can be said about Anna of Austria too...
Good and evil in Dumas' novel merge, mix, often mutually replace each other. He makes it clear that not everything that is good is really good, and from all sides, and everything that is bad is not really so evil.

Things are not going well with love in the novel, in the sense that in Dumas in The Three Musketeers, love is really a problem that can bring nothing but bitterness and pain. The story of Athos speaks most eloquently about this, as well as his words said to D'Artagnan “I want to say that love is a lottery in which the winner gets death! Believe me, dear d'Artagnan, you are very lucky that you lost! Always lose - that is my advice. ”At the same time, Athos is the only person in the book who is generally capable of such a feeling. Since d'Artagnan is too frivolous and young, Porthos he is only interested in material well-being, while Aramis, despite the fact that he is secretly in love with two women, Marie de Chevreuse and Camille de Bois-Trassi, loves himself most of all (in my opinion). , love in the book plays an important role.

Friendship in the novel "The Three Musketeers" is its most important component, because without it there would be neither plot plot nor the novel itself. It is amazing, of course, how quickly D'Artagnan and the three Musketeers become friends, but their friendship cannot but cause envy. It can even be considered a standard, which is why it is, without a doubt, one of the main ideas of the novel. It is friendship that is the thing for which the heroes of the novel are worth living for. The importance of this cannot be overestimated, since even love could not become such a thing.

Faith, religion, the church in the book are personified by Aramis, who from childhood was preparing to take the dignity, but life turned so that he had to become a musketeer. But, of course, not for long. Aramis dreams of his spiritual future, constantly reminding everyone around him that he is a musketeer only temporarily and that a cassock awaits him in the future. But all this can be understood in two ways. On the one hand, he is really ready to take the rank, he sees his future only in the monastery and does not find his place among the musketeers. “The world is a crypt,” he says, and it is in this that his whole attitude to worldly life is expressed. However, at the same time, on the other hand, he is sorry to part with everything that is in his current life. Aramis is incredibly prone to posturing. Sometimes his desire for a spiritual life takes on an indicative character, for example, he uses Latin expressions in place and out of place, then sits down to write a theological dissertation, then drops everything and runs to his beloved. It begins to seem that in monastic life he is attracted not by the inner (spiritual) component, but only by the outer shell. The ability to get away from everyone and everything that he does not like and does not like.
What follows from this? Contradiction. Since the 17th century, the Catholic Church has been losing its positions; it no longer plays the same all-encompassing role than in the Middle Ages. There is distrust of the church, Protestantism has been gaining momentum since the 16th century. Faith becomes superficial.
In the 19th century, when Dumas writes The Three Musketeers, everything happens the other way around: the Catholic Church begins to catch up its positions and regains its former authority. Religiosity is resurgent.
Thus, Dumas plays on contradictions: he shows the Catholic Church in its time of weakness, but tries to give it an authority that was not inherent in it at that time.

The Three Musketeers is one of my favorite books. And despite the fact that the attitude towards the plot, the characters and their actions changes after each new reading, The Three Musketeers will never leave the “favorite” area, because this is what you don’t want to let go.
A man of the 19th century, tired of bourgeois boredom and sober practicality, was looking for his ideal in France XVII century, and you can see why. Dumas paints historical reality so attractive that one wants to grab the hilt of a sword and jump into a book towards adventure. And it doesn't matter that there are intrigues, murders, blood... It is important that there is friendship, honor and heroism. People look in books for what they lack around them at the moment. And it doesn't matter what century these people live in - in the 21st or in the 19th, everyone is equal before the dream, especially when it is so attractive.
Dumas has an amazing command of the language. The novel is incredibly dynamic, it does not let go for a second, it carries you into new and new distances. All the characters in the book are written to the smallest detail and do not leave the reader indifferent. It is impossible not to admire the mind of Athos for all their shortcomings, it is impossible not to observe and evaluate the development of D’Artagnan throughout the book, it is impossible not to fall in love with the good Porthos (and it doesn’t matter that he can’t sing!), or take your eyes off the beautiful Aramis.
Sometimes, you begin to forget who Richelieu was in historical reality, you begin to hate him, wish good luck to the musketeers, despite the fact that not all of their actions are correct.
The Three Musketeers is a novel worthy of multiple reading. I don't think he can get bored. It's a bit of a pity that this book passed me by as a child, and managed to read it for the first time not so long ago. But… what else to say?

Alexandre Dumas is a master of his craft.

The adventure novel by A. Dumas "The Three Musketeers" is very interesting story about life and heroic deeds loyal friends - the musketeers, who risked their lives, defended their honor. The novel leaves no one indifferent, as it is filled with vivid events and characters.

