Trainer for beginners. Simple words.

The book is wonderful. But the kids do not want to strain and put the letters into words, it is much easier to look at the picture and guess from the very first letter what is written under the picture.

Therefore, I suggest you download these sheets. They have a lot of words and no explanatory pictures. Nothing will distract the kid from the reading process. And since there are only three letters in each word, it will not be very difficult to read them.

And how many of them - words consisting of three letters? There are more than a hundred such words on these leaves. So the child will have something to read.

New cards for practicing reading skills. This time in the selection there are words of 4 letters, but with one syllable.

That is, the words have only one vowel.


More than 100 words are collected on two sheets, consisting of 4 letters and 1 syllable.

When reading, the child must not only compose a word from letters, but also comprehend what he read. Ask your child to explain each new word.

We continue to improve our reading skills.

The next selection is already two-syllable words of 4 letters. On the first card there are words with the so-called "open syllable". They are easy to read. Ma-ma, ka-sha, no-bo, re-ka, puddle and similar words.

The second card is more difficult. The words on it contain both open syllables and closed ones. Ma-yak, ig-la, y-tyug, yacht-ta, o-village, el-ka and so on.

Each card has over fifty words. So the child will have to work hard until he reads all the words.

We read new words syllable by syllable. Words already consist of 5 letters. Wagon, baby, tu-man, mar-ka, re-dis, lamp-pa. And so on. If the child confidently reads these one hundred and fifty-plus words, you can assume that your baby LEARNED to read! Rather, he learned to put words out of letters.

Before learning to read, the child must learn the very concept of syllables. Before you start learning to read and write, the baby must recognize the letters and be able to correlate them with sounds. The next step is to learn syllables. Interesting manuals for learning syllables can be downloaded from our website.

Is it difficult to teach a child to combine letters into syllables?

How to learn to read?

At the beginning of learning to read, it is necessary to convey to the child such concepts as vowels and consonants, sounds and letters. Vowel sounds are stressed and unstressed. Among the consonants, voiced and deaf, hard and soft are distinguished.

By the way, the hardness-softness of sounds should be given special attention. This characteristic of sounds within a syllable is determined by soft or hard signs or vowels after consonants.

So, the letters E, E, I, Yu, I indicate the softness of the previous consonant sound, and the letters E, O, U, S indicate hardness.

The table of all syllables on our website will help to illustrate soft and hard consonants. It can be read online or downloaded and printed from our website.

Syllables for children for learning to read can be represented as a game. To teach your baby to read, you need to download the syllable table and print it out. Then cut into individual cards. To prevent syllables and cards from wrinkling, they can be glued onto thick cardboard. Now we will try to present syllable combinations to children in the form of a game.

Reading games

A table of all syllables, which you will need to download from our website, will help teach your baby to read. Soft and hard consonants, as well as vowel sounds and letters in it are marked with different colors for contrast. Thus, syllable combinations look bright and colorful.

First, we teach the child to distinguish syllables in Russian from each other. To do this, you will need not only cards where the syllables of the language are written for reading, but also an entire table of syllables. To do this, you will have to download and print it again. We lay out the table and ask the child to match the cards with syllables and the corresponding cell in the table. So gradually the baby will memorize individual syllabic combinations and name them, and then read. Thus, we form a lotto from a table, but instead of images, there are letter combinations.

At the next stage of learning to read, we offer the child a couple of different syllables and combine them into a word. Please note that before starting this game, the child must read individual syllabic combinations well, and then put them into words. For example, we take the syllable ZHA and add the syllable BA to it. It turns out toad. You can draw arrows or come up with a fairy-tale character who will walk from one syllable to another and combine them into words. As a result of such a simple game, the child will quickly learn to read.

Syllabary tables

Since there are a large number of letter combinations in the Russian language, we suggest studying each consonant separately in combination with all vowels. Thus, the table for one game becomes much smaller in volume, and it is easier for the child to put all the syllables in their places. You can also download these tables on our website. Here are examples of what syllables might look like for your kids in tables:

Common mistakes

Often in speech, kids confuse syllables with the letter "x", "g" and syllables with the letter "g", "k". Also, confusion occurs when a child pronounces syllables with the letter "d", "g" or syllables with the letter "k", "p". These consonants are very similar in sound. When composing words from them, try to pronounce them as clearly as possible. At the stage of learning to read, you can download tables with similar sounds, cut out cards from them and try to make words similar in sound, focusing on the difference in spelling.

