In the old days, a terrible snake appeared not far from Kyiv. He dragged a lot of people from Kyiv into his lair, dragged him and ate. He dragged the snakes and the king's daughter, but did not eat her, but locked her tightly in his lair. A small dog followed the princess from the house. As soon as the snake flies away to hunt, the princess will write a note to her father, to her mother, tie a note to the little dog around her neck and send it home. The little dog will take the note and bring the answer.

That time the king and queen write to the princess: find out from the snake who is stronger than him. The princess began to inquire from the snake and inquired.

There is, - says the snake, - in Kyiv Nikita Kozhemyaka - he is stronger than me.

As soon as the snake left to hunt, the princess wrote a note to her father, to her mother: there is Nikita Kozhemyak in Kyiv, he alone is stronger than the snake. Send Nikita to help me out of captivity.

The tsar found Nikita and himself went with the tsarina to ask him to help their daughter out of hard captivity. At that time, Kozhemyak was crushing twelve cowhides at once. When Nikita saw the king, he was frightened: Nikita's hands trembled, and he tore all twelve skins at once. Here Nikita got angry that they frightened him and caused him a loss, and no matter how much the king and queen begged him to go to rescue the princess, he did not go.

So the tsar and the tsarina came up with the idea of ​​​​gathering five thousand juvenile orphans - a fierce snake orphaned them - and sent them to ask Kozhemyaka to free the entire Russian land from a great misfortune. Kozhemyak took pity on the orphan's tears, he shed a tear himself. He took three hundred pounds of hemp, ground it with pitch, wrapped himself all over with hemp and went.

Nikita approaches the snake's lair, but the snake has locked himself up, covered himself with logs and does not come out to him.

Better come out to an open field, otherwise I will mark your entire lair! - said Kozhemyaka and began to scatter the logs with his hands.

The snake sees the inevitable misfortune, there is nowhere for him to hide from Nikita, he went out into the open field.

How long, how short they fought, only Nikita knocked the snake to the ground and wanted to strangle him. The snake began to pray to Nikita:

Don't beat me, Nikitushka, to death! There is no one stronger than you and me in the world. Let us divide the whole world equally: you will rule in one half, and I in the other.

Okay, said Nikita. - We must first lay the boundary, so that later there would be no dispute between us.

Nikita made a plow of three hundred pounds, harnessed a snake to it and began to lay a boundary from Kyiv, to plow a furrow; that furrow is two fathoms and a quarter deep. Nikita drew a furrow from Kyiv to the very Black Sea and said to the snake:

We divided the land - now let's divide the sea so that there is no dispute about water between us.

They began to divide the water - Nikita drove the snake into the Black Sea, and drowned him there.

Having done a holy deed, Nikita returned to Kyiv, began to wrinkle his skin again, and did not take anything for his work. The princess returned to her father, to her mother.

Nikitin's furrow, they say, is now visible in some places across the steppe: it stands like a shaft of two sazhens in height. All around the peasants plow, but they do not open the furrows: they leave it in memory of Nikita Kozhemyak.

Young lover of literature, we are firmly convinced that you will be pleased to read the fairy tale "Nikita Kozhemyak" and you will be able to learn a lesson and benefit from it. Folk tradition cannot lose its relevance, due to the inviolability of such concepts as: friendship, compassion, courage, courage, love and sacrifice. Here, harmony is felt in everything, even negative characters, they seem to be an integral part of beingness, although, of course, they go beyond the boundaries of what is acceptable. Loyalty, friendship and self-sacrifice and other positive feelings overcome everything that opposes them: malice, deceit, lies and hypocrisy. It is very useful when the plot is simple and, so to speak, vital, when similar situations develop in our everyday life, this contributes to better memorization. The inspiration of everyday objects and nature creates colorful and fascinating pictures of the world around, making them mysterious and mysterious. Main character always wins not by deceit and cunning, but by kindness, gentleness and love - this top quality children's characters. The fairy tale "Nikita Kozhemyak" is worth reading for everyone online, here is deep wisdom, philosophy, and simplicity of the plot with a good ending.

