Performance "Shukshin's Stories"

The cost of tickets is 3000-18000 rubles.

Duration: 3 hours
The performance comes with an intermission
Premiere: November 22, 2008


Dramatic performance in two acts.

The first part touches on such stories as: "Stepkin's love", "Microscope", "Boots", "Mil Pardon Madame", "Ignakha has arrived."

The second part included the stories: “Fingerless”, “Husband's wife saw off to Paris”, “Cut off”, “On Sunday the old mother”, “Stepka”.

The main actors of the performance - Yevgeny Mironov and Chulpan Khamatova, decided to thoroughly prepare for their roles, to really get used to them. To do this, they went to the native village of the great Russian writer - to the village of Srostki in the Biysk region of the Altai Territory, where he lived and worked Shukshin. He wrote about the same village in his stories. According to the actors who came there, it would be great to see these people live - the heroes of the work.

The famous Latvian director Alvis Hermanis is responsible for staging the performance. He became a laureate of the "Europe - Theater" award, the national award of Russia "Golden Mask". In order to feel all the feelings, the whole atmosphere, he sent his Latvian colleagues to the same village along with the artists. The photographer and the artist were visiting the local population, observing their way of life. Mironov himself admitted that he was ready to dig a garden, cover the lid, help in everyday life, and all in order to feel like the main character of the play.

In total, the performance included ten Shukshin's stories, but on the most topical topics - about an unforgettable love for the Motherland, the land, a return to the roots. As he says main character performance - Mironov, there will be no complete immersion in the images. Non-Moscow actors say that almost nothing in the villages since the writing Shukshin stories hasn't changed. The main thing is that people understand that any story presented on the stage can happen now!

Ordinary stories that the artists convey to us from the stage, simple scenery - a wooden bench, a background and black and white photographs taken in the village of the Altai Territory, where the writer himself lived. All this minimalist setting should help the actors to focus all their attention on the actors who for a long time got used to the role in the same village.

The performance shows the life of an ordinary rural hinterland, and, despite all its simplicity, the production is unusually deep and remarkable. You plunge into village life, experience sad and joyful moments with your favorite actors: Mironov, Chulpan Khamatova, Yulia Svezhakova, Dmitry Zhuravlev and many others.

The folklore music that accompanies the performance makes the atmosphere of the village so real that you experience everything together with the characters.

April 28 and 29, 2019; the performance takes place on the stage of the Moscow City Council Theater (Bolshaya Sadovaya, 16)

Evgeny Mironov, Chulpan Khamatova, Yulia Peresild and other actors of the Theater of Nations

Vasily Makarovich Shukshin is considered one of the most prominent creative figures of the twentieth century in our country. Our site will help everyone to buy tickets for Shukshin's Stories, the ticket price is only 1200 rubles, and delivery is included in the price. The contribution of this man to cinema and literature is difficult to overestimate. The heroes of his works are ordinary people who live in the village of the sixties and seventies of the last century. All of them are distinguished by their peculiar character, and this often betrays their rural origin. These people to some extent possess worldly wisdom, they are trusting, sociable and observant. Some of the characters described are simple-minded eccentrics. Others had to go through a difficult path of suffering and trials. The writer managed to masterfully depict all the details of life in the village, while touching on the themes of morality and the values ​​of the society of that time. Performance Shukshin's Stories in the Theater of Nations can be safely called an encyclopedia of Russian life, which is written in a concise, capacious and so accessible language.

The work of the great writer is a unique element Russian culture. Perhaps this work is quite capable of forming a collective memory and revealing the main distinctive features national character. In his works, Shukshin not only depicted the life and life of the Russian village, but also raised issues that are important both for the village and for the whole country. The writer sincerely worried about his village heroes, knowing that they would soon have to face hard times. It is this theme that reflects the play "Shukshin's Stories", which is based on the works of the famous writer and in which the best actors of the Theater of Nations play.

Reviews of the audience about the performance

The work on the production belongs to Alvis Hermanis, a well-known European director. This performance was his first project, which was implemented in Russia and received excellent reviews from viewers and critics. The main roles of this wonderful performance are the leading actors of our country. Among them are Chulpan Khamatova, Evgeny Mironov, Yulia Peresild and many others. This work has already become a high-profile event in the theater world. The production received several prestigious awards, including the Golden Mask, Golden Knight, Crystal Turandot. The performance went through a triumphal procession through the cities of Russia and foreign countries.

