Now in the major cities of Europe you can find very unusual monuments and sculptures, often striking in their funny, funny and even ridiculous look.

Well, is it really possible to take such a monument standing in Amsterdam seriously? "Don't drink the bough you're sitting on":

By the way, a similar monument was erected in Yakutsk. Here he is:

And in Brussels on the street you can meet just such an old woman with a bag, counting her money.

There, in Brussels, there is such a funny monument: a policeman and a prankster thief who caught him:

The queue monument is installed in Washington. See how organically tourists are pouring into it:

Very unusual is the situation with patency through walls. If in Los Angeles a clerk with a suitcase could stick only his head into the wall...

That French writer Marcel Aime, in Paris, has already passed through the wall, and now in the process of getting out of it ...

But the bronze woman from Santa Fe, New Mexico lay down to rest right on the sidewalk. Tourists join!

Music is loved in Holland. Here, a violinist made his way through the floor in order to please the ears of passers-by:

In Bratislava, there is even a monument to a plumber who leaned out of a sewer manhole:

By the way, there are plumbers not only in Bratislava, but also in Ukraine. Here is such a sad "santa" from Berdyansk. By the way, there are similar monuments in Krasnoyarsk, Omsk, and Yekaterinburg...

And in Oslo, a stone man was seen fighting off stone children. Or is he juggling them? Remarkably, the man is naked...

In Seoul, benches on the streets are held not by props, but by strong teeth! Check out these comrades!

By the way, the Danes also have a sense of humor. Here, for example, a monument, uh ... how can I put it mildly?

But the Danish madam from Ringkobing will probably be bigger:

Another rather unusual monument is installed in Melbourne. Something is wrong in the picture, isn't it?

By the way, you can't hide from these cyclists anywhere... Even at the bottom of the sea!

In addition to stone or bronze people, the world was flooded with monuments to things, and this cannot be kept silent!

The newest of them is a monument, let's say, political. Monument to the boot thrown at Bush Jr.

And in Paris there is a monument to the finger. And he sticks himself out of the ground:

In Australia - wallet:

In Nakavik, Canada - to an axe:

In Springfield (USA) - a monument to the fork:

And in Norway, Oslo - a paper clip:

And even books - in Berlin:

And in Russia they answered this with a powerful three-meter stool! "Monument to the first stool of the Russian land" was installed in the former estate of the Arshenevsky brothers on Taganka:

And in Germany, in Braunschweig, stray cats were seen (it’s good that at least these ones don’t yell):

And the faucet in Cadiz pouring water from the sky:

London is famous for its traffic lights, and on this occasion there is such a monument:

And in Prague - a monument to a woman's shoe:

Now let's move on to Russia. What is there on the Russian land! Let's start with animals. The Russian people love their little brothers!

For example, in St. Petersburg, on Malaya Sadovaya Street, there is a cast-iron cat, which was christened Elisey Kotovich Pitersky. The cat climbed high - on the second floor of the "Eliseevsky" grocery store, and therefore it is not so easy to notice him:

Another cat (more precisely, a cat) “hangs” at the window of the creative center “Mitki VKHUTEMAS” (Pravdy St., 16) at the level of the 6th floor. dressed like famous hero cartoon, she was immediately nicknamed Matroskin's cat:

And in Moscow, in the square near the lake near the Novodevichy Convent, a whole sculptural composition “Give way to ducklings!” Was opened. Little ducklings look around, quack, look for a worm in the grass - in a word, they behave like they are alive. No wonder they put guards at the monument - they strive to steal ducklings!

By the way, the sculptors did not ignore even such a tiny creature as a bee. In the Kuzminki park, for example, they erected a monument to the bee Kuza, who sits on one of the columns depicting honeycombs:

Among the most unusual monuments Petersburg, "The Nose" is included. By the way, he, like his prototype, likes to take a walk. For example, in 2002 he suddenly disappeared from his plinth. He was found a year later on the landing of house number 15, not far from Voznesensky Prospekt, where his rightful place was:

I also place here a selection of monuments, the location of which is unknown to me, but it’s simply impossible not to show them to you, dear readers!

worldwide famous monument the elephant from Salvador Dali's painting "The Temptation of St. Anthony" is simply amazing!

And these are the real Thick and Thin:

Oh, how mother untwisted her daughter. Just don't let go!

