1. A gift to a music lover
Almost all young people are fond of music. To make the next gift, it is absolutely not important to know exactly what styles the birthday person prefers or who his favorite performer is. If you give him trendy and high-quality headphones, this will be a great gift for his sixteenth birthday. In addition, such a gift will suit both an avid rocker and a lover of pop music.

2. Present for two
In addition to music, young people are interested in new movies. So two tickets to a fresh premiere can be a good birthday present. He can invite his girlfriend or go with a friend. Let him unwind and get distracted from his studies. The main thing is to choose the right film. If he decides to go along with a friend, and a cute melodrama appears on the screen, the birthday boy will not thank you.

3. Convenient disc stand
It is difficult to imagine a young man who does not have a computer. And, as a rule, the computer desk is constantly littered with all sorts of necessary stuff. You can help overcome this mess if you give the birthday man a stand for discs. It fits compactly on the table and will hold the most frequently used CDs.

4. Gift for the street
If your birthday boy is fond of football or basketball, then you can make an appropriate gift. For example, give a good ball. Enough for him to sit at the computer, let him at least sometimes gather a good company and play on the street.

5. Gift as a symbol of masculinity
Let at the age of 16 the birthday man is not yet a man, but he is no longer a boy. Therefore, it is worth making a gift that will be a symbol of his formation. For example, give a good electric razor. This accessory is essential for anyone who has to deal with such a routine procedure as shaving. The main thing is to choose a product from a good manufacturer, because a quality item will last a very long time.

Choosing a present for a young man's 16th birthday is not an easy task. Before you is already an adult serious guy, but at the same time a cheerful, perky teenager.

How not to miscalculate with a gift? Do not hand over something too childish, and also do not choose something that is not at all interesting to teenagers yet. What to give a boy for 16 years of this? Let's try to figure it out together.

Of course, there are also universal presentations. And there are those that are suitable for a specific addressee. Depending on who your 16-year-old birthday is, we can find the right gift.


One of the coolest options is a present reminder of a story that only the two of you know.

You can also look at the following:

  • Sports gifts: equipment, accessories, uniforms, things with the symbols of his favorite team.
  • Electronic gifts: computer accessories, flash drives, headphones, external batteries for phones, USB toys and useful gadgets.
  • Paramilitary presentations.
  • Fun gifts.
Son or grandson

What can you give a boy for 16 years in this case? A present from parents and grandparents on such a date should be quite serious:
  • Useful gadget: tablet, laptop, smartphone, e-book.
  • Computer hardware update.
  • A serious present for a young man's hobby.
to a loved one

Look at various kinds of romantic gifts:
  • Board games for two.
  • Paired t-shirts, accessories, pendants, key chains, phone cases.
  • Convenient device, a device for preparing homemade delicacies.

What to give a boy 16 years old here? If your classmate has a sixteenth birthday, then you can stop at the following:
  • Cool stationery, notepad, diary.
  • Mug with custom design.
  • Funny and original accessories, souvenirs, whose price does not bite.

Advice! Remember that a large selection of excellent gifts is also presented in online markets.

Thematic gifts

Let's now look at the possible presentation options, distributing them by topic.

romantic gifts

Most suitable, of course, for donors - beloved girls.

  • An order at a printing house is a poster, a mug, a T-shirt, a sweatshirt, a mouse pad with a congratulation, drawn or compiled in a photo editor by you personally.
  • Paired jewelry - bracelet, pendant, pendant. You can just give a guy an original hand-made jewelry made of leather, wood, metal.

