From whom do men expect congratulations on their anniversary? That's right - from beautiful ladies. And if it will also be celebrities who constantly flash on TV in different outfits, then the hero of the day will have no limit to happiness. We offer you comic telegrams for the anniversary of a man from celebrities, that is, from women who are always in full view. Namely: from the VIAGRA group, from Ksenia Sobchak and from many others. You can download comic telegrams and give them to your favorite hero of the day, let him rejoice.

We offer you templates for comic telegrams for the anniversary of a woman for 55 years. At the age of fifty, women retire. And that is why almost all of our telegrams are dedicated to this event. And also there are telegrams from the refrigerator, which is worried that it will soon be empty. And there is a telegram from the head of the hero of the day, who is worried (head) that she will be sick in the morning. In general, download comic telegrams and give them to a woman for 55 years.

Postman Pechkin is a favorite character of all people since childhood. Because he is so funny and such a simple, ordinary man who just does his job. And if your hero of the day has always dreamed of meeting Pechkin himself, then you can make his dream come true. To do this, you need to change into the postman Pechkin and bring telegrams to the hero of the day. Moreover, we have for you such wonderful telegrams from Postman Pechkin, which are just prepared for the anniversary (men or women). All you need to do is download and print telegrams. And then everything is according to the plan that we described above.

Please accept my sincere congratulations on your 55th birthday.
I wish you good health, success, happiness and prosperity.

Governor of the Moscow Region, Hero of the Soviet Union
B.V. Gromov

I heartily congratulate you on your 55th birthday. You are a competent professional energetic leader, who enjoys a well-deserved authority and respect of the population, is able to quickly respond to the realities of today, resolve city problems in a timely and high-quality manner, increasing the well-being of the city and the well-being of citizens.
I wish you further creative work for the benefit of the Moscow region, energy, perseverance in achieving your goals, good health, happiness and prosperity!

Chairman of the Moscow Regional Duma
V.E. Aksakov

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!
Your professionalism, experience and well-deserved authority largely ensure the high level of your work aimed at strengthening and developing the potential of our country.
I wish you the realization of your plans, successful and fruitful work and further
Good luck in solving political and socio-economic tasks!

Chief Federal Inspector
in the Moscow region
S.I. Zagidullin

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
On behalf of the Political Council
Moscow Regional Branch of the United Russia Party
Congratulations on your Anniversary!
I wish you good health, fulfillment of all plans, happiness and prosperity!
I am sure that your inexhaustible energy and organizational skills, the state approach to business and the ability to implement your plans will help you to solve complex problems in the future.
For the benefit of the native suburbs!

Secretary of the Political Council
I.Yu. Bryntsalov

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
On your birthday, accept the most sincere congratulations and wishes
good health, strength, cheerfulness, happiness and good luck in all your endeavors.

Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Moscow Region
V.A. Egerev

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
I sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary!
I wish you health and happiness, prosperity and good luck! May all your dreams and hopes come true, all your undertakings and plans come true, and peace of mind, love and good mood always reign in your house.

Minister V.S. Demeshkan

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
The Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region sincerely congratulates you on your birthday.
We wish you happiness, good health for many years to come, fruitful activities for the benefit of your native Moscow region.

Minister of Education of the Government of the Moscow Region
L.N. Antonova

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
On behalf of the Collegium of the Ministry of the Construction Complex of the Moscow Region
And from me personally, accept sincere congratulations on your birthday!
We wish you good health, happiness, prosperity, optimism and further success
for the good of the native suburbs!

Minister of Construction
P.S. quail

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!

I congratulate you on your birthday!
I wish you good health, longevity, success in your creative and labor activities, good luck in all your endeavors,
well-being to you and your loved ones!

Deputy Minister
Government Buildings
Moscow region
CM. Zhdanov

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
Please accept sincere congratulations on your birthday!
On this day, I want to say a lot of kind words to you, which you undoubtedly deserve.
I wish you great success in our common cause - selfless work for the benefit of the Moscow Region!
Good health to you and your loved ones, as well as great human happiness.

Minister for Implementation
control activities
Government of the Moscow Region
VC. Shilin

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
on the occasion of the 55th birthday!
Your rich experience as a manager with a deep knowledge of life, the ability to work with people, professionalism and a principled approach to business invariably contribute to the further development and prosperity of the Krasnoznamensk urban district.
I wish you good health, great personal happiness, family well-being and new successes in your responsible and multifaceted activities.

