The same document (11.6.1926) established that the banners previously received by the Red Army units from the Revolutionary Military Council, the governments of the Union and the republics, which do not correspond to the new model, can nevertheless be recognized as "revolutionary Red Banners of the units" at the special request of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR to the Central Executive Committee of the USSR .

By the Decree of the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR of November 23, 1926 [version in PDF] approved the sample of the Honorary Revolutionary Red Banner and the Honorary Revolutionary Naval Flag. Here is a description of the Honorary Revolutionary Red Banner:

"The honorary revolutionary red banner consists of a colored cloth (front and back), sewn along the edges and a pole with a tip.
The banner cloth is made of red silk or red silk velvet, in exceptional cases - of the highest quality red velveteen.
The banner cloth, wound and attached to the pole, has the shape of a square with a side of 1.25 m. At the edges, the cloth is sheathed with a blue border 11.25 cm wide of the same quality of matter as the cloth itself: the border is trimmed along the edges with gold braid with a width 1 cm. On the blue field of the border, an agramant is sewn from gold soutache, the pattern of which represents a crossed hammer and sickle and is repeated 11 times on each side of the cloth. At the four corners of the border, a circle with a diameter of 10 cm is sewn of gold soutache 1 cm wide with an inscribed red star, also framed by gold soutache, 0.5 cm wide, facing upwards with one end.
A. The front side of the panel. In the middle of the cloth there is an image of the State Emblem of the USSR. The drawing of the globe has a diameter of 27.5 cm and is framed with gold soutache, 0.2 cm wide, with the images of the continents made of red (crimson) silk, and the seas - of light blue, the meridians and parallel circles are applied with gold soutache. Both the continents and the seas are shaded at the edges to give the whole image relief. The sickle and hammer of the coat of arms are made of golden soutache and each is 20 cm long.
The drawing of the globe of the coat of arms is placed on 55 gold, of various lengths, rays of the rising sun, made of gold brocade. The image of the sun rises above the crossed ears by 10 cm, the circle of the sun with a radius of 15 cm, the distance between the images of the globe and the sun is 7.5 cm.
Stems of ears of gold soutache, 0.4 cm wide, with the width of the crossing ends at the bottom being 5 cm.
At the top of the wreath of ears, between their ends, there is a red five-pointed star, bordered by a gold soutache 0.5 cm wide. The dimensions of the star are such that its tops are located on a circle with a diameter of 9 cm.
The width of the crimson ribbon wrapping around the ears is 6.5 cm. The ears themselves are made of golden silk, with tendrils of golden soutache 0.2 centimeters wide. The width of the wreath of ears, in its widest part, including the ribbon, is 67 cm; the height of the wreath from the end of the stems to the top of the antennae of the ears is 67 cm.
Above the image of the coat of arms, horizontally, symmetrically to the middle line of the square of the cloth, an inscription is placed in two lines, sewn with gold braid, about 1 cm wide, the height of the letters is 4 cm. The length of the upper line (the word "proletarians") is 39 cm, and the lower one (words: "of all countries, unite") - 61 cm, the distance between the lines is 1 cm, the bottom line is located but the stars of the coat of arms are at a distance of 5 cm.
Red five-pointed stars are placed at the four corners of the banner, bordered with a gold soutache 0.5 cm wide and intertwined with a crossed hammer and sickle; each star is located so that one of its points is directed towards the center of the cloth, the top of the star is located along a circle with a diameter of 22 cm, the hammer and sickle are made of blackened silver soutache with the appropriate shade and dimensions: sickle - 19 cm, hammer - 22 cm.
B. Reverse side. On the side of the cloth attached to the pole, in its upper corner, with one point up, a five-pointed star is placed, bordered by a silver soutache 1.2 cm wide. The center of the star is at a distance of 52.5 cm from the top and 22.5 cm from the sides panels, the tops of the star lie on a circle with a diameter of 27 cm.
From the gaps between the points of the star there are five beams of divergent rays, 16 rays in each (rays of silver soutache, intermittent). The width of the beams of rays and the star is 7 cm, and at the lower and opposite sides of the shaft - 50 cm.
In the lower, right corner, a part of the image of the globe at the pole is sewn, framed by a gold soutache 0.2 cm wide, the mainland (Sweden, Norway, the European and Asian part of the USSR) of the globe is made of crimson silk, and the sea is made of light blue silk. both the mainland and the sea are veiled along the edges to give relief to the image, the meridians and parallel circles are applied with gold soutache.
Dimensions of slices of the image of the globe: on the lower side of the cloth 50 cm and on the side - 33 cm. In the corner of the image of the globe crossed sickle, hammer and bayonet are sewn with silver and niello soutache. The hammer is turned with the handle into a corner and has a length of 17 cm, the sickle - with the handle down, vertically, 20 cm long, the bayonet, parallel to the bottom side of the cloth, 37 cm long.
In the upper right corner of the cloth there is an inscription in 3 lines, made with gold braid about 1 cm wide, with a distance between lines of 4 cm. The length of the 1st line (the word "Central") is 55 cm, the 2nd line (the words "Executive Committee" ) - 60 cm, and the third (the words "Soyuz SSR") - 45 cm. The height of the letters of the first and second lines is 5 cm, the third - 6 cm.
Along the outer outline of a part of the globe there is a name of the military unit awarded with a banner, sewn with a gold braid, about 3 cm wide, in two lines; the height of the letters of the inscription is 4 cm, the distance between lines is 2 cm.

