The main trends in summer makeup in 2017. How to make an evening, daytime make-up, with the effect of "wet eyelids", for blue, green, brown, gray eyes.

top makeup trends for summer 2017

If you want to be in trend this summer, then you should consider the basic rules of makeup, regardless of your color type. Consider fashion trends:
  • shining face. This is the main trend of the new season. Of course, it is optimal if your skin is well-groomed and literally glows from the inside in a natural way. However, if you have small flaws on your face, you can hide them with a transparent base, concealer, light foundation. But remember that your face should not be matte and resemble a mask. Do not use mattifying foundations and powders this summer. To achieve the effect of radiance, you can use loose powder with shining microparticles.
  • Glitter on lips and eyes. This summer, radiance can radiate not only your skin, but also your lips and eyes. To add shine to them, use glitter glitter. Bright shades of lipsticks in combination with golden or silver glitter look trendy. You can also cover the arrows on the eyelids with special sparkles.
  • Arrows. In the new season, they are again at the peak of popularity. It doesn't matter what makeup style you use. It can be both wide retro arrows and non-standard "futuristic" ones. They can be black or colored, on the upper and lower eyelids at the same time, with or without glitter.
  • . Bright arrows and sparkles are very relevant for an evening make-up. But on a summer day, makeup in pastel (nude) colors will organically look. At first glance, it may seem that there is no decorative cosmetics on your face at all. But at the same time, maximum attention should be paid to masking possible defects. First of all, these are circles under the eyes, secondly, the vascular network, thirdly, rashes and redness. All these shortcomings must be eliminated with a concealer. The latter should be a dense texture of beige, cream, peach, pale pink. The special texture ensures that your natural make-up does not “melt” under the rays of the scorching sun.
  • Lipstick "strange" colors. This summer, makeup artists and stylists surprise fashionistas with original lip shades. If you are not afraid of experiments with your appearance, then feel free to get lipstick in the color of dusty asphalt, lime and June greens. If you are a follower of classic trends, then red lipstick does not lose its relevance this summer. The fashionable shade of red in the new season has become the “red apple”.
  • Lower eyeliner. If you like arrows, then this summer you can experiment with eyeliner on the lower eyelid. At the same time, it should be bright and catchy. The rest of the eye should be left natural.
  • bright shadows. To create a fresh and attractive look this year, you can use bright "fruity" eyeshadows. At the peak of fashion this summer, green, red, turquoise "eyes".
  • wet shadows. It is very fashionable in hot weather to add radiance not only to the skin, but also to the eyelids. New trend - wet eyelids. To achieve this effect, you can make up your eyes with cream shadows or regular lip gloss.
  • natural eyebrows. Forget about thin, neatly shaped eyebrows. The squeak of fashion is natural, tousled, thick eyebrows. You can give them the desired look with the help of a transparent gel and a brush.
In addition to the main fashion trends in makeup, this summer, you should also consider the features of make-up for hot weather. Unlike winter makeup, summer makeup should be more resistant so as not to leak under the rays of the sun. If you're going out during the day and don't want to wear heavy foundation, try a lightly tinted moisturizer. It will even out the tone of the face, give it radiance. Pick up products for the summer with particles that reflect light.

When choosing lipstick or lip gloss, keep in mind that a quality product must contain SPF - sunlight filters. A good lipstick should have a high pigment content so that it can be blotted and “drilled in” with the pads of your fingers.

If you want to add shine to your make-up, use a liquid texture highlighter. It is enough to apply it on the top of the cheekbones, under the eyebrow, on the back of the nose. But make sure that the highlighter does not fall on the tip of the nose, otherwise a slight shimmer will look like a greasy shine.

Also in the summer you can use multifunctional cosmetics. So, use lip tint as a blush, and gloss as a liquid shadow.

Varieties of summer makeup

This summer, stylists and makeup artists advise you not to limit or hold back your imagination when it comes to creating makeup. Both translucent “nude” make-up options are in fashion, as well as bright ones with an emphasis on the eyes, for example, smokey ice with different color schemes. Choose any makeup, taking into account the features of your face, time of day and occasion.

Beautiful summer make-up

Initially, the effect of "wet eyelids" was used only for professional shooting of models, as a variant of non-standard makeup. This summer, they are actively introduced into everyday life. Many new make-up products have appeared on sale that help to achieve this effect.

