The ideas of humanization and democratization are put in the basis of the state policy in the field of education. They are reflected in the Constitution of the Russian Federation (1993), the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" (1992). The documents note that education is understood as a purposeful process of training and education in the interests of the individual of the society, the state. The right to education is one of the fundamental and inalienable constitutional rights of citizens of the Russian Federation.

The education system in the Russian Federation is a combination of a system of successive educational programs and state educational standards of various levels and directions; networks implementing them educational institutions various organizational and legal forms, types and types; the system of educational authorities and institutions and enterprises subordinate to them (see the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, Section 2. Article 8).

Preschool education is the first link in the Russian education system. This idea was written down as early as 1918 in the “Regulations on a unified labor school”. From an early age, the child is guaranteed the right to education, which, from the standpoint of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989), includes the following aspects:

Opportunity to visit an educational institution;

Creation of conditions for educational activities;

Relations between participants in the educational process based on respect human dignity child (see Doronova T.N. The right to education // preschool education - 2001. No. 10, p. 2-6)

The system of preschool education is constantly changing, improving and updating. It fulfilled and fulfills the most important social order of society, is one of the factors of its development. The Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" (Article 18) supports the role of parents, who are the first teachers. Their duty is to develop the foundations of the physical, moral and intellectual development of the personality of the child in infancy. A network of preschool educational institutions operates to help the family. Today in society there is no single view on preschool education. There is an opinion that kindergartens are not needed, that the education of children preschool age parents can be left at the mercy of parents and what exactly they have the right to independently decide how and where to prepare the child for the future stage of education. Perhaps, for a certain, small part of the Russian population, the idea of ​​education vouchers is acceptable. But analytical data show that the vast majority of parents with children of preschool age need the services of preschool educational institutions. Therefore, the Ministry of Education considers the preservation and development of the network of preschool educational institutions the main strategic task of the Department of Preschool Education.

Russian preschool educational institutions in their activities are guided by the Model Regulation on a preschool educational institution (1995), which regulates the activities of state, municipal educational institutions. It defines the tasks of a preschool educational institution: protecting the life and health of children; ensuring the intellectual, personal and physical development of the child; introducing children to universal values; interaction with the family to ensure the full development of the child.

Modern preschool institutions are characterized by multifunctionality, diversity, freedom in choosing the priority direction of the educational process, polyprogramming in the implementation of content. All this lowers the level of variability, independent activity of preschool educational institutions, and adaptability to regional conditions. In accordance with the Model Regulations, the system of preschool educational institutions includes the following types:

Kindergarten with the priority implementation of one or more areas of development of children (intellectual, artistic and aesthetic, physical, etc.).

Kindergarten of a compensating type with the priority implementation of the qualification correction of deviations in the physical and mental development of pupils;

Kindergarten of supervision and improvement with priority implementation of sanitary-hygienic and health-improving measures and procedures;

Kindergarten of a combined type (which may include general developmental, compensatory and recreational groups in various combinations;

Child Development Center - kindergarten with the implementation of physical and mental development, correction and improvement of all children.

Thus, a preschool educational institution as a type of education system includes a variety of types that have their own distinctive features (usually associated with the model of the educational process, the basis of which is the educational program).

However, all types of preschool educational institutions, realizing the tasks of raising and educating children, are based on the principles of secular education.

A special section of the Model Provision explains the procedure for creating, registering a PEI, and issuing a license (permit) to them. In accordance with the law of the Russian Federation "On Education" (Article 13) and on the basis of the Model Regulations on Preschool Educational Institutions, each preschool institution creates its own Charter. The charter is a document that defines the work of the institution, goals and objectives, the main areas of work, the variability of the educational programs used. The Charter defines the rights and obligations of participants in the educational process, the main characteristics of the organization of the educational process, additional paid educational services.

Children from 2 months to 7 years old are admitted to a preschool educational institution on the basis of a medical report, that is, the Model Regulation proposes the procedure for recruiting preschool educational institutions, the quantitative composition of groups, their occupancy depending on age.

In the section "Participants in the educational process" it is indicated that they are pupils, parents (or persons replacing them), pedagogical workers. The parental agreement regulates the relationship between the preschool educational institution and parents. The pedagogical value of this section of the Model Provision lies in the fact that the stylistic relationship between the child and the teacher is clearly defined here.

These relationships are built on the basis of cooperation, respect for the personality of the child and giving him the freedom to develop in accordance with individual characteristics.

Persons who have the necessary professional and pedagogical qualifications, confirmed by documents on education, are accepted for pedagogical work. On the basis of Article 53 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", persons to whom it is prohibited by a court verdict or for medical reasons, as well as persons who have a criminal record for certain crimes, are not allowed to teach.

