The season of preparing jam for the winter will begin very soon. I like it very much, both adults and children. Every year more and more recipes are invented, but berries and granulated sugar remain the main ingredients.

This berry is very beautiful, fragrant and tasty. It can be served raw or as a compote for dessert. Sweet wines, liqueurs, preserves and jams are made from it.

This recipe for making Victoria jam is suitable for those housewives who do not have a large freezer and nowhere to freeze strawberries. The recipe is delicious and very simple.


  • Victoria (Strawberry) - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 1 kg.
  • Water - 200 ml.
  • Citric acid - 2 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Pour sugar into a saucepan (cauldron). Pour in water, send to the stove.

2. Now the sugar needs to be melted.

3. And as soon as it boils, add 2 gr. citric acid. Boil should be no more than 15 minutes.

4. While the sugar is melting, wash the strawberries and peel them from the tails. Larger ones can be cut in half.

5. When the syrup is ready, pour the berries and let it brew for about 15 - 20 minutes. The berry will give juice during this time.

6. At this time, we prepare my jars (sterilize), boil the lids.

7. After 20 minutes, pour the syrup into the same saucepan in which the sugar was drowned.

8. Put it on the stove again and boil for 10 minutes, no more.

9. Remove the syrup, let the foam settle. And immediately pour the berry a second time.

10. Strawberries stood for 20 minutes and the last time we pour the syrup into the pan and boil again for 5 minutes. We remove the foam.

11. Put the berry in the jars.

12. Pour hot, boiling syrup into jars and close the jars.

13. We turn them upside down and when they cool down, put them in a cool place (underground or refrigerator).

Bon appetit!

Victoria jam recipe 5 minute (five minute)

Five-minute jam - a kind of delicacy with a cooking time of 5 minutes. Unlike jam, the shape of the berries is preserved, they do not boil. This preserves more vitamins, requires less sugar and is beneficial to health.


  • Victoria (Strawberry) - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 1 kg.

Cooking method:

1. First, tear off the tails from the berries, rinse under running water.

2. Pour the berry into the pan, cover everything with sugar and leave until it gives juice.

3. Put on fire, cook, stir constantly, bring to a boil, and boil for 5 minutes.

4. Pour the finished treat into clean, dry jars. And close the lids for conservation.

We put away for storage. Bon appetit.

Delicious citric acid jam

Amazing jam, the taste and aroma of fresh strawberries, everyone at home asks for it for pancakes, pancakes and just for tea.

Citric acid will add sourness and enhance the bright color of the jam.


  • Victoria (strawberry) - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 800 - 900 gr.
  • Citric acid - 1/2 tsp.

Cooking method:

1. We wash the berries, remove the tails. It is better to take not a large mature (but not overripe) berry.

2. Pour Victoria into a saucepan with a thick bottom.

3. We fill the berry with sugar, while we do not add water (it is advisable to use white sugar, then less foam is formed). We leave for 5 hours so that the strawberries release juice.

4. The berry let out the juice, the sugar went down.

5. There are several options for adding citric acid. This is at the beginning of cooking, then the jam will turn out with sourness and at the end we add a small amount for color.

6. We put the pan on the stove and carefully mix the berries with sugar, put the stove on maximum heat. Bring to a boil, boil for no more than 5 minutes, and at the same time remove the foam.

7. Then remove from the stove, let cool and infuse for 5 - 8 hours.

8. Cover the pan with a kitchen towel so that excess moisture comes out.

9. The jam has cooled down, again put the pan on the stove and bring to a boil, boil for 5 minutes as well. Don't forget to skim off the foam.

10. Remove from the stove and also leave for 8-10 hours to settle and cool. We do this procedure three times so that the berry does not fall apart, but leaves its shape.

11. After the third time, cool the finished treat and pour it into sterilized jars, twist the lids.

Bon appetit.

Victoria in syrup for the winter


  • Berry (strawberry, victoria) - 2 kg.
  • Sugar - 1.5 - 2 kg. (to taste)
  • Lemon - 1.5 pcs.

Cooking method:

1. We wash the berries, dry them, tear off the petioles (they can not be thrown away, but dried and added to tea in winter, very tasty).

2. Strawberries are laid out in layers in a saucepan and sprinkled with sugar. (strawberry layer, sugar layer).

3. Leave for the night or day until the strawberries give juice.

4. Now put on the fire, while the strawberries are heated over low heat, take the lemons, squeeze the juice and add the jam to the future.

