Activity class
Gass Olga Vasilievna, educator of fashion,
Municipal Preschool educational institution: "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 41"
(senior preschool age)
Theme: "Journey to the Land of Magical Colors"
(according to the results of the year, with elements of entertainment)

Artistic and pedagogical idea: Light of kindness.
Purpose: to promote the desire of children to express their feelings, thoughts in a word, artistic creativity, figure.
Time: 40-45 min.
Tasks: To create conditions for the development of creative imagination in preschool children. Improve skills and abilities in free experimentation with materials necessary for working in non-traditional fine arts. To give children an idea of ​​the richness of colors and their meaning in the drawing; to teach children to think logically, find a way out of difficult situations, encourage fantasizing, cultivate aesthetic feelings, friendships, enrich speech.
Equipment: Painted chest, seat cushions, watercolor, gouache, felt-tip pens, paintbrush, brushes, outfit for the Queen Tassel, Koshchei the Immortal's castle, scenery of the forest, Koshchei's castle, gates, butterfly templates, paintings (landscapes, still life, portrait), drawing paper with the image of geometric shapes, artificial flowers of different colors (cold, warm), a magic pencil, a ball, equipment for physical education: boards, for walking over bumps, three stones with an inscription, a package.
Audio recording: Silent soft music;
Music from Good Night, Kids; Song "There are many fairy tales in the world"; The song "We're going, we're going, we're going..."; The song "If with a friend went on the road"; "Song of the Little Red Riding Hood"; "Song of Friends"
Fairy-tale heroes: Artist, Dwarf, Little Red Riding Hood, Postman Pechkin, Baba Yaga, Koschey the Immortal, Water, Queen of Colors
Music from the program "Good night, kids" sounds.
There is a chest in the hall, around which cushions for sitting are laid out. Children sit around the chest to the music.
Educator: A fabulous melody sounded and this means that the magic chest is calling us to visit. What do you think he has prepared for us?
Children: Probably, he will tell a fairy tale or prepared a surprise.
Educator: Let's sit back and see what he has prepared? The teacher opens the chest, in it is an ordinary paint brush and a box of gouache.
Educator: What is it? Who joked like that?
Sounds loud:
Ha ha ha! What story would you like to hear? Do not hear! You will not have fairy tales today. We are all here with Koshchei bewitched. I tell you this - the beautiful, clever Baba Yaga.
Educator: (disappointed) What should we do? Maybe we can write our own story. About what? Yes, at least about this gouache and brush. Who will this brush be in a fairy tale?
Children: Queen.
Educator: And so that she looks like a queen, what needs to be done?
Children: Dress up, make a crown.
Children help decorate the tassel.
Educator: Do you think she has her own kingdom? And what is the name of this country? Paints live there, everyone loves to draw.
Children: Land of Magic colors.
The music sounds "There are many fairy tales in the world ..."
Educator: In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, in the "Land of Magical Colors", paints, pencils, brushes lived together, never quarreled and loved to draw very much. Therefore, everything around them was bright, beautiful, colorful. The leader in this country was our Queen Tassel.
