June 4, 2017

It is generally accepted that marriages are created in Heaven and celebrated on Earth. It seems that the holiday was recently, and 5 years of marriage have already passed. What kind of wedding, what to give for an anniversary and how to present a gift are questions that mislead every person. That's why five years of marriage It is considered to be a grand event in every family.

Each wedding anniversary has its own symbol, which personifies the strength of the union of spouses and family relationships. Often people ask themselves: what kind of wedding is this if you have been married for 5 years?

According to traditions, the couple has already taken root like a tree, firmly settled on the ground, blossomed into leaves. The tree can rightfully be considered symbol of family and love. Where strong roots are parents, the trunk is young spouses. And fragile branches and leaves are a new generation, gradually gaining confidence and stability in life.

The family is already firmly on its feet, but is still young. As frosts and winds are not afraid of a tree, so misunderstandings and quarrels cannot destroy the union of love.

Over the years, the tree grows, becomes wiser and stronger, and the family hearth expands and flourishes. Wood is popularly considered a warm and durable material, symbol of the hearth, peace and comfort. It is not for nothing that in Rus' churches and huts were built from this rich material, the smell of which soothes and relieves stress.

Before you decide on a gift for 5 years of marriage, what kind of wedding and how to congratulate correctly, you need to think through the whole process correctly in advance. Of course, the focus should be on natural wood products.

A wedding anniversary is an event that is usually celebrated on a grand scale, and congratulations should be appropriate. The following tips will help you decide what to give your parents for 5 years of marriage:

  • A table in an expensive restaurant will create a unique atmosphere of love and romance that will be remembered for years to come.
  • Now there are many interesting natural wood souvenirs, which can be presented as a symbol of love, health and strong marriage.
  • The arrangement of the apartment with furniture will not only please the spouses, but for many years will create coziness and comfort in the room.
  • A gift in the form of a vacation abroad by the sea is the best surprise, the joy from which cannot be hidden.
  • Many spouses have memorable places where the first meeting took place, where the first flowers were presented. By organizing a secret meeting of spouses, you can see the joy and love in their eyes.

What to give for a wedding 5 years to friends

Choosing a gift is always an unusual and interesting experience. Complete freedom of imagination and thoughts is provided, and the mood of loved ones depends on a competent decision. A coffee table, a wall clock with a wooden border, a flower stand and a handmade craft made of natural wood will harmoniously blend with the interior.

Doubts about what to give to friends for a wedding of 5 years will be dispelled by a decorative box, a vase and a jug of wine. If there are children in the family, then make a surprise in the form of a wooden horse. The attention paid to the child and happiness in children's eyes will be a wonderful gift for parents.

As inexpensive gifts, it is recommended to choose beautiful photo frames, paintings by great artists, a stand for board games or natural dishes. An excellent option, emphasizing the symbolism and good luck in the house, is a horseshoe made of natural material.

When it's 5 years of marriage, what wedding can do without jokes and fun. A sense of humor has never failed a person and in all situations helps to find the right solution. Friends with a smile will accept hangers, a chair, a rolling pin or a wooden spoon as a gift. If you have a country house, a birdhouse, a voluminous decorative vase or a windmill, as well as a dog house are perfect. An ideal gift that will delight spouses is a mini-bar made by from natural wood. For a greater impression, you can fill it with your favorite drinks of the heroes of the occasion.

The first anniversary year of the marriage union is accepted celebrate in a special way. As a rule, women are more likely to present surprises in pleasant moments. And they try to take seriously what to give a husband from his wife. Cool congratulations to her husband on a wedding anniversary of 5 years can not be presented to every loving wife. But having shown imagination, you can decorate any family holiday.

For a man, a wedding is an important moment in life, the day of which every year will be remembered with a smile and pleasant impressions. Not always the usual serious congratulations will bring pleasure. Comic gifts have more weighty and special meaning. An interesting and rather original gift would be a certificate, according to which the husband undertakes to give flowers to his wife every day and follow all the instructions: bring coffee to bed in the morning, kiss each time they meet in the apartment, cook dinner and constantly throw out the trash.

