Today we’ll look at a basic recipe for ice cream at home. Making this chilled dessert yourself is not at all difficult if you carefully follow the recipe and take into account all the recommendations.

Homemade creamy ice cream is very tasty, with a delicate and smooth texture, as well as a pleasant vanilla aroma. At the same time, unlike store-bought ice cream, our dessert consists only of natural products, without all kinds of chemical flavor enhancers, so you can safely please your little sweet tooth with a serving of chilled delicacy.

Ingredients for 2-3 servings:

  • cream from 33% - 200 ml;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • egg yolks - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 60 g;
  • vanilla pod - 1 pc.

Homemade ice cream recipe with photo

  1. Mix milk with sugar in a small saucepan with a thick bottom. Using a knife blade, cut the vanilla pod along its entire length, remove the seeds and also add to the milk mixture. Thanks to vanilla, the ice cream will be filled with a delicious natural aroma, but in the absence of this ingredient, you can get by with a bag of vanilla sugar or a pinch of vanillin. Heat the mixture until hot, not boiling.
  2. In another container, beat the egg yolks with a whisk. There is no need to vigorously beat the mixture until it becomes foamy, just to achieve homogeneity is enough.
  3. Pour hot milk into the mashed yolks in a thin stream, continuously stirring the mixture.
  4. Pour the resulting mixture into a saucepan, place on low heat and cook until slightly thickened. It is important not to overheat the milk, otherwise the yolks may curdle! To avoid this trouble, choose a thick-bottomed pan for cooking the cream and cook over low heat. Also, do not forget to continuously stir the cream, especially at the bottom (it is most convenient to use a silicone spatula for this).
  5. We check readiness as follows: run your finger along the silicone spatula. If the mark remains clear and does not float with cream, immediately remove the pan from the heat. Tip: if the yolks still curdle, you can grind the mixture through a fine sieve or puree with a submersible blender. However, unfortunately, it is no longer possible to avoid the eggy taste of the ice cream. In this case, it is better to remove the pan from the heat sooner rather than later.
  6. Cool the freshly prepared cream to room temperature. At the same time, whip the cold cream until thick.
  7. Add the cooled cream to the whipped cream mixture and mix. Chill the mixture in the freezer for 3 hours. During this time, it is necessary to remove the container 5-6 times and mix the mass thoroughly to avoid the formation of ice crystals and to obtain a smooth and uniform texture.
  8. When the consistency of the mixture becomes similar to soft ice cream and is difficult to mix, transfer the mixture into a silicone mold, cover with a lid and put it in the freezer for another 3-4 hours (you can leave it overnight).
  9. Before serving, let the frozen ice cream sit for a while at room temperature. Then scoop up the slightly melted mixture with an ice cream spoon and form into balls. If desired, complement the dessert with chocolate chips, mint leaves or berries.

Vanilla ice cream at home is ready! Bon appetit!

Ice cream is a product that helps out in the summer heat. You can buy it in a store or make it yourself. I make such culinary delights myself and now I’ll tell you how to make ice cream at home.

Historians found the first mention of ice cream in manuscripts from the time of Emperor Nero. He ordered the cooks to bring ice mixed with fruit additives. And the Chinese Emperor Tanggu had a technology for preparing mixtures based on milk and ice.

Classic ice cream recipe


  • Milk – 0.5 cups.
  • Sugar – 150 g.
  • Cream – 300 g.
  • Yolks – 3 pieces.
  • Lemon juice - from 1 piece.
  • Vanilla sugar.


  1. Boil and cool the milk. After cooling, add the yolks, lemon juice and sugar into the milk. Add a little vanilla sugar.
  2. Place the bowl with the resulting mixture in a water bath and keep it until the mass begins to resemble condensed milk. Stir the mixture constantly.
  3. In a separate container, whip the cream until thick. Mix the mixtures carefully, transfer to a convenient form and place in the freezer.
  4. Stir the ice cream periodically during the first two hours, and then leave until morning.

If there is a holiday, wedding anniversary or birthday coming up, surprise your guests with a wonderful treat. However, I advise you to make homemade lemon ice cream even if you want something cold, sweet and refreshing.

How to make popsicles

Nothing beats the summer heat like popsicles. On store shelves, instead of a product based on natural fruits, they offer ice cream based on fruit syrup or additives.


  • Orange juice – 1 glass.
  • Fresh fruit – 3 cups.
  • Sugar – 1 glass.


  1. Place the listed ingredients in a blender bowl. Turn on the device and wait for a homogeneous mixture to form.
  2. Strain the mixture to remove the skins and seeds. If necessary, dilute with juice.
  3. Pour the popsicle base into a food container and place in the freezer to harden. It will take four hours.
  4. Break the fruit ice into pieces, transfer to a pre-chilled container and beat with a mixer until you obtain a homogeneous and thick mass that should not melt.
  5. Place the ice cream back into the container and freeze. You will get three servings of dessert, which I recommend serving in small vases.

Which fruits to use is up to you, but I recommend choosing strawberries, raspberries, peaches and nectarines.