There is a knock on the door. Postman Pechkin enters.
Postman Pechkin: Hello guys! You have a letter from an unknown addressee. Get it, sign it, (reading to leave, remembers) Yes, I almost forgot, you and a package from some kind of watercolor. Do you have a package at all? Are there documents? Show, sign. Well, I went, there is a lot of work. Goodbye.
Educator: Thank you, Postman Pechkin.
Children: Goodbye.
Educator: (opens the letter) “Hello, children? There will be no “Land of Magical Colors” for you. Koshchei and I bewitched everything. Great Immortal Koshcheyushka and Butterfly Hedgehog.
Educator: Children, do you understand what happened?
Children: Probably Koschey the Immortal and Baba Yaga kidnapped Queen Kitty, and everything became colorless in the country of Magic colors.
Educator: A parcel arrived, which was sent by Aquarelle.
The parcel is opened, it contains felt-tip pens, pencils, watercolors, brushes and a postcard.
Educator: (reads a postcard) "Help the Queen Tassel" signature Watercolor. How can we help her?
Children: Let's go to the country of Magic colors, save the Queen.
Teacher: Aren't you afraid?
Children: No.
Educator: Let's put the felt-tip pens, pencils, paints in the basket, they will suddenly come in handy. Well, on the road - the road!
Let's join hands, friends, And along the path of miracles Let's go to trials In a magical wonderful forest.
The music sounds, the children sing along "Merry Travelers" lyrics. S. Mikhalkov, music. M. Starokadomsky.
Children pass through a magical gate into the forest, on the way there is a large stone. It says: "If you go to the left, you will enter the museum."
Children approach the exhibition of reproductions of paintings. They are met by the Merry Artist.
Artist: Children, I lost my magic pencil. It was Baba Yaga who hid him. She gave some tasks, if you answer correctly, she said, I will return the pencil.
Educator: Do not be sad Artist. Children will help you, they can do everything with us.
Artist: (Task number 1) Help, please. What three groups can these paintings be divided into (landscape, portrait, still life).
Reading of M. Yasnov's poems "About pictures".
1 child: If you see in the picture
A river is drawn Or a spruce and white hoarfrost Or a garden and clouds, Or a snowy plain Or a field and a hut A picture must be called ... (landscape).
2 child: If you see in the picture
A cup of coffee on the table
Or juice in a large decanter,
Or a rose in crystal
Or a bronze vase
Or pear or cake
Or all items at once
Know what it is ... (still life).
3 child: If you see that someone is looking at you from the picture, Or a prince in an old cloak,
Or like a climber
Pilot or ballerina
Or Kolya is your neighbor
Be sure to picture
It is called ... (portrait).
Artist: Well done guys! You have completed this task, but what else do you know?
(Task number 2) Find a picture by description.
(Task number 3) On the tables are reproductions of paintings of different genres, children must choose and display only the landscape.
(Task number 4) Children should select the appropriate reproductions of paintings for the following musical fragments: “The Sound of the Sea”, “Birdsong”.

