It is important to take care of the decorations and the room. It is better to spend a holiday in the assembly hall or gym, in order to accommodate a sufficient number of students. The script is suitable for students in grades 9 and 11. If the budget allows, you can equip several photo zones, in accordance with the theme of the event. Also, do not forget about the musical accompaniment, which will be the key to a good mood. The scenario is suitable for both grade 1 students and for several.

What you need:
several sets of paints, brushes, prizes, colored paper, threads, paper clips, markers.

Leader and Leader, students, teachers.

Brownies, devils, witches,
Hello everyone now
At a ball so beautiful
We will dance with you!

This holiday is ours, period
We waited for him all year,
Let's fool around a bit
And let's dance!

I hear, I hear, our guests,
They want to dance for a long time
I'm starting a beautiful ball
It's time to light the candles!

(The lights turn on. The presenters are standing in suits)

You are all so interesting
Images, well, just a class,
Makeup is cool
And everyone's eyes are on fire!

Evil gathered together
The holiday celebrates
And Happy Halloween everyone
Congratulations today!

(The presenter announces the dance "Unclean". It is preliminarily agreed with the students and prepared by them)

The evil spirits can surprise
Can ignite evil spirits
I offer you urgently
Start dancing!

Halloween is a very mystical, mysterious, intriguing and exciting holiday that allows you to walk around in costumes and overeat with sweets.

And in general, receive various gifts, prizes, surprises.

Speaking of which. Dear students, I am happy to announce a competition for the most beautiful costume. The winner will be determined after the dance and will receive an intriguing present. It's easy to vote - just write the name of the owner of that very suit and put it in a special ballot box. Important, you can not write your last name! There will be several nominations, respectively, someone will be able not only to have fun, but also to go home with a small prize!

I want to clarify that there will be a separate nomination "The most creative teacher", you can vote according to the same principle, dropping your ballot into a special box.

(About the competition, you need to agree in advance with the teachers whether they even want to take part in this)

Good luck and good mood everyone! So, evil spirits, dancing!

(The presenter announces 10 minutes of dancing)

Everyone here, hurry up here
There is some useful info
We'll play a little
Our ball, in general, we continue!

Do you know what year it was customary to celebrate Halloween? What is this holiday dedicated to, what customs should be observed?

And now we will find out!

The hosts announce a mini-quiz.
Approximate list of questions:
1. How old is Halloween?
2. Who invented it?
3. What does evil spirits do this night?
4. Halloween symbol?
5. What country did it all start from?
6. Why does everyone wear costumes on Halloween?
7. What traditions should be observed?

(For the correct answer, you can give a candy)

I want to say,
You need to dance
Our ball continues today,
I announce white dance!

(slow dance announced)

No Halloween is complete without makeup.

Makeup is an integral part of a masquerade, and therefore now, we offer you to try yourself as a make-up artist!

Vampire Competition.
Students are divided into several teams, depending on the number of participants. Those who wish to be reincarnated as a vampire are selected. Each team is given the same sets, consisting of white, red, black gouache and a brush. The task is to depict the make-up of a vampire. The participant is given only 15 seconds. The team that completes the task best will receive a symbolic prize.

I wonder if evil spirits are synchronous?

What are you on about now?

I mean, can they move at the same time?

Let's check, because everything is possible at the ball!

Competition "Together more fun."
The students stand in front of the leaders, who show different movements, and they repeat.

What a wonderful evening we have
I propose to dance
I'm with you with me
Unclean, give freedom!

(Announced 20 minutes of dancing)

I remind you that there is not much time left until the end of our ball, hurry up to vote!

Do not forget that such a ball happens once a year, and the most creative costume deserves an award!

It is known that no Halloween is complete without a pumpkin!

Ours is no exception!

Competition "Make a pumpkin."
Participants are divided into teams. Each of the teams receives a set consisting of colored paper, paper clips, threads, a marker. The task is to collect a pumpkin from the received items. The most beautiful pumpkin will win a prize.

I continue our ball in a moment,
I announce dances again!

(Announced 15 minutes of dance)

Time is coming to an end
We will announce the results.

Will have to wait
We just need to count
You can dance
This evening is very friendly!

The host announces the results. As nominations, you can choose:
1. The most creative costume;
2. The most brilliant;
3. The most interesting and most textured;
4. The most accurate.