Wood can be crafted into many things. The husband is the breadwinner and head of the family. As a present, you can give a bow and arrows or a wooden pistol, which will help in obtaining food and protecting the family hearth. A man with dignity and humor appreciate the original surprise. The defender will not interfere with the shield with the sword. Now the man is fully armed and ready to resist attacks from outside.

In the life of spouses, an important place is occupied by the family budget, for which the man in the house is responsible. So that money savings never run out, a wooden piggy bank is ideal as a gift. Or miniature safes, divided into two halves with the inscriptions "husband" and "wife". The essence of the surprise is that a man must throw his savings into his wife's department.

  • a set of wooden tools;
  • board games (chess, backgammon);
  • bath accessories;
  • notebooks with a gift cover made of wood;
  • wooden spoons with patterns;
  • smoking pipe.

A man should not forget what is a married man with experience, so you can order a T-shirt with the inscription "busy".

Women are the beautiful half of humanity, which deserves the best gifts and gentle words. A man should think in advance what to give his wife for 5 years of family life. For a long time, a lot of things have accumulated in the house, but not a single woman will refuse another intriguing gift.

Valuable and worthwhile gifts are products made of expensive wood - mahogany. Wives love changes in the apartment, so a good gift would be new furniture made of natural material. Such attention will come as a surprise, bring comfort and coziness.

The fair sex has always been not indifferent to jewelry. An excellent gift would be a rich necklace made of natural wood. If a woman prefers products with natural stones, then the decoration can be pack in a wooden box.

The most popular anniversary gifts are:

  • Furniture for kitchen;
  • kitchen wooden utensils;
  • photo frames or collage;
  • funny souvenirs;
  • jewelry, earrings, bracelets;
  • set of dishes.

Many wives love to do indoor floriculture. An originally presented tree in a pot as a symbol of a strong family is the most touching and romantic gift from a man.

When going to a celebration, guests must definitely pick up a symbolic gift, which after many years will serve as a pleasant memory of an important date. Traditionally, it is customary to pay attention to beautiful design and a card with a touching congratulation. Congratulations to both spouses handing a gift to her husband, which the wife will unwrap. In the winter season, instead of flowers, a bouquet of fir branches with cones will perfectly cheer you up.

To choose cool congratulations for a wedding anniversary of 5 years, you need to show patience and ingenuity. A rolling pin with "advice and love" written on it is a common and fun gift. They give it not to improve the culinary abilities of girls, but as a regulator of family relations.

wedding photos do not leave the digital world. Therefore, you can help the heroes of the occasion remember the funniest captured moment on their wedding day, and print it on canvas in an original wooden frame. Such a masterpiece will become an interior decoration, and will remind you of a beautiful day every day.

5 years of wedding statuses with a joke for classmates and not only

A wedding is a joyful and interesting event. Original statuses on social networks can only complement wedding photos. Remembering the wonderful day of the wedding, there is a desire to set statuses with a joke for classmates for 5 years of the wedding. And not only to remind you of the anniversary date, but also to cheer you up.

It is not necessary to write poetry and eloquent congratulations. Statuses in the form of cool expressions and phrases will instantly cheer up the heroes of the day. Proved that funny wishes are remembered longer than solid words.

Classmates can be congratulated with cool and unique statuses that will be appreciated:

  • “There were women who dreamed of living in his thoughts and heart, staying in bed. And I have been living in his passport for five years already!”;
  • “Already five years together! What is the secret of a happy marriage? Do what your wife says";
  • “Girls, do not look for a beautiful man! He has been living with me for five years”;
  • “In family life, after five years, everything is divided equally: for men - shaving foam and shower gel. And for women - a fur coat and rest on the sea”;
  • “A wooden wedding is a solid term, and a tree is a symbol of strong relationships and love that do not sink in water, but fire is still dangerous. Spouses, beware! Do not kindle a big fire in the forest!

