IN famous poem Pushkin depicts two periods in the life of the hero. The first is Petersburg, the second is rural. The “heir to all his relatives” did not acquire happiness either in the city or in the estate. More details about the life of Eugene Onegin in the village are described in today's article.

Main character

Eugene Onegin is a representative of the Russian noble family. His childhood and youth passed in serenity. Onegin Sr. lived in grand style, had debts, which, however, did not affect the fate of his son in any way. Pushkin's hero is a typical aristocrat of the 19th century. Using the example of Onegin's life in the village, the author showed how unadapted a person can be who is not used to doing something seriously.

Eugene's education leaves much to be desired, as the poet speaks of in one of the first chapters. He does not have any deep knowledge, but he knows how to quote this or that philosopher in time. And in Latin. Onegin's usual state is boredom, blues. Nothing interests him. However, he is charming, enjoys success with the opposite sex.

Petersburg way of life

The young nobleman wakes up around noon. Before lunch, he walks along the boulevard, then goes to a trendy restaurant. He visits theaters, which, like everything else, have long bored him. Onegin is very scrupulous about the wardrobe.

Pushkin's hero is an idler, a frivolous person. Perhaps he could have been different if not for his aristocratic upbringing and the French tutor, who did not teach him anything serious, only occasionally scolded him for pranks. In the countryside, Onegin's life takes on new colors. Finally, he will stop knocking. True, not for long. But first things first.


The spleen so overwhelmed Onegin that he once decided to go on a trip to Europe. The father died, leaving a lot of debts to his son. Reading did not cure depression. But unexpectedly came the news of the illness of a rich uncle.

Onegin went to a relative, on the way setting himself up for hypocritical care, which would be expressed in the correction of pillows and the offering of medicines. When he arrived at the estate, it turned out that his uncle had already died. Eugene decides to live in these places, far from the bustle of the city.

What awaited Onegin in the countryside? A completely new, unusual way of life for him. There are no fancy restaurants, theaters and sophisticated ladies here. And Eugene, oddly enough, is happy.


What awaited Onegin in the village? The same as in St. Petersburg: boredom, melancholy. One cannot, of course, say that Pushkin's hero is an absolutely idle and indifferent person. In the first days of his stay on the estate, he was greatly inspired by the novelty of sensations. He became a real villager and even established a new order in his household. So, Eugene replaced the peasant corvée with dues.

Onegin's life in the village resembled the existence of a misanthropic hermit. He was in no hurry to get acquainted with the neighbors. Moreover, he treated them with contempt. At first, he communicated exclusively with Lensky - an enthusiastic, young man who later became a victim of the protagonist's egoism.


Who is he, this Russian nobleman who looks like an English dandy? The life of Eugene Onegin would eventually become as dull and dull as his stay in St. Petersburg. If not for Larina's sisters. The eldest confesses her love to him, but he remains indifferent to her feelings. major vice Eugene - indifference. Indifference to everything that surrounds him. Tatyana's letter does not find a response in his soul. He's still just as bored. In order to brighten up his stay in the estate, he starts a dispute with Lensky, which leads to the death of the latter.

So, how did Onegin's life go on in the countryside? Quotes from Larina's letter very clearly characterize his attitude to the rural way of life. Monotony reigns in the wilderness of a forgotten village. Life in the village of Onegin is boring. He is unsociable. Innocent Tatyana does not arouse interest in him.

It's not that the nobleman is not attracted to village life. Eugene is incapable of emotions, because he is an empty person. And his emptiness is explained by the idleness to which he has become accustomed since early childhood. And this is his tragedy. By the way, Tatyana will still be able to interest Onegin. But it will be much later - when she becomes a secular lady, the wife of a general.


Lensky is in love with Olga Larina. Onegin finds the girl stupid, limited. In order to demonstrate her frivolity, Tatyana invites her to a dance on her name day. Onegin turns on all his sense of smell. He has considerable experience in attracting female attention - Eugene studied this during his eight years in St. Petersburg. Lensky demands satisfaction. Only then does Onegin realize that his joke has gone too far.