The performance is based on ten short stories great writer about the countryside and the villagers. The actors of the production (Evgeny Mironov, Chulpan Khamatova, Pavel Akimkin, etc.) during the show demonstrated real mastery of impersonation. From simple stories, the director created a complex theatrical drawing, which depicts the main problems of the villagers. The creative team even had to visit those metas where Shukshin was born and grew up in order to most accurately approach these problems and understand them.

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There are not so many performances that can captivate the audience from all over the world. Latvian director Alvis Hermanis managed to create a unique cocktail of a simple plot, subtle humor and complex theatrical drawing. The highlight that made the production of the Theater of Nations "Shukshin's Stories" truly unique was the stellar cast.

About the play "Shukshin's Stories"

"Shukshin's Stories" is not just a performance. Actors portraying ordinary villagers from the 70s of the last century manage to reach out to every viewer. After all, many recognize themselves in the heroes. At the same time, the uncomplicated plot is not devoid of subtle psychologism - the main task of everyone who enters the stage is not only to play a role with talent, but also to answer the question without words: why is my hero exactly like that and what makes him act this way and not otherwise. All this is generously “seasoned” with humor and irony.

And, of course, one cannot fail to note the work of the costume designer, who managed to convey the atmosphere of the 70s as clearly as possible and “immerse” each of the actors in it.

"Shukshin's Stories" at the Theater of Nations is a truly "star" performance. Spectators will meet with Yevgeny Mironov, Chulpan Khamatova, Alexander Novin, Dmitry Zhuravlev and others famous actors, "lit up" not only in the theater, but also in the cinema.

Shukshin's Stories is the only production by Alvis Hermanis in Russia. After that, the name of the talented director "thundered" in Europe more than once. So, for example, in 2016, he presented to the public two performances at once on the stage of the La Scala Theater - “Madama Butterfly” and “Two Foscari”. Nevertheless, Hermanis received the prestigious Golden Mask precisely for his work at the Theater of Nations.

Despite the fact that the premiere of the performance took place quite a long time ago, on November 22, 2008, it still goes on with a full house every time, and in order to buy tickets for Shukshin's Stories, one has to remember the already forgotten Soviet word "get it."

How to buy tickets for the performance

Getting tickets for the play "Shukshin's Stories" in 2018 is really not easy - many theatergoers who dream of seeing the production with their own eyes are forced to remember the distant Soviet times and many kilometers of queues at the box office. Fortunately, today they can be avoided.

  • Our company offers its customers to buy tickets for "Shukshin's Stories" online - simply and quickly.
  • An experienced manager will always help you place an order and choose the perfect option in terms of value for money.
  • An operational courier service will deliver tickets exactly to the specified address, and in Moscow and St. Petersburg the service is free.

"Shukshin's Stories" performed by the actors of the Theater of Nations have been exciting the theatrical world of Moscow for more than a year. All connoisseurs of art dream of seeing how a simple plot turns into an exciting action. This performance is considered one of the most-most to date. It is no coincidence that he became the best in three nominations of the Golden Mask and Crystal Turandot theatrical awards.

You can talk endlessly about what is happening on stage. But still, this is just the case when it is better to see once.

The performance of the Theater of Nations traveled half the world with tours and everywhere had the same success. The lively and witty texts of Vasily Shukshin, the stellar cast and the subtle direction of Alvis Hermanis (Latvia) have created an ideal recipe in which a complex theatrical pattern coexists with everyday stories of the Russian hinterland, bright characters of stories turn into accurate acting images. In each character, the viewer can recognize himself or his friend. "Shukshin's Stories" is full of nostalgia: the actors do not strive to portray Soviet villagers from the 70s, but try to remember and understand what makes their characters the way they are. Through humor and irony, tragic notes of ordinary human relationships, about which, as a rule, no drama is written, appear here. This production is the debut of the world-famous director Alvis Hermanis in Russia. The performance is the winner of many prestigious awards and has taken part in many major European theater festivals.

