A series of Shukshin's stories have verbal names (4 stories in one collection). Expression, dialogic element is manifested at the level of the name. The highest degree of emotionality. The situation is philosophical, existential. The protagonist is consumed by longing, he cannot explain why. In everyday life, everything is fine with him (home, work, family). Maxim is in his early 40s. He is a strong, wiry man, wolf look. He is a shabby man with a tough, strong character. “Something” happens to him, an indefinite modality sounds, the hero feels that something is missing. None of the traditional remedies help. The hero is trying to understand, to figure out what he lacks in life. The situation in the story is connected with the meeting of the hero with a person who, according to Maxim, can help him figure it out.

A priest, a priest, comes to a neighbor. The priest had a lung disease, he came to treat badger fat, and Maxim's neighbor is just a hunter. Maxim learns about the priest, immediately goes to talk. This is the professional field of activity of the priest. The meeting between Maxim and the priest is central and determines the plot of the story. Shukshin creates a non-canonical image of a priest: on the one hand, the priest is an elderly, overweight man. It can be seen that Maxim evaluates the hero and sees with his wolf look that the priest is holding on tight to life, fighting his illness, hoping to win. The vital, vital beginning is present in the hero. Then a conversation starts between Maxim and the priest. What is the meaning of life is a question that worries them. The priest is an ordinary, rural one. The main discovery that Maxim makes: it turns out that the priest also does not own the truth, he frankly declares this. Each of them does not possess great wisdom, but they understand that they are faced with questions of the meaning of life that do not have a final answer.

Pop states his creed: God is and his name is life. As a result, the psychological climax is a dance, a dance that has carnival features, an understanding that there are no final answers (what is truth, life, the meaning of life, death, God) to these questions. Pop and Maxim arrange a carnival dance in which they begin to pronounce a non-canonical creed: they combine real empirical life experience in it. This is the moment of a surge of energy, energy of dissatisfaction, each of them is dissatisfied with everyday existence, the heroes are looking for answers to life's questions. Mental restlessness melts into a dance, a symbol of faith, where everything mixes (both life and spiritual world, and revolution). The priest has a borderline state - between life and death.


1. "Pushkin House" a. Bitov (or the novels of Sasha Sokolov), a characteristic of the ideological and aesthetic originality.

Sasha Sokolov "School for Fools"

“This is a book about a sophisticated and strange boy suffering from a split personality ... who cannot come to terms with the reality around him,” the author himself writes about the novel “School for Fools”.

There is a dedication weak-minded boy Vita Pryaskin, my friend and neighbor. Sasha Sokolov: “Some critics suspect that the boy Vitya Plyaskin, to whom I dedicated the book, is a fictitious person: this name is very reminiscent of Witt's dance. However, he really existed, he really was weak-minded, he lived in our apartment building on Velozavodskaya and became the first friend of my childhood. More precisely, the second, Moscow half of it. Friendship is friendship, but education is different: I went to the usual seven-year school, and Victor was taken to an institution that is referred to in street use as nothing more than a "school for fools." Judging by the inspired screams, squeals and laughter that came from her open windows on warm days, studying there was much more exciting than in mine.

One of the epigraphs is exclusion verbs. As in the Russian language there are exception verbs, so in society, like a language that has its own rules and laws, there have always been and will be people who cannot live by the rules. These are outcasts, "white crows", crazy, geniuses. The hero has, according to the teacher of literature, nicknamed the Water Pump, a selective memory: he remembers only what strikes his imagination, and therefore lives the way he wants, and not the way others want him to.

TIME! Peering allows the hero not only to cognize the world, but also to overcome time, expanding its scope due to the associations that arise in this case, as a result of which several time planes superimposed in the consciousness of the hero one on another mutually coexist.

The protagonist of the novel, Pupil So-and-so, is a teenager who studies at the so-called special school and suffers from a split consciousness (Another), and it is this feature that makes him unique, his vision of the world does not fit into the usual realistic framework. M. Lipovetsky writes: "... since the narrator's consciousness is stricken with madness, it turns out that one external chaos is opposed by another, internal chaos - and this is already a sign of postmodernism." M. Lipovetsky believes that the image of the protagonist is associated with the tradition of foolishness and notes that the schizophrenic syndrome becomes the motivation for polyphony. The hero's speech has a complex structure: the narration is intermittent, illogical, extraneous plots are often wedged into the main story, forming a new story. The hero suffers from a split personality, and one half of him is trying to reveal to him the truth about the cruel facts of reality, the other half infantilely turns a blind eye to this and replaces real events with fictional ones: “Do not pretend that you do not know who I am; if you call me crazy, then you yourself are just as crazy, because I am you yourself. Objects in the world around the hero often do not acquire names, just as he himself, in fact, does not have a specific name, but the naming of an object is nothing compared to the fact of existence in general: “What was the name of the station? I can't see from afar. The station was named.

