The meaning and traditions of the holiday

The Roman Catholic Feast of Mary is a permanent date. It is considered a special memorable day and, according to tradition, visiting the temple is mandatory. The history of this holiday is very rich and even the date has often changed, which is why traditionalists celebrate it on November 11, and January 1 for them is the Feast of the Circumcision of the Lord. In ordinary Catholic churches they remember the Virgin Mary, her story, and read the scriptures that tell about her. For Catholics, the Virgin Mary has a special meaning and is a symbol of purity and kindness.

Catholic Epiphany

The meaning and traditions of the holiday

If in Orthodoxy the Baptism of the Lord and the Epiphany are one holiday, then for Catholics everything is completely different. First, everyone celebrates Epiphany on January 6, and on the first Sunday after it, they celebrate Epiphany. In 2017 it falls on January 8th. As usual on religious holidays, all believers strive to get to the temple for services. It is there that they consecrate chalk and water, and sometimes incense. Then they take all this home, write K, M and B in chalk - these are the first three letters of the names of the wise men who arrived at the birth of Christ and presented gifts as to the king. It is believed that these letters are able to protect against evil spirits and evil. Blessed chalk, water and incense are kept for a whole year and are believed to cure migraines and abdominal pain.

Catholic Presentation of the Lord

The meaning and traditions of the holiday

The holiday is dedicated to the first meeting of the infant Christ with the elder Simeon in the Temple of Jerusalem. The date is immutable and is celebrated every year on the same day. In churches, candles are usually blessed in memory of Simeon, which are lit during the festive service. Catholics treat these candles with special reverence and keep them all year round.

Ash Wednesday - the beginning of Lent for Catholics

The meaning and traditions of the holiday

It is customary for both Catholics and Orthodox Christians to observe Lent before Easter. But there are a number of differences in the Orthodox and Catholic traditions. For example, Western Christians call the beginning of such fasting Ash Wednesday. This name is due to the fact that on this day, according to custom, the clergyman applies a cross to all parishioners with ashes on the forehead. But the ashes must be taken not from ordinary ones, but from palm branches or willow branches that were preserved from the Feast of the Entry of the Lord. As we know in Orthodoxy, Lent begins on Monday and lasts 50 days, and for Catholics later, from Wednesday and its duration is 46 days.

Catholic Annunciation of the Virgin Mary

The meaning and traditions of the holiday

This holiday is dedicated to the great event when Archangel Gabriel informed the Virgin Mary that she would give birth to Jesus Christ. It is celebrated every year on the same day. If it falls during Lent, then it is allowed to weaken it a little. Moreover, even if the Annunciation falls on Easter, it is not canceled, but celebrated together. And at the service the songs and prayers of both Easter and the Annunciation are combined. In Catholic churches, they hold a festive service, and all the clergy dress in white clothes.

Catholic Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem (Palm Sunday)

The meaning and traditions of the holiday

Celebrated on the sixth Sunday of Great Lent, it also opens Holy Week. It was on this day that Jesus Christ entered Jerusalem, where he was greeted with palm branches. That's why this holiday is called Palm Sunday. According to tradition, before the start of the festive service, all believers, led by clergy, carry out a solemn procession around the temple. They always have palm branches in their hands; if they don’t have one, then in each country they are replaced differently, for example, palm or olive branches.

Catholic Maundy Thursday

The meaning and traditions of the holiday

Catholics begin celebrating Easter on Maundy Thursday. On this day they remember the Last Supper, which was attended by all twelve disciples of Christ. It was then that Jesus commanded the rite of communion. As you might guess, it is celebrated on the last Thursday before Easter. From this day until Easter, organs and bells in all Catholic churches fall silent. In this way they try to remind people of the suffering of Christ these days. In the morning of this day, a mass is usually celebrated with the offering of oil, where only priests are present. Each of them re-takes the vow they made at ordination. And in the evening all the parishioners gather for a service at which they remember the Last Supper. The ritual of foot washing is also performed there.

Catholic Good Friday

The meaning and traditions of the holiday

This holiday is dedicated to the torment of Christ, which he experienced on this day. It is celebrated on the last Friday before Easter. Many Catholics try to completely abstain from all entertainment and adhere to a particularly strict fast. Since the fourteenth century, a tradition of religious procession has appeared, which copies the gospel story. This custom has survived to this day.