  • Stylish and practical backpack, sports bag, business briefcase. But with a cute funny keychain from you.
  • A ticket to a concert of his favorite artist, a match of his favorite team, the premiere of a long-awaited film or a sensational exhibition.
  • A piece of clothing, provided you know its style and size. If not, then you can get by with a high-quality belt, a warm hat, a scarf (you can knit it yourself), leather gloves, an umbrella with a cool pattern.
  • Goodies with a romantic color: “flash drives”, key rings, headphones, external batteries for a phone, waterproof cases for a smartphone, USB accessories – heaters, coolers for a drink, fans, mini-vacuum cleaners for a keyboard.
  • Painting to order. A portrait, both according to your general and according to his photo. You can also choose from cartoons, pop art images, photo mosaics and word pictures. For serious young men - historical portraits in the image of the heroes of the past.

hobby gift

An excellent idea if you decide to prepare a present, taking into account the young man's favorite hobby. If you are not quite sure that you can pick up what he needs, then you can limit yourself to a certificate to a theme store.

Here is what you can approximately prepare - a gift for a teenager, a boy of 16 years old:

  • Present to the musician- a professional tool, consumables for it, a tutorial. You can take care of the case, cover. For example, a guy guitarist will always need strings, picks
  • Athlete- comfortable uniform, sports accessories, fitness bracelets. It would be nice to have a gym membership, a swimming pool, a certificate for extreme sports.
  • For winter sports lovers- waterproof gloves, balaclavas, ski goggles, protective fancy-colored helmet.

  • For those who love table sports- rackets, billiard balls, personal poker set.
  • Just a guy who loves outdoor activities– mountain bike, moped, monowheel, skateboard, downhill or cross-country skiing.
  • What to give a boy at 16 - a novice tourist? A roomy backpack, a light and comfortable tent, a warm sleeping bag, a compass or a navigator, a flask for drinks, a multifunctional knife, a self-loading flashlight and other necessary camping ammunition.

  • art lover- a collection of books, CDs of his favorite author, a rare collection of works, an e-book, a ticket to an event of interest to him.
  • Computer genius- an unusual gadget, a licensed disc with your favorite game, accessories and components for a PC.


A very suitable option for a young person is a certificate for getting an impression. As you know, at the age of 16, young men are gambling maximalists, so he will definitely appreciate the present at its true worth.

Here's what can be highlighted - a gift for a boy on his 16th birthday:

  • Karting race.
  • Walk on aquabike.
  • Swimming in the pool with dolphins.
  • Excursion on the rooftops of the city.
  • Passing a cool quest, visiting a room of fear.

  • Show in virtual reality glasses.
  • Karting race.
  • Rope park tour.
  • Visiting the trampoline park, water park.
  • Laser tag, paintball.

  • Excursion to the abandoned and mysterious places of the city.
  • Descent in a zorb ball.
  • Horse ride.
  • Flight in a hot air balloon.
  • Quad biking, snowmobiling.
  • Climbing lessons, diving.

Advice! Check with the service provider beforehand whether the service applies to a minor.

Gift for beauty and style

At the age of 16, many young men already begin to actively monitor and take care of themselves, pay great attention to appearance and style. If you have such a fashionista in front of you, then you can please him with the following:

  • Wrist watch. You can choose both a stylish mechanical model, and take a closer look at the electronic ones. Smart watches paired with a tablet or smartphone stand apart.
  • Perfume. Here you need to know the favorite flavor of the young man. Or be aware of popular toilet waters among young people.
  • A baptized young man on such a serious birthday can be given a gold or silver cross.
  • Young people are also not indifferent to jewelry - these are bracelets, chains, both made of precious materials and designer ones made of metal.
  • Transitional age is fraught with skin problems for teenagers. Therefore, the young man can be given high-quality caring cosmetics. But with tactful packaging - so that with all its appearance the gift does not speak of such a personal problem.

Useful gifts

As you know, men from an early age love everything useful and functional, do not tolerate unnecessary knick-knacks.