A wedding anniversary is a significant day not only for spouses, but also for close friends and relatives. Congratulations and gifts, love and attention on the anniversary day will bring joy and leave the warmest impressions. Tree as a symbol of five years of marriage

Surely you wondered "5 years of marriage - what kind of wedding?" "Wooden" is the fifth wedding anniversary. The name is far from accidental: the fact is that during this time the family is already considered strong and reliable, and it is with such reliability that we associate a tree. In addition, as a rule, by the age of five years of marriage, most couples take root: children appear in the family. In general, the couple is only getting stronger! And how to properly celebrate this event - in our review.

The 5th anniversary is called a wooden wedding: why?

It is worth mentioning that trees have long been considered a kind of symbols of life. It is also important that trees grow not only towards the sky: they also take root. And this strengthens their position, makes them strong. Killing a strong tree is not so easy: it will take a lot of effort. That is why the fifth anniversary of marriage is considered to be a "wooden wedding". After all, if during these five years the family managed to maintain their bonds, then it is unlikely that something will destroy them: the tree has taken root too deeply. It is the 5th wedding anniversary that is considered a kind of pass to an already more conscious and even stronger marriage.

Wooden wedding: traditions

Traditions, as one would expect, are quite symbolic. For example, it is very desirable that a man on this day make some object with his own hands for a house made of wood. This will emphasize his desire to work for the good of the family. Ideally, if the spouse then varnishes the product, which will prove her ability to yield, which is important in family life.

However, another tradition is closer to us: of course, planting a tree. It is a pity that this is not always possible due to weather conditions. If you got married in the winter, then the option with wood crafts is more relevant. But there is a way out here too: in any flower shop you can buy a small tree and transplant it into a pot together at home.

And the third tradition, which is also rooted in antiquity. Our ancestors wove a beautiful wreath and threw it into the river. By the way, an interesting fact: in some cold regions, on the fifth wedding anniversary, a husband and wife hang colorful ribbons on trees that they like.

How to celebrate the 5th anniversary: ​​scenarios

We offer a variant with the romantic name "A Tale in the Forest". Like the wedding that died down five years ago, it is desirable to think over the five years in detail. The choice of location is up to you: it can be either a rented hall or your apartment or cottage. It is preferable to celebrate in nature, closer to the forest. This will emphasize the symbolism of the holiday.

You don’t have to think about decorating the hall: the decor should be wooden or “wood-like”. The simplest and most sincere solution is your photos in wooden frames, hung around the celebration area. If inflatable balloons, then helium and two tones are best: brown and green. They will perfectly create the “forest comfort” we need.

Another simple decoration solution is tree branches collected in the forest, which can be decorated with lanterns or ribbons. You can also make “leaves”: both cardboard and plain paper are suitable for these purposes.

As for the design of the table, then, of course, here the ideal options would be to choose dishes made of natural wood. Do not forget about your own costumes: the husband and wife should be dressed mainly in green and brown tones. You can create a mood with the help of details: for example, make wreaths on your heads for all invited girls and women, and bow ties for guys and men. By the way, we know how elementary and fast.

There are dozens more options on how to celebrate a wooden wedding anniversary. You can prepare themed contests, but we would advise you to celebrate this day with a gorgeous photo shoot in the forest. By the way, a certificate for such a service is a great option for a gift.

What to give your husband for a wooden wedding

Again, a wooden wedding gift should be of the appropriate material. If your spouse smokes, he will be surprised by a gift in the form of a wooden smoking pipe. Even if he does not use it, it will become a pleasant souvenir. If the husband prefers to relax in the bath, please him with a set of brooms. A gift-amulet would also be very appropriate: for example, a rosary made of wood. The main thing is not to forget: the essence of a five-year gift is not in its value or practicality. First of all, it is a symbol, a thing that will always remind you of a memorable date for both of you.

What to give your wife for a wooden wedding

Wooden decorations in honor of this family holiday are best suited. It can be earrings, bracelet or beads. However, now such jewelry can hardly be called stylish, and, most likely, your spouse will not wear them. Then an alternative option: choose a stunning handmade wooden box. An essential item for any woman. In addition, after all, no one forbids you to put a product made of gold or silver there as a gift.

