“Plunder with your hands, rake in ... Rake, row with a rake. Rake, hand harrow; consists of a ridge, a bar in arshins, through holes, up to 12, into which teeth are hammered, pegs into a finger, and from a rake ... a stick the height of a man, stuck in the middle of the ridge vertically to the teeth. They row with rakes, rake hay, roll; clods are beaten on the ridges and leveled ... ”- this is how capaciously in a few words V. Dahl reveals the origin of the word“ rake ”and the essence of the subject. Previously, in Rus', a “rake” was called any object that allows you to cling to or hold something. This word was called both a human hand and a wooden spoon.
Modern rakes are most often made of steel. Sometimes plastic or bamboo is used, although historically they were wooden or iron. The handle is made of wood, plastic or metal.
Rakes are hand, horse and for agricultural machinery. Manual - remove fallen leaves, debris. One type of rake has long, flexible, blunt teeth fixed in a crescent shape. They are used to remove dry grass from lawns. They can level the dug up earth, select large stones and break clods.
In Japan, there is an art of creating "rock gardens". This "Dry Landscape Garden" consists of only gravel and stones. The lines that are drawn with a rake on gravel convey the structure of water flows or reservoirs, as in ordinary gardens. There is also an interesting variation of this tool - a rake. It is used to collect berries from low bushes, such as blueberries and lingonberries. It looks like a bucket with a handle with long teeth.
Horse rakes used to be used to rake hay, grain ears or to prepare arable land for ordinary sowing. Now for these purposes they use tractor rakes, modern complex mechanisms with rotating elements.
A funny feature of the rake is that if you put them on the ground with the teeth up and step on the teeth, they will instantly rise up, while hitting the one who stepped on them. Most often - on the forehead, but can also be in another place. This is where the combination of the words “running the rake” comes from, meaning a meaningless activity that harms oneself. There is also an expression "... stepping on the same rake twice", which means repeating your mistake.
They have teeth, but they do not know toothache.
Toothy, not biting.
Stand in a row
sharp fingers -
Pick your bunches.


The house is shaking, the walls are shaking.
They're doing renovations!
Hard workers with a drill in helmets
"Opening the front."
In the Neolithic era, that is, about 6000 years before. e., ancient man invented the tool that became the prototype of the modern drill. It was a device made of a bow and a drill (a strong stick), which rotated at the slightest turn of the first. It was necessary to use such a tool with two hands: one - pressed the drill, the other - shook the bow. With the help of this tool, people made fire and processed various materials.
A hand drill is a drilling tool that uses human power. It is used for drilling holes in various materials. The simplest hand drill is a brace, a tool with a handle in the form of a bracket (knee) and a chuck for clamping drills.
The drill is an integral part of the drill. Ordinary twist drills come in different sizes in thickness from 0.1 mm to 8 cm. When drilling rocks, metalworking, when high hardness or heat resistance is required, drills with a very strong insert at the end are used - from an alloy called win. It is an alloy of tungsten carbide and cobalt. In terms of hardness, it is close to diamond, the hardest material.
The principle of operation of a modern drill originated in the distant past. The creators of the modern drill and the electric drive are considered to be two people who came to the same results, developing a drill completely independently of each other. They were the Scottish electrical engineer and German inventor from Stuttgart, Wilhelm Emil Fine, who in 1895 presented his version of the electric drill. The Scot, who came to Melbourne (Australia) to participate in the construction of a large power plant, patented his electric drill six years earlier.
The tool has improved over the years. The first models with a universal motor appeared towards the end of the First World War. This was followed by an improvement in power and a reduction in the size and weight of the tool. Percussion drills appeared, where the cartridge also performs a translational movement.
Drilling rigs can be considered the largest drills, which drill (drill) holes (wells) in the ground to a depth of several kilometers. Well diameters range from 25 mm to 3 m.
Everywhere sticks his twisted nose.
Make a hole in the wall
To find out what's on the one
Reverse side.


Mowers in the meadow brandished their sharp scythes,
What is God's flower to them?
They should finish their work...
S. Matkovsky
The scythe is one of the oldest human tools and a symbol of agriculture. Among the ancient Greeks, this tool was used by the goddess of fertility Demeter. It was a crescent-shaped metal object with a sharpened edge (blade) and a wooden handle.
As soon as a person learned to process metal, this tool appeared. It is essential for agriculture. Grain crops were harvested with a sickle or scythe.
This tool is individual, it requires adjustment to the size of the mower. Whoever likes to use a sickle holds the mowed plant with one hand, and cuts it with the other. And it is more convenient for someone to work with a large scythe with a long handle and a blade that is not as curved as that of a sickle. They work with such an oblique with both hands, holding it by the wooden handle (kosie) and a small handle in the middle of the shaft - a beam. They mow with such a scythe, making semicircular movements, leading the blade of the scythe parallel, close to the surface of the earth.
The movements are energetic, requiring a good physical shape of the worker. The blade of the scythe is not sharpened, it is beaten off with a hammer on a special stand (headstock). After beating and during operation, the blade is periodically corrected with a fine-grained abrasive whetstone. A good scythe after beating can withstand three or four hours of mowing.
In the mountainous regions of Ossetia, there was a tradition: competitions were held during haymaking. Mowers usually went uphill and from there they began to mow from top to bottom. Working on steep, dangerous places, mowers tried to overtake each other. In the process of this work, strength and endurance were trained, courage was developed, and the shoulder girdle was especially developed. PUZZLES
small, humpbacked,
Searched the whole field
Ran home -
Stayed all winter.
Sharpened the Pointy Nose,
They pounded Sharp Nose.
Sharp Nose worked -
They took away the green cart.
(Scythe) SAYING Mow, scythe, until the dew, down with the dew, and we are home.

Alshina Julia, Zubakin Alexey, Kudryavtseva Vera, Ivanovskaya Lilia and other students of the 2nd grade

The presentation is made up of fairy tales about school supplies, invented by students of the 2nd grade of the secondary school No. 425 in Moscow



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We compose fairy tales We compose fairy tales about school supplies and other items (grade 2)

School supplies We compose fairy tales about ...