What can be handed to our birthday boy against this background - instructions:

  • Both girls and boys most of all dream of getting the latest smartphones for their celebration. The cost of such gifts, alas, bites. But after all, you can buy a present in a pool - from parents, grandparents, relatives.
  • If a guy is fond of computer games, then it's a good idea to please him with a licensed disc with the newest "toy". Look for a gaming mouse, joystick, keyboard, headphones. Or souvenirs in the spirit of his favorite characters.
  • A voluminous and cool "flash drive" or, if resources allow, an external hard drive.
  • Music speakers, comfortable wireless headphones - for an avid music lover.
  • An inexpensive but good gift is a smartphone case, a folder for a tablet, a bag for a laptop. Take a closer look at protective glasses for the screen, waterproof cases, cases, touch gloves for using the gadget in the cold.

Dear friends, hello. 16 years is a special date. A sixteen-year-old boy strives to seem like an adult, although in fact he is still a child. On a memorable birthday, the boys are waiting for special gifts, and you should take the choice of a present very seriously in order to please the birthday boy. So what to give a guy for 16 years?

In the article I will present a list of gifts that parents, friends and girls can give. Read carefully and remember!

If the birthday boy is your son, then you probably know what he wants. Perhaps he was talking about his desires. If the guy behaves like a partisan, then you have only one way out - to seek advice from his best friend or girlfriend. Here they know exactly what the birthday man dreams of.

Often these are the things that he is unable to buy himself. Of course, you can do without the "help of a friend", but then you will need to try very hard to guess with the present.

Gifts from relatives

Electronic gadgets. It can be a smartphone, a tablet of the latest model. In any case, in terms of its characteristics, the novelty should exceed the technique that the guy already has at his disposal.

Modern laptop. Such a gift is especially pleasant if the boy used to study exclusively on a computer. With a laptop or netbook, it will become more mobile. Moreover, at the age of 16-17, children, as a rule, enter institutes and other educational institutions, so such a purchase will come in handy.

Things for "pumping" technology. For example, you can't get a new computer, and the guy complains that games don't work on the old model. You can buy more RAM or a powerful graphics card. It will be inexpensive, but a good gift that will delight the child.

Wardrobe update. This is a great option for fashionistas who love to shop. Of course, you yourself will not be able to guess with the purchase, but by presenting a gift certificate for shopping, you will give the guy freedom of choice and a whole day of pleasant pastime.

Scooter, quad bike, hoverboard, unicycle The perfect gift from parents.

Bike(mountain, sports, bmx and so on). But this is on condition that he wanted it. And then, perhaps, he asked you for a scooter, and you bought him a bicycle. Well, what will come of it? One upset!

Jewelry for stylish guys. These can be, for example, ROLEX Daytona watch , seals, chains made of gold or silver. Of course, if the child does not wear jewelry, then this is not the best gift idea.

Driving Instruction Certificate car, motorcycle, quad bike. Despite the fact that a guy can only get the rights to a car at the age of 18, he can learn now.

Tourist trip. If a guy is interested in history or culture, a tour of the Golden Ring or other interesting places can be an ideal solution. For lovers of hiking, walking tours around the region, rafting on the rivers are suitable. Or maybe the boy has long wanted to visit some other country, and you are just planning a vacation, why not buy a tour exactly where the birthday boy wanted to go? The easiest way to pick up a tour or choose a route is on the most popular tourist site in Russia Tutu.Ru .

Entertainment in the form of paintball, airsoft, quests, quad biking, karting with his whole company.

Some amount of money. This option is more suitable for grandparents who are not well versed in the preferences of young people. With the donated money, the guy will be able to buy what he wants.

Useful and nice gifts from friends

Now I will give a list of presentations for computer lovers. Inexpensive and always nice!

  1. New computer game;
  2. You can upgrade his favorite character, buy a powerful tank or plane for money, or upgrade an existing one. You can also purchase codes that provide additional currency and many privileges in the game;
  3. Gaming headphones;
  4. Stand (cooler) cooling the laptop;
  5. EBook;
  6. Memory card reader;
  7. Webcam;
  8. Mini-fridge that connects to a computer connector;
  9. Mini vacuum cleaner for cleaning the keyboard;
  10. original flash drive;

Funny gifts in the form of a running alarm clock, a year's supply of socks, a home ATM are also perfect.