In the old days, a terrible snake appeared not far from Kyiv. He dragged a lot of people from Kyiv into his lair, dragged him and ate. He dragged the snakes and the king's daughter, but did not eat her, but locked her tightly in his lair. A small dog followed the princess from the house. As soon as the snake flies away to hunt, the princess will write a note to her father, to her mother, tie a note to the little dog around her neck and send it home. The little dog will take the note and bring the answer.
That time the king and queen write to the princess: find out from the snake who is stronger than him. The princess began to inquire from the snake and inquired.
- There is, - says the serpent, - Nikita Kozhemyaka is in Kyiv - he is stronger than me.
As soon as the snake left to hunt, the princess wrote a note to her father, to her mother: there is Nikita Kozhemyak in Kyiv, he alone is stronger than the snake. Send Nikita to help me out of captivity.
The tsar found Nikita and himself went with the tsarina to ask him to help their daughter out of hard captivity. At that time, Kozhemyak was crushing twelve cowhides at once. When Nikita saw the king, he was frightened: Nikita's hands trembled, and he tore all twelve skins at once. Here Nikita got angry that they frightened him and caused him a loss, and no matter how much the king and queen begged him to go to rescue the princess, he did not go.
So the tsar and the tsarina came up with the idea of ​​​​gathering five thousand juvenile orphans - a fierce snake orphaned them - and sent them to ask Kozhemyaka to free the entire Russian land from a great misfortune. Kozhemyak took pity on the orphan's tears, he shed a tear himself. He took three hundred pounds of hemp, ground it with pitch, wrapped himself all over with hemp and went.
Nikita approaches the snake's lair, but the snake has locked himself up, covered himself with logs and does not come out to him.
“You’d better get out into the open field, otherwise I’ll mark your entire lair!” - said Kozhemyaka and began to scatter the logs with his hands.
The snake sees the inevitable misfortune, there is nowhere for him to hide from Nikita, he went out into the open field.
How long, how short they fought, only Nikita knocked the snake to the ground and wanted to strangle him. The snake began to pray to Nikita:
“Don’t beat me, Nikitushka, to death!” There is no one stronger than you and me in the world. Let us divide the whole world equally: you will rule in one half, and I in the other.
"Good," said Nikita. - We must first lay the boundary, so that later there would be no dispute between us.
Nikita made a plow of three hundred pounds, harnessed a snake to it and began to lay a boundary from Kyiv, to plow a furrow; that furrow is two fathoms and a quarter deep. Nikita drew a furrow from Kyiv to the very Black Sea and said to the snake:
- We divided the land - now let's divide the sea so that there is no dispute about water between us.
They began to divide the water - Nikita drove the snake into the Black Sea, and drowned him there.
Having done a holy deed, Nikita returned to Kyiv, began to wrinkle his skin again, and did not take anything for his work. The princess returned to her father, to her mother.
Nikitin's furrow, they say, is now visible in some places across the steppe: it stands like a shaft of two sazhens in height. All around the peasants plow, but they do not open the furrows: they leave it in memory of Nikita Kozhemyak.

Nikita Kozhemyaka - Russian folk tale, on the example of which more than one boy was brought up. It shows the life of the people of Kiev in ancient times, when they were oppressed and kidnapped by snakes. The reptile ate all the people carried away to the lair, only imprisoned the king's daughter under lock and key. Who will help her out, how and what will she take for it, find out from the fairy tale. She will introduce the children to folk heroes. The fairy tale will show children that they need to be merciful, compassionate and fair and protect fellow citizens in difficult times.

In the old days, a terrible snake appeared not far from Kyiv. He dragged a lot of people from Kyiv into his lair, dragged him and ate. He dragged the snakes and the king's daughter, but did not eat her, but locked her tightly in his lair. A small dog followed the princess from the house. As soon as the snake flies away to hunt, the princess will write a note to her father, to her mother, tie a note to the little dog around her neck and send it home. The little dog will take the note and bring the answer.

That time the king and queen write to the princess: find out from the snake who is stronger than him. The princess began to inquire from the snake and inquired.

- There is, - says the serpent, - Nikita Kozhemyaka is in Kyiv - he is stronger than me.

As soon as the snake left to hunt, the princess wrote a note to her father, to her mother: there is Nikita Kozhemyak in Kyiv, he alone is stronger than the snake. Send Nikita to help me out of captivity.

