Lesson Objectives:


To acquaint with the life and work of K. I. Chukovsky, to awaken in children the joy of meeting with loved ones fairy tale characters to learn to understand the humor of the read works;

To form the ability to determine the content literary works by excerpts from books and illustrations;

To develop the skills of expressive speech, by means of intonational means;


To develop figurative thinking, auditory perception, a sense of rhyme, connected speech of students, exercise in a clear pronunciation of sounds in syllables, expand students' vocabulary.


Cultivate interest in domestic literature to instill a love of independent reading.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

1. Emotional mood.

Are we going to think in class? (Yes)

Can we sleep? (No)

Will we discuss? (Yes)

How about flying in the clouds? (No)

Will we help each other? (Yes)

2. Speech warm-up.

Who wants to talk

He must speak

So right and clear

To be clear to everyone.

We will talk

We will pronounce

So right and clear

To be clear to everyone.

3. Definition of the stages of the lesson.

II. Repetition of basic knowledge.

1. Repetition about sounds and letters.

2. Work on the Zaitsev table.

3. Drawing up a diagram of the word "BUTTERFLY".

(On the board there is a contour of a flower - a seven-flower, a butterfly flew to it. During the lesson, the children complete tasks and collect the petals of a flower-seven-flower. At the end of the lesson, the mood of the students is determined)

4. Individual work students in compiling word schemes (electronic supplement to the textbook "ABC" by V. G. Goretsky).

III. Statement of the educational task of the lesson.

Game "Guess the word" (Slide 1).

IV. Mastering new knowledge.

1. The teacher's story about the life and work of the writer based on a portrait and an exhibition of books.

2. Reading by heart excerpts from the works of K. I. Chukovsky "Telephone", "Fly - clatter", "Aibolit", "Moydodyr". (Slide 2).

3. Reading the test (textbook st. 96)

V. Work on the topic of the lesson.

1. Listening to the text "Phone" (video recording). (Slide 3)

2. Vocabulary work

Dozen - twelve.

Rubbish - nonsense, nonsense.

Gazelles are a type of antelope.

Shouts - they spoke loudly.

Pud - Russian measure of weight (approximately 16kg)

2. Answers to questions

What is your mood after reading?

Who was on the phone?

What did the rabbits ask for?

3. Reading a poem (prepared students stage a fairy tale).

4. Exercise in reading the poem "Telephone" (expressive reading is being worked out)

5. Work on cards in pairs.

6. Choral reading.

7. Rules of telephone conversation.

VI. Fizkultminutka.

VII. Consolidation of knowledge.

Guys, Russian folk proverb says "Who reads a lot, he knows a lot." We will now guess riddles, recall the fairy tales of K. I. Chukovsky, and if we don’t guess something, then we will conclude for ourselves “To know a lot, everyone needs to read a lot.”

VIII. Reflective-evaluative.

What was your mood at the lesson?

How do you rate your work?

Who was the most active in the class?

IX. Summary of the lesson.

Fairy tales by K. I. Chukovsky help all children to navigate the world around them, make them feel like a fearless participant in imaginary battles for justice, for goodness and freedom. Korney Ivanovich was very fond of children, he often came to kindergartens and schools to read his funny poems and fairy tales. Look how many fairy tales Korney Ivanovich wrote to us (Slide 4)

Visit Grandpa Roots

All children are invited.

But he is especially happy

Invite these guys

Who knows how to listen to fairy tales

Natalia Aidemirova
The scenario of the staging of the fairy tale by K. I. Chukovsky "Fly-Tsokotuha"



Equipment: tree decorations, flowers, a table covered with a tablecloth,

samovar, dishes, sofas, beds, spider rope, cardboard coin, artificial flowers in floor vases, tape recorder.

The hall is decorated: on the carpet, near the audience, a clearing of large flowers is laid out. which are worn by the hand (for dance).

Characters: 4th grade students / fly, two cockroaches, three insects, two fleas, a bee, two butterflies, a spider, a grasshopper, a mosquito, the words of the author are read by a magpie.

Spectators: 1st grade students, kindergarten students.

Music sounds (meadow sounds, birdsong, a magpie flies into a clearing, sits down, cleans its wings

Did you hear? What,

Magpie: Fly,Fly Tsokotukha,

Gilded belly!