The Tale of Pencil and Pen (composed by Vera Kudryavtseva) Once upon a time there were Pencil and Pen. They lived in a pencil case. Every day they went out to work in school notebooks. The Pen will come out - he will pee. Then the Pencil will jump out: it will emphasize what needs to be emphasized, somewhere it will highlight something (the ending or the root, for example). Where the Pen fails, the Pencil comes to the rescue. Where it is difficult for the Pencil - The pen is right there. So they lived - they were friends. Once there was a misfortune with the Pencil: the stylus broke. Bad for the handle alone! She ran to the sharpener. “Help, please, the pencil lead is broken!” asks the Pen. The sharpener helped sharpen the pencil. The stylus shone, the Pencil rejoiced. And the Pen and Pencil began to work even better in notebooks. Thanks Sharpener!

Who is more important? (composed by Melekhov Ilya) They lived - were in Sasha's pencil case: Ruler and Compass. One day they had a fight. Which of them is more important? The compass says: "You can't draw a circle without me!" “And without me, you can’t draw a straight line!” Line screams. Noise, argue. At this time, Sasha came and took the compass. The compass was delighted: “You see, Ruler, the boy chose me! I'm more important!" Sasha drew a circle with a compass and took a ruler. He added segments to the circle and appeared on a piece of paper ... the sun! Then both Compass and Ruler understood that they were equally important for the boy Sasha. Since then, they no longer quarreled.

About school subjects (composed by Julia Alshina) Once upon a time there was an Eraser, Paper and two Pencils. One pencil was Red and the other was Green. Once Red Pencil said to Paper: “Paper, can I draw on you?” The Green Pencil overheard this conversation and also decided to ask the Paper to draw on it. The paper was kind and allowed the Pencils to draw on it. And they began to draw pencils. But the Green Pencil did not work well. The pencils began to swear. Their quarrel was stopped by Eraser. The eraser said, “Don't swear. I will erase your bad drawings without any problems. And the Pencils stopped quarreling, because if something didn’t work out for them, the Eraser came to their rescue.

Dispute. (composed by Ivan Ponomarev) Pen, Pencil, Eraser and Sharpener lived in the pencil case. Once Pen said: “I am the most important, because they always write to me.” “No, I am,” said the Pencil, “I am the most important, because everything is emphasized by me.” “And I can erase everything,” said Eraser. And the Sharpener said: "I am also in charge, because I sharpen pencils." “Don’t quarrel,” Penal said, “you are all needed to study!”

About the girl Dasha and ... (composed by Ivanovskaya Lilia) A girl Dasha lived in the same house. Dasha had a briefcase (she was already in 1st grade). That's how - once Dasha came from school, did her homework, played and went to bed. And from the briefcase came a thin voice. It was Eraser. He did not sleep: he was tormented by insomnia. He squeaked throughout the room: “I'm in charge. Listen to me all! Then the Pencil woke up and said: “Sleep. You are not in charge here. You erase everything and ruin everything." Other residents of the briefcase woke up from a scream. They also intervened in the dispute. This went on for several days. And on one of these nights, Dasha woke up. She opened the briefcase and… “Oh! - Dasha said in surprise - all objects talk. Dasha listened to their argument and said: “Don't argue. I need you all! It would be difficult for me to do without each of you.

Magic Pen (composed by Aleksey Zubakin) A boy Sasha studied at a Moscow school. He was very fond of playing, walking, watching TV, but did not like to do his homework. Once, on the way to school, Sasha found a strange Pen, which suddenly spoke: “Let's be friends with you. I will do homework for you for one A, but you should not have any friends except me. Sasha agreed. All day long, friends called him and invited him to the hill, to the skating rink, to play chess. And the Pen hissed: “You forgot our agreement, don’t go!” She did all the lessons for Sasha beautifully and without mistakes, but for some reason Sasha was not having fun. The next day he put the Pen back where he found it. “I will study myself, without you,” the boy decided.

A fairy tale about school supplies (composed by Polina Lebedeva) Once upon a time there were school supplies. Once, going to school, they began to check: are they all there? Pens and pencils are in place, notebooks and textbooks are in place, a ruler and a pencil case are in place. And suddenly it turned out that there was no eraser. Accessories began to look for him in the briefcase. Not in this corner, not in this one either. And then the ruler suggested that he could remain on the desk. Yesterday the girl learned lessons and took him. The briefcase stood on a chair near the table. The ruler lay between the briefcase and the table, like a bridge. She said: “Pen, follow me to the table and see if there is an eraser there?” The pen moved along it to the table on the table and began to look for an eraser. She saw an eraser on the other side of the table. He lay, crushed by a computer disk. The handle ran up and tried to lift the disc. But he was heavy. Then she called the others for help. School supplies ran up and all together easily released the eraser. The entire satisfied company returned to the portfolio.

About the boy Kostya and ... (composed by Liza Sudakova) Once upon a time there was a boy. His name was Kostya. Kostya was a bad boy. he broke everything: he broke pens, pencils, and he simply broke erasers into several parts. He did as he pleased. He listened to no one and loved nothing. And then one night an unusual rain began - starry, magical. We all know that when the stars fall, you have to make a wish. And Kostya made a wish: “I want to be small!” In the morning he woke up, and it turned out that his wish was fulfilled. He became small: the growth of a finger. Kostya decided to see what was happening in his pencil case. He opened it and saw: A pen with a broken arm; A pencil with a broken leg; An eraser with a broken back. They all wept bitterly. They saw Kostya and shouted: “Go away, evil, worthless boy. Don't come near us or we'll beat you." Kostya was frightened for the first time in his life and wept bitterly. He began to sob and ... a miracle happened: he became big again, like all the other boys. But since then, he no longer breaks pencils, pens, or any other objects.

Magic Penal (composed by Chergesbiev Ali) A beautiful pencil case was bought for a boy at school. It had everything a schoolboy needed: blue and colored pens, a pencil, an eraser, a ruler, a square, scissors, and glue. But this pencil case turned out to be magical. You will ask why? Yes, because as soon as the boy received the “five”, the inhabitants of Penal began to argue. The Blue Pen declares to everyone that she writes beautifully, which means she is the most important. And the Green Hand answered her: “I don’t, because I am allocated all dangerous places - spellings.” Eraser argues with everyone: "And I can erase any mistake!" And Ugolnik and Ruler say that without them, the boy would not have received an excellent mark in mathematics. Scissors and Glue are also not far behind: “Without us, you can’t glue or cut anything at labor lessons.” What do you think: which one of them is the most important?

