In the early 60s, he became one of the founding members of The Forminx. The ensemble performed songs in the spirit of "Beatles" and enjoyed great popularity in their homeland. Many compositions of "The Forminx" belonged to the pen of Vangelis, but he also composed music for other performers. In 1967, Papathanassiou organized his own project "The Papathanassiou Set", which evolved into the famous art team "Aphrodite's Child".

"Children of Aphrodite" had a good success, but the creative nature of Vangelis was too small for the group, and already in the early 70s the musician began working on the side. In 1970, he wrote the soundtrack for the film "Sex Power", but this work went unnoticed. More successful was the second cinematic attempt by Vangelis, when he, in collaboration with the French film director Frederic Rossif, worked on the painting "L" Apocalypse Des Animaux.

Vangelis After the collapse of "Aphrodite" s Child "Papathanassiou breathed a sigh of relief and began his "official" solo career. True, in 1974 they tried to recruit him in "Yes", but after two weeks of rehearsals, the artist was released again. During those sessions, Vangelis managed to make friends with vocalist Jon Anderson, and subsequently they released several joint records under the label "Jon and Vangelis". In the mid-70s, Papatanassiou settled in London, where he built his own studio "Nemo" and signed a contract with "RCA Records". On the label, the artist released a number of interesting electronic albums: "Heaven And Hell", "Albedo 0.39", "Spiral", "Beaubourg". Since the late 70s, Vangelis began to work closely with other performers - in addition to the aforementioned Anderson, the musician released CDs with the Greek singer Irene Papas and Italian popular vocalist Milva.In addition, Papatanassiou was noted on a number of albums by his former colleague from "Aphrodite's Child" Demis Roussos.

Commercial success came to Vangelis in 1981, when the film with his music, "Chariots Of Fire", appeared on the screens. The picture received a bunch of awards, and one of them, "Academy Award for Original Music Score", went to the author of the soundtrack. The film's theme song was released on the single "Titles", which (albeit briefly) managed to top the Billboard charts.

Vangelis Later, Vangelis continued to work on soundtracks, the most famous of which were "Blade Runner" and "The Bounty". However, work in cinema brought the musician not only honors, but also some problems. So, in 1987, he had to go through a court showdown on charges of plagiarism. The lawsuit brought against Vangelis by his countryman Stavros Logarides was that the title theme from "Chariots" was a copy of Stavros' "City of Violets". Papatanassiou had to drag his synthesizers into the courtroom and use them to defend the right to his own creativity. Throughout the 80s and 90s, Vangelis' solo albums continued to be released, but the musician did not focus on "electronic" and soundtracks, but discovered new genres. So, for example, together with the Englishman Wayne Eagling, he worked on staging ballets, and later wrote a repertoire for the opera diva Montserrat Caballe.

In 2001, Vangelis, with the support of NASA and the Greek Ministry of Culture, organized a concert in the Temple of Zeus in Athens, where he presented his choral symphony "Mythodea". Three years later, the musician returned to the cinema again and recorded the soundtrack for Oliver Stone's film "Alexander".

Vangelis returned after 20 years of emigration to Greece. He was entrusted with creating music for the most significant festivities - such as the opening of the Olympic Games in Athens. On stage, Vangelis' ballets are successfully staged, which remain inaccessible to most of his admirers outside of Greece.

VANGELIS (Vangelis) (real name Evangelos Odyssey Papathanassiou, Evangelos Odyssey Papathanassiou) (b. March 29, 1943, Volos, Greece), Greek musician (piano) and composer.

Having discovered musical talent early, he independently mastered the piano; then studied classical music at the Athens Academy of Fine Arts. In the early 1960s, while still a student, he began his professional musical career keyboardist in the pop group FORMYNX; later joined APHRODITE'S CHILD, where he performed with the famous Greek singer Demis Roussos. After the coup in Greece, the group moved to France and achieved impressive European success with the hits Rain And Tears, It's Five O'clock and Break. Having recorded the album 666 in 1972, sustained in an apocalyptic key, APHRODITE'S CHILD broke up.