5. We make the fire medium, slowly mix the berries with sugar.

6. When the mass boils, remove the foam, if necessary, boil for 15 minutes. We spread the berries on a wide dish, in a layer so that the berries do not crush each other.

7. Boil the syrup without berries for an hour, return the berries there and boil for 15 minutes.

8. Pour it into sterilized jars and roll up.

9. Turn the jars upside down and let them cool completely. The berries were whole strong.

10. Berries can be used as a decoration for cakes, syrup can be used to soak cakes or just drink with tea. Bon appetit.

How to make victoria jelly

Delicious strawberry jam. It cooks fast and eats even faster. You will be delighted with the jam. This recipe is perfect for a layer of cakes or just a nice addition to pancakes.


  • Victoria (strawberry) - 1.5 kg.
  • Sugar - 1.2 kg.
  • Lemon juice - half a lemon

Cooking method:

1. We wash the berries under cold running water.

2. Remove the ponytails.

3. Using a blender or meat grinder, grind Victoria.

4. It turned out strawberry puree, add sugar to it and mix.

5. The resulting mass is sent to the stove. Cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally.

6. Strawberry jam boiled, remove the resulting foam. From the moment of boiling, boil the jam for 30 - 50 minutes. Constantly stirring and removing the foam.

7. How to check if the jam is ready, take a saucer, pour a teaspoon of jam on it and leave it to cool completely. When it has cooled down, it should not roll down the saucer (if you are not satisfied with the density, then you can say more).

8. Now pour into ready-made, clean jars and roll up the lids. We turn the jars upside down, wrap them with a kitchen towel, a blanket and leave to cool completely.

9. Jam turns out tasty, thick, beautiful.

Enjoy your meal!!!

We all love red and juicy, and most importantly, the most delicious and long-awaited strawberries. This berry not only has a magical taste, but also many vitamins and useful elements. Strawberries have a healing effect on the human body - it contributes to the normalization of metabolism, has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, the heart.

Therefore, dear hostesses, you should definitely pamper your family with delicious, fragrant and fragrant, and most importantly, healthy jam in winter! By the way, it can be used for .

Preparing berries

First, the berries need to be prepared:

  • first strawberries are sorted, medium ripe berries are selected;
  • then the strawberries are washed through a colander - it is necessary to make sure that excess moisture does not remain in the berries, let it drain well;
  • then the berries are laid out on a towel and dry;
  • then the strawberries are separated from the tails;
  • Well, now you can start cooking jam.

Recipe for thick strawberry jam with whole berries

This delicacy will win the hearts of your household with its unique taste and aroma!


  • strawberries - 1 kg;
  • fine sugar - 800 g.

Strawberries and sugar are taken 1:1. If you wish, you can take less sugar. At least 1 kg of berries uses sugar in the amount of 650 g, otherwise the strawberries will play.


  1. Arrange the strawberries in a bowl in layers.
  2. Sprinkle each strawberry layer with sugar.
  3. Put the sugar that remains on top, level it, cover it with a lid and leave the basin all night, the berries should let the juice flow.
  4. In the morning, remove the lid, make sure that the juice has appeared.
  5. Next, the contents must be boiled. Boil the jam for 7 minutes, stirring occasionally using a wooden spoon. Then the foam should be removed. Let the berry cool completely.
  6. Then again put the container with the strawberry mass on the fire, cook for 7 minutes. Do this three times, each time let the jam cool down.

In order to get a thicker consistency, cook the mass longer.

Sweetness can be considered ready when the drop remains on the plate and does not spread. The hot mass must be decomposed into sterilized jars, rolled up with lids and turned over, then put them in a cool room.

Recipe for making strawberry jam 5-minute

This recipe is shorter, but it retains the vitamins in the berries in greater quantities.


  • sugar - 700 g;
  • strawberries - 1 kg.


  1. Prepare strawberries. If the berries large size cut them into several pieces. Use small strawberries whole.
  2. Next, you need to prepare a syrup (for 2 kg of berries, take 0.5 l of water and 1.2 kg of sugar). Boil the syrup in an enameled container, making a strong fire.
  3. Pour the berries into the boiling sweet liquid, cook for 5 minutes. Stir using a wooden spoon.

Jam must be put into sterilized jars, rolled up with lids, turned over, cooled and lowered into the basement for storage.

