Chapter 1

Doing nothing is a controversial thing.

In homeopathic doses - you can't imagine better; on an industrial scale - even a wolf howl.

Don't believe? And try to lock yourself in a room for a month without a computer, half a ton of books or a constantly replenished supply of alcohol - and see for yourself. It is worth getting enough sleep for a week in advance, and the brain will begin to boil in the most natural way from being constantly within the four walls.

So I slowly but surely approached a similar state. A bed, a bedside table, even brick walls, a tiled floor, a lamp overhead - and nothing else.

And so the whole month in a row.

Simply impossible!

But it's not locked in the room around the clock! In the morning I go to the gym, I order a sauna every two days. Occasionally it turns out to get into the rest room, and there is a TV. Plus the books left over from the previous guest. Yes, and the food is good, you will not say anything.

It would seem, live and rejoice. But it doesn't work.

Man is, after all, a social being. From time to time, he needs communication with his own kind. Otherwise, the roof can easily go. I now, I feel, quite a bit before a nervous breakdown left.

Yes - communication was simply catastrophically lacking. It's strange: it seems that he is not alone, but there is absolutely no one to talk to. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are brought to the room; in the gym, sauna and relaxation room strictly by the hour they start, and even a theoretical possibility does not arise with other guests.

And are they here, other guests?

No, the “Kingdom of Hades” apartment building itself is a well-known institution in narrow circles, but I had never heard of rooms in the basements of the former city morgue before. Although, on the other hand, I have never been particularly interested in living conditions in this complex. Too exorbitant price for wait, its owner is aching. One that suits either paranoid moneybags, or figures who need to wait out hard times in a safe haven. And “required” is putting it mildly. Rather, it is vital.

And in this respect, the "Kingdom of Hades" could give odds even to the Central District or the Gymnasium. The magician who owned the profitable house, nicknamed Hades with someone's light hand, simply took it and surrounded the mortuary building with an impenetrable protective dome. And at the same time, he deprived the guests of any opportunity, even by chance, to meet each other. A few staff did work here almost on a rotational basis.

Paranoia? Not at all sure.

Personally, I was now quite satisfied with such an attitude to safety. After you've annoyed the Sisters of Cold and trampled on your favorite calluses of the bandits from the Seven, you start to damn appreciate the opportunity to just wake up in the morning safe and sound.

That is why, after sitting in a small room for almost a month, I still have not gathered the determination to make a scandal about such an outrageous restriction of my rights and freedoms. Moreover, the payment for accommodation was not taken from my pocket.

Definitely not from mine - from the capital of the once successful entrepreneur Yevgeny Maksimovich Apostol, a donut hole has long been left. Money loves an account, and if you drop out of life for a month, all that remains is to rely on the decency of business partners. And in fact - only for a miracle. How many middle-class businessmen in my memory were left without a penny, simply rattling off to the hospital or going on a drinking binge, and do not count.

However, since they are still paying for the number, it means that not everything is lost. It turns out that they haven’t completely written off me yet.

Well, let's hope, let's hope...

This morning started exactly the same as all the others before it. Yes, it could not be otherwise: when locked within four walls for a long time, all days become terribly similar to each other.

Woke up, washed, shaved.

Wincing at the pain in his shot leg, he pedaled the exercise bike, took a shower, and had breakfast.

He leafed through the Alice in Wonderland forgotten by the previous guest, crossed out the number "13" on the calendar and, languishing with boredom, fell on the bed.

Then, perhaps, it all began ...

The lock clattered, the door swung open, and a gurney with dishes covered with shiny nickel-plated lids was pushed into the room.

And before I had time to really marvel at the dinner delivered at an inopportune time, I could hardly keep my jaw in place. And it wasn’t about the chic serving – it was the personality of the waiter that struck me.

Did you order game? - a fair-haired guy winked at me, broad-shouldered and strongly knocked down, but obviously starting to lose his athletic shape little by little. Neither the jacket buttoned up to all buttons, nor the white apron thrown over it could hide the clearly outlined belly.

“Hi, Denis,” I sighed. - Are you now delivering business lunches?

- Something like that. Selin pulled off his apron, threw it on the headboard and narrowed his eyes: “And you, Evgeny, don’t seem to be very happy to see me?”

- Something like that.

Indeed, there were few reasons to rejoice at the unexpected visit. Let Denis Selin be the most sociable of the comrades who protected me, but he is a swindler, he is a swindler. This brethren always has their own interest in mind first; they don't do charity work. And even though I’m tired of sitting within four walls, but there’s no reason to expect that the situation will improve further. Rather the opposite.

Last time, these figures got me into such a mess that it makes me sick to even remember. Miraculously, he managed to carry his legs away alive.

