Mitrofan is one of the main characters of the comedy, and the title is dedicated to him. He considers himself already very mature, although still a child, but not cute and naive, but capricious and cruel. Narcissistic, as everyone surrounded him with love, but such - limiting.

Of course he laughs at the teachers. It is clear that he wants to marry the beautiful Sophia already. He is not afraid of anything, but is very cowardly. That is, he is afraid of everything, he is always ready to call his nanny and mommy for help, but he behaves with everyone very arrogantly, defiantly ...

And everything would be fine! But only mommy supports him in everything, does not limit him in any way.

We get acquainted with Mitrofan when he flaunts in a new caftan, and my mother scolds the tailor. Mitrofan has already grown up - a tall, rather dense guy. His face is not very smart, as are his actions. He laughs a little at everyone, plays, fools around. He is definitely well fed, he doesn’t even know the measure, so his stomach often hurts. Physically, he grew up, but his heart and soul were not taken care of. And the fact that his brain simply does not want to remember information (he has been learning the alphabet for three years), this is also Mitrofan's whims. It seems to him that even without science he will have everything - through the efforts of his mother. She almost added him to the rich heiress Sophia, who is also very beautiful and kind.

Mitrofan often does what he is told. Not a teacher, of course, but a mother. She said, they say, kiss the hand of a stranger, so he does. But only for profit. Mitrofanushka has no courtesy, kindness, respect for others.

In general, Mitrofan may not be so bad, but he is very spoiled. The minor believes in his exclusivity "without effort." He sees himself as a successful landowner, sees himself. In his heart there is no love even for his mother who adores him, for his faithful nanny, for anyone. Of course, he loves only himself, but not enough. Otherwise, he would have at least studied, developed!

The image and characteristics of Mitrofanushka with quotes and examples from the text

Mitrofan Prostakov - the hero of the play by D.I. Fonvizin "Undergrowth", a young man, the only son of the Prostakov nobles. In the 19th century, underage boys were called young men from noble families who, due to their laziness and ignorance, could not complete their studies, and as a result, enter the service and marry.

Fonvizin in his play just makes fun of such young people, embodying their features in the image of one of the main characters of the play - the son of the Prostakovs Mitrofan.

The father and mother love their only son very much and do not notice his shortcomings, moreover, they worry about their son and take care, as if he Small child, they protect him from all misfortunes, they are afraid that he can overwork from work: "... while Mitrofanushka is still undergrowth, sweat him and indulge; and there, in a dozen years, when he enters, God forbid, into the service, he will suffer everything .. .".

Mitrofanushka is not averse to having a delicious dinner: "... And I, uncle, almost didn’t have dinner at all [...] Three slices of corned beef, but hearths, I don’t remember, five, I don’t remember ..." "... Yes, you see, brother, you had a hearty supper..." "...Kvass deigned to eat a whole jug...".

Mitrofan is a very rude and cruel young man: he tortures the serfs, mocks his teachers, does not hesitate to raise his hand even against his father. This is the fault of the mother, who took the household into her own hands and does not put her husband in anything. Neither peasants nor relatives like her, because she swears and beats everyone for no reason.

Mrs. Prostakova is also responsible for the upbringing and education of Mitrofanushka, but she does not interfere much in these processes. Therefore, the young man is cruel and rude, but he cannot stand up for himself, but hides behind his mother's skirt. Things with studies are also not better. Not only is Mitrofan stupid and lazy, he is not interested in anything, he is not curious, and he is very bored in the lessons. In addition, his teachers are useless - the former sexton Kuteikin, the retired sergeant Tsyfirkin and the former coachman Vralman are ignorant and poorly educated people: "... Well, what can get out of Mitrofanushka for the fatherland, for which ignorant parents also pay money to ignoramuses - teachers?.." In addition, Vralman is a French teacher, although he himself is German, he does not know French, but manages to teach him to a boy.

The image of Mitrofan reflects the type of representative younger generation that time: lazy, ignorant, rude; he does not strive to grow spiritually, mentally and culturally, he does not have any ideals and aspirations.