In addition to them, you can use more familiar cosmetics:

  1. Lip balm. A soft balm in the form of a stick is suitable, which will create a slightly shiny coating, and at the same time the eyelid will not be sticky. There will be a feeling of a light moisturizer on the skin, but it will look like a wet film.
  2. Lip gloss. It is not easy for them to create a coating that would not stick on the eyelids. However, it is this element of decorative cosmetics that creates the glossy shine that is so fashionable now. To make the coating on the eyelids less viscous, it should be applied in a thin layer and driven in with fingertips. Also, when applying, avoid the crease area of ​​the eyelid. If the glitter gets there, it will roll down and create discomfort. Alternatively, you can apply gloss to the area under the eyebrow. There he certainly will not cause any inconvenience. In this case, it is necessary to collect the hair in a hairstyle so that the strands do not stick to the painted areas.
  3. Eye lacquer. This is a special tool that allows you to achieve a fashionable effect. Many cosmetic companies have released their own line of similar varnishes. They can be either transparent for daytime make-up or black for evening make-up.
Consider a variant of the simplest eye makeup with the effect of "wet eyelids":
  • We apply a light make-up base, smoothing out skin imperfections. Use concealer if necessary.
  • We apply a primer to the eyelid.
  • Above the primer - a layer of pastel shadows. They can be shimmery or matte. If you chose the option of brilliant shadows, then the particles in them should be as small as possible.
  • On top of the shadows, apply a layer of means for a glossy shine. Carefully shade it over the eyelid, avoiding creases.
  • A glossy gloss on the lips of a similar shade will perfectly complement this makeup.
It should be borne in mind that such makeup, unfortunately, will not last long. This is an option for photo shoots or short walks in not very hot weather.

Light daytime summer makeup

Optimal make-up for a hot summer day - in nude style. It should look so natural that others may doubt whether you are wearing makeup. Thus, you will emphasize the natural beauty, and it will be you, and not your make-up, that will attract attention.

You should not take this type of make-up lightly, believing that it is enough to apply an even tone and make up your eyelashes. It is believed that achieving naturalness in makeup is more difficult than making a bright image.

Consider the main stages of creating nude makeup:

  1. We start with the preparation of the skin of the face - we cleanse, tone and moisturize it.
  2. Even out skin tone. For this we use cosmetics with the lightest and most weightless texture. This is the basic rule of summer make-up.
  3. We emphasize some areas of the face with a light-reflecting primer. This is a transparent tool that will “highlight” your epidermis a little.
  4. We put a light foundation (for example, a cushion). We carry out a thorough shading so that there are no borders and transitions. Ideally, your face should look as natural as possible.
  5. If you have rashes on your skin, dark circles under the eyes and other defects, use a concealer to mask it. For circles under the eyes, you can take a reflective agent.
  6. On the highest point of the cheeks, put a little peach-colored cream blush.
  7. Fixing the tone. To do this, use a light finishing powder, which will give the skin an extra glow.
  8. Shaping eyebrows. They should not stand out too brightly on the face. It is enough to comb them in the upward direction. You can fix the form with a transparent fixing gel. If eyebrows require correction, use shadows to match the hair.
  9. Illuminate the area under the eyebrow with a highlighter.
  10. On the upper eyelid, apply a small drop of cream blush, which was used on the cheeks, and carefully blend them. On the crease of the upper eyelid, apply some shadows of the color taupe (gray-brown). Shade the lower eyelid with the same color.
  11. We draw a barely noticeable line along the lash line with a brown soft pencil. Carefully shade it so that there is no obvious arrow.
  12. We cover the eyelashes with brown mascara.
  13. On the lips we apply a colorless gloss or balm with shining particles.
This is a simple and versatile nude makeup that will suit any shade of eyes and clothes.

Summer evening makeup

Of course, the most fashionable evening makeup this summer is a metallic make-up. If during the day you can only add shine to certain areas of the face with a highlighter, then in the evening you can use more shine and shimmer. Shimmer particles can be added to the eyelids, cheeks, lips.

Consider step-by-step instructions on how to make such a make-up:

  • We start with a thorough cleansing of the skin with milk, micellar water or tonic.
  • We apply a moisturizer and a base with reflective particles.
  • If necessary, use a foundation with a light texture. It must be water based. In summer, it is not recommended to use heavy silicone-based products.
  • On the apples of the cheeks, apply a little cream blush with reflective particles.
  • Emphasize the shape of the eyebrows with shadows or a soft pencil. Make sure that there are no clear lines when doing this.
  • We take a dry pigment of a metallic shade and mix it with a primer serum. Thus, a mixture of pliable consistency should be obtained, convenient for application to the moving part of the eyelid. Carefully blend the borders after application.
  • If you do not have dry pigments, you can use shimmer shadows in metallic shades.
  • If desired, draw a clear arrow along the lash line.
  • We paint the eyelashes with black mascara.
  • Outline the lip line with a soft pencil. Apply with a brush lipstick with reflective particles. You can also use lip gloss.
  • To enhance the effect - apply a little highlighter in the center of the lower lip and above the upper. Shade it thoroughly.