Strawberry jam without boiling berries

This way of cooking jam will provide your family with useful substances for the whole winter!


  • sugar - 500 g;
  • strawberries - 1 kg.


  1. Rinse the berries, sort, remove the tails, send to the basin.
  2. Then the strawberries must be chopped, small pieces should be obtained.
  3. Pour sugar here, stir, the mass should be set aside for 2 hours, the sugar should completely dissolve.
  4. Transfer the mass to a container, plastic or glass, it does not matter.

Such jam is stored in the freezer if sugar is added in a minimal amount. And if the proportions of sugar and berries are taken 2: 1, then such sweetness is stored in the refrigerator, but not in heat - otherwise the jam will play.

Strawberry jam with almonds and liqueur

Strawberries can be combined with different products, resulting in original flavors. .And now I suggest you experiment in your kitchen with this magical juicy berry!


  • strawberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • almonds - 100 g;
  • liquor "Ammareto" - 1 tbsp.


  1. Prepare strawberries, sort and wash.
  2. Sprinkle the berries with sugar, set aside for 2 hours.
  3. Pour hot water over almonds and let stand for 15 minutes.
  4. Drain the liquid from the almonds, fill it with cool clean water. Peel the skin to remove bitterness.
  5. Add almonds to bowl with strawberries and sugar.
  6. Put on the stove, cook for 15 minutes over low heat in two passes.

A few minutes before the end of the second brew, pour in the liquor. The alcohol will evaporate, and the jam will have a unique taste.

Pour the sweetness into sterilized jars and roll up the lids.

Strawberry orange jam

This sweet will become a favorite for your family!


  • strawberries - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • orange - 1 pc.


  1. Wash the orange well, cut into pieces without peeling.
  2. Wash and sort the strawberries. Sprinkle with sugar, let stand for 3 hours.
  3. Then add orange slices here.
  4. Put the basin on the fire and bring the berries to a boil. Boil them for 10 minutes.
  5. Then you need to turn off the fire, set the container with jam aside, let it cool completely.
  6. Then put it back on the stove and cook at a boil for 10 minutes.

The finished sweet mass should be laid out in sterilized jars and rolled up with lids. Dip the cooled jam into the basement for storage.

Strawberry jam with mint and basil

This delicacy will delight you with its unforgettable taste and aroma!


  • strawberries - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • mint leaves - 20 pcs.;
  • basil leaves - 20 pcs.


  1. Sort the strawberries, wash, let the water drain.
  2. Add sugar to the berries, set aside, let stand for 2 hours. Juice should stand out.
  3. Then send the contents to cook on low heat, cook for 5 minutes.
  4. Then add the washed basil and mint, cook further for 5 minutes.
  5. Wash the lemon, rub the zest on a grater with small holes, chop the flesh into small pieces, you can use a meat grinder to grind.
  6. Add lemon to the jam, cook for another 10 minutes.

The finished dessert must be poured into sterilized jars and rolled up with lids.

Strawberry jam with lemon

This jam has an extraordinary spicy taste and an unforgettable delicate aroma!


  • strawberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • lemon - 1 pc.


  1. Sort strawberries, wash, dry.
  2. Pour the strawberries with sugar, the container with the contents must be set aside for 5 - 6 hours, let the juice appear.
  3. Put the container with the contents on low heat, boil.
  4. Wash the lemon well, rub the zest on a grater with small holes.
  5. Squeeze the juice from the lemon pulp. To do this, you can grind it with a meat grinder or use a juicer.
  6. Add lemon to bowl with strawberries, cook for 10 minutes.

And now you should pour the jam into jars, roll up the lids and cool.

Strawberry jam with tangerines

If you cook this sweet for your family, they will enjoy every evening in winter and thank you for the unusual yummy!


  • strawberries - 1 kg;
  • tangerines - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 2 kg;
  • water - 300 ml.


  1. Wash strawberries, dry.
  2. Wash the tangerines and send them to blanched in boiling water for 5 minutes.
  3. Remove the citrus fruits from the water, cool them by putting them in cold water. Then cut the tangerines into beautiful slices.
  4. Make sugar syrup.
  5. Dip strawberries, tangerine slices into syrup (boiling), cook for 5 minutes.
  6. Remove the container with the contents from the heat, let the jam cool down.
  7. Thus, boil it two more times.