Option 3

Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin is a great Russian writer. In his work “Undergrowth”, he showed readers a generalized image of the younger generation from the nobility of the 19th century, using the example of the protagonist Mitrofan. The name Mitrofan in Greek means "resembling a mother." The hero is brought up in a family in which relationships are built on lies, flattery, and rudeness. The mother raised her son as an unlucky, uneducated person. Mitrofan has no goals and aspirations in life, they are too small and insignificant. He is spoiled, rudely treats not only the servants, but also his parents. Fonvizin this image did not invent. In fact, at that time in the circles of the nobility, there were often undergrowths like Mitrofan, who studied poorly, did nothing, lived their days like that.

Mitrofan had home teachers who, in principle, did not give him any knowledge. But the hero’s desire to study is completely absent. He is stupid, naive, his speech is not developed and rude. This person is not adapted to the surrounding life, he cannot do anything without a mother and without servants. His main activities during the day are eating, relaxing and chasing pigeons. What made Mitrofan exactly like that? Of course, this is the system of education that came from Prostakova, the mother of the hero. She indulged his whims too much, encouraged all his mistakes, and thus, in the end, this was the result of education. It is the blind love of a mother for her child.

Being brought up in such conditions, Mitrofan got used to having the right to vote in the family, to be rude to others. It will be very difficult for a person like Mitrofan in life if he is left alone with his problems. At the end of the work, Prostakova loses her estate and, along with it, loses her own son. This is the fruit of her upbringing. This result of the comedy shows the level of this system of upbringing and education.

On the example of the image of Mitrofan, Fonvizin showed one of the main problems in family education. This problem is still relevant today. IN modern society there are also spoiled children who grow up in such conditions. Everyone should think about how to eradicate such undergrowths that are dragging our society back. I think that people like Mitrofan do not know what real life and do not understand what its meaning is due to their ignorance. I feel sorry for these children and their parents. I hope that all parents, after reading this comedy, will understand their mistakes and be able to raise a worthy citizen of their country.

Essay 4

The play "Undergrowth" was written by Fonvizin in 1781. A year later, she was put on stage. The performance made a splash. But the work caused dissatisfaction with Catherine II and Denis Ivanovich was forbidden to publish his works, and the theater on the stage of which the premiere took place was closed.

In the eighteenth century, underage children were called noble children who had not reached the age of sixteen. It was believed that they had not yet "grown up" to an independent, adult life.

One of the main characters of the comedy, Mitrofanushka, was such an undergrowth. In our time, this name has become a household name, a synonym for a stupid and lazy sissy.

Mitrofan is almost 16 years old. And it's time for him to serve in the army. But mother, Mrs. Prostakova, blindly loves her son and is not ready to let him go from her for anything in the world. She pampers, indulges him in everything. Indulges him in idleness. Such an upbringing led to the fact that the boy grew up and turned into a rude, lazy ignorant teenager.

They hired teachers for Mitrofanushka, but they didn’t teach him anything, because he didn’t want to study: “I don’t want to study - I want to get married.” However, the mother does not insist on classes: “Go and have some fun, Mitrofanushka.” However, such teachers are unlikely to teach the child the mind. turned out to be a coachman.

The son of the Prostakovs does not love or respect anyone. He treats his father with disdain. This is very clearly shown in the scene where the sissy feels sorry for the parent because she ".... was so tired beating the father." Mitrofan is rude to the servants and snaps. He calls his nanny or mother "the old bastard". He mocks teachers and serfs. Our hero and his own mother do not put in anything. No worries touch his heart. He shamelessly uses the blind love of Prostakova. And he even blackmails her: "It's close to the river here. I'll dive, and remember your name." And to the question of what was bad in a dream at night, he answers: "Yes, then you, mother, then father."

To all the listed bad qualities of Mitrofan, one can add cowardice and servility in front of a strong opponent. He humbly asks for mercy when an attempt to forcibly take Sophia down the aisle fails, and on the orders of Starodum humbly agrees to go to serve.

Thus, in Mitrafanushka, Fonvizin embodied all the shortcomings and vices inherent in the nobility of that time. This is ignorance and stupidity, greed and laziness. At the same time, the manners of a tyrant and servility. This image is not invented by the author, but taken from life. History knows many examples of undersized, illiterate, soulless, using their power, leading an idle lifestyle.

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Comedy D. I. Fonvizin "Undergrowth" is named after an ignoramus and a loafer. Mitrofanushka is one of the central characters in the play. Laziness, inaction, selfishness and indifference are its main internal qualities. Description of Mitrofan allows us to say about the generalized image of the nobility.

