How often have you had to describe the appearance of a person, whether it be your friend, girlfriend or passerby? Most likely, this happened more than once. Often in a conversation or we have to describe in detail what this or that character was wearing, how he behaved, what features and characteristic habits he had. It would seem that describing a person's appearance is a rather simple matter, but have you ever noticed how sometimes you lack the vocabulary to colorfully and in detail tell about a person? In order not to get into an awkward situation next time, let's try together to learn how to describe and

Therefore, a laboratory test for the diagnosis of the syndrome is indicated whenever a person has an intellectual disability of unknown cause, be it a boy or a girl. This is done using a blood sample analyzed in a genetics laboratory. This test identifies both premutational and complete mutation carriers.

Cytogenetic testing can diagnose Fragile X syndrome, but given the possibility of a false negative in this test, it is not definitive when the result is negative. In addition, cytogenetic tests do not identify carriers of the pre-mutation. If the test result is positive, genetic counseling should be sought.

Lessons on the development of speech and composition on this topic held at the school in the sixth and seventh grades. During this period, schoolchildren are taught not only to correctly and competently express their thoughts, but also develop in them such necessary skills as attentiveness and good memory. Surely you, in middle school, wrote essays on a portrait, painting or photograph. Have you been able to write a paper with an excellent mark? Can you do it right now?

When one family member is known to have the syndrome, other family members should be tested. Family planning must take into account the risks of passing on the altered gene. Prenatal diagnosis can already be performed. Social aspects and public health aspects are relevant and confirm the need for accurate and early diagnosis. All people are made up of cells. Within these cells, there is a set of structures called chromosomes where the genes that determine our characteristics are found. The number of chromosomes present in human cells is 46 and they are arranged in pairs, making 23 pairs.

Before starting a description of a person's appearance, let's outline a small algorithm of actions with which the work will become much easier. First of all, start by describing obvious signs such as height, build, unusual features in appearance (big ears, long neck, short arms, etc.). Then proceed to a detailed description of the face, pay attention to the eyes, nose, smile, freckles (if any). Next, proceed to the story of his clothes: color, details, style. Clothes can say a lot about the character and lifestyle of a person. Don't forget to mention accessories, especially if you're talking about a woman.

Of these, 22 pairs are identical in both sexes. Not all cells of an affected individual show that analysis of at least 100 cells is required after lymphocyte culture under conditions that induce guilt so that the diagnosis can be safely removed or established.

Mutation occurs in stages, over generations. An intermediate number between 50 and 200 repetitions characterizes a pre-mutation, and these people usually do not have symptoms. Statistics show that 1 in 250 women and 1 in 700 men have been pre-mutated. A pre-mutation can run through several generations until it becomes a full mutation and an affected child is born.

The description of a person's appearance is based not only on the listing of his physiological features and clothing. To the story, you can add the character's demeanor, his gestures, accent. Perhaps your hero has unusual abilities. If they are visible immediately, it is worth mentioning this. Of course, the portrait will not be complete without mentioning some facts of a person's life that characterize him as a bright and interesting personality. Perhaps there were some moments in his life that left an imprint on his appearance and behavior. If you know anything about this, please tell me.

Research shows that the number of trinucleotide repeats tends to increase with each generation, especially when passed down by a female. Thus, the risk to the offspring of premolecular females increases with each generation. In women, the clinical picture is usually less pronounced, probably due to compensation of the second X chromosome. A pre-mutation passed on by a female can be modified while still pre-mutating or becoming a full mutation.

A carrier mother passes on the altered gene to all her daughters, but not to her children. Men with the pre-mutation pass them on to their daughters with an almost unchanged number of repetitions. Special therapies and learning strategies can help survivors improve their performance, making it easier to achieve independence.

Describing the appearance of a friend or girlfriend is an excellent exercise for your memory and mindfulness. As an experiment, ask your friend to leave the room where you are for a few minutes. At this time, try out loud to describe her appearance, clothes, accessories, eye color, hairstyle, etc. After her return, check how well the description of her friend's appearance turned out. Did you manage to remember such small details as, for example, the color of nail polish or the presence of hairpins? If you coped with the task, then you not only have an excellent memory, but also studied your girlfriend well for a long time.

Children should be accompanied by a neurologist, speech therapist, occupational therapist, and other health and educational professionals. Areas of specialized care are defined according to each individual and should be considered throughout their development.

Educators and therapists should: minimize stimuli that are not as important at the time; divide activities into blocks according to their attention time; reduce the need for eye contact and let the child know about the changes in their routine. Difficulty coping with excessive stimuli can lead to inappropriate behaviors such as handshaking, repetitive speech, and irritation, even in situations where their cognitive abilities are sufficient to perform well.