Pour the hot sweetness into jars and roll up the lids.

Strawberry jam with red currant

This recipe for strawberry jam is useful for those hostesses who harvest several times a year.


  • strawberries - 1 kg;
  • red currant - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 2 kg;
  • lemon juice - from 1 citrus.


  1. Wash the strawberries, let the water drain.
  2. Wash the currants, dry them, and then grind them using a sieve. Remove bones.
  3. Grind strawberries with a blender or meat grinder, pour the mass with sugar.
  4. Add juice from lemon and currant to the container with the contents.

Arrange the jam in sterilized jars and store in the refrigerator.

Strawberry jam with cherries

This appetizing, sweet and simply divine in taste sweetness will delight you during tea drinking!


  • strawberries - 1 kg;
  • cherry - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 2 kg;
  • lemon juice - from 1 citrus.


  1. Wash strawberries, dry.
  2. Grind the strawberries with a blender.
  3. Wash the cherries, remove the seeds, also chop with a blender.
  4. Mix cherries with strawberries and sugar.

Arrange the resulting sweet mass in jars, put in the refrigerator for storage.

How to make thick strawberry jam

That's all. Strawberries can be combined with various aromatic herbs and fruits. Don't be afraid to experiment and create your own original recipes.

Enjoy your tea drinking and until new recipes!

When preparing strawberry jam from Victoria for the winter, the recipe may be old, grandmother's, because it was in her time that all strawberries were called "Victoria", or modern, with the addition of thickeners.

When the hostess starts making jam, she still does not know what exactly will turn out, because the quality of the final product is greatly influenced by the strawberries themselves. Trying to make jam, with whole i years, you might end up with:

  • puree;
  • jam;
  • syrup;
  • "mess".

Or you can get a beautiful, thick, opalescent jam, with even strawberries that have not lost their shape.

In any case, all this will be delicious, but some of these “creations” can be served at the festive table, some can be spread on bread while sitting at the TV, and some will only be suitable for adding to pastries.

Selection of strawberries for jam

The choice of berries for harvesting must be approached consciously. If we set ourselves the goal of making thick jam, and it doesn’t matter to us how the berry will look there, then we need to take soft varieties, and strawberries can even be overripe and “crumpled”.

It is a completely different matter when you need to “keep” the whole berry, prevent it from spreading and losing its shape. To cook, you need to carefully choose strawberries and it should be:

  • Dense. In order to determine the consistency of the berry when buying, you need to press it. When lightly pressed, its flesh should not be broken and leave dents. Having bitten such a berry, you need to feel its hardness, even fragility. Such strawberries are not suitable for eating as a dessert, but they are ideal for making jam with a given purpose;
  • Underripe. Whatever jam you cook, if you want to have the integrity of the fruit, then they must be in technical ripeness. This will not affect the quality of the jam, its aroma and taste, but the goal will be achieved.

If the strawberries are soft, overripe, they are also suitable for making jam, but in this case, the jam will look like strawberry jam. It will not taste bad, but the consistency will be peculiar. If the goal is to make jam-mashed potatoes, then in this case only a well-ripened berry, even overripe, is needed;

  • Fresh. As soon as strawberries (and any other fruit) are plucked from the mother bush, biochemical processes of decomposition begin to occur in it. Every minute their intensity is higher and higher, which means that every minute it becomes less and less suitable for making jam with a whole berry.

Having brought the berry home, you must immediately start making jam, every missed minute will affect the quality of the final product. If there is no difference what consistency the jam will be, then strawberries can be stored in the refrigerator for some time, or covered with sugar;

  • Varietal. Thick strawberry jam for the winter with whole berries can only be prepared from hard varieties of strawberries. Modern selection, especially imported, is directed in this direction. Such strawberries do not crumple, they are excellent in transportation, firm and resilient. The name of the variety can not be asked, this is not necessary, but when choosing, carefully inspect the berry and if it is hard, then you can buy it.

These strawberries are not a pleasure to eat fresh, but they are perfect for a perfect jam.

Another feature of new strawberry varieties is that they can be stored in refrigerators for a relatively long time (5-6 days) and remain firm;

Technology features

Strawberry blanks can be made in several ways, and each will have its own, unforgettable product. Each hostess, having tried this or that technology, stops at something of her own, the most acceptable for herself. Some make blanks different ways, and this makes sense, as they increase the range of harvested products.