Article 55 of the Law of the Russian Federation defines the rights, social guarantees and benefits of employees of educational institutions. Kindergarten charter, employment contract(contract) specify these provisions (for example, a pedagogical worker at least every 10 years of continuous pedagogical work has the right to a long vacation for up to one year).

All employees of the preschool educational institution are certified. Young specialists (graduates of educational institutions) are certified after three years of work. In the section “Management of a preschool educational institution” of the Model Regulations, it is written that the general management is carried out by the Council of Teachers, and the procedure for its election and competence is determined by the Charter of the preschool educational institution. The direct management of the activities of the preschool educational institution is carried out by the head. Thus, the system of preschool education is based on the principles of state policy in the field of education, has a legal framework. This system realizes the need of society for the upbringing and development of children from an early age. A preschool educational institution, performing various functions of its activities, is responsible for the quality of its work, for the compliance of the results of activities with the state educational standard.

The standard (translated from English as a model, basis, yardstick) includes federal and national-regional components (Article 7 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education". The educational standard determines the mandatory minimum content of basic educational programs, the maximum amount of teaching load for students, requirements for the level of training graduates.The development of an educational standard for preschool educational institutions began in the early 90s (R.B. Sterkina).Today, the temporary state educational standard for preschool education is designed as a system of state requirements for the psychological and pedagogical conditions for raising and educating children. preschool education is differentiated in the following areas: physical, cognitive-speech, special-personal, artistic and aesthetic.This content is implemented in a particular educational program.Among the requirements for the content and methods of education and training implemented in preschool educational institutions, two groups are distinguished - meaningful and personal (cf. R.B. Sterkin. Once again about state educational standards / / Preschool education, 2002, No. 5). The requirements of the first group (substantive) are correlated with certain subject areas and orient the specialist to the selection of a certain content of preschool education (for example, in the field of natural sciences, ecology, health - adults create opportunities for familiarizing children with the physical properties of objects and phenomena with the diversity of flora and fauna, variety of life conditions on Earth). The requirements of the second group (personal) set guidelines for the nature of the interaction of teachers with the child and are aimed at developing his social and personal qualities (curiosity, initiative, independence, interest, etc.).

These requirements make it possible to establish a psychological and pedagogical sequence in the implementation of content, forms, and methods.

The federal component of the standard acts as an invariant part that cannot be changed locally, ensures the preservation of the best traditions, and the further development of the preschool education system.

The federal component of the state. The standard creates the unity of the educational space on the territory of the Russian Federation, regulates the quality of this education, is the basis for the certification of preschool educational institutions, an objective assessment of the level of education.

The national regional component of the state educational standard reflects the socio-economic; national-ethnic, natural-climatic, cultural-historical features of the region (region). This component supplements the mandatory minimum of the content of the educational program, implements in the preschool educational institution. The addition should be organic and fit naturally into the main educational program institutions. An example of the implementation of the national-regional component can be the regional educational program for preschoolers "Our Home is the Southern Urals", built on the ideas of folk pedagogy, which are humanistic in content and universal in use. (See Babunova E.S. Regional educational program for

preschoolers "Our home is the South Urals" and the problems of establishing the regional component of the standard of preschool education in the Ural Federal District // Bulletin of the Institute for the Development of Education and Upbringing of the Younger Generation at the GPU. Center for student-centered and developmental learning. Series 3. The problem of personality development of a preschooler in educational process).

At present, in accordance with the letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated September 23, 2002, No. 03-51-142 in / 23003 p. The following programs operate on the territory of the Russian Federation: “Rainbow”, “Development”, “ Childhood”, “School 2100”, “Gifted Child”, “Origins”, “From Childhood to Adolescence”, “Golden Key”, “Community”, “Baby”, etc. The quality of programs and pedagogical technologies is ensured by the Federal Expert Council ( see Krulekht M. Innovative programs of preschool education / / Preschool education - 2003, No. 5, pp. 74-79).

The Concept for the Modernization of Russian Education for the Period up to 2010 puts forward the task of ensuring the quality of education, including preschool education.

Updating the content of preschool education is associated with an increase in its quality. Updating the content requires both a positive experience in organizing the educational process of a preschool educational institution, and a critical rejection of the negative trends that have developed in the preschool educational system. (See Amend A.F., Zhukova M.V., Frolova E.V. Preschool educational system: problems and Ways to solve // ​​Bulletin of the Institute for the Development of Education and Upbringing of the Younger Generation at ChSPU, Series 3. The problem of the development of the personality of a preschooler in the educational process, Chelyabinsk, 2003.

