Levitation - the ability of a person to soar in the air, what is levitation? Levitation - according to wikipedia, a person's ability, with a certain magical development, to overcome gravity.

Levitation - the ability of a person to soar in the air, what is levitation? Levitation - according to wikipedia, a person's ability, with a certain magical development, to overcome gravity; or an object (with a different interpretation of this word) retains or consistently changes its position in three-dimensional space despite gravity under the action of an initiator (in the case of an object, this is most often the effect of superconductivity).

The ability of a person to levitate (or to ultra-high and long jumps) has not yet been recognized in science. However, there is unconfirmed evidence that there were flying yogi competitions. According to the report, one (the victorious yogi) was able to stay in the air for four minutes. In the mythology of the East, the distinguishing feature of the gods is the ability to fly. But even mere mortals owned a unique art.

The Indian Vedas, which literally means “knowledge” in Sanskrit, even contains a practical guide to levitation, a kind of know-how that describes how to put yourself in such a state as to get off the ground. But over the past centuries, the meaning of many ancient Indian words and concepts has been lost, so it is impossible to translate this invaluable instruction into modern language.

As for the ancient levitants, according to the testimonies that have come down to us, they rose into the air two cubits from the ground - about 90 centimeters. Moreover, they did this not at all in order to impress someone with such miracles, but simply because the “floating” position is more convenient for performing religious rites. Along with India, levitation was also practiced in ancient times in Tibet.

Buddhist texts tell that, after the Indian founder of Zen Buddhism Bodhidharma came to the Tibetan Shaolin monastery in 527 AD, he taught the monks to control the energy of the body - an indispensable condition for flying. Both the Buddha himself and his mentor, the magician Sammat, used levitation, which could remain suspended in the air for hours. Characteristically, both in India and Tibet, the art of levitation has survived to this day. Many oriental researchers also describe the phenomenon of "flying llamas".

For example, the British traveler Alexandra David-Neel watched with her own eyes how, on the high plateau of Chang-Tang, one of the Buddhist monks, sitting motionless with his legs bent under him, flew tens of meters, touched the ground and again soared into the air, like a ball bouncing off after a strong throw . Moreover, his gaze was directed into the distance - at the "guiding star", visible in the light of day only to him alone. Pray, fast - and you will fly Levitation has long been known not only in the East, but also in Europe.

Moreover, medieval European levitants have one characteristic feature. Unlike the Eastern Brahmins, Yogis, Lamas, none of them specifically sought to master the art of levitation and did not prepare for flights. Usually they took to the air, being in a state of enthusiastic religious ecstasy and not even thinking about it. If we turn to reliable facts, then among the first officially recorded levitants should be called St. Teresa, a Carmelite nun, whose flights were witnessed by 230 Catholic priests.

She told about her unusual "gift", as the saint herself believed, in her autobiography, dated 1565. “Ascension comes like a blow, sudden and abrupt,” she writes, “and before you can collect your thoughts or come to your senses, it seems to you that a cloud takes you to heaven or a mighty eagle on its wings ... I was quite aware of myself to see that I am in the air ... I must say that when the ascension ended, I felt an unusual lightness in my whole body, as if I was completely weightless. And here is what is curious: Saint Teresa herself did not want to fly!

For a long time, the levitant nun desperately prayed that the Lord would deliver her from this sign of His mercy. In the end, the prayers of the Carmelite were heard: Teresa's flights stopped. The most famous "flying man" is Joseph Deza (1603-1663), nicknamed Cupertinsky after the name of his native village in southern Italy. From childhood, he was distinguished by extraordinary piety and tortured himself in every possible way in order to experience a state of religious ecstasy. And after he was accepted into the order of the Franciscans, he really began to fall into ecstasy. However, the matter was complicated by the fact that in such cases he soared into the air. Once it happened before the very eyes of the head of the Catholic Church. Joseph arrived in Rome, where he was given an audience with Pope Urban VIII. Seeing his Holiness for the first time, he was in such an enthusiastic state that he rose into the air and soared until the head of the Franciscan order, who was present at the same time, brought Joseph to his senses. More than a hundred cases of Joseph's levitation were observed by the then scientists, who left official evidence on this score. Since these flights embarrassed the faithful, in 1653 he was ordered to retire from Assisi to a remote monastery. However, after three months he was transferred to another monastery, then to a third, fourth - wherever he was, the news of the arrival of the “miracle worker” spread throughout the district, and crowds of people flocked to the monastery. Finally, Joseph was transferred to a monastery in Osimo, where in the summer of 1663 he became seriously ill, and on September 18 of the same year he died and was canonized four years later. In total, as church records testify, the number of people who demonstrated the phenomenon of levitation in front of the eyes of believers is approaching three hundred. Of the Russian levitants, one can name Seraphim of Sarov, Archbishop of Novgorod and Pskov John. And the Moscow chronicles tell of St. Basil the Blessed, who more than once, before the eyes of the crowd, was transported by an unknown force across the Moscow River. Moreover, the number of levitants officially recognized by the church does not include witches.

How many of them were burned at the stake by the Holy Inquisition cannot be counted. In the Middle Ages, those suspected of being connected with the devil and witchcraft were tested with water or scales. The accused were tied up and thrown into a pond. If they did not drown, the guilt was considered proven, and a fire awaited them. The same thing happened if a person weighed less than a certain norm. Levitants amaze scientists The most famous flying man of the 19th century was Daniel Douglas Hume. The editor of an American newspaper describes his first famous flight as follows: “Hume suddenly began to tear himself off the floor, which was a complete surprise for the whole company.