- But this is in vain! Denis moved the wheelchair to the bed and looked around for the missing chairs in the room. - By the way, I came to congratulate you on your birthday, and you are also dissatisfied ...

- Happy Birthday? I became alert and involuntarily glanced at the calendar. - Why would such a concern?

- Relax you! Celine grabbed the nightstand in the corner and dragged it to the bed. - In general, you are a clairvoyant with us - so determine if you doubt why I actually came here!

“It won’t work,” was all I muttered, lifting the lid off the largest of the dishes. And in fact - game. Well, you must!

And obviously right from the kitchen, she didn’t even have time to cool down.

- Why is this? – the guy was surprised.

“The owner of this hospitable establishment has so streamlined the movement of magical energy inside the building that now I can’t even guess who is knocking on the door.

“Yes, Hades, he is,” Denis nodded, seated on the bedside table, and removed the lid from the second dish, on which was laid out cold cuts. - You won't spoil him.

- So, did you come to congratulate? – Butchering the duck, I glanced askance at Selin.

- Yeah, - he nodded carelessly and picked up a piece of smoked meat with a fork. - And then the conscience tortured me completely. They locked you in a basement with no windows or doors and forgot about it. Horror! And why didn't they rent only the penthouse with a pool and a winter garden?

“It’s good already,” I grimaced, perfectly understanding the reproach that was not directly expressed. “I appreciate you covering for me, but you could explain what's what. And then I sit here, as in a punishment cell! Uncertainty, damn it, complete!

- For a punishment cell, apartments are even nothing. I tell you this with authority. You definitely would not have found a sauna in hard labor. Yes, TV too.

- On TV, one junk is twisted. And I myself would have gone to the sauna in the wild, I would not have gone bankrupt. So what if - how long do I have to cuckoo here?

“Free, then, do you want to?”

- Want. - I chewed on the duck and stared gloomily at the guy: - Does this seem strange to you?

- No, in general ...

So, when are you going to let me out of here?

“If there was a door between the two of us…” Denis squinted slyly and nodded towards the exit, “but the door is between us and them; I can neither let you in nor let you out.

- Stop teasing already! Seriously I ask!

- “And if you take a chance, and if you let it in, then let it out back? The question is more complicated than “to be or not to be?” The frogs decide,” Selin sang and shrugged his shoulders. - Will have to wait.

– Wait? I gasped. - How long can you wait? My roof is coming soon!

Will the roof go? Nonsense! We are not going to go anywhere, - Denis calmly waved it off and, picking it up with a fork, shifted the duck wing to his plate. – And in general, this is not a question for me.

“What are you doing here then?” Unable to bear it, I exploded.

“I’m telling you, happy birthday,” the guy blurted out in an open and, no doubt, completely fake smile and pulled out a flat bottle of cognac from his pocket. - By a little?

More than two hundred grams in a glass flask could not fit, and, somehow unexpectedly losing all my fuse, I waved my hand:

- Pour it up!

One hundred grams is fine. One hundred grams of cognac is not a problem. In any case, there is no need to fear the continuation of the banquet: they forgot to include alcohol in my food system. And it really doesn't hurt to relax a little now. So everything shakes.

And even if alcohol and clairvoyance do not combine well - more precisely, they do not combine at all - today a drop of alcohol will not hurt. Birthday is like once a year. And now, because of the gift, special problems should not arise: concentrated, as if cement mortar seized in a bucket, the magic field completely drowned out all my abilities.

- And it is right! Selin unscrewed the cork and poured the whole flask into two faceted glasses at once. - True French. Your health!

He almost in one gulp poured this noble drink into himself, then exhaled noisily and began to nibble on the duck wing. I just shook my head and, taking the glass, involuntarily winced because of the too harsh aroma. But the taste of "real French", oddly enough, turned out to be very personal. I took a sip, nodded approvingly, and began to eat.

“It’s somehow ascetic here,” Selin looked around, putting the gnawed bones on a plate. - Maybe posters with naked women fit?

“Probably not worth it,” I snorted. I hope I don't stay here long.

“And how I hope so!”

- In terms of?

“Hades, burn out the old one, he’s making such money for this cage, it’s just a guard!”

“Nothing, don’t go broke,” I grinned and, having taken a sip of cognac, I felt warmth spread through my body after a sip of alcohol. - How are things going with your sports bar, by the way?

“Not bad, not bad, you know,” Denis answered, dipping a piece of duck into the sauce. - There are a lot of people, and when there are no games, we play old records.

It's time for you to open a cinema.

- We thought about it, but it will definitely not work to replenish the repertoire on a regular basis. We'll burn out.

- Yes, - I nodded and finished the cognac remaining in the glass. – Wow! Went well...