Katin pencil case (composed by Ismailova Maryam) There lived a girl Katya in the world. She was an excellent student. Katya did everything on time: she walked, played, taught her lessons, collected her briefcase and went to bed. Once she had a dream: all the inhabitants of the briefcase came to life and started an argument. Who is the most important among them? Pencils, Pens, Eraser, Sharpener, Compasses and Ruler were arguing. Everyone argued that Katya was an "excellent" student only because of him. The girl came to school and it turned out that her pencil case did not contain either a pencil, or a pen, or a ruler ... Katya began to get bad grades. She cried every day and did not understand why this was happening. And all the residents of the pencil case finally realized that Katya needed them all. They didn't run away anymore. Good thing it was a dream. Katya woke up and ran to see if everything in her pencil case was in place? All accessories were in place. The happy girl ran to school.

About the girl Galya and ... (composed by Mazikina Vika) Once upon a time - there was a girl. Her name was Galya. She already went to school and studied for one five. Everyone praised her. And then one day, when Galya went for a walk, the following happened .. The briefcase suddenly opened and a Pen came out of it, then a Pencil, followed by an Eraser and a Felt-tip pen. "Let's travel!" they decided. But the old Briefcase tells them: “Don’t, it’s very dangerous!” But friends did not listen and went under the bed. Galya came from a walk, undressed and ... suddenly she climbed onto the bed and began to jump on it. And Pen, Pencil, Eraser and Felt Pen were sitting under the bed and did not know what to do. They were very afraid. The pen said, "Why didn't we listen to the Portfolio?" They really wanted to go back. Galya jumped a little (she did it only when no one was at home) and went to the kitchen. And school supplies returned to their home (in a briefcase). Since then, they always listen to adults.

Night dispute. (composed by Blinov Nikita) One night school supplies were sitting at the table and drinking tea. They argued. Which of them is more necessary for a student? The first to enter into the dispute was the Pen. "I'm more needed than anyone," she said confidently. “Without me, schoolchildren would not be able to write a dictation, a text ...” “And I do a special job ...” - said Pencil. “But if the children make a mistake using you, then it will be hard to correct it without me,” said Eraser. This is where textbooks come into play. The argument went on for an hour. Penal could not stand it and said: “Do not argue, you can argue all your life, and there will be no sense in it. None of you can be better than the other. Each of us is needed in our own way.”

Dishes, toys and other items We compose fairy tales about ...

The Tale of the Teapot and the Cup (composed by Diana Dzyubenko) Once upon a time there was a Teapot. It was old porcelain. Scale had firmly ingrained into its walls, and the blue flowers on the sides had faded with time and charred in the fire. When tea was brewed in it, he grumbled and spat boiling water. He always didn't like something. And a cup lived nearby. Plain, with a gold rim and with flowers on the sides. The cup was the teapot's favorite student. In the evenings, the Lady came to them. She sat down, and the three of them drank freshly brewed tea. The teapot every now and then, dripping on the tablecloth, told Cup something about the old days or just about life. The cup loved the old, already ugly Kettle, and listened to his stories with fascination. But one day, when the Cup was standing on the windowsill, a gust of wind opened the window ... The Cup, crying plaintively, fell down and broke. That same evening, mourning for the Cup, the Teapot on the stove cracked. It had to be thrown away, like the Cup. The lady wept bitterly. It turns out that the dishes can be friends.

A fairy tale about toys (composed by Ivanovskaya Lilia) One girl lived - there were: a soldier, a Marina doll and a rubber rabbit. One day the girl forgot to put away her toys. At night, when everyone was sleeping, the cat Vaska came running and wanted to grab the doll ... But the rabbit grabbed Vaska by the tail with his strong teeth, and the soldier began to beat the cat on the paws with his wooden gun. Marina was able to escape and hide on the top shelf. Cat Vaska has not tried to "play" with the doll since then, because she has such defenders.

E. L. Emelyanova

Title: Buy the book "Tell children about working tools": feed_id: 5296 pattern_id: 2266 book_author: Emelyanova E. book_name: Tell children about work tools Buy book "Tell children about work tools" Emelyanova E.

“Plunder with your hands, rake in ... Rake, row with a rake. Rake, hand harrow; consists of a ridge, a bar in arshins, through holes, up to 12, into which teeth are hammered, pegs into a finger, and from a rake ... a stick the height of a man, stuck in the middle of the ridge vertically to the teeth. They row with rakes, rake hay, roll; clods are beaten on the ridges and leveled ... ”- this is how capaciously in a few words V. Dahl reveals the origin of the word“ rake ”and the essence of the subject. Previously, in Rus', a “rake” was called any object that allows you to cling to or hold something. This word was called both a human hand and a wooden spoon.

Modern rakes are most often made of steel. Sometimes plastic or bamboo is used, although historically they were wooden or iron. The handle is made of wood, plastic or metal.

Rakes are hand, horse and for agricultural machinery. Manual - remove fallen leaves, debris. One type of rake has long, flexible, blunt teeth fixed in a crescent shape. They are used to remove dry grass from lawns. They can level the dug up earth, select large stones and break clods.

In Japan, there is an art of creating "rock gardens". This "Dry Landscape Garden" consists of only gravel and stones. The lines that are drawn with a rake on gravel convey the structure of water flows or reservoirs, as in ordinary gardens.

There is also an interesting variation of this tool - a rake. It is used to collect berries from low bushes, such as blueberries and lingonberries. It looks like a bucket with a handle with long teeth.

Horse rakes used to be used to rake hay, grain ears or to prepare arable land for ordinary sowing. Now for these purposes they use tractor rakes, modern complex mechanisms with rotating elements.

A funny feature of the rake is that if you put them on the ground with the teeth up and step on the teeth, they will instantly rise up, while hitting the one who stepped on them. Most often - on the forehead, but can also be in another place. This is where the combination of the words “running the rake” comes from, meaning a meaningless activity that harms oneself. There is also an expression "... stepping on the same rake twice", which means repeating your mistake.


They have teeth, but they do not know toothache.


Toothy, not biting.

Stand in a row

Pointy fingers -


Pick your bunches.


In the Neolithic era, that is, about 6000 years before. e., an ancient man came up with a tool that became the prototype of the modern drill. It was a device made of a bow and a drill (a strong stick), which rotated at the slightest turn of the first. It was necessary to use such a tool with two hands: one - pressed the drill, the other - shook the bow. With the help of this tool, people made fire and processed various materials.

A hand drill is a drilling tool that uses human power. It is used for drilling holes in various materials. The simplest hand drill is a brace, a tool with a handle in the form of a bracket (knee) and a chuck for clamping drills.