Most likely, the spouse will also appreciate stylish decor items. For example, a set of wooden frames or a gorgeous picture. We offer another option: today there is a very large selection of massagers made of natural wood. If you haven’t got one yet, then a wooden wedding is a great occasion for such a gift.

Gifts from parents for a wooden wedding

It is best to choose something that is useful to both in everyday life: for example, wooden utensils or a practical piece of furniture. Most often, clothes hangers or a beautiful candlestick are chosen. Of course, young people will appreciate the furniture: chairs, a set for a summer residence or a bath. If a couple lives in their own house, then the scope for imagination is completely huge. And of course, a tree, because a wooden wedding! You can pick up a mini version in a pot (for example, a money tree) or an apple or cherry tree for the garden (if the couple lives in the house).

Anniversary greetings from husband, wife and parents in verse

Five years at the pinnacle of happiness
Five years of endless love.
Who called the wedding wooden?
Try to figure it out now.
May your life be bright
Let newness into your world
Accept our gifts
They come in handy at home.

Five wonderful years the family lives,
From his great love grows!
Genesis original creates
And keeps good from year to year!
Saves wisely, but calculation
Relationships don't count!
Here waste is not at all terrible,
In caresses you are unrestrainedly gentle!
And let another five years pass -
Love will save you from all adversity!
On this fifth anniversary
There are no spouses better and more tender!

Five years have passed since you tied your souls,
When the angels in heaven married you!
And this young but wonderful anniversary
Makes you happier and nicer!

Let wooden beautiful gifts
Life will be made fun, very bright!
Fill your life with love and warmth
And make a happy common home!

You've been married for five years
But there is no lovelier couple!
Don't take your eyes off each other
You suit each other!
May every new anniversary
Love is getting stronger!
Let the years go by
We want to be together forever!

Congratulations on a wooden wedding in prose

Wishes for a wooden wedding will sound sincere if you say them from yourself, from the heart. We offer several options for congratulations in your own words that do not need to be memorized - just be inspired.

Dear friends! It seems that we recently admired the stunning dress of the bride and the happy smile of the groom. But it's been five years. It is not easy to imagine, but all this time, every day you were a single whole: you loved, worried, thought, rejoiced and sad. Five years may not be such a big date, but we know how much it means to you. I want to meet like this year after year and see how your marriage only grows stronger. Successfully continue your happy journey!

If we talk about the eternal, then five years is not such a long time. But if you see the fate of two separate people, then this is an incredibly long way, filled with important events and impressions. Now is just the time when you can no longer imagine yourself without each other. You are one, inseparable, complete. And remember that the symbol of today is a tree. We really want your family tree to put down as many roots as possible, branch and always bloom!

The two meet, something flashes between them, they fall in love, get married. Time flies unnoticed, and now the couple has been together for a year: they cook dinners and share a bed, go to visit and watch TV, quarrel and make up.

Family life from something amazing and unusual becomes everyday life. How to celebrate a wedding anniversary, especially the first one, in order to refresh the senses again and return the trembling in the knees and the sparkle in the eyes at the sight of a loved one?

The first year in folk traditions

Chintz wedding - this is the name of the first anniversary according to Russian custom. After all, chintz is a thin, colorful fabric, like the relationship of young spouses: either violent quarrels, or the same fiery reconciliations. That is why the first anniversary of living together is celebrated by dressing in simple chintz dresses, decorating tables with chintz tablecloths and receiving products from the same chintz (pajamas, bed and table linen) as a gift.

The culmination of the holiday is the tying of knots on cotton handkerchiefs: a young wife and her husband, having presented each other with handkerchiefs, tie knots on them and wish their union many years of happiness. These handkerchiefs remain in the family as a keepsake.

Such different holidays!

If you are going to celebrate the first anniversary, the decision on the format of the event should be made by the two of you. Let this event help to see again in a loved one those features that once attracted attention and fell in love.

Wedding anniversary can be celebrated:

  • together;
  • in the family circle;
  • big company.