In addition, if you wish, you can hold a small fashion show, but if there is one, then you need to slightly reduce the time for dancing. In any case, about the nominations, about the show and other nuances, it will be necessary to notify the students and teachers in advance. The script can also be supplemented with several


Good evening ladies and gentlemen, we are glad to see you again at our Halloween holiday, we will start by telling you a little about the history of this holiday, your task is to listen and remember everything.

Halloween is a modern holiday, dating back to the traditions of the ancient Celts of Ireland and Scotland, whose history began in the territory of modern Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is celebrated on October 31, the eve of All Saints' Day. Halloween is traditionally celebrated in English-speaking countries, although it is not an official holiday. Halloween is informally celebrated in some other countries with close cultural ties to the US or the UK, such as Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Australia and New Zealand, a number of island countries in Oceania, and more recently Russia and other CIS countries.

Most of the symbols of the holiday have a long history. For example, the tradition of making gourds originates from the Celtic custom of making lanterns to help souls find their way to purgatory. In Scotland, the turnip was the symbol of Halloween, but in North America it was quickly replaced by the pumpkin as a cheaper and more accessible vegetable. The first creation of pumpkin lamps in America was recorded in 1837; this ritual, performed at harvest time, had nothing to do with Halloween until the second half of the 19th century.

Costumes from classic horror films such as The Mummies and Frankenstein's monster are popular. Symbols of autumn, such as village scarecrows, play an important role in the festive decoration of houses. The main themes of Halloween are death, evil, the occult, and monsters. The traditional colors are black and orange.

  • We present to your attention the wing 2 "A" (suit)


Box competition. The task of the participants is to choose clothes for their image and demonstrate it to the music.

There are 3 people for the competition.

  • We present to your attention wing 2 "B"

2. Competition - Quiz

1. Where did the story of Halloween begin?

The history of the Halloween holiday began many centuries ago in the lands of modern Britain and northern France.

2. What is the symbol of Halloween?


3. The main phrase of Halloween?

"Candies or life"

4 .What date is Halloween celebrated?

5. Where is Halloween most popular?

In the USA and Canada

6. The most important Halloween character?


7. What do you agree with? Halloween is a holiday: a) the gates of winter b) the end of the harvest c) evil spirits


8. On Halloween it is customary to: a) scare everyone b) make fun of everyone c) put up with everyone


9. Choose the superfluous - something that does not correlate with the holiday: a) spirits and the dead b) evil spirits c) brownies and goblin


10. Which of the following colors is not the symbolic color of Halloween? a) blue b) orange c) black


  • We present to your attention the wing 4 "A"


Apples will be hung on a thread, the task of the participants is to bite the apple without using their hands, without helping each other. 6 people participate.

  • We present to your attention the wing 5 "A"


Dance. 4 people participate, the task of the participants is to dance to the music that will be given and present themselves as interesting as possible.

5. Competition

2 people participate. The task of the participants is to blow a balloon filled with water.

During the competition, the hosts change the balls for flour, the participants close the eyes.

  • We present to your attention the wing 5 "B"
  • 6.Competition

    Count the bones. 4 people participate, the task of the participants is to count the booty markers on which they will sit without using their hands.

    7. Competition

    Draw a pumpkin on balloons, 3 people participate, the task of the participants is to draw a pumpkin as original as possible.

Event form: masquerade + disco

The target audience: 5-7 grade

Event goals:

  • introduce children to the traditions of other peoples;
  • talk about the traditions of celebrating Halloween - All Saints Day;
  • aesthetic and creative development.

For Halloween at school you will need:

Decorations for the room in the form of mystical pictures, posters, figurines of ghosts, cobwebs, skeletons, pumpkins;

Make-up for the participants of the holiday, masks of various "evil spirits";

Costumes for the participants of the holiday - ghosts and other horror films of the choice of the child;

Treats for holiday guests;

Details for competitions;

Prizes for participants of the event.

Halloween plan at school:

Preparation of the hall for the holiday;


Official part;


Disco "unclean".

The hall for Halloween at school must be decorated in the appropriate style - with pumpkins, skeletons, spiders, cobwebs, various goblins and monsters, brooms, candles and other paraphernalia of the underworld.

Event progress

The Halloween holiday at the school begins with the fact that guests dressed up in various costumes enter the hall, and a masquerade of "evil spirits" is held. At the entrance to the hall, each guest introduces himself as the leader, and he is given a small pumpkin - a symbol of the holiday.