The drill is an integral part of the drill. Ordinary twist drills come in different sizes in thickness from 0.1 mm to 8 cm. When drilling rocks, metalworking, when high hardness or heat resistance is required, drills with a very strong insert at the end are used - from an alloy called win. It is an alloy of tungsten carbide and cobalt. In terms of hardness, it is close to diamond, the hardest material.

The principle of operation of a modern drill originated in the distant past. The creators of the modern drill and the electric drive are considered to be two people who came to the same results, developing a drill completely independently of each other. They were the Scottish electrical engineer and German inventor from Stuttgart, Wilhelm Emil Fine, who in 1895 presented his version of the electric drill. The Scot, who came to Melbourne (Australia) to participate in the construction of a large power plant, patented his electric drill six years earlier.

The tool has improved over the years. The first models with a universal motor appeared towards the end of the First World War. This was followed by an improvement in power and a reduction in the size and weight of the tool. Percussion drills appeared, where the cartridge also performs a translational movement.


Everywhere sticks his twisted nose.

Make a hole in the wall

To find out what's on the one

Reverse side.


Mowers in the meadow brandished their sharp scythes,

What is God's flower to them?

They should finish their work...

S. Matkovsky

The scythe is one of the oldest human tools and a symbol of agriculture. Among the ancient Greeks, this tool was used by the goddess of fertility Demeter. It was a crescent-shaped metal object with a sharpened edge (blade) and a wooden handle.

As soon as a person learned to process metal, this tool appeared. It is essential for agriculture. Grain crops were harvested with a sickle or scythe.

This tool is individual, it requires adjustment to the size of the mower. Whoever likes to use a sickle holds the mowed plant with one hand, and cuts it with the other. And it is more convenient for someone to work with a large scythe with a long handle and a blade that is not as curved as that of a sickle. They work with such an oblique with both hands, holding it by the wooden handle (kosie) and a small handle in the middle of the shaft - a beam. They mow with such a scythe, making semicircular movements, leading the blade of the scythe parallel, close to the surface of the earth. The movements are energetic, requiring a good physical shape of the worker. The blade of the scythe is not sharpened, it is beaten off with a hammer on a special stand (headstock). After beating and during operation, the blade is periodically corrected with a fine-grained abrasive whetstone. A good scythe after beating can withstand three or four hours of mowing.

In the mountainous regions of Ossetia, there was a tradition: competitions were held during haymaking. Mowers usually went uphill and from there they began to mow from top to bottom. Working on steep, dangerous places, mowers tried to overtake each other. In the process of this work, strength and endurance were trained, courage was developed, and the shoulder girdle was especially developed. PUZZLES

small, humpbacked,

Searched the whole field

Ran home -

Stayed all winter.


Sharpened the Pointy Nose,

They pounded Sharp Nose.

Sharp Nose worked -

They took away the green cart.

(Scythe) PROVERB Mow, spit, until the dew, down with the dew, and we are home.

The prototype of the shovel is a digging stick, one of the first tools used by man. Ancient people made a shovel out of stone or wood and used it for digging and loosening the soil.

A shovel is a tool for lifting and moving loose materials such as soil, sand, coal, gravel, snow. It is widely used in agriculture, construction and horticulture. Usually a shovel consists of two parts: the actual shovel (working part) and the handle (handle). The shovel can be made from various materials: steel, titanium, stainless steel, aluminum, wood and plastic.

At first glance, a shovel is a very simple thing, but it is not. There are many types of shovels for different types of work. They are wide and narrow, long and short, bayonet and shovel. All have advantages and disadvantages. For example, titanium shovels are good because soil almost does not stick to them. They are lighter than steel and do not oxidize. But these shovels are much more expensive. Wooden and plastic shovels are usually used for snow removal. They are light, inexpensive, but not durable, and not as strong as, for example, aluminum.

There are many upgrades and improvements to the conventional shovel. For comfortable work, the shovel must be suitable in size, height and weight. The handle of the shovel should be well processed, not have burrs and cracks. The shape of the working part of the shovel is made depending on the purpose for which it is used. For example, the blade of a bayonet shovel is usually sharp and tapered. The shovel has a wide working part, with side ribs and a blunt edge. Bread shovel - entirely made of wood. It is designed to put in and take out of the oven bread and other products, including pizza. The younger brothers of shovels are various scoops, they are convenient to work with small plants in the garden and at home.

The small infantry shovel, it turns out, is the weapon of soldiers in the army and is used mainly for digging trenches and for close (hand-to-hand) combat. It looks like a small wide scoop with well-sharpened edges and a short handle. Serves as a universal tool, including for cutting something.


I walk next to the janitor,

I'm shoveling snow all around

And I help the guys

Make a mountain, build a house.


Once - I dig. Two - I'm digging.

When I enter the ground, I become sharper,

And if I lie idle, I will quickly rust.


I am the most lively worker in the workshop.

I beat that there is urine day-to-day.

How I envy the couch potato

What is lying around without use,

I'll pin it to the board

Yes, how I will knock on the head!

A hammer (hammer) is the most ancient tool used to strike something. The hammer itself does not deteriorate from this. The hammer is used in forging metals, breaking stones, hammering nails ...

A blacksmith's or hand hammer is usually made of malleable iron, and its ends are welded with steel. Very small hammers are made entirely of steel, while large ones are made of cast iron. One end of the hand hammer is made flat or with a slight bulge, it is called the striker, and the other is wedge-shaped, and is called the back. In the middle part there is a through hole, a peephole, for attaching a hammer to a wooden handle, or hammer.

The smallest blacksmith hammers, the so-called handbrakes, which can be operated with one hand, weigh from half a kilogram to 2 kilograms, while large hand hammers, sledgehammers, which are driven with both hands in a swing, weigh from 3 to 9 kilograms.

Hammers are made not only from metal, but also from rubber and wood. Such hammers - mallets are used for knocking out any soft materials or for straightening (straightening) sheet metals.

In large workshops, hammers weighing from 40 to 100 kilograms are used, and iron and steel mills have hammers up to 50 tons.

From the end of the 19th century, the largest steam hammers began to be replaced by hydraulic presses, which made it possible to achieve higher quality metal processing without shaking buildings.

The most important companion of the hammer is the nail. This is a pin, usually made of metal, pointed at one end and having a flat corrugated or decorative cap on the second, blunt end. The nail is held in place by friction. In ancient times, people made nails from fish bones, plant thorns, and hardwood. Nails were not cheap; in the 13th century, a whole ram was given for a handful of nails.