I took his hand and saw his legs - he was floating in the air a foot off the ground. A struggle of very different feelings - alternating bursts of fear, then delight made Hume shudder from head to toe, and it was evident that he was speechless at that moment. After some time, he sank, then again soared above the floor. For the third time, Hume went up to the very ceiling and lightly touched it with his hands and feet. Hume later learned to levitate at will. For forty years, he demonstrated his unique art in front of thousands of spectators, including many of the then celebrities: writers Thackeray and Mark Twain, Emperor Napoleon III, famous politicians, doctors and scientists. And he has never been caught cheating.

Hume himself described his condition during levitation as follows: “I did not feel any hands supporting me, and, starting from the very first time, I did not feel fear ... Usually I rose vertically; often my arms stretched out over my head and became rigid like sticks when I felt an unknown force that slowly lifted me above the floor. However, Daniel Douglas Hume is far from the only one who baffled scientists. So, in 1934, the Englishman Maurice Wilson, who had been training in the art of levitation according to the method of yogis for many years, decided to conquer the summit of Everest with huge jumps, taking off above the ground. His frozen body was found in the mountains the following year.

Wilson did not “fly” quite a bit to the top. But the fact that he was able to overcome the most difficult route without special climbing equipment speaks in favor of levitation. Soaring Yogis At present, those who use the yoga technique have achieved the greatest results in the field of levitation. During the centuries-old history of the era of the loss of knowledge and the era of ignorance, much of this technique has been lost. But some of the secret knowledge is still preserved. One of their guardians was the Indian guru Devi. Our contemporary, a young physicist, became his student. In 1957, having moved to the USA under the name of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, he acted as a preacher of the new philosophical and religious teaching of the Science of the Creative Mind. Its cornerstone is transcendental consciousness, which is not limited by any framework and can receive information directly from the surrounding world and from the universal mind, and not only through the senses. To do this, you need to turn off the consciousness, and then the person will begin to perceive a huge flow of information that enters the subconscious and remains unclaimed. Such a state of altered consciousness is achieved with the help of transcendental meditation, the program of which was developed by Maharishi Mahesh Yoga. Its goal is to improve a person by liberating consciousness and thereby revealing all the potential capabilities of his body. Among them, in particular, is levitation. Everyone has the ability to use it, you just need to learn how to use it, says Maharishi.
In 1971, the new messiah founded his university in Fairfield, Iowa. Then the European Research Center was opened in Switzerland and training centers in Germany, England, India and a number of other countries. Prominent specialists of various profiles were invited to them - physicists, experts in Indian philosophy, mathematicians, doctors, engineers, psychologists, who were united by one goal - to make a person happy. And one of the applied tasks of the transcendental meditation program was the teaching of levitation.
In July 1986, the first competition of "flying yogis" prepared under the program of transcendental meditation was held in Washington, DC, about which the press wrote a lot and films were made. Although the results shown by the participants are not comparable to the descriptions of levitation cases that have come down to us in the past, they can certainly be considered quite impressive: lifting 60 cm in height and moving 1.8 m horizontally. True, it is impossible to call what the “flying yogis” demonstrated flights. Rather, these are just short jumps: a person sitting motionless in the lotus position suddenly rises smoothly into the air, hangs motionless for a while, and then lands just as smoothly.
Well, at the sixth competition of “flying yogis”, held in 1993 in The Hague, Subha Chandra excelled, rising above the ground by a maximum of 90 cm, flying 187 cm horizontally and remaining in the air for 3-4 minutes. Unknown patternDespite the numerous cases of levitation, it is perceived as a miracle, or at best as a mysterious phenomenon that borders on science fiction and contrary to scientific laws. And this assessment will not change until the answer to the main question is found: what is the nature of the force that lifts a person into the air? Does it arise in the body itself due to the mobilization of some internal reserves, its unknown, hidden capabilities, or is its source located outside the person and he only “connects” to him?
Judgments about the physical nature of levitation are very contradictory. A number of researchers believe that levitation occurs as a result of the appearance of a biogravitational field, which is created by a special mental energy emitted by the human brain. This hypothesis, in particular, is supported by Alexander Dubrov, Doctor of Biological Sciences. At the same time, he emphasizes that such a biogravitational field is born due to the conscious efforts of the levitant, and therefore he is able to control it, and therefore change the direction of flight. However, even if this is so, there are many questions that have not yet been answered.
For example, what areas of the brain and in what mode are involved in levitation? Is the special psychic energy that causes it electromagnetic in nature, or is it something else? Finally, what physiological factors contribute to the manifestation of such unusual capabilities of our brain? Many serious scientists, until recently, spoke of levitation and anti-gravity very sharply in the spirit that all this is "bullshit." Now they have to reconsider their position.
It all started with the fact that in March 1991, the authoritative scientific journal Nature published a sensational picture: the director of the Tokyo Superconductivity Research Laboratory was sitting on a dish of superconducting ceramic material, and a small gap was clearly visible between him and the floor surface. The mass of the director together with the dish was 120 kg, which did not prevent them from soaring above the ground! This phenomenon was later called the "Meissner effect".
It consists in the fact that if a superconductor is placed over a magnet, it will hang in the air. And in the space above it, a zone appears, in which, in turn, the weight of objects placed there, including living objects, decreases. Thus, researchers have already managed to “suspend” live laboratory mice and frogs in the air. Of course, this is not levitation in the full sense of the word. But if it is possible to prove that in such cases the soaring of living objects is due to "molecular magnetism" as a result of certain cellular processes, the secret of "flying people" may also be revealed.

Does levitation really exist? Man has always been attracted by the hypothetical possibility of flying without the help of any aircraft whatsoever. People dreamed about it, composed fairy tales, passed legends about flights from mouth to mouth ...

