Birthday is an important event in the life of any person. Especially if there is a round date! You should carefully prepare for this event, paying attention to many important issues: competent organization of the celebration, decoration of the room, table decoration and much more. An important part is the presentation of guests at the anniversary. He should be given due attention.

What is it for?

Many are wondering why you need to present guests at the anniversary? It is worth noting that this is a large-scale event that brings together colleagues, relatives, friends, housemates and dachas. Naturally, not all of them may know each other. Such a simple procedure will allow them to get to know each other and unite.

The second reason for doing this is to pay attention to guests and surprise them.

Separately, it is worth talking about when the performance should take place and who should do it. According to tradition, this process takes place after all the guests have taken their seats and drunk the first glass of wine. This can be done by the host (tamada), the hero of the occasion or his close relative.

In the form of an award

It is worth remembering each invited guest. Most likely, each of them has some special, outstanding character trait. Using this data, you can create a cool greeting for your guests on the anniversary. For example, you can use the following names:

  • Miss Loudest Voice.
  • Sole of company.
  • The most loving guy.
  • The most refined nature.
  • Comedian, etc.

Each person should prepare a comic letter. When the celebration ceremony begins, you need to name the guest and assign him a certain rank. Then he will come out, and he should be given an award. Preparing for this ceremony can take a lot of time, but attention will be paid to each guest, and everyone will immediately understand who is who.

It is very important that all the characteristics really correspond to the character traits of the guest, otherwise a misunderstanding may appear. The second important point is that it is worth highlighting only pleasant features, not using such characteristics as an alcoholic, an envious person or a liar, this can greatly offend the person sitting at the table.

Separation of guests into several categories

Probably, all guests can be divided into several separate groups. In this case, you can come up with a good comic performance for the anniversary in verse or prose. Now it remains to ask some people to get up from the table, naming their first and last names, and introduce them to the guests. For example, you can use the following form:

“These people go lazily from work,

It’s not too lazy to cook dumplings for them at home,

And then open delicious beer,

This is how bachelors live every day.”

“Three women, three beauties, have not yet found their happiness in their personal lives, I hope this celebratory evening will rectify the situation.”

“The ten most severe guys, they served in the border troops. They are not afraid of anything, so it is better not to joke with them.

Classifications can be very different, for example, summer residents, animal lovers, fishing, cars, hunting, and so on can be distinguished. After such a performance, people tend to get to know each other faster, and sometimes even continue to communicate after the event, because common interests always unite.

In the form of riddles

There is another interesting presentation of guests at the anniversary in a comic form - in This is a great way not only to get to know each other, but also to arrange a small quiz. Required in advance for each guest. For example, guess his profession or hobby. Now you should ask him to get up from the table and say the following:

“This person often wears striped clothes and an unusual headdress. He never gets seasick, and he doesn't get seasick." (The correct answer is "sailor").

“Let this sport always cause negativity in Russia, but this guy will always believe in victory.” (The correct answer is "football fan").

"This beautiful girl knows what the way to a man's heart lies through, and she has chosen the appropriate profession." (The correct answer is "chef").

You can come up with a huge number of such riddles, they should indicate the interests of a person or his position.

Riddles in reverse form

You can also create a presentation of guests at the anniversary in a comic form in the form of reverse riddles. First, the facilitator says a phrase, for example:

"This charming blonde knows what accounting is."

"This strong young man can lift over 100 kilos."

"This dark-haired mature man is excellent at giving orders to subordinates and protecting our homeland."

After pronouncing such riddles, all the people present should look around and understand who they are talking about. It is recommended not to delay this event and name as many stand-out characteristics as possible, paying attention to which guests will quickly cope with the task (indicate high or short height, approximate age, hair color, and so on). If the answer is guessed correctly, then the corresponding musical signal should sound. You can also supplement this competition by rewarding the one who gave the correct answer,

Use of technological means

Of course, people sitting at the same table can get to know each other well themselves, but it would be better to use ready-made cuts for this purpose to introduce guests to the anniversary. Often, modern technological means are used to create them.

