Imagine that happy moment when you drive into new house or an apartment that you have long dreamed of! This new start and new life. Here you plan to spend many happy years, and therefore everything should be perfect in your cozy nest. And now, when the repair is completed and every detail is lovingly selected, you can arrange a housewarming party and invite friends to show them your new home.

Housewarming is not only another occasion to arrange gatherings with friends, but also an opportunity to talk about your new home, arrange real holiday and celebrate this event, which happens in our lives less often than a birthday or a New Year. There are many ways to celebrate housewarming - from a noisy party to a cozy evening playing board games - and you can choose depending on your preferences. A WESTWING will give some recommendations on how to make this day bright, stylish and memorable!

You can both dance to this music and turn it on in the background while chatting with friends. Hits that have stood the test of time and have become immortal classics, will cheer you up and put you in a good mood!

Michael Buble– Home

Louis Armstrong- Won't You Come Home, Bill Baily

Louis Armstrong- What a Wonderful World

Chuck Berry– You Never Can Tell

James Brown– Feel Good

Queen- Friends Will Be Friends

Eagles Hotel California

Bill Medley– The Time of my Life

Housewarming Recipes

I want to try it in a brand new kitchen best recipes . But what if not everything is ready yet, or if you don’t want to stand at the stove all day, instead of devoting this time to communicating with family and guests? In order not to turn housewarming into another feast, we offer you several options for quick-to-cook snacks and dishes that will allow you to set the table in the form of a buffet, and which will be highly appreciated by your guests!

Housewarming Ideas

To leave behind a housewarming Nice memories, a lot of good photos and a good mood for a long time, you should think through all the little things in advance. How many guests will you invite? What will be on the table? How to decorate a house? How to make this day special?

Housewarming gives you room for imagination: you can arrange theme party or an evening playing your favorite board games, watching a movie together or dancing all night. But do not forget that it will be interesting for guests to see your new home, evaluate the chosen style and design, so take the time to tour the apartment or summer cottage, having previously prepared them for such close attention.


Someone may think that invitations- this is an outdated tradition, and now no one sends them out. After all, you can call, write an SMS or a message on Facebook, but, you see, nothing can be more pleasant than holding a stylishly designed invitation, made with soul and intended just for you. Worst case, get it by email.

Therefore, if you want unusual and memorable housewarming, take care of the appropriate invitation for each guest. It can be decorated in the style of the party you are going to throw, filled with housewarming details - keys, houses or horseshoes - draw a plan of the area or otherwise show your imagination. Remember that the main thing in such an invitation is its individuality, so try not to use ready-made templates from the Internet, but to make unique invitations with your own hands.

Don't forget that housewarming is real holiday for you, your family and friends, so it is worth preparing your home for this joyful event, not only by cleaning it and arranging furniture, but also by decorating it accordingly. The main rule of a housewarming party is that everything should be ready to receive guests. No repairs, scattered things and missing furniture.

Traditional for housewarming decor elements are paper garlands, signs, balloons, figurines or silhouettes of a house, horseshoes and symbolic keys. However, the decor should not take up the entire space, especially if the rooms cannot boast of their size. A new home should shine with newness, and decoration will only emphasize this. To avoid overcrowding, choose decor in one style without unnecessary details.

The peculiarity of house decor for a housewarming party is that you do not need to create a solemn mood and “richly” decorate the table and rooms. Choose the items that you associate with spring, novelty and freshness- this is exactly the mood that most often accompanies a housewarming party. Give preference to bright, light colors, elegant little things and small details made by yourself.

A few simple tips on how to prepare your house for a housewarming party:

  • Holiday from the doorstep. Decorate the entrance with a sign or rug "Welcome" / "Welcome" - this will set the guests in a festive mood and good mood from the threshold.
  • Flowers for the holiday. flowers as traditional element decor is perfect for housewarming. But choose not luxurious red roses, but something simple lung and light: tulips of different colors, small low bouquets, violets. Arrange small bouquets (or even single flowers in small vases or glasses) in the hallway, living room and on the windowsills and your new home will be filled with life. Multi-colored garlands and paper flags hung from the ceiling will also create a sense of celebration. Think it's just for kids? Not at all, try hanging such flags, and you will immediately feel that this day is special.
  • Table decor. Particular attention should be paid to table decoration. Even if you organize a buffet table and do not plan long feasts, think over all the little things: themed napkins and tablecloths, horseshoes and keys, flowers, small cards for guests with house symbols, elegant dishes for serving food... All this will make your table cozy and unusual.
  • housewarming posters. Decorate the walls with posters that you associate with housewarming, or hang the words “Sweet Home” / “Sweet Home”, “Welcome” / “Welcome” or others on strings to remind you that today is a special day.
  • House story. In addition to the obligatory tour of the house, you can not only tell the guests about the renovation in words, but also make a photo exhibition in the Once Upon a Time format. Hang pictures of empty rooms on a board or wall before the renovation and the final result. You will be surprised how your house has changed, and it will be interesting for guests to look at your design ideas and their implementation.
  • Candles will create an atmosphere. When it gets dark, you can light candles and luminous garlands. Yes, yes, they will be useful to you not only for the New Year!
  • Housewarming in the garden. Housewarming in the country opens up a huge scope for imagination. Decorate the yard with Chinese lanterns, hang garlands from the trees, and place welcome signs throughout the yard. The holiday itself can be moved outside and decorate the table with fresh wildflowers.

It's great when you and your friends have the same tastes, you like the same movies and series. And in case you are having a hard time finding a movie that will be of interest to everyone, we have selected several win-win options that you can always watch. in good company!


cult series about true friendship that will survive any adventure. What could be better than getting together with your beloved friends in a cozy company and watching the series of the same name?

How I Met your mother

series about five close friends, their relationship, fate and love. And about how main character for 9 seasons looking for his true love and mother of her future children. A lot of funny moments really fall in love with this series.

The Big Bang Theory

Who would have thought that physics series will become one of the most popular and fall in love not only with geeks and nerds, but also with ordinary viewers. Stock up on board games, your favorite comics and have an evening in the style of the heroes of the series!

The Incredible Life of Walter Mitty

A film about how the most ordinary person can fulfill your dreams, plunge headlong into incredible adventures, show courage and fortitude. Watch this movie with your friends and start planning your trip to Iceland!

Getting to know the parents

Funny situation comedy, which you have probably already seen and will not refuse to watch again in good company, laugh at the unlucky hero and rejoice at finding happiness with your beloved.