- And why am I all about myself and about myself? Celine perked up. - How is your leg, tell me better!

- Fine. But in the morning it pulls.

- Do you develop?

- And then! I'm already sick of the exercise bike!

- And where to go? Be patient, Cossack, you will be an ataman. - Denis, wiping his greasy fingers on a napkin and clearing his throat, got up from the bedside table. - Well, it's time to move on to the official part ...

- Oh, stop it!

- What do you mean stop it? Celine grinned and, bending down, took out a nondescript cardboard box from the bottom shelf of the gurney. - Congratulations, in short ...

– What is this? - I was surprised, accepting the box, which turned out to be unexpectedly weighty.

“Look for yourself…” Selin waved him off and, defiantly not paying any more attention to me, began poking around with a fork in a plate of cold cuts.

I tore off a strip of scotch tape, unfolded the cardboard, and stared in mute amazement at the revolver in the box. Dumbfounded, he took it out, turned it over in his hands and clarified:

Do you think it's necessary?

- Why not? Denis shrugged his shoulders and somehow grinned very vaguely. - Definitely won't be redundant.

“And what is this animal?” I asked, seeing the brand in the form of a rhinoceros head inscribed in a circle. But what is most surprising, the barrel of the revolver was not at the level of the upper, but the lower chamber of the drum. – Rhino 40DS; 357 Magnum; Chiappa Firearms…

“Rhino,” Selin said as a matter of course. – Four-inch barrel, original design to reduce recoil.

- "Chiappa Firearms" - the name of the office? – I specified, mentally agreeing with the name given to the weapon. It really evoked associations with a rhinoceros. And what is interesting - the wooden lining on the handles is clearly not native, but carved by local craftsmen. No, everything was done very carefully, you won’t find fault, it’s just that the varnished wood is completely covered with magical squiggles. And the runes on the right and left overlays are noticeably different from each other. Did the sorcerers cast two different spells? Impressive. “And caliber 357?”

- Exactly.

- This is great?

- The weight of standard bullets is from eight to eleven and a half grams, so decide for yourself how cool it is.

- And this miracle is a gift to me? – Reasonably suspecting some kind of trick, I clarified.

“Yeah,” Denis nodded. - One fig, you can’t find cartridges in the Fort, so we decided to give you a present.

- You are good.

I shook the revolver in my hand, cocked it, and idly pulled the trigger. Not bad. Maybe. I'm not very good with weapons. Except for its price tag, of course. And Selin, sadly to admit, was not at all dishonest now: if anyone has cartridges of this caliber for sale, they will ask for a godless price for them.

“Listen, Denis,” I ran my fingers over the varnished symbols and felt a slight prick of magical energy, “what kind of enchantment is placed on the hilt?”

“I have no idea, we already got him like that.

- And what, there was not even a user manual?

- It wasn't, look it up yourself. - And Selin already extended his hand to me in parting, when, as if remembering something important, he slapped his forehead with his palm: - Damn! Hamlet also gave you a gift! - Patting his jacket, the guy pulled out a box the size of a matchbox pasted over with colored paper from his side pocket and threw it at me: - Hold it.

I tore off the pink bow glued on top, shook out a long revolver cartridge with an expansive cavity in a golden bullet into my palm and, cursing in my heart, stared at Denis rolling with laughter.

- It's a hint?

- You should have seen yourself from the side! Selin shook his head and, calming down a bit, wiped the tears from his eyes. - I knew that you would buy it! Gotta tell the guys...

- Tell Hamlet: I will keep the cartridge as a memory.

- Hold on. Denis pulled a brown box with a picture of a pistol out of his other pocket and threw it on the bed next to me. This is from Philip.

- Say hello to him.

- I'll pass it on. Celine went out into the corridor, but immediately looked back. And remember, that's not all!

- In terms of? - I was on guard, but only the guy had already slammed the door, and the clang of the lock that worked was immediately heard.

His mother!

I also found a humorist!

I picked up the heavy box, which turned out to be not so much brown as ocher beige, with "Federal Premium" written in white against a black square. The weight of the bullet was marked on the package as 158 grains, and the pack itself was missing a cartridge. It turns out that, taking into account the gift of Hamlet, I have a complete set in my hands - exactly twenty pieces.

Throwing back the drum, I inserted the cartridges one by one into all six chambers and thoughtfully weighed the revolver in my hand. Well, where should he go now? Not in your pocket. Whatever one may say, it is too big for concealed carrying.

On the other hand, I would like to keep the barrel at hand.

Because hints must be understood. And it’s better to insure yourself in advance than to burn with shame later, explaining to the angels who appeared behind your soul that you simply didn’t think.