The text of the description of the banner according to the book by V.A. Sokolov "Flags of the Russian Empire and the USSR in documents"
Photo from the pamphlet "Spread with Glory".

On November 27, 1932, the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR approved the Regulations on the Honorary Revolutionary Red Banner and the Honorary Revolutionary Naval Flag (SZiRP USSR, 1932, No. 81). The description of the Honorary Revolutionary Red Banner in this Regulation repeated the pattern of 1926. Then the name "Red Banner" appeared for the units awarded the Honorary Revolutionary Red Banner or the Honorary Revolutionary Naval Flag. There is a possibility in case of repeated awarding of the Order of the Red Banner of fastening this order to the Honorary Revolutionary Red Banner. By the Decree of the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR of February 17, 1934, the Regulations on Honorary Banners and Flags were supplemented by the thesis on the transfer of Honorary Flags and Banners "by inheritance" when changing the names of units, reorganizing, etc. By a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of May 5, 1964, all decrees and regulations on the Honorary Revolutionary Red Banners were cancelled.

In July 1941, the Moscow City Party Committee decided to bestow combat colors on the regiments and divisions of the Moscow People's Militia. The text of the decree said: "combat banners are a symbol of revolutionary loyalty to the Motherland, the Soviet government, the Bolshevik Party, a symbol of victory over the enemy."

During World War II, new banners appeared, the Decree of December 21, 1942 (see also a photocopy of the Decree; this Decree of the PVS was announced in the Order of the Deputy Commissar of Defense No. 405 of 12/24/1942) established a model of the Red Banner for the military units of the Red Army, 11 June 1943 (see also a photocopy of the Decree) - for the guards army and corps, and on February 5, 1944 - the naval Red banners and the Guards naval Red banners (Regulations on the red banner in the units of the Navy). These banners existed until the collapse of the USSR.

Description of the Red Banner of the unit (sample 1942; since 1975 - the combat banner of the unit):
"The Red Banner consists of a double-sided panel, a staff and a cord with tassels. The banner's panel is rectangular, with dimensions: 145 cm in length, 115 cm in width, is made of red silk fai folded in half and trimmed on three sides with golden silk fringe. On one side of the cloth, in the center, a sickle and a hammer of colored silk are sewn, measuring 36 cm in height. in the center - an application: a five-pointed star made of burgundy-colored silk with golden silk embroidery along the edges and colored silk in the form of rays - on the surface of the star, which has a size between opposite peaks of 56 cm. Under the star, the number and name of the military unit are embroidered with golden silk. -10 cm. The size of the letters of the inscription is 7.5 cm. The pole of the flag is wooden, of a circular cross-section with a diameter of 4 cm, and a length of 2.5 meters. The cord of the banner is twisted, made of golden silk with two tassels at the ends. Cord length 270-285 cm".