The artist finds his magic pencil. The children say goodbye, the magic pencil shows the way.

There is a second stone on the way.

“If you go to the right, you will find friends”
Children are greeted by a sad gnome.

Educator: Hello, gnome! What's happened?
Dwarf: Evil Baba Yaga and Koschei the Deathless have been here. I wanted to draw a picture for Snow White, I almost did it, but they bewitched, all my drawings disappeared.
Educator: We will help you, our children love to draw.
A series of didactic games to the music "Draw" "What do they look like geometric figures»
Gnome: Well done! Managed quickly. Thank you very much, I will tell my brothers Dwarfs and Snow White about you - good children. Are you looking for the Queen? - step straight. Goodbye.

Sounds like a piece of music "Merry Travelers"
Stone on the way "If you go straight - you will get into a fairy tale"
The music is "The Song of the Little Red Riding Hood"
Little Red Riding Hood comes out from behind the Christmas tree

Educator: Hello, Little Red Riding Hood! What happened to you?
Little Red Riding Hood: I went to visit my grandmother. It's her birthday, I gave her a present. On the way I wanted to pick a bouquet of flowers. I knew a clearing where many beautiful flowers grow. Went there. And there something strange happened. Flowers drooped, quietly in the clearing and colorless butterflies fly.
Educator: Don't worry, Little Red Riding Hood. We know who did all this. Who, children?
Children: Baba Yaga and Koschei the Deathless.
Teacher: We will help you.
Coloring butterflies - blotography.
Relaxation "Butterflies fly over flowers"
In the morning the butterfly woke up, Stretched, smiled. Once - she washed herself with dew, Two - gracefully circled, Three - bent down and sat down, Four - flew away.
Educator: And now, children, let's help Little Red Riding Hood collect two bouquets for grandmother (cold, warm tones).
Little Red Riding Hood: Thanks guys! What good fellows you are. Please take the ball, it will show you the way to find the Queen.
The teacher throws a ball behind the Christmas tree - an attribute (a swamp on the way)
Educator: Where did the ball lead us? And how can we go further? Ah, I guessed!
Exercise "Walking on bumps"
The song of the Vodyanoy “And I want to fly” music is heard. M. Dunayevsky, sl.
Water: I am Water, I am Water.
No one hangs with me Inside me is water - Well, what happens to this Eh, my life is a tin, Come on, let it go to the swamp! And I want to fly.
Suitable for children
Water: Who came to my house? Who disturbed my peace? I'll grab you all now And drag you into the swamp I'm the most terrible, I'm the most merciless. And so lonely.
Educator: Hello, Water! Why are you making a noise, you see the children were frightened. You better help us, tell us how to get to the castle of Koshchei the Immortal.
Vodyanoy: Why are you looking for him?
Children: He kidnapped the Queen of Colors, we want to find her and return her to the kingdom.
Vodyanoy: What do you like to draw?
Children: Yes, we love it very much.
Vodyanoy: And what do you like to draw with?
Children: Gouache, felt-tip pens, watercolor, lipstick, candle, soap, sanguine, pastel, thread.
Vodyanoy: Yes, you are real artists, but I still feel sad. Educator: Wait, wait, Water be sad. We will help you. Guys, let's say kind words to our hero and his heart will warm up.
Children say kind words, proverbs about a friend and friendship.
Vodyanoy: Oh, guys, how kind and good you are. I have been serving with Koshchei for many years, but I have never heard a kind word, but you calmed my soul, warmed me. I will help you too, I will show you the way.
The song "If you went on the road with a friend" Children go with Vodyany to the curtain
Vodyanoy: The Palace of Koshchei the Immortal is located behind this wall, and in order to get there, you need to say magic words. Now I will tell them. Oh, how ... Now ... It seems I forgot them. Eh! My watery head!
Teacher: Maybe we can help you. Children, do you know any spells?
Children: Sim-Salabim, open up!
Waterman: Yes, yes, that's right!
The curtain opens, the colorless castle of Koshchei the Immortal appears.
Educator: How can we find the Queen of Colors?
Vodyanoy: I think I know. You need to color the castle.
Children decorate the castle with bright colors, music sounds.
The voice of Koshchei the Deathless
Koschey the Deathless: Oh! Oh! I give up. I can't get angry. What a beautiful castle I have. How many years I live, but I have not seen such a castle. I will return the Queen to you, I promise not to touch you again.
Music sounds, the Queen of Colors appears.
Educator: And here is our Queen of Colors. And joy has returned to our kingdom of colors. And we will forgive Koshchei the Immortal and Baba Yaga!
Children: Of course, I'm sorry.
Baba Yaga, Koschey the Immortal: Thank you guys!
Everyone becomes in a round dance, sing the song "Song of Friends".