If you want to make the test more difficult, ask someone to find a photo of a stranger in full height and show it to you. Look at the photo for a few minutes, pay attention to all the smallest details. Remove the photo and try to write a detailed and interesting story about this character. Describe not only the appearance and clothes, but also try to predict his character, habits, behavior in life. As we mentioned above, this can be done, judging by the clothes, posture. Even the eyes in the photo can tell a lot about the mood and character of a person. The main task that lies before you in this test is not only to make a description of a person's appearance, but also to learn how to build grammatically correct, beautiful sentences. These and other skills acquired during training will help you in the future.

The use of a computer has been very effective in carrying out educational activities: it has the advantage that you present the desired activity countless times, it does not require constant interaction with another person, and it allows you to go beyond the initial proposal when there is interest.

They feel good when a routine is followed, enjoy and establish a routine that benefits them. It is true that they cannot be demanded beyond their potential, but we have seen that this potential is generally greater than we thought. Various adjectives - they indicate properties directly, for example, a drawing can be small, tall, medium, thin, thick, plump, tall, tiny, etc.; Walking can be slow, fast, rocking, incline, sloppy, slow, etc. we can add a few adjectives behind us, for example, we have a strong, well-groomed figure; big, bright blue eyes, etc.

In this essay, I want to describe the appearance of my dad. The choice fell on him, because for me he is the standard of masculinity, and I always wanted to be like him.

Dad has deep blue eyes with long and thick eyelashes. When he looks at me, it seems to me that he sees right through me. hallmark his appearance are brow ridges. I often pay attention to the appearance of people and rarely see pronounced brow ridges. This feature gives it, in my opinion, a wise look. In the evening or in cloudy weather, his eyes are rather gray, but in the morning and in bright daylight they are bright blue.

The first information features of nature: temperament, talents, abilities of external manifestations of nature, a way of communicating with people, attitude towards people, attitude to work. Conclusion - a generalization, summary, for example, why a person describes what is a model for us, what we criticize, we recommend.

The predominance of adjectives or verbs associated with adjectives, multiple sentences or sequentially developing attributes, identical and inconsistent frequent comparisons - to describe the external symbols of the word to describe character traits.

Dad's nose is quite large, slightly snub-nosed. His lips are quite distinct. When he loses a little weight, the cheekbones become much more expressive, but because of the beard, they are not so noticeable. In general, dad rarely shaves, he likes to walk with stubble more. Only occasionally before some solemn event, he can shave. Personally, it seems to me that with a beard, dad looks much more mature and masculine.

In the description of a person, the external symbols of a person are taken into account in order to be accurate, ordered. We move from bright characters to less important characters. Linguistic means - properties refers, in particular, to additional names that indicate properties directly or through comparisons and statements that indirectly imply properties. It is characteristic that he characterizes the character of a person, he observes mental and characteristic characteristics. External characteristics. Describes what a person looks like.

Internal characteristics. Describes features, abilities and interests. Direct characteristics - expresses properties directly, indicating. Indirect characteristics - indirectly express properties, for example, describing behavior, acting in a particular situation. First, we get to know the person characterized, then we observe the features of nature, such as talents, abilities, relationships with people, attitudes towards work, summarize at the end of knowledge. Language resources. We use evaluative terms, mostly adjectives, adjective-related verbs, comparisons, statements.

Dad has coarse brown hair. He has a short haircut and wears such a haircut for as long as I remember him. I have never seen him bald or with long hair, even in the photographs in which they are still very young with their mother. When it's wet outside, his hair curls more than usual, which I find funny. As a child, I always thought that my ears were too big. Turns out it's for dad. I can’t say that he has huge ones, but, in any case, when compared with people from my environment, then dad’s ears are larger than average.

Father's height is 180 cm. His physique is athletic: broad shoulders, strong arms. He often goes to the gym and tries to watch his diet. In general, our whole family adheres to the principles of healthy eating, and my father played a big role in this direction. In the summer, he spends a lot of time in the country and his skin gets an even, beautiful tan.

I've always liked his sense of style. Dad's clothes are neatly pressed and clean, and his shoes are always polished to a shine. He likes to take care of his appearance and from childhood this trait was instilled in me. IN Everyday life he wears jeans and a sweater. He has a huge number of sweaters, all different colors. He wears a suit for various festive events and theaters. Dad has a whole collection of ties, and I can’t even imagine how you can make a choice among all this variety. He has shirts of all shades, in his closet they are neatly weighed in a row. When he goes to the gym or when we go out with the family, dad usually wears a tracksuit. He loves sneakers and often buys them for himself. This love has been passed on to me. For every holiday, I ask my parents for a new pair of sneakers as a gift. It's good that dad shares this passion with me, so he always helps me with the choice with pleasure.

I like my father's appearance and, as I wrote above, he is the standard of masculinity for me. I'm glad that I have someone to look up to.

Even more essays on the topic: “Description of a person’s appearance”:

In a nutshell, it is difficult to describe the appearance of a person, since each person has his own characteristics. I will talk about the appearance of my friend Marina.

My friend is a cheerful and lively person, slightly overweight, with luxurious red hair and milky white skin. There is nothing remarkable about her, but if you look closely at her face, you can see so many hallmarks that, having met her on the street, you will not be mistaken - my story is about her.

