What if your new boss is completely unbearable, but you can't quit? What if he's also really handsome? But you already know - you need to stay away from the authorities, and when you go to work, it is better to leave your feelings at home.

Read online My Insufferable Boss

About the book

I will remember this day forever. And not just because of what happened that day. I just have a professional memory for dates. And the tenth of April of that year is unlikely to ever be erased from it.

Early in the morning, to be exact, at twenty minutes to eight, I opened the doors of the reception, that is, I arrived at my workplace.

The usual thoughts and plans for this time were spinning in my head.

So, check the list of meetings in the diary, order coffee for delivery (the last pack is left), call those with whom the meetings have not yet been finalized, clarify how things are with the tailoring of the tuxedo, and schedule a fitting, and yes, of course, replace the flowers in the vase.

Valera, more precisely, Valery Mikhailovich, cannot stand it when the flowers are even a little stale, so I change them after two days. Chrysanthemums, certainly white, a lush bouquet! I buy them on my way to work.

Only all these plans were not destined to come true. I opened the door and froze on the threshold: right in front of me, at my table, sat a lady in her forties. She could hardly be called attractive: sharp features, thin lips, a sharp look from under round glasses.

There was no doubt about her profession. The back is straight as a stick, a strict, impeccably ironed suit, a minimum of makeup, but most importantly, a special facial expression that is characteristic only of well-trained secretaries, real professionals. "They don't make them like that anymore." They actually do and how! But I will not be distracted, but I will tell about everything in order.

- Hello, - I could not immediately squeeze out this simple, in general, word, - what are you doing here? ..

- Catherine? The woman immediately took the bull by the horns. “Sit down, please, we need to talk.”

She pointed me to a sofa for visitors. The same sofa, on which I usually kindly invite those who cannot be accepted this very second to sit down.

There was so much confidence in her gesture that at first I sat down on the sofa without question. No, this is some nonsense. What is happening now should not be happening. Can't be!

I immediately got up from the couch.

- Excuse me, but who are you? And where is Valera... Valery Mikhailovich? And why are you...

She made a gesture with her hand: they say, sit down.

- Valery Mikhailovich must be on his way now. He comes to work at eight o'clock sharp. Don't you know this?

I reached into my purse where my phone was.

- I'll pick it up now.

- Not worth it. He asked me to settle the matter with you.

- And who are you?

I am his new secretary.

It didn't fit in any way:

Is this some kind of prank? Well, I can tell you, it’s not the first of April, but the tenth, you mixed up something.

The lady smiled.

– I never confuse anything, especially the dates.

She left the table, took a glass, got some water from the cooler and handed it to me.

A good boss is the dream of every person. But we all understand that a competent manager respects his subordinates, and also knows how to motivate people. This is necessary in order for each member of the labor collective to grow both as a professional and as a leader. However, if you are lucky with the boss from an emotional point of view, this does not mean that you are lucky in terms of professional development. In fact, a strict boss can be much more effective than a gentle manager who wants to please everyone and everyone.

Two opposite categories

Those who have worked in different companies have probably met different bosses. They generally fall into two main categories: Democrat bosses and autocrats. Some are ready to bring subordinates closer to themselves and are not too demanding on performance. Such a boss wants to please everyone, he only cares about the reputation of "his guy", a Democrat to the core. Often he asks the team members to address him as "you", thereby establishing an informal, friendly atmosphere.

Disadvantages of a Democrat Boss

However, the Democrat boss has its own big minus. He is afraid to set excessive goals for employees and introduce unpopular measures. It is worth challenging employees and putting them in a difficult situation, as he will immediately become unpopular. As a result, the Democrat boss unwittingly lowers the bar for his subordinates. Not surprisingly, in his working environment, production efficiency can limp on both legs.

Autocrat boss

The antipode of the democrat, the autocrat, on the contrary, does not care about his popularity in the team. He only cares about performance. And it is absolutely unimportant in what ways he will achieve results from his subordinates. He can punish with a ruble, shout and not reckon with anyone's opinion. However, there are many successful leaders among this category of managers. They come to work already focused on the final result, they appreciate every minute and do not tolerate delays. The decisions of the autocratic boss are non-negotiable, and every member of the team is well aware of this.