Finally, after stuffing the revolver and cartridges into the bedside table, I rolled it back to the head of the bed and slid the top drawer open and closed appraisingly. Order: reach out - a matter of seconds.

Not useful - good. And it will come in handy...

No, in the furnace! It's better not to...

The rest of the day turned out to be pretty spoiled by the sediment left after the conversation with Selin. It seems, on the contrary, it should feel better - after all, a person found time to come in and congratulate - but only restless in his soul, and that's it. It would be better not to come at all.

For that matter, I never liked celebrating my own birthday. You are always welcome to visit friends and buddies for a holiday, but to organize a booze yourself - well, to hell with it. One hassle. And the next day, nothing good at all. Not only does the head break, but the house is also a mess.

So for some time I lay on the bed with a book, then threw it on the bedside table and again pulled out the revolver given by Denis from the top drawer. He shook it in his hand, getting used to the weight, stroked the wooden lining on the handle and hid it back.

Here's Hamlet pinned, bad man!

One cartridge, well!

Rising from the bed, I sat down several times, wincing at the pain in my thigh, and wiped the sweat off my face. Shot by some excessively well-aimed ranger, the leg didn’t really hurt anymore, but it still ached just mercilessly. When we returned to the Fort, the local medical luminary Salavat from the Trading Corner only spread his hands: it’s too late, they say, to twitch. You are on painkillers, good man, if you have extra money, it’s better to buy a cane for the first time.

I then proudly refused the pills. And he did not regret it at all, only the shot leg from the realization of his own correctness did not twist less.

Grimacing in pain, I fell on the bed, and then again, for the second time today, at an inopportune time, the lock clicked. The next moment the door opened, and a slender, red-haired girl in a short cotton dress fluttered into the room.

- Hello, Eugene! Marina handed me a cardboard box tied with twine. - I came to wish you a happy birthday and brought a small gift ...

- Hello! I jumped out of bed and slammed the top drawer of the bedside table as if in between. - And the gift - is it you or a cake? - he asked, with difficulty taking his eyes off the girl's slender tanned legs.

“Cake,” Marina smiled mischievously, and barely noticeable wrinkles lay at the corners of her green eyes. - But not only…

- Not only? I took the box and the girl immediately kissed me on the cheek. - Sounds tempting.

- They also packed a bottle of wine there.

– Wine, cake… Romance…

- That's right - romance, - Marina smiled again and looked around. “It’s true, the situation has deteriorated…

And there was no arguing with that: the room, by the standards of the normal world, pulled only a third-rate viper. But by local standards, it's better not to. Heat, light, hot water without restrictions. The interior, however, let us down, but somehow I didn’t particularly care. Still not worried...

- And where to go? I sighed, puzzling over the reason for this visit. If Selin could still pursue some of his goals, then Marina definitely has nothing to do here.

- Oh, don't be embarrassed. - The girl with one movement untied the twine tightened with a “bow”, removed the cardboard cover and handed me a bottle lying next to the cake. – How do you feel about French wine?

- You and Selin agreed, or what?

“Did he give you French cognac?” – immediately guessed Marina. What a bad boy! I will tell his wife everything!

“Come on, it came out about five drops,” I waved my hand and rolled the bedside table with the cake in the middle of the room. - Business something ...

“One hundred grams here, then one hundred grams there,” Marina snorted and, sitting on the bed, crossed her legs. – Can you cut this beauty with a disposable knife?

The already short dress hugged her slender thigh even more, and it took me a while to look at the work of confectionery art, decorated with meringue flowers.

- You, Eugene, have gone wild all alone ... - the girl shook her head and, unbuttoning her reticule, took out a pack of cigarettes. - Selin even warned that you can attack.

"I'll try to be a real gentleman," I promised as I carefully cut the cake. Then he took the corkscrew, prudently taken with him by the too observant beauty, and pulled the cork out of the bottle, almost spilling wine on his ruby ​​trousers. - Don't worry.

- Knowing the reputation of some real gentlemen ... - Marina lit a cigarette and grinned: - But, by the way, God bless them. Do you mind if I smoke?

- Smoke for health. - I took a couple of glasses from the middle drawer of the bedside table and warned: - Sorry, I don’t keep glasses.

- Doesn't matter! Pour it!

I filled the glasses and handed one to Marina.

- For you! She promptly proposed a toast.

We clinked glasses; I took a sip of the tart wine and stared intently at the girl.

Short haircut, sharp face with a slightly upturned, neat nose, slightly lined eyes and lips painted with neutral lipstick. It's amazing that she decided to visit me. I'm sure I could have found a more interesting interlocutor.

- And what are you thinking about now?

"I'm just surprised," I smiled. “Least expected to see you today.