Attributes for any kind of troops have always been important: it was in this way that it was possible for the townsfolk to distinguish one army from another (for example, at parades), to identify in which branch of the army a person served or is serving (seeing the decals on military clothing). As a rule, the symbolism consists of a flag, a march (or anthem), other insignia (stars, color of uniforms, colors of berets, and so on). People who served in a certain type of troops are always proud of this, and various distinguishing features will help show everyone exactly where the person served.

USSR Air Force: a brief history.

The Air Force existed even before the establishment of the USSR, but then they had a different name. Even when the Union of Republics had already begun to exist, for some time the air forces were called the Air Forces of the Red Army. Only a year after the end of the Great Patriotic War, the Air Force began to be called habitually: the USSR Air Force. The Air Force existed to carry out several functions and tasks at once. Firstly, they covered the military operations of the allies on land and on water, secondly, they fought with the enemy directly in the air, thirdly, they contributed to the transportation of their own and allied troops by air, fourthly, they undermined the enemy’s military forces from air (bombing, destruction of enemy warehouses, transport hubs, and so on). On the basis of the performance of these functions, three regiments were formed: long-range aviation, front-line, military transport aviation. In this type of troops, unlike the Airborne, the level of aviation is extremely important, because the main part of the actions takes place in the air, and for the Airborne Forces - on land.

During the Great Patriotic War, the Air Force was almost destroyed as a type of troops. At the beginning of the war, almost the entire air fleet was outdated and could not objectively resist the latest German technology, moreover, the enemy defeated several strategically important airports. The Air Force has lost the ability to operate at 100%. However, a year later, this type of troops recovered thanks to lend-lease from the United States and its own modernization of military aviation. By the beginning of the Cold War, the USSR and the USA had already begun a military race, which was reflected, among other things, in the quality of military aviation and the degree of training of the Air Force and other types of troops, although even before it, the USSR and the USA found out who had the advantage in this area. We are talking about the Korean War, when the former allies opposed each other, albeit behind the scenes. The USSR supplied Korea with military equipment and human resources, it was then that the latest aviation tested itself in combat. In the 50s, the era of supersonic and jet aircraft also began, which pushed the USSR Air Force to a new level. Aircraft of that period of time were recognized as second-generation aviation. The time of the third generation came in the 60-70s. Already in the mid-60s, aircraft appeared capable of flying at a speed that was three times the speed of sound, and their “ceiling” in height was 24,000 meters. The fourth generation saw the light in the 80s, showing itself mainly in the Afghan conflict. And, finally, the fifth generation of aviation of the USSR Air Force appeared by the end of the 80s as part of a new round of the race with the United States. In 1991, the USSR Air Force ceased to exist for all known reasons. All military power began to convene from other countries of its location on the territory of the former Soviet republics, in order to divide it among all the already post-Soviet countries. Like all other types of troops, the Air Force suffered a mess with the division of military power, both technical and human.

Flag of the USSR Air Force.

The flag of the USSR Air Force appeared back in 1924, when the USSR Air Force itself did not yet exist, but there was still the Red Army Air Force. It is a rectangular canvas, just above the center of which is a red star. According to it, it was possible to identify the belonging of the flag to the Soviet military aviation. In the center of the star in yellow are the symbols of the USSR - the hammer and sickle. The star itself is located in the center of a yellow circle, from which wide yellow rays diverge in all directions on a blue background. There are 14 rays in total. It should be noted that the official description of the flag even describes the angle of inclination of the rays, their specific width. The same applies to the proportions of the location of the yellow circle and the star. Just below the star are white wings, in the middle of which you can see the white propeller of the aircraft. Sometimes the wings were depicted with black tints, the screw itself was also depicted in black, its size and proportions could also vary slightly, despite the fact that there is an official document with a full description of the location and dimensions of the elements of the flag. The emblem depicting wings and a propeller is a symbol of aviation in general. Sometimes on the right side of the vertical part one could see a yellow fringe. By the way, the identification red star periodically changed its appearance, especially often - until 1945, but on the flag it was traditionally drawn red without edging and using other colors. The flag of the Air Force of the Russian Federation partially adopted the design of the flag of the USSR Air Force, which served as the basis for it.