When everyone is visiting in the gathering, the hosts of Dracula and Zombie open the holiday.

Dracula: Hello, our terrible, vicious, scary and respected guests! Welcome to the party of the best creatures of this universe! Tonight is a magical night! And it belongs to all of us!

Zombie: This night we worship our Lords! Raise your left hand, now your right hand, and let's clap for all of us! We flew here from all points and places of the afterlife in order to have a great and terrible time! Today is the night of dirty tricks and horrors! .. So, we begin our night!

A small excerpt from a Gothic melody sounds.

Dracula: Zombies and Zombies...

Zombie: What, my nasty and nasty best friend?

Dracula: Undoubtedly, this night is terribly terrible ... but ... don't you think that we should choose our queen of the night? Two unusually vile leaders cannot be only in a male company. ... What do you think, our invited evil spirits?

Hall supports Dracula.

Zombie: Well, since our terrible and vile guests agree, then ...

Dracula: So, we invite all witches, sorceresses, drowned women, fortune tellers, voodoo dolls, cats and other scary and vile ladies to join us in a circle to sort things out and determine the most terrible, ugly, vile, disgusting and beautiful queen of our night!

All willing girls come out in a circle to Dracula and Zombies.

Zombie: Here they are! Our contenders for the title of the most terrible lady of the night!

Dracula: Let's choose from you the very, very… very, nasty Queen!

Zombie: To do this, you need to pass several tests. The one of you that the public recognizes as the best will become the winner and ruler for tonight!

Dracula: So, the first test, my vile and ugly beauties!

Zombie: Now we will be transported to an old abandoned cemetery, where the witches of the Dark Order annually arrange their coven. We give each of our terrible participants a broom from the collection of witches. Your task is to dance with a broom to the song of the Sabbat. The best dancer is determined by our nasty audience. Pouhhaaali!!!

Girls dance with brooms. The audience applauds chooses the best of them.

The winner of the first competition is announced.

An excerpt from a gothic melody sounds.

Dracula: We're moving on to the second challenge, you ugly ladies! Undoubtedly, each of you knows how to conjure and tell fortunes! Now we will make sure of it! You need to come up with and say the most terrible and terrible spell for us. Naturally, we all need to know what it is for.

Girls are given time to think. They then take turns casting their spells. The audience determines the winner with applause.

An excerpt from a gothic melody sounds.

Zombie: The previous test showed how strong you are in witchcraft. Now we will see your terrible creative and mystical abilities!

Dracula: So, our horror stories, you are given these balloons. In 5 minutes, you must draw with felt-tip pens each on your ball the face of that monster or monster who is dearest to you. Whoever has the scariest monster wins! The public chooses the winner!

After this competition, the results are summed up. The girl who performs best in the tests becomes the winner.

Zombie: Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! Now we are not alone! We have our own Queen! Vile, terrible and terrible ... (name and character of the girl). Rejoice children of darkness! We have chosen our Ruler!

Dracula: Let's properly celebrate this event with our treat for you! We invite you, our vile and nasty guests, to taste our dishes of stink, blood and bones! Well, then you will find a disco of evil spirits! Everyone is at the table!!!

Music is playing. The guests move to the buffet table. And the holiday continues in free mode.

An interesting and detailed Halloween script for school students.

Halloween. Scenario for school

Goals: to acquaint students with the holiday and its traditions; develop creative abilities.


Imp, host of the evening.

Isabella, heiress of Lucifer.

Lestat, the vampire.

Jack, the pumpkin king.

Whooperi, the sea witch.

Dick Turpin, ghost of Heathrow.

Event progress

Imp. Haha! Hello, vampires, witches, ghouls and other not quite pure power. Today there will be a grand Sabbath, which you will remember for the number of perfect nasty things, troubles and other dirty tricks !!!

An eerie laugh is heard. Isabella flashes. She walks surrounded by her retinue.

Imp. Vivat young, beautiful and terrible Isabella! Vivat the most beautiful and most unpredictable!

The vampire bows before Isabella in a respectful bow.

Lestat. Greetings Isabella! You, as always, are beautiful, like a true child of darkness.

Isabel. Thanks Lestat! I knew that you would not let me down and come to our Sabbath. Help me complete the mission: my uncle asked me to choose the king and queen of the evening.