Berry preparation

It would seem, well, what's so difficult about washing strawberries and selecting a green “forelock”. However, strawberries are not always grown on covering material, and if it comes into contact with the ground, it becomes dirty and it is not so easy to wash the ground and sand.

In order to properly wash strawberries, they must be poured into a basin, poured with cold water and smooth movements to dip into water, as if to drown. Thus, the sand will settle to the bottom.

If you are going to cook the jam so that the berry is whole, then when washing in water, you need to add citric acid, then the berry will be denser.

Dry-fill harvesting

Sometimes we are "attacked" by nostalgia about the taste of childhood and we remember the jam that we enjoyed in those distant times. The question arises, “How to cook thick Victorian jam for the winter?” The recipe is simple.

  • Strawberries - 1kg;
  • Sugar - 1 kg.

Pour the washed berries into a thick-walled basin and cover with sugar. We set the basin aside and wait until the strawberries are completely covered with their juice. As a rule, this is done at night, and in the morning the berry is ready for boiling.

The basin is put on heat and brought to a boil, the heating intensity is reduced to such an extent that the jam only boils slightly. During this period, foam is collected with a wooden spoon, and the jam itself is easily stirred.

The jam is boiled for 15-20 minutes. The pelvis is set aside until it cools completely. During this time, a significant part of the liquid fraction evaporates, the jam becomes thick.

If the density does not suit the jam, you can again heat up and cool again. Each cycle of heating will make the jam thicker and thicker. The signal to stop heating will be a color change to brown, this indicates initial stage sugar caramelization.

Before rolling into jars, the basin is again put on heat, brought to a boil and poured into pre-sterilized jars.

Jam with whole berries

When preparing strawberry jam for the winter, recipes can be very diverse, but adhering to a certain technology, you can prepare an impeccable product worthy of serving on any holiday table.


  • Strawberries - 1 kg;
  • Granulated sugar - 1.2 kg;
  • Citric acid crystalline - 4-5 g;
  • Water 100 g.


  • The basin is thick-walled, wide or pan;
  • Wooden spoon;
  • Scales for weighing or measuring utensils;
  • Heating device.

Strawberries are considered a very tasty dessert. Both adults and children love her. In addition to the extraordinary taste, strawberries have a number of useful properties.
It is very important for our diet. Also, the berry is able to saturate the body with all the necessary substances.

Strawberries contain:

B vitamins;
vitamin C;

Variety Description

There are a wide variety of strawberry varieties. They are classified according to the time of fruiting. For example, there are earlier varieties, and there are later ones. Here is the Victoria variety has fairly wide leaves of rich green color. The berry grows into powerful bushes. The fruit of this variety is very large and sweet. Of course, the size is inferior to Gigantelle, but still the strawberries are large.

Victoria bears fruit only once a year. Many people try to preserve its taste in the winter cold. To do this, they cook various jams, juices.

Winter jam: recipes

It is always so nice to eat strawberry jam on cold winter days and remember the summer. Many prefer the Victoria variety. After all, when the jar is opened, the aroma is immediately felt, and what a taste is simply incomparable. Homemade jam is not comparable to store-bought. That is why everyone is trying to make preparations for the winter in the summer. Very often they make jam from Victoria for the winter. Recipes help us preserve the taste of this magnificent berry.

Jam cannot be made quickly. Here you will have to work hard and more than one day. Cooking takes place in several steps, and before that, strawberries with sugar must be infused to give juice. Jam can be prepared purely from strawberries or with the addition of other berries and fruits, thereby making a platter. And then from this jam you can cook very tasty cookies.

Strawberry jam

Our mothers and grandmothers have always made preparations for the winter not only from berries, but also from fruits and vegetables. Now very few people choose to do this. They believe that now money can buy everything. But you can't buy this jam anywhere. The very nostalgia that the strawberries were hand-picked and brewed by ourselves makes us close the jam. Cork lovers tell secret recipes on video how to make jam from Victoria for the winter. To prepare such a blank, you will not need many ingredients.

1 kilogram of strawberries;
1 kilogram of sugar.


First you need to decide on the choice of the size of the berry. Some like it smaller, some like it bigger. But for jam it is better to choose small fruits, so it will be more pleasant to take them in your mouth later. It's whoever likes it.

Then the berries must be carefully sorted out. It is worth getting rid of rotten fruits, otherwise they will ruin the entire cooking procedure. The stalks should be torn off. After that, the strawberries should be washed thoroughly. Let excess water drain.