The main approaches to updating and selecting the content of the preschool level of education are disclosed in the article by L.A. Paramonova (see Paramonova L.A. The content of the preschool level of education: what is the reason for its renewal / / Preschool education - 2003, No. 3). According to the author, the modern basic content of the preschool level of education should be selected and built according to the following principles:

The developmental nature of education, aimed at revealing the potential of the child;

The systemic nature of education (ensuring the interconnection of objects and phenomena that are known by the child and appear in the system);

The integrative nature of education (the development of children on the basis of sensory and rational knowledge of their level corresponding to their age;

The multicultural nature of education (introducing children to their own culture and traditions, as well as the culture of other peoples, fostering a sense of tolerance, tolerance for the opinions of others, the ability to civilly express their disagreement, discontent, resentment);

The activity nature of education (providing various types of activity, the activity itself in development, its main components: purpose, choice of means, finding ways, control, etc.);

Health-saving character (formation of a healthy lifestyle, hygiene habits, the need for systematic sports, ensuring a health-saving environment).

In the articles by T.M. Babunova, V.I. Turchenko, the main directions of development of the system of preschool education at the present stage are the transition to personality-oriented interaction, a personalized approach, respect for the personality of the child, his rights, creating conditions for the development of the child's subjective position in various forms activities (see Babunova T.M. Modernization of the content of the educational process of a preschool institution. See Turchenko V.I. Updating the content of preschool education in the context of the implementation of the State Standard project // Actual problems of preschool education: Collection of scientific papers. - Magitogorsk: MaGU, 2003) .

The implementation of integration ideas as a way to update the content and method of preschool education is reflected in the article by G.M. Kiseleva, Yu.N. Ryumina. S.M. Zyryanova (see Kiseleva G.M., Ryumina Yu.N., Zyryanova S.M. Implementation of the ideas of integration in the theory and practice of preschool education / / Actual problems of preschool education: All-Russian interuniversity science, conferences. -Chelyabinsk : Publishing House of ChSPU, 2003, pp. 208-217).

An integrative approach involves the formation of ideas about a holistic picture of the world, it is based on natural-scientific, aesthetic, social, and logical-mathematical relationships. Integration makes the process of assimilation of the content of education small in volume, but capacious, deep (L.M. Klarina). The principle of integration is well implemented in the educational program "Childhood", St. Petersburg, 1995.

Thus, the content of preschool education is a backbone element that reflects social, economic, and pedagogical changes in the life of society.

More details about the specifics of the implementation of the social and personal development of children, as a basic component of the content of education, can be found in teaching aid T.M. Babunova, E.S. Babunova, L.V. Gradusova (see Contents of preschool education - the basis for building the educational process of a preschool educational institution: Educational and methodological manual for full-time and correspondence students - Magnitogorsk: MaSU, 2002).

The domestic system of preschool education is unique in many ways: at the request of parents, a child can stay in kindergarten all day (12-hour stay) or around the clock. The educational process is carried out by teachers, medical workers, while parents pay only 20% of the total cost of maintaining children. The maintenance of expenses for the maintenance of preschool educational institutions between the budget and parents is considered mainly as a management problem (E.S. Komarova). However, this socio-economic situation can also be considered as a socio-pedagogical one. (See Organizational and methodological foundations for the development of new forms of preschool education / / Preschool education, 2002 - No. 11, pp. 2-4).

Taking into account the draft Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On guarantees of the right of citizens to receive preschool education" and the draft decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On measures to preserve and develop the system of preschool education", "On the creation of the Council for Preschool Education, 2002), an all-Russian experiment was launched to organize new forms of preschool education on the basis of a short stay of pupils in kindergarten. The results of this experiment are summarized in the book "Invites Kindergarten", M., 2002.

Here are models of short-term stay of children (organization of a weekend group; adaptation groups; groups focused on preparing for school). A description of the new forms of the system of preschool education is given in the article by O.M. Mukhametshina (see Mukhametshina O.M. Some aspects of the regulatory and organizational - methodological support work of the Magnitogorsk Department of Education on the development of new forms of preschool education // Bulletin of the Institute for the Development of Education and Upbringing of the Younger Generation at ChSPU. Series 3. (p. 40-43). In the city of Magnitogorsk, kindergartens for children with various health disorders, social support for children from low-income families, for musically gifted children, early intellectual development, and young hockey players operate in the system of preschool education.

The variety of ways to update the content of the preschool education system raises the question of improving the training of teaching staff, the implementation of the creative activity of preschool teachers, the formation of personal qualities from the point of view of the ideas of humanistic psychology and pedagogy. The pedagogical potential of the educator, his orientation to the personality of each child, the increase of professional competence, the adoption of the position of active self-education and self-education, the development of pedagogical reflexivity and thinking are resources for the development and modernization of the preschool education system.

Questions for self-examination:.

1. What does the concept of "education system" include?

2. Why is preschool education the primary link in the Russian education system?

3. What are the strategic lines for the development of preschool education at the present stage? What are they caused by?

4. Expand the structure of the Model Regulation on a preschool educational institution?

5. What is the significance of the State Educational Standard in the activities of preschool institutions?

6. What are the ways to update the system of preschool education? What are they due to?

7. What social and pedagogical opportunities do you see in the new organizational and methodological forms of the preschool education system?