Real love

Several beautiful and touching stories who are united by one thing - pure and boundless love. Touching, romantic and incredibly optimistic - what you need to watch in the company of your closest friends!




Moving to a new place of residence is very exciting and joyful, therefore, first of all, for the residents themselves, such an event is considered a real one. holiday. And it is customary for us to celebrate in a fun and big way! Usually on housewarming all relatives, friends, comrades and newly-made neighbors gather, who pronounce joyful and toasts in honor of the owners of the new apartment, as well as in honor of their new home.

However, often the owners are lost and do not know how to respond to such pleasant words and how to properly receive guests. In this case, help housewarming scenarios located in this section of the site.

Scenariohousewarming may include various competitions, folk rituals, traditions and customs, which are not limited to launching a cat into an apartment before anyone else. At a housewarming party, guests raise toasts to ensure that the newly-made owners live in a new apartment for a long, happy and carefree time.

This is a solemn event, an important holiday in the life of not only the residents themselves, but also their loved ones. Therefore, it is very important that in such a place next to you there are exactly those who are dear to you. Before organizing a housewarming party, make a list of the guests you would like to have at your party. After that, proceed to script search, which will help you realize all, even the most daring, ideas.

On our site you can find exactly the housewarming script, which is the best suited for organizing and holding your holiday. And, of course, you can always bring something of your own to it. The main thing is to show imagination and have a great desire to make this holiday truly unforgettable!

Holiday scenarios on LittleScene:

Housewarming scenario

Housewarming! For some, this word is a balm for the soul, while for others it inspires genuine horror. Fear of not celebrating this long-awaited day at the appropriate level. No wonder they say: as you celebrate a housewarming party, so you will live. And since you want to live well, then the organization of this holiday should not be left to chance. So, you need to enlist a great desire, a good mood - and you can safely get down to business. To begin with, it is worth deciding on a housewarming scenario. There can be many options - it all depends on your imagination and ingenuity. We offer you some of them.

Russian Furry Animation 1

Soviet cartoon "TV Leopold the Cat"

This housewarming scenario is suitable for believers. It is generally accepted that in the apartment where you are going to move in, there are clots of energy either from builders or from its former owners. And energy can be both positive and negative. In order to protect yourself from any kind of influence from this side, the apartment must be consecrated. A priest invited from the church closest to your house can easily cope with this. After the deed is done, guests and owners can safely enter the apartment and proceed directly to the very process of celebration.

Now it's the toastmaster's turn. In order for the house to be a full bowl, and life well-fed and rich, it is necessary to taste “bread and salt”. The host and hostess take turns to bite off a piece of the loaf. After that, you can sit down at the table.

As a rule, guests come to a housewarming party with gifts, which they give to the owners with "duty" congratulations at the entrance. But this process can be made much more interesting. This is where the half-eaten loaf comes in handy. The meaning is as follows: from one end of the table, the loaf begins to be passed to the music, and it is possible to pass it on to the next guest only after the previous one has bitten off and chewed his piece to the end. The guest on whom the music stops while eating the pastries will be the first to give a gift and make a speech. And thus it is necessary to let the loaf in during that period of time until the gifts run out and the guests are able to give them. The toastmaster should follow the music so that it does not turn out that the right to give the same guest fell out twice, and someone did not fall out at all.

During the evening, guests need to be entertained, so a number of games can be played with them.

1. "Pass the card."

2. "Who is longer."

This housewarming scenario is traditional. The main person here will be a cat. It is desirable that it be black. This sign has been going on since ancient times. It is believed that the brownie either takes the form of a black cat, or "drives" on it into new mansions. The cat is skipped first - and after it is more or less comfortable, the owners and guests come in. The hosts, on the advice of the toastmaster, should place coins in the corners of the rooms, which will bring good luck and wealth to the house. Subsequently, these coins do not need to be removed if they do not spoil the interior of the apartment.

After the ceremony, you can sit down at the table. Give gifts, lose according to the rules familiar to many "Alphabet". The toastmaster lists the letters, and someone from those present stops him. One of the guests, whose name or surname begins with the letter on which the host stopped, gives a gift and says a toast.

Each of the guests draws 2 cards: one from the purchases, the other from the destination. If they match in meaning, then the player receives a prize. As prizes, there can be small souvenirs with an original commentary (a wrench is the key to the apartment where they lie, a spring is a gynecological spiral, etc.).

1. Striptease.

Make a silhouette of a human figure in advance from cardboard. full height(all this must be done in secret from the owners of the apartment). In place of the face, glue a photo of the owner or hostess of the apartment. Put on this mannequin all possible items of clothing: from shorts to a hat. They can be both real and made of paper. Pin paper to the mannequin. Then the presenter asks the guests questions about whose face is depicted on the mannequin: when he got married, favorite dish, etc. If the guest makes a mistake, he must remove any item of clothing from the figure. The most intimate parts can be covered with green paper fig leaves. And, if you are sure that the owners will not be offended, you can write on these leaves comic wishes.

2. "Don't spill a drop."

3. "Kisses".

Of course, there can be as many housewarming scenarios as you like, but it is always necessary to take into account the new settlers, the composition of the guests who will be present at the holiday, and other points. And already on this basis, plan a party.

To create a festive atmosphere, you need a fun room. Because the main theme on this day is a housewarming party, then you need to maintain the style of "just completed construction work." If the owners do not mind, you can scatter wood shavings on the floor. An alternative to the present can be shavings made from paper.

Make a huge plan of the apartment and place it near the front door. During the evening or before leaving, guests can write to their newcomers on it. Agree, it will leave a memory on long years, as the owners can save it and unfold it from time to time and remember this memorable day.

Garlands hung throughout the apartment will help to create a festive one (do not deprive the bathroom and toilet rooms, as well as the balcony, if the weather permits). Variants of garlands can be different, from simple to "fancy". It all depends on artistic ability and the availability of time (because they will have to be made by hand) from their manufacturer.

housewarming holiday script

1. "Pass the card."

The toastmaster should arrange the guests in a line: "boy" - "girl" - "boy" - "girl". Give the first player a normal playing card. The task is to pass the card from one player to another, holding it in the mouth. Hands are not used. You can complicate the task, and after each transfer, the host will have to tear off a piece of the card from the card. In this game, guests can be divided into teams and arrange a team competition.

2. "Who is longer."

Tamada divides the guests into two teams. The task of the players is to tie a rope from the clothes and accessories worn by them. The team with the longest string wins.

