Abdulova Dzhume Sirazhutdinovna
Game tasks and exercises with the sound [P] and the letter p

Goal: to consolidate children’s ideas about the consonant letter and the sound P; to teach to listen, retell a fairy tale and draw an illustration for a fairy tale; to develop phonetic hearing, expressiveness of speech, memory



The letter "P" is a doorway,

There are two parallel slats in it.

Third - crossbar -

Suitable for holder.

“P” – favorite pillow,

Put it under your ear.

May you have a dream -

He is wonderful and wonderful.

Five five is twenty five,

Five six is ​​thirty.

The table will be useful

All children dream at night.

Petya sang, Petya sang,

He said hello and sang!

Petya pecked the millet,

Showed the dance to the birds.

Fantomas provided us with phonetic exercises

The king arranged for the whole world

A magnificent feast.

Feast - 3 sounds, 1 syllable.

The first sound is [p], it is a consonant

Didactic game "Say the Word"

He was lying in a muddy puddle,

He grunted and squealed with delight.

It wasn't a frog

And the grimy one... (pig).

In the night, beloved girlfriend

She lay down under my ear,

Brought back a sweet dream:

Really, it’s not a tub at all -

My dear... (pillow).

And it’s Tolya’s birthday -

We call it jam day.

We need to sum it up -

Bake a delicious... (pie).

Here is the pot-bellied sir,

Red, round... (tomato).

Calls for a performance,

He dances and plays.

The joke never rolls off the tongue,

Also a joke.

Everyone dreams of meeting him,

Maybe someday he'll meet you.

Instead of beads on the neck there is drying,

Makes people happy... (Parsley).

Game "Make words"

TASK: Connect parts of words with lines, read them, explain the meaning of the resulting words.


Game "Make rhymes with some words"EXAMPLE:

The saw is sawing, sawing,

The round log will be sawed.

We will light the stove,

Tree to give thanks.

Here's a stream running down the mountain -

This is not a flood at all.

The snow melted and flowed,

He took off running downstairs.

Our dad was repairing the threshold,

And then I baked a pie.

Guests are immediately on the doorstep.

We'll serve pie for tea.

Homework "Write with adults"

For example:

Let's read - let's play

Bouquet of letter balloons

Always ready to play with you.

Game task: Make up words from these syllables and letters.

They can be like this: field, paw, five, sand, dust, saw, satellite, pair, nickel, flight, pencil case, path.

TASK: Make up your own game and invite your friends to play it.

Not a step without riddles

There are good guys on hand -

Daredevils of different heights. (Fingers.)

The herd calls in a circle with a horn,

Then he plays... (the shepherd boy.)

It stood in the garden

Vorobyov, scarecrow raven,

The flocks of birds were dispersed. (Scarecrow.)

Me with a huge hand

I carry a big load,

I'm clearly omitting it.

I don't drop anything. (Crane.)

Stands under the aspen trees

Gribnikov beckons to himself,

They have it in the box. (Boletus.)

Sits proudly on a pole,

He looks after the sun. (Sunflower.)

It's important to walk around the yard,

He is with spurs... (rooster).

The leader runs ahead

It blows smoke and hums,

And behind him are the carriages

They run to the platform. (Train.)

S h i t a l k a

The bunny meandered through the forest,

Called the animals to the game,

I told everyone in confidence:

– We are waiting for the animal carnival!

Carnival! Carnival!

The bunny counted everyone:

Wolf, deer, bear, fox,

Raccoon, badger, go outside the circle.

TASK: Memorize the counting book, start the game with friends with this counting book.

One two three four five!

Raise your shoulders higher.

One two Three!

Shoulders, hands down.

One two three four five!

Let's start walking at the count of five.

Five six! Everyone sit down.

And get up.

Seven eight nine ten!

hang your ears together

Too lazy to hang it on a thread.

Game task "Learn a rhyme"“You can recite this rhyme in the morning while exercising.

Reading the fairy tale "The Caring Rooster"

The Rooster lived and lived in the owner's yard. He was handsome, with high legs. A red crest adorned the Rooster's head. The feathers were cast in a red-golden color. The tail was a special source of pride. It was colorful, sparkling with all the colors of the rainbow. Here, next to him, a hen walked with a brood of chicks, which relentlessly followed their parents. The rooster vigilantly ensured that no one offended the children. Even the big cat was afraid of him. He never looked in the direction of the chickens.