The quarrel that took place between them true reason death of Lensky. Public opinion played a significant role here. Eugene attracted Olga's attention from idleness, boredom. However, he cannot refuse to fight.

Onegin is not a villain at all. He is a victim of the thoughtless lifestyle that was common to most Russian nobles. However, he is smart and sensitive, which is confirmed by the deep feelings that he experienced after the death of Lensky.

The life of the protagonist in the village is the second chapter of the author's great work. Here, very deeply, the soul and character of the hero are revealed.

After receiving a huge inheritance, Eugene Onegin, exalted in spirit, and felt very energetic. This is how he comes to the village. Arriving in the village, Eugene Onegin does not easily accept the essence of the life of the villagers. It is hard for him to accept the way of life and the bustle of the village. He does not strive to find a common language with his neighbors, which ultimately leads to big gossip behind his back. For those around him, Onegin becomes an interesting source for discussion. With his high interests and outlook on life, he is trying to make a radical change in the lives of the villagers. Initially, his reform of the way of life came to the liking of the villagers, but soon this interest passes, and they realize that nothing good will come of it. Onegin, becomes a "black sheep" in society, but finds himself an interlocutor, and soon a friend of Lensky.

Satisfied with life, with a foreign education, the landowner Lensky was one of villagers. Unlike Eugene, he was not traumatized by life, and enjoyed every minute of his life, and such words as love and fidelity have a holy meaning for him. Two buddies find themselves in the interests and conflict to secular life. Onegin and Lensky are well aware that the discussion of spirituality greatly distinguishes them from the villagers, who, apart from wine, haymaking, have nothing in their heads. Thanks to his steadfast disposition, Lensky, unlike Onegin, became a friend to fellow villagers, despite his high moral values. With the advent of Olga, the lives of two friends change significantly. The author with bewilderment expresses the image of Olga, like a blooming lily of the valley. And Vladimir Lensky takes care of this flower in every possible way. She is a modest and trusting nature, with blue eyes and an open soul. All these features distinguished her from her sister Tatyana.

Tatyana, was a quiet and sad nature, not like her peers, she did not play, she was a stranger in the family. Tatyana was a stubborn nature, and her disobedience to parental upbringing, mother and father did not give rest. Nothing attracted her to work, neither knitting, nor helping around the house. Their parents were completely different spiritual culture. The father did not understand the interest in books, while the mother always revered literature at the highest level of spirituality. Mother always imitated her book characters, even tried to dress like them. Mother, led all household chores, worked and was looking for an opportunity to earn money for the family. The husband, respected the work of his wife, tried in every possible way to simplify her work, even dined in a dressing gown. To the great family regret, the father dies. He was respected by fellow villagers, on the tombstone, honorably wrote about Dmitry Larin, as a simple and good-natured gentleman.

This is exactly how Eugene Onegin met this family. Despite this, his ardor remained the same independent and inaccessible.

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Appendix to the lesson

Epigraphs to Eugene Onegin

1. And live in a hurry and feel in a hurry.

Kn . Vyazemsky.

2. O rus!...


Oh Rus!

3. She was a girl, she was in love.


4. Morality in the nature of things.


5. Oh, do not know these terrible dreams

You are my Svetlana!


6. Where the days are cloudy and short,

A tribe will be born that does not hurt to die.


7. Moscow, Russia's daughter is loved,

Where can you find your equal?


How not to love your native Moscow?


Persecution of Moscow! what does it mean to see the light!

Where is better?

Where we are not.


8. Sorry! And if so by fate -

We are destined - forgive forever!


Suggested sections:

    Noble life of the Onegin era

    “Dotted with bowls all around, a magnificent house shines ...” What is a bowl and what was it used for?

Answer: a flat jar filled with oil in which a wick burned

2. “Having served excellently, nobly, / His father lived on debts ...” What does it mean to “live on debts”?

Answer: To live on the funds received by mortgaging the estate was called "living in debt." This method was a direct road to ruin. One of the reasons for the general debt was the idea that developed under Catherine II that "truly noble behavior consists not just in big expenses, but in spending beyond one's means."

