Let's find out: what is the number of 40 saints in 2020, what customs and traditions accompany the holiday and what should not be done on this day. And the holiday accompanies a lot of folk signs that helped to find out what the weather will be like in the near future and whether it is worth planting seedlings.

When will there be 40 saints in 2020 - March 22

40 saints is a non-transitory holiday. This means that every year it falls on the same day - March 22nd.

The memory of the 40 Martyrs of Sevastia is one of the main and very revered holidays, a Liturgy is celebrated and Great Lent is slightly facilitated. You can eat food with sunflower oil, as well as drink Cahors.

The history of the holiday is connected with the year 320 and the city of Sebastia, where the ancient Roman emperor Licinius ruled - an ardent opponent of Christianity, an adherent of paganism and pagan rites. Note that Constantine the Great issued a decree back in 313 that gave freedom of religion to the Orthodox and equalized their rights with the pagans.

So, the soldiers who were part of the Roman army were forced to sacrifice to pagan idols. However, they believed in Jesus Christ and did not bear the offerings. Then an order was given in the evening to undress these warriors and place them in an icy lake. A bathhouse was placed nearby, so that anyone who wants to renounce their faith in Jesus Christ could go there and warm up. In the morning one of the soldiers did just that, but as soon as he entered the room he immediately died.

The Roman Aglaius, seeing the strength of the will of the soldiers, also undressed and plunged into the icy water. Other Roman soldiers, noticing that the martyrs did not give up, decided to break their legs and burn them. According to legend, the bones were thrown into the lake so that the believers could not collect them.

As you know, a few days later, forty martyrs came in a dream to Bishop Peter of Sebaste and ordered their remains to be buried in the earth. The next night, the bishop collected all the remains and buried them with honors. Thus, 40 martyrs did not renounce their faith, they remained devoted to Jesus Christ. Therefore, in the Orthodox world, this day is considered a holiday, with which many traditions and rituals are associated. Many of these traditions, however, are associated with paganism.

Magpie Holiday - signs, customs, traditions

  • On this day, they definitely go to church, pray, thank God for everything, ask for protection from adversity and illness.
  • Among the people, March 22 is associated with the beginning of spring and the end of winter, which is why many folk signs and beliefs are associated with this date.
  • So, for example, we looked at the weather: what it will be like on March 22, the next 40 days will be like that.
  • But if birds fly to magpies, it means that soon it will be completely warm.
  • On this day, it is important to understand when to plant seedlings: early so that it takes root, but also so that frost does not destroy it.
  • If the arrived birds begin to twist on the sunny side of the nest, then this meant that the summer would be cold and rainy.
  • If snow fell on magpies, then wait for the cold Easter time.
  • If the weather is good for the feast of forty saints, then there will be a good harvest of buckwheat.

There was another funny sign: in the village, bald men were counted by magpies: how many bald ones are found, so many days there will still be frosts. That's it! Who would have thought! The etymology of such a sign is unknown, so we will take it as a folk joke.

There is another very well-known tradition: buns in the form of birds, or as they are also called "larks", are baked for magpies in houses. Birds are baked as if in flight - this symbolizes the arrival of spring. Eyes are made for birds from raisins, and various nuts are added to the dough itself.

Divination is also associated with such buns. For example, one of the buns is deliberately salted, a coin is put in the second, and a ring in the third. Whoever gets a roll will have such a life: someone will have sadness and annoyance if they get a salty bird, someone will have prosperity if they pull out a coin, someone will have a wedding if they get a ring.

The simplest recipe for such birds: you need to take a couple of kilograms of flour, a package of yeast, a glass of vegetable oil, a glass of sugar, 0.5 liters of water, a pinch of salt. Knead a good and tight dough. From it you need to form birds, it's easy and you can adapt. Then the birds are covered with strong sweet tea and baked. You can also throw nuts or raisins into the dough.

The girls had their fortune. They took the “lark” and threw it over their shoulder, where the bird will point with its tail, from there the groom will come.