Non-traditional drawing technique (seminar - workshop)
Children's creativity is inextricably linked with cognitive activity.
“The richer the experience of a person, the more
the material he has
(A. S. Vygotsky)
Tasks: Formation of interest in visual activity;
- Master the simplest technical methods of working with various materials;
- Develop imagination, see the unusual in ordinary objects.
1. Theoretical part:
The imagination of a preschooler is primarily associated with the peculiarities of his motivational and cognitive environment and allows the child to actualize his experience, gives him the opportunity to realize a number of needs: in knowledge, in communication, in self-affirmation and self-expression.
The main indicator in the creative essence of imagination is a sign of novelty.
The factors in the development of a child’s creative imagination should first of all include personality-oriented communication of an adult, which, in its goals and results, meets the needs of a preschooler to learn, transform, master the world, and contributes to the emancipation of imagination and thinking.
A favorable factor in the development of the imagination is children's experimentation, independent activity with new objects: The child, knowing that paints of a different color can be obtained by mixing them, tries to find his own color; tries to draw with different objects that are not even intended for drawing (bird feather, carnation, nut, finger, etc.)
In addition, it is important to teach the child in a different way drawing, to give an idea of ​​different image techniques, to enrich the emotional experience.
Learning to draw in preschool age involves the solution of three interrelated tasks:
Awaken children's emotional responsiveness to
the surrounding world, native nature, to the events of our life;
To form their visual skills and abilities;
Development of the creative potential of the younger generation; An unconventional form of drawing in visual activity meets modern requirements for updating content preschool education, humanization of pedagogical work in a children's institution, implements the principles of personality-oriented interaction with children in the learning process, contributes to the activation of children's capabilities.
Indeed, for a small child, art material has a bewitching, attractive power, it suggests an idea, affects his character, and contributes to the creation of an artistic image.
When dealing with children, one should not strive to expect quick success, do not make high demands, otherwise it can cause a negative reaction, children do not draw for show, but for themselves. You need to be able to read children's drawings, evaluate them. And the children enjoy these activities.
And this is another important emotional factor. Often we observe how a child plays with an imaginary object with pleasure. So on non-traditional activities children play: (paint, paper, foam rubber, paraffin, sawdust, soap, soap bubbles, etc.)
In the lesson, the main thing for the child is to experiment, and what will happen: (drop, ball, soap bubble, thread, etc.)
I feel - I imagine - I imagine - I create, (ask children questions - provocateurs)
What does it look like?
Who, what could it be?
What or who can be this color?
What can be represented by such a line?
2.Practical part.
(we used the following unconventional techniques:
Blotography with a tube
salted chalk
On - raw
Candle and soap painting
H. Summing up
The creative process is a real miracle. Watch as children discover their unique abilities and enjoy the joy of creation. Here they begin to feel the benefits of creativity and believe that
mistakes are just steps towards achieving a goal, not an obstacle, both in creativity and in all aspects of their life. It is better for children to instill:
"There is no creativity the right way There is no wrong way, there is only your own way.

A very large number of ideas for the development of imagination, logical thinking, the correct perception of colors ... I share with you:

1. I work in kindergarten almost 20 years. During this time, a lot of do-it-yourself didactic games on art activities have accumulated. These games can be used individual work with children, to consolidate the topic covered in diagnostics. I offer you several games. Games for the development of color vision. We collect a bouquet for the Snow Maiden (cold) and for the Sun Ray (warm).

2. The game "Collect the caterpillar". Several options for games for different ages. You can collect a caterpillar from cold (or warm) flowers; or starting from the darkest color to the lightest.

3. Another option: among the many colors, find green and its shades (for young children).

4. Similar game. Choose your favorite colors of the Snowman (cold) and the Sun (warm).

5. And these are cards - arithmetic examples for composing additional colors from the main ones.

6. Examples can also be for subtraction.

7.Another version of arithmetic examples.

8. The artist painted autumn (or other seasons), diluted paints on the palette. By the combination of colors you need to find this palette.

9. "Name the colors of autumn, summer..."

10. For the smallest. 2 - 3 years.

11. "Find the colors with which the cockerel is drawn." Children choose from the proposed color cards the colors that are on the cockerel.

12. Games to consolidate knowledge of the genres of painting.

13. Draw a portrait. Children "draw" emotions (joy, fear, etc.)

14. From the cards offered, children choose those that can be taken to draw a still life (or landscape).


16. "Collect a still life". children choose objects and beautifully compose a still life.


18. Games in arts and crafts. They choose elements of Gorodets painting (there are also non-Gorodets elements here) and lay out the pattern on the board.