"Do you wonder why I'm here?"

- Exactly.

“In fact, I have always been secretly in love with you, but today I could not stand it and decided to tell about my feelings,” the girl who sipped the wine laughed hoarsely. Why don't you have an explanation?

- Being in love is a matter of course. I broke off a piece of meringue and smiled. - I'm beautiful and smart, how can you not fall in love with me? Question: why today?

“Selin blabbed about your birthday,” Marina explained. - And I spent a week without days off, so I decided: that's it! - I will arrange a holiday for myself!

- Also a reason! If I had turned eighteen, I would have believed without question.

- Are you, Eugene, a supporter of conspiracy theories?

- Not without it.

- Well, then you will have to suffer, getting to the bottom of the truth.

- Here's another! I snorted and refilled my glasses. “I will simply enjoy your company.

- It's a compliment?

- This is a statement of fact.

- Then for a meeting?

- For a meeting! I took a sip of wine and tore off another meringue flower from the cake. - You don't eat anything.

- A figure to the dish, - Marina ran her hand along the waist.

“You’re all right with her,” I said, without shaking my soul at all.

- Yes, I just can’t look at sweets anymore, I constantly intercept something in the club.

- A lot of work?

- Do not breathe. They are also sent on business trips.

- Are you expanding?

- At an alarming rate.

- This is good!

- It would be better if someone else worked, - Marina shrugged her shoulders and straightened the shoulder strap that had slipped off her shoulder.

“Everything will pass, this will pass too,” I quoted the ancient wisdom and poured the wine into glasses again. There was a buzz in my head, and my mood improved literally with every sip. How little a person needs ... - So the bottle has come to an end.

- How do you like the wine?

- I am not qualified in this field.

- Well, of course! You're more cognac and beer!

“It’s all Arabs then,” I grimaced in annoyance.

- What - Arabs? Did he force you?

- You know him! And in general ... - I hesitated, not daring to look the girl in the eyes.

- What - in general?

– Yes, I don’t remember anything really!

- That's good for the men! I did business, but in the morning I don’t remember anything. And if I don’t remember, it means that nothing happened. Iron logic!

- Enough teasing already. - I woke up then in the back room of the club, which means that really "there was nothing."

- Come on, - deciding not to torment me anymore, Marina laughed. - Never mind.

- I won't. By the way, what happened?

“Nothing special,” the girl narrowed her eyes slyly. “You’ve been declaring your love all evening, that’s all.

- Seriously? - The news was not particularly shocking. To be honest, I was expecting something like this. Well, it's not surprising...

- In terms of?

- I confessed my love to you, and you are the most beautiful there.

“Stop sucking up already,” Marina waved her off. - I forgave you.

- For what?!

Because you forgot everything.

- A! Then, it's OK. Like a stone from the shoulders.

- Go ahead some more! the girl threatened and glanced at the elegant gold watch on her wrist. By the way, did you fix the bracelet yet?

- Nope. Lost.

- Unlucky.

- All right, it's nonsense. I finished my wine and looked Marina in the eye. – Are you going already?

“You, like in a hospital, have scheduled visits,” the girl, who got up from the bed, joked and straightened her dress.

"I hope it won't be long," I got up after her, and then the lock clicked.

- Bye then.

Marina kissed me on the cheek, I held her, putting my arm around her waist, and asked:

“So you just came to congratulate me?”

- What do you think? The girl slipped out of her arms easily and walked towards the door. - Suffer, guess now ...

I just shook my head, and Marina blew a kiss goodbye and disappeared into the corridor, leaving behind only a slight scent of perfume and tobacco smoke that did not disperse.

And almost untouched cake.

I have no idea what to do with him now.

Help came from an unexpected place. Although, to be honest, I wasn’t particularly surprised when I looked at the light of Napalm in the evening. He just shook his head and slapped the bed next to him.

- Did you interfere? - just in case, a bald, lanky guy in a T-shirt dangling loosely on the moss, black jeans and slates on his bare feet clarified.

- Nope. Today is an open day at the zoo.

- It is a question or a statement?

- What do you think? I leaned back against the unplastered brick wall.

“I don’t think so,” Napalm was not taken aback and held out his hand: “Happy birthday, I wish you happiness in your personal life.” Pooh!

"Thank you," I shook the pyromancer's bony hand. – Where did you find out?

Celine ran. He said he could visit you in the evening.

“Why didn’t you come before?”

“Who would have told me that you are also kept here?” - the guy snorted and rubbed the scar that stained his cheek, shaped like either a skull or the outline of the African continent. - Conspirators, damn it ...

“Conspirators is not the right word,” I sighed and removed the cardboard lid that covered the cake. - Will you?