The fly went across the field,

The fly found the money.

Went Fly to the market

And bought a samovar

Music is playing "Flight of the Bumblebee", takes off Fly, flutters from flower to flower, finds a coin

Fly: Oh, money!

Let me go to the market!

Let me buy myself a samovar!

To the music "Flight of the Bumblebee" flies to the table, takes out a samovar, puts it on the table, serves table:

"Come, cockroaches,

I'll treat you to tea!"

To the music "Madagascar" cockroaches appear, perform rhythmic movements to the music, see the Fly, come up

cockroaches: We are red cockroaches!

Heard we were invited

They hurried to visit you,

All glasses drank, / drink tea /

Three bugs: Hello, Fly Tsokotukha

(in chorus) We are Insects

We drink tea

Three cups

With milk

And a pretzel:

Today Fly Tsokotukha

Birthday girl! /Drink tea/

Two fleas: Hello, Fly we are fleas

/ in chorus / They brought you boots, / they serve boots /

And boots are not simple -

They have gold clasps. /Drink tea/

Bee: Hello, Fly,

I am Grandma Bee

You, Fly-Tsokotuhea

Brought honey ... / serves honey, drinks tea /

Hello, Fly Tsokotukha,

butterflies: We are Butterflies,

They brought you jam

Try the jam

Or you don't like

Our meal?" /Drink tea)

A magpie flies into the clearing, addresses the audience

Magpie: Suddenly some old man

Our fly in the corner

Povolok, -

Wants to kill the poor

Destroy the Tsokotukha!

Music sounds "Spider Man". A spider is sneaking around the hall, in the hands of a rope

/spider drags a fly into a corner/

Fly: “Dear guests, help!

/breaks out of the paws of the spider/ Spider - kill the villain!

And I fed you

And I watered you

don't leave me

In my last hour!

Magpie: But worm beetles

/ all insects are hiding / Frightened,

In the corners, in the cracks


cockroaches: crawl under those

goats: Let's hide

under benches,

Insects: Let's run under that bed -

We don't want to fight!


And no one even from the spot

Won't budge:

Get lost, die

/ Birthday girl!

Look out, grasshopper

Well, just like a human

Jump, jump, jump, jump

For a bush

Under the walkway

And silent! /grasshopper hides/

Magpie: And the villain is not joking,

He twists the arms and legs of the fly with ropes,

Sharp teeth plunge into the heart

And he drinks her blood.

The fly screams,

tearing up

And the villain is silent

He smirks.

Music sounds "In the Hall of the Mountain King"

Magpie: Suddenly flies from somewhere

little mosquito,

And in his hand it burns

small flashlight

Music sounds "Tin soldier"

A mosquito flies out with a saber

Performs a sword dance

Komarik: Where is the killer? Where is the villain?

I'm not afraid of his claws!

Fights with a spider (to the music, hurts, the spider runs away in horror with scenes

He removes the ropes from the fly, sits on his knee, takes the fly by the hand

Komarik: "I killed the villain,

Insects: "Killed!"

Komarik: "I set you free"

Insects: "Freed!"

/all insects come out/

Komarik: And now, soul-maiden,

I want to marry you!" /

Insects: "Glory, glory to Komaru -


All in unison: People are having fun -

The fly is getting married

For dashing, daring,

Young Mosquito!

Music sounds "Takata" and all insects (put flowers on hands) perform contemporary dance, at the end of the dance, a mosquito on its knee holds a fly around them, all the insects from the flowers form a heart shape.

Magpie: People have fun

The fly is getting married

For dashing, daring,

Young Mosquito!

Chukovsky K. AND. Fly Tsokotukha. - M., 1978. - 16 p.

middle group .


The hall is festively decorated, there is a bus made of modules, a panorama of Africa is on the side.

Children enter the hall, sit on chairs.

introduction leading.

presenter: And now listen to another riddle and a riddle will appear:

Heals young children

Heals birds and animals

Looks at everyone through glasses

Kind doctor ... .. (Aibolit)

A siren sounds, Dr. Aibolit appears.

Aibolit: Hello guys!

Hello mothers and grandmothers!