When studying letter combinations of the Russian language with children, try to interest them. If you have a magnetic alphabet at home, try to make some words out of the letters. They can be conveniently attached to a tablet and then read. Let the kid make up his phrases, and you read them.

Word creation should be a collective game: one child will not be interested. Teach your child and learn with him!


Ni-ki-ta and Le-sha are friends. Together they go to kindergarten. Lesha has a sa-mo-kat. And Ni-ki-you has a ru-zhe. Not really standing, but playing. These boys are good fellows. Oh-no always de-la-tsya games-rush-ka-mi. And they never quarrel. Together we play and laugh. Ho-ro-sho friend!


Live se-be grandfather and ba-ba and they would have ku-roch-ka rya-ba. He took down a ku-roch-ka egg-ko: the egg is not simple - it's golden.

Grandfather beat - beat - not beaten.

Ba-ba bi-la, bi-la - more than once-bi-la.

The mouse be-zha-la, the tail-tee-com mah-nu-la, the egg fell-lo and broke-elk.

Grandfather and ba-ba cry, ku-roch-ka ku-dah-chet:

Don't cry, grandfather, don't cry, ba-ba!

I'll take you an egg to another,

Not golden - simple!


Mu-ra-vei went down to the stream: for-ho-tel for a drink. Wave-on for-whip-well-la e-th and almost in a pi-la. Go-lub-ka carried a vet-ku; o-na u-vi-de-la - mu-ra-vei then-no, and bro-si-la e-mu vet-ku in the ru-chey. Mu-ra-wei sat on a branch and escaped.

That's why o-hot-nick spread the network on go-lub-ku and wanted to clap. Mu-ra-vei crawled to o-hot-no-ku and u-ku-strength of e-go by the leg; oh-hot-nick oh-zero and u-ro-nil network. Go-lub-ka fluttered-well-la and u-le-te-la.

Pet-ti and Mi-shi had a horse. They began to argue: whose horse. Did they tear each other's cats.

Give it to me, this is my horse.

No, you give me, the horse is not yours, but mine.

Mother came, took a horse, and nobody's horse became.

L. Tolstoy

Three Bears.

One day, Ma-sha went into the forest and got lost. Began to search to-ro-gu to my yes came to the forest from the bush. In the house of e-thom lived seven-I honey-ve-dey: the father was called Mi-hi-lo Po-ta-pych, the mother - Nas-tas-ya Pet-rov-na , and their little laziness-ko-sy-nish-ku - honey-ve-jo-nok Mi-joking-ka. The house was empty - honey-ve-di ush-whether walking through the forest.

Ma-sha entered the house and w-wee-de-la had three bowls of porridge. Pain-sha-I would-la Mi-hi-lo Po-ta-py-cha, middle-ny-ya Us-tas-and Pet-rov-ny, and sa-ma-I laziness-ka-ya - M-jokes. In-pro-bo-va-la Ma-sha ka-shu from a large bowl, then from a middle one, and from a small one, Mi-joking-ki-noy, the whole shu ate.

For-ho-te-la Ma-sha pri-net and sees three chairs at the hundred-la. Climbed o-na onto a big chair and u-pa-la; sat on the middle chair - it was not-at-ad-but; sat down on a small stool and laughed. Became-la Ma-sha ka-chat-sya on the Mi-joking-ki-ne chair-chi-ke, ka-cha-las - ka-cha-las, why didn’t he slo-ma-la!

Send la Ma-sha to another mountain-ni-tsu. There are a hundred-I-whether three kro-va-ti. Lay down o-na in pain-shu-yu - it would be too spacious; lay down in the middle-nu-th - it would be too you-so-ko; and ma-laziness-ka-I came to her just right. Lay down Ma-sha and sleep-la.

Come back to my honey-ve-di from the forest, se-o-be-give. Mi-hi-lo Po-ta-pych looked into his bowl and growled: “Who ate from my bowl?” Us-tas-ya Pet-rov-na looked-re-la at the table and for-re-ve-la: “Who ate from my bowl?” And Mi-jokingly squeaked: “Who ate my porridge and broke my chair?”