Head of the main department
regional security of the Moscow region
I.N. Khorkov

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
Allow with all my heart
congratulations on a wonderful anniversary!
I wish you good health, inexhaustible energy of cheerfulness and optimism!
May good luck always accompany you in everything! Happiness and prosperity to you and your loved ones!

Sincerely, Chairman of the Electoral Commission of the Moscow Region
I.R. Vildanov

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
Please accept my warmest and most sincere congratulations on your birthday!
With all my heart I wish you good health, peace of mind, strength and wisdom in solving the tasks you face, new creative and business achievements.
May good luck accompany all your deeds and undertakings. Peace, prosperity to you and your loved ones.
Deputy of the State Duma
D.V. Sablin

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
With all my heart I wish you good health, inexhaustible vitality and success in all endeavors aimed at the benefit of every citizen of Krasnoznamensk!
Let your high professionalism, integrity, experience and ability to work with people serve to make the right decisions and their further implementation. May the sincere and comprehensive support of colleagues and friends always be with you.
Health, happiness and prosperity to you and your loved ones!

S.A. Kravchenko

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
Please accept my sincere congratulations on your birthday!
With all my heart I wish you good health, optimism, perseverance and patience in overcoming life's difficulties, complete mutual understanding and support of like-minded people, personal well-being and success in implementing your plans!

I.V. Charyshkin

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
Please accept my most sincere and heartfelt congratulations.
With your holiday - birthday - anniversary!
Let me wish you good health, good luck, good mood, happiness in life and new vigorous creative deeds for the benefit of the inhabitants of the city district.

Member of the Moscow Regional Duma

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
Please accept my warmest congratulations
Happy 55th Anniversary!
On this significant day, I wish you good health, well-being, good luck, success for the benefit of the residents of the city and the native Moscow region!

Member of the State Duma
V.D. Drusinov

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
Please accept my warmest congratulations on your birthday!
Let the accumulated life experience and wisdom help you
In solving everyday problems.
May your innermost desires and aspirations come true,
All the good things in your life will be preserved and moments of joy, love and optimism will multiply.
I wish good luck, success and inspiration to be faithful companions
In all your endeavors, and health and well-being - in everyday life!

Deputy of the Moscow
Regional Duma

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
Please accept my most sincere congratulations on your anniversary!
Each birthday, and even more so an anniversary, in its own way fixes the periods of a lived life, highlights many, many events and accomplishments even brighter.
At the same time, an anniversary is a kind of starting point for a new life stage, a starting point for solving very important tasks, both personal and socially significant.
With all my heart I wish you good health, inexhaustible energy, warmth, good mood, good luck, success in implementing your plans and in all your endeavors for the benefit of your native Moscow region!
May simple human happiness always accompany you, well-being and joy never leave your home!

With deep respect,
Head of the city of Yubileiny

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
Please accept our sincere congratulations on your birthday!
This special event is a time of congratulations, personal memories, summing up, plans for the future.
With all my heart I wish that your life will always be filled with respect and support of colleagues, warmth and love of relatives and friends, real human happiness.
Let your inexhaustible energy, optimism, professional and life experience allow you to realize your plans, help you solve the most difficult tasks.
I wish you good health, family well-being and success in your future work.

Head of Naro-Fominsk
municipal district
A.N. Baranov

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
Please accept my most sincere congratulations on your birthday. May you always be surrounded by loving and understanding people of duty with best wishes.

Mayor of Ivanteevka
Sergei Gridnev

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
We sincerely congratulate you on your ANNIVERSARY!
Please accept my warmest and most sincere wishes for good health, happiness, good luck, well-being, self-confidence and further success in all endeavors, successful implementation of the plans aimed at the prosperity of the Krasnoznamensk urban district.

Mayor of Dolgoprudny
O.I. Troitsky

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!
On this solemn day, accept the kindest words and wishes!
May your diligent and selfless work for the benefit of the Krasnoznamensk urban district bring
more and more significant victories, and all cases are accompanied by success and good luck.
May your life always be filled with respect and support of colleagues, warmth and love of relatives and friends, real human happiness, inexhaustible energy, optimism and the ability to implement the tasks set in the name of achieving positive changes.