3. F speaker is a servant. What were his responsibilities?

Answer:“A bearded postilion sits on a skinny and shaggy nag…”. The duties of the postilion were to manage horses harnessed in a train, that is, in several pairs, one after another. He sat astride one of the front horses;

4. In the depiction of the life and way of life of the capital's dandy and the county landowner, "gastronomic studies" occupy an important place. From the dishes listed below, make a lunch menu at the Larins' house and at the Talon restaurant in St. Petersburg: “bloody roast-beef”, roast, Limburg cheese, Russian pancakes, “Strasbourg imperishable pie”, truffles, blancmange, “golden pineapple”, jam, “wine comets”, Tsimlyansk wine, kvass, tea with rum, lingonberry water.

Answer: In the Larins' house: roast, Russian pancakes, blanc -manzhe, jam, Tsimlyansk wine, kvass, tea with rum, lingonberry water; in the restaurant: "Roast-beef bloody", Limburg cheese, "golden pineapple", truffles, "Imperishable Strasbourg pie", " comet wine.

5 . "Chest with a secret"

1. What lies in the chest is called in the novel "an incorruptible pie from Strasbourg";

2. It was a fashionable novelty and was invented during the Napoleonic wars.

3. To prepare this pie, you do not need dough, but only goose liver.

6. Where can you see irradiation and what is?

Answer: “A man is sitting on the irradiation in a sheepskin coat, in a red sash ...”, therefore, the irradiation can be seenin a wagon. These are goats place for a cab.

7. “The green tables are open…


Boston and the Old Men's Ombre"

Why were the green tables opened, what are "boston" and "lombert" and why are they intended for "old people"?

Answer: tables for card games were pasted over or covered with green cloth, on which bribes were recorded. Boston, lomber and whist - commercial games for sedate and respectable people. Gambling, to which young people could devote their nights in a single company, on family ball could not be tolerated.

8. Were the rules of the duel between Onegin and Lensky violated? Could the duel not take place?

Answer: The rules were violated, since Zaretsky was the sole director of the duel and dealt with great omissions, deliberately ignoring everything that could eliminate the bloody outcome. He did not make an attempt to try on Lensky and Onegin, which was part of his duties, especially since no blood offense was inflicted, and it was clear to everyone except Lensky that the reason for the duel was a misunderstanding. The duel could not take place, since a servant was presented as Onegin's second. Seconds should be people of equal social status, since the seconds met the day before to draw up the rules of the duel, which was not done. In addition, Onegin was late for the duel place by more than an hour and had to be declared absent, since a latecomer to the duel should have been squeezed for no more than a quarter of an hour.

    Entertainment, interests and activities

1. “There will be a ball, there children's holiday…” For whom were the children's holidays organized?

Answer: Children's holiday - a ball for teenagers. "Ladies" at children's holidays were 13-16 young ladies who came accompanied by their mothers. However, the age of the "cavaliers" could be different.

2 . Did Onegin write epigrams? Justify your answer.

First Onegin's language
Confused me; but I'm used to
To his caustic argument,
And for a joke, with bile in half,
And the anger of gloomy epigrams.
( Answer: Eugene Onegin never wrote epigrams, because that he was indifferent to poetry. And "he could not distinguish the iambic from the chorea, no matter how we fought, to distinguish." In this passage, epigram means witticism, witty remark

3. "Chest with a secret"

1. Tatyana asked herself if Onegin was his parody.
2. Onegin excluded his books from disgrace when he fell out of love with reading.
3. The portrait of this lord was in Onegin's office.

Answer: This is a portrait of George Gordon Byron.

4. Tatyana believed the legends

Common old...

<…>A cutesy cat, sitting on the stove,

Purring, with a paw the stigma washed:

That was a sure sign to her ...


She trembled and turned pale.

When is the shooting star

Flew across the dark sky

And crumbled - then

Tanya was in a hurry in confusion,

While the star was still rolling...


When something happened

She meet the black monk

Or a quick hare between the fields

Crossed her path...

Explain the signs that Tatyana believed in?

Answer: the cat washes - "guests are coming"; a star falls - make a wish, "whisper her heart's desire"; a black monk and a hare are harbingers of misfortune, therefore “it is full of sad forebodings, / She was already waiting for misfortune.”