How glad I am to see you all

Did you recognize me?

I am a good doctor Aibolit.

How are you guys doing?

How is your health? Nobody is sick?

Is everyone healthy? Well done!

The presenter starts to cough, the teacher to sneeze.

Aibolit: Oh, someone is sneezing, coughing. Well, who's sick? You must have been attacked by germs! We need to get rid of them urgently. How timely I came to you. Come on, show me your hands.

He looks at the hands of children, touches his forehead, puts someone a thermometer.

Now I will examine you:

Sick, open your mouth, say: ah-ah-ah.

The diagnosis is accurate, did you eat something with dirty hands?

Presenter: What are you, Aibolit, there are no such people among our guys. They wash their hands every morning and dress neatly. Guys, let's show Aibolit how we wash ourselves.

The children stand up.

Facial massage "Washer"

We need to wash up They clap their hands.

Where is the clean water? Show palms.

Let's open the tap - shhhhh ... Make rotational movements with their hands (open


Wash my hands - shhhh... They rub their palms against each other.

Cheeks, we will rub the neck Vigorously stroke the cheeks, neck with movements from above


And pour some water. Gently stroke the palms of the face from the forehead to the chin.

Dance "Song of Purity"

Everyone sits on chairs.

Aibolit praise the children.

Aibolit: You guys are great! For this I give you a basket of berries. Here, take it.

Presenter: Thank you Doctor Aibolit! These berries are so big and different: green, yellow, red. But somehow they are unusual. The magic sound lives in them. Let's take the berries and play with them.


Children put the berries in a basket, sit on the chairs.

Magpie takes off.

Magpie: Stre-ke-ke, stre-ke-ke,

Telegram, telegram!

Aibolit: You don't crack forty

Better tell the news.

Magpie: Telegram to Aibolit

From the hippo

"Come, doctor,

Go to Africa soon

And save our babies"


Aibolit: Children in Africa got sick small animals, what to do, what to do? We need to help them, we need to cure them. Let's hurry to Africa. What are we going to ride?

Presenter: Let's go out of town and have a rest. Take your seats, driver, start your car.

The teacher gives the steering wheel to the driver. Children sit on chairs.

Chauffeur: Bee-beep-beep - the car is buzzing:

I won't go without gas!

Need a lot of petrol

It's going to be a long road!

I pour gasoline into the tank,

You take us for a ride!

The driver pours gasoline into the tank.

All is ready. Go!

The song "We're going, we're going ..."

We're going, we're going, we're going

To distant lands

And we sing a cheerful song:


The driver smiles

And quickly we are lucky

And a fun song

With us he sings:


The game "Machine" for onomatopoeia.

Children, sitting on chairs, stomp, making circular movements with their hands "steering wheel",

imitate the sounds of a moving car.

Presenter: We've arrived, come out!

That's Africa!

The song "Africa" ​​sounds, the children go out, look at the panorama of Africa

Look, palm trees grow tall here

The sun is shining high, everything is beautiful!

Children go around the circle, sit on the chairs.

Crocodile remains near the palm tree.

Aibolit: Very surprising and strange, no one meets us.

Crocodile holding on to its teeth.

Crocodile: U---u---u!!

Oh-she-she, did not listen to my mother,

I didn't eat porridge for lunch

And I ate marshmallows, chocolate and sweets

And now all my teeth hurt

Aibolit: Crocodile, don't cry so loudly

Better show your mouth

Yes, everything is clear.

Open your mouth wider

And take the medicine.

Here's your toothbrush

Don't forget to brush your teeth in the mornings and evenings.

Presenter: Guys, who will tell you what to do so that your teeth do not hurt?

Child: Constantly need to eat

For our teeth

Fruits, vegetables, scrambled eggs,

Cottage cheese, yogurt!

And also brush your teeth!

Presenter: Learn, Crocodile, brush your teeth with the guys.

Children stand near the chairs.

Speech game.

Our kids got up early Mouth open in a smile

Run to brush your teeth

Right left, “Clean” with tongue behind n/teeth and in/teeth (4-5 times)

right left

We brush our teeth well!

Let's rinse your mouth with you. Simulated mouthwash.

presenter: Thirty-two funny teeth

They clung to each other.