Catholic Easter

The meaning and traditions of the holiday

We all know that Easter is a symbol of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The date of Easter is counted from Christmas and Lent, but since Orthodoxy and Catholicism live according to different calendars, their Easter dates are different. But there is one tradition of coloring eggs. And in some countries there is such a hero as the Easter Bunny, who hides colored eggs and small gifts for the little ones. It is also customary to decorate your homes with figurines of this animal, and in confectionery shops you can see chocolate bunnies. As for church rituals, festive services are held in all churches. Part of this service involves lighting a fire in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, after which it is carried to the rest of the churches. At the end of the service, believers carry out a procession around the church with songs and prayers.

Catholic Ascension of the Lord

The meaning and traditions of the holiday

In Catholicism, this holiday has a special meaning, therefore all churches hold all-night services. There, believers bless grapes and beans, and at home they extinguish the Easter candle. You can also often find the ritual of raising a statue of Christ to the top of the temple. This custom is a symbol of the fact that Jesus ascended. The date of this celebration is moveable and depends on Easter, namely, it is celebrated on the fortieth day after it.

Catholic Pentecost

The meaning and traditions of the holiday

This holiday is celebrated on the fiftieth day after Easter. It is a symbol of the Holy Spirit coming to the Apostles, after which they had the power to spread the Gospel. As on all holidays, a mandatory service is held, where this story is remembered, prayed, and it is also accompanied by the chants: “Come, Holy Spirit” and “Golden Sequence.”

Catholic Trinity

The meaning and traditions of the holiday

On the first Sunday after Pentecost, Catholics celebrate the Feast of the Trinity. This celebration is part of the Pentecost cycle. During the holidays of this cycle, all clergy dress in red suits, but at the onset of Trinity they put on white outfits. During the Divine Service, holy gifts are brought to the center of the temple. It is worth noting that there are also their own traditions that each country adheres to. For example, in Italy rose petals are scattered from the ceiling of churches, and in France it is customary to blow into trumpets.

Nativity of John the Baptist

The meaning and traditions of the holiday

This is an immutable date and is probably one of the oldest Christian holidays. After all, according to legend, back in the third century, Christians celebrated John’s birthday. The Bible says that this prophet carried out the Baptism of the Lord. As usual, services are held in churches, remembering the life of the prophet and his good deeds.

St. Anne's Day

The meaning and traditions of the holiday

The holiday was established in honor of the birth of Anna, the mother of the Virgin Mary. According to legend, Anna and Joachim (her husband) could not conceive a child for a long time. One day, she prayed for a child, promising that she would give him to serve God. Soon an angel appeared to her and informed her that she would have a daughter, who should be named Mary and that through her the entire human race would be blessed. There are no special customs or rituals on this day, only some women try to get to the temple to ask Anna for a baby.

St. Michael's Day

The meaning and traditions of the holiday

This holiday is dedicated to Archangel Michael. The date is immutable and in the past Catholics tried to celebrate it magnificently. St. Michael's Day was one of the most significant and in some countries it was put on the same level as the Virgin Mary. However, over time, Christians began to forget it and today they don’t celebrate it at all. According to legends, Archangel Michael is the patron saint of all warriors, sailors, knights and soldiers, as well as the protector of all the weak.

All Saints' Day

The meaning and traditions of the holiday

All Saints' Day has a controversial history and origin. And all because he has pagan roots. So, in ancient times, at this time the Celts celebrated the onset of the New Year. They believed that on this day all kinds of evil spirits wandered the Earth, hence the tradition of dressing up on Halloween to scare them. Also, many believe that their deceased relatives come to people during the holiday to eat sacrificial food. All Saints' Day is more like our Easter. It is celebrated not only by Christians, but also by ordinary people, and over the years it has become popular. On this day, after the service and Litany, Catholics go to the cemetery to honor the memory of their deceased relatives.

Catholic All Souls' Day

The meaning and traditions of the holiday

All Souls' Day is not just about honoring their deceased relatives, but Catholics also remember all faithful believers. In Catholicism, in general, they treat the dead especially. It is believed that on this day everyone should remember not only the existence of Hell or Heaven, but also repent and do more good deeds. All Souls' Day immediately follows Halloween. On this day, it is also customary to visit the cemetery to clean up the graves of the dead and light a lamp. Often some families have meals there.

St. Martin's Day

The meaning and traditions of the holiday

Saint Martin was distinguished by rare kindness and beneficence. Despite the fact that he was not born into a Christian family, he became the bishop of Tours and founded a monastery in Marmoutier. In France, he is one of the most revered saints. There used to be a tradition - Catholics made a fire and threw all the old baskets where fruits were stored there, and then jumped over it. Sometimes this custom is found in our time. And in Germany, a week before the holiday, every family gathers all children over one year old and creates a paper lampion. It must be hung on a stick, and a small electric light bulb is placed inside.