Based on a real example

As an illustrative example, let's refer to the experience of American real estate guru Bill Sanders. Here is what his longtime colleague, former Verde Realty CEO Ronald Blankenship says: “Everyone knew that Bill demanded results. And if you were really going to work with him, you had to hit your ass, but achieve the main goal.

Great leaders are not afraid to make tough demands.

A good boss is not afraid to set a rigid set of requirements for his subordinates. He does not stand on ceremony with anyone and is not ready to play the role of a nanny. Paradoxically, his absolute desire for excellence and focus on results inspire more respect among the company's employees. And commitment to a common cause and a unique inspiring vision of the business adds points in the eyes of subordinates.

But where there is respect, there is loyalty. As a result, initially absolutely unpopular leaders earn more love and trust than Democrat bosses. Of course, by the phrase "tough boss" we do not mean a psychopathic boss. This person is not used to insulting and humiliating his subordinates or feeding on their negative energy. By demanding compliance with the rules, he wants the business of his company to prosper, which means that he wants well-being for each employee individually.

How not to become a victim of a Democrat boss?

To get started, answer our questions honestly and count the number of affirmative answers. During the past year, have you ever been punished for any missteps? Don't have clear and meaningful goals set for your team members? Are you given bonuses or compensation just for effort? Do you perceive your boss as too soft and welcoming person? Is he willing to mitigate negative feedback? Do your colleagues tend to stop there? If you have three or more yes answers, your boss is being too soft on you.

If you want to successfully move up the career ladder or achieve unprecedented heights in your industry, working under his leadership will not be the best solution. Only a tough manager can lead to the goal. Undoubtedly, he puts pressure on his subordinates, sometimes it is not entirely pleasant. But all these unpopular measures force people to do their best work.


A good boss is ambitious and quite aggressive. He clearly articulates his expectations and can make your current results public. However, transparency in the team contributes to the birth of healthy competition. A demanding boss would not think of lowering the bar of expectations just because one of his subordinates failed to cope with the task. At the same time, all members of the team do not stand still, together they learn and develop.