Gifts from a girl

Many sixteen-year-old guys already have ladies of the heart. She should pick up such a present, looking at which, her lover will always remember her. So here is a list of ideas:

  • T-shirts, mugs, pillows, posters with their photos. These are original and practical things.
  • Jewelry with pendants for two;
  • Exquisite perfume;
  • Handmade gifts, for example, a baked cake, embroidery of their portrait, photo collage;
  • Photo session with your loved one;
  • A couple of tickets to a concert of your favorite artist.

Body care products, gels for / after shaving, machines, in general, will always remain popular.

Extreme Presents

For young adventurers, the following gift options are suitable:

  • Skydiving;
  • Certificate for training in rock climbing, diving;
  • Flight in a hot air balloon or airplane;
  • Riding a buggy or racing car.

Let's talk about hobbies

Well, everything is simple. If a young man has any hobby, then you can safely choose a gift to match him:

  • For lovers of fishing, a new spinning rod, an inflatable boat, a set of spinners, an armchair, and equipment are suitable.
  • The athlete will be happy with a new pear, weights, a simulator, a master class by a famous bodybuilder, football player.
  • A young musician can be pleased with a guitar, a drum kit. If you have all this, then purchase accessories for them that are always needed (strings, drumsticks, picks).
  • For lovers of skiing, you can buy a go-pro camera, snowboarding goggles and everything related to your favorite sport (new snowboard, boots, skis, equipment).
  • For a guy who often goes hiking, give a tent, a sleeping bag, a backpack, a compass.

And, of course, it is important for every guy at the age of 16 to get together with the whole company and celebrate his birthday to the fullest. A cafe, a restaurant, a karaoke bar, a recreation center, or maybe a sauna - the place doesn't matter. The main thing is to be close to relatives and friends.

Here, dear readers, I have listed what you can give a guy on his 16th birthday. You can leave your comments with ideas and presentation options, as well as subscribe to the blog, which I will be very happy about. Share the articles you like with your friends and visit us often, because we have so many interesting things. Good luck!

A large selection of gifts for 16 years

Once a year we all have a special day because it's our birthday. It is easy to add magic and emotions by giving what the birthday man was waiting for.

It is not always possible to find out what the hero of the occasion is dreaming of, and often asking what to give, we hear: “I don’t know” or “I don’t need anything.” In this case, it will be difficult to make a choice.

Finding a gift for a 16-year-old guy is doubly difficult. This is no longer a child, but not yet a man, although he strives to become one. Accordingly, the present should not be childish, but modern and original. How to surprise and please a guy?

Positive mirror "Vous 3.0" with engraving

Now it's easy to get an infinite number of likes. The positive mirror "Vous 3.0" will help with this! Great selfie guaranteed. The mirror can be hung at any angle, thanks to a special mount. To demonstrate that the gift was carefully selected for the guy, you can use engraving. It is easy to give confidence in your appearance by presenting a “Vous 3.0” mirror, because it is so important for teenagers.

Glass "Luminarius" with engraving

A glass of Luminarius will surprise any guy. It looks like an ordinary glass cup, but as soon as you pick it up, it starts to glow. The birthday boy can feel like Harry Potter by casting the spell "Lumos maxima" and taking a glass in his hands, which will begin to emit light. Make an engraving on the bottom, the gift will become individual, and the owner will never confuse it with another. Just remember to warn that the glass cannot be heated in the microwave and washed in the dishwasher, otherwise all the magic will dissipate. The manufacturer is Artemy Lebedev's studio, which makes the gift more fashionable.

Personalized piggy bank "For a big dream"

When a guy is 16 years old, this is the very age when dreams overwhelm imagination. Plans for the future: about studies, profession, new hobbies. But someone lacks so little to fulfill their dream! For example, a new stick for a future hockey player or a powerful computer for a future programmer. A personalized piggy bank will help make the dream come true closer. Due to the fact that it cannot be broken, it will become a strong and safe repository of savings, which will help protect them from temptations. Therefore, the dream will wait in the wings and will be fulfilled.