The 5 minute recipe is the easiest to understand and is very popular with many housewives. According to the same algorithm of actions, you can close strawberries.

Preparation with syrup

You can try an unusual recipe for making jam from Victoria for the winter with syrup. In this form, strawberries retain their aroma, and the rich syrup acquires a bright color. The berries can then be used for dumplings, filling pies or as a delicious dessert.

liter of water;
1.5 kg of sugar;
1/2 tsp citric acid.


First you need to thoroughly wash the berry and remove all tails. Let it stand for a while so that the glass water.

Pure strawberries should be laid out close to the banks. Cylinders must also be pre-washed.

Now you need to boil water, add sugar and citric acid. Mix everything well until completely dissolved.

Hot liquid should be poured over the berries in jars.

Each bottle must be covered with a lid. The balloon should be lowered into boiling water and sterilized for about 7 minutes. Then the banks need to be rolled up. You need to store such a workpiece in a cool place.

Preparation without cooking

Summer is strawberry season! There are many ways to make strawberry jam. different ways, but cooking is required everywhere. There is an excellent recipe, like jam from Victoria for the winter without cooking. Such a blank can be stored in the refrigerator until winter. The smell will be reminiscent of fresh berries.

1 kilogram of strawberries;
2 kilos of sugar.


The berry should be sorted out, removing the tails and throwing out the rotten fruits. Next, place the strawberries in a blender.

The device itself will grind the berries. Sugar should be sent to them, but not in large portions. Then again beat in a blender until smooth.

The jam must be heated so that the sugar is completely dissolved. If you leave it just for one night, then during this time it will also disappear. The prepared jam must be laid out in jars. Top with parchment paper and close with a lid.

Preparation with gelatin

A lot of people love thick strawberry jam. It is to the liking of people, as it does not spread. This jam will be a great addition to pancakes or pancakes. It turns out very fragrant. A very simple cooking recipe. Winter jam from Victoria with gelatin can be stored for a long time. In this way, the berries retain their beneficial properties.

4-5 kilograms of berries;
4-5 kilograms of sugar;
25 grams of gelatin.


First you need to prepare the strawberries. To do this, the berries must be washed and get rid of the tails. Overripe fruits are allowed for such jam. The main thing to remember is that the berries must be overripe, not spoiled!

Then the strawberries need to be placed in a bowl and covered with sugar. Strawberries should be infused all night, then it can be boiled.

You need to cook it three times for 15 minutes. Berries need to be mashed with a blender. Then put them back into the bowl and put on fire. Once it boils, continue to cook for another 7 minutes. Repeat the procedure after 4 hours. There should be 3 brews in total. Prepare for the winter

During the last approach, you need to add gelatin. How to soak it is written in the instructions on the back of the package. After the jam has cooled, it will thicken.

Preparation in a multicooker

In the summer, during the strawberry season, you can close the jam from Victoria for the winter. The recipe in a slow cooker allows you to save all the vitamins that are in this berry. This method is very simple. In the slow cooker, only quenching will occur, there is no active boiling in it. This jam turns out fragrant and healthy.

550 grams of strawberries;
380 grams of sugar;
110 ml of water.


First you need to prepare the banks. To do this, they must be sterilized. Do the same with the lids.

Now pour water into the multicooker bowl. You also need to install a double boiler, and a lid on top. There you need to put clean jars. Then you need to set the "Cooking" mode and the timer for half an hour. Then the jars need to be removed, covered with lids and set aside.

Now we need to prepare the strawberries. To do this, it should be washed in water and separated from the tails. Berries should be put in a cup and covered with sugar. Strawberries should be infused for about an hour.

Then you need to shift the strawberries with sugar into a slow cooker and pour in water. can be served with tea or used for baking.

Now you need to set the "Extinguishing" mode and the timer for an hour. It is forbidden to place more than 1 kilogram of berries in a slow cooker! If you have a lot of strawberries that need to be closed, then do it in stages.

The prepared jam must be poured into jars and rolled up. The workpiece can be lowered into the basement or placed in the refrigerator. This jam can easily be stored for several years.

There are a lot of recipes for making strawberries, everyone who wants to make blanks will be able to find a way to taste. Strawberry jam turns out fragrant, and also pleases the whole family with its exquisite taste on cold winter evenings!