Relationships with parents

Mitrofan is very fond of his parents. Mother - Mrs. Prostakova - idolizes her son. She is really ready for everything for him. Prostakova raised Mitrofanushka in such a way that he did not know how to live for real. In life, he was not interested in anything, he was not familiar with problems and life difficulties, since his parents did everything so that Mitrofanushka would not encounter them. This fact strongly influenced Mitrofanushka's attitude to his own life: he felt his permissiveness. At the heart of the hero's life was laziness and apathy, the desire to achieve only his own goals related to peace.

The protagonist saw how his mother treats his father. Prostakov did not play a big role in their family. This was the reason that Mitrofan did not take his father seriously either. He grew up insensitive and selfish, not even showing love to his mother, who in turn loved him very much. The character demonstrated such an indifferent attitude towards his mother in the finale of the work: Mitrofanushka refuses to support Mrs. Prostakova with the words “Yes, get rid of you, mother, how you imposed yourself.”

Such quotation characteristic fully indicates the results of permissiveness and blind parental love. D. I. Fonvizin demonstrated how such love has a detrimental effect on a person.

Life goals

The characterization of Mitrofan from the comedy "Undergrowth" is largely determined by his attitude to life. Mitrofanushka has no lofty goals. He is not adapted to real life, therefore, his main actions are sleep and eating peculiar foods. The hero does not pay attention either to nature, or to beauty, or to the love of his parents. Instead of studying, Mitrofanushka dreams of her marriage, while never thinking about love. Mitrofanushka never experienced this feeling, therefore marriage for him is what is accepted in society, which is why he so wants to get married. Mitrofanushka wastes her life without thinking about any large-scale goals.

Attitude towards learning

The image of Mitrofanushka, in short, personifies a negative attitude towards education. In "Undergrowth" the story about Mitrofan's studies is very comical. The hero was engaged in education only because it was supposed to be so in society. Ms. Prostakova herself, who decided to hire teachers for Mitrofan, considered science to be empty. This greatly influenced the worldview of the child, who, like the mother, began to consider education a waste of time. If it were possible to leave education, Mitrofan would gladly do it. However, the decree of Peter I, which is tacitly mentioned in The Undergrowth, obliged all nobles to take a training course. Education and knowledge for Mitrofanushka becomes a duty. The mother of the hero could not instill desire in her son, so he began to believe that he could do without knowledge. For four years of study, he did not achieve any results. Mitrofanushka's teachers also contribute to ignorance, for whom only material values ​​were important. Mitrofanushka treats her teachers with disrespect, calling them various names. He saw his superiority over them, so he allowed them to behave like that.

Mitrofan is an undersized, negative character in a comedy, a young nobleman. He is very similar to his mother, Mrs. Prostakova, brother Taras Skotinin. In Mitrofan, in Mrs. Prostakova, in Skotinin, one can notice such character traits as greed and greed. Mitrofanushka knows that all power in the house belongs to his mother, who loves him and allows him to behave as he wants. Mitrofan is lazy, does not like and does not know how to work and study, he only frolics, has fun and sits on the dovecote. Not so much the sissy himself

He influences those around him, as much as they influence him, trying to raise an undergrowth as an honest, educated person, and he fits his mother in everything. Mitrofan treats the servants very cruelly, insults them and generally does not consider them to be people:
Eremeevna. Yes, learn a little.
Mitrofan. Well, say another word, you old bastard! I'll finish them off; I will again complain to my mother, so she will deign to give you a task in yesterday's way.
Mitrofan also has no respect for teachers. He strives only for his own personal benefit, and when he finds out that Sophia has become the heiress of Starodum, he immediately intends to offer her a hand and heart, and the attitude towards Sophia in the Prostakovs' house changes significantly for the better. And all this is only because of greed and cunning, and not because of a feat of the heart.
Mitrofan is depicted in the comedy "Undergrowth" very vividly, vitally, with many human vices, and Mrs. Prostakova simply does not have a soul in her son:
Ms Prostakova. . We do not regret the last crumbs, if only to teach our son everything. My Mitrofanushka does not get up for days because of the book. Motherly my heart. It’s a pity, a pity, but you’ll think: for that there will be a kid anywhere. The bridegroom to anyone, but still the teachers go, does not waste an hour, and now two people are waiting in the hallway. My mitrofanushka has no rest day or night.
The opposite of Mitrofan is Sophia, young, kind, sensible girl.
The main problem that led Fonvizin to create the image of Mitrofan is education to a small extent - serfdom (in general, relations between people of different social status are implied).