Up and down rushing in a hurry

They gnaw bread, they gnaw nuts.

Guys, smile at each other.

See how strong your teeth are. How beautiful you are when you smile.

Crocodile: Hooray! Hooray! Teeth no longer hurt!

I got it!

I promise in the morning

brush your teeth, wash your face

And exercise!


Giraffe: Khe-khe-khe.

Hello Dr. Aibolit!

Aibolit: hello little giraffe

What hurts you?

Giraffe: Didn't listen to my mom

And I ate ice cream

I ate a lot, a lot, a lot

And he got angina.

Aibolit: Is it clear

Here is a medicine for angina.

Mornings and evenings

Take it by the teaspoon

And also tea with raspberries, sweet honey

The neck will live.

Giraffe: Thank you Doctor Aibolit!

Aibolit: So where else are you sick?

We put a thermometer on the baby elephant

Tiger cub sweet chocolate

And the little monkeys

Let's give bananas and magic marmalade

Beasts: Say thanks to Aibolit

He cured all the animals

Let's have some fun

And play with the kids.

Aibolit: Now, let's all dance together.

Dance "Be healthy!"

(For older preschool children)


  • Formation in children of an emotional attitude to the works of K.I. Chukovsky;
  • Introduction to moral culture;
  • Development of creative abilities in preschoolers;

Equipment: character costumes: Fedora, Aibolit, Jackal, Moidodyr.

(Children with the leader to the music of Y. Levitin “Exit of the moidrodyr”)

Host: Hello dear children and adults. Today we have a holiday dedicated to the work of our beloved and dear writer, a meeting with the heroes of our favorite books K.I. Chukovsky.

Children, do you like the fairy tales of Korney Chukovsky?

Host: What fairy tales do you know???

Children: "Moydodyr", "Fly-Tsokotuha", "Cockroach", "Fedorino grief", "Barmaley", "Telephone", "Stolen Sun", "Confusion", "Doctor Aibolit", "Crocodile".

Host: Do you want to go on a journey through the fairy tales of Korney Chukovsky?

Children: Yes, we do.

Host: Today we will go on an amazing journey through the tales of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky. You have to overcome many trials, and if you cope with most of them, you will be able to receive an award at the end of the journey as "Expert on Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky's fairy tales." Do you agree? Then go. First, we will sail on a ship, and Gleb will be the captain of our ship.

(The host chooses the captain (child), puts him at the helm.)

Captain: Full speed ahead!

(The soundtrack “the sound of the sea” sounds. Children read poetry, performing movements.)

Ⅰ child:

Seagulls circling over the waves

Let's follow them together.

Splashes of foam, the sound of the surf,

And over the sea we are with you.

Ⅱ child:

We are now sailing on the sea

And frolic in space!

More fun rake

And chase the dolphins!

(Children make alternate swimming movements with their hands: turns to the right, sipping, arms forward.)

Ⅲ child:

How nice it is to swim in the sea,

Beach on the left, beach on the right!

Sea, sea ahead

Above the bridge, look!

Ⅳ child:

To swim faster

We need to row faster!

We work with our hands

Who will follow us?

(Children make the “rowing” movement.)

Leading: Therefore, we will get there by boat.

Relay "Boats (boats)" (dishes and Fedora runs backstage to change clothes)

Two teams line up. The child takes a picture of the boat, and runs to a certain line, then runs back and passes the boat to the next participant. The leader reports on whose team completed the task faster. Children sit on chairs.

Host: Children, sit on the chairs. And what fairy tale we got into, we will now find out with you.

(Cheerful music sounds, “Fedora's Exit.”)

Hello honest people!

I don't like peace.

Though I am old and weak,

But young at heart.

I don't like to clean

I would like to sing, joke, dance!

Why is it so sad all around

Is the house boring, dusty, empty?

(Music sounds, “Funny exercise” by T. Suvorova. Fedora runs for “dishes”) (Fedora sits on a chair tired.)

The sieve jumps across the fields,

And a trough in the meadows,

Behind the shovel broom

Walked down the street.

What's happened? Why?

I don't understand anything?

This is a fairy tale about

How the miracle happened

Run away from Fedora

Dirty dishes.

