In Russian legislation, regarding various types of documents, there are certain rules for filling them out. Also, each of them has a deadline. The workbook of an employee is no exception. What are the deadlines for filling out a work book when applying for a job? This question is relevant in that it requires a detailed and precise explanation.

Hiring an employee

To get a job, you must present a certain list of documents confirming many aspects of interest to the manager:

  • passport)
  • labor)
  • pension certificate)
  • military ID)
  • certificate or diploma)
  • additional education documents.

To obtain a separate type of work, the following documents may be required:

  • driver license)
  • permission to this species activities)
  • medical book.

Another type of documentation is not recorded in the Labor Code of Russia. The leader and the citizen who came to him should know about it.

The employer, when hiring an employee, must issue an order on his appointment. Based on this document, you will need to make an entry in the labor and personal files.

Registration of a work book

A person who wants to find a job, without fail, needs his work book. If a citizen has already worked in any company, then this document should be in his hands. But when a person came for the first time to get a job, then here you need to contact the employer.

By law, modern books can be purchased in those organizations that are authorized for this type of activity. Usually the enterprise purchases this document at the price specified in the contract.

Labor forms are in the personnel service or in the unit that is responsible for them. At the request of the employer, a book (new form) is issued to the employee. In this case, the head must take from him an amount equal to the cost of the document. But there are exceptions:

  • mass nature of the destruction of documentation that was in the organization)
  • incorrect filling of the form by the responsible person.

These two cases indicate that the costs of acquiring a new book are borne by the employer.

Also, each company must have documents on accounting for labor:

  • income and expense ledger)
  • traffic book.

This accounting documentation keeps track of everything that happens with the books of employees, and also keeps a record of the issuance of new forms and inserts.

Filling out a work book

The employee's book is filled in by the head, personnel worker, other person who is authorized for this type of activity in connection with his duties. Initially, the labor is issued in the organization that issued the document to the employee. The book has several sections to complete:

  • titular)
  • job details)
  • award information.

Each page has its own design rules. The main page (title page) carries personal data about the employee:

  • Date of Birth)
  • education)
  • profession, specialty.

At the end of the title page there is a special column for the signature of the owner and manager.

Information about the work and awards is recorded on the following spreads of the book. Here are all the main points of the employee's work:

  • device)
  • translation)
  • dismissal)
  • important awards and so on.

When registering an employee, you can also indicate here that he was an employee of special units (police, tax service). When presenting a military certificate, you must enter a record of service in the army.

Any information in the employee's book must be confirmed by a specific document:

  • order)
  • education document)
  • meeting decision)
  • document on the change of personal data.

And another very important feature in the design of labor: each entry must be confirmed by a signature and a seal.

How to make entries in the title page of the work book

There is one important rule for the title page: enter information without errors. When on this page the head allows inaccuracy or unreliability, then the form is considered damaged. An act is drawn up on its cancellation, which is then filed into a separate folder, and then the damaged labor is destroyed.

There are situations when an erroneous entry was not immediately noticed. And the employee has worked in the organization for a very long time, his long-term experience is noted in the labor record. This is where employers make concessions. To correct an entry in the title page, carefully cross out the wrong entry and write the correct one.

You can make additions to the title page. This applies to education, profession, specialty. A comma is put and after the old information the new one is fixed. In addition, the legislation allows you to make changes to the full name of the owner of the book. In this case, the old data is completely crossed out and new ones are prescribed next to it. The crossed out inscription should be clearly visible. Crossing out individual letters or numbers is prohibited.

If an employee got a job in a company as a university student, then information about incomplete higher education must certainly be in the title page of the labor. When an employee receives a diploma, he must present it to his manager to record information about completed higher education.

In any of these options, the employee must show a document that confirms the authenticity of the information. It is entered on the back of the labor cover (name, number, number). The inscription is approved by signature and seal.

How to make entries about work and awards in the work book

When a manager fills out a page related to the work of a citizen, he first writes the name of the organization (full and abbreviation). In many companies, there is already a prepared seal in which the name of the enterprise is written. To save time, this stamp is simply put in a certain place in the labor office.

