Duck is a domestic bird from the Anatidae family of the order Anseriformes. It looks like a goose, which we have already taught you how to draw on our website, but only much smaller in size and weight. Yes, this is not surprising, since both the duck and the goose belong to the same order of Anseriformes. The duck lives in the yards of the inhabitants of villages and villages, in poultry houses. She is a waterfowl. In addition to domestic ducks, there are also wild ducks. They live along the banks of various water bodies. The duck has a flattened, streamlined body densely covered with feathers. It has a flat beak and paws with webbed toes that help it swim in the water. Before the cold season, wild ducks fly away for wintering to warmer climes, and then return back to breed. Let's draw a duck step by step with a pencil and color it.

Stage 1. Drawing a duck is not at all difficult. First, draw the auxiliary lines that will serve as the basis of the body of our duck. A long oval in the center of a sheet of paper, in front of it is a long curve depicting the future wing. The lines of the duck's head depart from the oval.

Stage 2. We will now turn these initial lines from the first stage into the body of our duck. We draw the contours of a bird on them. We designate the beak, head, back, tail, abdomen and breast.

Stage 3. Now we detail the head. Refine the shape of the beak. It is flat with an extension at the end. There is an elongated nostril in the form of a slit on top of the beak. The duck's eye is large and round. With dashes we separate the head from the long neck, we make the border between the neck and the chest part of the body.

Stage 5. With the end lines we show the breast, abdomen, undertail part of the duck. We make additional strokes on the feathers of the wing.

Stage 6. Let's darken some parts of our drawing. This is the abdomen, undertail and the base of the beak.

Stage 7. If desired, you can color the duck. We have a male duck - a drake. We made the head of an emerald color with a bright yellow beak. The body, its feathers are brown with black patches. There is blue on the feathers. The drake, like many male animals and birds, is painted more brightly to attract a female during the mating season.

In that lesson, I will show you how to draw a duck with a pencil step by step for beginners. We draw a domestic white duck, a duck. Duck belongs to the Anseriformes family. I can’t say anything more about ducks, because I don’t know anything about them, they are just used in food, I didn’t eat it myself.

Here is a photo of our duck.

Let's start with the head. Draw a circle to make it easier to draw, the curve showed the middle of the head, then I drew the eye, it is in the middle closer to the top. Then we need to draw the beak and head, the length of the beak is slightly more than the diagonal of the circle, located at 45 degrees. Erase the circle.

Now we need to sketch out the neck and body. To make it more correct for us, we make a sketch, the neck is like a dotted line, the body is so straight, i.e. we look at the shape and try to figure out what the curves are and how we can simply represent them.

For convenience, I drew only one paw, look at the second in the next picture. We draw a small tail, with small curves we show the wing.

We draw the second paw. To make it more realistic, we erase the outline where it was imitating feathers. We also imitate feathers all over the body. We make the bottom and middle of the neck a little darker because of the shadow, help you look at the photo of the duck. We apply shadows on the beak, a little on the head. The duck drawing is ready.

The bright yellow drawing of a duckling pleases the eye of any novice artist, because it is so similar in color and shape to a real domestic bird. In drawing, slate and colored pencils of different tones are useful.

Necessary materials:

  • - paper;
  • - eraser;
  • - HB pencil;
  • - colour pencils.

Drawing steps:

  1. At the initial stage, the torso and head of the duckling should be drawn with simple geometric shapes. To do this, draw a breast in the form of a large circle. Then add an oval at the bottom and a small circle at the top.

  2. The first sketches of the duckling are ready. Therefore, you can add to the drawing the silhouette of small wings, which are located on the sides of the body. On the head, draw an auxiliary line from the top point.

  3. Next, draw a small part of the duckling's tail at the bottom of the oval. In the form of a triangle. Add cheeks on the muzzle in the form of an oval and arc lines.

  4. We draw eyes in the form of small circles on the muzzle, as well as a beak. At the bottom of the picture, add thin paws.

  5. Draw three arcs to the paws in the lower part. We draw lines on the wings.

  6. We detail the entire drawing of the duckling, but in the beginning you should work on the outline. For example, replace simple lines. We finish the paws and muzzle. A step-by-step drawing of a duckling with a pencil is ready, so you can start coloring it.

  7. With a bright yellow pencil, completely paint over the drawing. Let's leave only untouched parts of the beak and eyes.

  8. Near the contour, we will go over the yellow areas of the picture with an orange pencil. So we get the volume on the body, head, paws and wings.

  9. Let's add strokes in the drawing with a red and burgundy pencil in the shadow parts, where there are already orange tones.

  10. 10. Finally, paint the beak and eye with a black pencil. Let's work on the shadow on the body, paws and wings. Let's go around the circuit.

A step-by-step drawing of a duckling with colored pencils is ready.

Imagine that one sunny day your child comes from school and says: “Mom, we were asked to draw a duck at the lesson, help me, I can’t do it.” Nearly every parent has faced this problem at least once in their life. You take up the album with a sigh and see the inept attempts to draw this domestic bird in the lesson. A duck is a waterfowl. She looks more like a swan than ordinary birds. Let's remember Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale "The Ugly Duckling". After all, for a very long time no one could understand whose chick was the main character.

In contact with

If you start drawing with your child, we suggest that you tell him a couple of unusual facts about these birds in the process of drawing:

Ducks mistake the first creature they see after they are born for their mother. Therefore, there were many cases when dogs, cats, geese, chickens became the “mother” of ducklings.

Ducks do not get wet in water, as their feathers are covered with fat.

Despite the fact that the neck of a duck seems to be very short, there are even more vertebrae in these birds than in a giraffe.