20. Name familiar paintings.


22. I choose this game when I introduce children to symmetry.

23. For little ones. Assemble the pattern according to the sample.

24. For slightly older children. Make your own pattern from the proposed elements.

25. "Paint the Butterfly"


27. Games for the development of creative imagination

Game activity "Fairy of colors"

Korobkina Alevtina Germanovna, educator, Kindergarten Smile, Perm Territory, urban settlement Suksun.
Description: A summary of play activities designed for children senior group. The material can be useful for kindergarten teachers and primary school teachers
Target: create conditions for a joyful mood in children from play and experimental activities.
Integration educational areas:
"Artistic and aesthetic development"
"Social and communicative development"
"Physical development"
"Speech development"
introduce children to the history of colors
show cognitive - research activities the process of preparing paints
(cognitive development)
to promote the development of observation, curiosity, attention, memory, thinking in children.
(cognitive development)
promote the development of physical qualities
(physical development)
promote the development of the ability to maintain a conversation, answer questions with a full answer, guess riddles
(speech development)
continue to develop children's interest in fine arts
(artistic and aesthetic development)
cultivate a friendly attitude towards adults and peers.
(social - communicative development)

color fairy costume
drawings of primitive people made with charcoal and clay
paint material:
pigments: chalk, coal, clay;
binder: water, plant juice (burdock leaves, blueberries, tomato paste).
white cardboard for drawing, brushes - for each child
stripes of rainbow colors for the game
2 pencils for the game "Drawing on the back"
coloring pages for children (a gift for children from the Fairy of Colors)

Methods and techniques:
Playful, verbal, visual, practical. Children enter the room where the Fairy of Colors is waiting for them.
FAIRY OF COLOR: I am glad to welcome you to my magical land of colors, my name is Fairy of Colors.
FAIRY OF COLOR: do you like to draw
Children; Yes
FAIRY OF COLOR: tell me what you draw?

Children; name the material, tools. which they use to draw
FAIRY OF COLOR: sit down on the bench, I'll tell you the story of colors
FAIRY OF COLOR: The history of colors began with the advent of man. Until our time, primitive drawings have been preserved, made with charcoal and clay.

The cave dwellers painted on the stones what surrounded them: running animals and hunters with spears. Medieval artists prepared their own paints by mixing natural material with fat, but they also obtained paint from different plants. Currently, a lot, invented different colors, for various applications.

Chemical paints

watercolor paints

paints for dyeing fabric

FAIRY OF COLOR: all colors are important to remember! Every child should know.
Now listen to the riddle:
The first is a red, red light,
The second is orange, hot sand,
The third is yellow, the color of the sun,
Fourth - green, green bouquet,
Fifth - blue color, blue water flow,
The sixth is blue, blue cornflower,
The last seventh is purple, so juicy and beautiful,
He took the color from the plum.

And answer what is it?
Children: rainbow

FAIRY OF COLOR: Now get ready for the task: split into 2 teams.
Children are divided into 2 teams
FAIRY OF COLOR: you need to collect a rainbow from multi-colored stripes. Whose team will collect the rainbow faster and correctly.
FAIRY OF COLOR: attention! 1,2,3 - Rainbow gather.

FAIRY OF COLOR: well done. completed the task.

FAIRY OF COLOR: now I suggest you draw, but I warn you that our drawing will be unusual, it is called: "Drawing on the back"
Each team builds one after the other. On the back of the last person standing, I draw a figure with my hand. What he feels, he must convey to the child standing in front. So the picture is passed along the chain and reaches the first one. The first one must draw on the sheet with a pencil what was handed to him.
FAIRY OF COLOR: well done.

FAIRY OF COLOR: It's time, and play the game "Paints"
The paint players sit on the bench. By agreement, a seller and an artist are selected from among the playing children. The artist steps aside so as not to hear the conspiracy of the players playing with the seller. Each paint invents a color for itself and names it to the seller. After that, the artist-buyer approaches the players. It makes a knocking noise:
Artist: Knock-knock!
Salesperson: Who's there?
Artist: It's me, the artist!
Salesperson: Why did you come?
Artist: For paint.
Seller: For what?
Artist: For green (yellow, gold, etc.).
If there is no green paint, then the seller says: “Jump along the green path, buy yourself green boots!” The artist must ride on one leg to a predetermined place and return to the store for new paint.
If there is a named paint, the seller brings it to the start line, takes the artist by the hand and pronounces a rhyme: “One - two - three - take it!” After that, the paint runs to the agreed place (finish), and the artist tries to catch it. If the artist caught the paint, then the driver changes, and he himself becomes the paint.