How to celebrate your wedding anniversary with your husband

Different ideas on how to celebrate a wedding anniversary 1 year:

How to celebrate your first wedding anniversary with your family

All this year, close people helped and supported in difficult times that arise in the young. Of course, they will be pleased when they are invited to remember a joyful event. How to celebrate a wedding anniversary for 1 year, so that it would be interesting and fun for a young couple and their parents?

Ideas that will not leave anyone indifferent!

  1. Photo presentation. It is easy to surprise guests with a film assembled from photographs about how the first year of their life together went: where the young people were, how they shopped and walked together, how they spent their free time, even photographs taken in the heat of an argument will also come in handy!
  2. Gatherings in the restaurant guests will not soon forget if you please them with various competitions and master classes. For example, a mother-in-law can teach her son-in-law to cook her daughter's favorite dishes, and a father-in-law can teach her daughter-in-law car tricks.
  3. Limousine and photo session. You can hire a car and drive around beautiful places, stopping and taking photos. Relatives will be pleased that they also take part in the life of such a young couple!

A wonderful end to a family holiday will be the launch of Chinese lanterns or balloons with wishes.

How to celebrate an anniversary with a big company

A year ago, the wedding rushed by so quickly! Why not repeat? We need to call everyone who was at the event. The bride again has a white dress, the groom has a frightened look, the guests organize the kidnapping of the bride, a restaurant - but now it will be a holiday-remembrance. At this party, young people can repeat their vows, and guests can take touching or funny photos of the newlyweds.

However, a chintz wedding can be celebrated in simple chintz dresses, and the room can be decorated not only with hearts, but also with multi-colored scarves. Where to celebrate a wedding anniversary in this format? To do this, in the warm season, open terraces of restaurants, countryside recreation areas are suitable, you can go to the seashore, and in winter you can sit in a cafe, bowling alley or rent a karaoke room.

A classic solution for celebrating an anniversary with guests is to invite a host. It will offer competitions and entertainment for guests.

However, it is much more exciting for young people to prepare a program themselves using quests, charades or master classes.

It is convenient to invite specialists to master classes to help guests paint T-shirts, make sweets and perfumes, play the guitar or drums.

The theme of the quest can be any family event.

An exciting experience for the guests and the young couple will be the shooting of the film, with the husband and wife coming up with the script, handing out roles and presenting awards.

Another option is to host a themed party. Guests will be required to follow the dress code and come in appropriate attire.

How to celebrate a 5 year wedding anniversary

According to statistics, it is 5 years of daily communication that is considered a fatal date - during this period, many couples diverge, because fragile feelings disappear in a series of everyday days. But if tender feelings of love govern husband and wife, this must be noted.

5 years together in folk traditions

Traditionally, 5 years of marriage is called " wooden wedding”, because a young family becomes like a tree: it has roots-parents, there are shoots-children, and the family itself is a reliable trunk that unites generations.

Guests usually give things made of wood: photo frames, caskets, vases, trays, shelves.

In the old days, the couple planted a tree together in the courtyard of the house on this day. In modern conditions, it can be replaced with a houseplant and decorated with notes with oaths of allegiance.

How to celebrate the wedding anniversary of 5 years, so that everyone feels what an amazing event this is?

First of all, the holiday should begin with the fact that a romantic note will be restored in the relationship:

  • breakfast in bed (and certainly with flowers in a vase!),
  • rooms should be decorated with flowers, posters and hearts (paper or balloons),
  • gifts and tender notes hidden in unexpected places.

Then it's the turn of the guests. For a holiday, it is better to change the home environment to a restaurant or go to nature. The holiday should end with a good salute!

However, a trip together to a hotel where you can serenely devote all the time to each other will also be an excellent solution for celebrating an anniversary.

Anna Lyubimova

The five-year anniversary of marriage is one of the important stages of married life, which is called the Wooden Wedding. Wood is a durable material, unlike paper and fabric, which are symbols of previous anniversaries. This solid natural material was valued at all times, it provided shelter, warmth, comfort, household utensils and interior items were made from it.

Spouses who have reached their first anniversary have already settled down in everyday life, acquired their own home and household, and in most cases, offspring.