Probably, due to the peculiarity of the main character's perception of the world, almost all the characters begin to exist in several guises: Violetta Arkadievna / Veta Akatova / acacia branch / station prostitute / "simple girl", Professor Akatov / Leonardo da Vinci; geography teacher Pavel / Savl Norvegov / immortal prophet; postman Mikheev / Medvedev / Sending the Wind.

The school as an educational institution is losing its purpose: it teaches those who obviously cannot be taught, students are not educated, but rather “drilled”.

In "School for Fools" we can observe the use of the "stream of consciousness" technique proclaimed by the modernists. For the main character S. Sokolov, the flow of speech becomes uncontrollable, paragraphs and boundaries between sentences are lost, punctuation marks are omitted. The narrative takes the form of a "stream of consciousness", enumeration, cataloging. "School for Fools" is a metaphor for the world order, with which neither the hero nor its author agrees. If the hero, as A. Genis writes, "is trying to escape to nature, to the dacha, to the" country of eternal holidays ", to escape not only from school, but also from history itself, which drags him not where he needs to, but there, where everyone needs it," then the author, also longing for freedom, creates a text whose very form is free: a stream of consciousness. Slide: “... but the branch is sleeping, closing the petals of flowers, and the trains, stumbling at the junctions, will never wake it up and shake off not a single drop of dew - sleep sleep the branch smelling of creosote in the morning wake up and bloom then fade the rash with petals in the eyes of the semaphores and dancing in tact to your wooden heart laugh at the stations sell yourself to passers-by and departers cry and scream naked in mirrored compartments what is your name they call me Vetka I am Acacia branch I am Railroad branch I am Veta pregnant from an affectionate bird named Nightingale I am pregnant next summer and the freight train wreck here take me take it, I’ll fade anyway, it’s quite inexpensive, I’m not worth more than a ruble at the station, I’m selling tickets, but if you want to go, the auditor won’t be sick for free, wait, I’ll unfasten it myself, you see, I’m all snow-white, well, shower me with kisses, no one will notice the petals on white are not visible, but I’m already tired of everything, sometimes I seem to myself just an old woman who all her life walks along the red-hot locomotive slag along the embankment of for all the old terrible I don’t want to be an old woman dear no I don’t want to I know I will soon die on the rails I I hurt me it will hurt let go when I die let go of these wheels in fuel oil your palms in what are your palms are these gloves I told a lie ... "(and so on for 2 pages)

The signs of postmodernism include the method of quoting, the experimental attitude to quotations and allusions, the establishment of a new aesthetics of the language, the absence of moralizing and didactic themes. For example, quotes from songs: “We will pave the way for ourselves with bayonets and grapeshot” - a quote from a song to the words of the author, A. Bezymensky, popular in the Soviet years; “Through the years through distances” - a quote from the song “The Song Remains with the Man”, “In the port of Naples, with a hole in the side, Gianetta was adjusting the rigging, but before leaving on long journeys, a crew was sent ashore.”

Humanistic principles are replaced by play ones. M. Berg points to the similarity of S. Sokolov's prose with the play poetics of the Lianozovo school, where the emphasis is on the rejection of a direct lyrical monologue, which is replaced by a dialogic game with other people's voices and language masks, and the result is expressed by the stylistic imbalance of the text, that is, the presence in it elements inherent in different eras, consciousnesses and styles of language, which we observe in the "School for Fools".

One of the most common postmodernist techniques used by S. Sokolov in the "School for Fools" is the introduction of drafts and inserted stories into the text. There's a whole chapter called "Now, stories written on the porch." Or, for example, a fairy tale and Skirlach, a story-parting word from a geography teacher Pavel Petrovich Norvegov about a carpenter (Chapter 5 "Testament"). According to Lipovetsky, this parable is the key episode of the novel. Its importance lies, first of all, in the fact that it links categories that “previously belonged to the polar world images of the “School for Fools”: the creator and the executioner, the bird and the victim. The creator - the executioner - the bird - the victim form here a kind of indivisible artistic whole. Death in this parable "is identified with the overcoming of schizophrenic splitting, the convergence of all versions of existence into one single point and, consequently, the cessation of metamorphosis." The critic associates with the theme of death the motif of "chalk", which is found in the book. (cars covered in chalk, chalk quarries, the name of the Mel station, the Mel River, chalk houses, chalk-stained rubles, chalk slabs on graves; sculptures at the school - two chalk old men and a chalk girl; chalk slavery).