  1. If the house or public institution has a modern TV, then you can create a colorful presentation. It should consist of photographs of each guest. There should also be an inscription with the name and main characteristics.
  2. You can also pre-prepare a musical performance for guests at the anniversary. The person should go to the center of the hall, and at this time the corresponding composition should sound. The most successful examples are: "Accountant", "Remember, Captain", etc.

Of course, such a preparation will have to be done for a long time and painstakingly, but at the celebration it will look very bright and interesting.

Who was born...

There are musical cuts for presenting guests at the anniversary, which were successfully used by our grandmothers. All guests should sing a song with the words "And who was born in January, let's get up quickly and raise a crazy glass faster." All guests who are related to this month should stand up, solemnly raise their glasses and drink. This song is worth singing 12 times in total.

Presentation script

You can also come up with a scenario for the presentation in a playful way. The first guest sitting at the table is given a photo frame. This is an imitation TV. Next, the leader must turn on cheerful music, and this item begins to move around the table. As soon as she stopped, the guest, in whose hands he was, should stand up, give his name and say who he is to the hero of the occasion.

Presentation of the closest friends

If the solemn event is held by an experienced host, then he must prepare in advance the presentation of the guests at the anniversary for congratulations. In the forefront, the closest and most faithful friends want to say their beautiful words. They can be represented as follows:

“Every person in life can achieve success: tie the knot with the most worthy person, build a mansion, put several million dollars into a personal bank account. But he will be considered unhappy if in his whole life he does not have a true friend in whom he can completely trust. Fortunately, our birthday boy has one, and now congratulations will sound from him.

You can also come up with a similar option for presenting guests at a woman's anniversary:

“Now I want to give the microphone into the hands of that person with whom the birthday girl always shares her most secret secrets, goes shopping and discusses all men.”

A similar representation of guests at the anniversary in verse:

"You have true friends,

It means that you have not lived in vain,

I would like to present quickly

These most devoted friends.

After these phrases, congratulations should be heard from the closest friends of the hero of the day.

Let's remember our parents

Presenting guests at an anniversary is a very important part of the celebration. Particular attention should be paid to words about parents. They should be as touching, gentle and caring as possible. For example, you can use the following pattern:

“Today we all gathered at the table, we praise our birthday boy, we discuss his successes and achievements. But do not forget about those people who contributed to the fact that he was born, always worried about him and supported him in everything. You already guessed that congratulations from the most beloved parents will now sound.

“When you got married, you had a second family and second parents. Sometimes there were quarrels and misunderstandings between you. But, despite all these situations, they continued to love you and support you in everything. Now your beloved mother-in-law and father-in-law will say nice words for you.

Spouses and children

The hour is coming when each person has his own family. On the anniversary, you should definitely remember your beloved family members and come up with an appropriate representation of the guests on the anniversary for congratulations.

“She knows where you hide your socks, what you like for breakfast and what you wear at home. You have a difficult character, but this woman knows how to put up with it. Now your wife is worried, because she has to make a solemn speech for you.

“In a few seconds, a beautiful wish will sound from the person to whom you said “Yes” several years ago at the registry office, for whom you bake pies, clean the house and iron things. Let's support him, because he is very worried."

“What is the most valuable thing for every person? Of course, his own children. How nice it will be for the hero of the day to hear congratulatory words from them on this day.

native blood

Who is the most native blood for the hero of the day? Of course they are brother and sister. You can come up with a cool representation of the guests at the anniversary in verse for them:

“Native blood. What did you hear about it?

This is the person with whom you become kinder and taller.

And everyone around is talking about it

That the closest person in the world is your brother.

And I want to give him the floor,

So that he can congratulate you faster.

"This girl will always come to the rescue,

Will give good advice, save from all adversity,

And in difficult times, you will always remember her,

She gets wiser every year.

And she wants nothing in return

Now your sister is happy to congratulate you.

Such a representation of the guests at the anniversary in verse will highlight the merits of the closest people. They will always be happy to hear nice words addressed to them. But do not forget about all the other people who came to this solemn event: about neighbors and colleagues.