- I'll smoke first. Napalm took a crumpled pack of cigarettes from the back pocket of his jeans and said, “Do you mind?

The guy lit his lighter, took a puff, and tilted his head back to blow a long stream of smoke up to the ceiling.

- Fine! He stretched and lay back on the bed more comfortably.

“Wait,” I was surprised, “why do you need a lighter?”

- Yes, this is such nonsense, - the pyromancer was somewhat embarrassed, - I can’t really use my gift in the Morgue.

- Same stuff.

- Op-pa! Napalm stared at me. - And how can you block your abilities?

- Clairvoyant responses of the magical field catch, but there are no hesitation, everything is ordered and sorted. And it’s worth straining - as if I’m bumping into a concrete wall.

“It's all Hades,” the guy said confidently, zabychkovo cigarette and hid the cigarette butt back in the pack. - He adjusted all the energy flows for himself.

“Looks like it,” I agreed, and stared at the pyromancer with interest: “Well, tell me.

- What to tell? Napalm blinked his eyes in bewilderment.

What is going on in the big world.

– Do I know? I'm sitting here all the time.

- You - yes. And Vera?

- What about Vera? What makes you think that she lives with me?

“Listen, Napalm,” I grinned, “who are you hanging noodles on? Clairvoyant?

- What are you talking about? - Mindful of my blocked gift, the pyromancer continued to hide.

“You see,” I sighed, “if you lived alone, you would smoke quietly right in your room. And you were shaking all over until it took a drag.

- Oh, damn it! Burnt, - the pyromancer laughed and coughed hoarsely.

– Tie up with a smoker.

- I'm trying.

“You don’t have to try, you have to quit.

- Smart, huh? – grimaced guy. - Do you have any bad habits?

- Yes? And the blame from you and shibaet.

“Good wine never hurt anyone. I took out a bottle that had been tucked away under the bed and showed it to the pyromancer. - French, by the way.

Any quality is outweighed by quantity.

- Don't talk to me. Tell me come on.

- What is there to tell? - The guy put the last flower from the cake into his mouth and licked his fingers. “Looks like we hit it hard.

“That’s a no-brainer,” I snorted. - Considering how much the rooms cost here, I'm surprised they haven't let me in yet. What are the high school students saying?

What about high school students? The pyromancer shrugged and scratched his side. “They didn’t guess that counterintelligence was involved in the explosion of the Citadel, you can relax. But of course, we will not wait for money from them.

“Well, anyway,” I sighed.

Remembering this unfortunate circumstance was unpleasant until now. The ice pyramid could have become a springboard that opened the way to the very top for me, but instead it almost buried me under its rubble. Let the students know about my part in its destruction, and even Hades will not provide protection for such an inconvenient guest. However, the truth will emerge, and I will disappear without a trace, without even having time to say “mu”.

- How are things going with the rest?

- Yes, I do not know! The pyromancer winced. - Sit down, they say, and don't rock the boat. When you get out, you'll be the first to know. But as I understand it, we slept in Sokolovsky specifically.

“Mostly I slept there. You and Alex were only seen in person.

And who does it make it easier? And so it is necessary to sit locked up.

– They don’t say anything about the prospects at all?

– Yes, what are the prospects? Napalm got nervous. - Until the tails are cleaned up, we will cuckoo here. Although…

- What - though? - I immediately caught on for understatement and pulled back the pyromancer who had broken off a piece from the cake again. - Yes, you cut off normally, do not litter!

“There has been some movement lately. They haven’t been brought up to date yet, but I can smell such things. - The guy looked at the cake, looked at me and suddenly asked: - Are you going to eat it up? And then look - I'll take it.

- Take it.

“He came, they say, for his birthday,” Napalm neighed. - I'll leave with a gift myself.

“Okay, take it,” I waved my hand.

“Listen, Eugene,” the guy began to justify himself. - Well, I’m sitting here all the time, and Selin only warned me in the morning. It's just that there was no way to puzzle Verka. Then somehow.

- Fuck it, it's all right. I won't give you anything either, we'll have quits.

“Agreed,” the pyromancer, spreading into a sly smile, rose to his feet. - I'll run, otherwise mine will come - there will be a screech!

- Don't get lost.

- By itself! – picking up the cake, Napalm winked at me and headed for the exit. - Everyone, come on.

- Run Run. And then you won’t have time to clean your teeth after smoking, and they will put you in a corner.

“Easy for you to say,” the pyromancer turned around. “If you get married, then I’ll look at you.”

“I don’t have bad habits,” I reminded him.

“That's what you think,” Napalm laughed and disappeared behind the door.

Immediately, the lock clicked, and, sighing heavily, I fell onto the bed.

So why did they all come? Happy birthday? Or am I just not understanding something?