Video recipe

A few spoons of liqueur can change the taste of homemade popsicles. Take peach, cherry or orange liqueur. Don’t forget to garnish the delicacy with pieces of fruit before serving.

Yogurt ice cream - recipe without ice cream maker

Yogurt-based ice cream will repel any factory competitor. I consider it the most delicious and healthy option for a delicacy, which neither adults nor children can do without in the summer.

The recipe that I will describe welcomes the use of frozen berries, which is a plus. Such a semi-finished product retains useful substances, which cannot be said about berries that have been lying on store shelves for months.


  • Bananas – 2 pieces.
  • Frozen strawberries – 200 g.
  • Frozen blueberries – 1 cup.
  • Low-fat yogurt - 2 cups.
  • Honey – 2 tbsp. spoons.


  1. Peel the bananas and place them in a blender bowl along with the rest of the ingredients. At low speed, grind the ingredients until smooth.
  2. Distribute the contents of the bowl into molds and place in the freezer. After ten minutes, remove the ice cream from the yogurt, insert a stick into each portion and return it to the freezer.
  3. After three hours, enjoy the treat.

Now you can make your life sweet, tasty and healthy, as yogurt ice cream is low in calories and rich in vitamins.

Video recipe

The benefits and harms of ice cream

Ice cream is a delicious treat and an excellent weapon against the heat. However, some people doubt the benefits of the treat.


Ice cream contains about a hundred substances that are valuable for the body. These are amino acids, fatty acids, mineral salts and vitamins, potassium, phosphorus, iron and magnesium.

Ice cream is a source of the happiness hormone, which improves memory, lifts your mood and speeds up the fight against stress. Dessert provides a therapeutic effect.

Some techniques aimed at preventing intestinal and stomach diseases are based on yogurt ice cream. Dessert has a positive effect on the intestinal microflora, since the necessary bacteria enter along with the sweetness. The product retains its beneficial properties for three months.

If a child refuses to drink milk, ice cream will help saturate the body with useful substances. It is recommended to give children classic ice cream sundae without fillers or additives.

Harm and contraindications

Ice cream has a lot of disadvantages. First of all, it is high in calories. I don’t recommend overusing the treat. Ice cream is contraindicated for gastritis and stomach diseases.

If the composition contains sucrose, it is better for diabetics to avoid using it. People with high cholesterol levels are not advised to eat desserts based on animal fats.

Nutritionists recommend not eating aromatic varieties, since they contain fruit essences that have nothing in common with natural products. Ice cream often causes headaches because it quickly lowers the temperature, constricts blood vessels and slows down blood flow.

History of ice cream

According to legend, while traveling through eastern countries, Marco Polo learned a recipe for a delicacy that was cooled with ice and saltpeter. From that moment on, a treat reminiscent of sherbet was present on the table of aristocrats. Cooks of those times kept recipes secret, but for an ordinary person, making ice cream was comparable to a miracle.

Later, recipes for making sherbets and ices, popular among the French and Italian nobility, appeared. Even Louis 14 had a weakness for such delicacies. In 1649, Gerard Tiersen, a culinary specialist from France, came up with a recipe for frozen vanilla cream, which included cream and milk. This new product was called “Neapolitan ice cream.” Later, the recipe for the ice dessert was updated several times.

Residents of Rus', even in ancient times, consumed pieces of frozen milk in the summer heat. Even today, residents of Siberian villages prepare frozen milk and store it in large piles.

The man who came up with the technique of using ice and salt to lower and control the temperature of food to make ice cream helped advance technology. No less important is the invention of a wooden bucket, equipped with rotating blades, intended for making ice cream.

At the beginning of 1843, a hand-held device for making ice cream was created and patented in England. The author of the invention was Nancy Johnson. Since Johnson was unable to organize production of the equipment, she sold the patent to the Americans. As a result, after 8 years, the first factory producing ice cream on an industrial scale appeared in Baltimore. Much time has passed since then, but technologies and recipes are still being improved.

With the advent of mechanical freezing technology, distribution of the sweet treat has become easier. Later they came up with a straw, then a stick and the “soft ice cream” technology.

Making ice cream according to simple recipes without eggs at home: cream, vanilla, ice cream, popsicle, cottage cheese, berry, fruit, chocolate, banana. We have selected step-by-step recipes for our caring parents, according to which you can easily prepare wonderful ice cream from milk, cream, yogurt, cottage cheese, kefir, juice, with berries, fruits, chocolate or cocoa at home, with or without an ice cream maker. Please your children with a delicious ice dessert, which is also natural, without dyes or preservatives.

Nowadays, it is better not to buy ice cream in stores - there is no benefit from it, but there is a lot of harm, especially for children, since it is stuffed with all sorts of time bombs. It is preferable to make your own ice cream at home, which will be both tasty and healthy at the same time. By adding nuts, fresh berries and fruits to it, you will make the dessert even healthier, unless, of course, your child is allergic to these products.