I. Azeeva points to the quotation basis of the title of the novel: the writer adopted the key expression "school for fools" both from folk speech and from the lips of his own hero: “Dear author, I would call your book SCHOOL FOR FOOLS; you know, there is a Piano School, a Barracuda School, and you should have a SCHOOL FOR FOOLS, especially since the book is not only about me or about him or another, but about all of us , put together, students and teachers, right? Azeeva notes the special relationship between the heroes of the book, which we can call "co-creation".

M. Egorov notes the fictitious situation of writing the text "in front of" the reader, i.e. production of spontaneous text, imaginary improvisation.

For the speech of the fictitious author of the "School for Fools", frequent reference to quotations from Russian folk art or a stylization of such is typical: "waste ta ta waste ta married a cat for a cat" - a fragment from the children's verse fairy tale "Quarrel" by S. Mikhalkov, which, in in turn imitates a folklore children's fairy tale; “Combustible fires are burning, seething boilers are boiling” - a quote from the Russian folk tale “Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”, “sing me a song, like a titmouse went for water in the morning” - “ Winter evening» A. S. Pushkin (Sing me a song like a tit \ Quietly lived overseas; \ Sing me a song like a girl \ Went in the morning for water); “Mow, spit, while dew, or: mow, mow, leg, where is your path”, “eniki-beniks ate dumplings, or: a month came out of the fog, took out a knife from his pocket. But more beautiful: there were three Japanese - Yak, Yak-Cidrak, Yak-Cidrak-Cidroni, there were three Japanese women - Tsypa, Tsypa-Dripa, Tsypa-Dripa-Limpomponi; they all got married: Yak on Tsyp, Yak-Tsidrak on Tsyp-Drip, Yak-Tsidrak-Tsidroni on Tsyp-Dripe-Limpomponi. - children's counting rhymes; “Is it in the garden” - a fragment of a Russian folk song, “like at our gates” - a children's Russian folk song, “oh you canopy” - a Russian folk song; "freeze-freeze wolf tail"; “Skirluchi, mom. From the word "skirly" - Russian folk tale "The bear is a fake leg". On this Russian folk tale it is worth dwelling in more detail, since the main character mentions her more than once and there is a whole chapter in the book called "Skirly".

In the text there is some kind of metamorphic, semi-fairytale character - the witch Tinbergen, who, according to the laws fairy tale genre there is a cat (“Cat Tinbergen”), she is also the head teacher of the school, she is also the neighbor Sheina Solomonovna Trakhtenberg).

The author also uses in the text not only fabulous, but also mythological images, for example, this is the river Leta (the river of oblivion flowing in underworld), as well as a figure close to mythology of some god-like creature, Sending the wind (postman Mikheev (Medvedev).

The abstract author tends to use syntactic constructions that refer us to the Bible. For example: “he looked back in his movement”, “your rivers will flow back”, “turn rain into hail, day into night, give us our daily bread today”, “mowers, shamed by a miracle”, “I said: knock, and you open”, “bring my clothes!”, “your father”, etc. Thanks to the use of such constructions, the illusion of convergence of the work of art with the sacred text is created, and the description of the life of the hero “the student of such and such” is with the life of the saint. By the way, the figure of the “mentor” of the protagonist, teacher Pavel Norvegov (aka Saul), also refers us to the biblical figure of the Apostle Paul.

Reminiscences on thin. works: for example, on “The Master and Margarita”: ““ Some claimed that he was young and wise, others - as if old and stupid, others insisted that he was middle-aged, but undeveloped and uneducated, the fourth - that he was old and smart " .

Language game:

Puns based on consonance: venerable guard, folk oborzovanie, constrictor (conductor), constrictors (constructors), internal kalitika (politics), sickness. Or on the replacement of one or the addition of a new one from the stable expression: "white on black and brown", "two scientists serving clothes", "the article is printed in a disorder of discussion" "the position of the breams", "Captain Blade's children", "hopes and future".

Occasional neologisms: “rainfall and even hailstorm”, “non-commission”, “squirrels”.

Drink your tea, sir.

Tsop-tsop, tsayda-braida, rita-usalaida. Clear, clear, there are stars in the sky, freeze, freeze the wolf's tail.