Then the serial number of the entry, its day, month and year are written. The main data is recorded below the name. In this case, there must be an indication of an article of the Code, Rules or Instructions. At the end of the entries, you must indicate the number and date of the document that is the basis for this entry.

Only special awards are recorded in the book. Small rewards - thanks, diplomas - do not enter. Also, punishments for the employee should not be recorded in the labor. The only thing that is recorded is dismissal (as a form of punishment).

Since the information in the labor is written by hand, errors cannot be avoided. If on the main page an incorrect spelling makes the form unusable, then in the working information such errors can be corrected. There are two important types of errors:

  • missed entry)
  • an error has been made.

The responsible person may forget to enter the name of the organization in the book. Without this entry, all the information below will be illegal. Therefore, an incorrect entry must be invalidated. The next serial number in a certain line is put, the date and a record that the previous data should be considered invalid. Then the name of the organization and the rest of the records are recorded below.

If an error is made, the entry is also invalidated. But at the same time, you need to fix the correct spelling.

Another point that is of great interest to personnel services and employers. When there are a lot of entries in the book and there is nowhere to enter the next one, then an insert is drawn up in the labor. With it, you can continue filling out the document legally.

Documents, articles of the Labor Code, confirmation, signature, seal - all this must be recorded in the labor when filling out and correcting.

When the head of the workbook is filling out, he needs to rely on the fundamental documents:

  • Labor Code of Russia)
  • Labor Decree)
  • Decree on Instruction.

Accordingly, the Rules and Instructions specified in the legislation are a support in the preparation of books.

Considering that, according to the law, a workbook is kept for all employees who work in the company for more than five days, then registration should take place based on this period. From this it follows that the employer is given seven days from the date the employee enters work to fill out the work. Also, according to all the rules, the owner of the book must be present in person at the time of registration and making all entries in the book. His signature will also be required on the title page at the bottom of the page.

Work with the labor personnel officer begins from the day when the employee is officially accepted for a certain position. This document is kept by the organization until the employee leaves. In this case, when making a dismissal with an indication of the necessary documentation, the employee is obliged to check the correctness of all entries made in this company and put his signature as a confirmation.

A copy of the work book and its terms of issue

When applying to many instances, a person needs to collect the necessary documentation. It also includes a copy of the labor. The head does not have the right to issue a book in his hands, therefore, when applying from an employee, he must issue a copy of the document in three days.

Each completed page is printed so that it is possible to view the records. Then, on each page, the responsible employee puts the position, signature and seal. At the end of the procedure, it is necessary to certify the entire copy of the labor and write "Copy is correct." After that, you need to record information that the employee works at the enterprise to this day.

Like any photocopy, a copy of a worker's book has its own deadlines. When applying for a loan (cash, mortgage) in banks, this document is required, which has a validity period of one month. This is at best. There are banking organizations that set two weeks and even three days. This should be spelled out in the conditions for obtaining a loan, and the company is obliged to warn about the timing.

When issuing a foreign passport, the Federal Migration Service set a one-month validity period for a copy of the book. But, making concessions, the organization considers it necessary to be able to extend this document at the workplace of a citizen with the help of re-printing and signature of the head.

There are also such organizations where a copy is correct for three months from the date of its signature by the employer.

It is very important to know that the employee's book is his main document, which can confirm the employee's activities, his length of service. The accrual of a pension is also not complete without labor. That is why it is worth carefully approaching the completion of the book and its deadlines established by law.

  • HR and Labor Law

Employment history is an important document that confirms the work experience of the employee. It is issued to a citizen at the first place of work, then throughout labor activity completed by employers. An exception is the execution of a civil law contract between an employee and an employer, which does not provide for making an entry in the work book. Can I get a second work book? This is of interest to many today in connection with the possibility of combining work in several organizations. However, there are several scenarios in which it becomes necessary to acquire a new document. It could be:

  • loss of a work book;
  • the desire to hide information about a previous job from a new employer;
  • moving to a new place of residence, when the documents are left at the same place of work.

A work book in case of loss can be entered at a new place of work if the employee writes a statement about the loss of the first document. However, the HR specialist is not entitled to make any duplicate records based on the words of the employee or any certificates. Government Decree No. 225 of April 16, 2003 defines the Rules for maintaining and storing work books, which are mandatory for employers, whether it be an individual entrepreneur or a large company.