Pediatrician's advice: in order not to provoke allergic reactions in the child (in some cases very serious), chocolate and nuts can be given to him only after 3 years!

Information for those who are interested in the level of calorie content of ice cream: the lowest calorie is milk, followed by cream, then ice cream and the highest calorie is popsicle. But the higher the fat content of this dessert, the tastier it is.

Making ice cream at home

Making ice cream at home is easier than you might imagine.

If you have an ice cream maker, then before loading all the ingredients for ice cream into it, you need to mix them well with a mixer or blender. The ice cream maker should only be filled halfway.

And if you make ice cream without an ice cream maker, then during freezing you need to stir it several times so that ice crystals do not form in the dessert.

But you can simplify the entire procedure for making ice cream without an ice cream maker if you have a special container with a lid for freezing ice into cubes:

  • make the base mixture for our dessert;
  • pour into an ice-freezing container;
  • place in the freezer for 30 minutes until the mixture is half frozen;
  • transfer the cubes into a mixer container and add fillers there, if desired;
  • thoroughly break everything up with a mixer fitted with a knife attachment;
  • transfer the mixture into ice cream molds and place in the freezer for 2-3 hours. Ready!

When making ice cream, use only very fresh dairy products. Of course, milk can be replaced with cream, and cream with milk, but keep in mind that milk and light cream also form crystals in ice cream. To avoid this, you can add corn syrup to the treat (and in portions not for children - just a little alcohol or liquor), honey.

When whipping, the cream should be cold (but not frozen) - it should be kept in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours; If they are at room temperature, put them in the freezer for 30 minutes. The cream should be whipped just until it thickens. If using a mixer, beat at low speed to avoid whipping the butter. Since cream whips quickly, it is better to whip powdered sugar with it instead of sugar, which takes a long time to dissolve.

If you add chocolate or honey to ice cream, you need to add less sugar. Otherwise, the ice cream will turn out too sweet and cloying.

Since ice cream expands in volume when frozen, the molds only need to be filled two-thirds full.

Nuts and fruits should be added to ice cream during freezing, before it hardens, and syrup should be added before freezing.

You can freeze the ice dessert in muffin tins, plastic cups, yogurt cups, or children's juice cartons (the tops of which need to be cut off and popsicle sticks inserted).

In addition to honey, it is good to add raisins, candied fruits, fresh or frozen berries and fruits, chopped nuts, pieces of cookies, and chocolate to ice cream. In addition, they can be used to decorate ready-made delicacies. Thin sesame seeds, coconut flakes, powder or cardamom will also be a good decoration for the dessert.

When making ice cream with berries or fruits, choose the ripest and juiciest fruits. If you take, for example, hard kiwis, they will still be unripe and too sour for this dessert.

If you decide to make chocolate ice cream, then before adding cocoa to the mixture, do not forget to first pour hot milk or cream into it and then cool it.

Freeze and store ice cream in a container with a lid or covered with plastic wrap.

Since homemade ice cream consists entirely of natural ingredients, its shelf life is short: no more than 3 days. Also, you should not refreeze melted ice cream.

You can serve homemade ice cream with a sponge cake in the form of a cake or pastries; or cut into small briquettes and place it between two cookies.

It is better to give ice cream to children in small portions and not immediately from the freezer, but leave it to melt a little. In addition, if you wait 10 minutes, the taste and aroma of the dessert will appear brighter.

3 easiest ways to make ice cream

  1. Stick an ice cream stick into a store-bought cup of yogurt and put it in the freezer for 1-2 hours;
  2. Stick ice cream sticks into two halves of a banana, you can dip them in melted chocolate and roll them in nuts or cookie crumbs and put them in the freezer for half an hour or an hour;
  3. In a similar way, you can prepare fruits in chocolate glaze: place peeled and cut into pieces fruits on sticks and leave in the refrigerator for half an hour; then dip them in the glaze and put them back in the refrigerator until hardened. You can find out how to make chocolate glaze at the end of this article.

Making creamy ice cream

Recipe 1 (basic):
If you add vanilla to this recipe it will be... vanilla ice cream; if you add cocoa (2-3 tbsp) it will work chocolate ice cream; if you add creme brulee (see recipe below), you get ice cream Creme brulee.

250 ml milk (3.2%)
250 ml cream (30%, if not, then 20%)
5-6 tablespoons sugar (or to taste)

Recipe 2:
In this recipe, creamy ice cream is prepared using condensed milk.

1 can of condensed milk (sugar and milk only, no additives)
300 ml 30% cream (if you don’t have it, then sour cream, yogurt or 150 ml of different products - you can vary)


1. Mix all the ingredients of the 1st or 2nd recipe well in a mixer or blender;
2. Transfer the mixture into an ice cream maker and then follow the instructions; if you don’t have an ice cream maker, then put it in the freezer for half an hour, take it out and mix, and do this 3-4 times for the first 2 hours. Then leave for another 2 hours. Ready!

