
When I'm sad: I turn on loud music, strip down to my underwear, put on 15 cm heels and go to wash the dishes. Helps great!


When a man puts on a wedding ring, he immediately turns from a handsome guy into some kind of married man.


When people know a lot, it is difficult to manage them! Think...


You know, best friends don’t greet each other on the cheek when they meet and don’t comment on each other’s photos, they just love. They love you for who you are and know this is truly happiness!


You know ... thanks to one person, I realized that the principles, rules, and so on ... all these are such trifles compared to sincere feelings and happiness. It's just that they're not worth it. It's just that real feelings and happiness are priceless.


Do you know why girls act like little girls? To pay attention to them!


Do you know what real greed is? No? This is when you fart under the covers and hide with your head !!!))))


You know... I've wanted to tell you this for a long time, but I couldn't bring myself to do it... Just three words, and they are very important to me... Fuck you...;)


Cool statuses for a girl in VK: Know that you somehow came into my dreams Know that you are the first flowers of my spring ..


An acquaintance once told how her father and friends called a prostitute and forced her to wash the floors and wash clothes, and she cried.


Meet my friend - dolb * eb, we have been friends with him since childhood.


Call me and I will come to you again, through lies, through pain, through bitter anguish .. call me and overcome fear, you call me love ... my


Cinderella, I heard that your stepmother and sisters left for Bel! -yah?!! -Do you want it too? I have prepared a present for you: shoes, a dress, a carriage. you can go to the ball. godmother, are you??? nafig it to me?? I have a free house


And spring came to Chernobyl ... the grass turned blue, the birds barked =))))


And again weightlessly along the ladder of eyelashes past the borders invented by someone


And I'm not at all angry ... it's just that on the middle finger the manicure always turns out more beautiful than on the rest


And yet I still miss anonymous opinions in contact ..


And yet, the best thing that hugged the music lover by the neck was the headphones.


And all I have left is music!


Cool statuses for a girl in VK: And it's not about me. The world is just rubbish.


And remember, dear, so that next time there are no unnecessary questions like: "Why are you offended?" To yours: “I’m busy!” - and mine “Then, I won’t interfere)” answer not “Uh-huh! Come on blow” but “Honey, you will never bother me!”


And who is so in love with me? Who should I thank for the huge pimple on my nose?!


And only in our university, the teachers managed to put the State Educational Standards and the entrance exam for the 5th year on the same day ... an hour difference ...


And love has a limit...