This flag until the collapse of the USSR Air Force was official and was used everywhere in this form. As a rule, it hung in the offices of officers, on holidays it was placed on the facades of buildings where the command of the USSR Air Force was located, and sometimes ordinary employees hung this flag in their living quarters. Even in our time, people who served in the USSR Air Force proudly hang the flag of the USSR Air Force on holidays and even weekdays as a memory of those times when the USSR Air Force still existed. In 1980, a decree was issued approving the flag of the USSR Air Force. The purpose of issuing this decree is not entirely clear, since the drawing and description of the flag almost completely repeat those of the 1924 model.

The company "Inari" manufactures flags of the USSR Air Force. Flags are made by sublimation printing on polyester fabric.


  • The flag will be made according to the electronic model available to Inari.
  • The colors of the flag may vary depending on the material.
  • Color matching is possible only on the basis of color proof, if the colors are critical.
  • The size of the flag may differ from the declared one within 2%, both up and down.
  • The size of the flag is not limited, but flags larger than 140 cm on both sides will be sewn from several panels, this is due to the width of the printed canvas.
  • The cost of accessories is not included in the cost of the flag.

Making the flag of the USSR Air Force

Do you want to buy a USSR Air Force flag to decorate the building for a departmental holiday? Then you've come to the right place! The INARI company specializes in the production of flag products and offers the production of the USSR Air Force flag to order as quickly as possible and at a bargain price!

The formation of the Red Army Air Force as a separate unit began shortly after the end of the October Revolution. The creation of the Air Force was based on the traditions of the Imperial Air Force and the military units that remained from it. To maintain the fighting and team spirit in the ranks of the newly formed troops, new paraphernalia was required.

So, in 1924, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR, the airfield flag of aviation units was officially approved. Later, starting in 1967, a blue rectangular cloth with a symbolic image of the sun and rays diverging from it, in the very heart of which a red star with a sickle and a hammer began to be called the flag of the USSR Air Force.

Buy the flag of the USSR Air Force to order

Buying the flag of the USSR Air Force is an urgent task today, because this type of paraphernalia is mandatory when decorating military air bases, headquarters and other administrative buildings, one way or another connected with the Russian Air Force. Such a flag is a symbol of a valiant era, and it is especially dear to veterans who participated in the Great Patriotic War.

Our company offers to make the flag of the USSR Air Force to order, guaranteeing strict compliance of products with state standards. Our flags of the military departments look beautiful and bright, while they are not at all afraid of the effects of rain and sunlight, do not fade for a long time and retain their original appearance in any conditions!

The emblem of the Air Force: a golden double-headed eagle with outstretched wings, holding in its paws a crossed silver propeller and an anti-aircraft gun barrel. On the chest of the eagle there is a shield crowned with a golden crown. In a shield, on a red field, is a silver rider slaying a dragon with a spear.

The banner of the Air Force was approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 4, 2002 No. 141 “On the banners of the types of the RF Armed Forces”, which entered into force on the day of signing. The same Decree approved the Regulations on Banners and their description.

The banner of the Air Force consists of a double-sided panel, a flagpole, a pommel, a staple, a drain and banner nails. A set with a banner may also include banner ribbons, cords with tassels, pantaler and a banner case.

The banner is rectangular and blue. From the center to the edges of the cloth, 14 expanding yellow rays diverge. In this case, four rays are directed to the corners of the panel, two - to the middle of the upper and lower edges of the panel, and the remaining rays are evenly spaced between them. The width of the rays at the edges of the panel is 1/12 of the width of the panel.