A few words about neighbors

For whom can you come up with comic representations of guests at the anniversary in verse? Of course, for all the beloved neighbors. It is with these people that conflicts and funny stories most often happen. It is recommended that the facilitator name as many facts from the lives of these people as possible to make it sound more believable. For example, you can come up with a similar option.

“Do you remember how they banged on the radiators when you moved into this house and drilled the wall? How did they dislike that they left rubbish in the stairwell? Then the conflict was settled, you began to go to them for salt, and even today you probably borrowed stools, dishes and a tablecloth from them. As time went on, the degree of trust grew, and you began to leave keys to each other to feed the cat, water the flowers and meet the plumber. On every holiday, you quickly run to congratulate each other, since you have to walk not far. Neighbors have long been called family members. And now they want to say a few words to you.”

“I want to give the microphone to those who live behind your fence. With whom you return home together, share fertilizers and tips on growing plants. Every year there are competitions between you: who will grow cabbage faster, who will collect more tomatoes, who has more beautiful flowers. Regardless, they love you. And they want to say a solemn congratulations.

A few words about colleagues at work

Colleagues at work are also a kind of family members. After all, a person spends more than 8 hours a day with them, five times a week. They become friends, interlocutors and faithful comrades. On the anniversary evening, it is worth paying due attention to them.

“Love is the most glorious feeling that every person has encountered at least once in their life. By the way he manifests it, one can guess his main profession. Hot, ardent and ardent loves the one who puts out the fires. The cook shows his feelings very sweet, tasty and juicy. Quickly, instantly, but at the same time very brightly, the photographer is looking for his soul mate. And how does our birthday boy love? We can only find out the answer to this question after we hear congratulations from his colleagues at work.”

“Each of us has a work colleague. What is this person? He will always cover when you leave for tea during business hours. He is the first to know about your illnesses. He, like no one else, knows all your strengths and weaknesses. And now that same work colleague will tell you more about how you spend hard working days together.


Usually the most talented guest says beautiful words on the holiday. Old parables with a special meaning are always a great success. To introduce guests to the celebration, you can use the following option:

“It is customary in every country to celebrate the day when a person was born. At this moment, everyone around him wants good, success and happiness. All peoples have a special sign that will bring good luck to a person. For example, the Italians hit the birthday boy on the forehead, the Spaniards pull his earlobes, the British cheerfully lift him into the air, the Canadians oil his nose, and the Germans hang the national flag on their shoulders. There are no such traditions in Russia, but this does not mean at all that we do not wish the hero of the day well. We do this with sincere phrases. It is they who will now sound from one of the guests.

Why do you need to spend your time before each significant event to come up with a beautiful presentation of guests at the anniversary? As it turned out, there are only two main reasons for this: to introduce everyone at the table to each other and to make a small announcement before the person makes his fiery speech. It does not matter what it is created for, the main thing is to remember a few basic rules: it must contain plausible information, carry an atmosphere of sincerity and kindness. The second important quality is capacity, too long text will tire guests. The third factor is that blanks should be drawn up for all guests, and not for individual characters, because someone may be offended that he was not given due attention. And the anniversary evening for someone will be spoiled.

The success of any party or celebration often depends on the right choice of games on introduction of guests. At the same time, it doesn’t matter whether the names of all the guests were named during the game or not, it is much more important to overcome the awkwardness at the beginning of the holiday and establish trusting relationships between the guests so that everyone feels like “their own” among “their own” - comfortable and joyful!

This largely depends on the experience and skill of the host or organizer of the holiday, many of whom start the holiday precisely with their acquaintance with the hall or a table game between the guests. It can be his welcome song, a chants (or noise maker), a blitz survey of guests and their involvement in a common cause (handing over an object, shaking hands, etc.).

Also, various forms of music are becoming more and more popular at weddings. meeting guests: by name, by city or group . For musical acquaintance, appropriate cuts from songs are selected, under which different groups of guests are welcomed with applause, sometimes this is accompanied by simple dance movements. Such an acquaintance, as a rule, is very lively).

4. Acquaintance of guests during the game.

It has long been known that nothing brings people together like a common cause. This technique also works well for rallying a festive company; for this, the organizer can start a table game, for example, with elements of competition, dividing the hall into teams: the right and left half of the hall or men's and women's, etc.