More on the topic LECTURE V. The system of preschool education:

  1. EXTRACTION. State educational standard of higher professional education. Specialty 030900 "Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology". Qualification "Teacher of preschool pedagogy and psychology". Moscow, 2000

1.1 Preschool education in the system of modern Russian education

The history of mankind shows that education and society are inseparable. All global problems (economic, social, political, cultural, demographic, environmental, etc.) faced by society affect the education sector in one way or another. For example, due to the economic difficulties experienced by many countries, including the Russian Federation, state funding for the education system is decreasing, which leads to a weakening of the material and technical equipment of educational institutions, to a decrease in the quality of training of teaching staff. Or the unfavorable ecological situation prevailing on the planet has a destructive effect on human health even before birth. As a result, learning abilities are reduced; there is a need to create educational institutions of a correctional, compensatory, health-improving nature. During the period of wars, ethnic conflicts that flare up in one or another part of the planet, the problems of education go to the last plan before the threat of mortal danger, the very possibility of studying at school and attending kindergarten falls catastrophically.

But, on the other hand, education largely determines the face of society. Scientists emphasize social significance education as an important transformative force in society. It is noted that in order to overcome the crisis currently experienced by world civilization, profound changes in the consciousness and behavior of people are necessary. To transform the inner world of an individual on the basis of humanistic ideals, to purposefully form moral qualities, to raise the level of culture and professional training of a person - these are the functions modern education. The social role of education lies in the ability to influence the development of certain trends in society, society, prepare the younger generation to solve global or local problems of our time, teach them to predict and, if necessary, prevent their consequences.

For each individual, education has a more or less pronounced personal value. The process of obtaining education, which in developed countries takes a quarter life path modern man, makes his life meaningful and spiritual, colors it with a variety of emotions, satisfies the need for knowledge, communication, self-affirmation. In the course of education, the potential abilities of the individual are revealed and developed, its self-realization is carried out, and the “human image” is formed. With the help of education, a person adapts to life in society, acquires the knowledge and skills necessary for this.

Noting the special role of education in the history of mankind, foreign and domestic scientists talk about the discrepancy between the modern education system and the objective requirements of the current stage of social development. This stage, which began in the second half of the 20th century, is characterized by serious dynamic changes in various socio-economic spheres. The interest in a person as a factor of economic progress has increased, in connection with which the question arose of the humanization of education. The progress of science, technology, cultural and information revolutions turn education into a necessary attribute Everyday life. A genuine revolution in engineering and technology is changing the nature and content of many types of labor. As a result, a person is required not so much physical costs as intellectual efforts, independence and responsibility in decision-making. An objective need arose in society for educated, competent people, the craving for education increased, and the democratization of social life made it more accessible to different categories of the population, including national minorities, women, disabled people, working youth, etc.

Changes in the socio-economic sphere public life put the countries of the world, including Russia, before the need to reform the educational system. Education reforms, having become part of the social policy of modern states, are aimed at:

To upgrade all parts of its system from preschool institutions to universities;

Improvement of the content, methods and means of educational work;

Improving the training and advanced training of teaching staff.

Modern Russian education is a continuous system of successive levels of education, each of which has state, non-state, municipal educational institutions of various types and types. The educational system combines preschool, general secondary, specialized secondary, university, postgraduate, additional education.

Educational institutions include: preschool; general education; institutions for orphans and children left without parental care; professional (primary, secondary special, higher, etc.); institutions of additional education; other institutions providing educational services.

Educational institutions can be paid and free, commercial and non-commercial. They have been given the right to conclude agreements among themselves, to unite in educational complexes (kindergarten - Primary School, lyceum - college - university) and educational, scientific and industrial associations (associations) with the participation of scientific, industrial and other institutions and organizations. Education can be received with or without interruption from work, in the form of family (home) education, as well as external studies.

The activities of state and municipal educational institutions are built on the basis of standard provisions approved by the Government of the Russian Federation on the relevant types and types of educational institutions. Charters of educational institutions are developed on the basis of standard provisions.

The central element of the education system in the Russian Federation is general secondary education, which is provided by secondary schools, schools with in-depth study of individual subjects, gymnasiums, lyceums, evening schools, educational institutions such as boarding schools, special schools for children with disabilities in physical and mental development, out-of-school educational institutions (children's music and art schools, art schools, choral and choreographic studios, folklore ensembles, children's and youth sports schools, stations young technicians, leisure centres, etc.). New types of educational institutions appear (boarding schools for the arts, agricultural boarding schools, schools for folk crafts, etc.).

The main tasks of general educational institutions are to create favorable conditions for the mental, moral, emotional and physical development of the individual; contribute to the development of a scientific worldview; ensure that students master the system of knowledge about nature, society, man, his work; develop methods of independent activity.