But are these really legends, or does history actually know cases of flight without the help of instruments - the so-called. levitation?

Little Muk flew with the help of the witch's magic shoes Let's start with the fact that all of us - without exception - fly in a dream. It is believed that dreams about flying appear when the body releases a hormone responsible for the growth of bones and skin cells. At the same time, to the poetic question "Why don't people fly like birds?" science gives an unequivocal answer: "The reason is the gravitational attraction of the Earth. Only by overcoming the force of gravity, a person will be able to rise into the air." The founder of aerohydrodynamics, N. Zhukovsky, wrote: "A person will fly, relying not on the strength of his muscles, but on the strength of his mind." Beautiful! The aphorism became the motto of the first conquerors of the Fifth Ocean. The phrase implies that man will be able to overcome the force of gravity through the development of science. However, the "father of Russian aviation" did not even suspect how close he was to the truth! We are talking about the ability of a person to levitate at the moment of complete liberation of the brain from external and internal information that “clogs” it. And although such virginal purity seems absolutely incredible, the facts are a stubborn thing. For example, in different parts of the world, evidence has been preserved of more than two hundred saints who, at the time of religious trance or ecstasy, ascended above the earth. Among them are the "flying monk" Joseph Deza (1603-1663) from the Italian city of Copertino (more than 70 levitations documented by the then scientists and the reigning persons), the Carmelite nun Saint Teresa, who spoke about an unusual gift in her autobiography (1565), Ignatius of Loyola, Saint Adolphus Lijori, and the famous Carmelite Sister Mary. Jeanne d'Arc's contemporaries said that as a child, she sometimes voluntarily flew up in front of her friends. And when she matured, many began to pay attention to her unusually smooth and light gait: as if she did not walk on the ground, but hovered over it. Of the Russian levitants, one can name the Reverend Seraphim of Sarov, St. Basil the Blessed... Moreover, witches are not among the levitants officially recognized by the church. 1886). Scientists of world renown recorded hundreds of his levitations. But he is far from the only one who baffled scientists. So, in 1934, the Englishman Maurice Wilson, who had been training in levitation according to the method of yogis for many years, decided with huge jumps, taking off over land, conquer the summit of Everest. His frozen body was found in the mountains the following year. Wilson did not "fly" quite a bit to the summit. But the fact that he was able to overcome the most difficult route without special climbing equipment speaks in favor of levitation.

But most often cases of levitation were seen in the East. Unlike the Eastern levitators, the Western ones did not specifically seek to master the art of levitation and did not prepare for flights. Usually they took to the air, being in a state of enthusiastic religious ecstasy and not even thinking about it. Orientals, on the other hand, subordinated their entire lives to the art of controlled flight.

In the East, yogis, holy hermits, as well as brahmins and magicians owned levitation. The Indian Vedas, which literally means “knowledge” in Sanskrit, even contains a practical guide to levitation, a kind of know-how that describes how to put yourself in such a state as to get off the ground. Along with India, levitation was also practiced in ancient times in Tibet. Buddhist texts tell that, after the Indian founder of Zen Buddhism, Bodhidharma, came to the Shaolin Monastery in 527, he taught the monks to control the energy of the body - an indispensable condition for flying. Both the Buddha himself and his mentor, the magician Sammat, used levitation, which could remain suspended in the air for hours. Characteristically, both in India and Tibet, the art of levitation has survived to this day. Many oriental researchers also describe the phenomenon of "flying llamas". For example, the British traveler Alexandra David-Neel watched with her own eyes how one of the Buddhist monks, sitting motionless with legs bent under him, flew tens of meters on the high plateau of Chang-Tang. At present, the greatest results in the field of levitation have been achieved by those who use the yoga technique. During the centuries-old history of the era of the loss of knowledge and the era of ignorance, much of this technique has been lost. But some of the secret knowledge is still preserved. One of their guardians was the Indian guru Devi. Our contemporary, a young physicist, became his student. In 1957, having moved to the USA under the name of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, he acted as a preacher of the new philosophical and religious teaching of the Science of the Creative Mind. Its cornerstone is transcendental consciousness, which is not limited by any framework and can receive information directly from the surrounding world and from the universal mind, and not only through the senses. Maharishi claims that the ability to levitate is inherent in everyone, you just need to learn how to use it. In July 1986, the first competition of "flying yogis" prepared under the program of transcendental meditation was held in Washington, DC, about which the press wrote a lot and films were made. Although the results shown by the participants are not comparable to the descriptions of levitation cases that have come down to us in the past, they can certainly be considered quite impressive: lifting 60 cm in height and moving 1.8 m horizontally.

True, what the “flying yogis” demonstrated cannot be called flights. Rather, these are just short jumps: a person sitting motionless in the lotus position suddenly rises smoothly into the air, hangs motionless for a while, and then lands just as smoothly. Well, at the sixth competition of "flying yogis" held in 1993 in The Hague, Subha Chandra excelled, rising above the ground by a maximum of 90 cm, flying 187 cm horizontally and remaining in the air for 3-4 minutes. What is levitation - an accident or regularity? Despite numerous cases of such flights, it is perceived as a miracle or, at best, as a mysterious phenomenon that borders on science fiction and contrary to scientific laws. And this assessment will not change until the answer to the main question is found: what is the nature of the force that lifts a person into the air? Does it arise in the body itself due to the mobilization of some internal reserves, its unknown, hidden capabilities, or is its source located outside the person and he only "connects" to him? Judgments about the physical nature of levitation are very contradictory. A number of researchers believe that levitation occurs as a result of the appearance of a biogravitational field, which is created by a special mental energy emitted by the human brain. Many serious scientists, until recently, spoke of levitation and anti-gravity very sharply in the spirit that all this is "bullshit." Now they have to reconsider their position. It all started with the fact that in March 1991, the authoritative scientific journal Nature published a sensational picture: the director of the Tokyo Superconductivity Research Laboratory was sitting on a dish of superconducting ceramic material, and a small gap was clearly visible between him and the floor surface. The mass of the director together with the dish was 120 kg, which did not prevent them from soaring above the ground! This phenomenon was later called the "Meissner effect".