External battery "Magic charge" with engraving

To make the smartphone of the birthday guy become Perpetuum Mobile, all you have to do is give a Magic Charge external battery. Using special Velcro, the portable device is attached to the back cover of the gadget. Now situations when you can’t watch a video or listen to your favorite song are excluded. Also, the guy does not have to look for an outlet to urgently charge his phone or tablet. It will be nice to give a really useful thing.

Flash drive "Zenith"

There is nothing better for a football fan than a thing with the symbols of his favorite club. And when it also has 8 GB of memory, and it is made of durable PVC, this doubles the significance of the gift. It will be much more pleasant to store photos, movies and other files when it is not just a storage device, but a symbol of the birthday boy's hobby.

Lamp "Happy Birthday" with engraving

Would you like your gift to glow with congratulations? This is possible thanks to the "Happy Birthday" lamp. When ordering, choose nice words that you address to the guy. Turning on the light, congratulations will remind the hero of the occasion about you and this day. The lamp, in fact, is two gifts in one: both a postcard and, in fact, the gift itself.

Name case for iPhone "Persona" (black)

Sixteen years is a serious date, already an adult birthday. However, the birthday girl is still so young and carefree. And what to give a girl for 16 years? So that it was a present not for a child, and not for an adult? And the gift itself would have surprised her, impressed her and caused a joyful smile? All relevant ideas are below.

For adult readers, we suggest remembering yourself and your peers at the age of 16. At this age, teenagers already specifically understand what they like and what they don’t.

They have certain tastes, dreams. But the latter change very quickly, which is why there is a big chance to miscalculate with a pre-purchased present.

Also, boys and girls at 16 are characterized by maximalism. Either they want to celebrate their birthday “to the fullest” and receive only dizzying gifts, or they don’t need anything at all.

Unfortunately, 16 is the age of rebellion for many. Teenagers decide that their parents do not understand them at all, they give useless advice. Many do not dedicate loved ones to their thoughts and dreams. It is very difficult to understand what such a girl needs. Here you will have to turn to her friends in order to find out exactly how to please the birthday girl on her holiday.

In addition, it is difficult to choose the universal gift option that would suit all 16-year-old girls. Someone dreams of the latest collection of their favorite designer, and someone is happy to receive informal clothes as a present, someone - an iPhone, and someone wholeheartedly wants a kitten.

So what can you give a girl for 16 years? There is only one advice here: do not look for something universal. Look at the hero of the occasion - what she likes. It will not be superfluous to ask her friends, brothers and sisters. Or you can just turn to her herself: “What do you want to get for your birthday?”

Who is the present from?

Let's decide who our donor is - we will recommend options specifically for each group.


It is clear that the girl is waiting for the most significant gift from mom and dad. Its price here, alas, can even bite very much. But the 16th anniversary is only once in our life.

From parents, a present can be like this:

  • Stylish decoration. Designer, precious, hand-made, collectible ... It really depends on the tastes of the hero of the occasion. It's a good idea to give her a certificate or choose one with her, just to be sure.

  • Bag backpack. Always necessary and relevant thing. And mom and dad will help to buy a quality product for which the girl does not have enough pocket money.
  • Shoes, clothes. Fashion is changing rapidly, and your beauty for the new season may urgently need a few new things. So why not arrange shopping in honor of the name day?

  • Book, music, video collection. A gift is good if you are aware of your daughter's favorite authors, performers, directors. Choosing “she definitely needs it” is no longer an option for 16 years old.
  • Journey. Youth is a time of adventure. An expensive, but the most wonderful gift is to give your daughter a ticket to the city, the country of her dreams.
  • Electronics. Tablet, smartphone, laptop, smart watch, wireless headphones... Young people are greedy for new technology, whose prices do not delight their parents. But 16 years old is quite a decent age to become the owner of a brand new gadget.