Here the boys jump into the water and squeal with anticipation:

And the girls, remaining on the “land”, play leapfrog:

And who is this? Beautiful knight on a horse? But what about the horse?

And lastly: a cow on a tree! Take a closer look. What does she remind you of? Maybe a sachet of milk?

In fact, people are scared in most cemeteries, because this is the place where they remember death, including their own death. But these cemeteries are teeming with ghost stories and odd facts! Want to tickle your nerves? That way.

You might be surprised that the first cemetery photo on this list is of an airport. However, this is really a cemetery! Beneath runway number 10 are the graves of the Dotson couple, a married couple who used to live in a house on the site of the airport and were buried in the area next to it. The airport repeatedly negotiated with Dotson's relatives about the transfer of the remains, but they did not agree, and without the consent of relatives in the United States, this is not allowed.

The architectural splendor of the Recoleta cemetery is amazing, but it was not included in this list because of it, but because of a number of terrible and unusual stories about those who are buried there: next to the grave of Evita Peron, on which there are always fresh flowers, Rufina Cambáceres is buried , a girl who was buried alive and came out of a coma right in the coffin, and David Alleno, a poor gravedigger who saved money for a burial site for thirty years, and having saved up, committed suicide.

We are used to the fact that cemeteries are underground, but the Filipino Igorot tribe buries their dead ... in the air. Cemeteries always hang over the heads of people from this tribe. For example, this rock covered with coffins looks creepy!

This cemetery is a popular tourist attraction in the Romanian village of Sapinta. The monuments of the cemetery, painted in bright colors, take us away from the mourning atmosphere of the place, and the epitaphs on them can be both funny and even satirical.

This is perhaps one of the most famous cemeteries in England. Every crypt and every statue here is an architectural masterpiece. But, beyond that, the graveyard is known for its abundance of ghosts - for example, a tall Highgate vampire with a hypnotic gaze. Another famous ghost is a crazy woman running around the cemetery looking for the children she killed.

Greyfriars Cemetery is an old cemetery with a rich history. It was founded in the 1560s. at the local jail. Of the 1200 prisoners, only 257 left it alive - the rest remained here forever. Now a rare brave man will dare to enter the gates of Greyfriars at night - the souls of the innocently killed will not give him rest.

People are afraid to visit even ordinary cemeteries. What would you say about the whole island of the dead? He is in Venice! When it was found that burials in the main territory of Venice lead to unsanitary conditions, the dead began to be taken out to San Michele. This is still done in a gondola specially designated for this.

The mining towns of La Noria and Humberstone are located in the middle of the desert in Chile. The history of these towns is a terrible story about the violence of the masters over their slave miners. Sometimes they were simply brutally killed, not sparing even the children. They were buried in the cemetery of La Noria; now, when you are in this cemetery, the feeling of the otherworldly environment around does not leave. There are many open and dug graves in the cemetery, from which skeletons even show up!

4. Chiesa dei Morti (Church of the Dead), Urbino, Italy

The Church of the Dead is famous not only for its big name, but also for the exposition of mummies. Behind the classic baroque arch, you have a great view of most of them. Each of the 18 preserved mummies is in its own alcove. The church was built, which is characteristic, the Brotherhood of the Good Death.

3. Bachelors Grove Cemetery, Chicago, Illinois, USA

This place is legendary as one of the most haunted cemeteries in America. Eyewitnesses confirm the appearance of strange figures in the cemetery. One of the famous ghosts is a white lady with a child in her arms. Also in the 1950s so many visitors to the cemetery have reported a ghostly house. In addition, a farmer with a horse appeared in the cemetery, killed nearby, and a black dog.

The number of "inhabitants" of the catacombs of Paris is almost three times the number of Parisians living above - almost 6 million corpses are buried here. The ebullient life of the chic "upper Paris" is terribly different from the gloomy city of the dead underground. Here you can find whole corridors of skulls and bones. The Parisian catacombs are huge, and no one knows how confusing their labyrinth is: it is quite possible to get lost here forever.

The Crypt of the Capuchins are 6 rooms located under the church of Santa Maria della Concezione in Italy. It contains 3,700 skeletons of monks of the Capuchin brotherhood. When their remains were brought here in 1631, they took 300 wagons and were buried in earth specially brought from Jerusalem. After 30 years, the remains were exhumed and displayed in the hall. But the worst thing is not the mummies themselves, but the “message of the brotherhood”, translated into 5 languages: “We were what you are. You will be what we are."