  1. This is the first socio-political comedy on the Russian stage. The comedy combines vivid and truthful scenes from the life of the local nobility and a passionate preaching of educational ideas about the duties of the government, a “direct, honest” citizen. Organically...
  2. Morning in Prostakova's house. The all-powerful mistress examines the caftan sewn by the serf Trishka. And although the caftan is sewn “quite a bit”, it is difficult to please a capricious lady. “Thief”, “thieves' mug”, “blockhead”, “swindler” - these are the softest epithets, ...
  3. The first writer, a well-educated person, a prominent political figure, Fonvizin in his works not only acted as an exponent of the advanced ideas of the socio-political life of Russia at that time, but also made an invaluable contribution to ...
  4. The political views of Fonvizin are most clearly formulated by him in his work “Discourse on indispensable state laws”. This work, written in the late 70s of the 18th century, was conceived as an introduction to the project “Fundamental ...
  5. D. I. Fonvizin was destined to live in a rather gloomy era of the reign of Catherine II, when the inhuman forms of exploitation of serfs reached the limit, after which only a peasant revolt could follow. This...
  6. The comedy "Undergrowth" was written by Dmitry Ivanovich Fonvizin in the 18th century, when the main literary direction was classicism. One of the features of the work is “speaking” surnames, so the author called the main character Mitrofan, which ...
  7. The comedy "Undergrowth" absorbed all the experience accumulated by Fonvizin earlier, and in terms of the depth of ideological issues, the courage and originality of the artistic solutions found, remains an unsurpassed masterpiece of Russian drama of the 18th century. Accusatory...
  8. Three main themes run through everything dramatic works Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin: the theme of educating a “new breed” of people, serfdom, the state structure of Russia. In the comedy "Undergrowth" the first is most clearly reflected. The subject of education...
  9. "Undergrowth" is an anti-serf play, and this is its main significance. Meanwhile, Fonvizin himself, like other representatives of the progressive social thought of his time, had not yet risen to direct identification ...
  10. Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin is the creator of the immortal comedy "Undergrowth". For more than two hundred years, it has not left the stages of Russian theaters, remaining still interesting and relevant to new and new generations of viewers....
  11. Another problem is connected with the image of Mitrofan - the writer's reflection on the legacy that the Prostakovs and Skotinins are preparing for Russia. Before Fonvizin, the word "undergrowth" had no condemnatory meaning. The children of the nobility were called undergrowths, ...
  12. Fonvizin in the play "Undergrowth" embodied only his idea of ​​" honest people”, as they should be, but also his observations of those in whom he saw their living personification. Specific biography...
  13. In comparison with The Brigadier, The Undergrowth (1782) is distinguished by greater social depth and a sharper satirical orientation. In "The Brigadier" it was about the mental limitations of the heroes, about their gallomania, dishonest attitude to the service ....
  14. The comedy "Undergrowth" was written by D. I. Fonvizin in 1781 and became the pinnacle of domestic dramaturgy of the 18th century. This is a work of classicism, but certain features of realism are also manifested in it, which makes ...
  15. Having re-read the brilliant comedy of the Russian writer of the Catherine's era Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin "Undergrowth", I once again experienced the true pleasure of reading. Each character in this work is interesting and unique. Each of the heroes...
  16. rich ideological and thematic content comedy "Undergrowth" is embodied in a masterfully designed art form. Fonvizin managed to create a harmonious comedy plan, skillfully intertwining the pictures of everyday life with the disclosure of the views of the characters. With great care and...
  17. Sophia - Starodum's niece (daughter of his sister); S.'s mother is Prostakov's matchmaker and in-law (like S.) of Prostakov's. Sophia - in Greek means "wisdom". However, the name of the heroine receives a special ...
  18. The comedy "Undergrowth" (1782) reveals sharp social problems of his time. Although the work is based on the idea of ​​education, the satire is directed against serfdom and landlord arbitrariness. The author shows that on the basis of serfdom,...
  19. The famous comedy by D. I. Fonvizin “Undergrowth” is distinguished by great social depth and a sharp satirical orientation. With it, in essence, the Russian public comedy. The play continues the traditions of classicism, but later,...
  20. “Undergrowth” is the first Russian socio-political comedy. Fonvizin depicts the vices of contemporary society: masters who rule by law, nobles who are not worthy of being nobles, "accidental" statesmen, self-proclaimed teachers. Mrs. Prostakova -...