Catholic Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the Temple

The meaning and traditions of the holiday

This holiday is celebrated in honor of Mary's mother fulfilling her vow. When the Virgin Mary was three years old, her mother Anna and father Joachim brought the girl to the temple in order to give her to serve God. A few years after this event, Maria’s father died, followed by her mother. And so it turned out that before her betrothal to Joseph, Mary lived at the monastery.

Catholic Christmas Eve

The meaning and traditions of the holiday

Christmas Eve is the holiday before Christmas. On this day, it is customary for Catholics to intensively prepare for the upcoming event. Strict fasting must be observed all day. You cannot sit down at the table before the first star, and the first course should be succulent. In many countries, Catholics exchange so-called wafers - this is unleavened bread. It is divided between two people, and the one to whom a piece is broken off wishes all the best for the coming year. It is also common to leave one empty seat at the dinner table, which is intended for an occasional guest. According to custom, he must be accepted as a brother. Before Christmas, an evening service is held at midnight, during which the clergyman places the baby figurine in the nativity scene.

Catholic Christmas

The meaning and traditions of the holiday

When the first star rises on Christmas Eve, everyone sits down at the festive table to celebrate Christmas. It is at Christmas that all Catholics traditionally decorate a festive tree. And in some countries, Catholics, just like us, go from house to house with carols. They are given food as a gift - sausage, roasted chestnut, fruit, pies, and so on. But stingy owners are usually ridiculed and, according to signs, troubles and misfortunes await them for this. As you can see, pagan and religious traditions have united and the holiday customs have become more folk than church.

At the end of March, Catholics and Protestants, as well as Orthodox churches living according to the Gregorian calendar and the New Julian calendar that coincides with it, celebrate one of the most important Christian holidays - Annunciation of the Virgin Mary (Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary).

When do Western Christians celebrate the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary?

Catholic, Protestant and some Orthodox churches celebrate this holiday March 25.

Name of the holiday

Initially, the holiday was called, this name was accepted both in the East (among the Orthodox it is still preserved) and in the West. The name Annunciation of the Virgin Mary, adopted in the West, is later.

After the Second Vatican Council (1960s), the Catholic Church officially returned the holiday to its earlier name - Annunciation of the Lord, but it didn’t catch on too well.

Catholics living in Russia traditionally call this holiday simply Annunciation.

History and meaning of the holiday

Holiday Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary associated with the most important gospel event. It's about the archangel's proclamation Gabriel maiden Maria that she bears in her womb and will give birth to a savior - Jesus Christ.

In the Gospel of Bows this event is described as follows: archangel Gabriel was sent by God to tell the virgin Maria who was betrothed to the righteous Joseph that she will conceive from the holy spirit and give birth to a baby - the son of God, who will be named Jesus and become the savior (messiah).

Mary, who was raised in the Jerusalem Temple before her betrothal to Joseph, was at first confused by the prophecy. But then she believed in the veracity of the angel’s words and said:

“Let it be done to me according to your word.”

In the early Christian tradition, the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary was considered an act of atonement for the sin of the ancestor Eve. The obedience of the Virgin Mary, her submission to God's will, was seen as atonement for Eve's disobedience, which led to the fall of the first people and their expulsion from paradise.

Why is the Annunciation celebrated on March 25

In the Catholic tradition, there are several explanations for choosing this date to celebrate the holiday. March 25 occurs nine months before Nativity of Christ. That is, the Virgin Mary learns that she will give birth to the son of God nine months (normal pregnancy) before giving birth.

In the 4th century, another explanation for the celebration of the Annunciation on March 25 appeared. Theologians decided that mankind's atonement for original sin should have begun with the conception of Jesus on, considered the day of the creation of the world, and in the month of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ (Easter).

In the Middle Ages, the countdown of the days of the New Year began with the Annunciation. Let us remember that among some peoples, these two dates are closely related.

Annunciation in art

The first images of the Annunciation scene date back to the 5th century. Subsequently, this plot becomes one of the favorites in Christian art. The Annunciation was depicted on Byzantine icons; it became the subject of medieval painting and sculpture. The Renaissance gave a new impetus to understanding the Gospel subjects, and the Annunciation became one of the favorite themes of Renaissance painting.