5 Tatiana, on the advice of a nanny

Gathering to tell fortunes at night,

Quietly ordered in the bath

Set the table for two appliances;

But Tatyana suddenly became afraid ...


Tatiana silk belt

took off, undressed and in bed

lay down<…>

And under the down pillow

The girl's mirror lies.

Everything calmed down. Tatyana is sleeping.

When did the divination take place? Tell us about the rite of divination, based on the highlighted lines.

Answer: Fortune-telling "for a dream" is one of the Christmas fortune-telling, and Tatyana guesses on "terrible evenings" (January 1-6). This is a dangerous action, because the fortuneteller enters into communication with evil spirit, therefore, the author does not in vain emphasize “she took off the silk belt”. The belt is a kind of amulet, and the removal of the belt is equal to the removal of the cross. The girl during fortune-telling should be led by an experienced old woman - "on the advice of a nanny." Divination "on the mirror" takes place in a bathhouse, in a room where there is no icon. The mirror was supposed to show the betrothed, he was placed under the pillow as a magical object

6 .She is disturbed by a dream.

Not knowing how to understand it

Dreams of terrible meaning

Tatyana wants to find.

Tatiana in a short table of contents

Finds in alphabetical order

Words: forest, storm, witch, spruce,

Hedgehog, darkness, bridge, bear, blizzard

The supporting words-symbols of Tatyana's dream include the following: "winter", "bridge over the stream", "forest", "bear", "hut", "brownies".

Give an interpretation of Tatyana's dream

Answer: Sleep feature literary hero lies in the fact that the reader, having the opportunity to compare its content with subsequent events in the fate of the character, can guess the author's logic and reveal the meanings of the symbols. "Winter" and the words of this thematic group: "snow", "snowdrift", "ice", "blizzard" - have the meaning of "sadness, death". "Mostok" - crossing the river - a symbol of marriage (Tatyana's imminent marriage), however, in fairy tales, it is a symbol of death (Lensky's death); to be in a snowy forest - "to fall into the kingdom of death." The image of a bear is associated with the symbolism of matchmaking. The bear is Tatyana's future fiancé - the general. "Shaggy", "big disheveled" - a symbol of wealth. The bear brings Tatyana to Onegin's hut with the words "Here is my godfather." And indeed, in Moscow, at a reception, the general introduces Onegin, “his relatives and friend,” to Tatiana, his wife. The appearance of Tatyana in the hut symbolizes Eugene's future love for her. Thus, Tatyana's dream in reality is embodied in the final break with Onegin, in the death of Lensky, in her unwanted marriage.

7.O negin, secretly smiling,

Suitable for Olga. Fast with her

Spins around the guests

Then he puts her on a chair,

Starts talking about this, about this;

After two minutes later

Again with her he continues the waltz;

Everyone is in amazement. Lensky himself

Doesn't believe his own eyes.

Why did Onegin's dance with Olga so astonish Lensky and all those present at the ball?

Answer : From the “Dictionary of court etiquette”: “A young lady, lightly dressed, throws herself into the hands of a young man who presses her to his chest, who carries her away with such swiftness that her heart involuntarily begins to beat, and her head goes around. That's what a waltz is! Goethe's hero Werther considered the waltz a dance so intimate that he swore that he would not allow his future wife to dance with anyone but himself.

    Upbringing and education

1. "Monsieur l" Abbe, a wretched Frenchman, / So that the child is not exhausted,

/ Taught him everything jokingly ... "Why was Onegin's home teacher a "wretched Frenchman" and how effective was such a home education?

Answer: A characteristic figure of home education was the French tutor, who rarely took his pedagogical duties seriously. Often, the hired teachers did not have a pedagogical education and were just crooks, so Pushkin comments on the education of these "teachers" "we all learned a little something and somehow ...".

    Hero Bookshelf. From the list of writers below, name those whose books made up Onegin's reading circle; Tatyana Larina; Lensky, author.
    Cicero, Apuleius, Theocritus, Homer, Juvenal, Richardson, Smith, Martin Zadek, Virgil, Rousseau, Byron, Griboyedov, Madame de Stael, Gibbon, Fontenelle, Kant.