These can be very simple tasks: give a kiss to the hero of the day - whoever is faster loves him more, passing a compliment in a circle, as in the game "Pink Glasses" (you can see in) or more complex with the involvement of props, as in the game "Hat Acquaintance" or "Bon Appetit".

A game. Nodding acquaintance.

From the props, the host will need a beautiful hat, which the guest will pass to his closest neighbor at the feast along with some question addressed to him. (What is your name? What is your favorite pet? Do you like to dance? etc.). The guest, having answered the question, puts on a hat and, in turn, asks his neighbor a question. So the hat acquaintance passes for all those gathered.

In order not to knock down the dynamics of the feast, the host can stock up on another hat, in which cards with a variety of questions that he prepares in advance will be placed. The presenter will offer to use the second hat to the delayed guests.

A game. Bon appetit.

It is convenient to play such a game at a common table, so that it would be convenient to transfer props to each other and arrange a competition between the two halves of the hall. From the props for each team, you need to prepare two children's bibs.

The game begins like this: the two participants in each team, who sit first on the edge, put on bibs. At the command of the host, the first of them must remove the bib and tie his own over the head of the second guest in the bib - to the third, wishing him: "Bon appetit!". Then the second over the head of the third ties his bib to the fourth and wishes, in turn, to him: “Bon appetit!”. Each team does this for speed - the game is funny, it is very lively and sets the guests up for a common fun feast.

A game. You don't know what I love yet.

A soft toy is passed from guest to guest in a circle, and everyone to whom it falls into the hands says the phrase: “You still don’t know what I like (an option is to do in my free time) ...” and tells something unknown to others about himself ". Then he passes the toy to a neighbor, and he also gives out something secret about himself, however, for whom it is difficult, he can laugh it off. So the toy brings everyone closer.

The team business card is an individual thing, as it depends on the name.

Otherwise, the speakers are about the same, but you need to stand out.

Therefore, I am now giving you ideas for representing the team at the business card competition, it will be much easier to come up with a performance based on them than with a complete absence of options in your head))

As soon as you sort through several positions of what I call "presentation format", and stop at the one that hooked you, consider that half the battle is done. Further - easier. So,

Team business card - ideas for presentation,

or How to present a team

1. In the format of an interview

The participants seem to be interviewed right there on the spot by a well-known journalist, a popular presenter, a famous artist, an odious politician - moreover, the degree of popularity of the interviewer can be both global and local.

Or just come up with your own idea and announce Konstantin Vizitkin, a “mega-popular video blogger in narrow circles”, who interviews the team for his coolest YouTube channel))


2. In news format

For an example, look here on my website for the scene “School News”. Only there is news about the whole school, and you make a news business card about your team, showing yourself from a different angle, rally or KVN.


3. In the form of different heroes of one thing

Famous movie, cartoon, browser game, fairy tale, literary work.

Not in the sense of staging, but as a message to the audience, to whom which character is conditionally identical and why.

Or - who and how is similar at once to the whole team (or the team to him).


Conditional example of a business card on musketeers


We have collected the very best. From Athos they took his wisdom and fearlessness, from Porthos - cheerfulness, equanimity and love for delicious healthy food ( here you can show a picture of light gluttony), from the Queen - love for diamonds ... Oh, sorry, a typo .. Okay, later we'll figure out what we have in common with the Queen ... But obviously something must be ( adopted a royal posture)… They wanted to borrow deceit from Cardinal Richelieu, but then they decided – we are above it, we will act honestly. This decision was given to us with difficulty, really ... But we are also open to the world, like D'Artagnan, so we speak honestly about everything ....


4. Business card in the format of one hero, but in different ways:

From several different works, in different periods of life or under different life circumstances

  • Harry Potter in volume 1, 3 and 7;
  • A ball from Prostokvashino - sad-sad at the very beginning and confident-business after receiving a photo gun

Or - captains from different films and books.