Grieving relatives do everything to perpetuate the memory of the deceased loved ones, turning ordinary gravestones either into something very allegorical or into sculptures that are real works of art:
1. Woman at the piano. She may have been a musician during her lifetime
2. This woman was very fond of Mickey Mouse
3. Maybe this guy died because he smoked too much?
4. The grave of the creator of the labyrinth
5. "Eternal sleep"
6. A tree swallowed up an old grave
7. Tombstone over the grave of the inventor of the gas lamp Charles Pigeon, Montparnasse Cemetery, Paris, France
8. Such a grave was made at the behest of a heartbroken mother for her late 10-year-old daughter in 1871.
When the girl was alive, she was terrified of thunderstorms. Next to her grave is a special basement, which was dug to the level of the coffin. During a thunderstorm, the girl's mother went down to the basement to "calm down" her child.
9. Monument to the girl in life size under a glass cover was made to order at the request of her mother
10. This is the grave of a 16-year-old girl. The headstone was commissioned by her sister.
11. "Love to the grave", Thailand
12. This monument depicts the Savior, who holds in his hands two ropes from a simple children's swing with a crossbar.
A little girl sits on a swing below. The sculptural composition reminds that the life of everyone on earth is in the hands of God.
13. Tombstone in the form mobile phone was found in one of the Israeli cemeteries
Various inscriptions are engraved on the tombstone, for example: "Please leave a message - I will reply as soon as I can"
14. "Together Forever"
15. This terrifying grave is located in a cemetery in Genoa, Italy
16. The grave of the Belgian writer Georges Rodenbach. The headstone represents the writer himself, rising from the grave with a rose in his hand.
17. The design of this Victorian-era grave serves to ensure that the dead do not leave their final resting place.
Many in those days firmly believed in the existence of vampires and thus prevented the release of the reincarnated dead. In fact, medical students needed corpses to study anatomy, and for the sake of gaining knowledge, they did not disdain excavating fresh graves. To secure the attempt on the deceased, relatives ordered forged gratings on the graves of loved ones.
18. Nature is relentless...
19. Fernand Arbelote was a musician and actor who died in 1990.
He was buried in the Père Lachaise cemetery in Paris. During his lifetime, Fernand wished to forever look at the face of his wife.
20. Tombstone of the 18th century, under which rests a French journalist
21. Gravestone in the form of a board for playing scrabble
22. The graves of a Catholic woman and her Protestant husband, who were not allowed to be buried together
In the 1800s, it was forbidden to bury Catholics and Protestants in the same cemetery.
23. This grave is all that remains of an old rural cemetery in India.
A state highway was built on the site of the cemetery. The grandson, whose grandmother was buried there, refused to move the grave. In the end, the authorities went to meet him and built a road around the grave.

In our company you can order and have no doubts about the high quality of the work performed and full compliance with all your wishes and requirements.

is always a challenge to the master, a test of his talent and creativity. Moreover, even the one in whom there is a divine spark of talent is far from always able to create something worthy. For the artistic design of monuments requires complete dedication and the ability to work with the smallest details and color. Which is very difficult...

Apparently, therefore, sculptures and color portraits on the monuments are still extremely rare. And this despite the fact that the number of workshops offering beautiful monuments is growing every year.

Beautiful tombstones made in our workshop, you can see in the photo above. From them, you can easily determine how gifted our artists are, and whether they are able to bring your fantasies to life.

Beautiful headstones.

What else can we offer you?

A colored portrait on granite, a beautiful design of the burial place, a granite complex, an unusual cross, a unique stele with a golden inscription, and much more. In fact, in our workshop you can order anything, including memorial sculptures made of marble and exclusive monuments made of granite.

Our artists will offer you exactly what should be on the grave of your dear person. They will consult on the types of stone and methods of its processing, draw the most accurate sketch and create a work of art that will perpetuate the image of a deceased person in stone, emphasizing its originality and limitless value for relatives and friends.

Depending on the religion professed by the deceased during his lifetime, different religious elements are used on the tombstone: stars, crosses, icons, etc. The elements can be made by engraving, carving, casting or inlay.