Answer: Onegin - an admirer of Adam Smith, a critic of Homer and Theocritus - of all contemporary authors, he made an exception only for Byron - "the singer of Giaur and Juan." He knew how to “talk about Juvenal” and “remembered, though not without sin, // Two verses from the Aeneid” (the author of the Aeneid is Virgil). At the time of his voluntary imprisonment in a St. Petersburg apartment (chapter eight), Onegin read everything indiscriminately: Madame de Stael, Gibbon, Fontenelle.

Tatianain her early youth she read the novels of Richardson and Rousseau, and under her pillow she kept Martyn Zadeki's dream book. Visiting Onegin's village house, Tatyana re-read all the books in his library.

Lenskyread Kant, Schiller and Goethe - "under the sky of Schiller and Goethe / Their poetic fire / The soul ignited in him"

3. What did Pushkin mean by saying that

She didn't know Russian very well.
Didn't read our magazines
And expressed with difficulty
In your native language.

In what language does the heroine write the letter?

Answer: Pushkin does not say that Tatyana did not know everyday Russian at all. She spoke Russian well, but had a poor command of written Russian. The fact is that in noble families, children were taught to speak French from infancy. The heroine writes a letter to Onegin in French, and we read it in the "translation" of the author, i.e. Pushkin.

4. But, exhausted by the noise of the ball,

AND morning at midnight,

Sleeps peacefully in the shadow of the blissful

Fun and luxury child.

What means " morning at midnight turning ... "?

Answer: In high society, it was customary to get up late, because. it was a kind of a sign of aristocracy. Lunch was served at about 4-5 o'clock, the day began in the evening and ended in the morning twilight. This way of life could be afforded by wealthy nobles who were not in the service.

5. With a soul straight from Goettingen,

Handsome, in full bloom of years,

Kant's admirer and poet.

He is from foggy Germany

Bring the fruits of learning...

Who are we talking about? And why did the hero bring the fruits of learning from Germany?

Answer: It's about about Lensky, and it is no coincidence that his romantic image is associated with Germany. Germany is the birthplace of romanticism. Graduates of the University of Göttingen, from which Lensky graduated, belonged to the number of Russian liberals and freedom lovers.

6. What education did Tatyana Larina receive? What influenced her ideas about life?

Answer: The education of a young noblewoman was, as a rule, very superficial and much more often than for young men, at home. It was limited to the skills of everyday conversation for one or two foreign languages(most often French and German), knowledge in English already testified to more than the usual level of education; the ability to dance and keep oneself in society, the elementary skills of drawing, singing and playing an instrument, and the very beginnings of history, geography and literature. A significant part of the mental outlook of the girl of the early 19th century was determined by books, which, as a rule, were selected by her mother or mother-in-law. Tatyana draws her ideas about life from romance novels.

    Fashion (accessories, clothes, hairstyles) of the Onegin period

    “Wearing a wide bolivar…” What is a bolivar? Show how you would put on a bolivar.

Answer: Bolivar is a hat with a very wide brim. Accordingly, the hat should be worn on the head.

    "Chest with a secret" Condition: if the group guesses the object from 1 clue, they will receive 3 points, from 2 -2 points, etc.

What is this object and why did Onegin need it?

    Rousseau could not understand how this object could be used in front of him.
    2. This item was in Onegin's office in St. Petersburg.
    3. “You can be a smart person and think about the beauty of your nails”

Answer: Nailfile

    Where is fleur worn and what is it?

Answer: A scarf made of transparent fabric, which the ladies attached to their hats to protect their faces from sunburn.

    « Until the dormant breguet / Dinner rings for him ... ”What is a breguet and where did real fashionistas wear breguet?

Answer: Breguet - watches of the company of the Parisian mechanic Breguet (or rather, Breguet), and young dandies wore breguetpantaloon in pocket;

    Pay attention to the hairstyles of young people. Which of them is Onegin, and which is Lensky?

