MBOU "Meshkovskaya secondary school

Shebekinsky district of the Belgorod region

Development museum lesson on the topic "Excursion to the museums of the world by correspondence"

Prepared by: Orthodox teacher

culture MBOU "Meshkovskaya secondary school"

Vedutenko Marina Vladimirovna

Purpose: acquaintance with the main types of museums in the world.

To form an understanding of the relationship of historical eras and their involvement in a different time, another culture through communication with historical and cultural monuments;

To form a stable need and communication skills with a monument, with a museum;

develop the ability for aesthetic contemplation and empathy;

To form respect for other cultures, readiness to understand and accept a system of other values;

To develop the need for independent exploration of the surrounding world by studying the cultural heritage of different eras and peoples.

During the classes

Hello guys!

Today in the lesson we will talk about museums. Who can say what a museum is? (student answers).

Today I invite you to take a trip to some of the famous museums of our country.

Let's take a look at some history first.

The museum has a lot of old things, things from different countries are kept, they tell about life in the past. A person who understands the silent language of things can go on an exciting journey. The very word "museum" has its roots in the culture of Ancient Greece. The expression MUSEION in Russian literally translates as the temple of the muses.

However, the museum of the Greeks was different from our understanding of this expression. In antiquity, this institution was considered as a place of knowledge of the surrounding world, all sorts of thoughts. The most famous was the museum in Alexandria, created by Ptolemy Soter in 280 BC. Here was the largest library of antiquity, which was used by many scientists of that time. At the same time there were prototypes contemporary museums, i.e. collections of certain items. Eminent aristocrats, who collected expensive art objects and jewelry works of masters in their homes, strove to stand out. So the owners of beautiful things separated themselves from the lower barbarians. The museum was one of the ways of self-expression.

What are museums? What do you think the museums themselves would answer to the question: “What can be stored within your walls?”

Answer options. Clothes, household utensils, cars, musical instruments, remains of ancient animals and plants, technical inventions, paintings, works of art, etc.

To date, it is customary to distinguish the following types of museums:



natural sciences,




local history.

Museum exhibits are not just objects, but objects that have come down to us from another time.

Any object from the surrounding world can become a museum exhibit or museum value if it helps to represent the time in which it was created and “lived”, a unique creation of nature, an object that keeps the memory of an outstanding person or event, a beautiful creation of human hands (technical structure, painting, sculpture, park).

A collection of museum pieces can tell us more than one thing about their time, the owners.

The museum has original exhibits and copies of exhibits.

The original is a thing, evidence of an era.

The copy is identical to the original in every way. The museum needs a copy if the original cannot be kept in the light, in the open air, if it replaces the lost part of the dilapidated original. Therefore, in museums next to the exhibit, it is indicated whether it is genuine. But even the most accurate copy cannot replace the real thing.

And today I want to invite you to the museum. And not even one, but several at once.

Goals: expand and deepen students' knowledge about the history and culture of the Penza region;

to develop the skills and abilities of independent work with additional information on a given topic; to form the skills of constructing an oral monologue;

develop oral speech, student independence;

cultivate love and respect for the native land.

Lesson type: combined.

Equipment: computer, disk "Our Penza Land".

Lesson plan.
1) Verification homework.
2) Work on the topic:
- independent work in groups by cards;
- report on the work done.
3) Summing up. Estimates. Homework.

During the classes.

I. Checking homework.

Today we continue our virtual tour of the Penza Museum of Local Lore. At the lesson, we will get acquainted with the ethnography, history and culture of our region, you will become guides for a while and take us through the halls of the museum.

Remember what you know about the local history museum. Tell us when the museum was founded, who is the director, what tours are held, what halls exist.

II. Work on the topic "Excursion to local history museum».

Each group has an assignment that you started working on in the last lesson. Today you finish the work, and after 10 minutes each group presents its hall, i.e. you, as guides, will tell us about your section, about the most famous people and interesting exhibits.
Task number 1.

1) B explanatory dictionary find out the lexical meaning of the word "ethnography".