According to the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", a new interpretation is the interpretation of the traditionally existing vocational and secondary special education. Now both of these links are considered respectively as primary and secondary vocational education. Primary vocational education aims to train, as a rule, on the basis of general education (basic school), qualified workers in all major areas of socially useful activity. It can be obtained in vocational schools and other types of educational institutions of this level.

Secondary vocational education is focused on training on the basis of basic general, secondary (complete) general or primary vocational education mid-level specialists for all branches of the national economy. Secondary vocational education can be obtained at a secondary specialized educational institution (school, college) or at a higher educational institution at the first stage of higher vocational education.

Higher education in Russia is the most dynamically developing part of the lifelong education system. It is represented by the following types of educational institutions: universities (they are centers of fundamental scientific research and train specialists in various fields), academies, institutes, conservatories, higher professional schools. The reform of higher education is based on the introduction of multi-stage training of specialists, which is implemented in terms of the content and terms of training by successive general education programs. Upon completion of training at each of the levels, the graduate receives a diploma, which gives the right to engage in professional activities or move on to the next stage of education. Such a restructuring of higher education makes it possible to meet the country's needs for specialists of different skill levels.

However, it is not possible to train highly qualified specialists “for all time”, therefore there is a network of postgraduate education: institutes and advanced training courses, postgraduate studies, residency, adjuncture (advanced scientific qualifications). An important incentive to improve the level of postgraduate education is certification, which is carried out on the basis of an expert assessment of the work of a specialist in order to assign him a higher category or rank according to a single tariff scale.

IN last years there was a need for retraining of personnel, i.e. creating conditions for obtaining a new or related specialty.

Russian preschool educational institutions in their activities are guided by the Model Regulation on a preschool educational institution, adopted in 2008. According to the Model Regulation, preschool institutions are called upon to solve a set of tasks, such as: to protect the life and health of children; ensure their intellectual, personal and physical development; attach to universal values; interact with the family in the interests of the full development of the child.

Modern preschool institutions are characterized by multifunctionality, heterogeneity, freedom in choosing the priority direction of the educational process, the use of educational programs.

In accordance with the Model Regulations, different types of preschool institutions operate: kindergarten; a kindergarten with the priority implementation of one or more areas of development of children (intellectual, artistic and aesthetic, physical, etc.); compensatory type kindergarten with priority implementation of qualification correction of deviations in the physical and mental development of pupils; kindergarten supervision and rehabilitation with priority implementation of sanitary-hygienic, preventive and health-improving measures and procedures; a kindergarten of a combined type (which may include general developmental, compensatory and recreational groups in various combinations); child development center - a kindergarten with the implementation of physical and mental development, correction and rehabilitation of all children.

It should be noted that in the system of modern preschool institutions there is a small number of nurseries that were so common in our country 10-15 years ago. The fact is that the conditions of upbringing in a manger caused natural criticism from teachers, psychologists, doctors, who considered the separation of a small child from his family a heavy burden for his imperfect psyche. Being health-improving institutions according to their purpose, the nursery did not fully fulfill this function, and the incidence of children was quite high. Concern for the health of the younger generation prompted the government to introduce the so-called "paid maternity": mothers are given partially paid leave in connection with caring for a child until the child reaches the age of three. However, the hopes that in the conditions of a family, children in the first years of life will develop better than in a preschool institution, did not fully come true.

Currently, scientific research is being carried out to develop a model of family-public education of young children in a preschool and family. A search for new technologies for educating children of pre-preschool age is being carried out. In preschool institutions, groups with flexible working hours are being created. Medical, psychological and social assistance is provided to families with young children.

For the modern system of preschool public education, the tasks of rehabilitation of children, correction of their health are relevant. Specialized institutions and groups are being created for children with various health disorders, hearing, speech, vision, mental retardation, disorders of the musculoskeletal system, tuberculosis intoxication, etc. Manifestation humane treatment to disabled children was the creation of groups in preschool institutions, educational work in which will help the integration of these children into society.

In recent years, educational complexes "Kindergarten - Primary School" (UVK) have become widespread, in which children are brought up and trained up to 10-11 years old. In such an educational institution, continuity, continuity of pre-school and primary school education is ensured.

Orphans and children left without parental care are brought up in orphanages (up to 3 years old), and then in orphanages and boarding schools. The number of children in need of such institutions is growing rapidly. The available orphanages are overcrowded; new forms of raising actual and social orphans are being sought (with living parents who are deprived of the rights or opportunity to raise their children). Shelters are being opened, "patronage" of adults over children is organized, when orphans are taken to families for vacations, on weekends. The institution of patronage families is being created: people take children into their families, are registered as educators of an orphanage and receive money for the maintenance of the child and for their work as parents-educators. Teachers of the orphanage help parents-educators, share with them the responsibility for the life, health, and upbringing of orphans. The search for new forms of organizing the upbringing of orphans goes in the direction of abandoning government institutions, bringing public education closer to family conditions.