Now let's try to draw a duck. It is quite simple to do this, you can start drawing with your baby. Good luck!

How to draw a duck

For work, we need the following tools:

  • Sheet of paper.
  • Pencil.
  • Simple eraser.
  •  Long ruler.

Description of the drawing process.

  • Additional lines.

First, on a piece of paper, draw additional lines with a ruler or with your own hands. Next, make a circle at the intersection of the lines.

  • Head.

On the left above the circle at a small distance, draw a small oval. This will be the head of our duck.

  • Neck.

Now 2 straight lines connect the head with the body.

  • Body and tail.

From below, under the neck, draw another circle and slightly correct the body of the bird. Then we will draw a ponytail. In a duck, it is short, slightly rises up.

Erase extra lines.

We will only have the outline of the bird.

  • Beak.

It was the turn of the beak. It is huge, but not sharp, but rounded. Due to the unusual structure of the beak, it always seems that the duck is smiling.

  • Eyes.

Let's draw an eye, since we cannot see the second one. It is small and round in a duck. Don't forget small details.

  • Feathers.

On the neck, draw a strip that looks like a ribbon. Next, draw the feathers of the bird. Let's try to make smooth lines.

  • Wing.

The duck's wing is short, like half a heart.

  • Paws.

Let's draw a bird's paw. The legs are also short and thin. The second foot rises a little in the air, so we do it differently.

  • Details.

On the wing we create feathers, add small details on the paws and eyes.

  • Coloring.

Ducks are mostly white or brown. Also, these birds have feathers cast green tint, so when coloring, you can add this color. The beak and legs are a warm orange hue.

How to draw a duck with a pencil step by step

At first, you just need to decide what kind of bird you need - one of those that smoothly walk around the yard of a neighbor, or those that chat and get into funny adventures in children's cartoons? Let's all try! So that immediately 12 points in the magazine and the drawing teacher fell into delight? No sooner said than done!

How to draw a cartoon duck

First, we make a circle somewhere in the center of the album sheet and below it is a huge oval. After that, smoothly, giving the lines the shape of the neck of our duck, we will connect the circle-head and the oval-torso. Next, draw a small, slightly pointed arc on the left side of the oval - this will be the tail.

Then inside the circle we create a smaller circle - the eye. In front, close to it, we will add a beak to the circle. And we draw a wing, for this we add another oval to the circle-body, in the form of a diagonally inclined chicken egg.

Then comes the most important moment, because you will move on to the details. Let's draw another small circle inside the eye - the pupil - and half-shade it. Then we slowly draw the head and neck along the contour, circle the body, make a wavy line of feathers on the wing and remove the extra lines with an eraser former circles and ovals, and then full-fledged parts of the bird's body.

How to draw a duck that lives with grandma?

Let's start according to the old scheme - a circle for the head, but a small one, below a large oval for the body. With smooth lines we will connect the head with the body, creating a neck and a convex chest. Let's draw a tail, denote feathers at its end with an uneven Christmas tree.

Let's add an elongated beak to the circle-head, and to the body-circle, using vertical lines, legs, to which we will draw triangles-paws. Then we draw a small eye and carefully make the shape of the beak, head, neck and, of course, the torso. Let's mark the line of the wing with a slightly carved arc, make the legs. Remember that ducks have webbed toes. That's it, your bird is done!

Now you know how to draw a duck with a pencil, but the child will color it on his own.

Ducks are extremely widespread waterfowl. It is worth noting that there are both wild ducks that are strong, hardy and capable of making long flights, as well as domestic ducks. Absolutely every person who decides to learn painting, graphics and composition can think about how to draw a duck. In fact, ducks are drawn in the same way as any other birds. Although, of course, it is worth considering the features of their lifestyle, anatomical structure and appearance, otherwise it will not be possible to achieve similarity with the original.
To learn in practice how to draw a duck in stages, you will need the following items:
1). Pencils of various shades;
2). Eraser;
3). A piece of paper;
4). A black pen with a core filled with gel ink;
5), The most ordinary or mechanical pencil. If you plan to use an ordinary pencil, then it should be sharpened as sharply as possible.

If you have already prepared everything you need, then you can start working on the image of a cute duck. To make a duck drawn with a pencil beautiful, it is recommended to break the whole process of working on its image into several separate steps:
1. First sketch out the duck's body and head;
2. Draw a beak to the duck's head;
3. Draw folded wings and a very small tail;
4. Draw a small eye, and also outline the stripes on the head. Then draw a mouth and a nostril on the beak;
5. Mark the location of the feathers on the wing. They are denser at the base and less common closer to the wingtip;
6. Now you already know how to draw a duck with a pencil in stages, but, alas, such a sketch does not look finished yet. It is definitely worth coloring. To do this, first circle the duck with a pen;
7. Using an eraser, erase all the preliminary sketch;
8. With a light brown shade, shade the head, front and back of the duck's body;
9. With brown pencils, start painting over the head of the duck;
10. With the same pencils, work out the rest of the bird's body, outlining the feathers on its stomach with the darkest shade;
11. Seal the colors on the body of the duck;
12. Start coloring the wing by first working on the edge of each feather with a light brown pencil, and then painting over its main part with red-brown and brown pencils;
13. Finish painting the wing;
14. Paint over the bird's eye and beak with gray, black and brown pencils;
15. Color the water with blue-blue pencils.
Duck drawing is ready! Now you know how to draw a duck. To figure out how to draw a duck step by step for children, it is best to create with them. So you can answer the questions of the baby, which will inevitably arise in him in the process of work. In addition, you can go to the park with your child and feed the ducks there, because it will be much easier for him to draw the bird that he saw.