This scenario is traditional. The main person here will be a cat. It is desirable that it be black. This sign has been going on since ancient times. It is believed that the brownie either takes the form of a black cat, or "drives" on it into new mansions. The cat is skipped first - and after it is more or less comfortable, the owners and guests come in. The hosts, on the advice of the toastmaster, should place coins in the corners of the rooms, which will bring good luck and wealth to the house. Subsequently, these coins do not need to be removed if they do not spoil the interior of the apartment.

After the ceremony, you can sit down at the table. Give gifts, lose according to the rules of the Alphabet game familiar to many. The toastmaster lists the letters, and someone from those present stops him. One of the guests, whose name or surname begins with the letter on which the host stopped, gives a gift and says a toast.

Gifts can be arranged in advance around the apartment. And during the evening, the host and hostess will look for them with the help of the familiar "hot - cold" technique. When the next gift is found, the owners must guess who presented it. Wrong answer - fant.

Since it is necessary for new settlers to equip their life, it is appropriate to play the “Funny Shopping” game first. For this game, it is necessary to prepare cards in advance, on one of which is a purchase, and on the other - for what purpose the owner or hostess uses it.

For example: a dress - I iron it; car - sit down and go; a vase - I will put it on the table and I will admire it, etc.

Each of the guests draws 2 cards: one from the purchases, the other from the destination. If they match in meaning, then the player receives a prize. As prizes, there can be small souvenirs with an original commentary (a wrench is the key to the apartment where the money is, a spring is a gynecological spiral, etc.).

To entertain guests, you can invite them to play the following games:

1. Striptease.

In advance, make a full-length silhouette of a human figure from cardboard (all this must be done in secret from the owners of the apartment). In place of the face, glue a photo of the owner or hostess of the apartment. Put on this mannequin all possible items of clothing: from shorts to a hat. They can be both real and made of paper. Paper just pin to the mannequin. Then the presenter asks the guests questions about whose face is depicted on the mannequin: when he got married, favorite dish, etc. If the guest makes a mistake, he must remove any item of clothing from the figure. The most intimate parts can be covered with green paper fig leaves. And, if you are sure that the owners will not be offended, you can write comic wishes on these leaves.

2. "Don't spill a drop."

All guests sit at the table and pass a glass in a circle. Everyone pours some drink into a glass. The last one whose glass overflows and the drink overflows must say a toast and drink.

3. "Kisses".

The toastmaster calls two men and two women into the game. It is up to you to decide how best to distribute pairs of players - according to belonging to the same gender or to the opposite. Then, blindfolding two participants, the host asks them questions, pointing to the one he wants to. “Tell me, where will we kiss? Here?" And shows, for example, on the cheek (you can ears, lips, eyes, hands, etc.). The facilitator asks questions until the blindfolded participant says: “Yes”. Then the facilitator asks: “How many times? So many?". And he shows on his fingers how many times, each time changing the combination, until the player says: "Yes." Well, and then, having unleashed the participant's eyes, he is forced to do what he agreed to - for example, kiss the man's knee eight times.

Of course, there can be as many scenarios as you like, but it is always necessary to take into account the age of the new settlers, the composition of the guests who will be present at the celebration, and other points. And already on this basis, plan a party.

To create a festive atmosphere, you need to decorate the room cheerfully. Since the main theme on this day is housewarming, then you need to maintain the style of "just completed construction work." If the owners do not mind, you can scatter wood shavings on the floor. An alternative to the present can be shavings made from paper.

Make a huge plan of the apartment and place it near the front door. During the evening or before leaving, guests can write their wishes to the new settlers on it. Agree, this will leave a memory for many years, as the owners can save it and unfold it from time to time and remember this memorable day.

You can play around with this idea. Since the apartment is new, the guests, of course, are poorly oriented. Therefore, you can make all kinds of pointers, what is where. For example, an arrow at the front door with the inscription: “Balcony. 10 meters. The inscriptions can be varied, from more or less serious to completely indecent. This again depends on the age of the guests.

Garlands hung throughout the apartment will help create a festive mood (do not deprive the bathroom and toilet rooms, as well as the balcony, if the weather permits). Variants of garlands can be different, from simple to "fancy". It all depends on the artistic ability and the availability of time (since they will have to be made by hand) from their manufacturer.

Housewarming. housewarming script

How interesting is it to organize a housewarming party? Our script will help you with this.

Housewarming script "Not on chicken legs"

housewarming holiday

Guests come to a new apartment (or house) to congratulate the owners on a housewarming.

The owners show the apartment, and the guests prepare congratulations for the newcomers.

In a new house, items that will contribute to the well-being of the owners are definitely needed. Guests give the hosts several symbolic gifts with meaning.

1. First, you need a thing that symbolizes wealth and prosperity in the family. It can be a figurine or a piggy bank.

2. A good housewife always has cleanliness in her house. And according to legend, dirt and dust attract evil spirits, so you need to get rid of them immediately. The symbol of cleanliness and order is a brush or mop.

3. The symbol of satiety and hospitality is a ladle or bread box.

4. A symbol of warmth, comfort, relaxation - slippers. It is better to know in advance the size of the shoes of the owners.

5. The symbol of fun, holidays and hospitality is a corkscrew. The guests offer to immediately try the corkscrew in action, and since it can open anything, let it “open” this housewarming party!

The toast is raised.

Then the guests are interested in whether the apartment is decorated as required by law, and hand over to the owners their “document” (this home-made letter, which contains a certificate of ownership and permission to decorate the interior in any style).

A toast is raised to the full owners of new housing.

Pets cannot but take part in the housewarming holiday. This is how they would congratulate their owners...

Congratulations from the dog

It has long been known to everyone around:

Dog is man's friend

But your repair and relocation -

For dog nerves wild stress!

Cut the sausages for the dog

Comfort the doggie with a sausage,

I will serve you faithfully

And guard your new house!

Congratulations from a cat

I am a cat, an affectionate animal,

I was the first to enter!

I love my hosts

I'll catch fresh mice for them,

I will bring them booty to the table,

Then I purr softly.

We are very good together

What else to wish?

Buy a new toilet

There is no more important thing for a cat!

congratulations from the parrot

The ass is not durrrrak at all,

Housewarming ass rrrrrad!

Pour a hundred grrrrrmm,

We'll hit you in half!

Congratulations from the fish

Even though we're just little fish

But we also have smiles on our faces!

We are waiting for a spacious, clean aquarium

And the new worm food is fragrant.

Since among them there is a difficult,

And the fabulous golden fish,

Then it is enough for you to make a wish

And feed us more often to pour!