FAIRY OF COLOR: you know how to play well, but you know how to guess riddles. I'll check now

1. He confessed to the knife:
I am without work.
Stroke me, my friend
So that I can work (pencil)

2. If you give him a job -
The pencil (eraser) worked in vain

3. Your pigtail without fear
She dips herself in colors
Then a dyed pigtail
In the album leads through the pages (tassel)

4. Black Ivashka - wooden shirt,
Where he leads with his nose, he puts a mark there (pencil)

5. I have a magic wand, friends,
With this wonderful wand I can build
tower, house and plane, and a huge steamer (pencil)

FAIRY OF COLOR: Well done, and you solve riddles perfectly. Then I invite you to my laboratory. I will tell you a little secret how you can get paint, for example, black, green and lilac.

Fairy of colors and children come to the table.

Coal - will replace black paint

Grind the chalk to a powder, add grass juice, we get green paint

Grind the chalk to a powder, add tomato juice, get orange paint

Grind the chalk to a powder, add blueberry juice, get lilac paint

We dilute the clay with water to get a brown paint.

FAIRY OF COLOR: what can be white?
Children's answer.
FAIRY OF COLOR: what could be yellow?
Children's answer.
FAIRY OF COLOR: what can be black?
Children's answer.
FAIRY OF COLOR: do you want to be wizards?
Children's answer
FAIRY OF COLOR: Do you want to be a wizard but don't know how?
You listen to me and do exactly the same!
Grab some paint and a brush with water,
Transformations will begin then with you and me.
I suggest you do a test. Test our colors.
Children draw

Entertainment in the preparatory group "Journey to the country of fine arts"

14.11 2014 in the senior group "Ryabinka" of the kindergarten "Little Red Riding Hood" there was an entertainment "Journey to the country of fine arts"

Purpose of this activity: consolidate the knowledge and skills of children in the field visual arts, the ability to name primary colors, mix paints and get a new color. To give children joy and pleasure from working with paints. Maintain interest in visual activities, the desire to play games with visual content.

A letter came to the kindergarten. Having collected the picture, the children learned that the letter came from the artist Karandashkin, who invites children on a journey through the country of fine arts. But before setting off, the children collected a lot of things needed for painting in the artist's easel. (Children guessed riddles about a pencil, an eraser, a brush, paints), and set off along the rainbow bridge. The children were met by the sad artist Karandashkin. He showed an image of the sun without rays. And the sun in the country of fine arts shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow. The children remembered the magic phrase "Every Hunter Wants to Know Where the Pheasant Sits" and collected the sun of the country of fine arts.

Karandashkin knows that children in kindergarten are very fond of drawing and suggested that they become real artists. To do this, you need to have imagination, diligence.First you need to know the most important colors (red, yellow, green). And why are they called the main ones, what is their secret? (With their help, many compound colors can be obtained by mixing.) Each of the children received half a landscape sheet of paper with exercises for connecting the main colors, depicted in the form of a mathematical example: blue spot + red spot \u003d; yellow + blue = etc.).The children had to mentally add these colors and after the equal sign, taking the right paint, depict the answer - the resulting composite color.

The children did the right thing. Then Karandashkin shows a graphic representation of summer and winter. The children guessed what season he depicted and selected warm colors for summer and cold colors for winter.The graphic image changes to color. The children called in what color the pictures were painted.

Then the children selected a background of a contrasting color for ladybug and firebirds.The artist Karandashkin was very surprised how much children know: the main and composite colors, warm and cold, contrasting and even colors are relatives. And how interesting it was to know that each color has a mood!