Recipe 3: ice cream
To make creamy ice cream, which is fattier (at least 15%) than regular ice cream, you need to take:
200 ml milk (3.2%)
500 ml cream (30%)
6-7 tablespoons sugar (or to taste)


1. Beat cream with sugar;
2. mix well with milk;
3. pour the mixture into an ice cream maker and continue according to the instructions; if you don’t have an ice cream maker, then put it in the freezer for half an hour, take it out and mix, and do this 3-4 times for the first 2 hours. Then leave to freeze for another 2 hours.

Recipe 4: ice cream with gelatin
500 ml 20% fat cream
6 tbsp. tablespoons granulated sugar (or to taste)
1 teaspoon (small top) gelatin
1 teaspoon vanilla sugar


1. Pour half a glass of cold cream into a saucepan, add gelatin, stir and leave to swell for 30 minutes;
2. add vanilla sugar, granulated sugar, stir and, stirring, heat (but do not boil!) until the ingredients dissolve;
3. pour the remaining cream into the same saucepan, stir and refrigerate for several hours or overnight;
4. then beat the liquid but gelatinous jelly with a mixer;
5. put it in the freezer, remembering to stir it every hour (only the first 2 hours); and then we leave it for several hours to take it out for the last time and enjoy a delicious ice cream without grains of ice!

Making creme brulee ice cream

(classic recipe)

basic recipe cream ice cream (see above) add creme brulee.

Creme brulee:
2 tbsp. spoons of sugar
3 tbsp. spoons of cream

1. Mix the ingredients and heat over low heat until thickened and light brown;
2. Immediately add the resulting creme brulee to the creamy ice cream mass (it should be at room temperature), while mixing thoroughly;
3. transfer to an ice cream maker or freezer for freezing (in this case, do not forget to take out the ice cream and stir).

Making almond ice cream

To make this ice cream you need basic Add almonds to the creamy ice cream recipe (see above).

1. Peel almonds (it is better to buy them in shells and in sealed bags - this preserves all the vitamins and healing properties of almonds) - in the amount of 2 tablespoons;
2. scald the almonds and remove the shell;
3. finely chop the almonds;
4. fry the almonds in the oven until they acquire a light brown color;
5. Mix the already frozen mass well and add almonds.

Making curd ice cream

If you want the taste of cottage cheese not to be felt, you need to beat it with other ingredients longer.

Recipe 1:
0.5 cans of boiled condensed milk
200 g cottage cheese
100 ml milk

1. Loose cottage cheese with condensed milk and milk in a blender;
2. Distribute the mixture into molds and place in the freezer for 3-4 hours.

Recipe 2:
250 gr. cottage cheese
150 gr. milk
250 ml cream
75 gr. granulated sugar
250 gr. fruits (apples, apricots) or berries
you can add 2 bitter almonds and 1 beaten egg (if you have homemade eggs, because store-bought eggs are dangerous to eat raw)

1. Mix cottage cheese, milk and sugar and loosen in a blender;
2. add, if desired, egg and almonds, whipped cream, chopped fruit, mix;
3. Place the mixture in the freezer.

Making popsicles

300 ml cream 40% fat
sugar or powdered sugar (to taste)
300 gr. any fresh or frozen fruit

1. Beat sugar and cream until thick;
2. add puree or pieces of fruit, mix well;
3. set to freeze.

Making ice cream from frozen berries

300 gr. any frozen berries
0.5 cups cold cream
100 gr. Sahara
a little vanilla (you can do without it)

1. Place all ingredients in a blender and mix for several minutes;
2. put in the freezer for half an hour. Ready!

Making Banana Ice Cream

To make this delicious ice cream, you need to peel and coarsely chop the bananas in advance. Then spread them out so they don't touch each other and put them in the freezer for 2 hours or longer.

Recipe 1:
2 bananas
0.5 cups natural yogurt (or milk, kefir)
2 tbsp. spoons of cocoa

2. pour yogurt into the blender and mix everything;
3. freeze for 2 hours.

Recipe 2:
2 bananas
0.5 cups cream
1 tbsp. spoon of powder
1 tbsp. spoon of lemon juice

1. Remove bananas from the freezer, grind them well in a blender, adding cocoa;
2. add cream, lemon juice and powder to the blender and mix;
3. Place in the freezer for 2 hours and during this time you need to take it out 2 times to mix.

If you sprinkle the finished ice cream with grated chocolate and nuts, it will be indescribably delicious!

Recipe 3:
Well suited for those families who observe fasting.

2-3 bananas
some water (or juice)

1. Peel bananas and place in the freezer for 2-3 hours (or overnight);
2. put in a blender and grind for 2-3 minutes using a blade attachment, adding a little water.

Before serving, pour honey or sprinkle with grated chocolate and nuts.

Making ice cream from yogurt

Recipe 1:
2 tbsp. spoons of honey
150 ml orange juice
1 cup natural yogurt
1 tbsp. spoon (or to taste) sugar
1 handful of any fresh berries

1. Beat all ingredients with a blender;
2. Place in the freezer for 3 hours.

Recipe 2:
Half 1 banana
1 kiwi without peel
1 tbsp. spoon frozen pineapple pieces
4 tbsp. spoons of natural yogurt
1 teaspoon honey

1. Beat all ingredients thoroughly with a blender
2. Place in the freezer for 1 or 2 hours.

Making ice cream Fruit ice

Recipe 1:
To the delight of children, it turns out bright, two-color. Besides, very tasty. But what is most important for us, parents, is useful!