2) Prepare a message about the costumes, demonstrate them.

3) Tell about Anisimova.

Task number 2

Make up a story about the historical past of our region using the questions:

When was the city founded?

What did the city look like in the first decades of its existence?

People of what nationalities inhabited Penza?

Which civil wars took place in the Penza region in the XVII-XVIII centuries?

Task number 3

1) Tell us about the people who glorified Penza:

Show the exhibition Mrs. figures, tell about one hero;

Show the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, make a report about Kizhevatov.

2) Tell us about the exhibits in your section, show them.

Task number 4

1) Tell us about the cultural life of Penza (about education, about theaters, about museums).

2) Make a report about Lermontov

2) Tell us about the exhibits of the exhibition. Demonstrate them to the whole class.

Task number 5

Tell us about the most promising sports.

Show the best athletes.

Task number 6

1) Prepare a story about an art gallery.

2) Make a report about Savitsky, about Tatlin, about Lentulov.

Task number 7

1) Tell us about Zotkin. Explain why it is necessary to talk about it in local history lessons.

2) Tell us about the Abashev toy. Demonstrate these toys to the whole class, describe them.

3) Read the poems about Zotkin.

III. Summarizing. Estimates.

Which story did you like the most?

What people who glorified Penza did you learn today?

What would you like to know more about?


Write a review about today's tour

1) text-narration of the artistic style "Excursion to a virtual museum (write which halls you visited, what you remember most, what you would like to see in a real museum)
2) description text in art style“The exhibit that I remember the most” (General idea of ​​the subject. Description of details. My attitude to the subject).

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Abstract of the local history excursion in the museum.

Excursion topic: "Studying Your Origins"

Goals of the tour :

    Deepening, expanding and developing students' knowledge about the history and culture of their native land.

    Formation of rules of conduct in the museum.

    Development of observation, memory, thinking

Equipment : notepads, pens, camera.

Preparing students for field trips. Before the tour, the teacher conducts a briefing on the rules of conduct in the museum, paying attention to the fact that you should move silently, talk quietly and discuss. In order to get acquainted with any exhibit, you do not need to stand in front of other visitors.

Then the topic and purpose of the excursion are reported and a preliminary conversation is held on the following issues.

1. What is a museum? (children's answers)

2. What can we see there? (children's answers)

3. What are the museums? (children's answers)

Course of the tour:

    Teacher's story.

Dear Guys! The village of Gaina is yours motherland. He knows you early childhood. You are growing here, learning to be exemplary citizens of your country.

Gainy is a wonderful corner of the earth with a unique beauty of nature.

And today I want to tell you in more detail about the emergence of our village of Gaina.

On the Kame River
Our village stands
Let him not be great
But everyone is dear.
He is our destiny
He is our homeland.
Go around the whole world
You won't find him better. (Myshkina A.)

Where do you think the name of the village - Gayny came from? (children's answers)

In troubled times 600 - 700 years ago, the name Gaina was born, after the name of the Bashkir Gaina tribe, which temporarily captured the rich banks of the Kama and the woods.

The indigenous people themselves approach the formation of the name more simply and associate the name with the word "gaino" - a squirrel's nest.

Exhibit "Peasant's Hut".

What do you think the Guyns looked like before? (Answers of children).

Huts with buildings made of round, chopped with an ax. The atmosphere of the hut corresponds to the lifestyle peasant family. Here everything is extremely modest, strictlyand expedient. The big furnace was heated "in a black way".In addition to it, all the equipment of the hut consists of a built-inframe of furniture. Benches stretch along three walls, supported byon wide wooden legs - stands. Above the benchesshelves are arranged on the ceiling. They defended the bottomwalls and benches from soot. Above the low doors - plankbeds on which children usually slept.

Exhibit "Clothes of the inhabitants of the Komi-Permyaks".

Clothes were sewn mainly from fabrics of their own production. Linen plain fabric was called canvas, and patterned checkered fabric was called motley. Among the northern Komi-Permyaks, the most common was bright colors.