In accordance with Article 84.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the execution of the termination of an employment contract requires the fulfillment of certain conditions by the employer regarding the return of documents. On the last day of work, the employee must receive a full settlement of all payments in connection with the dismissal and return the work book with a record from the last place of work. If there is a refusal or non-appearance of the employee to the Human Resources Department, then the specialist is obliged to send a notification about the need to appear for a work book. The law provides for sending a document by mail at the request of the employee, with his consent.

The main functions of the work book

Article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation describes the functions of the work book of a Russian citizen. It is designed for:

  • reflection of the length of service, which is necessary when calculating a pension;
  • providing information about the education of the employee, his qualifications;
  • reflect information about awards;
  • informing about the reasons for dismissal from previous jobs.

Today, the following situation is often encountered in the labor market: an employee has several work books, which he is in no hurry to take away from commercial organizations, having worked there for several months. A document with such an entry is of no interest to the employee, because it will not significantly affect the size of the future pension. Yes, and often citizens do not think about the retirement age due to remoteness in time. However, to ensure old age, it is necessary to think in advance about all contributions to the Pension Fund. The work book will be a confirmation of work experience throughout life.

The law does not prohibit having a second work book, but it should be remembered that there is no parallel experience when calculating pension or other payments. Therefore, for all calculations, only experience is needed when deductions are made by the employer and all taxes are paid to the country's budget in a timely manner.

A parallel work book with marks at other enterprises can be considered a document to reflect part-time work, although there is no need for such actions. All marks can be made in one document on the basis of Russian legislation.

The same benefits received at several places of work should not take place. Benefits must be received only on the basis of one document, a single database. Otherwise, the actions of the employee can be regarded as an attempt to enrich themselves by illegal means. Holding an employee liable in such situations will lead to the application of penalties and penalties in accordance with the legislation of Russia.

In the system of state pension insurance there is a personalized account containing all information about the labor activity of a citizen. However, the work book today is a mandatory document for the appointment of a pension. And the citizen must attach the most "favorable" work book to the application, even if there are several of them. Therefore, a careful and responsible attitude to an important document with records of work will help each person to ensure a comfortable existence in old age in the future.

Is there a responsibility for acquiring a second work book

A citizen of Russia does not bear responsibility for the presence of a second work book if it is not provided for by the internal documents of the enterprise. Indeed, in the collective agreement or the local position of the company there may be benefits for those who are full-fledged employees (not part-time workers). In such situations, deceivers are liable, which is spelled out in local documents, for the illegal acquisition of preferential funds.

Today you can find quite a few options for the main document of the worker, but the work book of the new model stands out noticeably among them. This is a document with modern methods of protection against falsification. Let's talk about the types of forms and the features of filling them out.

The modern form of the employment form, which was approved in 2003, has changed significantly in comparison with its predecessors. The book itself has become smaller - its size (88x125 mm) coincides with the format of a civil passport. For the cover, the same material was used, which has the same texture as on the cover of the Russian passport. It is gray in color, with the coat of arms of the Russian Federation printed in gold.

To print the inner pages, special paper with a watermark "TK" in three tones and chemical protection is used: the fibers visible to the naked eye have an alternating glow in UV radiation. In total, four types of fibers with different luminescence were used in printing.

Printing on the pages is done with special inks. The number is printed with magnetic letterpress ink, while the rest of the text is printed with UV-changing ink.

The inner pages are printed by offset printing in five colors and two graphic non-rapport grids. One of the grids is printed using the technology of iris (rainbow) printing - a special type of printing used for printing banknotes and securities: with this technology, a color transition is observed on the lines of the guilloche grid.

The 2003 sample book has 46 pages. The sheets are numbered, each page has a unique serial number. The sheets are sewn with special threads. The title page has three strips with microtext. Also on odd pages there is a special element visible in infrared in green.

Moreover, in addition to these well-known signs of protecting the form of the book from forgery, there are also secret ones, according to which representatives of the State Sign can confirm the authenticity, if necessary.

New work books - on the introduction of additional protection measures

The measures taken to ensure protection against forgery were not enough, and in 2008 a decision was issued that a hologram was also required in the work book.