All educational institutions are granted the right to provide additional educational services to the population in the presence of a license (permit) for the specified type of activity. Additional services may be paid if they go beyond the mandatory educational work with children, which is determined by the curriculum of the institution and the program adopted for it as the main one. Thus, on the basis of a preschool institution, children are additionally taught foreign languages, choreography, rhythm, playing musical instruments, etc. Additional educational services are provided not only to the pupils of this institution, but also to everyone.

Since 1991, private educational institutions have been allowed to open in Russia. To obtain permission to open a private school (kindergarten, university, etc.), which is issued by the Department of Education, it is necessary to submit a package of mandatory documents (the concept of education and upbringing, the program and charter of the institution, information on the composition of the teaching staff, a certificate of funds for maintenance institutions).

According to the direction and content of the work, private educational institutions can be divided into several types: privileged, in which a high quality of education is provided for a very high fee; for children who need special conditions for learning and individual development, do not adapt well, can hardly endure the strict regulation of their behavior and activities, the intensity of the rhythm of the educational institution; gifted children who need special atmosphere for development and a special training program.

A new trend in the development of the Russian educational system has been the emergence of so-called non-traditional educational institutions, alternative mass schools, and kindergartens. Non-traditional educational institutions are characterized by such features as the specificity of the goals and content of education; voluntariness in the choice by parents and their children of an institution of a certain orientation; relative administrative independence; a special atmosphere and moral climate, contributing to a better adaptation of the child, his multilateral development.

Alternative educational institutions include some gymnasiums, lyceums that have chosen their profile and model of education.

Alternative educational institutions are also kindergartens and schools by R. Steiner, or the so-called Waldorf schools, on the model of which educational institutions operate in 25 countries of the world, including Russia. Created in the early 20s. 20th century on the basis of religious and philosophical teachings (anthroposophy), the pedagogical concept of Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) was aimed at the spiritual development of the child's personality, revealing his abilities with the help of special exercises. The core of the concept of education is the labor, artistic, theatrical activities of the child. There are no stable curricula, programs, textbooks in the Waldorf school; there is no strict regulation of the life of students. Children study without grades, they have no fear of expulsion, repetition. Families of pupils are actively involved in the work of Waldorf schools.

Another example of non-traditional education is the school of Maria Montessori (1870-1952). In this school, the main goal of education is the formation of a person who is responsible for his actions, able to draw conclusions and independently make unconventional decisions in difficult situations. The basis of the child's interaction with the teacher is the rule: "Help me do it myself." significant place in the educational process, the child is given the work with the didactic material of M. Montessori, arranged according to the principle of autodidacticism.

Non-traditionality distinguishes work with children in national educational institutions that appear everywhere (Tatar, Armenian, Jewish kindergartens in Moscow, St. Petersburg, the Christian school "Pure Heart", etc.). These institutions implement in their work the ideas and traditions of national education, conduct education in their native language, acquaint them with the culture, history, and religion of the people.

Alternative educational institutions, supplementing and expanding the framework of the state education system, provide great opportunities for choosing a model of education and upbringing. However, the public of countries where the development of non-state educational institutions is taking place fears whether the creation of such institutions contradicts the principles of the democratization of education, whether they will become a factor in the stratification of society.

Article 43 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, adopted in 1993, guarantees citizens of the Russian Federation "the availability and free of charge of preschool, basic general and secondary vocational education in state or municipal educational institutions." In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" as amended by Federal Law No. 12-FZ of January 13, 1996 (clause 3, article 5), the state "guarantees to citizens the general availability and free of charge of primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general education and primary vocational education. For more than ten years, there has been an obvious contradiction between the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which is the fundamental law of Russia, and the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" in terms of state guarantees of the rights of citizens in the field of education. Such a legal conflict gave rise to a corresponding attitude towards preschool education on the part of officials at all levels as an optional education (in contrast to general education, and not mandatory from the point of view that a preschool child has the right to receive education, as in the conditions of a preschool educational institution, and in the context of the family, but in terms of the fact that the authorities are not obliged to ensure the general availability of preschool educational services.

Thus, despite the change in the legislative framework, the situation in education in general, and in preschool education in particular, can currently be characterized as a crisis. Any crisis gives rise to an urgent need to reform something. According to the Federal Law "On Education" as amended by Federal Law No. 122-FZ of August 22, 2004, the solution of strategic problems of education is still within the competence of the Russian Federation.