Oh oh oh! Oh oh oh!

Come back home!

Hey you stupid cymbals

What are you jumping like squirrels?

Better get lost in the field

Let's not go to Fedora!

Host: But the kettle whispered to the iron:

Host: And the saucers cried:

Saucers: Wouldn't it be better to come back?

Frying pan:

Look who's toiling there?

Sitting, crying, sad?

Crockery (children in chorus):

Yes, it's on the fence.

Our hostess is Fedora!

But a miracle happened to her

Fedor became kinder.

Oh, you, my poor orphans,

My irons and frying pans,

You go home unwashed,

I will wash you with water!

I won't!

I won't!

I offend the dishes

I will, I will do the dishes

And love and respect

Pots laughed

The samovar winked.

Well, Fedora, so be it,

We are glad to forgive you!

And saucers rejoiced



And dance and laugh



(Dishes and Fyodor perform the samovar dance “Oh, you canopy ...”.)

Well, it's time to say goodbye

You had fun.


Good time!

(Fedora says goodbye and leaves backstage with the dishes.)

(Doctor Aibolit and the jackal leave to change clothes.)

Let's fly - we're on an airplane.

(Soundtrack "Airplane noise" sounds.)

(Aibolit sits under a tree and sits.)

Host: Here we are. Let's see what kind of a fairy tale is this?

(The child comes out and reads.)

Good Doctor Aibolit,

He sits under a tree.

Come to him for treatment.

Both the cow and the wolf

And a bug, and a worm,

And a bear.

Heal everyone, heal

Good doctor Aibolit.

Suddenly from somewhere a jackal

Rode on a mare.

(A phonogram sounds, “A horse is galloping.”)

Here is a telegram for you

From a hippo.

(Aibolit reads the telegram.)

Come doctor

To Africa soon

And save me doctor

Our babies!

What's happened? Really?

Are your kids sick?

Yes Yes Yes! They have angina

scarlet fever, cholera,

diphtheria, appendicitis,

Malaria and bronchitis.

Come soon

Good Doctor Aibolit!

(The jackal leaves on a horse, Aibolit takes a suitcase and walks along a palm tree and begins to treat the animals.)

Leading: And all the kids are happy and happy.

Had arrived! Had arrived! Hooray! Hooray! (Children in chorus.)

Ten nights Aibolit

He doesn't eat, drink or sleep.

ten nights in a row

He heals the unfortunate animals.

And puts, and puts them thermometers.

Guys, let's help the little animals get to the aibolite.

Relay "Carry the animal to the cone and go around it."

So he cured them

Here he cured the sick,

And they went laughing

And dance and play!

(Children take colorful sultans and dance with Kukarella-sha-la-la-la.)

Children: (in chorus)

Glory! Glory to Aibolit!

Glory to good doctors!

(A phonogram sounds, "Train") a dirty boy runs out to the music of "Dirty" at the choice of the music director.


The blanket ran away

The sheet has flown

And a pillow like a frog

Ran away from me.

I'm for a candle, a cut in the stove.

I'm for a book, she run

And skipping - under the bed.

I want to drink tea

I run to the samovar,

But pot-bellied from me

Run away like fire!

Child: (runs out)

God, God, what happened?

Why is it all around

twirled, twirled

And rushed somersault.

Suddenly out of my mother's bedroom

Bow-legged and lame

Washbasin runs out

And shakes his head.

(To the music of Y. Levitin "Exit of Moidodyr")


Oh you ugly, oh you dirty

Unwashed pig!

You're blacker than a chimney sweep

Love yourself.

You have wax on your neck

You have a blob on your nose,

You have such hands

That even trousers ran away

Even trousers, even trousers ran away from you!

Early in the morning at dawn

The mice are washing

Both kittens and ducklings

And bugs and spiders.


You alone did not wash

And remained dirty

And ran away from dirty

And stockings and boots.


And now brushes, brushes

They crackled like rattles

And let me rub, sentence.

My, my chimney sweep

Clean, clean, clean, clean!

Will be, will be a chimney sweep

Clean, clean, clean, clean!


Here the soap jumped (soap comes out)

And clung to the hair

And wilted, and lathered,

And bit like a wasp.