Of course, it is impossible to call it levitation yet. However, this experiment can help reveal the secret of levitants - in the event that it is proved that the hovering of living objects in the air is explained by the activity of cellular processes. Studying the issue of levitation, scientists could not help but wonder: if a person, being in a state of religious trance or ecstasy, can fly, i.e. overcome the gravitational attraction of the Earth, does this mean that the doctrine of gravity is untenable? Difficult question... In the East they teach: in order to achieve the state of levitation, a person must lead an ascetic lifestyle. Before performing levitation, the adept must fast for several days, and then perform a series of specific exercises, the purpose of which is to “awaken the snake” and raise the kundalini energy along the spine: from the lowest chakra to the highest. The adept in the process of prolonged meditation first achieves coordination of the frequencies of the chakras located in the head, as a result of which the brain is completely liberated from all kinds of external and internal information, i.e. turning off the mind. Then gradually, starting from the lowest chakra, mentally moves to a chakra with a higher frequency and harmonizes their frequencies. Having reached an agreement, the adept mentally moves on to the next chakra and so on - until it leads to a single value of the oscillation of all seven chakras. At the moment of achieving the coordination of all frequencies, the adept enters a state of enlightenment, and he is able to fly inside his aura. Scientists, whose consciousness is not blinded by standard knowledge, go even further in their reasoning. Christopher Dunn, an engineer and researcher, talks about this issue in this way: "What is antigravity? In my understanding, this is a means by which objects can rise, overcoming the gravity of the Earth. We use antigravity methods every day. When we get out of bed in the morning, we use Anti-gravity aircraft, rocket, forklift, and elevator are technologies invented to overcome the effect of gravity. waves that cancel out the Earth's gravity. The nature of gravity still eludes us. But perhaps this concept is too complicated! What if there is no such thing as gravity? And the natural forces that we already know about are sufficient to explain the known phenomenon that we referred to as gravity? "Perhaps this approach will help to penetrate the mystery of what we call levitation. Scientists with even more blinded consciousness go even further in their explanations of the phenomenon of levitation. For example, Professor Eric Berholtz from the USA is convinced that the modern human race is the descendants of aliens, and it is from them that people inherited the ability to overcome the fetters of gravity.The main thing is to wake up the gene memory, and then levitation will not seem like something out of the ordinary, then each of us will be able to take to the air without any problems and fulfill the dream of our childhood: to fly not only in a dream but also in reality! As happens almost always, the truth is somewhere in the middle, between science and religious self-consciousness. In this case, at the junction of different sciences. Probably, the day is not far off when philosophers, scientists and engineers stop arguing, collect and analyze the rich heritage of our ancestors, and will certainly find ways to overcome gravity and teach us to fly.

The Indian Vedas, which literally means “knowledge” in Sanskrit, even contains a practical guide to levitation, a kind of know-how that describes how to put yourself in such a state as to get off the ground. But over the past centuries, the meaning of many ancient Indian words and concepts has been lost, so it is impossible to translate this invaluable instruction into modern language.

As for the ancient levitants, according to the testimonies that have come down to us, they rose into the air two cubits from the ground - about 90 centimeters. Moreover, they did this not at all in order to impress someone with such miracles, but simply because the “floating” position is more convenient for performing religious rites.

Along with India, levitation was also practiced in ancient times in Tibet. Buddhist texts tell that, after the Indian founder of Zen Buddhism, Bodhidharma, came to the Tibetan Shaolin Monastery in 527 AD, he taught the monks to control the energy of the body - an indispensable condition for flying. Both the Buddha himself and his mentor, the magician Sammat, used levitation, which could remain suspended in the air for hours.

Characteristically, both in India and Tibet, the art of levitation has survived to this day. Many Orientalists also describe the phenomenon of "flying llamas". For example, the British traveler Alexandra David-Neel watched with her own eyes how, on the high plateau of Chang-Tang, one of the Buddhist monks, sitting motionless with his legs bent under him, flew tens of meters, touched the ground and again soared into the air, like a ball bouncing off after a strong throw . Moreover, his gaze was directed into the distance - at the "guiding star", visible in the light of day only to him alone.

First observations

Levitation has long been known not only in the East, but also in Europe. Moreover, medieval European levitants have one characteristic feature. Unlike Eastern brahmins, yogis, lamas, none of them specifically sought to master the art of levitation and did not prepare for flights. Usually they took to the air, being in a state of enthusiastic religious ecstasy and not even thinking about it.

If we turn to reliable facts, then among the first officially recorded levitants should be called St. Teresa, a Carmelite nun, whose flights were witnessed by 230 Catholic priests. She told about her unusual "gift", as the saint herself believed, in her autobiography, dated 1565.

“Ascension comes like a blow, sudden and abrupt,” she writes, “and before you can collect your thoughts or come to your senses, it seems to you that a cloud takes you to heaven or a mighty eagle on its wings ... I was quite aware of myself to see that I am in the air ... I must say that when the ascension ended, I felt an unusual lightness in my whole body, as if I was completely weightless.