I went to work - everyone heard.



A fat one will beat a thin one, a thin one will beat something.

(Hammer and nail)


The forehead is pood, the crutch is oak.



Gold is not gold without being under the hammer.

A nail squeals from a hammer, a wall cracks from a nail.

As soon as a person began to engage in agriculture, and it was thousands of years ago in the Stone Age, a tool for tilling the soil appeared - a hoe. This simplest tool has come down to us almost unchanged, and its purpose remains the same - manual loosening of the top layer of the earth and cutting unnecessary vegetation - weeds. Ancient hoes were simply sticks with a pointed end or sticks with a wide tip made of bone or stone.

A distinctive feature of the hoe - an extended flat, pointed tip - a spade - is attached perpendicular to the handle. The shape of the shoulder blade may be different. For shallow cultivation and work on lighter soils, a wider spade is used, for loosening to a greater depth and work on heavy soils, a narrower one. A kind of hoe is a pick, or pick, a tool with a long flat hammer with a sharp blade at one end (less often at both), mounted on a handle. The second end of the hammer is usually blunt and is used as a lever when tearing off something. The working part of the pick is longer and more massive than that of the hoe. It is used for crushing rocks and loosening very dense soil during construction work. An ice ax is similar to a mallet - a tool used by climbers when climbing mountain peaks.

Sometimes a hoe is called a hoe, a hoe, a hoe - these are different names for the same tool.

“The boys blushed, and one of them, taller, poked his hoe in my direction and hummed offendedly: “So the hoes are stupid ...” (A. S. Makarenko “Pedagogical Poem”)

Domestication of oxen in Mesopotamia, already in the VI millennium BC. e. gave humanity a good traction power, necessary for the development of tools for plowing. The hoe has changed and turned into a plow, which is still used to plow the land in the fields.

The hoe is a symbol of agriculture, and its image can be found on the coats of arms and on the flags of different states. On the coat of arms of the state of Mozambique, weapons and a hoe are crossed - symbolizing the principle of diligence, peace and the readiness to defend with weapons in hand from enemies.

“You’ll cut with a chopper, you won’t wipe it off with a rag” is a saying that reflects an irreversible action with pronounced consequences.


Stick - pen and ax,

Planted across.

And I'm always taken

Planted in a garden.

Where to loosen, where to dig,

Where to rake the land under the bush,

Destroy the weeds

I take care of everything.



One of the most common tools is a screwdriver. It is impossible to imagine our world without this tool, almost all things around us are prefabricated, and various screws, screws, self-tapping screws and bolts are used for fastening. They are also called hardware - metal products of connecting fasteners. These are such small pins that have a spiral thread along the entire length - a thread, as well as a thickening at one end - a head. With the help of a thread, the hardware is screwed into the object and holds firmly there. But just for screwing or unscrewing, a screwdriver is used. On the head of the hardware there is either a slot or a figured recess with clear edges. Most often it is just a slot or a cruciform recess. Another fastening method is to screw a nut onto the end of the bolt.

In Dahl's dictionary, a screwdriver is described as "a tool in the form of a blunt chisel." In this form, it existed until the beginning of the 20th century.

Screwdrivers began to be used around the 15th century. Screws were then used to make movable armor joints, helmets of medieval knightly armor and in some countries for firearms.

And of course, a screwdriver is required in the production of precision mechanisms. At that time, all fasteners were made by hand. The process was laborious and costly. The heads of the screws (bolts) had the shape of a square, making them the easiest. Later, heads with a cut (groove), cross-shaped, in the form of an asterisk, etc. appeared. A universal screwdriver with interchangeable tips (nozzles) appeared to unwind various bolts.

For highly twisted and soured connections, a special one has been developed - an impact screwdriver. This is a massive metal tool that looks like a screwdriver with a tip. Its end part is struck with a hammer. From the impact, the screwdriver presses harder on the screw to be unscrewed, and the rotary mechanism pulls it off and unscrews it from the threaded hole.

IN Lately Increasingly, electrically powered screwdrivers powered by AC power or batteries have been used. It is convenient to work with such a tool. The rotation speed is regulated by the degree of pressing a special button (key). Such screwdrivers can be rotated in different directions, which allows you not only to quickly tighten, but also to unscrew screws and screws.



I rested my foot on the screw,

The talker lost his peace.


If the pines would eat

Were able to run and jump

They would run away from me without looking back.

And you would never see me again

Because - I'll tell you, not boasting -

I am steel and evil, and very toothy.

The saw is one of the oldest working tools. Small flint saws began to be used about 5 thousand years BC. e.

The saw is used for sawing hard materials (wood, plastic, stone, metal, etc.).

The girls are working

The saw sings in the hands,

Served them right away.

A. Barto

A simple (ordinary) saw is a metal plate with teeth on the working edge. The teeth are sharpened at certain angles, and adjacent teeth are sharpened differently. To cut something, the saw is driven back and forth with a little pressure. As a result, the teeth break the sawn material, and since there are a lot of teeth on the saw (for example, about 100 pieces), the cut increases in proportion to the speed of the saw.

Saws can have a different design. A common type of saws is a hacksaw - a blade with teeth that has sufficient strength and elasticity to hold its shape. The most productive of this type of saw is a two-handed saw. She works together, with her help it is good to cut down standing trees, but a lying tree cannot be cut. To do this, you must use a special stand.

The two-handed saw is also used as a musical instrument in a folk instrument orchestra.

Bow saws have a thin blade stretched between two holders. An example of such a saw is a jigsaw. Its blade is thin and narrow, thanks to which it is possible to change the sawing direction, which is convenient when sawing parts out of plywood or other flat material.

And there are also saws, in which the blade is round, with many teeth. Sometimes the teeth are replaced by a cutting edge made in the form of an abrasive coating (for example, diamond - for cutting stone, tiles and other particularly hard materials). This is a circular saw. Most often, such a saw rotates from electricity and at high speed.

The most compact saw is the hand chain saw. It is easy to fold, because it consists of links.


She set to work, squealed and sang.

Ate, ate, oak, oak, broke a tooth, a tooth.


This tool is used to level the surface of wooden products, reduce their thickness, and also to create extended grooves of various shapes. Typically, a planer consists of a block with persistent handles and a pointed metal blade (cutter) fixed at an angle to the surface to be treated. A planer is a human invention that has come down to us from ancient times. Planes found in Pompeii and related to the 1st century are known. Although the mention of this tool is even earlier. Homer's Odysseus had a good command of this instrument, and yet the events took place in the XII century BC. e.