Send honey-ve-di to another-gu-yu mountain-no-tsu. “Who lo-lived on my bed?” - roared Mi-hi-lo Po-ta-pych. “Who lay down on my bed and crushed it?” - for-re-ve-la Nas-tas-ya Pet-rov-on. And Mi-joking-ka u-vi-del in his cro-vat-ke de-voch-ku and squeaked: “Here oh! Hold her!

U-vi-dev honey-ve-day, Ma-sha o-chen is-pu-ga-las. O-on you-jump-well-la in the open-then-e-ok-but and be-m-la-to-my. And honey-ve-di didn’t dog-on-whether.

Learning to read in syllables - this stage in teaching children to read is one of the most important and difficult. Often parents simply do not know how to teach a child to pronounce two letters together and get stuck on it for a long time. Tired of the endless repetition of "ME and A will be MA", the child quickly loses interest, and learning to read turns into torment for the whole family. As a result, children who already know letters from the age of two or three cannot even read simple words by the age of five, not to mention reading sentences and books.

What to do next when the child has memorized the letters? Let's make a reservation right away that teaching a preschooler to read syllables can be started even BEFORE he has mastered the entire alphabet (moreover, some teachers insist that you need to move on to syllables as quickly as possible, without waiting for all the letters to be studied). But those letters that we will combine into syllables, the child must name without hesitation.

In order to start learning to read by syllables, it is enough for a child to know 3-4 vowels and a few consonants. First of all, take those consonants that can be pulled (S, Z, L, M, N, V, F), this will help teach the child the continuous pronunciation of the syllable. And this is a fundamentally important point.

So, let's consider a few, in our opinion, the most effective methods that modern teachers offer for teaching a child to fold letters into syllables.

1. We play "Engines"

(a game from the manual by E. Baranova, O. Razumovskaya "How to teach your child to read").

Instead of boring cramming, invite your child to "ride the train." All consonants are written on the rails along which our trailers will go, and vowels are written on the trailers themselves. We place the trailer on the rails so that a consonant appears in the window, and we name which station we got (for example, BA). Next, we move the trailer down the rails - to the next consonant and read the syllable that appears.

There is a similar guide in cards "Game" Steam locomotive. We read syllables. from E. Sataeva

This game is good because the child does not need to be specially explained how to add syllables. It is enough to say: “Now we will ride the letter A, she will be our passenger, name all the stations at which we will make a stop.” To begin with, “ride” yourself - let the child move the trailer along the rails, and you loudly and clearly call the “stations”: BA, VA, GA, YES, ZHA, ZA, etc. Then invite your child to take turns doing this with you. During the game, listening to you, children easily grasp how to pronounce two sounds together. For the third time, the child will “ride” himself without much difficulty.

If the child does not know all the letters, stop only at those “stations” that are familiar to him. Next, we change the wagon. Now we roll the letters O, U, S. If the child can easily cope with the task, we complicate the task. For example, we ride at speed - timing which of the wagons will reach the end of the path first. Or another option: stopping at the station, the child must name not only the syllable, but also the words starting with this syllable (BO - barrel, side, Borya; VO - wolf, air, eight; GO - city, golfs, guests; DO - rain, daughter, boards, etc.).

Please note that with this game you can practice reading not only open syllables (with a vowel at the end), but also closed ones (with a consonant at the end).

To do this, we take trailers where the vowels are written in front of the window, and act in the same way. Now we have a letter on the trailer not a passenger, but a driver, she is the main one, she is in front. First read the resulting “stations” with closed syllables yourself: AB, AB, AG, AD, AZH, AZ, etc., then offer the child a “ride”.

Remember that in this and other exercises, we first practice adding syllables with first-row vowels (A, O, E, Y, Y), and then we introduce second-row vowels (I, E, E, Yu, I) - the so-called "iotized" vowels, which make the sound that precedes them soft.

When the child is good at reading individual tracks with syllables, alternate trailers with passengers and drivers, without prompting which trailer we will ride. This will help the child learn to clearly see exactly where the vowel is in the syllable (the syllable begins with it or ends with it). At first, learning to read by syllables in a child may have difficulties with this.