And the girls were going to cook together such birds from dough and various Easter cakes. Then they laid out their creations at the threshold and called the dog. Whose first dish the dog chooses and eats, she will be the first to marry.

Pagan rites gave rise to another tradition: a magpie girl must break forty threads and break 40 wooden dies. It was believed that this would drive away the winter very quickly.

The inhabitants of some villages considered it their obligation to ride on a swing on this day. The higher you fly, the better the harvest will be. It was like that! Or maybe it's still there somewhere?

And they also dug up a tree for magpies, transplanted it into a huge box, dressed it up with bright ribbons and bows and carried it around the village, and then put it in the place where they wanted to attract a warm spring. It was believed that spring would certainly see such a bright and beautiful tree and fly very quickly.

And it is also believed that magpies are a children's holiday, in the sense that a lot of attention is paid to children. For example, housewives make 40 small nests from straw and put egg-shaped buns there. Such nests are put up in the yard to please the children. According to other signs, this is done so that the chickens do not enter other people's yards and lay eggs only at home. In addition, it was believed that such charms would save the bird from various diseases. Children were also treated to baked birds, various games and competitions were arranged for them, because on this day children's laughter should be heard in the house, the home should be filled with joy and hope for the best.

And they also looked at the economy: their own or their neighbors. If nests of birds were found, then this was considered the highest blessing of nature. This means that there will always be prosperity, peace and health in the house.

It is customary to invite loved ones to the house for magpies, and the more of them, the better. The house should be noisy and fun.

It is customary for many peoples to clean the house for magpies, clean out the dirt, and take out the trash. At the same time, the feast of the 40 martyrs is also associated with some prohibitions.

What can not be done on magpies?

The holiday falls on Great Lent, so all prohibitions are transferred to this holiday. The only thing that happens is a relaxation in food. You can add a little vegetable oil to food and drink a little Cahors that day.

It is believed that just cleaning and generally working on this day is impossible. It is forbidden to sew, knit, repair something. There were even disputes about planting peas. According to one belief, it is necessary to plant peas on this day, and according to another, it is impossible to work in the garden at all on this day, otherwise there will be a bad harvest. In general, only baking is allowed to appease spring with their culinary delights.

And they say that on this day it is undesirable to borrow money.

On the feast of forty saints, it is not customary to swear, get angry, and allow bad thoughts. On the contrary, they remember the unshakable faith, fortitude, and steadfastness of the martyrs. And you also need to make plans for the future on this day, even write them down on paper and dream. Perhaps, do so: dream, believe, take care of your neighbor and yourself.

Many fezzes, icons, temples are dedicated to the events of those days. Before the icon, they ask for the strength to endure all hardships, for stamina, people who begin to lose faith ask to instill it in their hearts again, ask for independence and fortitude. At the same time, many pray at the icon and ask for family well-being, love, health for themselves, loved ones, for their children. Such an icon is often presented for various holidays, not forgetting that the feast of the 40 saints is one of the revered and important holidays in the Orthodox world. On this day, think about the most important things.

The Magpie folk holiday is celebrated on March 22, 2020 (March 9 according to the old style). In the Orthodox church calendar, this is the date of honoring the memory of the 40 martyrs of Sebaste.


In the winter of 320, 40 Christian soldiers from Rome stood in Sebastia (Armenia). Seven years ago, a law on free religion was signed, but the soldiers were repeatedly forced by their commander to renounce the Christian faith.

On that winter day, the warriors were stripped, tied up and placed on an ice-covered lake. A bathhouse was built on the shore so that the warm air would tempt them. Those who wished to end their suffering and warm themselves had only to tell the watchman that they were renouncing Christ. All night the men supported each other and did not let them lose heart.

In the predawn hour, one unfortunate man could not stand it and headed for the shore. As soon as the hot air touched his skin, he fell dead. At the same moment, a light of unearthly beauty spilled over the rest of the martyrs. This miracle shocked the watchman. He resolutely undressed, stepped onto the ice and joined the martyrs.