The rooster will find a grain or a worm and immediately call the kids. The chickens squeak happily, thanking their dad Rooster. The hen starts playing with the chickens, and then the Rooster helps them.

One day an amazing thing happened. It was like this: fluff flew from the poplars. It curled, fluttered in the air and fell to the ground, covering the yard. The Rooster said to the Hen with concern:

– Klanya, although it’s hot outside, for some reason it’s snowing. Take care of the children so they don't freeze.

The hen laughed and answered:

- No, Petya, they won’t freeze, because it’s summer outside, it’s hot. What you took for snow is just poplar fluff. He is not dangerous to us.

The rooster sighed with relief and loudly shouted:

- Ku-ka-re-ku!

Result: Read or tell a fairy tale to your parents and friends, draw illustrations of this fairy tale.

Publications on the topic:

Games and tasks with the sound [B] and the letter B Didactic game “Agree on a word” Pinocchio with the ABC book Barabas goes straight to school and meets him, Pinocchio... (runs away). Fast wings.

Games and tasks with the sound [B] and the letter v Poems “LETTER “B” Number three, number three With one in front. Don't rush, wait, connect them together. With the correct spelling, the letter “B”.

Summary of OOD on speech development in the preparatory group “Introduction to the letter z and sound [z]” Goal: To clarify the articulation of the sound Z, to introduce the image of a letter, to consolidate the image of a letter, to prepare the hand for writing. Tasks. Educational: Exercise.

Summary of a literacy lesson “Introducing the sound [w] and the letter Sh” Topic: Acquaintance with the sound [w] and the letter Sh. Purpose: to create conditions for familiarization with the sound [w] and the letter Sh. Objectives: - to introduce children.

Notes from a speech therapist teacher's lesson "Introducing the sound and letter E" Plan - lesson notes Topic: “Sound and letter E” “Journey to the land of sounds” Purpose: To introduce children to the sound and letter E Objectives: 1. Reinforce.

Corrective and developmental tasks.

1. Teach your child to recognize close people by their voice.

2. Learn to do graphic exercises.

3. Teach to clearly pronounce the sounds [P], [P"], differentiate them by ear and in pronunciation.

4. Teach the child to pronounce a series of syllables with a combination of consonants.

5. Develop phonemic awareness in the child.

6. Learn to independently analyze the word dad, make sentences based on supporting words.

Exercise 1. Didactic exercise “Recognize by voice” (development of auditory attention).

The adult invites the child, with his eyes closed, to recognize his family members and friends by their voices.

Task 2. Didactic exercise “Continue the line.” The adult invites the child to continue the line:




Task 3. Introducing the sound [P].

An adult invites the child to look at a series of pictures with images of the following objects: cup, plate, saucepan, kettle, frying pan, and answer the question: what word can be used to call all these objects in one word? (Dishes.) What is the first sound heard in the word dishes?

An adult shows in front of a mirror and explains to the child the articulation of the sound [P]:

At first the lips are closed, then they open with an instant release of air;

The neck is “silent”.

Sound symbol: samovar is boiling: PPPPP...

Characteristic sound: consonant sound (sponges create a barrier to air), hard, dull. Designation: blue circle.

Task 4. Phonetic exercise. The porridge on the stove puffs: puff! puff! puff!

Task 5. Didactic exercise “Clap your hands if you hear the sound [P]”:

p, m, t, m, p...; pa, ma, we...; an, op, mind...;

Pasha, Pavel, Katya, Masha, Polya, Polina, Pavlik, Sonya, Pavlusha, Prokop, Prokopushka,..

Name full and diminutive names starting with the sound [P].

Task 6. The adult invites the child to listen carefully and repeat a series of syllables with a combination of consonants: pta-pto-ptu-pty; pt-pt-pt-pt...

Task 7. Didactic exercise “Say the opposite”:

pa-ap; By-...; ...ap-pa; oh...

Task 8. Working with pictures: - clearly name all the pictures in a row

Games " What has changed?”, “What has disappeared?»;

From a number of drawn objects, select only those whose names No sound [P];

List the remaining objects whose names contain the sound [P], determine the place of the sound in words - the beginning, middle, end of the word (if it is difficult, use a card and a blue circle);

Remember the names of all the pictures proposed for consideration.

Task 9. The adult asks the child to add the first sound [P] to the word. What new word did you get?

Ears are cannons, Julia is ..., Olya is ...