220 gr. raspberries or other berries
2-3 pcs. kiwi
2-3 tbsp. spoons of powdered sugar
½ cup filtered water
10 ml lemon juice

1. Place peeled kiwis in a blender and grind;
2. Grind the berries separately;
3. Pour powdered sugar with water and heat until the crystals dissolve;
4. pour lemon juice into it and cool the syrup;

5. add half of the syrup to the kiwi, and the other half to the raspberries;
6. Pour the raspberry mixture into the molds halfway and place in the freezer for 1 hour;
7. when it freezes, stick a stick into the center of the mass and pour the kiwi mixture on top;
8. It remains to freeze the dessert for another 2-3 hours. Ready!

Recipe 2:
1 medium-sized apple or any berries, fruits (optional)
½ teaspoon gelatin
½ glass of water
4 teaspoons sugar
lemon juice (to taste)

1. Add gelatin to 2 tbsp. spoons of chilled boiled water and leave to swell for 30 minutes;
2. Pour boiling water over sugar and stir until dissolved;
3. mix gelatin with syrup and also dissolve in it, cool;
4. prepare applesauce (or carefully cut any fruit into slices, add berries);
5. mix cooled gelatin with puree (or with slices of fruit and berries), add lemon juice;
6. Pour the mixture into molds, filling only 3/4;
7. put the ice cream in the freezer.

Making Eskimo Ice Cream

Let's make ice cream covered with chocolate glaze - popsicle.

For ice cream:
take the recipe for ice cream sundae (see above).

For the glaze:
200 gr. chocolate
200 gr. butter

1. Pour ice cream mixture into prepared narrow popsicle molds and insert sticks;
2. place in the freezer for at least 3 hours;
3. shortly before taking out the ice cream, melt the chocolate and butter pieces in a water bath and stir. Let the glaze cool slightly;
4. Dip the frozen ice cream very quickly into the still warm glaze, wait until it hardens on the dessert and put it in the freezer to harden.

The glaze can be made without butter, but then pour the glaze over the ice cream and do not freeze, but serve immediately. If there is no chocolate, then the glaze can be made from cocoa.

Chocolate cocoa glaze:

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Ice cream is the most desired treat during the summer season. It is not only tasty, but also refreshing. It is also often used as an additional component of summer drinks and for serving some desserts. Below are a few recipes that describe how to make ice cream at home.

Simple milk ice cream at home:

  • milk 3.2% - 330 ml;
  • egg - 2;
  • sugar - ½ cup;
  • butter - 80 g;
  • vanillin.

Beat the butter and half the sugar using a mixer or whisk. Next, beat in the eggs and add the remaining sugar, you can immediately add vanilla. We continue to work with the mixer for a few more minutes until the consistency of the contents of the bowl becomes homogeneous.

Milk is poured into the ice cream mixture last. Beat everything again with a mixer at maximum speed.

Pour the mixture into a saucepan and simmer over low heat until it begins to thicken a little. Process the hot mixture with an immersion blender for a couple of minutes. Afterwards, place the container in a larger bowl with ice water so that the workpiece cools faster. Pour into a freezer container and place in the freezer overnight.

On a note. Ice cream preparations should not be sent to the freezer while hot or even warm. Be sure to wait until it cools completely.

Popsicle recipe

  • cottage cheese - 250 gr;
  • powdered sugar - 100 g;
  • cream - 250 gr;
  • white chocolate - 100 g;
  • chocolate tubes - 5 units;
  • crushed walnuts/pistachios.

Eskimo is prepared by beating ingredients in stages. First of all, whip the cream with powdered sugar, then gradually add the cottage cheese. The result is a fairly thick creamy consistency.

Melt the chocolate and pour into the mixture. Beat for a minute or two.

Pour nuts into ice cream molds, lay out the mixture, and insert a tube deep into the center. Place in the freezer for 2-3 hours.

vanilla ice cream

  • heavy cream - 750 ml;
  • milk - 250 ml;
  • sugar - 150 gr;
  • egg yolks - 6 units;
  • vanillin.

Combine the milk and a third of the cream in a saucepan, and add ⅔ sugar there. Place on the fire and bring to a boil, stirring.

Meanwhile, use a mixer to grind the remaining sugar and yolks. When the mixture becomes very light, add the milk and cream mixture in small portions, continuing to beat.

Pour the resulting mixture back into the saucepan and send it to warm over low heat, stirring constantly. The consistency will gradually thicken, resembling custard. Place the saucepan in a bowl of ice and cool, stirring. The result was a French cream Anglaise - smooth and shiny.

At high speed, beat the remaining cream until medium thick. Pour the cooled milk-sugar cream into them and mix with a spoon.