Congratulations from cockroaches

cockroaches in housewarming

They also raised their glasses!

You don't poison us

Do not poison with dichlorvos:

We are the same residents

We are specialists in the household,

We know all the moves and holes,

Secret corridors!

If we live in peace

Eat and be friends with you

Then your money will go

How we have cockroaches!

Scene "Brownie Nafanya"

The guests say that there are no houses without a brownie and ask the owners if they met their brownie.

One of the guests slowly dresses up as Domovoi (we will need an old padded jacket and a hat with earflaps) and comes out with congratulations.


Let me introduce myself,

To please you!

I am a brownie by profession,

In the economic sense of the process I am.

He will ride like cheese in butter!

In order not to engage in rubbish,

I will tell you the rules of conduct:

Chur, do not turn on loud music,

Don't bang your heels on the floor

Do not come home after midnight

Don't wake old Nafanya

Don't splash around in the bathroom

Do not get involved in breaking dishes!

And if you behave well, Nafanya won't bother you! I’m actually a kind, hospitable brownie, here’s bread and salt I brought you!

Nafanya takes out the roll. A key is baked in a kalache. They cut the kalach, and the one of the guests who gets the piece with the key (it is necessary to warn them to bite off carefully, because the kalach is with a secret) receives the title of the most welcome guest in this house. And if the key is caught by the owner or mistress, then he (she) is appointed from now on as the head of the family and home for life.

Nafanya: Well, master and hostess, will you obey me and be friends with me? The owners are responsible.

Nafanya: Then I propose to treat Nafanya with a glass to intermarry! And if you treat me well, then I will share with you folk "Feng Shui" secrets.

Feng Shui from Nafani

Nafanya introduces the owners to folk omens relating to prosperity and happiness in the house, supplying them with their comments.

■ Keep the broom only with the broom up, so as not to “sweep” wealth (or better buy a vacuum cleaner and not tempt fate!).

■ Matryoshka is a talisman against uninvited guests, the evil eye, illness and family quarrels (and the tumbler is a talisman, guess what!).

■ You can't eat or drink from crockery with cracks and chips, you can't keep such crockery in the house (it's generally ugly).

■ Fur skins attract good luck and wealth (husband, buy your wife a new fur skin, preferably mink!).

■ It is good to keep money under the tablecloth (now I will know where your money is!).

■ You can't put a drunk bottle on the table (we finish our drink and go for the next one)!

A toast is raised to the brownie and friendship with him. Guests suggest checking whether the floors in the new apartment are strong. There is a dance break.

After a pause, the feast continues again, there are interesting options for table games.


Board game "Don't laugh"

One of those sitting at the table starts the game, the rest repeat the movements after him. For example: put your hand on the neighbor's shoulder; then touch the neighbor's nose, etc. The main thing is not to laugh. Whoever laughs, he drops out and goes to the “penalty sofa”. At the end of the game, the penalty boxers perform some funny task together.

Game "Builders"

The leader says that a real man must, as you know, build a house, plant a tree and raise a son in his life. The guests count how many of the men present have built houses, planted trees and how many children in their lives. The winner is determined.

The game "Yourself karaoke"

It is announced for knowledge of songs about the house, apartment and everything connected with housing. One of the guests remembers the song, the rest pick up. The one who knows the largest number of songs and the most sincerely singing is awarded.

Hint - songs about home:

"Weather forecast" ("Weather in the house") from the repertoire of Larisa Dolina.

"Parent's House" from the repertoire of Lev Leshchenko.

"Under the roof of your house" from the repertoire of Yuri Antonov.

"My love is on the fifth floor" from the repertoire of gr. "Secret".

"Grass near the house" from the repertoire of gr. "Earthlings".

"No one will be in the house ..." from the TV movie "The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!".

“So far, everyone is at home” from the TV show of the same name.

If the company does not like to sing, you can arrange a similar contest of proverbs and sayings.

Home Proverbs:

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.

The hut is red with corners, and the wife with pies.

Houses and walls help.

My home is my castle.

Without an owner, a house is an orphan.

In crowded but not mad!

Every house has its own skeleton in the closet.

Do not go to someone else's monastery with your charter.

Not at home: sat - you will not leave.

Toast "on the road"

Not a hut on chicken legs,

Not a hut, where with a sweet paradise -

Your new home

Invited us to "tea"!

And under this "glass of tea"

We wish you friends

Live without problems

It's like being in a king's castle!

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Celebrate housewarming

Many today are of the opinion that you need to spend holidays and meet friends outside the walls of the house. This, of course, has its advantages, but it is customary to celebrate such a holiday as housewarming in the house. And in his. And always in a new one - that is, in the very one where, in fact, the culprit or heroes of the occasion moved. Otherwise, the whole meaning of the holiday is lost: guests want to look at new housing, evaluate, praise, envy, give out a bunch of tips and recommendations and, of course, congratulate them wholeheartedly. If you invite friends to housewarming to a restaurant, the soulfulness of the holiday will disappear.

Housewarming Celebration: When?

So, it is better to celebrate housewarming at home. But when? Is it worth waiting until the renovation is completed and all the furniture is delivered? In fact, it doesn't matter if the apartment has been renovated or just purchased. Another thing is important: you settled in it or not. After all, the very word "housewarming" implies settling in a new place. Even if you decide to move into an unrenovated new apartment, this does not mean that you need to postpone the housewarming. If you wish, you can invite friends and relatives to a housewarming party, even though the wallpaper is hung only in the hallway, and the only furniture in the apartment is a table, a bed and a couple of stools. Especially if you know that the repair will drag on for a long time, it is better to arrange a housewarming party right away. Agree, it will be strange to call for a housewarming party a year and a half after you moved into a new house.

Housewarming Celebration: How?

If the interior design of a new house or apartment is still in progress, it will be a little more difficult to prepare a holiday: you will need to somehow decorate the premises, find places for guests. On the other hand, this has its advantages: tipsy guests will not break a new vase, lovingly chosen by the hostess especially for the new interior, and will not stain carefully pasted wallpaper with mayonnaise. And you can even accommodate guests on the floor, spreading a clean carpet even on a screed, even on an already laid parquet.

At a housewarming party, it is customary to show guests all the premises of a new home: "We have a kitchen here. Yes, it's big. Yes, I like it too, thanks. Now let's see our bathroom...". Approximately in this spirit, and passes the first part of the housewarming. If there is no repair and / or furnishings, you still have to demonstrate the premises - guests will be able to evaluate their size, the convenience of the location of window and door openings, etc.