This is not what Blood wanted when he hired Avril. In truth, he didn't know what he wanted. Everything happened by itself. In one moment he thought that the couple was not right for him now, and the next he found himself recruiting the personnel department on the communicator. For a moment, common sense woke up and Blood decided that he would take her to work somewhere in the waiting room. So that she would be in his sight and when the circumstances were more favorable, he would hit her. But in the next moment, when he realized that everyone would stare at her, and someone else could get ahead of him, instincts prevailed over reason and Blood ordered Avril Temple to be hired to replace Seity.
They tried to dissuade him, but Blood put the question differently - if Avril does not work for him, then the personnel department will be fired, at full strength.
And, oh miracle! She was persuaded to work for him.
At this point, Blood was frightened. And what if next to the couple he can not work? Already twice in situations related to Avril, decisions for him were made not by the brain, but by this damned instinct. What if he can't think straight? What if she already has someone?
The last thought came to his mind with enviable regularity and practically turned him into a paranoid. Blood sent his personal driver and bodyguard - Monty Kirwok - to keep an eye on Avril, and he found no sign that she was in a relationship. And then he should have felt safe. But for some reason I didn't feel it.
Blood hid in production facilities and outlying offices for a week. He did not know what to do, and there was no one to ask.
Unfortunately, the moment has come when it was no longer possible to do business remotely. Duties called him to the workplace. And in separation, away from his couple, Blood could only think about her. It became very difficult to concentrate on current affairs, he forgot to eat and sleep, forgot to brush his teeth. If not for Monty, then everyone would have long understood that something was wrong with him.
And then the moment, in anticipation of which Blood could not sleep all night, has come. Stepping over the threshold of the office, he met with Avril Temple. Instead of sleeping that night, he figured out what to say and how. He had a whole speech in his head. While the car cut through the air, Blood rehearsed everything he had to say. Rising in the elevator, several times straightened the already perfectly fitting suit.
But for some reason, meeting his gaze with light green eyes, he felt that he was completely unprepared. Blood was speechless as he looked at his mate. Avril was even more beautiful than at the first meeting. And the look is so smart and insightful. And... hands?
Here he frowned.
He read everything he could find about sefer and knew that hands become like this because of strong experiences. Blood remembered every detail of their first meeting, could tell in detail how everything happened, and was absolutely sure that when they first met they were normal.
The situation was further complicated by the fact that Blood felt not only angry that his mate had been treated this way, but also guilty of it. He brought her to the office to keep her safe. I wanted her to be there, under supervision and that she was well. Instead, Avril was scolded and insulted.
It's time to deal with Ann once and for all. This seitou allows herself too much.
When Blood took Ann to his office, she took it as another game. He was such an inventor. And he loved to punish a negligent employee for something.
So the first thing Anne did when she entered the office was go to the minibar hidden in the wall and press a few buttons to order a blue terlin cocktail. These berries don't grow on an asteroid, but Blood always had them in his office. Not otherwise than they brought them smuggled to him. The fact that rogue didn't go into detail about where he got the terlin only reinforced her suspicion.
While the cocktail was being prepared, Seitou leaned on the counter and looked at her lover. He stood with his back to her, examining a hologram of some unusual landscape, definitely not from the Nolte family's asteroid. It wasn't even the greyish sky and the prevailing reds instead of greens. The heterogeneity of the landscape was in everything - unusual plants, whose thin stems stretched upwards and straightened out only there, becoming one wide leaf, absorbing the light of two suns and moisture; unusual animals, with paws like insects, thin wings and toothy mouths; unusually round stones at the base of the stems.
"I'll never understand what you see in this dull look," Ann said with a yawn, referring to the hologram.
Blood didn't answer, continuing to stare straight ahead. Before Anne could say anything else, the ordered cocktail appeared in front of her. Seitou took it, took a long sip, and squinted contentedly. Blood remained silent.
"We're playing silent today," Anne purred coquettishly, knowing that rogues get such notes in their voices. - I like this game.
“Enough games,” Blood said coldly, not understanding what he even found in this woman.
- ABOUT! - drawled the beauty, in a feigned upset voice. - I pissed off my stern boss!
Seitow came close to Blood and hugged him from behind, tightly pressing her chest.
"I have to redeem myself," Ann whispered in a voice full of desire, and her hand went down, deftly slipping into his pants. Thin fingers wrapped around his cock, gently stroking. The second hand went under the shirt. “I will try very, very hard to earn forgiveness…”
"Anne," Blood spoke in a deceptively calm voice, and his hand went over hers.
"Ready to serve you as you command, master," the seitou whispered hotly, her hand tightening slightly on his cock.
"Then get out of my office," Blood ordered coldly. - You are fired.
Seitou still didn't realize it wasn't a game. Walking around him, Anne exclaimed with feigned fright:
- Oh no! What can I do to keep my job? Her eyes lit up with an idea. - I know!
Slowly, seitou knelt down and began to unbutton Blood's pants.
“I know how to beg forgiveness for my misdeed,” Ann cooed, carried away by her work. - My adorable, stern boss will be pleased ...
Blood like a tub of cold water doused. Of course, Seitou knew what to do. So she earned herself a promotion and privileges, gifts and extraordinary bonuses. Ann always knew what he needed in bed, when to be obedient and when to be hot and passionate. Worst of all, even now, knowing that there was his mate behind the door, Blood wanted Seitou to finish what she started. The sudden appearance of a couple, problems at work ... Everything was so complicated. And Ann… everything she did was very simple.
Something in him, that same notorious instinct required him to push the setou away. And Blood even raised his hand for it. But the other part of him, the part that wanted everything to be the same as before, the part that wished that his mate would not meet him now, was stronger than instinct. Clenching his hand into a fist, Blood allowed the seitou to continue.
Ann ignored his mental turmoil. Dealing with the clasp and pulling his cock out of her pants, she licked her lips, which were covered in the overly bright lipstick that Blood had once liked so much. Her fingers, too thin to be graceful, closed around his cock, stroking and squeezing just the way Ann knew rogue loved. Taking a deep breath, Blood put his hand on the wall.
"Come on, hurry up," he breathed through his teeth.
- Yes, boss, - Anne said with feigned fear, and licked the head of the cock. Blood sucked in a sharp breath, and the setou smiled briefly, cupping Blood's flesh with her lips. Ann always knew how to please Blood. But right now he had to fight with himself. Never before had this happened to him: the body takes pleasure, and the mind makes a hand grab into the hair of his mistress to push her away.
The fact that rogg took her hair tightly with his hand did not surprise Ann. He has always been an aggressive and impatient lover. Whenever Blood felt that he was about to finish, he began to guide his mistress with his hand, making it clear what pace he needed, and how to take it deep into himself. Ann suppressed the urge to smile. Thank goodness the seitou didn't have gag reflexes, and she could completely absorb a big rogue's cock. At the end, when Blood pushed deeper and harder into her, there was little pleasure. Sometimes it seemed to her that he reached the stomach. But in the end, Ann didn't do it for her own pleasure. His whims reigned.
Blood growled as she caressed him with her mouth, and Seitou took it as a sign of passion, not hearing irritation in this growl. Ann continued to lick and suck on his cock, paying more attention to the head. Just the way rogue liked.
She did everything the way Blood loved. Therefore, I realized with surprise that his hand clings tighter to her hair, not to guide, but to pull her head away from him. Ann tried to regain control of the situation and break that resistance by reaching out and wrapping her hand around his heavy balls.
Blood twitched at the touch. A growl escaped from his chest, in which the anger was clearly discerned by Seitou. Momentarily distracted, she tilted her head back and looked at his face. Something went wrong. Maybe she hurt him? Rogg stood with his eyes closed, his face contorted with rage.
Ann panicked. What's wrong? Why does Blood no longer want her caresses?
Blood was not disappointed or upset. He was very angry. Angry at her for starting all this, at herself for allowing it, at damn Avril Temple, for showing up in his life. Stupid situation than you can imagine right now. He is aroused by the most gorgeous mistress he has ever had, but Blood simply cannot come, because Ann is not his match! His damn couple!
Angrily pushing the seitou away from him, rogue growled:
- Get out of here! And never do that again!
- What? Ann muttered in shock.
- Go away! - growled Blood, adjusting his clothes, and trying to cope with standing like a stake member. - You are fired!
This time Ann was not in the mood for games. She can't lose this place. Seitou licked her lips and decided to change tactics.
“Blood, I beg you,” tears welled up in her eyes, and her lip twitched. - What have I done? Is there anyway to fix it...
"No," he answered less harshly, and Ann knew she was on the right track. Women's tears are a powerful weapon.
"Please, for all that's happened between us," she sobbed, and a tear ran down her cheek. - I need this job... I need money! My mom has a heart condition. We are fighting for her life... The news of my dismissal will kill her...
She was ready to burst into tears. And the rogue's resolve wavered. After all, the seitou only gave him what he wanted. In this situation, he had to blame himself first of all.
His voice was just as harsh when, after a pause, Blood said:
- This is your last mistake. If you make another mistake, you're fired. No second or third chances.
"Thank you," Anne whispered, and hurried out before he changed his mind, cleaning herself up as best she could as she went. She didn't know what kind of fly had bitten him, but she didn't want to test the patience of the evil rogue.
"Anne," Blood's voice overtook her at the threshold.
- Yes? she asked hoarsely, licking her dry lips.
"Don't go near Avril Temple," he ordered in a voice as cold as steel. Don't talk to her, don't look at her, don't even breathe in her direction. This is your official order.
- I obey, - holding back anger, Anne answered and left. At that moment, she seemed to understand what had happened. She was replaced by this sefera!
It's okay, Ann is patient, she'll wait. At one fine moment, the need for Blood will disappear and she will take revenge on him for this humiliation and definitely will not let the sefere get away with the fact that she took her man away from her.