Task 10. Paste into the notebook pictures with images of objects whose names contain the sound [P]

Task 11. The adult invites the child to select words according to the assignment: the sound [P] is at the beginning of the word, in the middle of the word, at the end of the word. shelf, shovel, soup.

Task 12. Learn pure sayings:

Pa-pa-pa - there is cereal on the table.

Py-p-p-p - no cereal.

Oop-op-op - everyone clap their hands.

Whoop-whoop-whoop—we ate soup.

Task 13. Introducing the sound [P"].

Didactic exercise “Say the word.”

Rises at dawn

Sings in the yard

There is a comb on the head.

Who is this?... ( Cockerel)

An adult asks the child a question: “What is the first sound in the guess word?” Sound symbol: a small kettle is boiling: pipppp...

Characteristic sound: consonant, soft, deaf. Designation: green circle.

Task 14. Phonetic exercise. The chicks squeak: pee-pee-pee!

Task 15. Didactic exercise “Clap your hands if you hear the sound [P"]”

p, t, m, p...; five, me, pi, ti...; pen, saw, milk, cow pies...

Task 16. The adult invites the child to listen to the words, remember them, name the same first sound:

Petya, cockerel, pie, saw, pencil case, song.

Task 17. Choose words based on the first syllable:

PI: -la, -rog...;

PE: -rets, -chen, -kar...

Task 18. Learn a simple phrase:

Pee-pee-pee - buy a pie.

Task 19. Differentiation of sounds [P] - [P"].

Didactic exercise “Clap your hands if you hear the sound [P]”: p, p, p, p...

Didactic exercise “Say the opposite”: pa-pya, po-...; pi-pa, pi...

Guess the riddles, name the first sound in the riddles:

Toothed animal

The oak tree gnaws with a whistle. ( Saw)

He will weave, he will weave,

He sits and waits for prey. ( Spider)

I wake everyone up on time

At least I don’t wind the clock. (Rooster)

Stuffed with fluff

Lies under the ear. ( Pillow)

Find words with sounds [P] and [P"].

Learn tongue twisters:

Polya went to weed parsley in the field.

Again, five guys found five honey mushrooms near a tree stump.

He quailed the quail and hid the chicks in the copse from the guys.

A couple of birds fluttered, fluttered, and fluttered out.

Task 20. Introducing the letter P.

Along the path from the gate

The kindergarten went on a hike.

O. Hoffman

What does the letter P look like?

The letter P from the fingers: the index fingers are lowered down, the tips of the thumbs are connected, the remaining fingers are clenched into a fist.

Letter games.

Task 21. Independent sound analysis of the word dad (drawing a diagram of circles, finding repeating sounds),

Composing a word from the letters of a split alphabet, finding identical letters.

Reading, writing in block letters under dictation.

Making sentences based on supporting words. The adult names the words in order and asks the child to make a sentence from these words. In this case, you should draw the child’s attention to the correct word order in the sentence.

dad, newspaper, reading; dad, nail, hammer, hammers; Dad is peeling potatoes.

Topic: Consonants [p], [p"], letter P, p., 1st grade

Lesson type: learning new material.

Target: formation of communicative and cognitive universal educational actions.


    introduce students to consonant sounds[p], [p"],consonant letter P, p;

    nlearn to identify new sounds in words;

    Odetermine the location of new sounds in words;

    make sound patterns of words with new sounds;

    continue to develop the skill of reading syllables, words, sentences with the studied letters;

    develop speech, memory, logical thinking.

During the classes:

Org. moment.

The bell has already rung,
The lesson begins.
Quiet in the classroom, quiet at school,
Is everything in place, everything ready?
Come on, smile
And sit down quietly.

Repetition of what has been learned.

Teacher: What vowel letters do you already know?

Students: a, o, y, s, i, e.

Teacher: Let's remember what we know about the letter e? what is its peculiarity?

Students: The letter E represents two sounds at the beginning of a word and after a vowel, and one sound after a soft consonant.

Teacher: What other vowel letter indicates the softness of a consonant sound?

Students: Letter I.

Staging goals And tasks lesson.

Teacher: How does the dough puff?

Students: Puff - puff - puff.

Teacher: How does a mouse squeak?

Students: Pi-pi-pi.

Teacher: What sounds do you think we will get acquainted with today?

Students: With sounds [p], [p"]

Teacher: That's right, today we will get acquainted with sounds[p],[p"]

Let's try to set goals for ourselves, what should we learn in class?