The commander saw that the soldiers did not despair and did not give up. Their knees were broken, they were burned, and the remains were thrown into the water. The incident became known three days later. The images of the sufferers appeared before the Bishop of Sebaste and told about everything. He found and buried with honors their bones.

Traditions and rituals

On this day, they pray to the forty Martyrs of Sebastia so that their relatives or friends can safely complete their military service.

March 22 is considered by people to be the second meeting of spring, when 40 species of birds return from warm countries, including the lark. In honor of him, housewives prepare honey-covered rye or oatmeal buns in the form of birds. The treat is distributed to the children, who ask the lark to hurry up the heat.

If on March 22 there was a morning frost, they say that Magpies began - forty frosty days. So that the cold does not beat the crops, you need to bake the same number of balls-koloboks from oatmeal or rye flour. Starting from the festival of Magpies, it is necessary to throw them out into the street one a day.


If the frosts last for forty days, then the summer will be warm.

What is the weather on Soroca, it will be like this for another 39 days.

Thunder is heard - to the hungry year.

Jackdaws and magpies are found in large numbers, which means it will soon be warm.

On March 22 (March 9 according to the Julian calendar) the Orthodox Church celebrates a special holiday dedicated to the memory of the Martyrs of Sebaste. 40 Saints Day is a holiday for all Orthodox Christians. He is one of the most revered and beloved by all believers. On this day, the solemn Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts is performed. 40 saints is a holiday that usually falls during strict fasting, when dry food (bread, fruits and vegetables) is allowed.

In 313, Constantine the Great, the first Christian Roman emperor, having come to power, immediately issues a decree that all Christians are given the opportunity of free religion. This meant that their rights were equalized on a par with pagans. Thus Emperor Constantine legalized Christianity. And in general, he began to contribute in every possible way to its growth and prosperity. However, his co-ruler, whose name was Licinius, was an inveterate pagan, in his part of the Roman Empire, on the contrary, he tried in every possible way to eradicate Christianity, because it began to spread on a special scale in his lands. Therefore, Licinius, out of fear of treason, began to prepare for war and began to clear his troops of Christians.

40 saints - a holiday of Orthodox Christians

A courageous detachment of 40 soldiers was from Cappadocia (modern Turkey), was part of the Roman army, which was in the city of Sebastia. Once the pagan commander Agricolaus ordered these valiant Roman soldiers to renounce Christ and offer sacrifices to the pagan gods. But they refused to do this, and then they were put in prison, in which they began to pray fervently. And then the soldiers heard the voice of God: "He who endures to the end, he will be saved." In the morning they were again forced to renounce the Christian faith, but this time they did not obey, and again they were thrown into prison.

Torture for the Faith of Christ

A week later, an important dignitary Lysias arrived in Sevastia, who decided to arrange a trial for strong-willed warriors. He ordered them to be stoned, but for some reason the stones flew past the soldiers. Then Lysias himself threw a stone at them, and hit Agricolaus right in the face. It was then that the tormentors realized that some invisible force was protecting the fearless warriors.

Praying incessantly in prison, the martyrs again heard the voice of the Lord, who consoled them and said: “He who believes in me, if he dies, will live. Be of good cheer and be not afraid, and you will receive incorruptible crowns.” The interrogations were repeated every day again and again, and always the servants of the Christian faith were adamant.

There was a severe frost outside, and then the martyrs were prepared for new tortures. They were first undressed, and then driven into an icy lake for the whole night, and a bathhouse was heated nearby on the shore in order to break the will of the martyrs in this way. After midnight, one of the soldiers nevertheless gave up and ran to warm himself in the bathhouse, but, having crossed its threshold, he immediately fell dead.

fortieth warrior

By three o'clock in the morning the Lord sent warmth to the martyrs, the surroundings brightened, the ice melted, and the water became warm. At this time, all the guards were fast asleep, except for one - Aglaia. Seeing that a bright crown appeared over the head of each martyr, and counting 39 of them, he decided that the runaway warrior was left without a crown, and then he decided to join the holy martyrs.