Head of Pavlo-Posadsky
municipal district
A.Yu. Lyutoev

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on your birthday!
I would like to wish you stability, political wisdom, strength, energy, reliable associates for the implementation of your plans, thanks to which the municipality you lead will continue to develop, overcoming all difficulties on the path to further prosperity!
I wish you good health, prosperity, love and may luck accompany you in everything!

Mayor of Klimovsk
E.V. Patrushev

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
The administration of the Shatursky municipal district wishes you a happy birthday. Must Your life will always be filled with true human happiness, optimism, faith in the good and the beautiful. Good luck, inspiration and success to you in all your endeavors for the benefit of the successful development of your municipality and your native Moscow region.

Head of Shatursky
municipal district
A.D. Keller

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
On behalf of the MOSTRANSAVTO team and on my own behalf, I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!
Please accept my best wishes for health, happiness, good luck, well-being, successful implementation of all plans, and economic stability and prosperity for your district!

State Unitary Enterprise MO "Mostransavto"
Grivas N.M.

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
Please accept my sincere congratulations on your anniversary!
I wish you good health, great human happiness, success in our common cause - selfless work for the benefit of the Moscow Region.

Chairman of the Chamber of Control and Accounts
Moscow region
A.A. moves

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
With all my heart I wish you good health, good luck, happiness and prosperity!
May the achievements of your professional activity, your energy and optimism benefit you and serve for the benefit and prosperity of the Moscow Region.

Chairman of the Public Chamber
Moscow region
N.Yu. Chaplin

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!
May life always be filled with real human happiness, optimism, faith in the good and the beautiful! Good health, good luck, inspiration and success in all endeavors!
Peace, harmony, love to your home!

Head of the State Institution of the Moscow Region
"UAD MO "Mosavtodor"
I.E. Chernousov

Number of impressions: 76878

"Happy birthday. Already on my way. I'll be there tomorrow morning"

"Although I am fickle and changeable, I am never bad. Therefore, accept me today as I am"

"Drink, walk, if only I have enough"

"It's indecent to squeeze and stroke me for so long. Finally make a decision"

"I'm devastated as always on your birthday."

"Don't Drink Without Me"

"I want to snuggle up to your knees or chest"

"Happy birthday dear, I'll be with you for three more days"

"here you all drink and you thought of me"

Ask your friends not to scare me like last time"

Already deformed, when will the dancing begin?

Oh, and I will unwind today.

"Oh, when will everyone leave, when will we be alone and you will start looking at me."

Be careful, we can't hold you."

Thank you for the holiday I will come back in a year"

"That kind of physical activity can make you go crazy."

“If I hiss, don’t be offended, because it’s from feelings that overwhelm me.”

“We report: they started work with a creak!”

"Today you will only listen to us"
(Congratulations and Wishes)

“How we hate your birthday. If your friends treat us like this, you will be left without your us.”
"Congratulations. I wish you to join me on your birthday. ”

"I want to capture this wonderful birthday."

"Ready to shed tears for your passing years."

“I want to congratulate the birthday man, no, step on my throat.”

“I allow you to get drunk today, you won’t drink me anyway.”

"I am happy for you and melt with happiness."
(Juice or Ice Cream)

"Wanu compared to your charm."

"Ready to blow into your sails!"

"We wish that we come true."

“Excuse me for wearing a fur coat. Help take it off."

“I take over the festive illumination.”

“Here you are all drinking, but you thought of me?”

“Wishing to congratulate you interrupted me!”

“Don’t be sad that you broke up with us. We promise to visit more often next year.

"If you get drunk, then there is nothing to blame on me" -.

"I may be a fool, but it's nice to feel stuffed."

"I spread black streams of joy."

"You celebrate, and we will wait." .

“I promise not to wake up on your birthday.”

"I forgive you that you do not notice me."

"Forget sorrow, surrender to me."

"Ready to ignite."

"Knock, knock, knock, it's me! Open the door!"

“Honey, I know that on this birthday you wanted to break up with me. Please don't leave me."

"I'm waiting for everyone to leave to say:" You are mine now! ""
(Dirty dishes)

Postman Pechkin on the anniversary

Presenter: Good evening, dear guests, I would like to welcome all of you to this hall today. Do you know why we are here today? (guests must answer).

Presenter: That's right, today we will celebrate the birthday of one wonderful woman, this evening is dedicated to you, our beloved Anna Alekseevna, because today you are dear hero of the day. So, dear guests, let's dance today, sing songs and congratulate!