How to make summer eye makeup

There are many universal types of makeup that will suit women with any eye color. However, the make-up that is selected in accordance with the color type looks best. It favorably emphasizes the features of appearance and hides flaws.

Summer makeup for blue eyes

Light blue eyes, as a rule, "do not like" too dark shadows. The optimal color scheme for them is shades of gray, pearl, lavender, light brown, nude. Do not use too thick arrows and jet black colors in the make-up of the eyes.

Consider step-by-step instructions for applying makeup in the style of daytime smoky ice for blue eyes:

  1. We cleanse the skin and apply a light foundation.
  2. Apply and shade well dry blush of a delicate peach shade.
  3. We outline the shape of the eyebrows with the help of shadows to match the tone of the hair.
  4. We emphasize the inner corner of the eye with satin shades of a light pearl shade. Apply the same color to the area under the eyebrow.
  5. For the central part of the upper eyelid, a medium shade of shadows is intended, which acts as an intermediate one.
  6. We cover the outer corner of the eye with shadows of a dark shade. Ideal dark gray, brown. We do the same with the area along the lash line.
  7. Carefully shade all borders and transition lines.
  8. We paint eyelashes with mascara, giving preference to black or dark brown.
  9. We emphasize the lips with a light coral gloss or lipstick of a loose texture.
If you want to use smokey ice for an evening out, then choose a shade of dark shadows.

For green eyes in the new summer season, makeup artists suggest actively using all shades of emerald green. This color will perfectly emphasize the depth of green eyes, make them more expressive.

Consider an example of bright summer makeup for green eyes:

  • We cleanse and moisturize the skin.
  • Apply foundation, blush and highlighter if desired.
  • On the moving part of the eyelid, apply shadows that have a pastel brownish tint.
  • We outline the top of the fold with darker shadows. Shade the borders of the transitions.
  • With a soft pencil, which has a green color, we draw a line along the lower eyelid. We bring the tip outside the outer corner of the eye.
  • We put light pearl shadows under the eyebrow.
  • On the moving eyelid we put a shimmer of a golden hue.
  • With a black pencil or liquid eyeliner, draw a thin arrow along the upper eyelid.
  • Using a black pencil, we draw an arrow along the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid.
  • We paint the eyelashes with black mascara.
  • Lips can be made up with peach or golden lipstick.

Summer makeup for brown eyes

This summer, brown-eyed beauties can safely use oriental-style makeup for an evening out. It gives the look mystery, depth.

Let's see how to do it step by step:

  1. Using a make-up base and foundation, which has a light texture, we even out the skin.
  2. We clearly draw the eyebrow. It should be carefully filled in with a suitable shade of eyeshadow or powder pencil.
  3. We treat the area under the eyes with concealer to hide any defects.
  4. We cover the eyelid with a tonal foundation or a special base.
  5. Using a black pencil, draw an arrow that starts from the iris and extends to the outer corner of the eye with a slightly upward direction.
  6. Blend the arrow towards the temple.
  7. We put dark shadows along the line of the arrow and shade them just as carefully.
  8. We apply basic pastel shadows in the inner corner of the eye and under the eyebrow.
  9. We take golden shadows and apply them in the same place where the pastels have just been applied. We carefully extinguish all boundaries.
  10. The inner corner of the eye is additionally lightened with light shadows to make this area “clean”.
  11. We deepen a row of eyelashes, drawing a clear black arrow. To make it brighter, draw a corner closer to the outer corner towards the tip of the eyebrow.
  12. We draw an eyeliner along the lower eyelid. You should start from the iris of the eye. At the same time, pay attention to the indentation from the arrow along the upper eyelid. But we follow the direction.
  13. To emphasize the lower eyelid, we take dark shadows (outer corner) and golden ones (inner).
  14. It is recommended to paint over the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid with a black pencil.
  15. We use black mascara for eyelashes. You can stick artificial beams.
  16. We paint lips with any lipstick of a pastel shade.

Gray eyes look most advantageous with shadows of cold shades. This summer, boldly choose baked shadows, with shimmers and sparkles, to emphasize the cold depth of your eyes.