At the end of the entertainment, Karandashkin prepared his paintings with a "cunning". Children found these "tricks" with interest.Karandashkin leaves, and the children began to write a “living letter”. We took paints and paper and tried to convey our mood after the trip, only with color. Entertainment gave children joy and pleasure from working with paints and visual games.


Preparatory group or senior group
Purpose of entertainment:
1) Consolidation of knowledge about the genres of painting
2) Familiarity with non-traditional materials and ways of working
Preliminary work with children:
Acquaintance with the genres of painting
Old man Hottabych, Nastenka, Painting, Fantasy, brownie Kuzka
EQUIPMENT: Non-traditional materials: gouache, carbon paper, toothbrushes, simple pencils, cosmetics, combs, woolen threads, millet and plastic plates, pancakes and condensed milk, album sheets, stamps and stencils, baths with soap-gouache solution and tubes, salt, PVA glue ... …. (Everything is located in the hall on tables and easels) There are vases with tassels on a separate coffee table.
IN music hall- easels, still lifes, paintings hanging -
(everything, as in a real artist's workshop.) Tables, buckets of water, sponges, wet wipes (wipe your hands). Screen.
VIDEO SERIES: genres of painting and video riddles on the screen
MUSIC: oriental music, Russian folk music, recording of bird voices.
Hello my young friends! Allow me to introduce myself: I am a painting fairy. Look what I brought with me: paper, palette, paints, brushes. Do you know what they are for? (children's answers) I'll check it now!
Please, come in, take a seat, I have prepared for you a virtual tour of my kingdom-state. Watch and remember.
The LIGHT is turned off and in the dark the children look at portraits, landscapes, still lifes of famous Russian painters. (5-6 minutes, 3-4 works of each genre)
At this time, someone quietly takes the brushes.
Our little tour has come to an end. And now I'll check what you remember!
Video questions - by genre of painting
Using already other reproductions. Children find portraits, landscapes and still lifes according to the “third wheel” principle.
The LIGHT turns on and Painting discovers that the brushes are missing.
PAINTING:- What is it, where are my brushes? I wanted to draw so many interesting pictures with you today! And here it is ... No, you can’t do without my sister ...
Let's ask her to come! My sister's name is Fantasy. She will definitely help us!
Children together with the leader cast a spell
Violent winds fly
invite a fairy
To us, fantasy, come
And show up on stage!
- Hello, dear sister.
What happened, master
I see guests in our hall ..
Why was I called?
- Oh, we've got a problem.
Here the loss happened -
I don't have any brushes.
We sent for you.
Urgently please advise
What are we going to draw?
-FANTASY: Do you think that you can only paint with brushes? You, friends, are mistaken! Long ago, our ancestors made their own paints from clay and charcoal and painted on the walls of caves with pieces of moss and ordinary wooden sticks with crushed ends. They also took paint into their mouths and splattered it around their palms. This is how the first “signatures” under the drawings were obtained. What do you guys think, what else can you draw?
Can I have berry juice? What about some vegetables? And cosmetics on the face - this is also a painting! Body art is called!
Oriental music sounds
Old man Hottabych appears.
Old man HOTTABYCH--: Hello, my dears, salam alaikum! Respect the old honored wizard, help Hottabych! I have one request to you... I am three thousand three hundred years old the other day. I wanted to visit my friends - to invite wizards, to fly to them, that is.
-FANTASY:- Grandpa, don't you have a phone?
Old man HOTTABYCH: Phone - scammer? Who it? Skorokhod? I don't know, I haven't seen it. And here is my favorite rug - ah! My mat has become old, it flies badly. Absolutely, one might say, and does not fly. Submitted twice already! Nightmare-apa! Stuffed a bump! Draw me, my dear children, a new rug, eh?
--FANTASY: Sit down, dear Hottabych! You have a problem and we have a problem. The paints are in place, but the brushes are gone. But don't be upset! I think I know how to draw a rug without tassels. (Painting and Fantasy divides all participants into small groups) All children work. Oriental music continues to play