Sundresses were everyday wear for women. Initially, they were called oaks, since canvas was used, dyed by tanning - immersing in a dye solution obtained from tree bark.

Men's and women's outerwear were shabur, ponyok, zipun. They were worn over a shirt and sundress. Underwear and outerwear must be girdled. The simplest were braided and twisted belts. The costume of the Komi-Permyaks became original and colorful from patterned belts - sashes, skirts, vests. The patterns are based on a geometric pattern formed by straight lines, triangles, squares, rhombuses, which have Komi-Permyak and Russian names: synan - scallop, perna - cross, radz - filter, katsha kok - magpie leg, tupds - pancake, dzugan - putanka, ram sur - ram's horn, etc. Belts were the embodiment of the spiritual life of the people, captured in the sense of decorative patterns, in the custom of giving belts during a wedding.

They wore bast shoes on their feet. In winter, woolen socks were worn, and straw was laid in bast shoes. In the shop you could buy cats (shoes made of cowhide).

The main occupation of the Komi-Permyaks has long been:agriculture. They grew rye, barley, oats, and in the southern regions - wheat and millet.animal husbandryrepresented by breeding horses, cows, sheep, pigs, chickens. Komi-Permyaks were skilled fishermen and hunters. Until our time, the value of gathering has been preserved. All Komi-Permyaks were engaged in trades and crafts.

    Inspection of exhibits, photographs, archives.

    Practical activity: photographing


Is it important to know the history of your ancestors? (children's answers)

What were we talking about? (children's answers)

Where have we been? What interesting things did you see? (children's answers)

What was the original name of our village? (children's answers)

Why was it named like that? (children's answers)

How old is the village? (children's answers)

Study the patterns of Komi-Permyaks on clothes. Decorate this belt with a Komi-Permyak pattern.


Abstract of the lesson-excursion to preparatory group

in the section "Child and the world around"

on the topic: "Excursion to the local history museum"

using interactive learning technology and information technology learning.

Prepared by a teacher of the 1st qualification category

Dikovich Elvira Vladimirovna

Blagoveshchensk 2016

When we want to touch history,

Ile into the beautiful world of hunting to plunge

We go to the museum, we walk through the halls,

And for ourselves we find a lot of interesting things.

To give knowledge that the local history museum is the custodian of true values, material and spiritual culture of our city, region;

To acquaint children with the life of our ancestors;

To cultivate a sense of pride in one's land, love for it, the desire to preserve and increase its history.

Preliminary work:

Acquaintance of children with the history of the city of Blagoveshchensk and the Amur region.

Vocabulary replenishment:

Exposition, exhibits, etc.

Course of the tour:

Guys, today we have an unusual lesson. Look at these photos, which of you recognized what they depict.

Children's answers.

Correctly these photographs depict our Museum of Local Lore. Today we will make an excursion to the local history museum. The museum contains exhibits - real objects that existed in ancient times. We will learn with you the history of the museum, get acquainted with the halls of the museum, of course, we will do all this without leaving the group. Guys say: "Which of you went to the museum"

Children's answers.

And now, let's remember the rules of conduct in the museum. (We must be quiet in the museum, because other sightseers come there and we must not interfere with them. You cannot touch anything in the museum with your hands without the permission of the museum staff). We know the rules of conduct and can begin our acquaintance with the museum.

Amur Regional Museum of Local Lore. G.S. Novikov-Daursky

one of the oldest in the Far East - founded on August 16 (28), 1891 at the initiative of the Blagoveshchensk City Duma. This year the museum will celebrate its 125th anniversary. Its opening was preceded by an exhibition arranged by gold miners in honor of the arrival in Blagoveshchensk of Tsarevich Nicholas, the future Emperor Nicholas II. The museum was named after the outstanding local historian, author of numerous scientific works Grigory Stepanovich Novikov-Daursky, who worked in the museum for 34 years.

The museum is located in an old two-story brick building in Blagoveshchensk (an architectural monument of federal significance), where in the late 19th and early 20th centuries the shop of the German trading company Kunst and Albers was located. The museum has 2 floors, 26 exhibition halls.

