My husband and I got together to go to the theatre. We bought tickets for a performance at the Vyborgsky Palace of Culture on October 7 for the performance Love Is Not a Potato. To be honest, I fell for famous artists - Nina Usatova, Igor Sklyar, Alexander Mikhailov ..... Since I bought the ticket on the site "[link]" I read there which artists would play and they were listed there. But instead of Mikhailov, it turned out to be Pankratov-Cherny , Sklyar was not there at all and there were still 2 artists unknown to me, and in total 5 people were involved in the performance. The tickets are very expensive, they paid 5 thousand 770 rubles with the box office for 2 tickets.

The hall was almost full. The performance goes with one intermission of 30 minutes and 2 acts for about an hour and twenty minutes. There is no plot in the performance, it is called "from empty to empty" the scenery has not changed all the time, all the time they were crowded together. The action takes place in the village: a drinking husband, his mother, wife and daughter. me, daughter, wife) that he is crazy. This crazy plot is built on this. There is no sense, some kind of vulgar humor.

At the end of the performance, people from the government of St. Petersburg came to congratulate Nina Usatova on her anniversary, I liked this moment the most, the artist Andrey Urgant, Vanya Urgant's dad, also congratulated her.

People's Artist Nina Nikolaevna Usatova celebrated her jubilee by playing in the play "Love is not a potato, you can't throw it out the window" in the Vyborgsky Palace of Culture.

The production is generally rich in well-known artists - another "populist" Pankratov-Cherny, "honored" Arkady Koval and Zoya Buryak.

But, I will start from the end - with congratulations. I confess honestly

My birthday was a surprise for me. After the performance, "officials" took the stage ...

The delegation was not very large - someone from the Committee for Culture,

as well as Andrei Urgant, who has lost weight, in a horse mask, which he presented to the birthday girl.

and Director of the Palace of Culture Elena Potylitsyna.

In general, it remains to join all the warm words and sincere wishes and, on my own behalf, wish to beat Nina Nikolaevna Zeldina in every sense.

As for the performance, everything about it is relatively obvious and somewhat sad.

This is a classic Full House comedy. It's even a shame that such artists waste time on such theatrical fiction.

But, each genre has its own audience, and theatrical pop, of course, has a large audience.

Women are predominantly 50+. around me often laughed out loud. Me too - I chuckled a couple of times, yes, it was funny.

Lighting was generally simple, with only a few scenes having light painting.

But in general, everything was in such scenery with uniform lighting.

Okay - I really want to write warm words to Nina Semenova, who plays the mother in the play. Great job!

The play of the other artists was also on top - yet their level has already received official recognition. Pankratov-Cherny remained himself.

There are some changes in modern theatrical art. New styles appear, on the basis of which new performances are staged. But there are 2 types of productions that never lose their relevance - these are classical works and performances based on real events. Life stories that are a mirror of all human vices, at all times attracted viewers. One of these productions is the performance in the Variety Theater "Love is not a potato, you can't throw it out the window."

About Variety Theater

Moscow state theater stage has a very extensive and interesting story. It was created in 1954 by a group of actors led by N. P. Smirnov-Sokolsky, People's Artist of the RSFSR. Initially, the theater was located in a building on Mayakovsky Square, where the Alcazar restaurant used to be, and after that there was a variety theater. Some time later, namely in 1961, the Variety Theater moved to Bersenevskaya Embankment, where it is located at the moment.

This house of art is truly unique, because from year to year it provides an opportunity for Muscovites and guests of the capital to meet famous and beloved artists. An immeasurable contribution was made to the theatrical art by productions with the participation of Gennady Khazanov, Clara Novikova and other famous actors. It should also be emphasized that the musical "Chicago" was staged in this theater, produced by Philip Kirkorov and Alla Pugacheva.