Beautiful tombstones - good use

We also manufacture beautiful tombstones for insured events. We provide all the necessary documents to insurance agencies for cash payments to any city.

By prior arrangement, we can go to your city to draw up an agreement, drawing
sketch of an exclusive monument and measurement of the grave in the cemetery.

Turning to us, you will receive not just a beautifully designed tombstone made of granite - you will have a reliable repository of memories of your loved one.

The appearance of the tombstone can be completely different, it depends on the will of the deceased, social and religious traditions, as well as financial situation family and other factors.

The headstone on the grave is installed at various times. Depends

None of the people living on earth knows what awaits us after death. In the earthly life of a person, the grave puts an end, however, in some cases, even in it the deceased cannot find peace. Next, you will find the most mysterious burial places in the world, around which there are many mystical legends.

Rosalia Lombardo (1918 - 1920, Capuchin catacombs in Italy)

At the age of 2, this girl died of pneumonia. The inconsolable father could not part with the body of his daughter and turned to Alfredo Salafia to embalm the body of the child. Salafiya did a tremendous job (drying his skin with a mixture of alcohol and glycerin, replacing the blood with formaldehyde, and using salicylic acid to prevent the fungus from spreading throughout the body). As a result, the girl's body, which is in a sealed coffin with nitrogen, looks as if she had fallen asleep.

Cells for the dead (Victorian era)

During the Victorian era, metal cages were built over the graves. Their purpose is not exactly known. Some believe that this is how the graves were protected from the destroyers, others think that this was done so that the dead did not come out of the graves.

Taira no Masakado (940, Japan)

This man was a samurai and during the Heian period he became the leader of one of the largest uprisings against Kyoto rule. The uprising was crushed and in 940 Masakado was beheaded. According to historical chronicles, the samurai's head did not rot for three months, and all this time it quickly rolled its eyes. Then the head was buried, and later the city of Tokyo was built on the burial site. Tair's grave is still being cherished, as the Japanese believe that if it is disturbed, then trouble can be brought to Tokyo and the whole country. Now this grave is the oldest burial in the world, which is kept in perfect cleanliness.

Lilly Gray (1881-1958, Salt Lake City Cemetery, USA)

The inscription on the headstone reads "Sacrifice of the Beast 666". Lilly's husband Elmer Gray called this the US government, which he blamed for the death of his wife.

Chase Family Crypt (Barbados)

The family crypt of this couple is one of the most mysterious places in the Caribbean. IN early XIX centuries, here several times it was found that the coffins were moved after they were placed in the crypt, while it was established that no one entered the crypt. Some coffins stood upright, others were on the steps at the very entrance. In 1820, by order of the governor, the coffins were moved to another place, and the entrance to the crypt was closed forever.

Mary Shelley (1797 - 1851, St. Peter's Chapel, Dorset, England)

In 1822, Mary Shelley cremated the body of her husband, Percy Bysshe Shelley, who died in an accident in Italy. After cremation, an intact heart of a man was found among the ashes, his woman took him home to England and kept until her death. Mary died in 1851 and was buried with her husband's heart, which she kept in the manuscript of Adonai: An Elegy of Death.

Russian mafia (Yekaterinburg, Russia)

monuments in full height, installed on the graves of representatives of the criminal world, have seen many of us. On some monuments, you can even find video cameras that protect them from vandals.

Ines Clark (1873 - 1880, Chicago, USA)

In 1880, 7-year-old Ines died from a lightning strike. By order of her parents, a sculpture-monument in a Plexiglas cube was installed on her grave. The sculpture is made in the growth of a girl, depicting her sitting on a bench with a flower and an umbrella in her hands.

Kitty Jay (Devon, England)

A nondescript hill covered with grass is called Jay's grave by the locals. At the end of the 18th century, Kitty Jay committed suicide, and her grave became a cult site for ghost hunters. Since suicides could not be buried in a cemetery, Kitty was buried at a crossroads so that her soul could not find a way to the afterlife. Until now, fresh flowers constantly appear on her grave.

Elizaveta Demidova (1779 - 1818, Pere Lachaise cemetery, Paris, France)

At the age of 14, Elizaveta Demidov was married to the first prince of San Donato, whom she did not love. The unfortunate woman was one of the richest women of her time, and she bequeathed her entire fortune to the man who could spend a week in her crypt without food. So far, no one has done this, and therefore her condition remains unclaimed.