(there is a loud knock on the door).

Host: Who is knocking on our door? Who's there?

(answer from behind the door).

It's me Postman Pechkin, I brought telegrams for your hero of the day.

(Postman Pechkin comes out from behind the door, with a big bag with telegrams, dressed up like in the Prostokvashino cartoon).

Presenter: Hello, Postman Pechkin. Come visit us, make yourself at home.

Postman Pechkin: So, so, and whose are you? Where did you come from? (referring to the hero of the day). In addition to telegrams, I have such a newspaper in which the following is written: A woman, 170 cm tall, brown eyes, blond hair, 55 years old, has disappeared. The finder is waiting for a bicycle. And you, forgive me, are very suitable for this lady, now I will measure you here (takes a tape measure and approaches the hero of the day and begins to measure it). Excuse me, how old are you today? (the hero of the day answers 55). Yes, it's definitely you! Hooray, now I have my own bike.

Presenter: Yes, wait, you have an anniversary here, and you with your bike.

Postman Pechkin: Well, excuse me, bicycles are not given for everyone.

Presenter: You'd better read congratulatory telegrams to us.

Postman Pechkin: In front of all the guests, I confess
That with women I become soft!
And I won't be bad anymore.
After all, I came to the anniversary,
Congratulate the birthday girl soon
And read her telegrams from friends.

Presenter: Well, let's go with you, dear guests, we will listen to telegrams for our hero of the day.

Postman Pechkin: I brought you telegrams, but I won't give them to you.

Host: Why is that? And, come on, give us our telegrams?

Postman Pechkin: I will give you all your telegrams only when you treat me with something tasty and after the birthday celebration the hero of the day will go with me. I want to return it to those who seek it. And finally pick up your promised bike.

Host: All right, all right. And we will treat you and you will return your hero of the day in good hands! Well, dear guests, let's treat our dear Pechkin with something delicious? (all guests must respond). Our dear Postman Pechkin, please sit down at our table. (Pechkin goes to the table and sits next to the hero of the day, they pour him vodka, and they all sing together for our birthday boy).

Postman Pechkin: Thank you for your treat. Well, now let's get down to the congratulatory telegrams.

Here is the first telegram for you:

Here is Anyuta on your anniversary,
From Gali Blanca, a telegram as soon as possible,
She sent you a gift
This cube is precious!

(gives a bouillon cube from Galina Blanca).

Second telegram:

Dear hero of the day,
You are just super, you are not more beautiful,
So accept the same greetings from me, from Rasputin Masha.

Third telegram:

From Putin, a big hello to you here,
He sends you an envelope. (gives an envelope with money).

Fourth Telegram:

Telegram from Tatyana Ustinova,
She gives you a gift
This book for leisure
Read on and don't get bored.

Fifth telegram:

My compliment to you Anyuta,
Barrel organ You are my soul!
Baskov Kolya writes to you!
Please accept my congratulations.

Sixth telegram:

Hello from Vinokur,
You are super, artistic nature,
Take from me on your day
Kiss quickly.

Seventh telegram:

I'll write in a telegram
That I love you very much
This is the heart you open
And always be only you with me.
And here's another lipstick sends you Kirkorov,
Get dressed, make up -
Philip will like it. (gives lipstick and a mirror in the form of a heart).

Eighth telegram:

May you always have everything nishtyak,
Take a kiss from me, Kseni Sobchak.
Postman Pechkin: That's all my congratulatory telegrams. And now, dear guests, let's drink to our hero of the day, dear, beloved by all, dear.

(all guests raise their glasses, and Postman Pechkin says a toast).

Postman Pechkin: Dear Anya,
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
And I want to see you again
Come to Prostokvashino now,
I will be glad to see you, the door is always open for you.

(this is where the scene with the Postman Pechkin ends).

Texts of comic telegrams for birthday, anniversary

"Happy birthday. Already on my way. I'll be there tomorrow morning"

"Although I am fickle and changeable, I am never bad. Therefore, accept me today as I am"

"Drink, walk, if only I have enough"

"It's indecent to squeeze and stroke me for so long. Finally make a decision"

"I'm devastated as always on your birthday."

"Don't Drink Without Me"

"I want to snuggle up to your knees or chest"

"Happy birthday dear, I'll be with you for three more days"

"here you all drink and you thought of me"

Ask your friends not to scare me like last time"

Already deformed, when will the dancing begin?

