• 1. Basic concepts - "culture", "spiritual life".
  • 2. Types of human culture.
  • 3. Types of culture.
  • 4. Examples of mutual influence of cultures.

  • Culture is a very complex phenomenon, which is reflected in the hundreds of definitions and interpretations that exist today.
  • The most common are the following approaches to understanding culture as a phenomenon public life:

  • On the basis of numerous works of various scientists, the concept of "culture" in the broad sense of the word can be defined as - CULTURE -
  • a historically conditioned dynamic complex of forms, principles, methods and results of active creative activity of people that are constantly updated in all spheres of public life.


Spiritual life is closely connected with other spheres of society and is one of its subsystems.

  • Informational
  • Physical
  • Bulk
  • Folk
  • Elite

Forms of human culture.

Subculture and counterculture.



  • part of a common culture, a system of values, traditions, customs inherent in a large social group. A subculture is formed in each group of society and differs from the dominant culture in language, outlook on life, behavior, hairstyle, clothing, and customs.
  • it is a subculture that not only differs from the dominant culture, but also opposes it, is in conflict with the dominant values.

2. Types of culture.



  • Material culture is associated with the production and development of objects and phenomena of the material world, with a change in the physical nature of a person: material and technical means of labor, communication, cultural and community facilities, production experience, skills, skills of people, etc.
  • Spiritual culture is a set of spiritual values ​​and creative activities for their production, development and application: science, art, religion, morality, politics, law, etc.

The structure of the spiritual life of society:

- Spiritual needs They represent an objective need of people and society as a whole to create and master spiritual values. - Spiritual activity (spiritual production) The production of consciousness in a special social form, carried out by specialized groups of people professionally engaged in skilled mental labor - Spiritual goods (values): Ideas, theories, images and spiritual values.

  • Spiritual social connections of individuals.
  • Man himself as a spiritual being.
  • Reproduction of social consciousness in its integrity.
  • Features - Its products are ideal formations that cannot be alienated from their direct producer. The universal nature of its consumption, since spiritual benefits are available to everyone - individuals without exception, being the property of all mankind.

  • As history moves in world culture, universal human traits increasingly dominate and manifest themselves, since human cultural activity becomes more and more unified in its forms, tasks and methods, which, accordingly, forms a single culture of all mankind.

  • Job Sample
  • A1. Choose the correct answer. Are the following statements about culture correct?
  • A. Culture - a set of values, the general level of intellectual, moral, aesthetic development of people.
  • B. Culture - a set of historically established forms joint activities of people.
  • 1) only A is true
  • 2) only B is true
  • 3) both statements are correct
  • 4) both judgments are wrong
  • Answer: …..

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Culture and spiritual life of society Grade 10 Teacher Boikova V.Yu.

Preliminary questions Why does society need culture? What benefit does it bring? How do you rate your personal level of culture?

Remember the definition of culture known to you? Types of culture

Spiritual life is a sphere of activity of man and society, which embraces the richness of human feelings and achievements of the mind, unites both the assimilation of accumulated spiritual values ​​and the creative creation of new ones.

Spiritual life N Society Personalities - Morality - Religion - Philosophy - Art - Institutions of science, culture - Religious bodies - Science, i.e. Spiritual activity of people Spiritual world: -knowledge -faith -emotions, experiences -needs -abilities -aspirations -worldview ...

Spiritual activity of people Spiritual-theoretical Spiritual-practical Production of spiritual goods and values: thoughts, ideas, theories, ideals, thin. samples Preservation, reproduction, distribution, distribution, consumption of created goods and values ​​The end result is a change in people's consciousness

The concept of culture Cicero -1 century BC From the 17th century - what is invented by man man nature Creative activity Culture Cultivation

The concept of culture culture is all types of transformative activities of a person and society, as well as all its results. It is a historical set of industrial, social and spiritual achievements of mankind.

The concept of culture From a narrower point of view: culture is a special sphere of society, where the spiritual efforts of mankind, the achievements of the mind, the manifestation of feelings and creative activity are concentrated. This understanding of culture is close to the definition of the spiritual sphere of society

Cultural sciences culturology, history and sociology, ethnography, linguistics, archaeology, aesthetics, ethics and art history

The development of culture Culture is a complex, multifaceted and dynamic phenomenon. The development of culture is a two-pronged process Experience, traditions (Stable element) Innovation (dynamics)

Functions of culture Independently write out from pp. 81-82

Functions of culture 1.Adaptation to environment 2. Accumulation, storage, transfer of cultural values ​​3. Goal setting and regulation of society and human activities 4. Socialization 5. Communicative function

Diversity of cultures Dialogue of cultures Academician D.S. Likhachev: “Real cultural values ​​develop only in contact with other cultures, grow on rich cultural soil and take into account the experience of neighbors. Can a grain grow in a glass of distilled water? Maybe! - but until the grain's own strength is exhausted, then the plant dies very quickly.

Diversity of cultures Dialogue of cultures Interchange and interaction of cultures Crossing borders Preserving identity What problems can arise in connection with the internationalization of cultures?

Types of culture Type of culture Features Who creates it Who is the popular mass elite focused on?