  • Gift according to her interests, hobby. Teenagers often change hobbies, quit one thing, start another… But if your daughter does something for a long time and seriously, then why not give her something that is useful for her hobby? It is better, of course, to unobtrusively find out from her herself what she needs.

Advice! Many teenagers at 16 are already beginning to seriously think about their future studies. Maybe the girl will be happy with preparatory courses, literature, master classes in her future specialty?

Grandmothers and grandfathers

For them, even at 16, she is a sweet little girl. However, on this birthday, girls accept sweets, toys and trinkets just so as not to offend their grandparents. Do you really want to please your granddaughter?

What to give a girl 16 years old:

  • Accessory, decoration. An umbrella, leather gloves, a quality belt, a wallet, a laptop bag, a stylish diary…
  • Clothing store certificate. Of course, generations have different tastes, so it’s better not to take risks and give your granddaughter the opportunity to buy what she likes as a gift.
  • money envelope. One of the most common options from grandparents.
  • Antique item. Maybe you have a family jewel? Now is the time to present it to an already adult, but such a young granddaughter.
  • Bank account. You can open an account in the name of your granddaughter in a bank with the amount already on it. Moreover, it is better to choose a long-term contribution so that she can manage the money when they are definitely useful to her - while studying at a university. At the same time, the amount will “overgrow” with interest by that time.

Advice! If you want to introduce the girl to something new with your gift, then think about it - won’t this conflict with her inner world? A fashionista is unlikely to be happy with a ticket to a tourist rafting trip, and an athlete girl is unlikely to be happy with uncomfortable, albeit expensive, stilettos.

From friends and girlfriends

At the age of 16, many studies do not allow them to work, and at the same time, to have more or less decent amounts at their disposal. Therefore, it's okay if a gift from friends is symbolic, handmade. You will still have time to give expensive and status presents to each other.

And now:

  • Homemade postcard using the scrapbooking technique.
  • An embroidered, painted portrait of a birthday girl.
  • Big collage with sweets and her photo.
  • Slideshow, video about the birthday girl.
  • Unusual greetings in social networks.
  • Cool diary, notebook.
  • A song, a poem in her honor.
  • Large homemade cake.
  • Toy, doll, sewn, knitted for her.
  • A piece of clothing, if you are good at sewing, knitting.
  • Handmade jewelry.

From a young man

Romantic relationships at 16 are not uncommon today and in the past. So how to be a beloved guy on the birthday of his chosen one?

Here's what we can suggest:

  • Plush toy. And it’s great if she’s also talking, singing. Surely the girl will be delighted with such a present!
  • Her favorite perfume. Of course, at the age of 16, not everyone has the money for such a luxury - you can stop at a less expensive, but high-quality replica.
  • Bouquet! And not just her favorite colors. You can "kill two birds with one stone" - give a bouquet of sweets, chocolate, caramel, exotic fruits, "Kinder" or soft toys.
  • Romantic dinner at an excellent restaurant in your city.
  • Certificate for a photo session - individual or joint.
  • A ticket to a concert of her favorite band.

Advice! A mandatory addition to the gift is warm words, a joint walk, gatherings, sincere compliments and wishes.


If the holiday is so wide that all the relatives were invited to the name day, then the relatives will have to think about the present.

What to give a girl for her 16th birthday:

  • Stylish women's watch. And some girls, by the way, love modern and multifunctional smart watches.
  • Impression gift. From a certificate for flying in a wind tunnel to going to a beauty salon. It is important, of course, to choose an impression that will be to the liking of the hero of the occasion.
  • Souvenirs, designer things for the room, desk. You can stop at unusual gadgets that will help in your studies.
  • Cosmetics, bath sets for young skin.
  • A gift for hair - multi-colored crayons, a multifunctional hair dryer, a straightener / curling iron, designer hairpins, wreaths, headbands.
  • If a girl likes to do manicure, then she will like high-quality tools, a large palette of varnishes, and a UV dryer for gel manicure.
  • Decorative cosmetics. In order not to be mistaken, it is better to choose multi-color palettes so that the birthday girl can find her favorite tone there and experiment with new ones.