Lestat. With great pleasure I will choose a candidate for the title of "Our Royal Majesty".

Flashing light. Lestat comes to the fore, two demons choose participants in the hall.

Lestat. First, all applicants must drink fresh blood!

The children are brought a glass of tomato juice.

Lestat. And now I want to know if you know how to scare someone. So, demons, don't be shy - let's demonstrate!

A musical excerpt from some horror movie is included.

Lestat. And now you, dear participants.

There is a competition. Three winners are given medals.

Isabel. Yes, they make great villains! Thank you Lestat, you truly are a horror genius.

Lestat. That's not all, but I'll probably save the next contest until we choose a queen...

Imp. Mistress Isabella, it's Jack!

Jack. Hello! Sorry for being late!

Isabel. Oh, Jack, you will choose us the queen of our coven.

Jack. My most favorite activity!

The hall is completely dark, only candles are burning, which the contestants need to blow out. The first three who blow out all their candles become winners.

Lestat. The conclusion to choosing a couple of the evening will be dancing! Cavaliers invite ladies!

Lestat invites Isabella to the dance, dropping to one knee, Jack - a gallant bow.

Isabel. It was impressive! Musicians, play! I dance with both!

The boys invite the finalists to dance, how they do it is taken into account.

Classical music sounds, the dance itself is evaluated.

Lestat. I'm having a hard time choosing...

Imp. The most famous ghost of the British Isles!

A ghost appears above the stage, giggling eeriely.

Dick(in a whisper). Hello!

Isabel. New guest!!! (Claps his hands.) Dick, we need to choose a couple of evenings from the remaining applicants.

Dick. I'll be happy to help you choose! I really love to play! Here, in England, everyone loves the game "Find Me". But, as a rule, we find only parts: hands, feet, ears and other parts of the body. And you have to collect all the parts that are in the hall. All clear? On the search! Our couples support groups help them.

Participants collect paper bones that are pasted in the hall. By counting, one pair is determined as the winner.

The sea witch Wuperi enters.

Whooperi. Good evening, most beautiful witch! My father apologizes that he cannot appear at today's Sabbath, he is all dry.

Isabel. I am glad to see you! Bring someone a rag, we have water on the parquet!

Whooperi. You don't have enough water, there are no marshes around. So I brought water with me. She is the best, from the distant marsh reserves.

Imp. I'm sorry to interrupt, but we have... everything in moderation, and water...

He does not have time to finish, one of the demons closes his mouth and drags him backstage.

Imp(from behind the scenes). Let me go, I have to perform the coronation ceremony...

Isabel. He's already worn me out! Perhaps my dear guest will conduct the ceremony today. Whoopee, do you agree?

Whooperi. Of course yes! Lestat, Jack and the Imp, it's your job to get everyone in this room to swear allegiance to our royal couple.

The guys are divided into three teams. They take out three empty and three filled soda bottles, three glasses. The competition consists in the fact that each team member takes turns pouring water from a full bottle into a glass and runs to fill an empty one. The amount of water, the speed of the team is taken into account. According to the results of the competition, the winner is announced.

Isabel. I like it! Amazing ceremony!

Imp. Oh my lady! With the coronation ceremony, we completely forgot about your birthday!

Lestat. Have a terrible birthday, Isabella!

Jack. All the evil spirits of our coven have prepared a gift for you!

Imp. Premiere of "Halloween Night"

Music sounds, a screen is taken out onto the stage: a shadowy horror film that shows evil spirits. Next, the guys show their performances. The children are given tasks - horror stories pre-written on cards. It takes 5-10 minutes to prepare the miniature.

Whooperi. Happy birthday again, Mrs. Isabella!

Isabel. Thank you, my terrible ones! I want a real coven!

Dick. Then it's time for some real Halloween fun!

Jack. I love yellow! All the same three teams participate, your task is to find yellow bows in the hall, which are made of ribbons and tied in remote corners or attached in a conspicuous place. The one who finds the most bows the fastest wins.

A competition is being held.

Lestat. I propose the following game "Voice quiet, mysterious." Everyone sits down at the table again. A player is selected by lot, he sits away from the table with his back to everyone. Going clockwise, one by one, each says the word "Halloween". The driver must guess who said it. For each correct vote, he receives a point. The game continues until everyone is in the role of the driver. The points are then summed up and the team's total points are compared.