On the front side of the cloth, in the center, is the main figure of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation: a golden double-headed eagle, raising its spread wings up. The eagle is crowned with two small crowns and - above them - one large crown, connected by a ribbon. In the right paw of the eagle is a scepter, in the left - orb. On the chest of the eagle, in a red shield, is a silver rider in a blue cloak on a silver horse, striking with a silver spear a black dragon, overturned and trampled by a horse.

On the reverse side of the cloth is the emblem of the Air Force: a golden double-headed eagle with outstretched wings, holding in its paws a crossed silver propeller and an anti-aircraft gun barrel. On the chest of the eagle there is a shield crowned with a golden crown. In a shield, on a red field, is a silver rider slaying a dragon with a spear.

The width of the coat of arms and the emblem is 80 cm, the width of the cloth is 113 cm, the length is 170 cm, with a margin for attaching to the pole, made of blue fabric.

The staff of the flag is wooden, of round section, painted in brown color. Shaft diameter - 4 cm, length - 250 cm.

Banner bracket - in the form of a rectangular plate of golden metal, on which the words: "AIR FORCE" and the date the banner was presented are engraved.

The pommel is metal, golden, in the form of a slotted spear with a relief image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation.

The inflow is metal, golden, in the form of a truncated cone 9 cm high. The heads of the banner nails are golden.

The flag of the Air Force is a rectangular double-sided blue panel. In the center of the panel is an image of a crossed silver propeller and an anti-aircraft gun on silver soaring wings.

From the center of the cloth to the corners and edges diverge 14 expanding yellow rays, the width of each of which at the edges of the flag is 1/12 of its width. Four rays are directed to the corners of the panel, two - to the middle of the upper and lower edges of the panel, and the rest are evenly distributed between them.

The ratio of the width of the flag to its length is two to three, the ratio of the width of the wingspan to the length of the flag is one to two.

The propeller and anti-aircraft gun point to the 1997 merger of the Air Force and the Air Defense Forces (Air Defense).

Friends, for me, since childhood, aviation has always been associated with the anthem of aviation and the flag of the Air Force. And when the Air Force flag was changed in 2004, and the old flags were thrown away, I picked them up and brought them home. Somehow it was all wrong ... not humanly or something. 10 years have passed, the flag of the USSR Air Force has gone down in the history of aviation, the history of our country, but in my soul it has remained the flag of aviation, which is dear and which I want to raise, be proud of it at especially solemn moments.

I have a suggestion that I would like to discuss with you:
I propose to recognize the flag of the USSR Air Force as the flag of general aviation of Russia!

And now a little history.

Flag and Banner
FLAG - a panel of regular geometric (usually rectangular) shape, raised on a special mast (flagpole).
SIGN - a single flag product. As a rule, the banner is made of expensive materials and richly decorated with embroidery, fringe, tassels, ribbons. The panel itself is made from two rectangular pieces of fabric, stitching them around the perimeter. The banner is attached directly to the pole with the help of special banner nails. The loss of the banner by its owner, for example, a military unit, is considered a great shame.

A little history of the Air Force flag
Flag of the USSR Air Force

The airfield flag of aviation detachments and their formations was approved by the Decree of the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR "On flags and pennants of the USSR" on August 29, 1924.
On May 15, 1967, this flag became the flag of the Air Force. Those. until 1967, this flag was just an aviation flag!

The banner of the Air Force was established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 4, 2002 No. 141 "On the banners of the branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation"
On the front side of the cloth, in the center, is the main figure of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation.
On the reverse side of the cloth is the emblem of the Air Force: a golden double-headed eagle with outstretched wings, holding in its paws a crossed silver propeller and an anti-aircraft gun barrel. On the chest of the eagle there is a shield crowned with a golden crown. In a shield, on a red field, is a silver horseman slaying a dragon with a spear.