Setting the goals and objectives of the lesson by students:
1) Find out which letter represents these sounds.
2) Learn to read syllables and words with a new letter.

Working on new material.

WITH logo-sound analysis of words spider , recording the diagram in a notebook.

Teacher: Guess the riddle.

He will weave, he will weave,

He sits and waits for prey.

Students: Spider.SLIDE


Students: Spider.

Teacher: How many sounds are in a word?


Teacher: How many vowel sounds are there in this word?


Teacher: How many syllables?


Teacher: Which syllable is stressed? Call the word.


Teacher: Say the first syllable.

Students: Pa.

Teacher: Highlight the first sound in this syllable.

Students: [P]

Teacher: What is this sound? Vowel or consonant?

Students: Consonant.

Teacher: Prove that you agree?

Students: Encounters an obstacle when pronouncing.

Teacher: How do we pronounce a new sound: hard or soft?

Students: Firmly.

Teacher: Why?

Students: Because After the consonant there is a vowel letter a, which indicates the hardness of the preceding consonant.

Teacher: Is this sound voiced or dull? Everyone closed their ears together and uttered the sounds [p], what do you hear?

Students: This sound is dull because... When pronounced, it does not vibrate the voice. The neck is calm and does not tremble.

Teacher: What color will we use to denote this sound on the diagram?


Teacher: Say merge.

Students : Pa.

Teacher: (Read as directed)

WITH logo-sound analysis of words saw , recording the diagram in a notebook.

Teacher: Guess the second riddle.

Toothed animalThe oak tree gnaws with a whistle.

Students: Saw.SLIDE

Teacher: Let's say the word in unison.

Students: saw.

Teacher: How many sounds are in a word?


Teacher: How many vowel sounds?


Teacher: How many syllables?


Teacher: Let's put the emphasis. Call the word.


Teacher: Say the first syllable.

Students: Pi.

Teacher: Pronounce the first sound in this syllable?

Students: [P"]

Teacher: - What is this sound? Vowel or consonant?

Students: Consonant.

Teacher: Voiced or voiceless?

Students: Deaf.

Teacher: Is it hard or soft? Why?

Students: Soft, because After the consonant there is a vowel and, which softens the preceding consonant.

Teacher: What color will we use?


Teacher: Let's read the received word.(Read as directed)

Teacher: Whichconclusion shall we?

Students: Conclusion: The sounds [p], [p"] can be hard and soft.

Game - physical education "Ice and Grass".

Teacher: I will tell you the words after hearing:

Solid sound - you get up,

Soft sound - sit down.

Cook, axe, captain, turnip, pistol, dishes, pirate. Well done!!!

Introducing the letter.

Teacher: In writing, the sounds [p], [p"] are indicated by the letter P, p.SLIDE.

Teacher: Why are two letters shown in the textbook?

Students: ABOUTbottom is lowercase, the other is capital.

Teacher: When do we use capital letters?

Students: B at the beginning of a sentence and when we write proper names.

What does the letter look like? (Children's answers)


A mischievous person climbed onto the letter:

He decided that P was a horizontal bar. (E. Tarlapan)SLIDE.

At hockey, at football

The letter P is the gate to the field. (V. Stepanov)SLIDE.

At home we will find the letter P,

Looking into the doorway. (T. Vanyukhina)SLIDE.

Constructing and typing letters.

Repetition of writing rules and landing rules.

Teacher: Build the letter P on your desk using scrap material. Circle it with your finger.Teacher: Print the letters P, p in your notebooks as many times as you clap your hands.

Work in notebooks.

Students print the letters P, p.

Exercise for the eyes.

Reading syllables with the letter P.

pa up

according to op

pi un

pu pack

py yp

ne ep

Teacher: Boysfind and read the syllables that match the first pattern. Teacher: Girlsfind and read the syllables that match the second pattern.

Teacher: Togetherfind and read the syllables that correspond to the third pattern.

Recording syllables from dictation in a notebook.

Pa, po, pi, pu, py, pe.

Now rearrange the letters and write down new syllables.

Ap, op, ip, up, ip, ep.

Composition of words and their sound-letter analysis.

On the board: pe-, po-, pi-.

Teacher: Read the syllables, dComplete these syllables into words that denote people's professions.Make a sound-letter analysis of these words. Write a letter you know under each sound.(Three students work at the blackboard, the rest in notebooks)

Baker chef pilot

Physical education minute.