The planer began to be widely used only in the 15th-16th centuries. Tsar Peter I brought him to Russia, being a great lover of carpentry. Prior to that, they were controlled by an ax and a plow - an iron knife with two handles.

Good tools are always expensive. For example, in 1901, the price of an ordinary planer of a French company in Russia reached two rubles, which was comparable to the cost of a cow.

Depending on how you need to process the surface of the tree, there are various modifications of the planer. These are jointer, and tsinubel, and sherhebel, and falsegebel, and zenzubel, and tongue and groove, humpback, bear ... They differ in size, shape of the cutter and block (sole). For example, tsinubel does not plan the surface, but shaggy it, raises the pile and serves to prepare the surface before gluing. He does not have a cutter, but there is a piece of iron with notches that leave the necessary grooves.

Currently, the industry uses electric planers that perform the same function. Their productivity is much higher.

But the work of the old woodworkers only gains beauty over the years, becoming timeless. Manual work is able not to injure the fibers, but carefully, cutting off the excess, to show the structure and beauty. The planer, becoming an extension of the hand of a real master, is able to remove the thinnest shavings, showing the nature of the tree. And the thinner and more transparent the chips, the brighter and more beautiful the wood texture becomes.


A new boat is sailing along the wooden river,

Its pine smoke curls into rings.


At the horse, at the hunchback

Wooden sides.

How do you hold it in your hand

He slides across the board.


I'm running bald -

I cut curls from my bald head.



Before the invention of glass, people closed windows in their homes in different ways. The Chinese, for example, tightened them with thin horn plates. In Europe, they used mica, oiled paper or waxed linen, in Rus' they used a film of a bull's bladder. All this somehow protected from the cold, but very little light passed through; in such dwellings there was eternal twilight.

After the invention of flat glass, a tool was needed that could accurately cut (cut) pieces of glass of the right size. Moreover, the cut had to be even, without chips.

The design of the tool turned out to be simple. It used a principle based on the physical property of glass. The fact is that glass is a hard but brittle material. If the smallest crack occurs, the glass can be divided under the influence of the load on different sides at the site of this crack. Therefore, the glass cutter began to be a small pen with a hard tip. Moreover, its hardness should be higher than that of glass. The diamond glass cutter is one of the first models of glass cutters. Today, the diamond glass cutter is still in demand, it is easy to use. It looks simple - a diamond is fixed on the tip of the pen with the help of special solder.

The maximum thickness of glass that can be cut with a diamond glass cutter is 10 mm. The price of such a glass cutter is quite high. The diamond glass cutter must be held like a pencil, holding at its very base, and then with a slight movement, without much effort, draw along the intended line. During cutting, a crackling sound will be made - do not be afraid, this indicates that you are doing everything right.

Glass cutters that use synthetic diamond are much cheaper. But the maximum thickness of glass that such diamonds can cut is only 5 mm.

Roller glass cutter is similar to diamond, but the cutting tool in it are rollers that are made of tungsten-cobalt alloy. The number of rollers can be different, from 3 to 6 pieces. The disadvantage of such glass cutters is the rapid wear of the roller (sharpening), due to friction against the glass. In oil glass cutters, lubrication is supplied under the very roller and friction decreases - the tool life increases.


On a mirror on a skating rink

On a single skate

He took a ride

And the whole skating rink fell apart.

(glass cutter)

The ax is one of the most ancient tools that is used in various fields of human activity.

Primitive axes were made of stone. Hard stone was hewn and sharpened. This tool was at the same time a hammer, and a chisel, and a scraper, and a weapon. Then the stones - the blade of the ax, began to be tied to a strong stick that served as the handle of the ax. This prototype of the modern ax appeared about 6 thousand years BC. e. Axes were used to cut down trees and process the resulting wood. People were looking for hard materials for ax blades, using animal bones and horns. Stones served as the best material for blades: jadeite and jade, as rocks, are hard, compact, and at the same time not brittle and amenable to grinding. But these rocks are rare, so more often axes were made from silicon, fine-grained sandstone and various slates. When people learned how to mine copper, copper axes appeared. Then bronze, then iron. Modern axes are also made of iron.

Many nations used the ax as a weapon. Our ancestors called the ax an axe.

Well, in peaceful life an ax is used where you need to chop. First of all, it is a lumberjack and carpenter's tool. Everyone in the country has an axe. For chopping firewood, an ax with a blunt blade in the form of a triangular prism is used, but with a long handle of about 80 cm. It is called a cleaver. This is a heavy ax up to 5 kg. They work with both hands. Every fire corner should have an axe. But this is also special - a fire ax. This is usually an all-metal ax, which instead of a butt (the reverse blunt part of the blade) has a pointed end or a hook, like a gaff. Another ax is indispensable for cutting meat. Here they use their own chef's ax - a heavy sharpened ax with a short handle. The chopping part of the ax can be straight or slightly rounded.

And of course, with an ax (butt) you can work like a hammer and like a nail puller. And there is also a good fairy tale about a soldier who managed to cook soup from an ax! Here he is so difficult, an ax ...


Although small in stature,

And accustomed to respect:

In front of him are oaks and maples,

And the birches are bowing.


Bowing, bowing

When he comes home, he stretches out.



There are several tools that share the same principle of operation and are similar in design, but serve different purposes. This type of tool is called collet, or pliers. The first name comes from the German word "collets", which literally translates as pincers. The second name reflects the shape of the tool design and its working part - sponges (blades).

The first tools of this kind were used to capture and move hot objects. Pincers with an axis-rod were invented in the Neolithic, but then they were made from burnt wood. The earliest images of this instrument are found on ancient Greek vases. The patron of blacksmithing and the most skilled blacksmith, the god of fire Hephaestus, is depicted on them with pincers.

The oldest scissors found by archaeologists in Ancient Rome. Their age is 3-4 thousand years, the Romans used them for shearing sheep. These scissors looked like large tweezers with two blades at the ends. They are very inconvenient to work with. However, such scissors were used for a long time, until scissors more similar to modern ones were invented.

Pliers consist of three parts: a head (sponges or blades), two handles (handles) and a movable joint - a hinge.

It's safe to say that every home has these tools. Most often these are scissors, wire cutters or pliers. Each type performs certain functions that contribute to the greatest convenience of carrying out certain work.