Preschool education as the first stage of education, on which the foundations of a social personality and the most important institution of family support are laid, over the past 10 years, has gone through a difficult path of fitting into new realities. The initial sharp decline in enrollment in pre-school education had stabilized by 1995. Currently, about 55% of children attend kindergartens (for example, in the Scandinavian countries, such children are about 90%).

As many years of research show, the full development of the child occurs if there are two components of his life - a full-fledged family and a kindergarten. The family provides the necessary intimate and personal relationships for the child, the formation of a sense of security, trust and openness to the world. At the same time, the family itself needs support, which the kindergarten is designed to provide - parents can work and study without feeling guilty that the child is abandoned at this time, they can be sure that the child is in comfortable conditions , eats normally, teachers are engaged with him. In addition, the system of preschool education has traditionally treated parental fees in a differentiated way, low-income families received benefits, that is, they received targeted support; today, unfortunately, this happens only in certain regions. Obviously, in modern conditions, the tradition of differentiated parental fees must be preserved.

And what does kindergarten give the child himself? The main advantage of the kindergarten is the presence of a children's community, thanks to which a space for the child's social experience is created. Only in the conditions of a children's community does a child know himself in comparison with others, appropriate ways of communication and interaction that are adequate to various situations, overcome his inherent egocentrism (focus on himself, perception of the environment exclusively from his own.

At present, the system of preschool education itself has also changed. Differentiation of preschool educational institutions by types and categories has been introduced. To the previously existing only type - “kindergarten”, new ones were added - a kindergarten with priority implementation of the intellectual or artistic, aesthetic, or physical development of pupils, a kindergarten for children with disabilities in physical and mental development, care and rehabilitation, a child development center, etc. On the one hand, this allows parents to choose an educational institution that meets their needs, on the other hand, most of these types (with the exception of correctional ones for children with serious health problems) do not meet the patterns of child development.

The organization of work with young children in modern conditions makes special demands on the professionalism and personal qualities of teachers. At the same time, today young specialists who have received an education practically do not go to work in kindergartens. The reason for this is not just small, but a meager salary that does not reach the subsistence level. The work of a teacher in a kindergarten, who is responsible for the life and health of children, conducting multifaceted educational work, requires a huge expenditure of mental and physical strength. And only such teachers will be able to adequately raise children. From this follows a brief conclusion: worthy teachers - worthy salaries.

In accordance with the Concept for the Modernization of Russian Education, it is planned to introduce shared financing, which implies that the state pays only for a fixed amount of educational services for kindergartens. However, the specificity of education in a preschool institution is that, unlike school, it is carried out throughout the day and is not limited to training sessions (it is necessary to teach the child to wash their hands, eat properly, behave politely in different situations, be neat, play and cooperate with other children and much more). Therefore, it is practically impossible to reduce the educational services of preschool institutions to 3-4 hours. Equally unacceptable is the separation of parental payment for the maintenance of the child (mainly food, which many children now need so much) and budgetary financing of education.

The development of young children largely depends on the subject environment surrounding them (toys, manuals, materials for drawing, modeling, construction, books, musical instruments, physical education equipment, etc.). Solving the problems of organizing various forms of coverage of children with preschool education, decent wages for teachers, accessibility of a quality kindergarten for all children requires separate budget funding at the federal and regional levels.

Starting from 2000, it was possible to achieve an outstripping increase in expenditures on education and science compared to general economic indicators. This created the prerequisites for institutional restructuring in the field of education, primarily related to the modernization of the structure and content of general and vocational education, improving its quality, the effectiveness of managing the educational system, and the entry of the Russian Federation into the global educational space. In particular, the quality of the implementation of the educational program is considered first of all. One of the significant factors in this indicator is the implementation of an experimental program in the preschool educational institution, subject to the justification of the goal and methods, as well as the evidence of the productivity of the experiment.

Education in Russia is traditionally considered a costly area. In different periods of the modern history of the city, attempts were made to change the situation, to turn the education sector into an investment one. However, in fact, the economic foundation of education did not create sufficient infrastructure to attract investment.

On the other hand, attempts to directly transfer market economic regulatory mechanisms to the education sector were often unsuccessful due to the fact that the effect of investments was measured exclusively in monetary terms. An educational institution as a payback project or a project that brings profit in monetary terms has not become a mass phenomenon.

Most clearly, such disproportions were traced in preschool education in many Russian cities, including Irkutsk. In the context of the demographic decline, a decrease in preschool educational institutions naturally occurred. Moreover, the number of pre-school educational institutions of the city currently available hardly corresponds to the real demand of the population for educational services for the education of pre-school children.

The network of departmental kindergartens has practically disappeared, although in large cities, for example, in Moscow, many of them were transferred to municipal ownership and kept for children. In general, in Russia there is a trend of re-profiling former departmental kindergartens and selling their buildings.