Conditional example of a business card oncaptains

For example, say:

  • we are as smart and resourceful as Captain Nemo
  • as brave and determined as the 15-year-old captain and the children of Captain Grant
  • purposeful and stubborn, like both captains Kaverin
  • sometimes in the classroom we imagine ourselves as superheroes - almost like Captain America
  • well, yes - from time to time we are as predictable as Captain Obvious
  • and the same ... as Captain Fantastic ( replace the ellipsis with similar qualities).

You can also compare yourself in some way with Captain Vrungel ( do not confuse with Wrangel - today is NOT about him), Captain Flint, Jack Sparrow...

And finish the card with a song (or a fragment from it) « Captain, captain, smile”, Preferably by remaking the song for his performance.


See how many different famous captains there are! And those are just the ones I quickly remembered. You, I'm sure, calmly thinking, remember more. And you will get a completely non-standard visiting card of the team. No matter what place you take at a competition or a tourist meeting, you will remain in the memory of fans and the jury as erudite, witty people who know how to play a trick on themselves.

“Let success be capricious, it chooses from those who can be the first to laugh at themselves!” (With)

Come up with a team name

you can in the same thread:

  • "Solid captains", "Captains and nothing more", "13 ( 5, 8, others.) captains" - according to the number of team members
  • “10 captains and one beauty”, “7 captains and two smart women” - if there are more boys, and girls do not claim the title of captain
  • “4 captains and two handsome men”, “8 captains and one smart guy” - if there are more girls in the team and they want to be called captains according to the business card ( DO NOT call captains, this word means the wife of the captain)

5. Making a business card for a contest in style

"We are through the eyes of others"

That is, talking about yourself, conveying the vision of the people around you.

Once upon a time, the picture “My Room” with 4 connected images was walking around the Internet, it was even published somewhere on my site. There were signatures:

  1. This is how my mother sees my room (photo of the room in complete chaos)
  2. So mom tells about her (photo of the ruins)
  3. This is how I see my room (impeccable order)
  4. This is what it actually looks like (moderate mess).

So you can make a story - or even a show - about yourself in a similar way.

For example:

we combine the presentation ideas from points 4 and 5, take the cat from Shrek and Puss in Boots, prepare their large images on posters, or better - for display on the screen if the screen is available at the venue of the competition, and start the creative presentation of the team.

Participants take turns saying the explanatory part first:


Team business card, introduction

(introduction - this or that - you will definitely need whatever presentation format you use)

Talking about yourself is always difficult.

Because we see ourselves subjectively, and therefore - only in a good light ( a flashlight was lit over the head of the speaker, the speaker straightened his hair and made a frozen smiling face as for a photo )

And in a bad light - we don’t see at all ( the flashlight was extinguished, the last one spoke with a frightened face and a cry - Where am I? - feels the space )

And sometimes we see, but we do not recognize ourselves ( a conditionally late member of the team quickly goes to the others, on the way he looks in the mirror held by one of the guys, is horrified at himself and with the exclamation “oh, who is this?!” jumps in fear)

True, teachers and parents often do not recognize us ( then pre-recorded voices of teachers / parents sound - real or imitated by children. Or imitate directly on stage into the microphone:

  • I simply don’t recognize my son - I took out the garbage myself, without a reminder of how the child was replaced!
  • 7-Ah, I don’t recognize you, you stopped being late for classes, what happened? Or is it not yet evening, right?

In general, it is hard work to represent yourself.

Therefore, we will tell

And we'll even show

How others see us

Perhaps it will be more objective.

And to make it clearer to you

Let's use the example of cats.

As they say, cats are in your feed ( this is a very popular phrase on Facebook that accompanies photos of cats or those who are passed off as them. If this expression is unknown in your environment, then, unfortunately, there is no point in using it - the jury and the audience will not understand what it is about. ).


Intro ended, went directly

Business card on the example of cats

Moms say that in general we are, of course, good, but sometimes we don’t react too politely to comments and fair criticism.

And they see us like that (photo 1 was shown. Please note: I combined the photos into a collage to save space on the page, but you show only one large photo at a time!)

Grandmothers do not say anything, and have been seeing us for 10 (11-15, etc.) years, still three-year-old little ones ...