Advice! If you do not communicate closely with the girl, then it is better to talk about the gift with her or her parents so as not to get an unnecessary present.

TOP gifts

And let's see what young girls themselves prefer to get for 16 years:

  1. Technique, electronics. This present is traditionally in the first place. The most cherished dream is the latest smartphone model.
  2. Clothing and footwear. Many simply dream of receiving a gift certificate to choose what they need. And also - luxurious terry bathrobes, unusual house slippers, funny kigurumi pajamas. A truly royal gift is a certificate for tailoring a festive, cocktail dress!
  3. Bag, backpack. This goodness will never be enough! See the latest trends, browse virtual market offers.
  4. Cosmetics. Of course, the Young Fairy set is no longer enough. Some girls own a collection of cosmetics no less than that of makeup artists. Therefore, the choice is again for a universal certificate.
  5. Unusual notebook, notebook, diary for intimate notes. Original cover and interesting inner content - all kinds of tips, memos, ideas of the day. And for a person who loves to draw, make sketches, be sure to present a sketchbook.

  1. Camera. Many girls at the age of 16 are extremely creative natures. Most of them are fascinated by photography - both themselves, their girlfriends, and thoughtful pictures of the environment. Best of all - a "reflex camera", a camera with instant printouts of pictures.
  2. Book. Yes, young people today love books. Almost every girl has a favorite author, genre. Many people like to read in a foreign language. Some people love audio books. A great gift would be both a printed edition and an electronic gadget.
  3. Unusual filling for the room - frameless furniture, exercise equipment, 3D bedding, space nightlights, fluffy carpets and bedspreads. And, of course, soft toys.
  4. Creative gift. The girl will be very happy with a certificate for a photo shoot or a ready-made portrait based on her photo. Girls love and unusual jewelry of the author's work.
  5. Interest gift. Like any other person, the 16-year-old birthday girl is waiting for her holiday and a present that is useful for her hobby.

More ideas - in the video in this article.

What would you give?

In the article, we will present not only our own ideas, but also the opinions of different people published by them on the forums. What would you give a girl for her 16th birthday - instructions for use.

Universal Options

  • Decorative cosmetics.
  • Bracelet, pendant.
  • Eau de Toilette.
  • Gift card to your favorite store.
  • EBook.
  • Money envelope.
  • Wrist watch.
  • Camera.
  • Tourist trip.
  • Gold, silver jewelry.
  • Smartphone.
  • Portrait from a photograph.
Beloved girl

  • Teddy bear.
  • Pendant, pendant.
  • Perfume.
  • Bouquet.
  • Gift Certificate.
  • Ticket to an interesting event.
  • Cosmetic set.
  • An interesting trinket for the home, a souvenir.
  • Couple T-shirt.
  • Bath set.
  • Congratulations written on asphalt.
  • Manicure set.

  • Favorite perfume.
  • Wallet.
  • Money envelope.
  • Flash-card.
  • Interesting book, encyclopedia.
  • Makeup kit.
  • Unusual notebook.
  • Decoration.
  • Bag.
  • Headphones.
  • Cases for her phone.
  • Set for bath, hair, manicure.

  • Paid day at the entertainment center for her and her friends.
  • Gift certificate, cash gift.
  • Portrait from her photo.
  • Bank account.
  • A trip to the city of dreams.
  • Gold, silver jewelry.
  • Perfume.
  • Subscription for changes in appearance - hairstyle, hair color, manicure / pedicure.
  • Tablet or smartphone.
  • Subscription to the dance school, sports club, swimming pool.
  • A large set of sweets - "Kinder", macaroons.
  • Bike.
  • Computer updates.
  • Camera.
  • Certificate for a cosmetics store.
  • Pet.