Consider the option of summer makeup for gray eyes:

  1. We cleanse the skin, moisturize it and apply a tonal foundation.
  2. Lightly powder the face with powder with reflective particles.
  3. Put some peach blush on the apples of your cheeks.
  4. We emphasize the eyebrows with the help of shadows or a soft pencil that needs to be shaded.
  5. Apply a light base on the upper eyelid.
  6. Over the crease on the upper eyelid, apply shadows that have a light brown tint.
  7. Put purple eye shadow on the outer corner of the eye. With a brush, we extinguish the color towards the crease.
  8. Apply a light purple shadow to the rest of the upper eyelid to hide all transitions and make smooth borders.
  9. We put some pearl shadows in the inner corner of the eye to visually enlarge the eye, open it.
  10. On the lower eyelid, apply some dark purple shadows, connect them with the shadows on the upper eyelid, namely in the outer corner of the eye.
  11. We paint the eyelashes with dark mascara.
  12. Lips are emphasized with lipstick of a cool coral shade.
How to do summer makeup - look at the video:

Summer makeup this year gives space for the fantasy of stylish women. It is recommended to use bright, brilliant colors, to emphasize the natural shine and radiance of the skin with a highlighter and a tonal base with light-reflecting particles. Non-standard shades in makeup are also welcome.

To choose the right cosmetics for the summer, you need to know some of the features of our skin's reaction to extreme heat and sun. During this period, the work of the sebaceous glands is activated, the skin becomes fatter.

Summer cosmetics should have certain protective properties to protect your skin:

  • from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays;
  • irritation and possible inflammation;
  • the appearance of acne and blackheads;
  • greasiness and oily sheen.

Other important factors to pay attention to when choosing cosmetics for makeup in the summer are water resistance and composition. If you are the owner of sensitive and delicate skin prone to allergic reactions, then it is better to give preference to mineral-based cosmetics. There are several reasons for this.

  • Its composition is extremely pure. Such cosmetics are made from minerals and natural pigments of inorganic origin.
  • It has a healing effect on the skin - it does not cause allergies, does not clog pores, fights the problem of wrinkles by relieving mimic tension, and promotes wound healing.
  • Perfectly masks all problem areas on the face, evens out skin tone, makes it more velvety.
  • Eye shadows, blush, primers, concealers and highlighters on a mineral basis lay down easily, do not roll or “spread” in the sun.

Summer makeup for different types of eyes: step by step instructions and photos

Skin preparation - cleansing and moisturizing

Any light summer make-up begins with the preparation of the skin - its cleansing and moisturizing. Pay more attention to the preparatory stage in the summer. The naturalness and naturalness of the image will depend on the health and purity of your skin.

You should wash your face with mousses, foams and gels that do not contain alcohol additives and have a light texture. Choose cleansers according to your skin type - for dry, normal, oily or sensitive and problematic.

Do not forget about hydration, especially around the eyes, because this area loses much more moisture in summer. Use creams or gels with a lightweight texture. If there are pimples or inflammation - mask them with special products, concealer or primer.

Secrets of summer light makeup

So, your skin is already prepared, it remains only to apply the selected cosmetics.

But first, we will give you some tips on what not to do:

  • Do not apply foundation on your face. Even if you have problem areas that you would like to mask, give preference to products such as concealer, proofreader, or foundation. The foundation clogs the pores, does not allow the skin to breathe. Such cosmetics in the summer, mixing with sweat and dust particles, can lead to inflammation and irritation. Concealer and primer do an excellent job of masking the function - they will hide bruises under the eyes that appeared from lack of sleep, wrinkles and pimples, age spots or small vessels. Pay attention to the tone of the corrector - it should match the color of your face or be a little lighter.
  • If you use powder, for a beautiful summer make-up, it is better to choose a loose mineral. It is easier to blend with a brush, it does not clog pores. Traditional, compact powder, more familiar to you, in the summer can dry and tighten the skin, emphasizing not only mimic, but also natural wrinkles.
  • Do not use liquid shadows - it is likely that in 30-degree heat they will simply spread, thereby spoiling the overall impression of your make-up. Opt for lightweight, mineral-based textures.
  • No matter how you hide your face in the summer under the brim of a Panama hat or a cap visor, it can still tan. Therefore, choose the tones of matting products with this factor in mind. For tanned skin, a foundation with yellow tints is more suitable, for lighter skin - with pink or a tone lighter.
  • Replace your lipstick with a light colorless gloss - it will give your look a feeling of tenderness and freshness.

Makeup for the summer largely depends on the color of the eyes. This factor is often the determining factor in choosing the color range of shadows, lipstick powder and gloss or foundation.