By the way, the holographic element is optional: it is provided as an additional measure. The hologram, first of all, protects the interests of the employer, therefore, the owner of the work book should not particularly worry about the question of where to glue the hologram in the work book.

The design of the holographic element is such that when you try to remove it, the page and information on it are destroyed. Most often, the hologram is glued to the place where the seal and signature of the employer is located, which draws up the work book for the employee - on the title page.

The main changes affected the methods of protection, at the same time, it practically does not differ from the previous options, which will help to avoid confusion.

New sample work book for 2017

Employment book - a personal document of each officially employed worker. It contains data on education and specialty, on previous jobs and reasons for dismissal, on rewards and penalties for the employee. To be brief, this is a familiar and very important document both for the employee himself, and for the employer and representatives of various public institutions. It starts at the first employment, and is filled during the entire working life of a person, carrying information about the working path, and, accordingly, length of service.

The Ministry of Health and Social Development in 2011 put forward a proposal to abandon the use of the usual paper format and gradually, by 2017, switch to an electronic document management system that has already become familiar to many countries. The government officials' initiative caused a lot of dissatisfaction and surprise among citizens - both in the camp of workers and among representatives of personnel departments and officials of the Pension or Insurance Funds.

Unfortunately, citizens have reason to fear the consequences of the legislators' initiative. And everyone knows how innovations are being introduced, and there is not too positive experience in other countries when switching from paper to digital, and there are much more able-bodied people in our country than, for example, in Italy, which has abandoned the use of paper documents for accounting for the length of service of employees in 2001. However, no one has yet canceled the form, and workers of different ages may have an old-style document or new forms with a hologram, which were approved in 2003.

1918 1923 1939 1973 2003 2017?

  • In the Soviet state, work books appeared as a result of a legislative act of 1918, the Appendix to the eightieth article of the Labor Code. This document not only recorded the labor achievements of citizens, but was also a full-fledged identity card.
  • In 1923, the introduced work books were canceled and in 1926 they were replaced by work lists.
  • This turned out to be not very convenient, and in January 1939 new work books were reintroduced. These forms are still in use today, because the books of the 1938 model were issued until 1974.
  • When using forms of 1938, which did not have protection in the form of watermarks and a serial number, a number of difficulties arose, and in 1973 new sample forms of work books and instructions for their completion and maintenance.
  • The next change in the work book standard took place in 2003.

The work path of an employee throughout his life is recorded in a work book, in case of loss of which a reasonable question arises, how to issue it?

How to get a new work book

The work book is a reflection of all movements of an employee within one enterprise and work at other enterprises. An entry in the work book is made by the employer, following the norms prescribed by law. No problems arise until the employee loses the work book. How to issue a new work book and who should do it? Moreover, the ways to restore lost work books vary greatly.

So, if an employee loses a work book after leaving the enterprise and in connection with entering a new job, he must write an application for the issuance of a new work book at a new enterprise. That is, in this case, he is hired without a work book and an employment contract is concluded with him.

The employee's application, according to the document management system established at the enterprise, is endorsed by the head and transferred to the person authorized to fill in the work books of the employees. Forms of work books are issued on a paid basis. It should be noted that in this case, the employee will be issued a new work book and the first record of employment at this enterprise will be made, by analogy with those entering work for the first time.

Therefore, the book will not contain information about the total total experience, information about movements, incentives, etc.

On the title page of the work book, the employee puts a signature confirming the fact of receiving a new work book to fulfill his application. A receipt for the receipt by the employee of a new work book is not taken.

If an employee loses a work book after leaving the enterprise, he can also apply in writing to his last employer for a duplicate work book. The employer draws up a duplicate in accordance with the established Rules for maintaining and storing work books, paragraph 31.

A duplicate of the work book is issued to the employee within 15 days based on the available documents. It is not allowed to enter information into the employee's work book that is not confirmed by primary documents. Even if errors are found in the primary personnel or other documents, they are word for word, in accordance with the law, made into a duplicate without correction.

When issuing a duplicate work book, it is imperative to take a receipt for its receipt from the employee. As a rule, such an addition is made personally by the recipient of the duplicate on his application.