But WE see by their faces - they are clearly worried that after their pies we will not fit into any mirror (shown photo2)

Friends love us like this, and they don’t even imagine others (shown photo 3, with a guitar)

Teachers sometimes think we're lazy

Like that cat that doesn't catch mice at all (showed photo 4)

Some of the respected jury may think that, having made a mistake in the performance, we will ask with an imploring look not to deduct points (showed photo 5)

Rivals, even if they don’t give a look, deep down they really hope that we will lie down, put our paws together, and give up without a fight (showed photo 6)

We plan to fight and win in a fair intellectual (sports) battle and intend to prove it today (showed photo 7)

Well, this is us after the performance)) (showed photo 8)


What do you think?

In my opinion, it turns out quite a cool business card of the team. At the same time, mind you, witty and almost truthful))


I also have

Another business card idea

for today - final:

tell us about yourself in the format of a popular flash mob now

"10 facts about us, 2 of which are not true"

(Or: ... all of which are true.)

But here, develop the idea yourself. Or - through "".

And please write to me in the comments, which of my today's ideas for representing the team at the business card competition did you like the most.

Will you use something in your speech?

What other ideas and useful thoughts did I give you?

Wishing you to leave a good impression Not only

in the team's business card, but also under this article,

Your Evelina Shesternenko and the site "Holiday for Encore".

Vika Dee

If there are many guests at the wedding ceremony, then the toastmaster or host usually introduces the guests to each other. It is not necessary to do this according to etiquette: by seniority and by name and patronymic. Of course, the parents of the newlyweds and guests aged it is better to represent the full name, but numerous girlfriends, young friends can be presented more informally, i.e. just by name.

Leading In advance of the ceremony, you will need a list of invitees with names, who they are young, place of work, hobbies, so that he can voice a funny description of each participant in the celebration.

You can voice the names of each person present as part of a competition, a blitz poll, or simply announce before a toast

They usually start with the newlyweds themselves., then they represent their parents and close relatives, then comes the turn of witnesses, after all the others - acquaintances, colleagues, classmates, and so on.

But the order is not strict. You can start in alphabetical order, or first with the oldest, ending with the smallest, or vice versa. A special mention at the wedding deserve godparents of the young if they are present at the ceremony.

Godparents of the newlyweds at the wedding

How beautiful to present guests at a wedding

You can originally introduce guests to each other by inviting them one by one or in pairs to participate in various competitions or in the form of a question on a comic quiz. You can represent those present in verse or prose by coming up with fun characteristics based on the place of work or hobby.

Poems are read by the toastmaster, they should not be more than one quatrain

The facilitator can start the poem by offering to finish it to the participants.

Leading (tamada) at the wedding

An interesting option for presentation in prose would be puzzles, prepared in such a way that everyone can recognize themselves and give the answer to the riddle by introducing themselves.

An interesting blitz presentation of wedding guests at the table

Blitz performance suitable for sumptuous European-style celebrations, with about 40-50 guests. In fact, this is a quick introduction of each participant in the celebration, sometimes a group of guests at once.

For example, a blitz with adjectives: the best friend of the bride, the most faithful friends of the groom, the most sympathetic colleague, the most cheerful sisters, and so on.

Or according to the “what, where, when” option, listing facts about the guests: the groom’s uncle, a successful surgeon, his wife, a children’s teacher, and so on.

You can take as a basis any characteristic of the guest, in addition to his degree of attitude towards young people. List by hobbies or participation in the life of young people - depends on the contingent, the total number of people. The main thing is that no one should be offended, but at the same time, it didn't sound overly memorized.

For a formal celebration, you can introduce guests more formally: by name, patronymic, listing merits and achievements.

Ready-made examples of presenting guests at a wedding in a comic form

A cool acquaintance can be as a game or dance- all participants line up in a circle and dance to the music. When the melody stops, everyone gets acquainted with the one opposite him. Quite an interesting and boring way.

The performance will turn out bright and interesting if each participant comes up with funny two- or four-verse lines, for example, Alinka shines like a tangerine, Larisa like a daffodil bud, Uncle Tolya is a sailor, a quarter is a Pole, he caught a shark without getting up from his chair, and so on. It is important that the rhymes are not offensive.