Answer: Onegin "is cut in the latest fashion", Lensky has "black curls to the shoulders." Onegin's fashionable hairstyle is curled and raised hair in front, back and very short. Lensky's hair was long, as the short haircut of a dandy was opposed to the long curls of a freethinker.

6. When worn dressing gown?

Answer: “And finally renewed the dressing gown and cap on cotton wool.” Shlafor put on in a relaxed home atmosphere in the evenings. Shlafor is a nightgown.

7. The image of Tatyana in this picture cannot correspond to the Onegin time. Why?

Answer: Tatyana's dress and hairstyle do not correspond to the fashion of that time. The dress should be high-waisted and made of light transparent fabric.

8. But pantaloons, tailcoat, vest,

All these words are not in Russian

Why are these words not in the Russian language, if Onegin was dressed in such clothes?

Answer : pantaloons, tailcoat, vest at the beginning of the 19th century, they belonged to relatively new types of clothing, they were worn only by fashionistas and real dandies, and there were no Russian names for such toilet items.

    What does it mean?

1. "My uncle is the most honest rules,

When I fell ill in earnest,

He forced himself to respect

And I couldn't think of a better one...

What does the highlighted phrase mean? Whose uncle is this and how did he “force himself to respect”?

Answer: The young rake Onegin mentally turns to his dying uncle, after whose death Onegin will become the owner of a large fortune.

2 . "Chest with a secret" Condition: if the group guesses the object from 1 clue, they will receive 3 points, from 2 -2 points, etc.

1. Onegin saw little use in them
2. Nevertheless, he resorts to the help of this item three times.
3. Tatyana holds him in her hands during the second explanation with Onegin. Answer: Letter

3. What words in the passages below are etymologically connected with Onegin's name?

You will agree, my reader,
What a very nice act
With sad Tanya my friend;
Not the first time he showed up here
Souls direct nobility.
(Ch. 4, p. XVIII.)

at that terrible hour
You have acted nobly
You were right before me;
I am grateful with all my heart.
(Ch. 8, p. XLVI.)

Answer:Etymologically With words are connected with the name of Onegin nobility And nobly, because Greek in origin The name "Eugene" literally means "noble". However, in the novel the name of the hero is played ironically by the author.

4. "The pink host dries on the inflamed tongue." What were they for? cachets in the 19th century?

Answer: Glue-covered paper circles were used to seal letters.

5. « Twice a year theygoveli". What does it mean?

Answer: fasted and attended church services twice a day for a whole week, preparing for confession and communion;

6. “And the baker, a neat German in a paper cap, opened his vasisdas more than once.” What was called wasisdas in the era of Pushkin?

Answer: Window or upper part of the door, opening separately

7. “Between hot and blanc-mange / Tsimlyanskoye is already being carried ...” What is “blanc-mange”?

Answer: Blancmange- a sweet dish, almond milk jelly, but simply ice cream.

8. Where could the following lines be written: "Who loves more than you, / Let him write me further."

Answer: In the young lady's album, which was important fact mass culture early 19th century. The place where the entry was made mattered: the first pages were filled in by parents and elders, then by girlfriends and friends. The end of the album was intended to express more tender feelings - the signatures on the last sheet were especially significant.

Game with spectators

Continue the phrase from "Eugene Onegin"

1. He is completely French
Could speak and write
Easily danced the mazurka
And bowed at ease;
What do you want more? The world decided...
(That he is smart and very nice).

2. We all learned a little…
(To anything and somehow)

3. The theater is already full ... (boxes shine).

4. But there is no friendship even between us.
Destroy all prejudices
We honor all zeros ...
(And units - themselves.)

We all look at ... (Napoleons)

5. I'm afraid: lingonberry water ...
(didn't hurt me)

6. And in the heart the thought was planted: ...
(The time has come, she fell in love.)

7. The less we love a woman, ...
(The easier she likes us)

8. Believe (conscience is a guarantee),
Marriage will be torture for us.
As much as I love you,
Getting used to ... (fall out of love immediately)

9. Admirer of glory and freedom,
In the excitement of their stormy thoughts,
Vladimir would have written odes, ...
(Yes, Olga did not read them).