How to celebrate 5 years of marriage after marriage

How to celebrate a wooden wedding anniversary so that the celebration leaves the most pleasant memories and a boost of energy for a further cloudless family life?

Following folk wisdom, a man should plant a tree, build a house and raise a son. And if all this is still ahead, at least the first point can be done at a wooden wedding. On this day, the spouses must plant a tree. It can be either one common or landed by a husband and wife in accordance with the Druid horoscope. Another folk ritual is a joint trip to the forest and tying five red ribbons on the trees you like.

The celebration can be celebrated noisily and cheerfully with many invited relatives, friends and everyone who was present at the first official marriage ceremony. And lovers of gentle romance and warm home comfort can spend a wooden wedding anniversary in the family circle, gathering by the fireplace, with measuredly crackling firewood, or laying a large wooden table in the garden, if you are lucky enough to celebrate a wooden wedding anniversary in the summer.

Sep 14, 2018 at 2:41 PDT

Outdoors or at home

If the spouses decide to celebrate the 5th anniversary magnificently and solemnly, it is necessary to consider a number of aspects.

First of all, place of celebration. It is very symbolic and natural if you manage to celebrate the fifth wedding anniversary in nature: in the forest at a picnic, or in a rustic simple wooden house or cottage. But if home conditions allow, then an ordinary city apartment will do. Wherever the celebration takes place, the interior should be decorated in accordance with the wooden theme. It can be spruce branches and cones, wooden utensils, various wooden decor items. Things that bring happiness, mutual understanding and growth of well-being to the house are spoons, caskets, beads, wooden figurines. An invariable attribute that protects the house from evil and trouble is a horseshoe over the front doors, which should also be carved from wood.

Wooden wedding anniversary celebration - wooden horseshoe

Interior decoration can be supplemented with green and brown balloon compositions, wall panels, wedding statuses, collages of photos of spouses in wooden frames, and be sure to prepare themed accessories for use in a family photo shoot. Beautifully complement the decor delicate bouquets of wild flowers placed on the tables.

Wooden Wedding Anniversary Celebration - Bouquet of Flowers

Ideas for a wooden wedding celebration scenario with contests

You also need to pay attention to the menu, especially the anniversary cake. It is customary to serve simple folk cuisine, red wines, cognac in barrels, barbecues are welcome. A the cake must be original and made in accordance with the theme of wood - for example, in the form of a large stump or a log cabin.

Celebrating a wooden wedding anniversary - a photo of a cake in the form of a tree

On this holiday, it is customary to have fun, come up with different funny fun, dance In other words, enjoy the joys of life to the fullest. If many guests are expected, it would be nice to invite a host or choose someone you know who has the talents of an entertainer. To make the holiday multifaceted and not boring, you should think over and discuss in advance ideas for a wooden wedding celebration scenario with contests, dance breaks and various entertainments for adults and children between the stages of the feast.

The appearance of the spouses can be accompanied by Mendelssohn's march, and it will be spectacular if the guests beat the march with wooden spoons to the beat. The spouses exchange wooden rings, after which the moment of congratulations and presentation of gifts comes. Traditionally, the husband should be the first to present the gift to his wife. It can be any practical utensils carved from wood. The wife covers it with varnish, which symbolizes harmony and peace in the family.

Also, at the time of delivery, the spouse can put a wreath woven from oak branches on her husband’s head, as a recognition of the strong support and reliability of the head of the family.

wedding anniversary contests

Competitions for the celebration of the 5th wooden wedding anniversary should be selected based on the different age categories of those present. Dynamic games such as leapfrog or dance competitions in the style of rock and roll are suitable for young people. For older people, for example, the Guess the Song contest is suitable. To do this, a musical soundtrack is turned on from a selection, for example, of songs where trees are mentioned, and the participants must guess the composition.

And here is a fun contest in which two teams of five men of any age can participate. They are given skirts and handkerchiefs, after which “There was a birch in the field.” The team that shows the most wins originality in dance moves. Another contest is “build a house in 1 minute”. Two teams of five people receive boxes of matches and plasticine. The task is to distribute among the participants the creation of parts of the house, which are then assembled into one whole. The team with the most acceptable option wins.