Oh, and I will unwind today.

"Oh, when will everyone leave, when will we be alone and you will start looking at me."

Be careful, we can't hold you."

Thank you for the holiday I will come back in a year"

"That kind of physical activity can make you go crazy."

“If I hiss, don’t be offended, because it’s from feelings that overwhelm me.”

“We report: they started work with a creak!”

"Today you will only listen to us"
(Congratulations and Wishes)

“How we hate your birthday. If your friends treat us like this, you will be left without your us.”
"Congratulations. I wish you to join me on your birthday. ”

"I want to capture this wonderful birthday."

"Ready to shed tears for your passing years."

“I want to congratulate the birthday man, no, step on my throat.”

“I allow you to get drunk today, you won’t drink me anyway.”

"I am happy for you and melt with happiness."
(Juice or Ice cream)

"Wanu compared to your charm."

"Ready to blow into your sails!"

"We wish that we come true."

“Excuse me for wearing a fur coat. Help take it off."

“I take over the festive illumination.”

“Here you are all drinking, but you thought of me?”

“Wishing to congratulate you interrupted me!”

“Don’t be sad that you broke up with us. We promise to visit more often next year.

"If you get drunk, then there is nothing to blame on me" -.

"I may be a fool, but it's nice to feel stuffed."

"I spread black streams of joy."

"You celebrate, and we will wait." .

“I promise not to wake up on your birthday.”

"I forgive you that you do not notice me."

"Forget sorrow, surrender to me."

"Ready to ignite."

"Knock, knock, knock, it's me! Open the door!"

“Honey, I know that on this birthday you wanted to break up with me. Please don't leave me."

"I'm waiting for everyone to leave to say:" You are mine now! ""
(Dirty dishes)

On the eve of our holiday, pop stars congratulated us. They gave her their compliments for a long time and sincerely. I now invite you to listen to an audio recording of these phone calls.

Allah called first.
She learned about the anniversary.
And he sends his regards to all of you.
And the birthday girl advice:

And right after Pugacheva Alla
Called her friend - Galkin.
In his heart he did not hold back admiration,
He only repeated to the hero of the day:
I've seen a lot of girls in my life...

Philip Kirkorov, not sparing words,
In love is recognized on the day of the anniversary:
I don't sleep well at night...

And Basque is not far behind him.
Today he sings to Olga:
My lovely...

Prime Minister's Musicians
Today the secret was revealed to everyone.
That song where the eyes are like diamonds
They dedicated to our Olga:
Two diamonds...

Another man sobbed.
And Olga is the reason for this:
I love you to tears...

Kirkorov did not calm down.
Went to a tavern and got drunk there.
He called Olga again
And into the phone he spoke to her:
I raise my glass...

And Dima Malikov is tender to her, in secret,
He sang this line eloquently:
You are alone, you are...

Piekha Stas was in a hurry somewhere on business.
Let's hear what he tells us:
I will give you...

Missing the birthday girl
In cold and snowy Moscow
Sang with longing Soso Pavliashvili
"Well, where are you, dear? Where are you?"
Georgian is waiting for you...

As time went. Kirkorov drank.
The wine did not cool the ardor:
My only one...

And all men, burning with love,
They repeated, without hiding admiration:
Ah, what a woman...

And the congratulations continued.
And, all lit up with happiness,
The culprit on her birthday
I could only hear the words:
I wish you...

And at the end of the concert of stars,
Whose congratulations sounded in the hall,
Allegrova Irina will say a toast
For the birthday girl - let it sound in the final!
Happy birthday...

Texts of humorous posters - telegrams.
Welcome to the Pentecostal Club! The Sixties are getting ready for the meeting. Sixties
Yes, it's gold, it glitters! Lysina
My years are my wealth. We want to become a millionaire! Bill Gates
The autumn of life, like the autumn of the year, we will call gold! Russian Green Party
To know your truth
th age, sum up the numbers denoting it (find out the interpretation of the result from numerologists). Department of Applied Mathematics

Oh, how many wonderful discoveries our granddaughter (or grandson) is preparing for us. Trade Union of Russian Grandparents
Why if "wise", then necessarily "frightened"? Opponents of the writer A. Volkov
Age and wisdom are twin brothers! Who is more valuable than our grandfather? Loving grandchildren
And the cavalier is enough for me ... Wife of the Full Cavalier of the Orders of Glory