Long live scented soap,

And a fluffy towel

And tooth powder

And thick scallop.

Let's wash, splash,

Swim, dive, tumble.

In a tub, in a trough, in a tub,

In the river, in the stream, in the ocean.

And in the bath, and in the bath, always and everywhere!

Children: (in chorus.) Eternal glory to the water!

(Music at the choice of the music director sounds, the characters leave).

Host: So our journey through the fairy tales of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky has come to an end. You know very well the fairy tales and poems of this wonderful author. This is where our journey comes to an end. Look, the native coast is already visible in the distance. Finally, I wish all of us to visit Peredelkino, the Chukovsky Museum. There you will learn even more about this amazing man, visit his amazing house, where you can sit on a crocodile, see the "barking cup", Moidodyr, the very phone that the Elephant called and much more interesting things. And don't forget to take with you old shoes-boots, from which you have already grown, as there really is a Wonder Tree at the gate. And for participating in such a wonderful holiday, you guys get medals “Connoisseur of fairy tales by K. I. Chukovsky”, and children who participated in the drawing competition of Uncle Korney's fairy tales receive certificates for participation.

(preparatory group)


To improve the executive skills and skills of children in creating artistic image means of dramaturgy.


  1. Develop the ability to conduct dialogues in well-known fairy tales.
  2. Teach children to express their emotions through singing and movement.
  3. To cultivate a steady interest in dramatization, a desire to play in the theater.
  4. To consolidate the knowledge of children about the work of the writer K.I. Chukovsky.
  5. To create an emotional, joyful mood of active participation in entertainment and leisure activities.


1. Music “There are many fairy tales in the world” (recording) music by Shainsky, lyrics. Entina (Entrance of children, exit of 2 children - leading).

2. Montage about fairy tales, “The Miracle Tree” by K.I. Chukovsky.

3. Dramatization of the poem "Telephone".

4. Game - dramatization (an excerpt from the fairy tale "Moydodyr").

5. Puppet show(an excerpt from the fairy tale "Aibolit").

6. An excerpt from the operetta "Fly - clatter".

7. Surprise "Wonder Tree".

Lesson summary

Music sounds “There are many fairy tales in the world” music by Shainsky, children preparatory group couples enter the hall, sit down.

The presenters come to the middle of the hall:

(Girl and boy.)

Both: Hello, dear guests!

Julia: Which one of you is sitting sad?

Pasha: Who has a sour look here?

Together: Our performance

Will cheer you up!

Pasha: Everyone loves fairy tales

Adults and children love it!

Fairy tales teach us good

And hard work.

They say how to live

To be friends with everyone!

Julia: Like ours, at the gate

Miracle - the tree grows!

Miracle, miracle, wonderful!

Not leaves on it

Not flowers on it

And stockings, shoes

Like apples! (Looks at the tree.)

Oh, look - ka, not only shoes grow on it, but also books! (Picks up book.)

What a wonderful book; - Pasha!

Pasha: And what is it called; Julia?

Julia: Fairy tales.

Pasha: And who wrote it?

Julia: Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky.

Pasha: And what kind of fairy tales did Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky write.

Julia: Let's ask the guys.

Together: Guys, help us remember the tales of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky?

Children: (named) Dr. Aibolit, Stolen Sun, Cockroach, Fly - clatter, Moidodyr, Telephone.

Nina N. Who's talking?

Elephant: Elephant.

Elephant: From a camel.

Elephant: Chocolate.

Elephant: For my son.

Elephant: Yes, five pounds that way

Or six

He won't eat anymore

Nina N. And Crocodile asked with tears. My dear is good

Send me galoshes

And me, and my wife, and Totoshi.

Wait, don't you

Last week

I sent two pairs

Excellent galoshes?

Ah, the ones you sent

Last week,

We have already eaten

And we can't wait

When will you send again

For our dinner

New and sweet galoshes!

Pig: Send me a nightingale.

Maxim: Today we are together with the nightingale

Let's sing a wonderful song.

Don't sing for pigs!

Call - you're better than a crow!

And yesterday morning

Kangaroo: - Isn't this Moidodyr's apartment?

No! This is a different apartment!

Masha: Where is Moidodyr?

Can't tell you……..