Option 1 - children draw a rug using simple pencil and carbon paper
Option 2 - painting with fingers.
Option 3 - using stamps from corks or rubber bands
Option 4 - using a spray gun with paint and a set of stencils
Option 5 - imprinting (when folded in half)
6 option - application with adhesive film
Option 7 - application with trimmed threads or small colored paper
8 option - pastel on colored paper
Old man Hottabych (examines the work of the guys) Wai, what rugs, one is better than the other! This one will probably be the fastest, and this one is the most reliable. On this only to visit fly. Oh, the diamonds of my heart, in my soul - birds sing (recording of bird heads), Turkish delight, sherbet melts. I bow to you for your virtues, respected the old man. Rahmat!
The voices of birds are heard(Hottabych leaves, dancing with delight)
Russian folk music sounds
Nastenka appears, (bows)
- Hello, good people!
Hello, Nastenka! What happened, what happened, honey?
Oh, and I don’t know where to start ... Help me, draw a scarlet flower. I will give this drawing to my father. He will soon be on his way - he is going to foreign countries overseas. He will look at the drawing and find there the most precious gift for me.
FANTASY: I know how we can draw a fabulous flower. For this, fabulous ways are needed.
(Painting and Fantasy divide children into several groups) Russian folk music sounds during work
Option 1 - inflating blots (tubes and ink)
Option 2 - carrot or apple stamps (gouache)
Option 3 - toothpaste (with scarlet streaks)
Option 4 - woolen threads and gouache
Option 5 - glue and colored napkins
Option 6 - glue and colored stripes.
7 option - lipstick
Option 8 - nail polish.
NASTENKA:(examines the drawings, thanks the young artists)
Oh, you are good fellows and girls! How you amused me, how pleased you were with your creativity! I’ll run to my father’s family, he will soon set off on a journey to distant countries. I'll show him the drawings, I know he'll like them all! Russian folk music or song sounds
Coughing and sneezing can be heard from behind the curtain.
Appears -KUZKA (blows his nose into a handkerchief - towel) Hides it in his pocket. He gets angry, frowns, pretends to leave.
KUZKA: I'm tired of hiding behind the curtain. It's cold there! It's blowing from the window! And still boring! Why aren't you looking for brushes? Why did I hide them? I wanted to play with you! And you .... (turns away)
PAINTING: So this is your antics, prankster!?
KUZKA:- Mine, but whose? (proudly)
FANTASY:- Kuzya, yes, we are not at all offended by you at all. Really guys? We forgave you, because during this time everyone has learned to fantasize and draw without brushes.
KUZKA:-. In vain I tried! (waves hand, walks away)
FANTASY: Kuzya, where did you go unhappy, hung your head wildly? Offended by the guys or what? For the fact that we did not look for brushes?
-KUZKA: I'm not offended, I'm hungry! And in general I went to eat. I'm just sick of this mess! And pancakes too.. I want something like that... (scratches head)
FANTASY: What? Unusual? We can arrange! Do you want the guys to make an edible portrait of you, and then you will eat yourself!?
KUZKA(feeling himself frightened) How is it?
PAINTING:- Very simple. Sit down and watch!
Flat plates are distributed and the children lay out on each a portrait of a cheerful shaggy little man.
Option 1 - grapes and cucumber slices
Option 2 - pancake and condensed milk (with a spoon) or from a jar in a stream
Option 3 - semolina porridge and jam
Option 4 - apple slices and frozen lingonberries
Option 5 - peeled seeds and nuts
6 option - rice porridge and raisins
Option 7 - peas and green peas
KUZKA: Oh, how beautiful, oh, how delicious! Only I have something to eat quite lost desire! Miracles and more! Let's eat it all together, shall we?
FANTASY: I propose to frame everything that you have depicted today and make an exhibition.
PAINTING: Right! I will definitely come to this exhibition. And you guys, stay the same inventors and dreamers. This will definitely help you in your life! Goodbye!
Cheerful music sounds. Kuzka dances with the children.
The holiday ends.