The musician began his solo career under the name Vangelis in 1971, recording the albums The Dragon and Hypothesis in Paris. In 1972, he began collaborating with French film producer Frederick Rossif and took part in creating music for the films L "Apocalypse des Animaux and La Fete Sauvage. In 1974, Vangelis moved to London and founded his own recording studio Nemo, where he In the following years, the musician released several more interesting albums of instrumental music, but he achieved the greatest popularity with his music for films.The soundtrack of David Putnam's film Chariots of Fire parades on both sides of the Atlantic and brought the composer an Oscar in 1982. Vangelis' music can be heard in such films as 1492 - Conquest Of Paradise, Blade Runner, Bitter Moon, as well as in documentaries by Jacques Yves Cousteau.

Portrait ">


Back in 1974, when YES was looking for a replacement for Rick Wakeman, who left for the first time, Vangelis was chosen by vocalist and leader Jon Anderson, but the vacancy was eventually filled by Patrick Moraz. Nevertheless, both did not leave thoughts of cooperation. In the fall of 1979, Anderson called Vangelis again. In January 1980, JON AND VANGELIS made their debut on Polydor with the album short stories, and by September selected for the single I Hear You Now rose to the 58th line. Next duet work "The Friends Of Mr. Cairo" turned out to be extremely successful and brought JON AND VANGELIS 6th place in England, 64th in the USA and a hit I'll Find My Way Home(No. 6 and No. 51). In 1983, new works with Anderson followed: the album "Private Collection" and single He Is Smiling(No. 22 and No. 61). In August 1984, the single JON AND VANGELIS State Of Independence climbed to number 67 on the Billboard charts, and the duo's best-of collection hit number 42.

In addition, Vangelis successfully continued his solo career throughout the 1980s and 90s. having released a number of striking albums; he also composed the music for the series documentaries French traveler and scientist Jacques Yves Cousteau. In 1992, the musician was awarded the honorary Order of the Knights of France for services to the arts.


DRAGON (Charly, 1971)
EARTH (Vertigo, 1974)
COSMOS (RCA, 1974)
HEAVEN AND HELL (Windham Hill, 1975)
ALBEDO 0.39 (Windham Hill, 1976)
SPIRAL (RCA, 1977)
HYPOTHESIS (Affinity, 1978)
BEAUBOURG (Windham Hill, 1978)
ODES (Polydor, 1979)
CHINA (Polydor, 1979)
SEE YOU LATER (Polydor, 1980)
OPERA SAUVAGE (Polydor, 1981)
CHARIOTS OF FIRE (Polydor, 1982)
SOIL FESTIVITIES (Polydor, 1984)
IGNACIO (Polydor, 1985)
THE MASK (Polydor, 1985)
DIRECT (Arista, 1988)
ANTARCTICA (Polydor, 1988)
THEMES (Polydor, 1989)
THE CITY (Atlantic, 1990)
1492: CONQUEST OF PARADISE (Atlantic, 1992)
BLADE RUNNER (Atlantic, 1994)
VOICES (Atlantic, 1995)
EL GRECO (Atlantic, 1995)
OCEANIC (Atlantic, 1997)

Birthday March 29, 1943

famous Greek composer, one of the first performers of electronic music, author of soundtracks for many famous films

The full name is Evangelos Odyssey Odyssey as Papathanassiou, (Greek ????????? ???????? ????????????; Evangelos Odyssey Papathanassiou). As a creative pseudonym, understandable to the English-speaking public, he chose a shortened version of his first name - Vangelis (Vangelis).


The musical talents of the young Vangelis became apparent already at the age of 4, and for the first time his music was heard from the stage when he was 6 years old. However, when the parents tried to give the boy a professional musical education, it turned out that he did not obey formal education at all, because he stubbornly refused to follow any instructions. At the same time, in the future, he fondly remembered his mother, who was especially persistent in trying to get the boy to play the piano.

The fascist coup of the "black colonels" (1967) found Vangelis in Paris, where he and his friends Demis Roussos and Lucas Sideras studied at the Sorbonne. The decision not to return to their homeland was made unanimously ... But the trio remaining patriots of Greece decided to enter the name home country in the history of music: this is how a new group was born, called "Aphrodite's Child" ("Child of Aphrodite"). Vangelis took over the composition of music and keyboard accompaniment, his vociferous friend Demis Roussos was responsible for the vocals, and modest Lucas limited himself to the role of drummer.