We distribute the resulting vanilla delicacy into special portioned containers or into one large container and send it to harden in the freezer for several hours.

Creamy treat

There are no water crystals in the ice cream for this recipe, as happens in store-bought ice cream or when a large amount of water is used in preparation.

The recipe is very simple and preparing homemade ice cream will not take more than ten minutes.

Ice cream made from cream turns out incredibly tender, with a fairly dense structure:

  • cream with fat content from 30% - 550 ml;
  • condensed milk with sugar - 170 g;
  • gelatin - 7 gr.

First, prepare the gelatin: pour a shot of boiling water over it. It is important that there is as little water as possible.

Pour cream and condensed milk into a mixing container. Beat with a mixer until smooth – it will only take a minute. Then turn the speed up to maximum. By this time, the gelatin will dissolve in boiling water and it can be added to the creamy condensed mass. We work with the mixer for a few more minutes. Place the mixture in a container, close it and place it in the freezer for at least 5 hours.

Homemade creme brulee

  • 500 ml cream from 33%;
  • vanillin;
  • 25 grams of flour;
  • 2 egg yolks;
  • 180 grams of boiled condensed milk;
  • 150 ml milk.

Place the milk on medium heat to warm up.

Separate 4 tablespoons from the prepared volume of cream. spoons into a separate cup and add flour with vanilla, yolks and boiled condensed milk. Grind everything very well with a spoon until a homogeneous mass is obtained without dense lumps.

Place the resulting mixture into the heated milk and mix thoroughly with a whisk. We send it further to warm up. You need to warm it up while stirring, as the cream will thicken. The consistency will be like a thick custard for cakes. When the cream becomes thick and begins to boil a little, it should be removed from the heat and left to cool.

Let's make the remaining cream. They need to be beaten until a dense foam is obtained; sugar can be added if desired. Then add the cooled custard and mix using a mixer.

Cover the entire mass with a lid or cover with film. Place in the freezer for several hours. It is recommended to stir the mixture with a spoon every hour, as long as possible - this is necessary to prevent crystallization and create a fluffy, loose consistency of the dessert.

On a note. This ice cream can not be frozen and can be used as a cream for a cake.

Homemade chocolate dessert

Chocolate ice cream with a delicate, creamy texture can be prepared according to the following recipe:

  • heavy cream - 500 ml;
  • fine sugar - 180 gr;
  • cocoa - 25 g;
  • salt - 2 g;
  • egg yolks - 5-6 units;
  • milk - 250 ml;
  • high-quality dark chocolate - 125 gr.

First of all, chop the chocolate into small pieces.

In a thick-bottomed saucepan, combine salt, cocoa and half the sugar. Stir. Pour in a little milk and stir until smooth. You will get a glossy chocolate paste. Pour in the remaining milk and cream and mix again. Place on low heat and stir until it boils. As soon as it starts to boil, immediately remove from heat.

While the milk mixture is heating, let's take care of the yolks: combine them with the remaining sugar and stir with a whisk until a light creamy mass appears.

Now you need to combine the milk mixture and yolks. This must be done very carefully, as the milk is still quite hot and the yolks may curdle. Therefore, first we pour just a little chocolate and milk mixture into the yolk mixture and mix with a whisk. Then add a little more and mix again. Now the yolk mass has heated up and will not curdle, pour in the milk mass in a thin stream, constantly working the mass with a whisk.

Place the pan back on the fire and cook for about five minutes, stirring constantly. The fire should be slow, the mass should not boil, otherwise the yolks will cook. The mass should thicken and resemble the state of custard for a cake.

Remove the pan from the heat and add chocolate to the contents, stir vigorously until the pieces are completely dissolved.

Cool the ice cream mixture in a container with ice water. Stir occasionally to prevent a crust from forming.

Pour the cooled mixture into a deep container for freezing. Let's close. Leave it overnight.

On a note. Ice cream preparations should not be sent to the freezer while hot or even warm. Be sure to wait until it cools completely.

Fruit and berry ice cream

  • 150 g blackberries;
  • 150 grams of peach pulp;
  • 200 g sugar;
  • 2 cups cream;
  • 2 glasses of milk;
  • 6 egg whites.

First, beat the whites until they form a stable foam, then add them to the sugar without stopping beating. Separately, whip the cream until it thickens.

Add the thickened buttercream into the sweet egg mass in small portions and continue beating at maximum speed for several minutes.

Reduce the mixing speed and pour in the milk in a thin stream. We work for 1-2 minutes.

Rinse the berries and fruits, cut the peaches into small pieces. Separately, use a blender to prepare blackberry and peach puree. Divide the protein-cream mixture into 2 approximately equal parts. We combine one with berry puree, the other with peach puree. Mix thoroughly.

Place fruit preparations in containers and freeze, covering tightly with a lid/film.

No added eggs

  • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet;
  • sugar - 90 g;
  • powdered milk - 35 g;
  • starch - 10 g;
  • heavy cream - 250 ml;
  • milk 3.2% - 300 ml.