One, two, three, four, five, we know how to relax.

They stood up, squatted down a little, and didn’t hit their neighbor.

And now you have to get up, sit quietly, and start reading.

Reading words from a textbook.

Saw cook

The pilot is sawing

Carpenter Captain

Work in pairs.

(There is a card on the desk)

Teacher: Make up sentences by connecting the necessary words with arrows. Type the first sentence in your notebook.

The carpenter flies.

The cook is sawing.

The captain is cooking.

The pilot floats.

Teacher: Prove that you have made a proposal?

Students: We write the first word with a capital letter, all words are written at a distance from each other, connected in meaning, with a dot at the end.

Reading the text “The competition is coming soon,” p. 80

(Children read in chain)

Questions according to the text:

What's coming up in class soon?

What did Vera draw? And Pavel?

What did Victor draw? And Polina?

After answering the questions, children easily complete the sentences using pictures.

Summing up the lesson. Reflection.

Teacher: Evaluate what you learned in class today.

Continue the statement:

I learned ………

I understood)………….

I can…………

A cheerful little man - he was active, completed all the tasks.

Sad – found it difficult to complete tasks.

Sad – it was difficult to work.

I am very glad that you all worked well. You all are great!

Purpose of the lesson: we study the letter P, the formation of reading skills, the development of speech skills, the improvement of phonemic awareness, the basics of elementary graphic skills.

  • introduce the preschooler to the letter P and the correct pronunciation of the sound;
  • teach how to write the printed letter P in squares;
  • to generate interest in learning poems and riddles.

Grandfather Pasha has a big shiny pipe. When grandfather blows the trumpet, it sings: pu-pu-pu!..

  1. Repeat as the trumpet sings.
  2. PU - what is the first sound here?

When pronouncing words, the adult and the child repeating syllables and words emphasize the sound [p].

  1. What was your grandfather's name?
  2. What is the first sound in the words PASHA? — SUNFLOWER? - TOMATO?

Name what is shown in the pictures below:

When we pronounce the sound [p], the lips first close and then open. Say: P! The lips prevent air from leaving the mouth freely when we pronounce the sound [p].

  1. Vowel or consonant sound [p]?
  2. With or without a voice do we make this sound?
  3. What vowel sounds do you know?
  4. What consonant sounds do you know?
  5. Remember and name the words in which the first sound is [p].

Assignment: Printed letter P for preschoolers

Look at the letter P. What does it look like? Write the letter P in the air and once in your notebook, carefully in the cells with a pencil or ballpoint pen.

In cases where the child is asked to write a whole line of a letter, syllable or word, the adult gives a writing sample at the beginning of the line.
If a preschooler has difficulties, then an adult can draw two approximate lines, or put reference points that the child will connect with lines, or write the entire letters, and the child will simply circle them in a different color. Calligraphy should not be required at this stage of training.

Continue the sentence

And from the wind and from the heat,
It will protect you from the rain.
How sweet it is to sleep in it!
What is this? … (Tent.)

He is always at the station,
Trains are approaching him
Double P contains it
And it’s called... (platform).

He is with a bell in his hand,
In a blue and red cap.
He's a fun toy
And his name is... (Petrushka).

Rises at dawn
Sings in the yard.
There is a comb on the head.
Who is this? ... (Cockerel.)

I'm growing up in a red cap
Among the aspen roots.
You'll see me a mile away -
My name is... (boletus).

I am the mistress of different dreams
About dolphins, about elephants.
About crystal palaces
And about distant stars.
You lie down and in your ear
Dreams whisper to you... (pillow).

I took flour and took cottage cheese.
I baked a crumbly... (pie).

If you know everything,
That's what you'll get at school... (five).

It's round and red.
Like the eye of a traffic light.
Among vegetables
There is no juicier... (tomato).

Chock, chock, snout.
There is a pink hook at the back.
There's a barrel in the middle.
The voice is thin, ringing.
Guess who it is!
This is... (pig).

The fly gasped first:
“Oh, what lace,” -
And the head disappeared!
Poor thing, as if in mud,
Stuck in... (web).

I have the briefcase
Not big and not small:
There is a problem book in it.
Primer and... (pencil case).

Kolya and Lena are having fun -
This means... (change).

Waddled off the ice floes
Come to our matinee... (penguin).

I wanted to throw a ball
And I invited guests to my place... (invited).