Their first album "Rain and Tears" ("Rain and Tears") brought them worldwide popularity, and in the future, all released singles for three years invariably took first place in the European charts.

In 1971, having increased their instrumental capabilities with the inclusion of guitarist and drummer Silver Coulouris, they recorded the electronic oratorio "666 - Apocalypse of John" on a double album with the clear leadership of Vangelis. After the release of this album, the friends decide to part ways.

in 1970, he first had the opportunity to record on a record. The first disc of the young composer was the soundtrack to Henry Chapier's film "Sex Power". The film was shot in the genre of "light erotica".

The next two years were probably not the best in the composer's life. Several discs released during this time were commercially unsuccessful. However, later, in the life of Vangelis, a bright streak comes, he meets and begins working with the French director Frederic Rossif (Frederic Rossif). In 1974, Vangelis, who had already become a world-class star, moved from Paris to London, where he was seriously considered as a possible replacement for keyboardist Rick Wakeman in the Yes band. However, after two weeks of rehearsals, Vangelis left, saying that his musical concept was too far from that of the band. It was during these two weeks that he became friends with the lead singer of Yes, Jon Anderson, which ensured their subsequent joint work, which continues to this day.

In 1975, Vangelis signed with RCA and founded his own recording studio, Nemo Studios, which Vangelis later refers to as his research lab. Here he began recording a series of electronic albums such as Heaven and Hell (1975), Albedo 0.39 (1976), Spiral (1977), Beaubourg (1987) and China (1979). Parts from Heaven and Hell were subsequently used as main topic in Carl Sagan's television series Cosmos. In the late 70s - early 80s, Vangelis devoted a lot of time to joint projects. Together with Jon Anderson, he records four successful albums under the label "Jon And Vangelis" (to be fair, these discs contain more from Jon than from Vangelis), records two albums of "old" Greek hymns with Irene Papas (released only in Greece), producing Demis Roussos records...

The real name of the composer is Greek, has several words, but he took the abbreviated first name - Vangelis.

Is it possible to compose music without knowing a single note? It turns out that this is possible. Vangelis creates masterpieces not only because of the use of modern technology, but primarily due to his talent. This man is one of the famous composers of our time.

In what genres did Vangelis write music! Art rock, pop ballads, rock and roll, new age and ambient, avant-garde and electronics - you can hardly find a composer who has such a diverse genre. In any, even the simplest work of this author, one can find a special trace of his talent: transparency of sound, purity of melody and majestic symphony.

The uniqueness of Vangelis is manifested in everything. He is very meticulous and attentive to his work, carefully selecting those melodies that will be conveyed to the listener.

The composer was born in March 1943. He spent his childhood in Athens, where he was surrounded by the sea and a lush garden. Vangelis' talent manifested itself at the age of four, and his music was heard from the stage for the first time two years later! But when his family tried to force him to study music, he refused. Vangelis stubbornly refused to follow anyone's instructions. For him, the main thing was his own experience and development. But then he warmly recalled how his mother insistently wanted to teach him to play the piano.

After graduating from school, Vangelis became interested in the Beatles and, together with friends, formed the Formynx group. As a result, the first rock band in Greece began to gather crowds of fans in the stadiums! The group's repertoire consisted not only of rock and roll, the listeners liked the arrangements of Greek melodies and works by Frank Sinatra.

The coup of the "black colonels" took place in 1968, when Vangelis was in Paris. There he studied at the Sorbonne with his friends L. Sideras and D. Roussos. They decided not to return to their homeland. The trio created a new group, which they called "Children of Aphrodite", to glorify Greece. In it, Vangelis composed music and accompanied on keyboards, his friend Roussos sang, and Lucas played the guitar.

"Children of Aphrodite" from the start decided to play in the style of elite art rock, which was popular at that time only among the aesthetic youth. However, ballads performed by Demis Roussos, endowed with an unusually high voice, and an exotic-looking group, often performing in chitons, led them to success. The first released album "Rain and Tears" brought world fame to young musicians.

In 1971, with an enlarged group, they recorded a double album, including an electronic-style oratorio - "666 - Apocalypse of John". This album was one of the first records of the electronic music genre. Keyboard instruments provided a polyphonic sound, which was complemented by original vocal effects. This album is the main record of the group, although its appearance was then met coldly - too heavy, experimental and unusual sound puzzled the fans of the group. After this album, friends suddenly disband the group.