Veta, Veta undressed and undressed. Or: Veta. Ta."

A water pump is the nickname of a literature teacher. “The letters that make up the word itself, or rather half of the letters (read through one, starting with the first) are her, the teacher, the initials: V.D.K. Valentina Dmitrievna Kaln - that was her name. But there are still two letters - H and A - and I forgot how to decipher them ... In the concept of our classmates they could mean anything, but meanwhile, no other decoding was recognized, except for the following: Valentina Dmitrievna Kaln - a person -arquebus ... Let that teacher was not at all like a water pump, - you say, - but it inexplicably resembles the word itself, the combination of letters of which it consists (consisted, will consist) - B, O, D, O, K , A, H, K, A".

Yes, it looks like a familiar person.
N. Gogol

Vasily Makarovich Shukshin is a writer who came to literature with his own theme, even philosophy. His stories, small in volume, make you think about yourself, your place in life, feel the fullness of being.
In Russian literature, heroes torn apart by internal contradictions were repeatedly depicted, as a rule, these were representatives of the upper class, intellectuals. Shukshin, on the other hand, brings up a completely different hero - a village peasant, explaining and proving that a person thinks and experiences the same thing, whether he lives in a city or in a village, plows the land or decides scientific problems. There is a difference in education, in the cultural level, but here are universal questions, the desire to get to the bottom of the truth is inherent in the inquisitive and inquisitive, regardless of the “place of residence”.
In this regard, the story “I Believe!” is interesting. His main character Maxim is tormented by inexplicable longing, looking for its origins and cause, wants to explain to himself and others that a “sick soul” is just as hard and scary as with any other illness. But his wife despises him for his melancholy.
- Oh! .. Lord ... a bubble: in the same place where people go - melancholy, - Maxim's wife, Lyuda, scoffed, - why is melancholy? Maxim wants to understand what hurts? He unconsciously understands that the worst thing is when there is no soul at all, but he cannot explain this, there is no education or habit of reasoning. But you want to understand what is happening in the soul? Why is it so hard? Nothing drowns out the pain and anguish: neither work nor vodka ... So, maybe a priest, a clergyman, who is supposed to explain people's delusions, console them, will help? Maxim is talking to the priest: “The priest was a large sixty-year-old man, broad in the shoulders, with huge hands. I couldn’t even believe that he had something with his lungs. And the priest's eyes are clear, intelligent. And he looks intently, even impudently. Such a person - not to wave a censer, but to hide from alimony. He is not gracious, not lean - he would not, not with such a snout, human sorrows and sorrows - living, quivering threads - unravel. However, - Maxim immediately felt it - it’s interesting with the priest ... ”
And it turned out that the pope believes in life, in its diversity and wisdom. What is there, beyond the coffin, the priest does not know, so he advises Maxim to experience heaven and hell on earth. Live in such a way that later it would not be scary to “lick hot pans”. Life, according to pop, should be short, like a song, then it's not a pity to die.
This is the actual anthem of life, its eternal and relentless movement forward. And not blasphemously, but life-affirming words sound:
- Ve-ru-yu-u! ... To aviation, to mechanization, to agriculture, to the scientific revolution! In space and weightlessness! Because it is objective-oh!
If it’s difficult, go ahead, try to overtake those who are ahead, it won’t work out - weak in the knees, but try not to whine, don’t whine. You are a man, which means that you have been given a lot. Diverse and interesting life, apply your talents and strength, transform this earth. She will answer you with gifts and blessings, most importantly, believe!
The story, small in volume and simple in plot, acquires a high philosophical sound. Life-affirming and optimistic, he calls to great goals. But everything is not so simple, you need to carry faith in your heart, you need to have a soul that can hurt, cry, worry.
And the last phrase ingeniously conveys the mechanism of transformation: from desire to certainty that can turn the torus:
- Oh, I believe! I believe!