Presentation of the guests at the wedding

A comic acquaintance can be made if the toastmaster asks those guests whose name begins with the same letter, or those born under the same zodiac sign, in general, who have the same characteristic, to introduce themselves. This will work if you choose the characteristic that does not unite the guests in life, i.e. not colleagues, classmates or classmates.

Also, before the celebration, the organizer can prepare steam rooms for all guests. name cards: cards should be different from each other, for example, be in the form of hearts or doves, or be a pair of each color. Cards are randomly distributed to everyone at the beginning of the banquet, then the host sets the moment to ask those who have certain cards to come out and get to know each other.

Wedding seating card for a wedding

You can approach the performance with humor by preparing for each guest a kind of title of honor: the loudest voice, Miss Laughter of the Year and so on. After handing them to each guest as a reward for participating in competitions.

It is better to arrange the presentation of guests at the ceremony in a fun and provocative way so that no one has to be bored. Plus, it will make it easier to remember new faces.

How to introduce parents - mom and dad at a wedding

Parents of the newlyweds are the most important people at the wedding celebration after the bride and groom. Their presentation must be special. as guests of honor.

Introducing parents to wedding guests

As with the rest of the guests, you can introduce mother and father in the form of poetry or ordinary speech. This should be a speech - a tribute to the older generation, who raised such wonderful newlyweds.

Adding a bit of humor is quite appropriate

You can imagine the mother-in-law or mother-in-law as an avid gardener, father-in-law or father-in-law - a keen hunter, i.e. get off the hobby.

An example of the presentation of the parents of the bride and groom at a wedding: “Dear guests, we are in a hurry to introduce those without whom this holiday would not have been possible - the parental couple of the young. A young soul, loves hockey, cannot live without a garden, the father of the bride - Name Patronymic ";" caring, compassionate, always knows how to help with advice, dear mother of our bride - Name Patronymic.

More official and dry presentation will be limited only to the full name and enumeration of merits.

Representation of all relatives at the wedding

As mentioned above, the order of presentation can be any - depending on the celebration. It could be like listing in order, starting with parents and ending with acquaintances and friends, and by seniority - from the oldest grandparents to the youngest children.

Meeting relatives at a wedding

But first, there should always be a presentation of the bride and groom at the wedding, as the main heroes of the occasion. This is not even done to introduce guests to the young- everyone knows them, but rather, as a celebration of two loving hearts entering into marriage. After that, parents and godparents are usually introduced - as second parents for the newlyweds.

Grandparents should be presented immediately after the parents, as the oldest at the celebration

Then there can already be a listing of all other relatives in free or alphabetical order, and after them - the rest of the guests.

Sometimes the order is changed in order to mark those relatives who is closest to the young seven e, for example, the cousin of the bride, who helped the young and supported in difficult times. According to the same option, it can be a brother or sister from the side of the groom, as the closest person. Or aunt and uncle, or any other kindred.

It is believed that if one of the relatives came with a spouse, then his or her name should be announced immediately after the introduction of the relative.

For example, the brother of the bride is the “name” and his charming wife is the “name”. The exception to this unspoken rule: parents and grandparents on each side - each of them must be mentioned regardless of whether they are married or not.

It is better not to devote much time to the introduction of all those present - this will delay the ceremony. It is worth timed to coincide with some kind of competition, make a performance between toasts, for example: “And now a close friend and witness of the groom will say a toast -“ name ”.

Introduce wedding guests

Experienced host knows exactly how best to introduce guests, without tiring with an endless enumeration.

If the young people decide to celebrate the wedding without a toastmaster, then the bride or groom should take over the presentation of the guests. Or ask one of the guests to take on the role of host.

At a grand celebration not without acquaintance to avoid an awkward situation, for example, when acquaintances want to congratulate the parents of the bride or groom, but do not know them personally.

Acquaintance can always be beaten as another competition or game, in which case it will not look too formal, but it will also introduce guests to each other.

It is also possible to separately present those who will work at the ceremony– operators, photographers, DJ and musicians for easy reference.

March 29, 2018, 19:36