The main attributes of the Annunciation in art:

lily - a symbol of the virgin Mary’s purity, purity of spiritual thoughts and piety;
a spinning wheel or spindle (mostly with red yarn) - a symbol of the flesh of Christ;
book of the prophet Isaiah which he reads Maria;
olive branch in the hand of an archangel Gabriel- a symbol of reconciliation between God and humanity;
a ray of light that symbolizes the holy spirit descending on Mary;
the well is a symbol of Mary’s purity and purity;
swallow is a symbol of spring, hope and rebirth of life.

Church traditions of celebrating the Annunciation

The Annunciation is a so-called impermanent holiday, which is always celebrated on the same day, in contrast to the transitory Easter, which “roams” according to the calendar. The Annunciation falls either on the days of Great Lent, or on the first week after Easter (Easter Bright Week), sometimes even on Easter itself (this coincidence is called “Kyriopascha”). The traditions of the church celebration of the Annunciation depend on what time the holiday falls on, and for each option there is a special liturgy.

At the same time, the church celebration of the Annunciation is never canceled, but, if necessary, Easter hymns can be added to the Annunciation hymns. If the Annunciation falls during Lent, then for the sake of the holiday, believers are given indulgences.

When is Annunciation celebrated in Russia?

Russian Orthodox Church celebrates Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary April 7. In 2018, this holiday coincides with Holy Saturday- the day before Orthodox Easter, which is celebrated on April 8. Read about the features and folk traditions of celebrating the Annunciation in Russia in the material Federal News Agency.

The celebration of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary falls on the seventh day of April; if you count, it turns out that the Annunciation comes nine months before the birth of Christ. Since Christ was born on the same day, this holiday is not transferred and does not move to other dates; the last two years it fell on the strictest week of fasting, but this year the Annunciation is celebrated earlier than the beginning of Holy Week, which makes it possible for believers to relax their adherence to food restrictions . It is worth finding out more about when the Annunciation will take place in 2019, as well as what the origin of this holiday is, whether it has its own church traditions and signs.

So, if the weather on Annunciation is cloudy and rainy, this foreshadows a meager and poor harvest; when a thunderstorm falls on the seventh day of April, this may indicate the imminent onset of a warm and mild summer. When the sun is shining brightly in the sky on the day of the holiday, this will indicate that the summer is likely to be drier, you should expect a minimum harvest and many fires. When it’s warm and light outside on Annunciation Day, the frosts will most likely continue, but if frost strikes on the day of the holiday, you should expect warm weather soon. You can pay attention to swallows; if these birds are not in the sky on this day, then the spring weather will be cool and rainy.

Annunciation in the modern world

In ancient times, people more strictly adhered to church rules, today this is becoming more difficult for the reason that not all church celebrations are officially registered in our country, which means that believers will not be given a day off from work in order to fully celebrate the solemn day . Since it may be impossible to completely avoid working on a holiday, you should at least cancel too important work processes, for example, signing an agreement or deal, and you should also not start a new activity.

But it will be easier to refuse homework; it’s worth postponing the laundry, washing and cleaning until later, because you can do this the day after the Annunciation. It is also important that an Orthodox Christian set aside a little time for prayer and cleansing his soul from all sins; confession on this day is simply necessary for every Orthodox Christian in order to meet Easter Sunday with a pure soul.

When is the Annunciation celebrated in 2017 among Orthodox and Catholics?

The Russian Orthodox Church classifies the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary as one of the twelve (that is, 12 most important) immutable (celebrated on the same day) holidays. The holiday is celebrated on March 25 according to the New Julian calendar, which is followed by the Russian Orthodox Church and some other denominations. According to modern chronology, the feast of the Annunciation always falls on April 7.

Catholics, Protestants and other Christian denominations living according to the Gregorian calendar have already celebrated the Feast of the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary on March 25.

History of the Feast of the Annunciation

The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated in honor of a well-known gospel event - Evangelist Luke said that on this day the Archangel Gabriel announced the good news to the Virgin Mary that she would give birth to a son of God, who would be called Jesus.

According to the gospel interpretation of this event, the Lord sent the Archangel Gabriel to Nazareth to the Virgin Mary to tell her that she would become the mother of the son of God, who was destined to become the savior of mankind. Being obedient to God's will, the Virgin Mary accomplished the first stage of atonement for the Fall committed by Eve, who, despite the ban, tasted the forbidden fruit.

The symbol of the Annunciation is the white lily, symbolizing the purity and purity of the Virgin Mary.

Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 2017: signs and traditions

Icon "Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary"

A number of signs and ancient customs are associated with this holiday. They say that on the Annunciation “a bird does not build a nest, a maiden does not braid her hair,” that is, any work is considered a sin.

One of the oldest customs is the release of birds, in particular pigeons. According to legend, they will convey the news of our good deeds to the guardian angels, who will then reward and benefit the person.

On the Annunciation, it is prohibited to sew, weave or knit anything. This ancient prohibition is due to the fact that human life is a thread that can only be controlled by guardian angels and the Lord God himself. On this day, the probability of confusing the threads of life is extremely high. This can lead to the transfer of fate from one person to another, the destruction of a family, etc.

Knowledgeable people prepared special Annunciation salt on this day. Each family member had to take a pinch of salt and pour it into a bag. After this, the mistress of the house heats the salt over the fire and saves it for special occasions. According to popular belief, Annunciation salt can heal even the most hopeless patient. If it is not needed within a year, it must be burned in a bonfire built on the occasion of the next feast of the Annunciation. Our ancestors were sure that all adversities, illnesses, strife and troubles would burn with her. This also applies to prosphora and holy water brought from the service, which in the Christian world are considered almost a panacea.

There is also a very contradictory sign: it is believed that on this day you should steal any little thing. On the one hand, according to the commandments, theft is a sin, but sorcerers advise doing it to attract happiness and good luck.

It is believed that on this holiday one should not wear new clothes, that is, new clothes. There is no logical explanation for this.

In addition, try to be careful with fire on this day: you should prepare food in advance, do not light fires, etc.

In rural areas you can still see people who, on Annunciation Day, use noise, ringing and uproar to drive away diseases from livestock and other living creatures and scare away forest predators.

Signs for the Annunciation for unmarried people

In Transcarpathia, unmarried girls comb their braids before dawn, then walk around the house and sweep their parents’ hut three times. They do not throw away the garbage, but, after carefully collecting it, take it to the river and bury it there. After this, the girls collect water from the river and water the beds with it, where they plan to sow cabbage seeds for seedlings.

It is believed that if a girl finds a primrose on Annunciation, she will get married in the summer. And the old people also said: “When you find a scroll for the Annunciation, take it and put it in your bosom. On Great Day, as they fall asleep, “Christ is risen!” “, viim i put pid images for happiness.”

On the holiday, the girls washed themselves with water into which they threw spring flowers - to be beautiful.

After the Annunciation service, the girls in the church courtyard started a spring round dance for the first time - “crooked dance”. Vesnyanki, who sang during the dance, were called guards, because, despite the holiday, Lent continued. Perhaps this is why people were not supposed to visit on the Annunciation. The holiday was celebrated in a narrow family circle. They were most afraid that during the feast a strange woman or girl would knock on the door: according to legend, she could turn out to be a witch. Therefore, in order not to incur the wrath of their neighbors, women tried to stay at home on this day.

In Russia, Ukraine and Belarus in 2017, the Feast of the Annunciation is celebrated on Friday, April 7, the sixth week of Lent, on the eve of Lazarus Saturday (April 8) and two days before Palm Sunday (April 9).

What can and cannot be done on Annunciation?

The Annunciation, like many other church feasts, has its own rules and restrictions. Some of them are particularly strict, such as a ban on doing something.

People say “on Annunciation, a girl does not braid her hair, and a bird does not build a nest.” The legend of the cuckoo is associated with this belief. The legend mentions that this bird does not have a home due to the fact that it deliberately violated the Lord’s prohibition. Since then, she has been forced to throw her eggs into other people's nests and be persecuted by everyone.

You also cannot perform the following acts on the Annunciation Day:

    Lend something or, conversely, give money and things to strangers. Otherwise, you may lose your well-being, health, peace and quiet in your family. This requirement should be strictly observed, even if the person asking you for something is well known and you are uncomfortable refusing him. It is important to ensure that nothing is taken from your home. Therefore, it is not advisable to invite guests on April 7th. The holiday is usually celebrated with family.

  • Sew, weave, knit. Many peoples of the world associate thread with life, so anyone who picks it up for work can confuse their fate, bring problems and troubles.

  • Take care of your hair, informs w. You can’t not only cut your hair, wash your hair, but even comb your hair because of the danger of ruining your destiny. Hair may also fall out as a punishment.