Mitrofan Terentyevich Prostakov (Mitrofanushka) - undergrowth, son of landowners Prostakov, 15 years old. The name "Mitrofan" means in Greek "manifested by his mother", "similar to his mother." It has become a household word for a stupid and arrogant ignorant sissy. Yaroslavl old-timers considered the prototype of the image of M. a certain barchuk who lived in the vicinity of Yaroslavl, as reported by L. N. Trefolev.

Fonvizin's comedy is a play about an undergrowth, about his monstrous upbringing, which turns a teenager into a cruel and lazy creature. The word "undergrowth" before Fonvizin's comedy did not carry negative semantics. Undergrowths were called teenagers under the age of fifteen, that is, the age determined by Peter I for entry into the service. In 1736, the period of stay in the "undergrowth" was extended to twenty years. The decree on the freedom of the nobility abolished the mandatory term of service and granted the nobles the right to serve or not to serve, but confirmed the compulsory education introduced under Peter I. Prostakova follows the law, although she does not approve of it. She also knows that many, including those in her family, circumvent the law. M. has been studying for four years, but Prostakova wants to keep him with her for ten years.

The plot of the comedy is based on the fact that Prostakova wants to marry the poor pupil Sophia for her brother Skotinin, but then, having learned about 10,000 rubles, the heiress of which Starodum made Sophia, decides not to miss the rich heiress. Skoti-nin doesn't want to give in. On this basis, between M. and Skotinin, between Prostakova and Skotinin, enmity arises, turning into ugly quarrels. M., set up by his mother, demands collusion, declaring: “The hour of my will has come. I don't want to study, I want to get married." But Prostakova understands that first you need to get the consent of Starodum. And for this it is necessary that M. appear in a favorable light: “While he is resting, my friend, at least for the sake of appearance, learn, so that it comes to his ears how you work, Mitrofanushka.” For her part, Prostakova in every possible way praises M.'s diligence, successes and her parental care for him, and although she knows for sure that M. has not learned anything, she nevertheless arranges an “exam” and encourages Starodum to evaluate the successes of her son (case 4, yavl. VIII). The lack of motivation for this scene (it is hardly appropriate to tempt fate and present the son in a bad light; it is also unclear how the illiterate Prostakova could appreciate M.'s knowledge and the pedagogical efforts of his teachers) is obvious; but it is important for Fonvizin to show that the ignorant landowner herself becomes a victim of her own deception and sets a trap for her son. After this farcical comedy scene, Prostakova, confident that she will push her brother back by force, and realizing that M. could not stand the test and comparison with Milon, decides to forcibly marry M. to Sophia; instructs him to get up at six o'clock, put "three servants in Sophia's bedroom, and two in the hallway to help" (d. 4, yavl. IX). To this M. replies: "Everything will be done." When Prostakova’s “conspiracy” fails, M., at first ready, after her mother, “to be taken for people” (d. 5, fig. III), then humbly asks for forgiveness, and then rudely pushes her mother away: “Get off, mother, how imposed itself” (case 5, yavl. last). Completely bewildered and having lost power over people, he must now pass new school upbringing (“Go to serve,” Pravdin tells him), which he accepts with slavish obedience: “According to me, where they are told.” These last words M. become a kind of illustration to the words of Starodum: “Well, what can come out of Mitrofanushka for the fatherland, for which ignorant parents also pay money to ignorant teachers? How many noble fathers who entrust the moral upbringing of their son to their serf slave! Fifteen years later, instead of one slave, two come out, an old uncle and a young master ”(d. 5, yavl. I).