The tsar found Nikita and himself went with the tsarina to ask him to help their daughter out of hard captivity. At that time, Kozhemyak was crushing twelve cowhides at once. When Nikita saw the king, he was frightened: Nikita's hands trembled, and he tore all twelve skins at once. Here Nikita got angry that they frightened him and caused him a loss, and no matter how much the king and queen begged him to go to rescue the princess, he did not go.

So the tsar and the tsarina came up with the idea of ​​​​gathering five thousand juvenile orphans - a fierce snake orphaned them - and sent them to ask Kozhemyaka to free the entire Russian land from a great misfortune. Kozhemyak took pity on the orphan's tears, he shed a tear himself. He took three hundred pounds of hemp, ground it with pitch, wrapped himself all over with hemp and went.

Nikita approaches the snake's lair, but the snake has locked himself up, covered himself with logs and does not come out to him.

“You’d better get out into the open field, otherwise I’ll mark your entire lair!” - said Kozhemyaka and began to scatter the logs with his hands.

The snake sees the inevitable misfortune, there is nowhere for him to hide from Nikita, he went out into the open field.

How long, how short they fought, only Nikita knocked the snake to the ground and wanted to strangle him. The snake began to pray to Nikita:

“Don’t beat me, Nikitushka, to death!” There is no one stronger than you and me in the world. Let us divide the whole world equally: you will rule in one half, and I in the other.

"Good," said Nikita. - We must first lay the boundary, so that later there would be no dispute between us.

Nikita made a plow of three hundred pounds, harnessed a snake to it and began to lay a boundary from Kyiv, to plow a furrow; that furrow is two fathoms and a quarter deep. Nikita drew a furrow from Kyiv to the very Black Sea and said to the snake:

- We divided the land - now let's divide the sea so that there is no dispute about water between us.

They began to divide the water - Nikita drove the snake into the Black Sea, and drowned him there.

Having done a holy deed, Nikita returned to Kyiv, began to wrinkle his skin again, and did not take anything for his work. The princess returned to her father, to her mother.

Nikitin's furrow, they say, is now visible in some places across the steppe: it stands like a shaft of two sazhens in height. All around the peasants plow, but they do not open the furrows: they leave it in memory of Nikita Kozhemyak.

A snake appeared near Kyiv, he took considerable requisitions from the people: from each yard, a red girl; take the girl and eat her.

The time has come to go to that serpent of the king's daughter. The snake grabbed the princess and dragged her to his lair, but did not eat her: she was a beauty, so he took her for his wife.

The snake will fly to its crafts, and the princess will fill up with logs so that she does not leave. That princess had a dog, got in touch with her from home. The princess used to write a note to the father and mother, tie the dog around the neck, and she would run where she needed to, and even bring an answer.

That's when the king and the queen write to the princess: find out who is stronger than the snake?

The princess became more friendly to her snake, began to ask him who was stronger than him. He did not speak for a long time, and once he blabbed that Kozhemyak lives in the city of Kyiv - he is stronger than him.

The princess heard about this and wrote to the father: look for Nikita Kozhemyaka in the city of Kyiv and send him to rescue me from captivity.

The king, having received such news, found Nikita Kozhemyaka, and he himself went to ask him to free his land from a fierce snake and rescue the princess.

At that time, Nikita crumpled the skin, he held twelve skins in his hands; “When he saw that the Tsar himself had come to him, he trembled with fear, his hands shook, and he tore those twelve skins. Yes, no matter how much the Tsar and Queen Kozhemyaka begged, he did not go against the snake.

So they came up with the idea of ​​​​gathering five thousand minor children, and they made them ask Kozhemyaka: maybe they will take pity on their tears!

Young children came to Nikita, began to ask with tears that he should go against the snake. Nikita Kozhemyaka himself shed tears, looking at their tears. He took three hundred poods of hemp, ground it with tar, and wrapped himself all the same so that the snake would not eat it, and went at him.

Nikita approaches the snake's lair, but the snake has locked himself up and does not come out to him.

“You’d better get out into the open field, otherwise I’ll mark the lair!” - said Kozhemyaka and began to break the doors.