Makeup for green eyes

Owners of green eyes are well suited to various shades of brown and purple: the color of chocolate and lilac.

For a classic universal make-up, choose an image that will be based on golden and mother-of-pearl tones. We advise green lovers to choose more contrasting shades, they will highlight your eyes well.

Be careful with blues and pinks. It can be supplemented with eyeliner, which is easy to do on your own using a wet brush and mineral shades of bronze or milky white. All the recommendations listed above are also suitable for creating makeup for blue-green eyes.

Summer makeup for brown eyes

Brown-eyed ladies should have shades of pink and purple tones in their makeup bag. The main focus should be on the eyes - lightly make up them with mascara and apply eyeliner in a color that contrasts with the shadows. It is not recommended to use a pencil in the summer. It does not stand the test of temperature - it rolls and smears. Make eyeliner from the shadows of the desired shade - summer makeup for brown eyes will become much more expressive.

Summer makeup for gray eyes

Gray-eyed beauties in the choice of cosmetics and color palette should build on the characteristics of their skin type. For owners of fair skin, pale, muted shades of blue, purple pink and orange are suitable. For swarthy - warmer tones, mother-of-pearl, beige, golden, bronze. Do not use cream shadows - in summer they are poorly shaded and roll down under the influence of heat.

Summer makeup for gray-blue eyes, the photo of which you see in front of you, perfectly complements the shadows of golden and bronze tones with a metallic tint. This combination of colors will make your image unusual and creative, allowing you to stand out in the crowd.

Pay attention to restrictions. You should not paint your eyes with gray shades - they will become colder. Pink and orange colors can mislead people about your health. From the outside it may seem that you are sick, and your eyes are inflamed.

Summer light makeup for blue eyes

Blue-eyed beauties are lucky. A varied color palette suits their eye color - purple, mother-of-pearl, sand, bronze, blue and peach. In choosing a tone here, you should also focus on the type of skin. Blondes are great pink shadows for blue eyes - they harmonize well with a light undertone. Pink shadows, a variety of shades of which can be seen in the photo on the Internet, make the image more delicate and fresh.

Dilute green makeup for blue eyes with golden and brown hues, so the image will become more harmonious and attractive.

For clarity and understanding of our summer makeup tips, we suggest watching a video.

Fashion trends for summer makeup 2017

Fashion is one of the most changeable phenomena in this world. Every year it brings new trends, trends and trends, which are unquestioningly followed by all those who want to keep abreast of all fashion trends. What make-up will be popular this summer

  • Natural and natural, creating a “no-make-up” effect. To create such an image, you must use pastel, beige tones. A feature and main component of it is clean, healthy and well-groomed skin, which requires a minimum of cosmetics. If there are problem areas, they must be carefully masked. A classic version of a summer natural daytime make-up - eyelids painted with beige shadows, a little mascara on the eyelashes, a light base for durability and a colorless lip gloss.
  • Makeup for the summer, characterized by maximum simplicity and limited use of cosmetics. This style says NO to foundation, lipstick, eye shadow and crayons. Minimalism in everything - only mascara and colorless lip gloss.
  • Summer evening makeup, as seen in the photo, allows the use of a bright palette of shades: green, purple, blue and yellow. The emphasis should be on one thing - on the eyes or lips. A good option for going out in the evening, to a disco, a party or just to sit in a bar, cafe or karaoke.

The warm season is a great opportunity to give your skin a break. Use a minimum of high-quality mineral makeup, do not overload your makeup. We tried to give you useful information on how to paint in the summer, what fashion trends this season to adopt. Believe me, the naturalness and simplicity of the image are the result of the most beautiful summer make-up.

Where does summer makeup start? With proper skin care. Increased hydration and maximum care with SPF. Do not forget that in the summer, of course, the sun warms and pleases us, but at the same time nullifies all efforts to preserve the youthfulness of the skin, contributing to the formation of pigmentation. To avoid this, I advise you to definitely use creams. For protection, any light foundation with SPF or light matte powders is suitable, you should not abuse dense textures at this time of the year.

Summer makeup features

Be careful with waterproof tonal creams - this is a very specific product, it is not suitable for daily makeup, especially in the hot season. It is better to opt for loose mineralized foundations, since they have the ability to adapt to the skin tone within half a tone, which is especially important in summer, because at this time of the year we tend to sunbathe, which means that the tone of our skin also changes. I do not recommend using oil-based tones, because the skin will already look oily, and the increased amount of enzymes contained in such creams will only add shine to the skin. And in the hot season, it is important to maintain the dullness of the skin.