Waking up the guards, he announced to them that he was a Christian. But the torture didn't end there. After that, the staunch warriors broke their knees. When they all died, their bodies were loaded onto carts and taken to be burned. But one of the soldiers named Meliton was still alive, and the guards left him, but the mother took the body of her son, dragged it to the cart, and then laid him next to the other martyrs. The bodies of the holy martyrs were then burned, and the remains of the bones were thrown into the water so that no one could collect them. Three days later, at night, the holy martyrs appeared to the Bishop of Sebaste, blessed Peter, and ordered them to collect their remains and give them to burial. The bishop, together with his assistants, collected the remains at night and buried them with all honors and prayers.

40 saints: holiday, omens. What Not to Do

On this day, you should not be lazy, but it is better to prepare well for the meeting of spring and appease it with your culinary pastries. On the feast of 40 saints, the signs are quite interesting and original. It is believed that on this holiday winter ends and spring comes. Very often this day coincides with the day of the equinox. It is also called Sorochintsy, Magpies, Larks, because after the winter wandering from the south, migratory birds fly to us and bring spring with them. If we talk about signs, then on this day gardeners can get an answer to when you can start planting seedlings.

On the feast of 40 saints, signs are mainly related to the weather. So, on this day you can judge the weather for the next 40 days. If it is frosty, then this weather will last another 40 days. If birds arrive, then this is an early warmth. But if not a single rain fell from the Presentation to Soroki, then the summer will be dry.

40 saints is a holiday that used to be celebrated like this: it was customary to bake 40 buns and cookies in the form of larks with open wings on this day. According to tradition, they were distributed to children so that they would invite spring with fun and jokes. This is also done to ensure that the bird in the household is healthy. On this day, girls who dream of marriage cook forty dumplings and treat them to guys.

In general, Orthodox people love festivities and fun on this day. 40 Saints is a holiday that once again reminds us of how important faith is for every person and what torments true Christians are ready to endure for it.

Life of 40 Martyrs of Sebaste.

The Forty Martyrs of Sebaste are the saints of the first centuries of Christianity. Their life left a deep mark in the history of the faith of Christ. In 313, the Roman emperor Saint Constantine the Great gave freedom to Christians. But there was also a second ruler in Rome - Licinius. An ardent pagan, he not only planned to renew the persecution of believers in Christ, but also prepared to betray Constantine and become the sole emperor of Rome. The traitor decided to start the massacres with the military, among whom there were many followers of the Savior.

In the city of Sebastia, there was just one of these - Christian - troops. Under the command of the pagan Agricolaus was a whole squad of Christians - forty warriors, glorified by many victories. At the instigation of Licinius, Agricolaus tried to force them to sacrifice to the pagan gods, but they refused, for which they were thrown into prison. There, the soldiers prayed to Christ, and there was a revelation to them that "he who endures to the end, he will be saved."

The next morning, the treacherous Agricolaus again tried to persuade the army to renounce the Savior. But he failed the second time. Christians were again thrown into prison. A week later they were judged. The brave warriors firmly answered the pagan court: “Take not only our military rank, but also our lives, for us there is nothing more precious than Christ God.”

They wanted to stone the martyrs, but the stones did not reach them - as if the Holy Spirit himself protected them from death. And again they imprisoned the Christians. While praying, they heard: “He who believes in me, even if he dies, will live. Be of good cheer and be not afraid, for you will receive incorruptible crowns.”

And so, when a frosty winter day came, the martyrs were brought to the local lake and left there in custody - naked, right on the ice, where cold water splashed. A bathhouse was melted nearby so that in their death throes the soldiers would renounce Christ and exchange Him for warmth... But only one of the sufferers could not stand it and ran to the bathhouse - and immediately fell dead in front of it.

In the morning, when one of the guards woke up, he saw shining haloes over the heads of each of the thirty-nine Christians. Realizing why there were only 39 crowns, he exclaimed, “And I am a Christian,” threw off his clothes and stood next to the soldiers. In the morning the soldiers and the guard were taken out of the lake and their legs were broken. Then their bodies on chariots were taken to the fire and set on fire.