The plot of the novel by A. Dumas "The Three Musketeers"

The protagonist of the work, the young nobleman Charles D'Artagnan, guided by the desire to become a musketeer, goes to Paris. On the way, he gets into a fight with Count Rochefort, Cardinal Richelieu's best friend, who stole his letter of introduction.

D'Artagnan is sent to serve in the Guards regiment of Desessard, since without a letter of recommendation they could not take him into the guard of the royal musketeers. On the first day of his service, D'Artagnan quarreled with three Musketeer friends - Aramis, Porthos and Athos, and challenged them to a duel.

A duel between friends did not take place, since on that day a royal decree was issued banning such battles between musketeers. D'Artagnan and the three Musketeers soon became friends and forgot their former quarrels.

At this time, in the royal palace, one of Cardinal Richelieu's girlfriends arranged an intrigue against the queen herself. The Musketeers found out about this, and went to Paris to defend the honor of the queen.

The musketeers managed to overcome all the obstacles that the cardinal and Milady placed on their way to Paris, and exposed the intrigue against the queen.

However, the brave struggle of the Musketeers did not end there. Faithful friends many times lagged behind the honor of French women, which was encroached upon by the British, and even managed to defend their kingdom from invaders without outside help. However, the evil Milady and the cardinal also continued to intrigue the musketeers.

Milady found D'Artagnan's beloved, the beautiful girl Constance, in the monastery and poisoned her. D'Artagnan decided to punish Milady: having convicted her of all the atrocities against the French crown, he handed over the villainess to the authorities.

Cardinal Richelieu, afraid that he might suffer the fate of Milady, decided to make peace with the musketeers. He apologized for his actions and presented them with high ranks in the army of musketeers.

The laws of honor by which the heroes of Dumas live

Honor is a set of moral qualities that at all times commanded respect. What does it mean to live according to the laws of honor? First of all, it means to be noble, courageous, fair, reliable, honest and able to defend the interests of weaker people.

This is how we see the heroes of the novel by A. Dumas "The Three Musketeers". Musketeer friends help each other, together they go towards their goal. Risking their lives, at the first call they go to defend the life and honor of other people.

Musketeers help each other fight obstacles. Reading the novel by A. Dumas, we admire the dedication and devotion of the main characters.

  1. (48 words) True friends are always sensitive to each other. Hero novel of the same name A.S. Pushkin, Eugene Onegin, allowed himself a cruel joke in relation to his friend Lensky. He did not take into account that he could take everything to heart, and a rash act turned into a tragedy. Their relationship was not a true friendship.
  2. (48 words) Unfortunately, often under the pretext of friendship, one person uses another. Such a case occurs in the story of A.I. Solzhenitsyn "Matryonin Dvor". Matryona's friends, taking advantage of her kindness, constantly ask her to help with the housework - of course, for free. But they know perfectly well that she already has a lot to do, but their own benefit is more important to them.
  3. (38 words) An example of sincere, tender friendship is the communication between Makar Devushkin and Varvara Dobroselova from “Poor People” by F.M. Dostoevsky. Despite poverty and life's difficulties, each of the heroes cares more about the well-being of the other than about his own, which is reflected in their touching letters.
  4. (59 words) "There is no use in someone who forgets old friends!" - so says Maxim Maksimych, one of the characters in the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time". He considered Pechorin a close friend and was very glad to meet again, but in return received only a cold handshake. This upset the poor old man to tears. By the way, Pechorin was punished by fate: until the end of his life he remained alone.
  5. (49 words) A somewhat unusual friendship arose between the main characters of Ilf and Petrov's novel The Twelve Chairs. It would seem that Ostap and Ippolit Matveyevich are not only partners in a common cause, but also rivals in the struggle for precious booty - however, they go all the way together, and only at the end the proximity of the goal destroys their friendly relations.
  6. (46 words) True friendship involves equality. In W. Golding's novel "Lord of the Flies", children left without adults quickly divided into leaders and subordinates, and only a few retained the ability to make friends. One of these characters is the boy Piggy, who does not abandon his friend Ralph, even when he turns from a leader into an outcast.
  7. (48 words) It is known that a friend is known in trouble. The hero of Mine Reed's novel "The Headless Horseman", Maurice Gerald, was falsely accused of a terrible crime, but could not prove anything because of his confused mind. His comrade, the hunter Zebulon Stump, did everything possible to restore justice, and he succeeded: the real culprit was punished.
  8. (57 words) In A. de Saint-Exupery's fairy tale "The Little Prince", the words of the Fox describe what friendship should be like: "We will need each other. You will be the only one in the world for me. And I will be alone for you in the whole world ... ". Also he says little prince that when parting with a friend, bitterness is inevitable, but at the same time, pleasant memories will remain forever.
  9. (41 words) The idea of ​​the importance of friendship pervades J.K. Rowling's fantasy novel Harry Potter. Supporting each other in grief and joy, the heroes cope with personal problems more easily and overcome life's difficulties. But the most important thing: only together they form a force capable of resisting evil.
  10. (41 words) The story of the friendship between a man and a wolf is told by J. London in the book "White Fang". The most surprising thing is that people have done a lot of harm to the White Fang, but the kindness of the last owner has created a miracle with a wild beast. He did not remain in debt and became a devoted defender of the whole family.
  11. Real life examples