In accordance with the Decree of 15.05.1967 The flag of the Air Force was raised (exhibited) in the following cases:
- on the days of state and revolutionary holidays;
- on the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy;
- on the Day of the Air Fleet of the USSR;
- on the days of annual holidays established by units and formations to commemorate the day of their formation;
- at airfields during flights.

On holidays, the flag of the Air Force was exhibited on the buildings of institutions and establishments of the Air Force, headquarters of units and formations together with the State Flag of the USSR, while the size of the Air Force flag should not exceed the size of the State Flag of the USSR.

During daytime flights at airfields of aviation of the Armed Forces of the USSR, the flag was raised for the duration of flights on a flagpole installed in the KDP (SKP) area, and lowered after the end of flights. During the days of state and revolutionary, as well as military holidays, the flag of the Air Force was used to decorate and decorate the interior of the Officers' Houses, clubs and conference halls during ceremonial meetings and meetings of personnel.
The flag of the Air Force can be used permanently for the design of exhibitions dedicated to the combat path of the Air Force, organized at headquarters, in the Houses of Officers and rooms of military glory.

Description of the USSR Air Force flag:"A rectangular blue flag with a length to width ratio of 3:2, with a gold fringe on the free short side. On the central transverse axis, at a distance of one third of it from the top edge of the flag, there is a yellow circle (sun), inside which is a red five-pointed star facing with one end up and having a crossed yellow sickle and hammer in the center.The circle has a diameter equal to one quarter of the width of the flag, and the star has a radius equal to 2/3 of the radius of the circle.From the yellow circle to the corners and edges of the flag there are 14 divergent yellow rays, the width which at the circle is equal to 1/24, and at the edges - 12 of the width of the flag.Arrangement of the rays: 4 - to the corners of the flag, 2 - along its transverse axis, 2 - in the direction parallel to the horizontal axis, and the rest - in the intervals between them. In the center of the flag are located: a black propeller ring (with a radius of 1/16 of the transverse axis and a width of half its radius) and a propeller of the same color in a horizontal position with the end of the blades at a distance of 1/6 of the central axis on both sides of the center of the flag. The greatest width of the blade is 3/4 of the radius of the ring. The red star is supported by wings resting on the propeller ring and spread at the same distance from the main transverse axis. Wingspan - 7 radii of the yellow circle; the gap between the wings (the place where the star rests) is equal to one radius of the circle.

To the history of the flag, I will add a small digression into the history of the March of the Aviators.

Air March (better known as "March of the Aviators")- a Soviet song in the form of a march, written in the spring of 1923 (although Haight himself said that the song was written in 1920). Music by Yuly Abramovich Khait, lyrics by Pavel Davidovich German. Often performed at parades, it was the official anthem of the USSR Air Force.

The history of creation "This song was written in 1920 in Kiev by pop authors - poet Pavel German and composer Yuli Khait. By the mid-20s," Aviamarch "was sung by the whole country. His first line "We were born to make a fairy tale come true" became winged, and the initial words of the refrain "Everything is higher" acquired the meaning of a motto ... On August 7, 1933, the newspapers printed an order of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR: "Set the air march of the Red Army Air Force "Everything is higher!" On August 7, 1933, by order of the Revolutionary Military Council, the song "All the Higher" was announced as a march of the USSR Air Forces - "Aviamarch"

We were born to make a fairy tale come true
Overcome space and space,
The mind gave us steel arms-wings,
And instead of a heart - a fiery engine.

(in a later version -
Stalin gave us steel arms-wings...)

Higher, higher, and higher
We strive for the flight of our birds,
And breathes in every propeller
The tranquility of our borders.

(In the original text -
And protection breathes in every propeller
the tranquility of our borders)

Throwing up your obedient apparatus
Or creating an unprecedented flight,
We are aware of how the air fleet is growing stronger,
Our first proletarian fleet in the world!

Our sharp gaze pierces every atom,
Our every nerve is dressed with determination;
And, believe us, for every ultimatum
The Air Force will be able to answer!