And here's what's interesting: Saint Teresa herself did not want to fly! For a long time, the levitant nun desperately prayed that the Lord would deliver her from this sign of His mercy. In the end, the prayers of the Carmelite were heard: Teresa's flights stopped.

The most famous flying man

The most famous "flying man" is Joseph Deza (1603-1663), nicknamed Cupertinsky after the name of his native village in southern Italy. From childhood, he was distinguished by extraordinary piety and tortured himself in every possible way in order to experience a state of religious ecstasy. And after he was accepted into the order of the Franciscans, he really began to fall into ecstasy. However, the matter was complicated by the fact that in such cases he soared into the air. Once it happened in front of the very head of the Catholic Church. Joseph arrived in Rome, where he was given an audience with Pope Urban VIII. Seeing his Holiness for the first time, he was in such an enthusiastic state that he rose into the air and soared until the head of the Franciscan order, who was present at the same time, brought Joseph to his senses. More than a hundred cases of Joseph's levitation were observed by the then scientists, who left official evidence on this score. Since these flights embarrassed the faithful, in 1653 he was ordered to retire from Assisi to a remote monastery. However, after three months he was transferred to another monastery, then to a third, fourth - wherever he was, the news of the arrival of the "miracle worker" spread throughout the district, and crowds of people flocked to the monastery. Finally, Joseph was transferred to a monastery in Osimo, where in the summer of 1663 he became seriously ill, and on September 18 of the same year he died and was canonized four years later.

Church opinion

In total, as church records testify, the number of people who demonstrated the phenomenon of levitation in front of the eyes of believers is approaching three hundred. Of the Russian levitants, one can name Seraphim of Sarov, Archbishop of Novgorod and Pskov John. And the Moscow chronicles tell of St. Basil the Blessed, who more than once, before the eyes of the crowd, was transported by an unknown force across the Moscow River.

Moreover, the number of levitants officially recognized by the church does not include witches. How many of them were burned at the stake by the Holy Inquisition cannot be counted. In the Middle Ages, those suspected of being connected with the devil and witchcraft were tested with water or scales. The accused were tied up and thrown into a pond. If they did not drown, the guilt was considered proven, and a fire awaited them. The same thing happened if a person weighed less than a certain norm.

Daniel Douglas Hume 19th century levitator

The most famous flying man of the 19th century was Daniel Douglas Hume. The editor of an American newspaper describes his first famous flight as follows: “Hume suddenly began to tear himself off the floor, which was a complete surprise for the whole company. I took his hand and saw his legs - he was floating in the air a foot from the ground. A struggle of very different feelings - alternating bursts of fear, then delight made Hume shudder from head to toe, and it was obvious that he was speechless at that moment. After some time, he sank, then again soared above the floor. For the third time, Hume went up to the very ceiling and lightly touched it with his hands and feet.

Hume later learned to levitate at will. For forty years, he demonstrated his unique art in front of thousands of spectators, including many of the then celebrities: writers Thackeray and Mark Twain, Emperor Napoleon III, famous politicians, doctors and scientists. And he has never been caught cheating.

Hume himself described his condition during levitation as follows: “I did not feel any hands supporting me, and, starting from the very first time, I did not feel fear ... Usually I rose vertically; often my arms stretched out over my head and became rigid like sticks when I felt an unknown force that slowly lifted me above the floor.

However, Daniel Douglas Hume is far from the only one who baffled scientists with his livitation. So, in 1934, the Englishman Maurice Wilson, who had been training in the art of levitation according to the method of yogis for many years, decided to conquer the summit of Everest with huge jumps, taking off above the ground. His frozen body was found in the mountains the following year. Wilson did not “fly” quite a bit to the top. But the fact that he was able to overcome the most difficult route without special climbing equipment speaks in favor of levitation.

Soaring yoga

At present, the greatest results in the field of levitation have been achieved by those who use the yoga technique. During the centuries-old history of the era of the loss of knowledge and the era of ignorance, much of this technique has been lost. But some of the secret knowledge is still preserved. One of their guardians was the Indian guru Devi. Our contemporary, a young physicist, became his student. In 1957, having moved to the USA under the name of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, he acted as a preacher of the new philosophical and religious teaching of the Science of the Creative Mind. Its cornerstone is transcendental consciousness, which is not limited by any framework and can receive information directly from the surrounding world and from the universal mind, and not only through the senses. To do this, you need to turn off the consciousness, and then the person will begin to perceive a huge flow of information that enters the subconscious and remains unclaimed.

Such a state of altered consciousness is achieved with the help of transcendental meditation on levitation, the program of which was developed by Maharishi Mahesh Yoga. Its goal is to improve a person by liberating consciousness and thereby revealing all the potential capabilities of his body. Among them, in particular, is levitation. Everyone has the ability to use it, you just need to learn how to use it, says Maharishi.

Despite numerous cases of levitation, it is perceived as a miracle or, at best, as a mysterious phenomenon that borders on science fiction and contrary to scientific laws. And this assessment will not change until the answer to the main question is found: what is the nature of the force that lifts a person into the air? Does it arise in the body itself due to the mobilization of some internal reserves, its unknown, hidden capabilities, or is its source located outside the person and he only “connects” to him?

How to learn levitation? Levitation technique

Levitation is the ability to soar in the air, overcoming the force of gravity of the Earth, without using any devices for this and not repelling from the air, like a bird or an insect. The ability to levitate without forces compensating for gravity is completely and categorically denied by modern science. But it should be noted that scientists are still unable to explain many phenomena. For example, the phenomenon of ball lightning. Until now, the version is being considered that this is more likely a hallucination than a real natural phenomenon. But this is also levitation.