To make the tour of the house more interesting, you can install something like an easel with a design project in each room. Moreover, each room has its own design project. You can draw it by hand with pencils or markers or make it in 3d using computer program. Or you can make a joke by cutting out luxurious interiors found on the web - very expensive and solid or, conversely, incredibly creative and extravagant. Let the guests break their heads - are you really so rich and extravagant or is it just a joke.

At the celebration of housewarming, the main thing- this is still a feast, even if there are newspapers instead of tablecloths, and boxes instead of stools. After all, you invite guests to a new home, and celebrations in Rus' have never been without refreshments. However, guests also need to be entertained. Cooking for housewarming scenario , organizers of festive events often combine the two components of this holiday - a tour of the house and entertaining guests. We offer an approximate course of the holiday in this vein.

An exemplary housewarming scenario in the form of a tour of the new home

When guests arrive, the hosts give them slippers and offer them a tour of the house. The tour starts from the hallway.

Hallway. There is a tray with glasses filled with juice, beer, light wine or other drink. At the bottom of each glass is a small key. Keys for mailboxes will do - you will need to buy a couple of inexpensive locks, which come with several keys. Of course, the keys must first be washed with soap and water. The guests pick up glasses with a drink and, at the sign of the owner, begin to drink, trying to quickly fish out the key. Whoever fishes out the key faster and gets it out of his mouth wins this game. The hosts give him a small symbolic prize: for example, they present a decorative figurine-key with the words: "This is a pass to our house - now you can come here at any time". But after a few seconds they add: "We also wanted to give the winner mobile phone so that he calls before coming to us, but you don’t need a phone - you have your own. So give me a call if you want to come.".

The next step is the kitchen. The owners say that it is here that they will cook all the goodies that guests will be invited to. But the question is - do they (guests) know how to understand the taste of products. One or two volunteers are blindfolded and alternately allowed to smell different products. The guest must guess the product by smell. It can be a slice of tangerine, pickle, shrimp, cheese, ice cream, a glass of vodka, etc. If two people participate at the same time, then they are offered "by scent" different products.

Whoever guesses everything or almost everything gets a comic prize - a very deep plate with a huge spoon to take with you, going next time to visit the heroes of the occasion.

Next is the bathroom. The hosts say: "We are always happy to welcome guests and want you to be comfortable. We don't know how convenient for you, dear guests, the toilet paper that we buy. Let's check now". It will take two or three rolls of paper with notches (perforation at the tear line). 2-3 people participate. They need to tear off the paper exactly along the tear line (along the notch) and put these small pieces of paper in their pockets or in their bosoms - in general, hide them on themselves. Whoever runs out of the roll faster wins. He is entitled to a comic prize - a collection of jokes: "Going to visit us, you can take it with you: our toilet is at your complete disposal".

The next item is the bathroom. The bathroom probably has tiles or something else, but it must be waterproof. You can ask guests to write with special pencils "for swimming" (easily washed off) wishes for memory. How nice it will be to see the kind words of friends and relatives while taking a shower, but only before the first cleaning. You should not worry - the pencil is very easily washed off.

Bedroom. Two special "pillows" have already been prepared in the bedroom. Rather, they are just pillowcases filled with various items. The owners are asked to evaluate the bedroom: "Well, how do you like our bedroom? Is it comfortable? Comfortable? Is everything there? Yes? Do you know exactly what should be in the bedroom? Will it be comfortable in the dark? Have you been here in the dark? Well, now let's see how authoritative was your opinion".

Two people are invited to play a game and thereby prove that their praises can be trusted, because they understand this issue. The hosts show the same pillows, then blindfold the participants, give each one a pillow. Task: unbutton the pillowcase and take out items from there, sorting them. In one direction, put away those items that may be needed in the bedroom, and in the other - those that do not belong in the bedroom. This, of course, will have to be determined by touch.

The following items can be placed in pillowcases: sleep mask, night face cream, book, towel, comb, condoms, massage oil, sun cream, tweezers, wallet, screwdriver, canned food jar, washcloth, tube of toothpaste, small pillows, soft slippers, nightgown, evening wear dress, stockings, tweezers, glue, etc. After the items are sorted, the players' blindfolds are removed. Then the number of obvious errors is counted. Whoever has less wins, receiving a symbolic prize. For example, a small thought pillow to be handed with the words: "If it gets really bad, take this pillow and come to us - we will always be happy to see you and find where to put it, but don't count on a place in the bedroom!".

Let's go to the nursery. “How do you like our nursery? Will it be comfortable for our children here? And how do you know whether it is convenient or uncomfortable - you have long forgotten what it is like to be a child., - with such an eyeliner, the hosts invite guests to the game. If the nursery is for a very young child (perhaps even a future one), you can organize a competition for the farthest throwing of the dummy directly with the help of the mouth. Of course, you will need a lot of pacifiers, since everyone who wants to "shoot" needs to be given an individual pacifier.

If it's an older kid's room, they probably have a Lego-type set. So let the guests make a plan of the apartment out of it - the very one they are invited to move into. So there will be a test of how they remembered everything they saw.

Living room (or dining room). This is where the table is set. From where they started - they came there. At the table, you need to immediately raise your glasses for an interesting excursion, and after that you can perform a ritual: the hosts distribute pieces of paper and felt-tip pens to guests with a request to write something bad that could happen to their new home. Then all the pieces of paper are collected and immediately burned in a large heat-resistant dish or in a fireplace, if there is one. Now the owners can be sure that nothing bad will happen to their new home!

Can be included in housewarming script various games and and spend them after the tour. Perhaps you will find something interesting and suitable for yourself in our theme party scenarios.

The second part contains another exemplary scenario housewarming, but of a completely different nature - in the form of a theme party. See this scenario on the "Housewarming Celebration Part 2" page.