Yes, this seems to be a familiar person.
N. Gogol
Vasily Makarovich Shukshin is a writer who came to literature with his own theme, even philosophy. His stories, small in volume, make you think about yourself, your place in life, feel the fullness of being.
In Russian literature, heroes torn apart by internal contradictions were repeatedly depicted, as a rule, these were representatives of the upper class, intellectuals. Shukshin, on the other hand, brings up a completely different hero - a village peasant, explaining and proving that a person thinks and

He experiences the same thing, whether he lives in a city or in a village, plows the land or solves scientific problems. There is a difference in education, in the cultural level, but here are universal questions, the desire to get to the bottom of the truth is inherent in the inquisitive and inquisitive, regardless of the “place of residence”.
In this regard, the story “I Believe!” is interesting. Its main character, Maxim, is tormented by inexplicable longing, looking for its origins and cause, wants to explain to himself and others that a “sick soul” is just as hard and scary as with any other illness. But his wife despises him for his melancholy.
- ABOUT! Lord ... a bubble: in the same place as people, - melancholy, - Maxim's wife, Lyuda, scoffed, - why is melancholy? Maxim wants to understand what hurts? He unconsciously understands that the worst thing is when there is no soul at all, but he cannot explain this, there is no education or habit of reasoning. But you want to understand what is happening in the soul? Why is it so hard? Nothing drowns out the pain and anguish: neither work nor vodka... So, maybe a priest, a clergyman, who is supposed to explain people's delusions and console them, will help? Maxim is talking to the priest: “The priest was a large sixty-year-old man, broad in the shoulders, with huge hands. I couldn’t even believe that he had something with his lungs. And the priest's eyes are clear, intelligent. And he looks intently, even impudently. Such a person is not to wave a censer, but to hide from alimony. He is not blissful, not lean - he would not, not with such a snout, human sorrows and sorrows - living, quivering threads - unravel. However - Maxim immediately felt it - it's interesting with the priest ... "
And it turned out that the pope believes in life, in its diversity and wisdom. What is there, beyond the coffin, the priest does not know, so he advises Maxim to experience heaven and hell on earth. Live in such a way that later it would not be scary to “lick hot pans”. Life, according to pop, should be short, like a song, then it's not a pity to die.
This is the actual anthem of life, its eternal and relentless movement forward. And not blasphemously, but life-affirming words sound:
- Ve-ru-yu-u! ... To aviation, to mechanization, to agriculture, to the scientific revolution! In space and weightlessness! Because it is objective-oh!
If it’s difficult, go ahead, try to overtake those who are ahead, it won’t work out - weak in the knees, but try, don’t whine, don’t whine. You are a man, which means that you have been given a lot. Diverse and interesting life is all around, apply your talents and strength, transform this land. She will answer you with gifts and blessings, most importantly, believe!
The story, small in volume and simple in plot, acquires a high philosophical sound. Life-affirming and optimistic, he calls to great goals. But everything is not so simple, you need to carry faith in your heart, you need to have a soul that can hurt, cry, worry.
And the last phrase ingeniously conveys the mechanism of transformation: from desire to certainty that can turn the torus:
- Oh, I believe! I believe!

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Essay on literature on the topic: Analysis of the story of V. M. Shukshin “I believe”

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Analysis of V. M. Shukshin’s story “I Believe”

Vasily Makarovich Shukshin is a writer who came to literature with his own theme, even philosophy. His stories, small in volume, make you think about yourself, your place in life, feel the fullness of being.

In Russian literature, heroes torn apart by internal contradictions were repeatedly depicted, as a rule, these were representatives of the upper class, intellectuals. Shukshin, on the other hand, brings up a completely different hero - a village peasant, explaining and proving that a person thinks and experiences the same thing, whether he lives in a city or in a village, plows the land or solves scientific problems. There is a difference in education, in the cultural level, but here are universal questions, the desire to get to the bottom of the truth is inherent in inquisitive and inquisitive, regardless of "place of residence".

In this regard, the story "I Believe!" is interesting. Its main character, Maxim, is tormented by inexplicable longing, looking for its origins and cause, wants to explain to himself and others that a "sick soul" is just as hard and scary as with any other illness. But his wife despises him for his melancholy.
- Oh! .. Lord ... a bubble: in the same place where people go - melancholy, - Maxim's wife, Lyuda, scoffed, - why is melancholy? Maxim wants to understand what hurts? He unconsciously understands that the worst thing is when there is no soul at all, but he cannot explain this, there is no education or habit of reasoning. But you want to understand what is happening in the soul? Why is it so hard? Nothing drowns out the pain and anguish: neither work nor vodka ... So, maybe a priest, a clergyman, who is supposed to explain people's delusions, console them, will help? Maxim is talking to the priest: "The priest was a large sixty-year-old man, broad in the shoulders, with huge hands. I could not even believe that he had something with his lungs. And the priest's eyes are clear, intelligent. And he looks intently, even impudently "Such a person - not to wave a censer, but to hide from alimony. He is not gracious, not fasting - it would not be for him, not with such a snout, human sorrows and sorrows - living, quivering threads - to unravel. However - Maxim immediately felt it - with the priest Interesting..."
And it turned out that the pope believes in life, in its diversity and wisdom. What is there, beyond the coffin, the priest does not know, so he advises Maxim to experience heaven and hell on earth. Live in such a way that later it would not be scary to "lick hot pans." Life, according to pop, should be short, like a song, then it's not a pity to die.