2. "Run" from one letter to another

(from "ABC for kids" by O. Zhukova)

This is a visual exercise that will help the child learn to pronounce two letters together.

Before us is a path from one letter to another. To overcome it, you need to pull the first letter until the finger that we are leading along the path reaches the second letter. The main thing we are working on in this exercise is that there is no pause between the first and second sound. In order to make it more interesting to study, replace your finger with a figure of any animal / little man - let him run along the path and connect two letters.

("ABC book for kids" by E. Bakhtina, "Russian alphabet" by O. Zhukova and others).

Many authors of primers and alphabets use animated images of letters that need to be folded into a syllable - they are friends, walk together in pairs, pull each other through obstacles. The main thing in such tasks, as in the previous exercise, is to name two letters together so that the two girlfriend letters stay together.

To use this technique, you do not even need special manuals or primers. Print out several figures of boys and girls (animals, fairy-tale or fictional characters), write a letter on each of them. Let consonants be written on the figures of boys, and vowels on the figures of girls. Make friends with the kids. Check with your child that boys and girls or two girls can be friends, but it is not possible to make friends with two boys (pronounce two consonants together). Change pairs, put girls first in them, and then boys.

Read the syllables first in one order, then in reverse.

These few tricks are quite enough to teach a child to put two letters into a syllable. And learning in the form of a game will allow you to avoid cramming and boring repetition of the same thing.

4. Games to consolidate the skill of adding letters

- Syllabic Lotto

It is very easy to make them yourself, for this you need to pick up a few pictures - 6 for each card and print the corresponding syllables.

  • Help will help you “Syllables. Choose a picture according to the first syllable BA-, VA-, MA-, SA-, TA-. Educational lotto games. GEF DO "E. V. Vasilyeva- there are a few more tutorials in this series
  • “Letters, syllables and words. Lotto with verification” by A. Anikushena
  • Similar exercises are in the book. "Syllabic tables. GEF "N. Neshchaeva

- Shop game

Lay out toy goods or pictures with their images on the counter (for example, FISH-ba, DY-nya, PI-horns, BU-lka, YaB-loki, MYA-so). Prepare "money" - pieces of paper with the name of the first syllables of these words. A child can buy goods only for those “bills” on which the correct syllable is written.

Make an album with your child’s own hands, in which a syllable will be written on one page of the spread, and objects whose name begins with this syllable will be written on the other. Periodically review and supplement these albums. For more effective learning to read, close one or the other half of the spread (so that the child does not have extra clues when naming a syllable or choosing words for a particular syllable).

This will help you "Cards for sound and syllabic analysis of words."

- Game in the airfield (garages)

We write syllables large on sheets of paper, lay them out around the room. These will be different airfields (garages) in our game. The child takes a toy plane (car), and the adult commands - on which airfield (in which garage) you need to land the plane (park the car).

For this exercise, Zaitsev cubes or any cards with syllables are suitable (you can make them in the form of traces). We build a long path from them - from one end of the room to the other. Choose two figurines / toys. You play one, the child plays the other. Roll the dice - take turns with your figures on the cards for as many moves as fell on the dice. Stepping on each card, name the syllable written on it.

For this game, you can also use various "walkers" by writing syllables in circles on the playing field.

5. Reading simple words by syllables

Simultaneously with the development of syllables, we begin to read simple words (of three or four letters). For clarity, so that the child understands what parts the word consists of, which letters should be read together and which separately, we recommend that the first words be composed of cards with syllables / individual letters or graphically divide the word into parts.

Words of two syllables can be written on pictures consisting of two parts. Pictures are easier to understand (the child is more willing to read the words written on them than just columns of words), plus it is clearly visible into which parts a word can be broken down when reading it syllable by syllable.

Increase the difficulty gradually: start with words consisting of one syllable (UM, OH, EM, UZH, Hedgehog) or two identical syllables: MOM, UNCLE, DAD, NANNYA. Then proceed to reading the words of three letters (closed syllable + consonant): BAL, SON, LAK, BOK, HOUSE.

You need to understand that even if a child pronounces all the syllables in a word correctly, this does not mean that he will immediately be able to meaningfully put them into a word. Be patient. If a child has difficulty reading words of 3-4 letters, do not proceed to reading longer words and especially sentences.