The serpent, seeing the imminent misfortune, went out to him in an open field.

How long, how short, Nikita Kozhemyaka fought with the kite, only knocked down the kite. Then the serpent began to pray to Nikita:

“Don’t beat me to death, Nikita Kozhemyaka!” There is no stronger than you and me in the world; we will divide the whole earth, the whole world equally: you will live in one half, and I in the other.

“All right,” said Kozhemyaka, “we need to lay a boundary.

Nikita made a plow of three hundred pounds, harnessed a snake to it, and began to plow between Kyiv; Nikita drew a furrow from Kyiv to the Caspian Sea.

“Well,” says the serpent, “now we have divided the whole earth!”

- The land was divided, - Nikita said, - let's divide the sea, otherwise you will say that they take your water.

The snake rode into the middle of the sea, Nikita Kozhemyak killed and drowned him in the sea. This furrow is visible even now: that furrow is two fathoms high. They plow it all around, but do not touch the furrows; and who does not know what this furrow is from, calls it a shaft.

Nikita Kozhemyaka, having done a holy deed, did not take anything for the work, he again went to knead his skin.

In the old days, a terrible snake appeared not far from Kyiv. A lot of people from Kyiv dragged the snake into his lair, dragged and ate. He dragged the snakes and the king's daughter, but did not eat her, but locked her tightly in his lair. A small dog followed the princess from the house. As soon as the snake flies away to hunt, the princess will write a note to her father, to her mother, tie a note to the little dog around her neck and send it home. The little dog will take the note and bring the answer.

That time the king and queen write to the princess: find out from the snake who is stronger than him. The princess began to inquire from the snake and inquired.

- There is, - says the serpent, - Nikita Kozhemyaka is in Kyiv - he is stronger than me.

As soon as the snake left to hunt, the princess wrote a note to her father, to her mother: there is Nikita Kozhemyak in Kyiv, he alone is stronger than the snake. Send Nikita to help me out of captivity.

The tsar found Nikita and himself went with the tsarina to ask him to help their daughter out of hard captivity. At that time, Kozhemyak was crushing twelve cowhides at once. When Nikita saw the king, he was frightened: Nikita's hands trembled, and he tore all twelve skins at once. Here Nikita got angry that they frightened him and caused him a loss, and no matter how much the king and queen begged him to go to rescue the princess, he did not go.

So the tsar and the tsarina came up with the idea of ​​​​gathering five thousand juvenile orphans - a fierce snake orphaned them - and sent them to ask Kozhemyaka to free the entire Russian land from a great misfortune. Kozhemyak took pity on the orphan's tears, he shed a tear himself. He took three hundred pounds of hemp, ground it with pitch, wrapped himself all over with hemp and went.

Nikita approaches the snake's lair, but the snake has locked himself up, covered himself with logs and does not come out to him.

“You’d better get out into the open field, otherwise I’ll mark your entire lair!” - said Kozhemyaka and began to scatter the logs with his hands.

The snake sees the inevitable misfortune, there is nowhere for him to hide from Nikita, he went out into the open field.

How long, how short they fought, only Nikita knocked the snake to the ground and wanted to strangle him. The snake began to pray to Nikita:

“Don’t beat me, Nikitushka, to death!” There is no one stronger than you and me in the world. Let us divide the whole world equally: you will rule in one half, and I in the other.

"Good," said Nikita. - We must first lay the boundary, so that later there would be no dispute between us.

Nikita made a plow of three hundred pounds, harnessed a snake to it and began to lay a boundary from Kyiv, to plow a furrow; that furrow was two fathoms and a quarter deep. Nikita drew a furrow from Kyiv to the very Black Sea and said to the snake:

- We divided the land - now let's divide the sea so that there is no dispute about water between us.

They began to divide the water - Nikita drove the snake into the Black Sea, and drowned him there.

Having done a holy deed, Nikita returned to Kyiv, began to wrinkle his skin again, and did not take anything for his work. The princess returned to her father, to her mother.

Nikitin's furrow, they say, is now visible in some places along the steppe; it stands with a shaft two sazhens high. All around the peasants plow, but they do not open the furrows: they leave it in memory of Nikita Kozhemyak.