The Amur Regional Museum of Local Lore has departments: stock, exposition and exhibition, excursion.

Stock is a department where museum valuables are stored.

Exposition-exhibition - these are the halls where the expositions of the museum are located. One of the expositions is dedicated to the village of Albazeno.

Excursion - these are the halls of the museum where visitors can see all the exhibits of the museum.

The largest museum collections: numismatic (coins), archaeological, natural science - more than 8,000 books, ethnographic (household items of the peoples who inhabited our region). Many museum items are unique: costumes and attributes of the Daurian and Evenk shamans (late 19th century), a music box (Germany, late 19th century), Ust-Nyukzhinsky meteorite (beginning of the 20th century), bones of fossil animals, etc. .

When visiting the museum, we pass through the halls where various exhibits are placed corresponding to a particular topic.

In the foyer of the museum there is an exhibition dedicated to the history of the Home Goods store.

In the next room there is an exhibition dedicated to the history of the development and emergence of the Amur Region.

There are many exhibits dedicated to the history of the development of our region at different times. During the years of the Civil and Great Patriotic War, an exhibition dedicated to the 1980 Olympic Games, exhibitions dedicated to the builders of BAM.

Visiting the museum you can learn a lot of interesting things. There are always a lot of children in the hall where the expositions of birds and animals of the Amur Region are located - this is the place where you can see the inhabitants of our region in real size.

Currently, the museum is a major center for the preservation, study and promotion of the historical and cultural heritage of the Amur Region.
Every year, the museum arranges over 40 exhibitions covering the past and present of the region, serves more than 130 thousand people. (during the story, the children are shown photos)

At the end of the tour, the teacher asks:

What is the name of the museum?

Children's answers.

What new did you learn from my story?

The museum keeps our history. The exhibits that are stored in the museum are collected not only by the museum staff. Many people, residents of our city, took part in the creation of the museum: they brought objects, documents that reflect the history of our city, the collection is constantly updated with new exhibits.

And now you will watch a short film dedicated to the history of the development of our region. This is a film about the Albazinsky prison, the first settlement founded by the Cossacks on the territory of our region.

Alla Sarsania
Summary of the lesson in the preparatory group "Excursion to the museum"

Abstract GCD for cognitive development

V preparatory group« Excursion to the museum» .

Prepared by the teacher

Sarsania A. E.


Get to know the concept « museum» and his purpose.


Familiarize yourself with the interior design and purpose of the premises museum. Continue to form an interest in the history and culture of your people, people hometown. Demonstrate basic skills in using the map.

Refine knowledge museum terms, develop monologue speech, the ability to prove and draw conclusions, introduce children to the rules of behavior in museum.

Cultivate respect for cultural heritage Russia, to form patriotic feelings and feelings of citizenship.

Integration of educational regions:

Cognitive development, speech, social and communicative, artistic and aesthetic.

Material and equipment:

Title cards museums(ethnographic, local lore…, map, photographs of children in museums, presentation "We go to museum» , materials and exhibits mini- group museum"Bells", video film about the art gallery, images of national costumes.

Dictionary work:

museum, exhibit, excursion, guide, sightseers, map.

preliminary work:

Cooperative activity:

Museum tours Petrodvorets district and Strelna;

Guided tour of the Kindergarten Museum: V group"Grasshoppers";

Looking at photos after visiting museums;

Watching videos;

Visual activity "I was in museum";

Reading fiction and children's encyclopedias;

Memorizing poems about your hometown;

Acquaintance with national costumes and life of the peoples of Russia.

Interaction with family:

Excursions in the museum of the city with the whole family

Conversation "Why are we going to museum?" (questions: What's happened museum? What is there to be? Who works there? (professions) What is their job? What are they doing? Who goes there? Why should you go there? etc.);

Examination of old things at home and a story about how they appeared at home;

Involvement of parents in replenishment museum exhibits.

Lesson progress:

Guys, you and I live in the city of St. Petersburg - this is our small Motherland, but do you love your Motherland?

What does it mean to love your country?