Be prepared for the fact that the child will freely begin to read words only after he has automated the skill of adding letters into syllables. Until this happens, periodically return to working out syllables.

And, most importantly, remember that any learning should be a joy - for both parents and children!

Philologist, teacher of Russian language and literature, teacher of preschool education
Svetlana Zyryanova

In kindergarten, too, the beginning of the school year. Children gradually come from holidays. Many have learned letters over the summer and begin to read a little by syllables.

Where do texts for reading by syllables come from? Of course, from the primer. Old primers are interesting, according to which grandmothers studied. The second source is the Internet. We also prepare texts for our pupils of 5-6 years old, depending on the available skills, starting with simple and short texts. It is better to read little by little, but more often.

In the first syllable-reading texts, each sentence begins on a new line. This makes it easier for children to read the text. The first texts to read by syllables should be printed large.

It is useful to accompany them with coloring pages - a work familiar to preschoolers. Tasks are like this.

  1. First you need to read to your mother, grandmother or someone else.
  2. Colorize.
  3. Label the items in the picture.

Why write words? When a child reads, hearing and vision interact. When writing, - auditory (I pronounce), visual (I fix the image of the word) and motor analyzers.

In addition to narrative texts, it is useful to use short simple verses for reading by syllables.

How to prepare texts for reading by syllables?

Parents teaching their child to read can prepare the material themselves. You need to know the following. Texts for reading by syllables may look different. It all depends on how we divide the word into syllables.

1. We divide the words into syllables as in the primer with hyphens (short horizontal lines). Below, several texts are divided into syllables in this way.

2. Words are divided into syllables by vertical lines.

3. Syllables are distinguished from below by arcs.

Like that. It is better to start with the first option with hyphens. The first texts should be very simple in content, as below, gradually getting more complicated.. First, you give a picture for coloring. And then the kid draws himself according to the meaning of the text. Reading texts can also be downloaded from our website. Just prepare them in one of the ways suggested above.

Texts to read by syllables

This is a cat Ku-zya.

At night, Ku-zya lo-vil mice.

That's why the cat slept on di-va-ne.

And we are si-de-li in a hole.

  1. Name of the cat?
  2. What are his actions?
  3. Why did mice sit in a mink?


Sa-ni had-la u-daughter.

Sa-nya on-ko-fell worms.

He went to the river.

There are fish in the river.

Sa-nya lo-vil fish-boo.

  1. Boy's name?
  2. What was he doing?
  3. How many fish did you catch?


This is a tree.

De-re-va has a trunk.

Have de-re-va leaf.

At de-re-va vet-ki.

Question. Na-zo-vi de-re-vo.


Ko-ro-va eats se-no.

Ko-ro-wa yes mo-lo-ko.

Ma-sha love-bit mo-lo-ko.

Ma-sha loves ka-shu.

Ma-sha has ru-me-we-cheeks.

Question. Why does Masha have rosy cheeks? (For some reason, all mothers thought about diathesis)

In the forest.

De-ti went to the forest.

They are co-bi-ra-li ma-li-nu.

Next to the house for-tre-shcha-whether bushes.

De-ti is-pu-ha-lis.

And from the bushes you-be-zha-la so-ba-ka Zhuch-ka.

Everyone became ve-se-lo.

  1. Where did the children go?
  2. What were they doing in the forest?
  3. Who scared the kids?


Let something red-but-e.

Why o-but red-no-e?

Red-no-e, it means beauty-si-in-e.

Ze-le-ny-e le-sa.

Blue sky.

Bright flowers.


Na-ri-sui le something.

  1. Why is summer red?
  2. What forests?
  3. What a sky
  4. Which flowers?
  5. Why do you like summer?


Ko-lo-kol-chi-ki in-le-you-e-flowers.

Why o-no-le-you-e?

In a way, that the races are here in the field and in the meadow.

Ko-lo-kol-chi-ki si-ni-e

Li-za gu-la-et in the meadow.

Li-za co-bi-ra-et ko-lo-kol-chi-ki.

Li-za has a do-ma va-za.

There ko-lo-kol-chi-ki.

Na-ri-sui ko-lo-kol-chi-ki.

  1. Why Bluebells Wildflowers?
  2. What color are the bells?
  3. Where is Lisa walking?
  4. Where will Lisa put the bells at home?