Pliers are a multifunctional tool in which the working part - sponges - are massive parts with flat, interlocking corrugated surfaces.

Pliers are used for clamping small parts during processing, crimping connectors on wires, cutting various types of wire, grabbing hot objects (like blacksmith tongs). To work with electric current, tools with special handles coated with a dielectric (non-conductive) material are used.

Round nose pliers - tongs with round ends (sponges) for bending various metal objects, wire, etc. With the help of pliers, edge and corner transitions are performed, with the help of round nose pliers, on the contrary, soft and smooth rounding. They can bend the wire into a loop.

In general, there are many tools of a similar design. The most important thing in them is the use of the principle of leverage. The working part can be thought of as required: cutting, biting, holding, making holes, etc.

Compose a fairy tale about music and get the best answer

Answer from Irina Sorokina[guru]
1) One day the Little Girl heard Music.
The Little Girl liked the music very much, but she could not understand where these beautiful melodic, enchanting and magical sounds were coming from ... The Little Girl walked the streets all day, listening.
But the beautiful Music did not move away and did not approach.
Then the Little Girl stopped,
She closed her eyes tightly and covered her ears with her hands with all her might.
But the Music has not disappeared.
The magical melody continued to sound.
Well, what a fool I am! thought the Little Girl.
-So this Music is in me? !
And I learned to sing.
2) A family of rabbits lived in a beautiful forest at the edge: mom, dad and three sons of a hare. Every evening before going to bed, mother Zaychikha sang a lullaby to her sons. One morning the rabbits woke up and decided to find out how the song was born. They asked permission from Zaychikha's mother and went to travel through the forest.
Here they go and hear: a brook murmurs. Big Bunny says:
- Here, brothers, the brook seems to sing a song, like our mother lullabies to us.
They listened to the murmur of the brook and went on. Suddenly a breeze blew. The leaves rustled, the grass rustled. middle hare and says:
- Brothers, do you hear how the leaves and grass rustle beautifully? As if our mother Zaychikha sings songs.
They stood, listened to the music of the wind and decided to move on. They walked for a long time and suddenly heard birdsong. The hares hurried to the beautiful sounds. We went to the edge of the forest. the singing of the birds was very beautiful, melodic - a real song of the mother of the Hare. The younger brother noticed that the edge of the forest was very familiar. And then they saw their house and mother Zaychiha. The rabbits ran to their mother and shouted in one voice:
- Mother! Now we know how your songs are born - our beloved forest helps you!
3) In one large and beautiful theater they lived musical instruments. Among them was the beautiful Violin, the most graceful of the String family. The curls of a curved neck adorned her chiseled head. Her waist was such that even a prima ballerina could not compete with her. She dressed with the most exquisite taste. Her clothes shone like finely polished expensive wood. No one could say that there is at least one extra line in the appearance of the Violin. In addition, she sang very sweetly. Connoisseurs praised Violin's voice and singing technique. Only occasionally did someone dare to notice that she sings rather dryly, without a soul. But Violin did not think about it. She had many fans. No one could resist her beauty, and no one could get an answer in the beauty's cold heart.
She was capricious and pampered. Her house was upholstered inside with silk, velvet pillows lay in the bedroom. Every day the chambers were fumigated with fragrant rosin. When Violin went for a walk, her admirers bowed respectfully to her. In response, she languidly uttered something like: "Oh, what dampness in the air today. I'm afraid of catching a cold in my throat. "- and retired to the house.
Here are 3 stories. I think it will give you an idea.

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Thinking up a fairy tale is a creative task that develops speech, imagination, fantasy, and creative thinking in children. These tasks help the child create fairy world, where he is the main character, forming in the child such qualities as kindness, courage, courage, patriotism.

By writing on his own, the child develops these qualities in himself. Our children really like to invent fairy tales themselves, it brings them joy and pleasure. Fairy tales invented by children are very interesting, help to understand inner world your children, a lot of emotions, invented characters as if they came to us from another world, the world of childhood. The drawings for these compositions look very funny. The page presents short stories that the students came up with for the lesson literary reading in 3rd grade. If the children are unable to compose a fairy tale on their own, then invite them to independently come up with the beginning, end or continuation of the fairy tale.

The story must have:

  • intro (tie)
  • main action
  • denouement + epilogue (optional)
  • a fairy tale should teach something good

The presence of these components will give your creative work the right finished look. Please note that in the examples below, these components are not always present, and this serves as the basis for lowering the ratings.

Fight against alien

In a certain city, in a certain country, there lived a president and a first lady. They had three sons - triplets: Vasya, Vanya and Roma. They were smart, brave and brave, only Vasya and Vanya were irresponsible. One day, an alien attacked the city. And no army could cope. This alien destroyed houses at night. The brothers came up with an invisible plane - a drone. Vasya and Vanya were supposed to be on duty, but fell asleep. Roma couldn't sleep. And when the alien appeared, he began to fight with him. It turned out not to be so easy. The plane was shot down. Roma woke up the brothers and they helped him control the smoking drone. And together they defeated the alien. (Kamenkov Makar)

Like a ladybug got dots.

There lived an artist. And he came up with the idea to draw fabulous picture about the life of insects. He painted and painted, and suddenly he saw a ladybug. She didn't look very pretty to him. And he decided to change the color of the back, the ladybug looked strange. I changed the color of the head, it looked strange again. And when he painted spots on the back, she became beautiful. And he liked it so much that he drew 5-6 pieces at once. The artist's painting was hung in the museum for everyone to admire. And at ladybugs still dots on the back. When other insects ask, "Why do you have ladybug dots on your back?" They answer: “It was the artist who painted us” (Surzhikova Maria)

Fear has big eyes

There lived a grandmother and a granddaughter. Every day they went for water. Grandma had big bottles, granddaughter had smaller ones. That time our water carriers went for water. They collected water, they go home through the area. They go and see an apple tree, and under the apple tree a cat. The wind blew and the apple fell on the cat's forehead. The cat was frightened, but ran right under our water carriers' feet. They got scared, threw the bottles and ran home. The grandmother fell on the bench, the granddaughter hid behind the grandmother. The cat ran frightened, barely carried his legs. It is true that they say: “Fear has big eyes - what is not there, they see it”


Once upon a time there was a king, and he had a daughter. They called her Snowflake, because she was made of snow and melted in the sun. But, despite this, the heart was not very kind. The king did not have a wife and he said to the snowflake: “So you grow up and who will take care of me?” The snowflake saw the suffering of the king-father and offered to find him a wife. The king agreed. After some time, the king found himself a wife, her name was Rosella. She was angry and envious of her stepdaughter. The snowflake was friends with all animals, as people were allowed to visit her, because the king was afraid that people could harm his beloved daughter.