Who else to ask...

Borderland - several areas torn from our world into the edge of eternal cold. And the Fort is both the heart of the Borderland and its bottom. A cesspool, frozen through, inhabited by not the most friendly people, the value of human life for which is often commensurate with the price of a box of cartridges or a box of stew.

There is simply nowhere to fall below, but sometimes fate puts a bandwagon, forcing you to leave an established business and run aimlessly in an attempt to find a new place under the sun. That's just not worth relaxing, even where it's warm. And the once successful entrepreneur Yevgeny Apostol has yet to see this in his own skin. Let the work awaiting him in Severorechensk at first not cause much concern ...

The work belongs to the fantasy genre. It was published in 2012 by Alfa-kniga publishing house. This book is part of the Borderlands series. On our website you can download the book "Where it's warm" in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format or read online. The rating of the book is 4.32 out of 5. Here, before reading, you can also refer to the reviews of readers who are already familiar with the book and find out their opinion. In the online store of our partner you can buy and read the book in paper form.

Pavel Kornev

Where it's warm

Doing nothing is a controversial thing.

In homeopathic doses - you can't imagine better; on an industrial scale - even a wolf howl.

Don't believe? And try to lock yourself in a room for a month without a computer, half a ton of books or a constantly replenished supply of alcohol - and see for yourself. It is worth getting enough sleep for a week in advance, and the brain will begin to boil in the most natural way from being constantly within the four walls.

So I slowly but surely approached a similar state. A bed, a bedside table, even brick walls, a tiled floor, a lamp overhead - and nothing else.

And so the whole month in a row.

Simply impossible!

But it's not locked in the room around the clock! In the morning I go to the gym, I order a sauna every two days. Occasionally it turns out to get into the rest room, and there is a TV. Plus the books left over from the previous guest. Yes, and the food is good, you will not say anything.

It would seem, live and rejoice. But it doesn't work.

Man is, after all, a social being. From time to time, he needs communication with his own kind. Otherwise, the roof can easily go. I now, I feel, quite a bit before a nervous breakdown left.

Yes - communication was simply catastrophically lacking. It's strange: it seems that he is not alone, but there is absolutely no one to talk to. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are brought to the room; in the gym, sauna and relaxation room strictly by the hour they start, and even a theoretical possibility does not arise with other guests.

And are they here, other guests?

No, the “Kingdom of Hades” apartment building itself is a well-known institution in narrow circles, but I had never heard of rooms in the basements of the former city morgue before. Although, on the other hand, I have never been particularly interested in living conditions in this complex. Too exorbitant price for wait, its owner is aching. One that suits either paranoid moneybags, or figures who need to wait out hard times in a safe haven. And “required” is putting it mildly. Rather, it is vital.

And in this respect, the "Kingdom of Hades" could give odds even to the Central District or the Gymnasium. The magician who owned the profitable house, nicknamed Hades with someone's light hand, simply took it and surrounded the mortuary building with an impenetrable protective dome. And at the same time, he deprived the guests of any opportunity, even by chance, to meet each other. A few staff did work here almost on a rotational basis.

Paranoia? Not at all sure.

Personally, I was now quite satisfied with such an attitude to safety. After you've annoyed the Sisters of Cold and trampled on your favorite calluses of the bandits from the Seven, you start to damn appreciate the opportunity to just wake up in the morning safe and sound.

That is why, after sitting in a small room for almost a month, I still have not gathered the determination to make a scandal about such an outrageous restriction of my rights and freedoms. Moreover, the payment for accommodation was not taken from my pocket.

Definitely not from mine - from the capital of the once successful entrepreneur Yevgeny Maksimovich Apostol, a donut hole has long been left. Money loves an account, and if you drop out of life for a month, all that remains is to rely on the decency of business partners. And in fact - only for a miracle. How many middle-class businessmen in my memory were left without a penny, simply rattling off to the hospital or going on a drinking binge, and do not count.

However, since they are still paying for the number, it means that not everything is lost. It turns out that they haven’t completely written off me yet.

Well, let's hope, let's hope...

This morning started exactly the same as all the others before it. Yes, it could not be otherwise: when locked within four walls for a long time, all days become terribly similar to each other.

Woke up, washed, shaved.

Wincing at the pain in his shot leg, he pedaled the exercise bike, took a shower, and had breakfast.

He leafed through the Alice in Wonderland forgotten by the previous guest, crossed out the number "13" on the calendar and, languishing with boredom, fell on the bed.

Then, perhaps, it all began ...

The lock clattered, the door swung open, and a gurney with dishes covered with shiny nickel-plated lids was pushed into the room.