Even if you have never encountered the village life of the seventies ... Even if you do not understand why others admire the work of Vasily Shukshin. Even if you are wary of theater directors from Latvia... Even if you nodded in agreement while reading the previous sentences, you should still visit the play "Shukshin's Stories" at the Theater of Nations.

Surprisingly kind, intoxicatingly live production, undoubtedly, will captivate every spectator in the hall. Everyone is comfortable here, because life stories are told not by actors, but by their own people.

The director of the performance, Elvis Hermanis, and the artists of the Theater of Nations specially went to the writer's homeland, to the village of Srostki in the Altai Territory, in order to better feel the heroes of Vasily Shukshin, immerse themselves in the atmosphere village life, see the world through the eyes of local residents. They visited the residents, took pictures of them, took part in everyday life. And Chulpan Khamatova even lived for several days in wooden house with local residents.

Photographer Monica Pormale took many photographic portraits of the residents, which became the basis for the scenography of the performance. On the stage, in addition to photographs, you can see a wooden floor and wooden benches, on which the heroes tell each other stories that happened more than 30 years ago. And although the events took place a long time ago, "Shukshin's Stories" are close to every viewer. The production is unusually positive and wise.

The performance used stories: "Stepkin's Love", "Boots", "Microscope", "Mil's sorry, madam", "Ignakha arrived", "Fingerless", "Husband's wife saw off to Paris", "Cut off", "On Sunday mother -old woman", "Stepka". A series of stories allows the viewer to see a holistic picture of the life of these people.

The performance begins with the short story "Stepkin's Love". Here we see two village gossips sitting on a bench (Chulpan Khamatova and Yulia Svezhakova), who appetizingly crack seeds and tell how Styopka once, giving a ride to a city fashionista, fell head over heels in love with her. Styopka himself (Pavel Akimkin) appears - a meter with a cap, dressed in a knee-length jacket, looks with loving eyes at a tall, slender beauty (Yulia Peresild) with a false braid. Styopka decides to confess his love to her. Then Styopka's huge father (Dmitry Zhuravlev) appears. Father and son stare at the bride, awkwardly frozen, while the gossips chatter their tongues. And as soon as the grandfather, who turned his back on the bench to the audience, either sings a song, or mutters nonsense, and then completely thrusts crumpled, utter ties in his fist. In contrast to other characters, this crazy grandfather is like a real physiognomy inserted into the hole of a primitive picture. It seems that he was dragged here straight from the village stove. Grandfather is played by Yevgeny Mironov. In the next story, he appears in the same trousers, jacket and sneakers. This is Sergei from the story "Boots", who came to the city, saw stylish women's shoes, saw and lost his peace, and then bought boots for his wife, spending 65 rubles. He did not even think about the size of his wife, most importantly, he made his dream come true.

Changing beyond recognition, alternating outfits, caps, glasses, Mironov one by one brings a number of Shukshin's heroes onto the stage. The hero of the story "Microscope" spends all his savings on a microscope - this is how his scientific life attracts. Front-line soldier Bronka Pupkov endlessly lies that he almost killed Hitler (“Mil pardon, madam”), and Earring from the story “Fingerless” falls madly in love with a nurse.

And for the finale, the director prepared Shukshin's best story - "Stepka". Styopka missed his home very much, so he runs away from the camp three months before his release. The village is walking, because Styopka has returned from the camp, even the old mother (Yulia Peresild) dances merrily and sings ditties, only the mute sister (Chulpan Khamatova) mumbles, hanging on her brother. But Styopka only managed to dance once, and is already testifying to a policeman who cannot understand where such fools come from: after all, he will now have two more years added to his sentence. "Nothing ... I've refreshed myself now. Now I can sit," Styopka briskly waves off. This is how the fun ends imperceptibly and the millionaire takes Styopka away, and the mute sister remains on the stage, who just wants to tell what happened next - about Styopka, and about herself, and about everyone, everyone ...

About a special village world that does not allow the slightest falsehood. After all, these simple stories can happen to anyone, they are understandable to everyone, so you should definitely visit the play "Shukshin's Stories" at the Theater of Nations.