Every day Snowflake grew and blossomed, and her stepmother figured out how to get rid of her. Rosella found out the secret of the Snowflake and decided to destroy her at all costs. She called Snowflake to her and said: “My daughter, I am very ill and only the decoction that my sister cooks will help me, but she lives very far away.” Snowflake agreed to help her stepmother.

The girl set off in the evening, found where Rosella's sister lived, took the decoction from her, and hurried on her way back. But the dawn began and it turned into a puddle. Where the Snowflake melted, a beautiful flower grew. Rosella told the king that she had let Snowflake go to look at the white light, but she never returned. The king was upset, he waited days and nights for his daughter.

In the forest, where a fabulous flower grew, a girl was walking. She took the flower home, began to take care of him and talk to him. One spring day the flower blossomed and a girl grew out of it. This girl was Snowflake. She went with her savior to the palace of the unfortunate king and told everything to the father. The king got angry with Rosella and kicked her out. And he recognized the savior of his daughter as a second daughter. And they live together since then very happily. (Veronica)

Magical forest

Once upon a time there was a boy Vova. One day he went to the forest. The forest turned out to be magical, like in a fairy tale. Dinosaurs lived there. Vova walked and walked and saw frogs in a clearing. They danced and sang. Suddenly a dinosaur came. He was clumsy and big, and also began to dance. Vova laughed and the trees too. this was an adventure with Vova. (Boltnova Victoria)

Fairy tale about a good hare

Once upon a time there lived a hare and a hare. They huddled in a small dilapidated hut on the edge of the forest. One day the hare went to pick mushrooms and berries. I collected a whole bag of mushrooms and a basket of berries.

He goes home, towards the hedgehog. “What are you talking about, hare?” the hedgehog asks. “Mushrooms and berries,” the hare answers. And treated the hedgehog with mushrooms. He went further. A squirrel jumps towards. I saw a squirrel with berries and said: “Give me a bunny of berries, I will give them to my ladies.” The hare treated the squirrel and went on. A bear is coming along. He gave the bear mushrooms to taste and went on.

Against the fox. “Give me your harvest hare!”. The hare grabbed a bag of mushrooms and a basket of berries and ran away from the fox. The fox was offended by the hare and decided to take revenge on him. The hare ran ahead to his hut and destroyed it.

The hare comes home, but there is no hut. Only the hare sits and cries bitter tears. The local animals found out about the misfortune of the hare, and came to help him new house line up. And the house turned out a hundred times better than before. And then they got bunnies. And they began to live, live and receive forest friends as guests.

Magic wand

There were three brothers. Two strong and weak. The strong were lazy, and the third was industrious. They went to the forest for mushrooms and got lost. The brothers saw the palace all of gold, went inside, and there were countless riches. The first brother took a sword of gold. The second brother took a club of iron. The third took the magic wand. Out of nowhere, the Serpent Gorynych appeared. One with a sword, the second with a club, but the Serpent Gorynych does not take anything. Only the third brother waved his wand, and instead of the snake, the boar, which ran away, became. The brothers returned home and have been helping the weak brother ever since.


Once upon a time there was a little bunny. And one day a fox stole it, took it far away, far away, far away. She put him in a dungeon and locked him up. The poor bunny sits and thinks: “How to be saved?” And suddenly he sees stars falling out of a small window, and a little fairy squirrel appeared. And she told him to wait until the fox falls asleep and get the key. The fairy gave him a bundle, told him to open it only at night.

Night has come. Bunny untied the bundle and saw a fishing rod. He took it through the window and swung it. Got a hook on a key. The bunny pulled and took the key. He opened the door and ran home. And the fox looked for him, looked for him, and never found him.

Tale of the king

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a king and a queen. And they had three sons: Vanya, Vasya and Peter. One day the brothers were walking in the garden. In the evening they came home. The king and queen meet them at the gate and say: “Thieves have attacked our land. Take the troops and drive them out of our land.” And the brothers went, began to look for the robbers.

For three days and three nights they rode without rest. On the fourth day near one village they see a hot battle. The brothers jumped to the rescue. There was a battle from early morning until late evening. Many people died on the battlefield, but the brothers won.

They returned home. The king and queen rejoiced at the victory, the king became proud of his sons and arranged a feast for the whole world. And I was there, and I drank honey. It ran down his mustache, but it didn't get into his mouth.

magic fish

Once upon a time there was a boy named Petya. Once he went fishing. The first time he threw a bait, he did not catch anything. The second time he threw the bait and again caught nothing. The third time he threw a bait and caught goldfish. Petya brought it home and put it in a jar. He began to make invented fairy-tale desires:

Fish - fish I want to learn math.

Okay, Petya, I'll do the math for you.

Rybka - Rybka I want to learn Russian.

Okay, Petya, I'll do the Russian language for you.

And the boy made a third wish:

I want to become a scientist

The fish did not say anything, only splashed its tail on the water and disappeared in the waves forever.

If you do not study and do not work, then you cannot become a scientist.

magic girl

There lived a girl in the world - the Sun. And they called the Sun because she smiled. The Sun began to travel around Africa. She wanted to drink. As she said those words, a large bucket of cool water suddenly appeared. The girl drank some water, and the water was golden. And the Sun became strong, healthy and happy. And when it was difficult for her in life, these difficulties went away. And the girl realized about her magic. She thought of toys, but it did not come true. The Sun began to act up and the magic was gone. It is true what they say: "You want a lot - you get a little."

Tale about kittens

Once upon a time there was a cat and a cat, and they had three kittens. The eldest was called Barsik, the middle one was Murzik, and the youngest was Ryzhik. One day they went for a walk and saw a frog. The kittens followed her. The frog jumped into the bushes and disappeared. Ryzhik asked Barsik:

Who is it?

I don't know, said Barsik.

Let's catch him - suggested Murzik.

And the kittens climbed into the bushes, but the frog was no longer there. They went home to tell their mother about it. The mother cat listened to them and said that it was a frog. So the kittens knew what kind of animal it was.

hare thief

Once a hare ran past a vegetable garden where carrots and cabbages grew. The hare made his way to the garden and began to tear vegetables. So he did every day. But once the owner of the garden caught him and punished him.

You can't do anything without first thinking.