    1. (51 words) The best friendship is the one that lasts forever. But I know a more striking case, when even death did not become the reason for its end. Two acquaintances of my father fought together in a hot spot. One died, and the second still (and more than twenty years have passed!) Helps the elderly mother of his comrade in memory of him.
    2. (53 words) There is a good parable about friendship. It is about an old man with a dog, who walked for a long time and were very tired. Suddenly, an oasis appeared on the way, but the animals were not allowed to go there. The old man did not abandon his friend and passed by. They soon reached a farm, the owner of which let them both in. A true comrade will not leave you in trouble.
    3. (33 words) In L. Hallström's film "Hachiko", a real friendship is born between the characters, which conquered death. The professor adopted a stray puppy who is used to meeting a savior from work. The faithful dog was waiting for his master even when he died.
    4. (48 words) It's no secret that the strongest friendships are born during the student days. Indeed, at this time people have already formed as individuals, so connections are usually established between those who are close in spirit. It is known that Boris Yeltsin met with former classmates every year and did not change his tradition, even when he became president.
    5. (43 words) They say, "A friend in need is a friend." This is clearly seen in the Russian adaptation of Dumas' novel The Three Musketeers. Yuri Ryashentsev wrote excellent songs praising the military brotherhood of heroes. Each of them, covering a comrade, sings in a singsong voice: “I will delay them, nothing!”. In this phrase, all the power of male friendship breaks through.
    6. (48 words) There are many films devoted to the theme of friendship. One of my favorites is Yolki-1 by Timur Bekmambetov. In it, an orphan girl named Varya involuntarily lied that her dad is the president and would wish her a Happy New Year. So what's now? Fortunately, Vova's faithful friend comes to the rescue, and thanks to his efforts, the impossible becomes possible.
    7. (54 words) Nowadays, almost every person has several tens or even hundreds of friends on social networks. Does this count as friendship? I am sure yes, if you communicate with a person a lot, and this brings you joy. Moreover, I was lucky to meet some of the Internet acquaintances in reality, and this only strengthened our affection.
    8. (49 words) There is a saying on the Internet: “A friend is not someone who communicates with you in free time, but the one who frees up time to chat with you. We can agree with this: when a person sacrifices his deeds for the sake of another, it means that he appreciates him; and if not, it's most likely just a friendship that doesn't last long.
    9. (45 words) Friendship is incompatible with selfishness - that's a fact. A good example for me is my friend Anya. I know I can always count on her. Once I urgently needed someone to come and sit with my younger brother while I was away. Anya agreed without hesitation, although she lives on the other side of the city.
    10. (48 words) You can be friends not only with people. Aren't our pets true friends? My dog ​​is always waiting for me from school, and if he sees that I am upset with something, he tries to console me, for example, puts his head on his knees or calls me to play. And vice versa, when she sees that I am busy, she will not interfere.
    11. Interesting? Save it on your wall!

Friendship is a personal disinterested relationship between people, based not only on common interests, but also on sincerity, trust and mutual assistance. I believe that friendship is a gift that, unfortunately, not everyone has.

The proposed text (there should be an example from the text proposed above) speaks of both betrayal and friendship and mutual assistance. Kostya, who did not leave a friend in trouble, acted honestly and nobly, but Lev, who remained in the car and did not even share food with his comrades, acted very ugly. he abandoned the guys and did not want to help them, although he was in the same distress as they were.

Another striking example of friendship is the work of Alexandre Dumas "The Three Musketeers". There are four true friend they never abandoned each other under any circumstances, they always came to the rescue and in everything were reliable support for each other.

Pythagoras said: "Friends have everything in common, and friendship is equality." After all, he is right! friends should not have someone more important or better. Everyone is equal, everyone has everything in common. good friend- great happiness.

Updated: 2017-06-14

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