A competition is being held.

Whooperi. Based on the name of the holiday - Halloween - let's guess the letter "X" as the main one in such a game. I ask one of the teams the question: “Who?” Members of this team must answer with the letter "X". For example, a hamster. The next question to the other team is: "Which one?" Answer: "Skinny". Question: What does it do? Answer: "Want." Etc.

The game develops a fast reaction. The team is given 15-20 seconds to think.

Dick. We, ghosts, love dark and gloomy places very much... From each team, I will ask two people to come here to me. Now Lestat, Imp and Jack will help me attach clothespins to the clothes of the remaining participants. Those who came to me blindfolded must remove all clothespins from the clothes of their team members.

A competition is being held.

Imp. Now we are expelling one player from the team from the room, we will lay out the items on the table, each team has its own, but all the items are together. The team comes up with an action with the proposed items. The player does what the blindfolded team has in mind. All his actions are controlled by the participants. When he does the right thing, they shout "hot", if he does it wrong - "cold".

For example, we put a ball, a spoon, a plate, a sugar bowl with sugar on the table. Now we make a task (for example, you need to take a spoon, collect sugar from a sugar bowl with it, put it on a plate and throw a ball). The player is blindfolded. Not knowing the task, he approaches the table, tries to determine first what is there, tastes sugar on his tongue. Then he performs various actions with objects. For example, he takes a ball, puts it on a plate, pours sugar with a spoon into a plate next to the ball. The team with the least amount of time to complete wins.

Besenok's cell phone rings.

Imp. The boss is calling! Ma'am, it's time for us to go home!

Lestat. And that's right! See you soon!

Isabel. We say goodbye to you and leave on your Bald Mountain to command the king and queen of Halloween. Sabbath! Ball!

All other heroes of the evening say goodbye to the guys.

The party disco begins.

Supplementary material for the teacher.

About Halloween for schoolchildren

halloween is a holiday celebrated on October 31st in the United States of America. Children dress up in masquerade costumes and masks and go from house to house begging for sweets. Many of them carve pumpkin lanterns. Divination and stories about witches and ghosts are popular pastimes.

Halloween evolved from New Year's Eve and festivities in honor of the dead. The Christian Church established a holiday on November 1, called All Saints' Day, so that people could continue to celebrate their holidays. The mass celebrated on All Saints' Day was called the Allhelowmes. The day before All Saints' Day was called All Saints' Eve or "All Halloween".

The main entertainment for children on Halloween is begging for sweets. Children dress up in masquerade costumes and masks, go from house to house and say: "Treat me, otherwise we'll play a joke." Neighbors give the children treats such as candy, fruit, and change so that the children don't play tricks on them.

Halloween lanterns are hollow inside pumpkins with a face carved on one side. Most lanterns have a candle inside. Irish legend says that Halloween lanterns (English jack-o "-lanterns) are named after a man named Jack. He could not go to heaven because he was a miser, and could not go to hell because he played playing tricks on the devil, resulting in Jack being forced to roam the earth with his lantern until Judgment Day.

Divination is an important part of Halloween. For example, at this point, the ring and thimble are baked into a pie. It was believed that whoever finds the ring will soon get married or get married. Today, people use fortune-telling on cards and fortune-telling by hand.

People once believed that the earth was full of witches and that they met on October 31st to worship the devil. Today we look at many things differently, but we still love to tell stories about witches on Halloween.

Can't decide how to celebrate Halloween at your high school? We will easily solve your problem and suggest some interesting and extraordinary ideas for scenarios.

You can play a Vampire Ball-style party with the guys, hold cozy, chamber “Witches Gatherings” on the occasion of the holiday with darkly funny quizzes and a scary costume contest, or organize an impromptu filming of a video film based on a terrible gothic scenario. Each of these options is interesting in its own way and will surely evoke the most vivid emotions, give a lot of positive emotions and delight everyone with a peculiar and piquant black humor.

How to Celebrate Halloween at School - Best Script Ideas

Thinking about how to celebrate Halloween at school, you should first of all take into account the age category of the participants. If we are talking about kids from elementary school, you will need simple, not too scary scenarios, more like a good fairy tale than a mystical novel. For teenagers, vampire-themed events or parties furnished in the spirit of the once mega-popular movie "The Addams Family" will be very welcome. High school students and graduates of the school will undoubtedly enjoy scenarios on the theme of gothic balls or parodies of the most famous modern horror films.