The question of flights affects a variety of practices

Deals with issues of yoga levitation, a set of ancient mental and physical practices. The Indian Vedas contain instructions on how to learn levitation. The problem is that no one can translate this instruction from Sanskrit. No one really knows this language. And in such practices, the distortion of the original meaning is unacceptable. Moreover, for the ancient Indian sages, the state of levitation is not a trick for the audience, but simply a convenient position for self-contemplation. Just as a matter of course.

In Tibet, the founders of the practice of levitation were the monks of the Shaolin Monastery. They have mastered the art of controlling the energy of the body. What can we say about the Buddha. He hung in the air for hours. In India and Tibet, this skill has come down to our days. Buddhists believe that the knowledge of how to learn levitation is available only to very highly developed spiritual people. This is the level of monks for whom time, distance, gravity no longer matter. They don't even need to eat or drink. How many years it takes to master the skill of levitation, the Tibetan sages do not answer, because, according to their worldview, a person lives forever, one life ends and another begins. Life is such a trifle compared to the comprehension of the great Mystery about the structure of the world.

Is levitation possible?

Learning to soar is gaining great popularity in modern conditions. In our country, like mushrooms after rain, the so-called schools of magic appear. They promise, among other things, to teach levitation. Maybe they will teach. In any case, they won't do much harm. It has also become fashionable to go to Tibet or travel around India for Knowledge. They live in Indian ashrams for months, learn to meditate, improve themselves spiritually and physically, comprehend the philosophy of yoga and the secret of levitation.

Flight training

Levitation will need to be carried out with the help of conscious control of the energies that are in the body. In order to learn levitation, you need to completely relax, while closing your eyes. You have to concentrate, stand up straight. All attention should be directed to the legs. You should feel the weight of the body as strongly as possible and only after that try to lighten it.

At that moment, when you already begin to feel very light, you need to create a feeling of levitation, as if an air cushion is placed under your feet, which gradually begins to rise up with you. In order to move in different directions, you just need to imagine the pressure. For example, to levitate forward, you need to feel that someone or something is pushing you in the back. Such a levitation technique, if it does not teach you how to soar in a fairly short period of time, will definitely allow you to fully relax after a hard day's work.

All tests can be started on the scales to see with your own eyes how the body weight decreases.

Video: Secrets of the great magicians - Levitation


Man has always been attracted to the sky. And he is trying to understand the secret of levitation, to learn how to walk on water. No one will ever know what is a trick and what is really magical abilities. Unless scientists find an explanation for a phenomenon called levitation.

Levitation- this is a phenomenon in which the human body rises into the air without technical interventions (means), as well as without visible support. The ability of a person to supernaturally violate gravity without additional resources is such an understanding of levitation in mysticism and religion. But, for example, the flight of a bird or an insect is not considered levitation, since repulsion from the earth's surface and air takes place here.

Conventionally, there are such types of levitation:

  • man-made
  • Natural
  • miraculous
  • Magical (levitation focus)

Man-made levitation is possible only with the help of technical means.
Ball lightning can be considered an example of natural levitation.

The secret of levitation

magic levitation is the subject of fairy tales and myths. For example, a flying carpet or flying on a broomstick.

Focus Levitation is based mainly not on faith and is perceived within a religious framework. Such cases are attested, but not scientifically proven.

We have to consider such types of levitation as human levitation, learning levitation, acoustic levitation and magnetic levitation (diamagnetic levitation also exists).

A lot of research concerning levitation and antigravity is being conducted in physics. It is proved that for levitation it is necessary: ​​firstly, the presence of a force that will compensate for the force of gravity, and secondly, the presence of a restoring force that will ensure the stability of the subject of study.

The concept of levitation. Historical references to the phenomenon of levitation

Word "levitation" comes from the Latin word Levitas, which means "relief". There are many definitions of "levitation". Here are a few of them:

  • Levitation- this is antigravity, biogravity, the effect of walking on water, levitation, elevation above the surface of the earth.
  • Levitation- this is a phenomenon in which an object or person levitates without visible support, without being attracted to any surface (water, earth).
  • Levitation- this is the supernatural ability of a person or object to become weightless (Buddhism).

Why is levitation perceived by us as a very mysterious phenomenon? Since levitation occurs contrary to all laws, many believe that it is on the verge of fantasy.

It is known that saints and apostles could travel long distances in an instant. (Gospel, "From the Lives of the Saints"). During her communion, Saint Teresa fell into an unknown state and rose above the earth. It was not her imagination, as the bishop was present. Mendoza. Levitations were repeatedly repeated. Saint Teresa talks about this in her book Life (written in 1565).

An example is the greatest theologian of the Roman Catholic Church, Francesco Suarez, who levitated twice in his entire life. Interesting and fascinating were the levitations of Joseph (Giuseppe) Deza, who lives in Cupertino. From childhood he was a very strange and absent-minded boy. One day, when Joseph was praying, he slowly rose into the air and flew up. The nuns who witnessed this began to pray. There were times when he lifted other people behind him. Even the most ordinary music could bring Joseph into a state of levitation, walking in the garden, he could easily fly up to any tree.
But perhaps the most amazing and mysterious cases of levitation occurred with Daniel Dunglas Hume.

“Some unknown force lifts me up,” says Scottish spiritualist medium

D. Hume was endowed with phenomenological abilities for levitation, clairvoyance. The ego was never accused of cheating, the medium had a very good reputation. Hume has more than once made objects whirl in the air; he himself took off more than 100 times in front of witnesses.