10. What is your name? He looks...
(And answers: Agathon.)

11. Where, where did you go ...
(My golden days of spring?)

12. Dreams, dreams! Where is your ... (sweetness)

13. Here is the north, catching up the clouds,
He breathed, howled - and here she is ...
(The sorceress winter is coming)

14. Moscow ... How much in this sound
Merged for the Russian heart!...
(How much resonated in it)

15. He returned and hit,
like Chatsky ... (from the ship to the ball).

16. Combs, steel files,
Straight scissors, curved
And brushes ... childbirth
For both nails and teeth.
( thirty..)

17. The music is already tired of thundering;
The crowd is busy with the mazurka;
All around noise and...
( tightness)

18. And the light met her with a smile;
Success inspired us first;
Old Derzhavin noticed us...
(And, descending into the coffin, he blessed).

final slide

Whoever you are, my reader,

Friend, foe, I want to be with you

To part now as a friend.

Sorry. Why would you follow me

Here I did not look for careless stanzas,

Are rebellious memories

Rest from work

Living pictures, or sharp words,

or grammatical errors,

God forbid that in this book you

For fun, for dreams

For the heart, for magazine hits

Although I could find a grain.

Let's part for this, I'm sorry!

But so be it - with a biased hand

Accept the assembly colorful chapters,

Half funny, half sad

vulgar, ideal,

The careless fruit of my amusements,

Insomnia, light inspirations,

Immature and withered years

Crazy cold observations

And hearts of sad notes.

Eugene Onegin, main character Pushkin's novel of the same name in verse is not an easy person. Some literary critics, believe that Pushkin wrote the image of Onegin from himself, but this is not so. This is most likely a collective image. Pushkin observed his contemporaries and made some generalizations. The poet's friends could well have been among the prototypes.

Education of Onegin

There was nothing unusual or special about his upbringing and education. He was brought up like most of the nobles of his time:

The fate of Eugene kept:
First Madame followed him
After Monsieur changed her.
The child was sharp, but sweet.

The last line should be understood as little Eugene was a playful and frisky child, but charming and sweet. Maybe even affectionate, and many pranks were forgiven him. But the kid grew up, and then his upbringing was entrusted to the tutor.

Monsieur l'Abbe, poor Frenchman,
So that the child is not exhausted,
Taught him everything jokingly
I didn’t bother with strict morality ...

Finally, the time has come for rebellious youth, Eugene appeared in secular society.

He's completely French
Could speak and write;
Easily danced the mazurka
And bowed at ease;

He knew how to keep the conversation going. His education "something and somehow" was enough to

The world decided
That he is smart and very nice.

Connoisseur of the "science of tender passion"

Pushkin does not talk about Onegin's first love. He does not know suffering, passion.

But in what he was a true genius,
What he knew more firmly than all sciences,
What was madness for him
And labor, and flour, and joy,
What took all day
His melancholy laziness, -
There was a science of tender passion.

He was a good actor, manipulated women's hearts, in their eyes, destroyed rivals, slept with other people's wives and at the same time remained on good terms with their husbands. In the science of "gentle passion" he almost always got his way.

By the age of 26, when the events of the novel unfold, he was bored with a monotonous life, balls and dragging behind skirts, but he did not know how to do anything else and did not strive to be able to. So when the news of his uncle's illness came, he was glad of the change of scenery, but depressing was the role of caring nephew, which he feared he would have to play for who knows how long. But he was lucky. Eugene went straight to the funeral.

Onegin in the village

Perhaps, when he went to the village, he made some plans for its economic transformation and development, but he limited himself only to replacing the corvee for his peasants with dues. And with that, his interest in agriculture faded. He did not seek to communicate with the petty nobility, although

At first everyone went to him;
But since from the back porch
usually served
Him don stallion,
Only along the main road
Their home drogs will hear them.

Neighbors cut off contact with him. True, almost simultaneously with Onegin appeared in the district. He was 8 years younger and looked at life through rose-colored glasses. Onegin was somewhat condescending towards Lensky, although this did not prevent them from making friends.