Read more on the topic:

Family holidays

beer holiday

Holiday in honor of the newborn: solemn bride and baby shower

Housewarming holiday plan - housewarming

Housewarming! For some, this word is a balm for the soul, and for some it inspires genuine horror. Fear of not celebrating this long-awaited day at the appropriate level. No wonder they say: as you celebrate a housewarming party, so you will live. And since you want to live well, then the organization of this holiday should not be left to chance. So, you need to enlist a great desire, a good mood - and you can safely get down to business. To begin with, it is worth deciding on the scenario of the celebration. There can be many options - it all depends on your imagination and ingenuity. We offer you some of them. This scenario is suitable for people who believe. It is generally accepted that in the apartment where you are going to move in, there are clots of energy either from builders or from its former owners. And energy can be both positive and negative. In order to protect yourself from any kind of influence from this side, the apartment must be consecrated. A priest invited from the church closest to your house can easily cope with this. After the deed is done, guests and owners can safely enter the apartment and proceed directly to the very process of celebration. Now it's the toastmaster's turn. In order for the house to be a full bowl, and life well-fed and rich, it is necessary to taste “bread and salt”. The host and hostess take turns to bite off a piece of the loaf. After that, you can sit down at the table. As a rule, guests come to a housewarming party with gifts, which they give to the owners with "duty" congratulations at the entrance. But this process can be made much more interesting. This is where the half-eaten loaf comes in handy. The meaning is as follows: from one end of the table, the loaf begins to be passed to the music, and it is possible to pass it on to the next guest only after the previous one has bitten off and chewed his piece to the end. The guest on whom the music stops while eating the pastries will be the first to give a gift and make a speech. And thus it is necessary to let the loaf in during that period of time until the gifts run out and the guests are able to give them. The toastmaster should follow the music so that it does not happen that the right to give the same guest falls out twice, and someone does not fall out at all. During the evening, guests need to be entertained, so a number of games can be played with them. 1. "Pass the card." The toastmaster should arrange the guests in a line: "boy"? "Girl"? "Boy"? "Girl". Give the first player a regular playing card. The task is to pass the card from one player to another, holding it in the mouth. Hands are not used. You can complicate the task, and after each transfer, the host will have to tear off a piece of the card from the card. In this game, guests can be divided into teams and arrange a team competition. 2. "Who is longer." Tamada divides the guests into two teams. The task of the players is to tie a rope from the clothes and accessories worn by them. The team with the longest string wins. This scenario is traditional. The main person here will be a cat. It is desirable that it be black. This sign has been going on since ancient times. It is believed that the brownie either takes the form of a black cat, or "drives" on it into new mansions. The cat is skipped first - and after it more or less gets used, the owners and guests come in. The hosts, on the advice of the toastmaster, should place coins in the corners of the rooms, which will bring good luck and wealth to the house. Subsequently, these coins do not need to be removed if they do not spoil the interior of the apartment. After the ceremony, you can sit down at the table. Give gifts, lose according to the rules of the Alphabet game familiar to many. The toastmaster lists the letters, and one of those present stops him. One of the guests, whose name or surname begins with the letter on which the host stopped, gives a gift and says a toast. Gifts can be arranged in advance around the apartment. And during the evening, the host and hostess will look for them with the help of the familiar "hot - cold" technique. When the next gift is found, the owners must guess who presented it. Wrong answer - fant. Since it is necessary for new settlers to equip their life, it is appropriate to play the “Funny Shopping” game first. For this game, it is necessary to prepare cards in advance, on one of which is a purchase, and on the other - for what purpose the owner or hostess uses it. For example: a dress - I iron it; car - sit down and go; a vase - I will put it on the table and I will admire it, etc. Each of the guests draws 2 cards: one - from purchases, the other - from the appointment. If they match in meaning, then the player receives a prize. As prizes, there can be small souvenirs with an original commentary (a wrench is the key to the apartment where the money is, a spring is a gynecological spiral, etc.). Housewarming scenarios Unexpected Guests Stolen Key Helpful Hints organizing a housewarming party


Prepare and send invitations to all guests in advance. They should contain the exact address of your new home, then it will be easier for those invited to find you, and you will not have to explain the route for a long time over the phone.

If you want to host your own party, you don't have to wait for the house to be perfect. Moving into an unrenovated new apartment is not a reason to postpone the housewarming. The lack of comfort and coziness can be compensated by a skillfully created cheerful atmosphere.

A good housewarming table is the first step to living happily ever after in your new home. You can do without white tablecloths, crystal, porcelain and intricate dishes. The only indispensable attribute of the table should be a big housewarming loaf - a symbol of well-being and prosperity in the house. Prepare light snacks, fruits, sweets and spirits for guests.

Decorate the walls and doors in the apartment with comic inscriptions. Strongly decorate and decorate the house is not necessary. Some cheerful flower arrangements and balloons will be quite enough.

Think of a scenario. It must have time for a feast, cheerful congratulations, dances and gifts. Build a general storyline. For example, you can resume the construction of your house throughout the evening. Start by laying the foundation, such a foundation will be a plentiful table. Then build the walls brick by brick. These bricks at your celebration will be gifts from friends. The roof in your fun will be games and contests. They can be timed to the main theme of the celebration.

It is very important that your housewarming party be cheerful, bright and carefree. Be sure to pick up musical accompaniment for the holiday. A fun housewarming is not only a feast, but also competitions in which all guests participate. The options can be very different: dancing with closed eyes, reading tongue twisters, pantomime and others.

Relax after a hard day's work and spend evening in a cheerful friendly company - this is the main dream of any employee. Especially on Friday. How to organize evening so that you can relax properly and not have a headache in the morning?


The first advice is banal, but effective. Download new comedy, cook more delicious food and have a good laugh at the adventures of movie characters. While watching light movies, the brain and body rest, but endorphins are produced to their fullest. After watching, you can discuss the film with one of your friends or on the Internet, or you can just go to bed with a smile and have colorful dreams all night.

Good way have a fun evening- go to the city park. Just walk among the kids, fool around and have fun. Treat yourself to a bright balloon and a glass of ice cream, ride the rides and experience an incomparable sensation. How long have you been in the park? Feed the swans or squirrels, and the charge of vivacity and good mood "will not leave you anymore."

Leaving an old house or an apartment, walk around the rooms, remember the happiest moments that happened to you here. And then, on a small piece of paper, write how you see your life in a new home: joyful, happy, healthy, rich, with a bunch of kids, and so on. Take the list with you and keep it carefully. Everything you wrote will move to your new home with you.

I have a lot of ideas, but maybe you can advise me something

So can you tell me first - what are you planning? Let's think in chorus, maybe we can add something, correct it ...

And then out of nowhere one doesn’t think at all.


Tanya 122



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Wow, where is the topic .. I would never have thought that you can find a topic in a fludilka-chat))...