When three days had passed after the execution, Bishop Peter of Sebaste saw the holy warriors in a dream - he was told to bury their remains. Together with his assistants, he collected the holy relics bone by bone and buried them in the earth with prayer.

When the memory of the forty Sebastian martyrs is celebrated

The memory of 40 martyrs who suffered in the Sevastian Lake is celebrated in the Russian Orthodox Church on March 22 according to the new style. This is a non-transferable holiday, that is, its date is fixed.

Temple of the 40 Martyrs of Sebaste

The Church of the 40 Martyrs of Sebaste is located in Moscow near the Novospassky Monastery. The exact address of the temple: Dinamovskaya street, house 28.

In 1640, here, on Taganka, sovereign Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov, the first tsar of this illustrious dynasty, determined that masons would live here - the builders of the walls of the monastery and the monastery Cathedral of the Transfiguration of the Savior.

When the construction work was over, the masons did not go anywhere and settled here, on Taganka. It was their craft that gave the name to two neighboring streets - Big and Small Stonemasons. And soon, in 1645, not far from the entrance to the monastery, a new temple grew up - 40 Martyrs of Sebaste.

Prayers to the Holy Forty Martyrs of Sebaste

Prayer one

About holy glorification, the passion-bearers of Christ forty, in the city of Sebastia for the sake of Christ courageously suffered, through fire and water we passed through, and as friends of Christ entered the rest of the Kingdom of Heaven, have great boldness to intercede with the Most Holy Trinity for the Christian race: especially for those who honor your holy memory and with faith and love calling you. Ask the all-merciful God for forgiveness of our sins and correction of our life, but in repentance and unfeigned love for each other, we will live with boldness before the terrible Judgment Seat of Christ, and by your intercession at the right hand of the righteous Judge we will stand. She, saints of God, wake us up as protectors from all enemies visible and invisible, and under the roof of your holy prayers we will get rid of all troubles, evils and misfortunes until the last day of our life, and so we will glorify the great and venerable name of the all-powerful Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer two

O passion-bearers of Christ, in the city of Sevastia, who courageously suffered, to you, as our prayer books, we diligently resort and ask: ask the All-Generous God for forgiveness of our sins and correction of our life, but in repentance and unfeigned love for each other, we will live with boldness before the terrible judgment of Christ and by your intercession we will stand at the right hand of the Righteous Judge. She, servants of God, wake up to us, servants of God (names), protectors from all enemies visible and invisible, but under the roof of your holy prayers we will get rid of all troubles, evils and misfortunes until the last day of our life, and so we will glorify the great and venerable name of the Almighty Trinity, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Icon of the 40 Martyrs of Sebaste

In the center of the icon of the 40 Martyrs of Sebaste, we see the soldiers themselves. They stand on an icy lake - naked. Some support others, some try to somehow escape from the frost - their figures are depicted in dynamics. Also on the icon we see the figure of the fortieth warrior, who retreated from faith in the Savior and rushed to the bathhouse, which the guards assigned to the martyrs specially melted for temptation. The face of the apostate is not written on the icon - this is a symbol of his betrayal.

In the lower corner of the icon, the icon painters depict the guard Aglaiya. It was he who became the fortieth martyr instead of the apostate, when he saw shining haloes over the heads of the soldiers. The image of the Savior is also written on the icon, which overshadows the saints with a blessing gesture.

Folk traditions of celebrating the day of memory of the 40 Martyrs of Sebaste

In Rus', a church holiday - the day of remembrance of the forty martyrs of Sebaste - was called Larks or Magpies (with an emphasis on the first syllable). The brightest custom of this day is to bake lean buns in the form of birds - "larks".

The Day of Remembrance of the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste was a sign for ordinary people that a long and frosty winter was coming to an end. Spring was approaching, and fasting was in full swing - “spring of the soul”. The holiday coincided with the day of the spring equinox, which is very significant in the pagan consciousness of our ancestors. It was the day when Christian meanings were superimposed on the old pagan ones. People glorified the martyrs, but remained faithful to the ancient folk customs.