They agreed. Wave and stone
Poetry and prose, ice and fire
Not so different from each other.
First, mutual differences
They were boring to each other;
Then they liked it; Then
They rode every day.

Lensky introduced Onegin to the Larins' house, where they spent the whole evening. Onegin noticed a sad, silent one, but she did not touch his spiritual strings. He did not like the puppet appearance at all. Village conversations were not at all interesting to him. Therefore, after the first visit, he did not think about this family for a long time.

On Tatyana, who had read French novels, on the contrary, Onegin made a deep impression. He was impeccable in everything: in clothes, secular manners, hair. He did not change his pedantic attitude towards his own appearance even here in the village. Maintained, as they say now, physical form, was an attractive and stately young man.

He was forced to come back to the Larins by a letter from Tatyana, handed over by a yard girl, the granddaughter of a nanny. Onegin considered it his duty to explain himself to Tatyana.

But I'm not made for bliss;
My soul is alien to him;
In vain are your perfections:
I don't deserve them at all.
Believe me (conscience is a guarantee),
Marriage will be torture for us.
As much as I love you,
Having got used, I will stop loving immediately;

Here Onegin admits that his soul is dead for love, he is not capable of love. The rejected Tatyana was offended in her better feelings. She did not talk to anyone about her feelings, but she became even sadder and paler. And even relatives began to pay attention to it.

Tatyana's name day and duel

Onegin's character was fully manifested during Tatyana's name day. Once at a noisy party, he was seriously angry with Lensky, who deceived him, saying that only "his own" would be at the celebration. Onegin began to flirt with Olga, not caring about what feelings could arise in the girl's heart, what Tatyana and Vladimir felt at that moment.

Lensky left the party furious. And Onegin, believing that he had achieved his goal, lost interest in Olga and soon also went to his place.

Was Onegin an insidious villain? Of course not. He understood that the duel to which Lensky challenged him was complete nonsense, and even thought about reconciliation with Vladimir. But he turned out to be Lensky's second, whose sharp tongue Onegin was still afraid of. No matter how arrogantly Onegin behaved with the local landowners, public opinion about him still worried him. He came to the duel, not particularly caring about the observance of the article. As a second, he brought a "good fellow", who was not a nobleman.

Onegin was not a well-aimed shooter, and he shot almost without aiming. It was a stray bullet, a fatal accident. Onegin did not want to kill Lensky. He just wanted to get it over with quickly.

After the duel, Eugene soon left the village.

Was there love?

Many years later, Onegin returned to St. Petersburg, and there, at a social event, he saw Tatyana. She grew up, from an angular, thin and pale girl turned into a beautiful secular lady. This transformation struck Onegin, he could not believe his eyes. But most of all he was struck by the way Tatyana looked at him. Like an empty place.

She asked,
How long has he been here, where is he from?
And not from their sides?
Then she turned to her husband
Tired look; slipped out...

This hurt our hero. Excitement flared up in him. He wanted to read the passion in her eyes again. But there was nothing like that.

It is full of stubborn thought.
He looks stubbornly: she
Sitting calm and free.

It was not love for Tatyana that made him suffer and suffer, but the desire to read love in her eyes. The desire to conquer a woman who was respected in the world and bowed before. Most likely, the "hunter" woke up in him. And Tatyana understood this secret passion of Onegin. She understood and did not allow Onegin to enjoy his victory over her.

She doesn't notice him
No matter how he fights, even die.
Accepts freely at home
Away with him says three words,
Sometimes he will meet with one bow,
Sometimes they don't notice at all.

In the second half of the 19th century, such a concept as “superfluous people” appeared in Russian literature. More often extra people personified the nobles, not engaged in socially useful activities, and lived as a rentier on what the peasants gave from corvée. Boredom and idleness has become feature these people. They did not serve at court, were not employed in the military, or civil service. They were not interested in creativity. They wandered around balls and theaters, having fun with women who were just as devastated in moral terms. The active energy of these people was not directed towards creation, and it easily turned against them, turning into evil.

Literary critics noticed that it was Eugene Onegin who became the first image. He was rich, smart and very nice, but involuntarily became a murderer. His life is empty.