Housewarming CONFERENCE AFGalka

INTRODUCTION (leader begins):
All behind - anxiety and excitement,
Knots, cabinets, sheer fuss.
You are in a new home. no doubt
There will be heat in it and water.
But the main thing will glow
Window calling beacon.
And it will be visible from everywhere
What a beautiful home you have.
You need a drink for a housewarming
Raise a glass of wine to you:
"Live happily and happily,
But don't forget us!"
We celebrate today historical event- moving our friend to a new apartment. It is known that mankind has always had a hitch with this matter.
In the time of the ancestors, the wife said: "Darling, can't you find a better cave?" To which the hairy Neanderthal grumbled: "I already broke two clubs trying to do it."
The ancient Romans lamented: "Everything flows, everything changes, the time of worries replaces the time of the muses and the lyre, but only the torment of a person when looking for an apartment is unchanged."
In the Middle Ages, they said: "What does a man need? A comfortable house, a lot of children, and that his wife was not a witch." This means that we must share the joy of the new settlers and drink for their well-being and happy life in a new house!
In the life of every person there are several values.
A toast to the parental home:
well we live
Or we live badly, -
There is one thing that is always
And caresses and warms.
And, of course, this is
parent house,
Nothing is sweeter, nothing is dearer.
And today, having gathered
At this table
We announce our toast
For parental home!
track... parental home...

The house is like a full ... BOWL.
My home is my castle
Houses and walls…HELP.
The hut is not red with corners, but red ... with PIES.
Being a guest is good, but being at home is better. Housewarming toast
Let your hut know neither a doctor nor a lawyer!

Bluff - club The house in which we live (collected in the internet Interesting Facts about houses and life ..played in the variant - but I say something and the guests should just answer true or false)), that is, yes or no ..with my facial expressions I try to mislead them ..for the correct answers I give out mini prizes or something that I then use to bring to the next competition ... further acquaintance with the guests - and if you need to give gifts .. distribution of responsibilities between the guests who will help the newcomers in the first month to settle down in a new place ..
Crush on the tram. Some go to work, some come from work.
The old storekeeper was squeezed from all sides. One of the women stood close to him and felt something hard press against her thigh.
- Wow! the woman exclaimed.
- This is not wow, but the key to a large warehouse!
I propose to drink for the KEY to your new apartment, because whatever you say, this is wow!
handing over the talisman key as a keepsake .. then a game with what the guests came .. a salad from the guests, as an option we set the festive table, a musical quiz guessing songs in which the house is mentioned .. a comic version of the table if the heads of state came to us to congratulate us. .
How about it HOUSEWARE
Did you invite guests?
Gathered slowly
Quiet roofs ... SHURSHA
Here's a helicopter
Putin himself is on the way!
And with such respect
Looks with .... Emotion
etc ... laughed
congratulations games on options (anything..)
and at the end of the thematic block dedicated to the current year - as an option, we please the owner of the year, so that she can provide her patronage in a new place ..

Bluff - club House in which we live (Galina Afonina)
1. Is it true that a house has been created that occupies an area of ​​​​only 1 sq. m. The house has two windows, a roof, a closing door and a folding table inside. And if you put the house on one of the walls, the room turns into a bedroom (YES, in Japan)
2. Is it true that a three-story residential building was built in Japan And its peculiarity lies in the fact that from the third floor to the first one you can go down not the stairs, but slide down the real slide (YES)
3. Is it true that the first bedding appeared due to the fact that people were freezing at night? (NO, at the beginning of the 15th century in ancient rome rich Romans covered their beds with linen cloth with beautiful patterns of fruits, flowers and cupids, as they believed that this brings strength to their beloved)
4. Is it true that Lady Abigail Adams was pulling ropes in the 3,200 sq. meters to dry the clothes of President Adams. (YES)
1. Is it true that in the mountains of Portugal a house was built in a huge boulder - the Stone House, with cavities carved inside it? (YES)
2. Is it true that in the world there is a house with a width of 122 centimeters, suitable for human habitation? (YES, the house was built on a narrow plot between two buildings in Warsaw, Poland. The house has everything you need: a kitchen with a small dining room, a living room with an armchair, a bathroom and a bedroom with a workplace. The house was squeezed into a gap between high-rise buildings in Warsaw. Architect Jakub Szczesny )
3. What you will absolutely have to do if you become President of the United States of America when you move to The White house. You can completely change the information to your taste (NO, the Eagle Carpet in the Oval Office remains unchanged)
4. In the center of the carpet of the oval office of the White House lying on the floor, there is an eagle holding an olive branch and arrows in its paws. When America is not at war, the bird's head is turned towards the olive branch. During the war - in the other direction. (YES)
5. Is it true that if you touch the right breast of the statue of Juliet in Verona near the House of Juliet, then your love will be long? (NO, touch cures couples of infertility)
6. Is it true that you can exchange a plastic paper clip for a house? (YES, In 2005, the 20th Canadian set out to trade inconsequential change for a house, Kyle based the idea on a childish game called Bigger and Better, where an item is exchanged for something more valuable. 14 exchanges were made from the beginning to the end of the entire operation .It lasted from July 12, 2005 to July 12)
for the correct answers we give out small prizes, then we challenge them to any subsequent competition.

made to clients for a housewarming party, this is really not a quiz, but maybe someone will do it))
principle: we invite guests to play a bluff club game, you say some fact, they listen and must say it is right or you mislead them, that is, you said, the guests begin to answer .. you don’t immediately say yes or no, trying to confuse them with facial expressions and questions - really? here the guests are trying to deceive you and win by saying yes to everything)) so there are questions where it clearly seems that everything is clear, in fact, nonsense))...

Letter D. You know this letter well. In modern Russian, it is simply called “de”, in Old Church Slavonic it is called “good”. What does she look like on the outside? That's right, home. Russian peasants called this letter - "house". The house gives warmth, comfort, peace, saves from cold, rain and wind.
The letter O. What does the letter O look like? In a circle, round dance. People will take hands and there will be a round dance. Hands are taken by friendly people who love each other.
It's you, your family, your children, grandchildren...............
The letter M. What does the letter M look like. On the fence. After all, the house must be protected, the family must be protected. Behind the fence, you can live in peace.
Now, in the word house, each letter is in its place, just like every member of the family.

A competition is announced for knowledge of songs about the house, apartment and everything connected with housing. One of the guests remembers the song, the rest pick up. The one who knows the largest number of songs and the most sincerely singing is awarded.

Competition "Without what the house does not exist"
You need to list the materials to build a house. The last person to say the word wins.


5 024

How interesting is it to organize a housewarming party? Our script will help you with this.

Housewarming script "Not on chicken legs"

housewarming holiday

Guests come to a new apartment (or house) to congratulate the owners on a housewarming.