And before I had time to really marvel at the dinner delivered at an inopportune time, I could hardly keep my jaw in place. And it wasn’t about the chic serving – it was the personality of the waiter that struck me.

Did you order game? - a fair-haired guy winked at me, broad-shouldered and strongly knocked down, but obviously starting to lose his athletic shape little by little. Neither the jacket buttoned up to all buttons, nor the white apron thrown over it could hide the clearly outlined belly.

“Hi, Denis,” I sighed. - Are you now delivering business lunches?

- Something like that. Selin pulled off his apron, threw it on the headboard and narrowed his eyes: “And you, Evgeny, don’t seem to be very happy to see me?”

- Something like that.

Indeed, there were few reasons to rejoice at the unexpected visit. Let Denis Selin be the most sociable of the comrades who protected me, but he is a swindler, he is a swindler. This brethren always has their own interest in mind first; they don't do charity work. And even though I’m tired of sitting within four walls, but there’s no reason to expect that the situation will improve further. Rather the opposite.

Last time, these figures got me into such a mess that it makes me sick to even remember. Miraculously, he managed to carry his legs away alive.

- But this is in vain! Denis moved the wheelchair to the bed and looked around for the missing chairs in the room. - By the way, I came to congratulate you on your birthday, and you are also dissatisfied ...

- Happy Birthday? I became alert and involuntarily glanced at the calendar. - Why would such a concern?

- Relax you! Celine grabbed the nightstand in the corner and dragged it to the bed. - In general, you are a clairvoyant with us - so determine if you doubt why I actually came here!

“It won’t work,” was all I muttered, lifting the lid off the largest of the dishes. And in fact - game. Well, you must!

And obviously right from the kitchen, she didn’t even have time to cool down.

- Why is this? – the guy was surprised.

“The owner of this hospitable establishment has so streamlined the movement of magical energy inside the building that now I can’t even guess who is knocking on the door.

“Yes, Hades, he is,” Denis nodded, seated on the bedside table, and removed the lid from the second dish, on which was laid out cold cuts. - You won't spoil him.


Borderlands: Where It's Warm (Book 6 of 12) (Pavel Kornev)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 192kbps

Release year: 2017
Genre: , combat fantasy, hits, urban fantasy
Duration: 14:33:45
Borderland - several areas torn from our world into the edge of eternal cold. And the Fort is both the heart of the Borderland and its bottom. A cesspool, frozen through, inhabited by not the most friendly people, the value of human life for which is often commensurate with the price of a box of cartridges or a box of stew. There is simply nowhere to fall below, but sometimes fate puts a bandwagon, forcing you to leave an established business and run aimlessly in an attempt to find a new place under the sun. That's just not worth relaxing, even where it's warm. And the once successful entrepreneur Yevgeny Apostol has yet to see this in his own skin. Let the work awaiting him in Severorechensk at first not cause much concern ...

Add. information:
Musical accompaniment is partially present (at the beginning and end of chapters and pauses)


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Duration: 12:31:10
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Borderland: Ice (1 book of 9) (Pavel Kornev)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 128kbps
Release year: 2016
Duration: 16:26:04
Description: which no longer belongs to our world, but has not yet become part of another. Here the cold reigns all year round, and werewolves rule in packs of wolves. In this not the most friendly place, most problems are solved with the help of lead and witchcraft, and even just to stay alive, you have to make constant efforts. And when the hunt is on for you...
Add. Information: Musical accompaniment ...


Borderlands. Book I. Ice (Pavel Kornev)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 64 kbps
Release year: 2011
Genre: /
Duration: 16:54:54
Description: The Borderland is a place that no longer belongs to our world, but has not yet become part of another. Here the cold reigns all year round, and werewolves rule in packs of wolves. In this not the most friendly place, most problems are solved with the help of lead and witchcraft, and even just to stay alive, you have to make constant efforts. And when the hunt is on for you...


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Where it's warm Pavel Kornev

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Title: Where it's warm

About the book "Where it's warm" Pavel Kornev

Borderland - several areas torn from our world into the edge of eternal cold. And the Fort is both the heart of the Borderland and its bottom. A cesspool, frozen through, inhabited by not the most friendly people, the value of human life for which is often commensurate with the price of a box of cartridges or a box of stew.

There is simply nowhere to fall below, but sometimes fate puts a bandwagon, forcing you to leave an established business and run aimlessly in an attempt to find a new place under the sun. That's just not worth relaxing, even where it's warm. And the once successful entrepreneur Yevgeny Apostol has yet to see this in his own skin. Let the work awaiting him in Severorechensk at first not cause much concern ...

On our site about books you can download for free without registration or read online the book "Where it's Warm" by Pavel Kornev in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and a real pleasure to read. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For novice writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you can try your hand at writing.