Holiday for two

Undoubtedly, celebrating a holiday in a noisy company is fun, but if it is not possible to organize such a celebration, the spouses should consider an unforgettable option, how to celebrate together after the wedding. It can be a wonderful romantic dinner at a restaurant or a country picnic trip.

Wedding anniversary is a family holiday celebrated every year. wooden wedding- This is when the spouses have been married for 5 years. A serious date that symbolizes fertility and happiness. Below in the article we will analyze what to give on such a significant day, how to celebrate it and how to prepare.

The main thing in the article

Wooden wedding: how long does it take to live together?

  • Later 5 years a wooden date is celebrated from the wedding day. Family life by this time is on track. By this date, the tree usually bears fruit, and its fruits represent children.
  • Traditionally, the five-year anniversary is represented by a tree, which is a symbol of strength and stability. But all sorts of roughness on the trunk means that the family has something to strive for and what to fix.
  • The family, who lived together for 5 years, went through many troubles and everyday problems, found ways out of the current situations, and came to a compromise.
  • It is generally accepted that although wood is a durable material, it can still be destroyed. This suggests that having lived so much time in marriage, the spouses still need to strengthen their relationship.

DIY wooden wedding: what to consider?

Before celebrating your anniversary, you need to decide with your spouse what you want:

  • How should the holiday be held: family, with friends, with relatives, in a playful way;
  • Make a list of guests;
  • Find a place to celebrate;
  • Discuss the theme of the design;
  • Find a toastmaster, a photographer;
  • Discuss and agree on the script with the host;
  • Think of gifts for each other;
  • Discuss the menu
  • Decide on outfits for yourself.

Original wooden wedding: the best ideas for celebrating

  • You can celebrate the fifth anniversary at home by decorating the room in a themed style, a great option is the style that is popular today rustic.
  • The tree is part of nature, so if the date falls on sunny days, you can celebrate it in nature.
  • A country house will be a great solution, there is silence around, and only you and your family are in the house.
  • You can mark the date by arranging a solemn event in a restaurant or cafe, inviting friends and relatives.
  • You can celebrate the event in the country with and others.
  • If your anniversary falls on the cold season, then it can be celebrated in a country complex, and at the same time have fun.
  • If you plan to spend this day just the two of you, you can go on a small trip, where you always wanted to go together.
  • If you have your own house and have a garden or a small lawn, then you can have a great time there. Decorate the green space, set the table and invite dear guests.

What to prepare for a wooden wedding?

Unpretentious traditional dishes are prepared for a wooden wedding:

  • Aspic;
  • Homemade sausage;
  • Baked fish;
  • Meatloaf;
  • Meat in pots;
  • Light vegetable salads;
  • Red wine;
  • Gingerbread;
  • Bagels.

How to arrange and decorate a wooden wedding: ideas with photos

Features of decorating rooms for celebrating a wooden anniversary should be dictated by the name itself. The design should be concise so that everything fits together and is in place.

Images of the bride and groom for a wooden wedding

Spouses can dress up in any outfit, depending on personal preferences and wishes. Outfits can be formal or festive, modest or solemn.

  • If you celebrate in Russian folk style - it can be light outfits. For the groom, brown trousers with suspenders and a light shirt, and for the bride, a light cocktail dress light shades.
  • If the celebration is marked by a repetition of the wedding ceremony - you can put your wedding dress and suit on your husband.
  • If the event is celebrated not on such a solemn scale, but at home with family - a beautiful shirt and trousers are suitable for a husband, and an evening dress for a wife.
  • If you honor Russian traditions , then you can dress in primordially Russian outfits.

Wooden Wedding Anniversary Lucky Anniversary Accessories

It is customary to give gifts for the celebration based on the name of the date. So, for a wooden wedding, they give objects made of wood. Some accessories are given for happiness, others out of necessity.

Lucky accessories:

  • Horseshoe - represents financial well-being.
  • wooden rings - symbolize family strength.
  • spoons is a symbol of value.
  • Caskets means deep feelings.
  • beads - a symbol of power and wealth.