The first thing you will see are huge green eyes with golden sparks. Eye color is very rare. The emerald green iris of the eyes resembles a gem. Golden blotches give the eyes an unusual depth. Long brown eyelashes enhance the magnetism of the eyes and give the impression that you are diving into the warm sea, and beautifully arched eyebrows emphasize all this magnificence.

The shape of the nose is normal. Thin, even back of the nose, slightly upturned tip, small nostrils. On Marina's round face, a small nose looks funny.

On the nose and under the eyes you can see a bronze scattering of freckles. They do not spoil the appearance of my girlfriend at all and give her an image of charm.

Marina's lips are the envy of all the girls she knows. In the corner of the mouth on the left side is a small pretty mole. The beautiful line of the upper lip resembles Cupid's bow. The lips themselves are full, coral in color, hiding perfectly even teeth behind them.

The beauty of Marina's eyes and lips distracts attention from her slightly plump cheeks. But not when she smiles. At this moment, two small dimples appear on her cheeks, which complete the image of Marina. If my friend smiles, it's impossible not to smile back. Such a smile can be called radiant.

Kind and cute. Redhead chick. This is my friend Marina.


The beauty of a man is in his heart.

Not the good one who has a handsome face,

but he is good who is good for business.

Dima is mine best friend. He looks like the sun, as his always smiling face is framed by bright red curly hair. “A smile on his face that the sun is in the window” is about him. His snub nose is covered with freckles, his cheeks always have a slight blush. Dima has slightly protruding ears, which make his appearance even more mischievous.

They say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul.

I fully agree with this. Dima's sparkling, crafty eyes give out in him a cheerful, resilient person who loves adventure. He was the ringleader in all our games. When talking, he always looks into the eyes of the interlocutor, which speaks of his honesty, sincerity and openness.

Dima is small, which sometimes makes him very upset, but at the same time he is very mobile, runs faster than anyone in his class and plays basketball well, despite the fact that this game is for tall people.

My friend has a very contagious laugh that makes the whole class laugh, and a charming smile at which lovely dimples appear on Dima's cheeks.

Dima's gait is swift, which betrays a determined person in him. Despite the love of adventure, appearance my friend is neat. In everyday life, he likes to wear jeans, a shirt and a sweater - clothes that are comfortable for games and entertainment.

I like to be friends with Dima, because he is a true friend, a cheerful and optimistic person. His charm draws people to him, and I am very glad that he is friends with me.


I want to talk about my dad. They say I look a lot like him.

My dad has blue eyes, straight nose, always smiling lips. Once he had a beard and mustache, but now they are gone, and I like it better that way. Dad is tall, and sometimes he hits the chandelier with his head at a party, but laughs at it. Everyone says that my dad has skillful hands, as he always does something at home: he makes shelves, repairs appliances, hangs pictures. I love watching him work. He always does everything very easily, but I don’t, but I’ll learn someday.

My dad is also strong. Once upon a time, he went in for sports, and now at the dacha he carries buckets from the pond for watering the beds and digs up the ground, helping his mother. My dad is a man of few words, but he loves to visit and talk with his friends about football and cars. When dad gets angry, a wrinkle appears on his forehead. From it you can immediately understand that dad is unhappy. But still, he smiles more often, likes to play a trick on me or laugh at a comedy.

My dad really likes to look neat, so he is always attentive to his clothes, he never goes around disheveled or dirty. Even when it works, it does not get very dirty. It surprises my mom. She is glad that in this I am like my father.


My mother is very tender and feminine. She is 40 years old, but everyone says that she looks much younger. Her short stature and fragile figure make her look like a girl, especially when viewed from afar.

My mother's gait is fast, energetic, and her movements are precise. Mom loves to play sports and therefore is always in good shape.

Brown hair, falling to the shoulders in large curls, is the envy of all our acquaintances, and sly and kind blue eyes and a funny little upturned nose give mother's face an inexpressible charm.

Thick and fluffy eyelashes and dimples on the cheeks give mom a childish expression, and a strong-willed chin and neatly defined lips speak of her as a determined and courageous person.

When mom is calm, a soft smile plays on her lips. I love watching her while reading. At such moments, my mother’s face is spiritual, often she looks dreamily and thoughtfully into the distance, dissolving in the world created by the writer.


I love my grandmother and spend all my weekends with her.

Grandmother is small in stature, thin, with blue veins on her neck and arms. Facial features are expressive, clearly defined, correct. They indicate that she used to be a beauty. I especially love her eyes. There was never any falseness, slyness, or trickery in her gaze. Her blue eyes are lit from the inside with a soft, vibrant glow, they radiate warmth and sincerity even when her grandmother is angry.

Whenever I arrived, my grandmother was wearing a little white handkerchief, which sharply set off her black eyebrows and tanned face. Grandmother knows many fairy tales, and I like to listen to her quiet, unhurried tale. There she is, my dear grandmother.