The spider dreams of Miracle Yudo on a bitch at night.
A long beak and two wings...
Arrives - things are bad.
Who is the spider afraid of?
Did you guess it?
This is... (bird).

A tale about the letter P

Pig Day
Piglet Peach came to the post office and said to Petya the postman:
- Tomorrow is our holiday. Pig Day. I want to send a package to my friend Donut. Here, in the scarf, are pies and pastries. He loves them very much.

And Donut lived on the other side of the pond.

“It’s a long walk, I won’t make it before the holiday. “I’d rather float on a raft,” Petya decided.

He sat down on the raft, set the sail and sailed slowly. And suddenly, in the very middle of the pond, the raft came untied, and Petya fell into the water! But he didn’t know how to swim at all.

Help! I'm drowning! - Petya shouts, but does not release the parcel. And Donut Pig sits outside his house and thinks: “Will the rooster drown or not drown?”

Okay - Peach heard! He plopped down into the pond and began to push Petya towards the shore with his snout. Somehow I pulled him ashore.

Why didn’t you help, Donut? After all, Petya was bringing you a parcel.
- So if I knew what was happening to me, I would help. And you can catch a cold.

Riddles for children starting with the letter P

The brothers are ready to visit,
They clung to each other,
And they rushed off on a long journey,
They just left some smoke.

The path says -
Two embroidered ends:
“Wash yourself a little,
Wash the ink off your face!
Otherwise you're in half a day
You'll get me dirty."

I carry a new house in my hand,
The house door is locked.
The residents here are made of paper,
All terribly important.

Flies over the lawn.
Will fuss over the flower -
He will share the honey.

He willingly inhales dust,
Not sick, but sneezing.
(Vacuum cleaner)

He has a rubber tail
With a canvas stomach.
How his engine hums,
He swallows both dust and rubbish.
(Vacuum cleaner)

Planted a seed
We raised the sun.

It comes with oatmeal,
With rice, meat and millet,
It's sweet with cherries.
First they put him in the oven.
How will he get out of there?
Then they put it on a dish.
Well, now call the guys!
They will eat everything one piece at a time.

A friend came out from under the snow,
And suddenly it smelled like spring.

I was born on a rainy day
Under the young aspen.
Round, smooth and beautiful,
With a thin and straight leg.

Two bellies, four ears.

I'm higher than the house
And easily with one hand
I'm lifting a huge load.
Who, tell me, am I?

There's a ladder in the field,
The house is running down the stairs.

Five brothers will be born together,
And growth is different.

Who herds sheep and goats
Where the meadow is overgrown with grass?

He will weave, he will weave,
He sits and waits for prey.

Tail with patterns,
Boots with spurs.
Sings songs
Time is counting.

I wake everyone up on time
At least I don’t wind the clock.

Not a king, but wearing a crown,
Not a horseman, but with spurs.

Golden sieve
There are plenty of black houses.

Proverbs and sayings starting with the letter P

If you got up late, you lost a day; you didn’t study when you were young, and you lost your life.
The truth does not burn in fire and does not drown in water.
The truth hurts my eyes.
They write not with a pen, but with their mind.
Confession is half the correction.
Pour from empty to empty.

Funny poems about the letter P for children

The children asked the rooster:
- Why is your name Petya?
This is how Petya answered the children:
- I can sing well.
(I. Konkov)

The jacket is hanging.
Sleeves down.
The jacket lives
Down the sleeves:
I skipped class
And that’s all for him!
Tell me, my friend,
At least once
Is your head on your shoulders?
(G. Sapgir)

Our sharp saw -
She didn't drink, she sang.
Didn't drink, didn't eat.
I never sat down.
Sang loudly
How could I
Cheerful saw.
I sawed the wood -
Be healthy, owner!
(Translation by Y. Akim)

- If you can, guess
What will the parrot tell us?
- That’s what he’ll say, I suppose.
What did they hammer into the parrot!
(B. Zakhoder)

Striped Poems
Striped tiger cubs
Striped from birth.
Raccoon has stripes
And the zebra has countless of them.
There are stripes on the mattress
And stripes on the sailor suit.
The barrier has stripes,
And stripes on a birch tree.
There are beautiful stripes
At dawn and sunset.
But guys meet -
Everything is striped from dirt...
I don't want to write about them
In a striped notebook.
(G. Sapgir)

The address was mixed up
Small horses:
Instead of Lilliput
We got ponies.
(A. Shlygin)