In addition to the examples listed, you can come up with any gift yourself and make it to order or on your own.

Preparing for the celebration of a wooden wedding, the "young" should think about those little things that, being an exceptional decoration of the interior on this day, also have a deeper connotation and, according to signs, bring happiness to the house. Below we present photo ideas of such accessories for your celebration. Thanks to them, your holiday will not only be bright and memorable, but will also become a new starting point for your family happiness.

wooden wedding invitations

Holiday invitations can be made in different ways:

  • SMS alert;
  • Personal invitation in words;
  • Make a phone call;
  • Send out creative invitations.

Invitations can be made from antique paper or wood blocks, the message can be written in an elegant font, and the front of the invitation can be decorated with symbolic attributes. Invitation examples:

Wooden wedding scenarios: 2 options

There are a lot of scenarios for holding a celebration. All of them are aimed at having a great time. Many of them include congratulations, competitions, round dances, songs, dances, gifts. You can compose a script yourself, you can download it from the Internet, and if you have a host, he will prepare a program for the holiday. In order for everything to go as you want, all the nuances must be discussed immediately. We offer you two scenarios for the celebration:

Cool contests and songs for a wooden wedding

Competitions are an integral part of any holiday program. In competitions, people reveal their true qualities and talents. To hold the date, competitions must be selected according to the interests of the invited guests. But there are also such types of entertainment that many guests will certainly appreciate.

  • Limbo- the point is to pass under a stretched rope to energetic music without hitting it. First, the guest passes to his full height, and then - leaning back. Each time lower and lower until it touches any part of the body. If the guest passes under the rope without touching it even at the stage when it is 50 cm from the floor, then he won.
  • Leapfrog- the point is to jump over the tilted neighbor who is standing in front. The pair that jumps the most times wins.
  • Song Battle- the meaning lies in the competition in the performance of different works between two participants or two groups of guests.
  • Everything from nothing- Spouses need to build a wedding outfit for each other from a roll of toilet paper. The time must be agreed in advance, for example, to gather the husband for the ceremony for 1 minute of the song track. The husband should do the same.
  • Guess the melody- the presenter turns on the melody of the song, and the invited guests must guess. The one who guessed the most melodies wins.
  • Flashmob- one guest is invited, who will set the movements for the flash mob. The rest of the guests repeat. Then an interesting selection is turned on and the guests perform the learned movements.
  • Cornhole- the spouses prepare in advance a platform with a hole and bags with small cereals. The goal of the game is to get into the hole at a distance of 2-1.5 meters.

Cake and gingerbread for a wooden wedding: ideas with photos

Cake and gingerbread for the celebration of the date is a traditional dessert. But they can be presented and arranged in a more interesting way than in the everyday version.

Wooden wedding in nature

You can celebrate the anniversary in nature in several ways:

  • Picnic— departure with a small family circle to nature. Light unpretentious dishes, sandwiches, vegetables, fruits, wine.
  • For barbecue- this option can be tried both in a spontaneously chosen place, and in the country.
  • By the sea or river you can set a small table, invite guests and enjoy the evening.
  • House in the complex- you can rent a house in a country complex at any time of the year. In such places, you do not need to think about presenters and competitions. Because there you can rent: a snowboard, skates, skis, tubing, a scooter, a boat and other entertainment equipment.

Spending time in nature is one of the most interesting options for celebrating an anniversary. Fresh air, pleasant atmosphere, familiar faces and all this is close to you. And if you have children, they will definitely like to run around the spacious lawns.

Ideas for a photo shoot for a wooden wedding anniversary

  • Outdoors with guests
  • Build a stand for a photo session;
  • In a themed house;
  • In a place that symbolizes your date;
  • Against the background of trees;
  • On the coast.

Arm yourself with the best photo ideas and add new beautiful pictures to your family photo album!

Video: how to celebrate a wooden wedding?

You can celebrate a significant date in different ways and in any style, the main thing is that the spouses like it. A guide to action and a variety of options are presented for you in our publication.