This can be achieved in several ways:

1. Do not use makeup base. Just wipe the skin with lotion to degrease, and immediately apply the tone.

2. Use matte tones. Avoid tones with a wet effect. In summer, this effect looks ambiguous.

3. Use matting powder delicately and as little as possible, but rather replace it with matting wipes. Just blot the face with the matte side of the napkin in those areas where you noticed the shine, this will be enough. Wipes will matte the skin, but will not clog pores, as happens with frequent use of powder.

During the day, I recommend using mineral water for the face. It perfectly moisturizes the skin, and it is also a very pleasant and easy procedure. With just a few taps on the valve, your skin gets the moisture it needs, extra minerals and freshness. Don't worry, your makeup won't be ruined - the one-squeeze dosage is very gentle, your appearance won't be affected, and the benefits will be many.

Eye makeup

When choosing eye makeup, opt for natural, soft, pastel shades: pinks, powdery, delicate colors, as well as bronze, brown and gold. As for the texture, in summer you can afford to use dry and creamy textures. In hot weather, this is even preferable. Cream shadows are very easy to apply. To do this, take a little cosmetic and apply the shadows with your fingertips, lightly patting, as if driving into the eyelid.

Wait a bit, do not open the eyelid, let the shadows dry. And here you have a quick and moisture resistant eye makeup!

The shadows with a wet effect look interesting. If you use such shadows with a general dullness of the skin, then only enhance the effect. Your makeup will not go unnoticed! The only advice is not to overdo it with the color itself. The color of the shadows should not be saturated, it should be gentle. Use such shadows only on the upper eyelid so that the feeling of tearful eyes is not created. Pair your makeup with waterproof mascara and pencil to keep your makeup in place all day, no matter how hot you get.

Focus on lips

This year, a new lip makeup technique has come into fashion. This make-up was offered to us by a well-known fashion house at their show. The girls liked the effect so much that in a matter of weeks this makeup won a lot of fans - this is a flash makeup of the lips. Its goal is to make lips as natural and seductive as possible. To create such a makeup, you will first need to use a cotton pad and any non-greasy lotion to remove any coating from the lips. Apply a primer (this can be either a special product or a moisturizer), hold it for a while and remove. Apply a small amount of eye concealer to the entire surface of the lips to mattify and soften the natural color of the lips, to create the so-called base for lipstick and pencil. If there is no concealer, then do not use foundation, it dries out the lips a lot.

Choose a lip liner of your desired color and draw the outline. Blend this contour with a brush, cotton swab or finger. You can also shade the lips themselves from the corners to the center - this will give the lips additional volume. We finish the makeup with lipstick. We apply it with patting movements of the fingertips, in no case with strokes! For convenience, you can use a flat brush or sponge. Your trendy flash makeup is ready! If you want to enhance the effect, add glitter or a second contrasting color! I wish you to be the most beautiful this summer!

With the advent of hot summer days, you want to update not only your wardrobe, but also the contents of your cosmetic bag. Makeup in the summer can be treated differently. Someone does not use decorative cosmetics, but someone, well, cannot do without it at all. If your case is the second, then you should think about adjustments in your Beauty arsenal, adjusted for heat, sun, trends, safety, durability level, etc.
We have prepared for you some useful tips and a selection of interesting summer make-up cosmetics that are relevant in the summer and correspond to fashion trends.

Summer makeup. Basic principles for choosing cosmetics
in summer.

  • Choose light moisturizers.
  • Avoid thick and oily textures.
  • Look for sun protection products.
  • Stick to the principles of naturalness in makeup in the summer.
  • Decorative cosmetics, ideally, should be hypoallergenic and waterproof.

Foundations in summer.

Ideally, it is better to refuse tonal products, replacing them with light matting care products and products with a sun protection factor.
In general, the sun protection factor, in principle, in facial cosmetics should be present all year round. But in the summer it is especially relevant.

If you have not found your ideal yet, look in the direction of a remedy that chosen by our editors:

SunLook Face Sun Cream SPF 30 . It has a lightweight, non-greasy texture that absorbs well. Perfectly cares for the skin and protects it from the scorching sun. Contains anti-aging ingredients. The aroma is cosmetic and unobtrusive.

If you can’t refuse tonal products in the summer or your skin condition doesn’t allow you to do this, then you should choose loose products with a tonal effect, light tonal fluids without an oil base, as well as BB and CC creams that are popular not for the first season.
Avoid oils in these products.

Editor's Choice: foundation fluid Eveline Cosmetics Liquid Control .