Varieties of culture Subculture - part of a common culture, a system of values ​​inherent in a particular group (children, youth, women, ethnic, criminal, etc.) Counterculture - opposition and alternative to the dominant culture in society

Homework Paragraph 8, assignments and document (oral) essay

Cultural institutions - religious organizations - the corresponding activities of the people. Purpose: To acquaint with the essence of fundamental values ​​and the main functions of culture. A cultured person is tolerant and tolerant. Spiritual-theoretical (production of spiritual goods and values). Initially (lat.) - “cultivation, tillage. Why is culture needed? World and national Material and spiritual. - Science - morality - religion - philosophy - art - scientific institutions.

"Scientific and technological revolution" - Restructuring of the energy sector. revolutionary path. Technopolises. Extraordinary acceleration of scientific and technological transformations. Character traits NTR. Intellectualization. R&D funding by region of the world. Cosmization. NTR features. Examples of evolutionary and revolutionary changes. evolutionary path. What are the functions of equipment and technology. Technoparks and technopolises. Improvement of already known technology.

"Spirituality" - The most important elements of human spirituality are values, morality, worldview. Moral standards are the most important. The moral attitudes of the individual have been studied by the greatest philosophers. Who sets moral standards? There is also conscience, patriotism, citizenship. There is a main universal requirement, which is called the "golden rule" of morality. What role does worldview play in people's activities?

"Worldview" - Hungarian crossword puzzle. The concept of the categorical imperative. Ordinary mindset. We all walk under one God, though we do not believe in one. Strong side. A call to peace. The role of worldview in human activity. Hatred is a strong enmity, aversion to someone or something. About wealth. Worldview. Turn to man. About helping those in need. Worldview types. One of the classifications of types of worldviews.

"Social cognition" - In the narrow sense - a cognizable object. Features of social cognition. In a narrow sense - a knowing person, endowed with will and consciousness. Types of social facts. Subject. An object. The possibility of applying the experiment is limited. Cognition -. In a broader sense - society. Establishing social patterns is extremely difficult. Concrete-historical approach to social phenomena. Social science grade 10.

"Philosophy and Science" - Culturology appeared in the 19th century. What does cultural studies study? Science and philosophy. The doctrine of the good and values. Archeology. Philosophy. The ancestor of sciences is philosophy. Sociology. Philosophy as a social science. The doctrine of being. Culturology. Classification of social and humanitarian sciences. Civil history. Russell. What methods does sociology use? Story. Physical chemistry. Social Sciences. What is history?

Culture is the totality of mankind's achievements in production,
social and spiritual.
Culture is a product creative work spirit over natural conditions.
the totality of all material
materialized component
norms and customs that have developed
ideas of beauty
religious views and scientific

Casa Batlló, architect Antonio Gaudí

spiritual culture
Firstly - spiritual world everyone
man and his activities
creation of spiritual products
Secondly, the products of the spiritual

to spiritual culture
include religion, science,
education, art,
language, writing, etc.
It is made up of rules
standards, models and norms
symbols, myths, knowledge,
ideas, customs, language

Edward Hopper. "Cafe-machine"
Ivan Aivazovsky. "The Ninth Wave"
worldview and philosophy,
being, the relationship between man and the world.
Key concepts: life and death,
time, fate, memory, nature,
space, relationships with others

Moral values ​​govern relationships
between people from a position of confrontation
proper and prescribed. They are associated with
assertion of fairly rigid unwritten
laws - principles, prescriptions, commandments,
taboos, prohibitions and norms. Honesty, work, friendship,
love, tact, courtesy and so on.
Frida Kahlo. Just a few small scratches

Aesthetic value embodies the ideal
notions of what is right, perfection,
expediency. beautiful, sublime,
aesthetic values.
Leonardo da Vinci. Vitruvian Man

by destination
difficult to comprehend
professionals and
members of society
addressed to the people
addressed to the masses
in society
understandable to everyone
members of society

Majority culture
spiritual values)
Social group culture
(small cultural worlds).
Differs in system
values, language, manner
behavior, clothing, etc.
The current that denies
dominating values

What should art reflect: the truth of life or lofty ideals?
What should art evoke: feelings or thoughts?
Are there objective indicators of a masterpiece, great art,
great literature?
Is it worth separating the personality of the author from the work he created?

Morality - the rules that determine behavior; spiritual and
spiritual qualities necessary for a person in society, as well as
compliance with these rules, behavior.
Morality is the rules of morality, as well as morality itself.
Moral principles are internal moral framework
individual person or group, community, or the whole
society as a whole.
Humanism - humanity in social activities, in
attitude towards people.

isolation of people in the community.
Formed parallel to the formation
emergence of a political society
dependencies that are installed with
with the help of strength.
Morality arises as a mechanism of culture,
isolation and alienation between people,
creating normative and spiritual conditions
for their unity.

Talion principle. An eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth
The Golden Rule of Morality: Treat others as you would like them to
others acted towards you
The principle of the golden mean: avoid extremes, observe the measure
Principle the greatest happiness: provide happiness to as many people as possible
The principle of justice
First principle: every person should have equal rights in respect of fundamental freedoms.
The second principle is that social and economic inequalities must be arranged in such a way that:
(a) they could reasonably be expected to benefit everyone, and (b) access to regulations and
positions would be open to all.