The owners show the apartment, and the guests prepare a cheerful congratulation for the new settlers.

In a new house, items that will contribute to the well-being of the owners are definitely needed. Guests give the hosts several symbolic gifts with meaning.

1. First, you need a thing that symbolizes wealth and prosperity in the family. It can be a figurine or a piggy bank.

2. A good housewife always has cleanliness in her house. And according to legend, dirt and dust attract evil spirits, so you need to get rid of them immediately. The symbol of cleanliness and order is a brush or mop.

3. The symbol of satiety and hospitality is a ladle or bread box.

4. A symbol of warmth, comfort, relaxation - slippers. It is better to know in advance the size of the shoes of the owners.

5. The symbol of fun, holidays and hospitality is a corkscrew. The guests offer to immediately try the corkscrew in action, and since it can open anything, let it “open” this housewarming party!

The toast is raised.

Then the guests are interested in whether the apartment is decorated as required by law, and hand over to the owners their “document” (this home-made letter, which contains a certificate of ownership and permission to decorate the interior in any style).

A toast is raised to the full owners of new housing.

Pets cannot but take part in the housewarming holiday. This is how they would congratulate their owners...

Congratulations from the dog

It has long been known to everyone around:

Dog is man's friend

But your repair and relocation -

For dog nerves wild stress!

Cut the sausages for the dog

Comfort the doggie with a sausage,

I will serve you faithfully

And guard your new house!

Congratulations from a cat

I am a cat, an affectionate animal,

I was the first to enter!

I love my hosts

I'll catch fresh mice for them,

I will bring them booty to the table,

Then I purr softly.

We are very good together

What else to wish?

Buy a new toilet

There is no more important thing for a cat!

congratulations from the parrot

The ass is not durrrrak at all,

Housewarming ass rrrrrad!

Pour a hundred grrrrrmm,

We'll hit you in half!

Congratulations from the fish

Even though we're just little fish

But we also have smiles on our faces!

We are waiting for a spacious, clean aquarium

And the new worm food is fragrant.

Since among them there is a difficult,

And the fabulous golden fish,

Then it is enough for you to make a wish

And feed us more often to pour!

Congratulations from cockroaches

cockroaches in housewarming

They also raised their glasses!

You don't poison us

Do not poison with dichlorvos:

We are the same residents

We are specialists in the household,

We know all the moves and holes,

Secret corridors!

If we live in peace

Eat and be friends with you

Then your money will go

How we have cockroaches!

Scene "Brownie Nafanya"

The guests say that there are no houses without a brownie and ask the owners if they met their brownie.

One of the guests slowly dresses up as Domovoi (we will need an old padded jacket and a hat with earflaps) and comes out with congratulations.


Let me introduce myself,

To please you!

I am a brownie by profession,

In the economic sense of the process I am.

He will ride like cheese in butter!

In order not to engage in rubbish,

I will tell you the rules of conduct:

Chur, do not turn on loud music,

Don't bang your heels on the floor

Do not come home after midnight

Don't wake old Nafanya

Don't splash around in the bathroom

Do not get involved in breaking dishes!

And if you behave well, Nafanya won't bother you! I’m actually a kind, hospitable brownie, here’s bread and salt I brought you!

Nafanya takes out the roll. A key is baked in a kalache. They cut the kalach, and the one of the guests who gets the piece with the key (it is necessary to warn them to bite off carefully, because the kalach is with a secret) receives the title of the most welcome guest in this house. And if the key is caught by the owner or mistress, then he (she) is appointed from now on as the head of the family and home for life.

Nafanya: Well, master and hostess, will you obey me and be friends with me? The owners are responsible.

Nafanya: Then I propose to treat Nafanya with a glass to intermarry! And if you treat me well, then I will share with you folk "Feng Shui" secrets.

Feng Shui from Nafani

Nafanya acquaints the hosts with folk signs relating to prosperity and happiness in the house, providing them with her comments.

■ Keep the broom only with the broom up, so as not to “sweep” wealth (or better buy a vacuum cleaner and not tempt fate!).

■ Matryoshka is a talisman against uninvited guests, the evil eye, illness and family quarrels (and the tumbler is a talisman, guess what!).

■ You can't eat or drink from crockery with cracks and chips, you can't keep such crockery in the house (it's generally ugly).

■ Fur skins attract good luck and wealth (husband, buy your wife a new fur skin, preferably mink!).

■ It is good to keep money under the tablecloth (now I will know where your money is!).

■ You can't put a drunk bottle on the table (we finish our drink and go for the next one)!

A toast is raised to the brownie and friendship with him. Guests suggest checking whether the floors in the new apartment are strong. There is a dance break.

After a pause, the feast continues again, there are interesting options for table games.


Board game "Don't laugh"

One of those sitting at the table starts the game, the rest repeat the movements after him. For example: put your hand on the neighbor's shoulder; then touch the neighbor's nose, etc. The main thing is not to laugh. Whoever laughs, he drops out and goes to the “penalty sofa”. At the end of the game, the penalty boxers perform some funny task together.

Game "Builders"

The host says that a real man must, as you know, build a house, plant a tree and raise a son in his life. The guests count how many of the men present have built houses, planted trees and how many children in their lives. The winner is determined.

The game "Yourself karaoke"

A competition is announced for knowledge of songs about the house, apartment and everything related to housing. One of the guests remembers the song, the rest pick up. The one who knows the largest number of songs and the most sincerely singing is awarded.

Hint - songs about home:

"Weather forecast" ("Weather in the house") from the repertoire of Larisa Dolina.

"Parent's House" from the repertoire of Lev Leshchenko.

"Under the roof of your house" from the repertoire of Yuri Antonov.

"My love is on the fifth floor" from the repertoire of gr. "Secret".

"Grass near the house" from the repertoire of gr. "Earthlings".

"No one will be in the house ..." from the TV movie "The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!".

“So far, everyone is at home” from the TV show of the same name.

If the company does not like to sing, you can arrange a similar contest of proverbs and sayings.

Home Proverbs:

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.

The hut is red with corners, and the wife with pies.

Houses and walls help.

My home is my castle.

Without a master, a house is an orphan.

In crowded but not mad!

Every house has its own skeleton in the closet.

Do not go to someone else's monastery with your charter.

Not at home: sat - you will not leave.

Toast "on the road"

Not a hut on chicken legs,

Not a hut, where with a sweet paradise -

Your new home

Invited us to "tea"!

And under this "glass of tea"

We wish you friends

Live without problems

It's like being in a king's castle!