The very light watery texture of the product will create a light matte finish without overloading the skin. No mask effect. Claimed as a "baby skin effect", which translates perfectly on the skin.

A convenient pipette dispenser allows you to drip directly onto the skin. Works great with both fingers and brush/sponge. Does not clog pores and flows by the end of the day.

Foundation is best applied in minimal amounts, without fanaticism.

For long-lasting summer makeup, use primers. They prolong the durability of makeup and give the skin a sleek look. They become especially relevant during summer weddings and other celebrations that require a natural, but persistent make-up.

Editor's Choice: primer Catrice Prime and Fine .

The product will give a slight glow effect and give the skin a healthy look. Can be used alone or under tone or powder. The texture of the product is light and watery, do not be afraid of congestion on the face. The glow is very delicate - you definitely do not risk becoming a Christmas tree.

By the way, the foundation can be completely replaced with powder. With a light veil, it is able to even out the tone and give a matte and well-groomed skin to the face. Powder can also be used to set a light foundation to prolong its durability.
If the skin is oily, pay attention to mineral powders.

Editor's Choice: Catrice Healthy Look Mattifying Powder.

Powder on the face lies with the thinnest veil, without the effect of whitewash. Qualitatively mattifies and gives a healthy and fresh look to the skin. The shade is light and very versatile. It is able to adapt to any skin tone. We also note the beautiful design, no doubt, pleasing to the eye)

If the skin has imperfections, add concealers and proofreaders to mask them. Here also act without fanaticism. Only if it's really necessary!

Our choice: Catrice Allround CoverStick.

Convenient stick form. The tool perfectly masks imperfections, not visible on the face. It is not plasticine and allows you to shade yourself well. The expense is modest.

Eye makeup in the summer.

Summer is a time of change and experimentation. It is not for nothing that all cosmetic brands release summer makeup collections, which are often distinguished by a bright bold palette, unusual shades and unexpected solutions.

For eye makeup, choose waterproof products and unusual shades. Time to stand out and shine!

Replace the usual black arrows with silver, turquoise, purple and other beautiful shades of your choice that suit your color type.

Pay attention to persistent eyeliners, liners, pencils.

Our choice: liquid eyeliner Wycon Believe It! in shade 02 HoldGold . Gorgeous golden-white glow will give the eyes expressiveness and brightness. Helps open up your eyes. Fine applicator brush for precise application. And excellent durability will allow you to captivate your eyes until the evening without a break.

Catrice Metallic Liquid Liner in 02 M Going Grey. Another liquid eyeliner. Everything is great with durability. The application is very comfortable, convenient and without bald spots on the skin. And the shade - black-gray silver - is ideal for those who do not want to part with dark shades even in summer and for those who are afraid of frankly bright shades and are not ready for drastic changes.

Wycon Cat u Eye Pencil in 01 Black has an intense black tint and will suit those who cheat on black arrows never! Plus, it has a soft gel texture that doesn't smudge or smudge, promising a phenomenal 16-hour hold!

Seventeen Super Smooth Waterproof and Longstay Eye Pencil in 52 Plum. A luxurious option to emphasize the shade of dark eyes. A muted plum will delight lovers of discreet makeup who do not shy away from light experiments. Technically perfect. Really waterproof. Lasts all day before your eyes in its original form)

If you can’t live without shadows, then choose matte shades, without mother-of-pearl. They tend to be more durable and look more natural.
By the way, if you shade an eyeliner, it will be worn in the heat better than shadows.

Try colored mascaras!

When, if not in summer, to replace the usual dramatic effect of jet-black eyelashes with soft shades that give expressiveness to the look and emphasize the color of your eyes.

Now there are a huge number of options on the market: brown, blue, purple, green, turquoise.

We chose Seventeen Lash Elegance brown mascara in shade 02 Coffee.

A comfortable brush and a delicate shade will give the look softness and expressive languor. The mascara will not smear and will not allow itself to crumble. Perfect for any shade of eyes and the most strict working dress code in makeup.

Summer lip makeup.

The choice of shade is your personal choice. Brightness or nude - only your mood matters!

Think lip glosses. Accelerating sparks and wet sheen look beautiful in sunny weather.

If you want colors, choose resistant liquid textures or satin finishes. Matte or mother-of-pearl - also the choice is yours! Fortunately, now the market is flooded with funds in various formats and for any wallet.

If you don’t want a tint on your lips, you can always replace it with a balm with a sun protection factor. By the way, in the heat, cooling balms with mint and menthol extracts in the composition will prove themselves excellent.

Several edits from the editor.