  • Wear new clothes. New things will quickly tear or deteriorate irreparably, and within a year there will be no opportunity to purchase others. Girls who violate the ban will not get married until the next Annunciation.

  • They don't start something new. Otherwise, there will be no success in business. The modern sign that says that serious things cannot be started on Monday (construction, business, etc.) had a different interpretation in the old days. Previously, it was believed that one should not undertake any business on the day of the week corresponding to the past Annunciation. For example, if this celebration fell on Wednesday, then it was considered an unlucky day next year.

This day should be spent the way you would like. According to legend, it is believed that whatever this holiday is like for you, it will be like that for the rest of the year. Therefore, you should not be offended at the Annunciation or quarrel with the people around you. On the contrary, you need to spend the day in a good, bright mood. Don't be alone. Even if you don’t have your own family, take the opportunity to visit your family and meet friends. For people who have pets, it is advisable to feed them well. Crumbs of blessed prosphora should be added to the food. Thus, the owner protects not only himself, but also his pets from diseases in the future.

Annunciation traditions: prosphora, larks and medicinal salt

In Rus', on the Annunciation in Rus', special Lenten buns were baked - prosphora, as well as Lenten cookies in the shape of birds, which were called waders or larks. These cookies were used during folk rituals of invoking spring.

Also on this day, Annunciation salt was prepared, which was later used as a medicinal drug. All family members put a pinch of salt in a bag, and then the hostess poured the salt onto the brazier and calcined it. The calcined salt was again poured into the bag and used as a universal remedy for all diseases. Annunciation prosphora was also used as a remedy.

The custom of releasing birds at the Annunciation is very /

Annunciation: why the laity should not release the birds themselves

The custom of releasing birds at the Annunciation is very ancient; it is associated with the spring equinox and with the return of birds from warm countries. In Christianity, the Holy Spirit is depicted as a dove, so the custom of releasing birds has taken root in the Christian tradition.

The patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church, accompanied by children, participates in this ceremony.

In Rus', before the Annunciation, people (especially children) specially caught birds, which they then sold to perform the ritual. However, animal rights activists believe that in the modern world this custom is barbaric, since 90% of birds caught and then released die from stress and poor maintenance. However, in the provinces this custom is still strong, despite the fact that the church does not bless the laity to release the birds themselves for the Annunciation. In temples, only specially trained tame pigeons are used for this ritual.

The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary is one of the most important and significant world religious holidays and is revered by Christians of all countries. According to biblical texts, on this day the heavenly servant, Archangel Gabriel, brought the good and happy news to the immaculate Virgin Mary that she would become the Mother of the son of God and the Savior of mankind, Jesus Christ.

What date do Orthodox and Catholics celebrate Annunciation 2016?

This significant date is considered an immovable twelve-year holiday and is celebrated annually on the same day. Therefore, to the question of what date the Annunciation 2016 will occur among the Orthodox, there is only one clear answer - April 7. For Catholics, the celebration always falls on March 25th. The fourteen-day difference is due to the fact that the Roman Church calculates significant religious events according to the Julian calendar, and the Russian Orthodox Church - according to the Gregorian calendar.

The main idea of ​​the celebration is the unification of human freedom and God's power, the result of which was the coming into the world of the Great Messiah. Immaculate Mary was chosen by the Almighty as the mother of the living incarnation of the Lord in our world. But the miraculous conception could not have taken place if the girl had not been ready to submit to the will of God. This event clearly shows that God only offers people a path, and everyone decides for themselves whether to follow it or not. You can open your heart to the Almighty and receive guaranteed hope for the salvation of your soul, or you can renounce all that is holy and forever lose the chance to join the Kingdom of God.

Signs for the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

There are many interesting ancient traditions and rituals associated with the holiday. On this blessed day, birds are released from their cages, stoneflies sing, invite warmth and good weather, and even jump over a large fire to free themselves from the sins accumulated over the winter period.

On the Annunciation, it is not recommended to wear new clothes, start new businesses, sow fields with wheat, light a stove, sit under smoke and do housework. Frosty weather on Blagoveshchensk morning promises a good harvest of spring crops and cucumbers, and a strong thunderstorm promises a hot summer and a large amount of nuts.

Is it possible to wash your hair on Annunciation?

It is considered a very bad omen to do anything with your hair on this bright and solemn holiday. So for everyone who planned to go to the hairdresser or wash their hair for Annunciation 2016, it is better to postpone these activities to a more appropriate time. In villages, old people still say that on the holy day “a bird does not build a nest, and a girl does not braid her hair.”