Call number one hundred twenty-five:

Sounds like music comes out baby filthy.

Dirty: The blanket ran away

The sheet flew away

And pillow like a frog

Ran away from me.

I'm for a candle, a candle - in the stove:

I'm for a book, she run

And skipping

Under the bed!

God, God, what happened? (Twirls an umbrella, accessories are hung on it according to the text.)

Why is everything around

started spinning


And rushed the wheel?

Everything turns and turns

And rushes somersault.

Music: Bam, bam, bam.

The child comes out to washstand (Christina).

Oh you're ugly

Oh you dirty

Unwashed pig!

You're blacker than a chimney sweep

Love yourself:

You have wax on your neck

You have a blob under your nose

You have such hands

That even the trousers ran away.

Even trousers, even trousers.

Run away from you!

I am the great washbasin

The famous Moidodyr,

Washbasin Chief,

And washcloths Commander!

Knocks on a copper basin: "Kara - Baras."

Music sounds, brushes run out - 2 girls.

Masha: “My, my, chimney sweep

Clean, clean, clean, clean

Sofa: There will be a chimney sweep

Clean, clean, clean, clean!

Dirty: How I started running down the street

I ran to the washbasin again

Soap, soap,

Soap, soap.

Washed endlessly

Washed away the ink

From an unwashed face.

And now trousers. trousers

So they jumped into my hands.

Moidodyr: (sings) “Here I love you again

Now I praise you.

Finally, you are Dirty

Pleased Moidodyr!”

Gotta, gotta wash

Mornings and evenings

And unclean chimney sweeps

Shame and disgrace! Shame and disgrace!

All: Always and everywhere

Eternal glory to water!

Girl: And now guys, please finish these lines:

Heal everyone, heal

Children: Kind Doctor Aibolit

Boy: Kind Doctor Aibolit

He sits under a tree

Come to him for treatment

Both the cow and the wolf

And a bug and a spider

And a bear.

Children put parsley dolls on their hands.

Boys: And the fox came to Aibolit.

Fox: "Oh, I was bitten by a wasp!"

Girls: And Barbos came to Aibolit.

Barbos: "A chicken pecked on my nose."

Boys: And the hare came running.

Hare: And she screamed: Ai, ai!

My bunny got hit by a tram

My bunny, my boy

Got hit by a tram!

He ran down the path

And his legs were cut.

And now he's sick

My little hare!

And Aibolit said:

Aibolit: “No problem! Give it to me here!

I'll sew him new legs

He will again run along the path,

And the doctor sewed his legs

And the hare jumps again

And with him the hare - mother

I went to dance too

And she laughs and screams.

Hare: “Well, thank you Aibolit!”

All the characters dance on the screen to the music.

Children with toys come out and bow and say:

"Glory, glory to Aibolit,

Glory to the good doctors.

Girl: Guys, guess from which fairy tale these words are spoken.

Help dear guests!

Spider - drive the villain away!

And I fed you

And I watered you………

Children: A fly is a clatter.

Girl: Right.

Sounds of music arrives Fly - clatter. (Song of the fly.)

Song of the bee: I am a neighbor bee ... ..

Butterfly song.

Behind the scenes, screams, screeches are heard,

Yes, it's a Spider!

Song of the Spider.

The spider throws a rope loop over the Fly and gradually pulls it towards him.

The second song of Mukha is tsokotuhi.

Song of the mosquito and the fight against the Spider. (The mosquito fights the spider and throws it to the floor.) The spider crawls away.

Mosquito: (Singing) I freed you.

Fly: Released.

Mosquito: Now the soul is a girl,

I want to marry you

You better start

Have fun playing with us.

Several children are playing musical orchestra. Butterfly, mosquito and fly dance. Final chorus. Fly Tsokotukha.

Pasha: Guys, on which tree

Bast shoes are ripe

The boots are ripe

What are you yawning

Do you not cut them off?

Children: On a miracle - a tree.

Julia: Of course, these are poems about our wonderful “Wonder Tree”. Please, friends, tear off books for yourself as a keepsake of our today's holiday.

Together: And that's the end of fairy tales.

Who watched that fellow!

To the music “There are many fairy tales in the world” (verse 2), the children leave the hall.