(Children's answers: love your family, your home, protect and protect everything that surrounds us, know the history of your people and your land).

Would you like to look into the past and see how our ancestors lived on our land many, many years ago? Unfortunately, scientists have not yet invented a time machine,

Do you know how to return to the past?


Today is a special day for us

I invite you friends

Are you ready to go with me?

I invite you to a wonderful world!

I suggest watching the presentation "We go to museum» .


guess a riddle:

Us tour guide said:

Come into this room.

We looked at the mummy, saw the exhibits.

Even the mammoth lies here, his eye closed as if he were sleeping...

Do you want to see too?

Do not be shy, go quickly to a wonderful (museum) .

Slide 2:

Museum - collects, studies, stores and displays objects (history and culture).

Slide 3:

IN museums you can learn a lot, see a lot of new and interesting things (Russian museum) .

Slide 4: The very first in the world museum founded by Ptolemy.

And we have the first in Russia the museum was created by Tsar Peter-1(Kunstkamera or cabinet of curiosities).

Slide 5-6:

And this is the largest Alexander Library in the world.

There were statues, paintings and other works of art. They were dedicated to the gods.


In the 18th century, the first public museums with spectators.


Currently, there are a variety of museums:

local history museum talks about the history and culture of his region.

Artistic museums- keeps collections of works of painting, sculpture, jewelry art.

Museums- nature reserves preserve for us the nature, the architecture of memorable places.

There are also palace and park museums, historical, theatrical, musical.

Slide 9:

And museums dedicated to certain topics:

-"Universe Water"- water museum, « Cat Museum» , « Puppet Museum» , « Lego Museum» , « Weapons museum» and many others.


There are even museums Snow Maiden and Baba Yaga.

Guys, what do you think museum to people?

(Children's statements).


- Museum is useful!

- Museum is interesting!

Dynamic pause "In zoo":

Children imitate habits animals:

Yesterday was a very hot day

We walked in the zoo.

We saw animals and birds

And deer and foxes.

We learned that the bear

They call him Uncle Fedya.

We fed ducks in the pond,

Bought a bunch of balloons.

They drank juice, hiding in the shade.

You will remember this day.

Search situation "In which museums would you place these items?"

The teacher draws the attention of the children to the table set napkin:

Guys, under this napkin are things that can tell us a lot. What do you think is there?

Didactic game "Yes-no":

The teacher invites the children to guess what is on the napkin with the help of leading questions.

All these things can be summed up in one word - museum exhibits and they must be (V museum) .

In which museum you put them?

Problem situation:

The teacher invites the children to reason in what museum exhibits can be identified.

Didactic game "Place correctly":

The teacher offers the children to lay out the exhibits on different tables and name which museums they may belong.

Working with the map:

The teacher suggests using the city map to determine the location of these museums. He asks what else museums kids know(children's answers).

Work with a photo exhibition:

The teacher offers to look at the photos museums where the children have been before. Asks you to remember the names of these museums name the most memorable exhibit.

situational conversation:

What to remember when visiting museum?

(Children conduct a situational conversation and develop rules of behavior for themselves).

Rules of conduct in museum:

IN museum do not speak loudly so as not to disturb other visitors and tour guide to guide.

Listen attentively tour guide and do not interrupt him.

Can't touch with hands museum exhibits.

You can't make noise, run around museum talking on the phone.

If you want to take pictures, ask permission.

In our kindergarten also have their own mini- museums and some of them we have already visited.

(Children remember the name group museum"Grasshoppers", discuss what they saw, what they liked and what they remember the most).

Game situation "We are in museum of our group":

Guys, we have the group also has a mini-museum? What is it called? ( "Merry Call".)

Let's remember why our the museum is called, about exhibits museum. (Children's stories about their exhibits).


Guys, today in our museum there is another exhibit. This exhibit for our mini the museum was handed over by the guys of the group"Grasshoppers". Let's hear how it sounds (melodic, gentle). And now I propose to remember the melodies of your bells, let's arrange an orchestra. (Children choose their own bells and play along with the sounding melody).