His sessions were attended by such famous scientists as W. Crooks, C. Lombroso, O. Lodge and others. Frequent guest of sessions Daniel Hume was Arthur Conan Doyle("History of Spiritualism"; Chapter 9). Hume demonstrated the sensational trick of levitation in 1868. He, in the presence of three people, flew out of a third floor window and then flew back, flying over the street about 70 pounds.

Levitation in Hinduism and Buddhism. The practice of levitation

Levitation was given a place of honor in ancient times. It means "knowledge" in Sanskrit. In Hinduism and Buddhism, the spiritual quest of man was of great importance. Therefore, in the famous Indian "Vedas" you can find and read the instructions for levitation. Here is a detailed description of what needs to be done to enter this state and get off the ground.

Levitation was also used for practical purposes. With its help it was possible to move stones. Energy generators were attached to them, which covered the stones with an energy layer. Due to this, the gravitational connection between the stone (statue) and the earth was neutralized. This made it easier to move the stones.

One of the miracles of Buddha Gautama was his walking on water, against the current, levitation. He could stay hanging for hours. The same stories can be found in the Bible (that is, Jesus Christ walking on water).

Video of levitation practice

Human levitation training, technique and practice

The art of levitation has survived to this day not only in India, but also in Tibet.
Only those who have reached the highest level of their spiritual development can levitate. A person may not even be aware of his hidden abilities. Sometimes levitation appears as an innate ability, but training in Tibetan monasteries proves that it can be learned.

Experiments were conducted where a group of scientists monitored the changes (biological and physiological) of the participants. The results were as follows: yogis stopped breathing for 1-3 minutes, the nature of breathing changed; the bodies of the participants were very relaxed, were in a trance; pulse quickened (90-100 beats per minute).

Let's repeat one more time levitation- This is a phenomenon in which an object or person levitates without visible support, without being attracted to any surface.

For an unprepared person, levitation can be dangerous. If a person has a very developed ability to levitate, but he is not spiritually prepared, this will be a powerful blow to the body, which finds it difficult to endure such loads. The results can be very sad. A person can simply “burn out”, as if a current was passed through him.

Each of you can pass a lot of psychological tests that will help you understand if you have the ability to levitate, what level of these abilities; the level of your spiritual development; predisposition to levitation.

The first day of the new year, the program "Extra-UFO" brought a surprise. Millions of viewers could see a real miracle: a man took off - did not bounce, but slowly took off! and hovered in the air for a few seconds. This phenomenon of levitation, that is, the rise of a human body into the air without the use of mechanical devices, was demonstrated for the first time in our country by the famous sorcerer, as he calls himself, Yuri Longo.

Many who saw this experience took it as a hoax, a clever trick. Meanwhile, everything is not so simple. Therefore, let's try to unbiasedly understand what levitation is and whether it is possible.

Can a person fly like a bird? Ninety-nine out of a hundred respondents will probably answer in the negative: the force of gravity attracts to the Earth, but he does not have wings. Some will also add that free flights occur only in a dream, and then in childhood, when a person grows up. And they'll be wrong. He doesn't fly because he doesn't want to.

For all the seeming paradox of this statement, the past experience of mankind testifies to its legitimacy. If we turn to history, then there are many examples of levitation in it, and it was perceived by people as a completely normal, although rather rare phenomenon. Another thing is that people owned it solely by their spiritual qualities. In India, for example, they included many Brahmin priests, yogis, and hermit saints. The Indian Vedas (literally translated from Sanskrit, "veda" means "knowledge") even contains a practical guide to levitation. However, over the past centuries, the meaning of many ancient Indian words has been lost, so this instruction does not work in translation into modern language.

However, later secret knowledge became available not only to the great Bramcharis - teachers, but also to mere mortals. In any case, legends say that levitation was used ... by thieves who robbed the treasuries of the rajas. Jewels in them were guarded by cobras. A person could not slip past such vigilant guards. But for a flying burglar, they did not pose a danger.

Levitating J. Jung

Ancient texts say that after the Indian Bramchari, the founder of Zen Buddhism Bodhidharma, came to the Tibetan Shaolin monastery in 527 AD, the local monks also learned the ability to fly. For example, researcher Alexandra David-Neel describes how, on the high plateau of Chang-Tang, she saw such a “flying llama”: sitting motionless with legs bent under him, he flew tens of meters, touched the ground and again soared into the air, as if rebounding after a strong throw ball.

Levitation was known not only in the East, but also in Europe and its foreground. Take even Jesus Christ walking on water, which was only possible if he could overcome gravity. In The Philosophy of the Magical, its author Salverte writes: "The enthusiastic disciples of Iamblinius (died 333 AD) claimed that when he preached, he ascended to a height of 12 cubits above the earth." And there is nothing to talk about witches at all. They can be considered real aces. If we turn to more reliable facts, then one cannot fail to mention St. Joseph of Cupertino. After his acceptance into the Franciscan order, as the chronicler testifies, “he often rose and remained hanging in the air. Since such phenomena, when they occurred in public, caused unrest and embarrassed the community, Joseph was not allowed to visit the kliros for 35 years, and a separate chapel was allocated for him.

Individually, each of these cases can be considered simply a figment of fantasy, a fabulous fiction. But if these "fairy tales" belong to different historical eras and different peoples, separated by hundreds of years and thousands of kilometers, there is every reason to believe that they are based on real facts.

Yes, and in times closer to us, a large number of cases of levitation witnessed by eyewitnesses are found. Usually people climbed relatively low - from 10 to 15 centimeters, less often up to one and a half meters. In exceptional cases - from 2 to 30 meters, although a record equal to 50 meters has also been registered! The duration of the “flights” also varied. More often, it did not exceed a few seconds, and only especially gifted levitants soared for tens of minutes, and the maximum duration was three hours. And here's what's interesting. No matter how many people were in the air, they were not blown away by the wind, and they landed at the same point from which they took off. Of course, if the "flyer" did not set himself the task of moving relative to geographical coordinates.