  • "Pumpkin Halloween" in primary school. For the event, the assembly hall or classroom is decorated in accordance with the theme: pumpkin lanterns are placed in the windows, the ceiling is decorated with garlands in the shape of bats, and the corners are curled with gray paper cobwebs. The sorcerer acts as the leader. This role is usually assigned to the class teacher, one of the parents or a guest animator. The guys go on stage in carnival costumes, sing funny songs, dance, read poetry, answer joke quiz questions and participate in pumpkin-related contests (“Find all the pumpkins”, “Who will eat the pumpkin pie faster”, “Keeper of fire” and etc.). At the end of the matinee, all the kids are rewarded with sweet gifts and soft toys in the shape of a pumpkin.
  • "Halloween Vampire Ball" for teenagers. In this scenario, the hall is decorated with gothic decorations, turning it into the gloomy mansion of Count Dracula. Guys and girls come in evening dresses, and their faces are painted with specific make-up. During the whole holiday, frightening melodies are heard, to which young people dance lyrical ballroom dances. During the breaks, contests are held for the longest vampire fangs and the scariest costume. At the end of the event, the Miss and Mister of the evening are chosen by general vote, and for the finals, the winners are crowned with headdresses made of bones and handed over to the children with symbolic keys to the vampire castle.
  • "Witch's Gatherings" for young people. This scenario is suitable for holding a holiday in a very close-knit and friendly class. It successfully combines a concert program and a cozy tea party. The guys prepare interesting themed dishes for a buffet table at home, and before they eat, they put them up for a competition of terrible dishes. Sitting at the table in the usual company of classmates, boys and girls tell scary stories, sing horror ditties and scare friends by throwing plastic spiders, toy skeletons and severed papier-mâché fingers into plates and chairs. Halloween ends with a cheerful incendiary disco and the awarding of all sorts of creepy and cool titles and titles.

Halloween at school - a script for high school students for the holiday

In order for the high school students to have a successful Halloween school holiday and remember it with the most pleasant, vivid emotions, they approach the development of the script very carefully and carefully. Of course, students are involved in planning, because children aged 14-16 already consider themselves adults and want teachers to take into account their opinion.

The scenario program necessarily includes interesting contests and competitions that provide the children with the opportunity to brew a magic potion at speed, unravel the ancient spell of an ancient witch, find all the bats in a vampire castle, or perform some other action that is not typical for ordinary life. Here it is worth letting your imagination run wild, because the more creative and unexpected the tasks are, the more interesting it will be to perform them.

The musical numbers included in the script are also adjusted to the format of the event. The girls are offered to dance with a broom, and the guys are offered to imitate the movements of werewolves. All this takes place in the twilight to absolutely eerie melodies, so that those present to the depths of their souls feel the gloomy atmosphere of the holiday and get scared not for fun, but as they should.

Halloween at school - video clips of the holiday

A lot of kids are filming Halloween at their schools. Watching these videos, you can get a lot of interesting ideas for your events and gain creative experience, which in the future will help you spend the holidays more brightly, unusually and entertainingly.

Halloween at school - DIY costumes for the holiday

In order to celebrate Halloween well at school, not only the script is carefully prepared, but also the appropriate costumes are selected. The easiest way is to create a skeleton outfit for the holiday with your own hands. To do this, you will need two t-shirts in white and black. On the white in front, a conditional sketch of the spine and ribs is made, and then cut out with scissors so that neat, even holes are obtained. The resulting mesh is worn over a whole T-shirt and complements the image with dead makeup.

The boys are dressed up as vampires. To do this, a classic vest is sewn from a rich textured fabric. A cloak is made of shiny black material and lined with scarlet silk or satin. A large brooch on a ribbon or an old order is put on the neck of a young man, and his eyes are tinted with brown-black shadows.

Girls find old light dresses and children's white stockings at home, stain them with red paint and appear before guests and school friends as victims of a bloodthirsty maniac.

The most daring high school girls try on witch clothes or dress up as seductive hellish nurses. And rightly so, since Halloween allows any extremes and encourages the craziest and strangest human fantasies. Therefore, when thinking about how to spend an unusual holiday, do not limit yourself in anything and come off to the fullest. And our tips with photo and video instructions will help make the Halloween script at school especially interesting and unforgettable.