Soon Vangelis, as a promising composer, was offered to record a disc on his own. The first record was the score for the film Sex Power by Henry Chapier. In the next two years, Vangelis released four more experimental albums - diverse, but equally failed commercially. He signed these discs with the name Vangelis Papathanassiou.

Fame came a year later when Vangelis wrote the music for the film "The Apocalypse of the Animals" and for the trilogy dedicated to the work of Georges Breig, Picasso and Georges Mathieu. The public absolutely loved the Animal Apocalypse. The style of the "new" Vangelis appeared in it - quiet tenderness, light and harmony.

In 1974, the composer, already as a world-class star, moved from Paris to London. There he was offered to become a replacement for the keyboardist of the Yes group - Rick Wakeman. But after two weeks of working together, he left them. His concept of music was too different from the band's style. During these two weeks, he became friends with the lead singer of Yes - Jon Anderson. This determined their further joint work.

In 1975, Vangelis collaborated with RCA on the basis of a contract and created Nemo Studios. He turns it into his research laboratory. Released in collaboration with RCA, the album is called Heaven and Hell. Taking his ideas from classical music, the techno-rock Vangelis was brilliantly presented in this album. The musician himself played all the instruments - from drums to the grand piano.

It was fantastic, unusual, outstanding music, which instantly brought Vangelis popularity in Europe and the USA. From that moment on, every album immediately became a hit. They are sold in inconceivable quantities. And certainly the latest album of Vangelis has always been distinguished by a completely new, uncharacteristic style! His music can be described as having no boundaries, it gives a sense of space. There is a feeling that the sounding element is based on certain images, the vague shadows of which are about to materialize nearby.

A few years ago, Odysseus-Vangelis returned to his homeland. And Greece paid tribute to the composer - it was Vangelis who was instructed to write music for the opening of the Olympics in Athens. At home, his ballets are a success, which, alas, are not available to his admirers outside of Greece.

Vangelis was and remains a mysterious man whom the public rarely sees, but still loves.

Vangelis is a Greek composer, best known for his work in such films as Alexander, Blade Runner, Bitter Moon.

short biography

Evangelos Odysseus Papatanassiou was born on March 29, 1943 in Agria, Greece. Vangelis began writing music at the age of four. When he was six, his parents sent him to a music school, but even there he never learned to read music. Remaining to this day a self-taught musician, he plays pieces by ear. Vangelis also studied painting, he still practices drawing at the Academy of Fine Arts in Athens.

In the early sixties, he was one of the founding members of the pop group The Forminx, which quickly became popular in Greece. The five-member group played a mixture of cover versions of other people's hits and their own compositions, mostly written by Vangelis, but broke up at the height of their popularity in 1966. And Vangelis spent the next two years working on songs for other artists.

Around the time of student riots in 1968, Vangelis founded the rock band Aphrodite's Child with Demis Roussos. After an unsuccessful attempt to move to the UK, they found a house in Paris, where they recorded their first single "Rain and Tears", which became a hit in most of Europe, but tensions between the band members eventually led to the band's split in 1971.

In 1973, with the recording of the album "Earth", began Solo career Vangelis. After moving to London, Vangelis set up his own recording studio called Nemo Studios. At the moment, the musician has more than fifty studio albums to his credit.

Vangelis became the author of musical accompaniment for such films as "Face of the Jellyfish", "The Power of Sex", "Wild Holiday", "Love", "Do You Hear the Dogs Barking?", "Crime and Passion", "Tenderly Loving Mother", "Chariots of Fire", "Missing", "An Antarctic Tale", "Bounty", "Vampire in Venice", "Francis", "1492: The Conquest of Paradise", "Cavafy", "Say You Love!", " I hope…”, “El Greco”, “Evidence”, “Rubbish”.

In May 2000, Vangelis composed the music for the closing ceremony of the Sydney Olympics.

Little is known about Vangelis' personal life, he also rarely gives official interviews to journalists. However, the composer was married twice, and is now in the third serious relationship in his life. It is also not known where Vangelis usually resides, as he himself states that he prefers to always travel rather than stay in one place. As a hobby, Vangelis enjoys painting, with his first exhibition touring South America in 2005.