Tatiana Vvedenskaya

My awesome boss

Part one


Fairy tale with a bad ending

My husband decided to come back to me. He, you know, decided! It was like I begged him for it. I snorted in indignation, turning over his words in my head. He said it as if before that he had been thinking for a long time, making up his mind, figuring out what was what. I didn’t sleep at night, I kept breaking my head: to return or not? And now he calls me at dawn, knocking me off my usual morning schedule. Usually by this moment I managed to oversleep the alarm clock, get ready for a run in five minutes, put on makeup already in the car, standing in a traffic jam at a traffic light, etc. And then, instead of all this, he calls to tell this long-awaited news. He is coming back! What!

However, we must give him his due, the moment was chosen the most correct. Still, he was a good strategist, although this does not mean that he was not mistaken. Only those who do nothing are not mistaken, but he did. And, as a result, he was wrong. But now is not about that. And about his morning call to a lonely woman who lives in constant contradiction with her biological rhythm. By nature, I am a night owl. If I listened only to my body, I would not get up until eleven. But for many years now I’ve been getting up at dawn, so early in the morning I practically don’t understand anything. Naturally, my husband was well aware of this, and while I was coming to my senses, crouching on the phone, he managed to tell me everything he wanted.

- Nadia, I am guilty before you. But I'm sure we need to be together. I have to get back to you!

- What? Who is this? I muttered, opening my eyes. In vain, of course, I did not look who was calling. At any other hour, I would have hung up right away. Whatever, I wouldn't take it at all. And then I was not myself, and he, as always, took advantage of this.

- This is your husband, Cyril! Sonya you are mine, wake up. I say that we need to be together.

- Mitrofanov, are you out of your mind? How much time? Yawning, I protested. The meaning of his words only began to reach the addressee - my sleeping consciousness.

“You have to go to work,” said the ex-husband. - So wake up. And think about why you have to suffer alone. I'm sure you want me back.

- What's the matter with you, are you sick? I remarked sarcastically. “Or is your mother not feeding you well?” Just don't tell me about your eternal love!

I understand that this is a complete surprise for you. But I speak from the bottom of my heart! Kirill said tenderly in the voice of an angel.

This is where I really woke up.

- What are you talking about! I threw up my hands. - Is it from the bottom of my heart?

“Just don’t start,” the husband was worried.

And not in vain, because I was already wound up anyway. Good job, the week has begun. That looks like a headache! All one to one. I forced myself to take a deep breath and exhale, trying not to break down. But, as always, this did not work out with my husband. It took me:

Do you know what a surprise is? This is when you come home, and there your husband with a naked woman lies in your bed and smiles senselessly. This is, yes, a complete surprise. And your call is just stupid!

I spoke up and dropped the phone on the bed. Then I took it with two fingers, because I had a strange feeling that the phone was saturated with poison. And turned it off. Because my Kiryushka is stubborn and not lazy, when he needs something, he will definitely call back. Lord, why can't I live in peace? A year ago, I stood in my own apartment and gasped for air. This poignant picture appeared before my eyes - my dearly beloved husband and a blond cashier from a supermarket near our house. I went through all this very hard. The hardest part was learning to fall asleep alone. It turns out that what matters is not quality sex or tender feelings, but habit. I had adapted so well to his snoring that in the unaccustomed silence I could not close my eyes for a long time. And trips to friends, their sympathetic looks? And digging up a garden without strong male hands?! Yeah, his innocent fascination with the cashier got me in so many troubles! Why didn't I call him earlier that day? I should have warned that I was going home from lunch. And now - I still buy groceries three blocks from home, which also creates a lot of inconvenience for me. And certainly, since I was able to survive all this, I hoped that I would never hear about Kirill again. And here you are, please - he decided to return!

“Mom, we have to go,” Nika, my fifteen-year-old daughter, a girl with a very rational mind, stuck her nose into my room. I twitched and looked around. In the cycle of thoughts, I was completely lost and did not notice that time was slipping away like sand through my fingers.