Combine all dry ingredients in a saucepan (except starch). Pour more than half of the milk into the dry products and mix.

Combine the remaining milk with starch, stirring it well.

Heat the milk mixture with sugar, milk powder and other products over low heat, stirring constantly. Bring to a boil. As soon as it starts to boil, pour in the starch mixture and stir. When the mixture begins to thicken, pour into a container through a sieve and leave to cool.

Meanwhile, whip the cream. When the mixture has cooled, add the cream and beat for a few minutes. After that, set the ice cream to freeze.

On a note. Only cream with a fat content of more than 30% is whipped into a stable foam quickly enough. It is possible to beat a less fatty product, but this very rarely works.

How to make vegetarian ice cream?

Delicious vegan ice cream can be made with bananas.

The products are designed for one serving of ice cream, increase their volume depending on the planned number of servings:

  • 2 bananas;
  • 50 ml soy milk;
  • sugar - 15 g;
  • diluted in a couple of tsp. vanilla - 5 gr.

Remove the bananas from the peel and cut into rings. Place on a board and freeze for three hours.

After 3 hours, combine the rings with the rest of the products and mix in a blender until creamy. Place the mixture in a waffle cone and freeze for an hour or two.

Yogurt recipe

Making yogurt ice cream is very easy. It is important to take tasty, high-quality yogurt, otherwise the delicacy will not be so tasty and rich.

  • 2 jars of yogurt;
  • 2 sticks for stirring coffee;
  • a couple of glasses of boiling water.

The recipe is extremely simple, and even children can handle it. The basis of ice cream in this version is yogurt - fruit, berry or natural, we take your favorite. In the foil with which the jar is sealed, make a small cut in the center, insert a stick into it so that it is well immersed in the yogurt. Place the resulting structure in the freezer for 2-3 hours.

Afterwards, remove the jar from the freezer. Carefully remove the foil, tearing it off at the sides. To make the ice cream easy to remove from the jar, you need to let it melt a little. You can speed up this process by lowering a jar of yogurt ice cream into a bowl of boiling water for a minute. After this, the treat easily comes out of the container.

Lemon dessert

A quick, low-calorie dessert with lemon-banana flavor can be prepared using the following recipe:

  • 3 bananas;
  • 2 lemons;
  • 150 grams of powdered sugar.

Peel the bananas and cut into rings. Zest one lemon, then squeeze out the juice from both citrus fruits and mix with zest and banana pulp, pour powder into a container. Using a blender, turn the ingredients into a homogeneous mass.

Before serving, you need to remove the ice cream from the freezer for 10 minutes - the dessert will become softer and tastier.

If you want a simple lemon flavor, make a simple creamy or vanilla treat and add lemon juice and zest, stirring well before freezing.

Ice cream is a frozen sweet mass. What is this delicacy made from? Ice cream contains dairy products, including cream, milk and butter, as well as various additives in the form of aromatic and flavoring substances.

You can buy this dessert in any store. But it will be better if you do it yourself. Ice cream made from homemade cream is not only a natural and tasty, but also a healthy product.

General information

There are many different types of ice cream. This is a high-calorie product that can be soft or hardened. The former is usually sold by weight, as it has a relatively short shelf life.

There are also a huge number of ice cream packages. It can be sold in waffle, paper and plastic cups, on a stick, in waffle cones, in the form of briquettes, rolls, cakes, etc.

In restaurants and cafes, such a dessert is often decorated with pieces of berries and fruits, waffles, poured with chocolate or syrup, sprinkled with nut crumbs, candied fruits and other products.

It should also be said that ice cream made from cream and other dairy products is used to prepare various cocktails.

Types and production of dessert

There are several types of the delicacy in question:

  1. Cream ice cream, or creamy ice cream. It is made from animal or vegetable fats.
  2. Fruit ice is a rather hard ice that is made from juice, without the use of milk.
  3. Sorbet, or so-called sherbet, is a soft and delicate ice cream made from berries, fruits and juices.
  4. Melorin is a dessert made from only vegetable fats.

Ice cream mixture can be prepared in different ways. At home, such raw materials can be obtained using a special apparatus called an ice cream maker. As for industrial production volumes, in this case automatic freezers are used.

To make an ice cream mixture, you need to go through the following steps:

  • preparation of raw materials;
  • mixing raw materials;
  • filtering, as well as pasteurization of the finished mixture in order to clean it from pathogenic microorganisms and mechanical impurities;
  • homogenization of the mixture or the so-called crushing of fat globules in order to improve the organoleptic properties of the dessert;
  • cooling the treat to +4°C, as well as maturing the mixture.

Making ice cream from cream

There is nothing complicated in preparing such a delicacy. It’s not difficult to make natural and delicious ice cream from cream at home.

Let's look at the recipe for this dessert in more detail. For this we need:

Cooking process

The composition of creamy ice cream can include completely different components. We decided to use only cream and various flavorings.

The cooled dairy product must be poured into a deep bowl and then whipped until stiff peaks form. In this case, the cream should remain on the whisk and under no circumstances flow down.