Tick ​​- so walkers. Years fly by.
Life is not sugar or honey...
... Maybe the hero of the day will pour? Group "Balagan Limited"

Not sure - don't overtake! /advice of the hero of the day to the younger brother/
If I were a sultan, I would not live to see the anniversary ... Eastern wisdom
Dance always, dance everywhere, until the last days of the bottom! The motto of a frisky hero of the day
There will still be roofing felts, oh - oh - oh! your new anniversary
For anniversaries and their guests! A new service center for the repair of heels is open! Shoe factory

And there are no words in the world to express our feelings! From overwhelmed with feelings
Enough to bend before the authorities, it's time to seriously take up the garden! Country neighbors
Long live the new Russian pensioners! Just new Russians
What makes you think that we are tired of each other? your favorite job
Today is the dress rehearsal. Major performance in five years. next anniversary

So I waited for the anniversary, I signed up for pensioners! Your favorite hero of the day
Hooray! A shelf of our readers has arrived! Dontsova, Dashkova, Polyakova
Well, now - then you can count on you? Children and grandchildren
Down with planning meetings and reports! Give fishing and hunting! Friends - pensioners
Work, everything is given to you! But I'll keep the best years for myself. Anniversary

Guests of the hero of the day, do not be shy, gather at the table more often! Anniversary Sponsors
Work is not a wolf, pensioners are not afraid. Humanitarian Bosses
The door will always be open for you! Watchman from a favorite job
What is mature age? It's a miracle! Y. Shevchuk
So what if the whiskey turned gray! If only the guests sat longer! Sentimental hero of the day

Do not get sick, but harden and do not give up to diseases! Health group activists
Did you wish the hero of the day great happiness? Othello
Wishes of the hero of the day - the law for the guests! Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation
Now his star has risen! Planetarium staff
Do not be ashamed to be the hero of the day, the trouble is not to invite guests! Experienced guests

Give the hero of the day a point of support - and he will set the table. Archimedes
If the granite of science is already too tough, move on to the nectar of art! Hermitage employees
Congratulations are good, but gifts are better! State repository of the Russian Federation
Lord! The 5 years following the anniversary are rounded down! Research Institute of Statistics
Save who can! Weeds and garden pests

Rest is also a science! Scientific Research Institute of Balneology
We are not the prosecutor's office, but you can't hide from us either! your anniversaries
Do not forget to celebrate the anniversary and the old style! Supporters of the Julian calendar
The one who leaves last dances well. rock and roll fans
The hero of the day, who met such an anniversary, is awarded the rank of general. General's orders are not discussed. General Staff

All ages are submissive to love, anniversaries are doubly submissive. Amur
Be careful! The lights in the eyes of the hero of the day are a fire hazard for ladies! Fire Department
Guests! Have mercy! I can't justify my expectations! A vase for flowers

Some of the soul-touching sayings can also be written on linens, which are stretched from one wall of the hall to another. Some of them - to bring in invitation cards to create the appropriate mood, etc.

A universal reception for decorating a room - hang it on the walls of the hall "telegrams" from famous, wise people, as well as messages with humorous content.

… this hour is in our hands. Own the real thing. R. Burns
Time does not pass empty and does not roll without any impact on our feelings: it creates amazing things in the soul. Blessed Augustine
At no age can one acquire a talent that we are deprived of, but at any age one can correct one's mistakes. F. Voltaire
Feeling reigns at twenty, talent reigns at thirty, reason reigns at forty. B. Gracian
You can always find enough time if you use it well. J. W. Goethe
Good use of time makes time even more precious. J. J. Rousseau

Regret about the unwisely wasted time that people indulge in does not always help them to use its balance wisely. J. La Bruyère
One today is worth two tomorrow. B. Franklin
Only a very few live for today, most are preparing to live later. D Swift.
To live means to act! A. France
Great man... loud in business. I. Krylov

To do what gives pleasure is to be free. F. Voltaire
Blessed is he who, alongside glorious deeds, has adorned his fleeting age. A. Tolstoy
If anything is worth doing, it is only what is considered impossible. O. Wilde
Old people are so fond of giving good advice because they are no longer able to set bad examples. F. La Rochefoucauld
A wise man does not fight with anyone, and therefore no one is angry with him. Lao Tzu















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