Catrice Ultra Matt Liquid Lip Powder . We chose juicy mischievous shades - 100 Violet Potion and 110 REDdy For The Night .

The products have an incredibly comfortable texture. Wearing this lipstick is a pleasure. The set comes with a convenient sponge for a clear drawing of the contour. On the lips, the shades look like velvet and have a bright juicy pigment. Lips don't dry out. In terms of durability, these berries are lovely, how good!

Another couple of beauties Catrice. Cool chubbies in juicy but versatile shades. Cream Lip Artist in 070 The Dark Orchid Rises and 060 Think I Wanna Berry You Lovers of moderately bright colors will like it. Let the lipsticks look brighter in the sticks, on the lips they lie with a gentle tint. This is achieved through a light creamy finish. A satin effect on the lips with a wet finish - perfect for a summer party!

Lovers of classic lipsticks will appreciate the juicy shade and creamy sliding texture of the new Catrice Lip Dresser Shine Stylo in 050 I Carried A Watermelon . The lipstick is fantastically comfortable to wear. The durability isn't phenomenal. But it leaves a light pigment on the skin, even after dinner. In addition, here the lipstick is enclosed in a tube with an interesting mechanism.

Summer makeup and its accents.

If your summer is not spent in nature, a pond, the sea, a summer residence, but in the office and urban landscapes, then it is worth remembering about bronzers and blush. They will give the face a light, correct look of a face slightly touched by the sun and create the effect of rested and fresh skin.
A little bronzer on the cheekbones, bridge of the nose and upper forehead - voila! You already look like a vacationer!

Summer 2018 promises to be bright, sunny, not only in terms of weather, but also in terms of fashion. As for makeup, in the upcoming season, pastel and soft sunny shades of shadows, the absence of arrows and foundation on the face, and a barely noticeable lip contour will be relevant. But this applies to daytime makeup and ladies who have perfect facial skin. But evening makeup does not put any restrictions on the choice of shades. It can be bright juicy wine-red lips, effect eyes, graphic arrows, bright shadows.

The nuances of evening makeup for the summer season 2018

But the shades of lipstick can be the most shocking: black, wine, brown, purple, etc. Another spring-summer 2018 fashion trend is pink makeup. Pink lovers can breathe a sigh of relief and not worry about where it would be more correct to apply color: on the lips, eyes or cheeks. In the next season, pink makeup will actually be distributed all over the face, that is, you can simultaneously combine pink shadows, pink lipstick and blush of the same color. The only subtlety of such makeup is that you need to match blush, eye shadow and lip gloss or lipstick exactly to match so that they blend together. The make-up itself is done very simply and does not require dividing the face into zones. Also, keep an eye on the intensity of the applied color so that your makeup is pleasant and attractive.

Summer day makeup

The novelty of the spring-summer 2018 season is the complete absence of foundation on the face and black arrows on the eyes, complete naturalness is welcomed. Natural makeup emphasizes female beauty, without the load of excess and will be very relevant in the upcoming season. Down with the matting agent - radiant skin will be fashionable in the summer season. If you need to hide bruises under the eyes, remove redness, or mask some flaws on the face, then you should still use the foundation, but in moderation, and you need to select the cream to match the tone of the face. The foundation should be applied not with rubbing movements, but with the help of a brush, as if just covering the face. In this case, you should not use a moisturizer or base for foundation. For daytime makeup, girls often pay tribute to loose powder so as not to clog pores in the summer. But the most advantageous option will be tonal serum for the face, in which the texture is light, airy. In addition, the serum has beneficial properties for the skin. Only the price is much higher than the usual foundation.

Eye shadows need to choose pastel shades, more sunny, beige. Lips in daytime makeup should also be discreet colors. Light brown shades, pale pale pink, peach are suitable here. The contour on the lips may be completely absent or barely noticeable, thereby shading it.

Makeup eyes for the summer season

Long luxurious eyelashes will always be in fashion, including this summer. Here, various mascaras come to the rescue, which create a lengthening effect, false eyelashes, or you can resort to building. As for the mascara, it should not be applied to the eyelashes too abundantly so that the effect of spider legs does not form on the eyes. The look should be expressive and at the same time light.

Stylists recommend not to turn eyebrows into threads during correction, especially to abandon tattooing. Strive, on the contrary, to make them naturally wide a couple of tones darker than the hair color. If the eyebrows are poorly defined, then they can be tinted to the desired effect with special shadows and fixed with wax, or tinted with paint. Or you can just use a pencil, drawing clear lines to create a shape. Then shading a little.