After completing the described steps, you can safely add your favorite additives to the resulting mass. Fruits, berries, condensed milk, nuts, chocolate and other products are ideal. It is also necessary to add fine sugar to the dairy product.

All added components should be carefully mixed using a mixer. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the lightness of the cream is not lost.

After mixing all the components and obtaining a homogeneous mass, it is sent to a plastic container, and then covered with a lid and placed in the freezer. After ¼ hour, the raw materials can be taken out and intensively whipped again using a blender. This procedure will avoid the formation of lumps.

Cooking features

To obtain homogeneous ice cream, it is best to whip homemade cream about 3-4 times during the entire freezing period. Only in this case will your dessert turn out tasty and tender.

After the raw material is completely prepared, it should be kept in the freezer for at least three hours (or up to six, depending on the temperature).

Before serving, you can put the finished ice cream in plates or make waffle cups for it.

Making creamy ice cream from milk and eggs

The dessert in question turns out to be very tasty and tender. The calorie content of such a delicacy can be adjusted independently by adding less or more fatty foods to it.

So, to make ice cream from milk, we will need:

  • egg yolk - from 6 large eggs;
  • cream 40% - 2 cups;
  • freshest cow's milk - 1 glass;
  • medium-sized sugar - 150 g;
  • vanilla - a pinch.

Cooking method

To prepare this dessert, you should use heavy cream and fresh milk. By varying the fat content of both products, you can change

Having combined both ingredients, they are placed on the fire and slowly brought to a boil. After this, the egg yolks are ground together with vanilla and sugar. In this case, a homogeneous mass is obtained. Next, a mixture of hot cream and milk is carefully poured into them.

After mixing the ingredients, put the egg-cream mixture on the fire. It is subjected to heat treatment until it thickens, but is not allowed to boil. If this moment was missed, then the raw materials will simply curl up.

After a short cooking, the mass should be strained so that it becomes more homogeneous. Next, the mixture is placed in a container with a lid and placed in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

After 120 minutes, lightly beat with a mixer at low speed. This process is carried out for about three minutes. In this case, the mass should become homogeneous and smooth.

After the described steps, the product is closed again and put in the freezer for 2 hours. After time has passed, the ice cream is again whipped with a mixer for three minutes. Such procedures will provide the ice cream with a creamy and smooth structure without visible crystals.

Having closed the container with the dessert for the last time, it is put into the refrigerator until it hardens completely. Typically this takes about 6-8 hours. The output is about 700-800 g of delicious finished ice cream. You can add jam or chocolate to it according to your taste.

How does an ice cream maker work?

An ice cream maker is a very useful kitchen device, especially for those who like to make this treat at home. At one time, you can prepare approximately 1.5 liters of dessert in the ice cream maker. This sweetness is made quite quickly - in half an hour to an hour. The cooking time for ice cream in an ice cream maker depends on the volume, that is, the smaller the dessert, the faster it will be ready for consumption.

The ice cream machine is very easy to operate. Milk or cream is poured into its container, and sugar, berries and cocoa are also added. After this, the filled bowl is placed in the ice cream maker, closed with a lid and the time is set.

The first few minutes the device simply mixes all the ingredients. After some time, freezing is added to this process. In this case, the temperature of the ingredients is displayed on the display. In just a few minutes it drops to -30-35 degrees. All this time, the ice cream maker continues to stir and freeze the ingredients.

Very soon the raw material begins to freeze and thicken. When the time has expired, the ice cream maker beeps. It is not recommended to remove dessert immediately after it. The treat should be left inside for another 5 or 10 minutes. In this case, you will get a fairly hard ice cream. If you want to enjoy a soft dessert, you should take it out immediately after the signal.

It should also be noted that by significantly reducing the preparation time for a dairy product, you can get an excellent cooling cocktail.

How much does ice cream cost? The price of this delicacy can vary from 25 to 300 rubles and more. It depends not only on the weight of the product and its manufacturer, but also on additives, quality, etc.

Of course, the most delicious and healthy ice cream is the one made at home. The main requirement for creating such a delicacy is constant stirring. It should also be noted that whipping the cream is a very important preparatory step.

Let's look at a few simple rules that will allow you to prepare ice cream cream more deliciously:

  • do not use as during their preparation they may separate;
  • purchase a dairy product with at least 30% fat content;
  • do not overdo it with whipping cream, otherwise the ice cream will turn out not airy, but fatty;
  • the dairy product must be brought to a thickening state;
  • Add medium-sized sugar to the cream (preferably powdered sugar);
  • Only chilled cream should be whipped.

It should also be noted that it is advisable to prepare such a product using a hand whisk. This method will allow you to regulate the degree of readiness of the raw materials.

If you decide to make ice cream using a mixer, then while whipping the cream you need to gradually increase the speed, and then just as gradually reduce it in order to avoid the formation of stable foam.

To obtain a tasty and smooth dessert, it is recommended to work with only small portions of the dairy product at a time (that is, no more than 300 ml).