The struggle for the hand of Sophia, making up the plot of the comedy, puts M. in the center of action. As one of the "imaginary" suitors, M. with his figure connects two worlds - the ignorant nobles, tyrants, the world of "malice" and the enlightened nobles, the world of good morals. These "camps" are extremely alienated from each other. Prostakova, Skotinin cannot understand Starodum, Pravdin and Milon (Prostakova says to Starodum in complete bewilderment: “God knows how you judge you now” - d. 4, phenom. VIII; M. cannot understand , which the same characters demand of him), and Sofya, Pravdin, Milon and Starodum perceive M. and his relatives with open contempt. The reason for this is a different upbringing. The natural nature of M. is distorted by upbringing, and therefore he is in sharp contradiction with the norms of behavior of a nobleman and with ethical ideas about a good-natured and enlightened person.
The author's attitude to M., as well as to other negative characters, is expressed in the form of a "monologic" self-exposure of the hero and in replicas goodies. The rudeness of vocabulary betrays in him hardness of heart and evil will; ignorance of the soul leads to laziness, empty pursuits (chasing pigeons), gluttony. M. is the same tyrant at home as Prostakova. Like Prostakova, she does not consider her father, seeing him as an empty place, and treats teachers in every possible way. At the same time, he holds Prostakov in his hands and threatens to commit suicide if she does not protect him from Skotinin (“To wind here and the river is close. Dive, so remember your name” - d. 2, yavl. VI). M. knows neither love, nor pity, nor simple gratitude; in this respect he surpassed his mother. Prostakova lives for her son, M. for herself. Ignorance can progress from generation to generation; coarseness of feelings is reduced to purely animal instincts. Prostakov remarks with surprise: “It’s strange, brother, how relatives can resemble relatives. Our Mitrofanushka looks like an uncle. And he is a pig hunter from childhood, just like you. As he was for another three years, it used to happen, when he saw a pig, he would tremble with joy ”(d. 1, yavl. V). In the fight scene, Skotinin calls M. "damned ingot." With all his behavior and speeches, M. justifies the words of Starodum: “An ignoramus without a soul is a beast” (d. 3, yavl. I).

According to Starodum, there are three types of people: an enlightened smart girl; unenlightened, but possessing a soul; unenlightened and soulless. M., Prostakova and Skotinin belong to the latter variety. They seem to grow claws (see the scene of Skotinin’s quarrel with M. and the words of Eremeevna, as well as the fight between Prostakova and Skotinin, in which M.’s mother “pierced” Skotinin’s scruff), bearish strength appears (Skotinin says to Prostakova: “It will come to breaking , I will bend, so you will crack" - d. 3, yavl. III). Comparisons are taken from the animal world: “Have you heard that a bitch gave out her puppies?” Worse, M. stopped in its development and is then only capable of regression. Sophia says to Milon: “Although he is sixteen years old, he has already reached the last degree of his perfection and will not go far” (d. 2, yavl. II). The absence of family and cultural traditions turned into a triumph of "malice", and M. breaks even those "animal" ties that united him with his kindred circle.

In the face of M. Fonvizin brought out a peculiar type of tyrant slave: he is a slave of low passions, which turned him into a tyrant. The “slave” upbringing of M. in the narrow sense is connected with the “mother” Eremeevna, in the broad sense - with the world of the Prostakovs and Skotinins. In both cases, dishonorable concepts were instilled in M.: in the first, because Eremeevna was a serf, in the second, because the concepts of honor were perverted.

The image of M. (and the very concept of "undergrowth") became a household word. However, the educational idea of ​​the mechanistic dependence of human behavior on his upbringing was subsequently overcome. IN " Captain's daughter» Pushkin Petrusha Grinev receives an education similar to M., but develops independently and behaves like an honest nobleman. Pushkin sees in M. something radical, Russian, charming, and with the help of the epigraph (“Mitrofan for me”) raises the narrator - and partly the characters - of “Belkin's Tales” to the hero of “Undergrowth”. The name "Mitrofan" is found in Lermontov ("Tambov Treasurer"). The satirical development of the image is given in the novel by M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin “Lords of Tashkent”.
Prostakova is the wife of Terenty Prostakov, mother of Mitrofan and sister of Taras Skotinin. The surname indicates both the simplicity, ignorance, lack of education of the heroine, and the fact that she falls into a mess.

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    Fonvizin's comedy "Undergrowth" is the first socio-political comedy in the history of Russian dramaturgy. The author exposes in it the vices of contemporary society. The heroes of the comedy are representatives of different social strata: state ...

    Pushkin called Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin, one of the most remarkable figures of Russian culture, the playwright of the 18th century, the author of the immortal comedy "Undergrowth", a bold lord of satire and a friend of freedom. Fonvizin is a representative of the advanced, standing on...

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