The most famous levitant of the last century was the famous English psychic Daniel Douglas Hume. He twice came to Russia, and in 1872 he gave several sessions in the presence of professors of St. Petersburg University Butlerov and Wagner. Eyewitnesses recorded more than a hundred cases of his rise into the air. And on December 16, 1868, Hume, apparently in a trance, went out of one window and flew into another at a distance of seven feet and at a height of 70 feet above the ground.

The reliability of the Hume phenomenon is confirmed by the famous English physicist, member of the Royal Society W. Crookes, who knew the outstanding medium closely: “Once Hume stepped aside from everyone in the room. After standing still for a minute, he said that he would rise into the air.

I saw it rise slowly and hover about six inches from the floor, and after a few seconds, quietly descend. None of those present moved. On another occasion he asked me to come up to him when he was eighteen inches off the floor. I ran my hand around him, under his feet and over his head as he hung in the air. Several times Hume got up with the chair he was sitting on. Usually it all happened very calmly and smoothly. Sometimes Hume would tuck his legs under the seat of the chair and raise his arms so that we could see them. Once I bent down and made sure that all four legs of the chair were in the air at the same time, and Hume's legs were on the chair. Less often, but it happened that those sitting next to him rose into the air. Once, my wife was lifted up in this way, along with a chair.”

Today in the West, a real sensation was caused by the flights of the President of the American Association of Ayurvedic Medicine, Dr. Dimak Chopra. Moreover, photographs were published in the press, in which Dr. Chopra was depicted floating in the air along with seven thousand of his students!

Judgments about the nature of levitation are very contradictory. Until recently, those who believed that it was possible explained it by the ability to reduce their own weight to almost zero. “We remember from school years: “A body immersed in a liquid or gas is subjected to a buoyant force equal to the weight of the liquid or gas in the volume of the body.” Yes, yes, do not hesitate, this is the law of Archimedes. So, we live at the bottom of the air ocean. Under these conditions, say, a human body weighing 50 kilograms (corresponding to a volume of 50 liters) displaces the same amount of air weighing 65 grams. Imagine that the weight of the body decreases, tends to zero. As long as it is more than 65 grams, the body will remain at the bottom of the ocean of air, resting on the surface of the Earth. But as soon as the weight of the body becomes less, a lifting force equal to the difference in weights will appear, and the body will begin to float. However, air density decreases with height. That is why the body will hang at the height where the weight of the air in the volume is equal to the new value of its weight ... Elementary calculations show that at a height of one meter the body will hang if the lifting force acting on it at ground level is only eight milligrams! - says the Moscow researcher Y. Roscius.

This hypothesis could be considered acceptable if the levitants only rose vertically in height. But during levitation, in some cases, there is also a horizontal movement of a floating person, which, alas, it does not explain. Moreover, such flights are by no means idle fiction, but precisely recorded facts.

Nowadays, the philosophical and religious teaching of the Bhagavad-Gita, or the Science of the Creative Mind, has become widespread. Its cornerstone is transcendental consciousness, which is not limited by any framework and can receive information directly from the surrounding world and from the universal mind, and not only with the help of the senses. To achieve this, you need to turn off the consciousness, and then the person begins to perceive a huge flow of information entering the subconscious.

The world-famous preacher of this doctrine was Maharisha Mahesh Yogi, a physicist by training, who graduated from Allahabad University, who for many years comprehended the heritage of ancient knowledge from Indian guru teachers, and then interpreted them in the light of modern science.

After moving to the United States, he became famous for declaring the dawn of the Age of Enlightenment in 1957 (over the millennia of its existence, mankind has passed the Age of Enlightenment, which was replaced by the era of loss of knowledge, and then the current era of ignorance) and began to preach his program of transcendental meditation. Its goal is the improvement of a person by liberating consciousness, familiarizing with the Science of the Creative Mind and thereby revealing all the potential capabilities of his body. Among them, in particular, is levitation. Everyone has the ability to use it, you just need to learn how to use it, says Mahesh Yogi.

In 1971, the new messiah founded his university in Fairfield, Iowa. Then the European Research University was created in Switzerland, its counterparts in Germany, England, India, as well as a number of research centers. Prominent specialists of various profiles were invited to them - physicists, experts in Indian philosophy, mathematicians, doctors, engineers, psychologists, who set themselves the goal of making a person happy. And one of the applied tasks was to teach him to fly with the help of transcendental meditation.

In July 1986, the first competitions of levitants trained by them were held in Washington, about which the press wrote a lot and films were made. The competition program included flights in height, distance and speed. Although the results shown by the participants are not comparable to the descriptions of cases of levitation that have come down to us in the past, they can certainly be considered phenomenal: both 60 centimeters in height and 1.8 meters in length! True, it is impossible to call them flights in the strict sense of the word. Rather, these are limited-capacity flights. But on the outside, they look fantastic. Imagine a person sitting motionless in the “lotus” position with crossed legs - by the way, this is how the “flying lama” moved - who suddenly rises smoothly into the air. Scientists believe that this is only the beginning, sooner or later it will be followed by a free flight.

It only remains to add to this that during the experiments of the Moscow psychic E. Dublitsky, the phenomenon of levitation manifests itself in ordinary people. “Which of them will take off and when exactly, I don’t know myself,” he says. “Only by the noise in the hall you understand: it worked.” And his colleague Valery Lavrinenko is going to take to the air higher this year, maybe even to the height of human growth.

Author - Sergey Dimkin.