About the performance

The production "Love is not a potato, you can't throw it out the window" will sink into the soul of every viewer, because it tells about a simple life in the Siberian outback. According to the plot, an artist comes to a distant village. He stays with a simple village family. The guest of the capital shows interest in the daughter of the owner of the house, who is married off, thereby arousing jealous feelings in the young man of the girl. All events of this production are accompanied by songs, dances, ditties, sparkling jokes.

Such actors as N. Usatova, A. Ponkratov-Cherny, A. Mikhailov, I. Sklyar and others take part in the performance of the Variety Theater "Love is not a potato, you won't throw it out the window".

The duration of the performance in two acts with an intermission is 2 hours and 30 minutes.


Tickets can be purchased in two ways: at the box office of the theater itself and using various websites.

Let's talk about the first option. In order to purchase tickets for the production of "Love is not a potato, you will not throw it out the window" at the box office of the variety theater, you need to drive up to the address: Bersenevskaya embankment, house 20/2. The entrance to them is to the right of the main entrance to the theater. There, professional cashiers will help you choose the repertoire according to your taste and convenient seats. You can also book tickets. To do this, call the box office. It is important to draw your attention to the fact that the reservation is held for 2 working days. After this period, tickets will go on sale again. Payment is made both in cash and by credit card.

Now let's talk about the second method. Tickets for the performance can be purchased using various sites such as Ticketland, and others. Undoubtedly, this option shopping is very convenient for modern man, but unfortunately you may face a markup. Be careful!

The price range is from 500 to 5000 rubles.

The play "Love is not a potato, you won't throw it out the window": reviews

This performance has received both positive and negative feedback from viewers.

People who liked the performance talk about the professional performance of eminent artists who delight the viewer with sparkling dialogues throughout the performance and amaze with their lightness on stage. Many people like a simple plot. In one of the heroes of the production, you can recognize yourself and laugh at yourself.

But, of course, there are viewers who left a negative review of the play "Love is not a potato, you can't throw it out the window." Basically, a bad opinion was formed due to the poverty of the plot. Some viewers did not like to watch a simple life.

Everyone has their own opinion about this production, but it's definitely worth a visit!

“Love is not a potato, you won’t throw it out the window!” is a lyrical comedy in two acts based on the play by Stepan Lobozerov

Age limit: 12+

Duration: 2h30 with one intermission

Stage director: Andrey Maksimov (ABDT named after Tovstonogov)

Scenography: Oleg Shaposhnikov

Actors and performers

Katerina - People's Artist of Russia Nina Usatova

Timofey, her husband - People's Artist of Russia Alexander Pankratov-Cherny

Tanya, their daughter - Honored Artist of Russia Zoya Buryak, Polina Bakharevskaya

Babka, Timofey's mother - Honored Artist of Russia Kira Kreilis-Petrova

Victor - Honored Artist of Russia Igor Sklyar

Mikhail - Alexander Sayutalin

This performance is an amazingly funny comedy, a record holder for sold-out in the cities of Russia! The lyrical comedy will make Kirov residents laugh for the 4th time. The play with dances, songs and ditties tells about a few days in the life of the Siberian hinterland. They are full of inexhaustible folk humor and enthusiasm. The subtle musical background, as well as the love-detective intrigue in the plot of the play, gives the performance a special charm and dynamism.

An almost anecdotal situation became the plot of a real Russian comedy “Love is not a potato”: a young and interesting urban artist comes to stay with an ordinary village family. Everything would be fine if it were not for the jealous boyfriend of the daughter of the family: fearing an affair between the bride and the visiting guest Victor, the jealous Mikhail warns that family members should be wary - supposedly they are all “with regards”. And to his future relatives, Mikhail describes in colors the “abnormality” of the artist himself, catching them with fear. All this confusion leads to a whole chain of misunderstandings and comical situations ....

  • Prize for best performance and the best acting ensemble "Usatova - Mikhailov in the play" Love is not a potato - you will not throw it out the window "
  • Prize for best role supporting role" to actress Kira Kreilis-Petrova for her role in the play "Love is not a potato - you can't throw it out the window"