This is the actual anthem of life, its eternal and relentless movement forward. And not blasphemously, but life-affirming words sound:

Ve-ru-yu-u! ... To aviation, to mechanization, to agriculture, to the scientific revolution! In space and weightlessness! Because it is objective-oh!

If it’s difficult, go ahead, try to overtake those who are ahead, it won’t work out - weak in the knees, but try not to whine, don’t whine. You are a man, which means that you have been given a lot. Diverse and interesting life is all around, apply your talents and strength, transform this land. She will answer you with gifts and blessings, most importantly, believe!

The story, small in volume and simple in plot, acquires a high philosophical sound. Life-affirming and optimistic, he calls to great goals. But everything is not so simple, you need to carry faith in your heart, you need to have a soul that can hurt, cry, worry.

And the last phrase ingeniously conveys the mechanism of transformation: from desire to confidence that can move mountains:

Eh, I believe! I believe!

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Shukshin V. M.

An essay on a work on the topic: Analysis of the story “I Believe!”

Vasily Makarovich Shukshin is a writer who came to literature with his own theme, even philosophy. His stories, small in volume, make you think about yourself, your place in life, feel the fullness of being.
In Russian literature, heroes torn apart by internal contradictions were repeatedly depicted, as a rule, these were representatives of the upper class, intellectuals. Shukshin, on the other hand, brings up a completely different hero - a village peasant, explaining and proving that a person thinks and experiences the same thing, whether he lives in a city or in a village, plows the land or solves scientific problems. There is a difference in education, in the cultural level, but here are universal questions, the desire to get to the bottom of the truth is inherent in the inquisitive and inquisitive, regardless of the “place of residence”.
In this regard, the story “I Believe!” is interesting. Its main character, Maxim, is tormented by inexplicable longing, looking for its origins and cause, wants to explain to himself and others that a “sick soul” is just as hard and scary as with any other illness. But his wife despises him for his melancholy.
- ABOUT! God. bubble: in the same place where people go, - melancholy, - Maxim's wife, Lyuda, scoffed, - why is melancholy? Maxim wants to understand what hurts? He unconsciously understands that the worst thing is when there is no soul at all, but he cannot explain this, there is no education or habit of reasoning. But you want to understand what is happening in the soul? Why is it so hard? Nothing drowns out the pain and longing: neither work nor vodka. So, maybe a priest, a clergyman, who is supposed to explain people's delusions, to console them, will help? Maxim is talking to the priest: “The priest was a large sixty-year-old man, broad in the shoulders, with huge hands. I couldn’t even believe that he had something with his lungs. And the priest's eyes are clear, intelligent. And he looks intently, even impudently. Such a person - not to wave a censer, but to hide from alimony. He is not gracious, not lean - he would not, not with such a snout, human sorrows and sorrows - living, quivering threads - unravel. However, -Maxim immediately felt it - it’s interesting with the priest.”
And it turned out that the pope believes in life, in its diversity and wisdom. What is there, beyond the coffin, the priest does not know, so he advises Maxim to experience heaven and hell on earth. Live in such a way that later it would not be scary to “lick hot pans”. Life, according to pop, should be short, like a song, then it's not a pity to die.
This is the actual anthem of life, its eternal and relentless movement forward. And not blasphemously, but life-affirming words sound:
- Ve-ru-yu-u! .To aviation, to mechanization, to agriculture, to the scientific revolution! In space and weightlessness! Because it is objective-oh!
If it’s difficult, go ahead, try to overtake those who are ahead, it won’t work out - weak in the knees, but try not to whine, don’t whine. You are a man, which means that you have been given a lot. Diverse and interesting life is all around, apply your talents and strength, transform this land. She will answer you with gifts and blessings, most importantly, believe!
The story, small in volume and simple in plot, acquires a high philosophical sound. Life-affirming and optimistic, he calls to great goals. But everything is not so simple, you need to carry faith in your heart, you need to have a soul that can hurt, cry, worry.
And the last phrase ingeniously conveys the mechanism of transformation: from desire to certainty that can turn the torus:
- Oh, I believe! I believe!