- Get vaccinated!
First grade!
-Have you heard?
This is us!
I'm not afraid of vaccinations:
If necessary, I’ll inject myself!
Well, just think, an injection!
They injected me and off I went...
Only a coward is afraid
Go to the doctor for an injection.
Personally, when I see a syringe
I smile and joke.
I'm one of the first to enter
To the medical office.
I have nerves of steel
Or no nerves at all!
If only someone knew
What are football tickets
I would gladly exchange
For an extra shot!..
- Get vaccinated!
First grade!
-Have you heard?
This is us!
Why did I stand against the wall?
My knees are shaking.
(S. Mikhalkov)

Bird exercise
The bird wants to wake up.
The bird sings a song,
Because a bird with a song
Waking up is more interesting.
(V. Berestov)

Don't feel sorry for your piglet
- Says the cow.-
Delicious, steamy! -
The piglets are right there:
- We have a whole mug!
- Piglets stick theirs in
Little pigs...
(A. Shibaev)

How beautiful is the Peacock!
He has one vice:
All peacock beauty
Starts from the tail.
(B. Zakhoder)

Look what a peacock!
The tail is like a painted fan.
Don't be proud of your tail, peacock
- You will be considered a big fool.
(F. Bobylev)

The spider came to the market,
The spider brought goods to the flies.
He hung it on an aspen tree:
- Which of you wants a cobweb?
(V. Orlov)

At this time the pelican
Arrived from distant countries.
He opened his beak wide
And I read these lines:
- Passenger ship
It sails straight to the pier.
- There are a lot of words starting with the letter P,
- The little bird said.
(G. Satir)

Crossing the rails,
And on the rails is a steamboat.
Across the river - transportation,
And on the river there is a steam locomotive.
Let's change everything.
What do we see with you now?
There's a steamer on the river,
Crossing the river.
There's a locomotive on the rails,
Through the rails - transportation.
(G. Satir)

The mischievous parsley brought
To the very pole Vacuum cleaner.
He cleared the ice floe in five minutes,
Well, then - a jacket for the penguin.
(G. Satir)

It helps out anyone who is lazy.
It explains.
It covers
It saves you from shame and disgrace.
You will find the reason -
And breathe deeply!
Peace with conscience.
Honor is not tarnished...
There's something missing there
But there is a reason!
Guys, guys
You are men tomorrow.
No reasons needed!
Don't look for reasons!
(V. Viktorov)

Break a leg
Early in the morning Mama Kvochka
I sent my son to class.
She said:
- Don't fight
Don't be a tease
Don't freak out.
Hurry up
It is time.
Well, no fluff, no feather.
In one hour,
Barely alive
The cockerel goes home.
Barely hobbles
He's from the schoolyard.
And on it in fact
There's no fluff
Not a pen.
(V. Orlov)

Extended day
Two girls said:
- At our school the day has been extended!
- I love extending the day.
Sign me up too!
Here we are
They took me to an extended class.
There's an extended window
The sun is surprised.
And then an extended lunch -
Borsch whitened with sour cream.
And then - attention! -
There's a party in the yard!
And then - an extended period,
To learn a lesson.
Only the evening is very, very
Was shortened that evening.
(L. Fadeeva)

Lesson summary:

  1. Pronunciation of new words increases the preschooler’s vocabulary, develops speech and memory.
  2. Cell exercises develop fine motor skills of the hands.
  3. Riddles develop children's intelligence, ability to analyze and prove. Teachers use riddles when teaching children to increase interest during complex tasks.
  4. Poems influence not only the development of memory. It has been proven that if you learn a few lines every day, new neural connections appear in the brain and your overall learning ability increases.

It's time to learn to read words starting with the letter P. Watch and download the following pages of our reading simulator. As always, the lesson is built from simple to complex. First, we will work on reading merging syllables according to the table. Then the child reads short words of 3 letters. Be sure to show your young student the hint diagrams under the word. Arc is a confluent syllable. A dot is a separately readable consonant, a dash is a vowel.

Watch and download the following pages of our reading trainer.

As always, the lesson is built from simple to complex.

First, we will work on reading merging syllables according to the table.

Then the child reads short words of 3 letters.

Be sure to show your young student the hint diagrams under the word. Arc is a confluent syllable. A dot is a separately readable consonant, a dash is a vowel.

And at the end there are long words and whole sentences.

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