Already today, a number of preschool education institutions in many other regions of Russia have made the transition to new organizational and legal forms. Such a transition became possible due to the objective fact of the growing demand on the part of parents to receive, in addition to budgetary services, also additional educational services. The actual demand for individual educational programs and preferential conditions in preschool educational institutions is quite high today. Parents are ready to order and pay for preferential terms and additional preschool education programs outside the budgetary service.

The high quality of preschool education with an increase in the coverage of preschool children can be ensured by establishing horizontal links between educational institutions of various levels and types. At the municipal level, resource centers for preschool education are being created that provide methodological support to preschool educational institutions in the respective territory.

While variability is a requirement for the variety of services provided, accessibility of education is a requirement for the breadth of the network, its ability to cover the maximum number of children. The implementation of the principle of accessibility when building a network of institutions implementing preschool educational programs means the need to build a network in such a way as to optimally take into account and educational needs children, and the spatial proximity of institutions to the place of residence of children. Educational services can be provided not only by traditional kindergartens, but also by other educational institutions that implement preschool educational programs. The task of developing a network of educational institutions implementing preschool education programs is to ensure that the range of services and their quality correspond to modern ideas about the quality of preschool education and are optimal.

Thus, building a network of preschool educational institutions involves the institutionalization, along with traditional kindergartens, of such forms of preschool educational institutions as

Groups of joint short-term stay of a child and a parent (“child-parent”, “nursery with mother”, “play support center”, “adaptation group”, etc., organized on the basis of kindergartens, at centers for children's creativity, in special centers for working with young children or at psychological and pedagogical centers;

Home education groups (“child and nanny”, “tutor groups”, “family groups”, “mini-kindergarten”, etc., organized by parents at home or in residential apartments specially rented for this purpose;

Groups of short-term stay of a child in a kindergarten, or in another educational institution, or organization in which a preschool education program is being implemented;

Adaptation groups for children of refugees and internally displaced persons.

The optimal distribution of material resources within the preschool educational network is aimed at the rational use of those resources that exist in the network of current preschool educational institutions - equipment, premises, sports facilities, park areas, etc. At the regional level, it is necessary to develop regulatory documents regulating the use of these resources by preschool educational institutions of the network . At the municipal level, it is necessary to develop guidelines for preparing these resources for use by the preschool educational network.

The optimal distribution of human resources within the preschool educational network involves the most efficient use of the potential of methodologists, psychologists, speech therapists, and teachers foreign languages, educators-experimenters, senior educators to improve the quality of education in the network as a whole. The development of a network of preschool education involves the emergence of small kindergartens, home groups, parent groups, etc.

The resource of network development is innovation activity. At the regional and municipal levels, it is planned to adopt regulatory documents and guidance materials aimed at developing innovative activities in the network of preschool educational institutions / organizations and its expert support.

The problem of general accessibility of preschool education for all categories of citizens should also be addressed today through the use of internal reserves of the education system, including the development of various forms of preschool education, as well as a more flexible system of regimes for children in preschools.

It should be noted that the network of short stay groups is developing not in spite of and not instead of traditional preschool institutions. full day and along with them. Along with the traditional modes of functioning of preschool educational institutions (12-hour and round-the-clock modes of stay for children, since 2000, 10-hour and 14-hour modes have also been used (in many cases, the 14-hour mode is most preferable for parents and is less expensive than round-the-clock This makes it possible to increase the availability of preschool education for various categories of citizens.

In addition, at present, in parallel with the development of traditional forms of preschool education, new models are being tested: preschool groups based on general education institutions, preschool groups based on additional education institutions, as well as the systematic education of preschool children in the context of family education.

Thus, we can conclude that the effectiveness of the development of a network of educational institutions will be achieved only if the approach to the development (modernization) process is comprehensive.

It is much more important to take into account the needs of the modern family in various forms of organizing the functioning of preschool institutions. An increase in the number of groups for young children is required (from 2 months to 3 years, groups with round-the-clock and evening stay of children, holidays and days off, short-stay groups (2-3 times a week for 3-4 hours), etc.

It is much more expedient that all public preschool institutions correspond to one “good” category, which ensures the full-fledged upbringing and development of children. And parents with special needs (although it is not a fact that this is useful for the child) could use the services of non-state preschool institutions. The only problem is that these institutions, as a rule, need special control from the state (this is evidenced by for example, the experience of France, where such control is the most important task of the inspectorate service in education).

In view of the foregoing, as well as the fact that in the last 10-15 years there has been a virtual total "municipalization" of institutions

preschool education (mass transition of kindergartens from various departments to municipal ownership, the solution of issues of survival, functioning and development of the preschool education system currently depends mainly on local governments.

It is the local governments in the municipality (city, district) that must create certain organizational and pedagogical conditions that will allow the municipal system of preschool education to get out of the crisis and move into a state of normal, stable functioning and development.

In Russia, there are the following types of preschool educational institutions for children.

nursery garden

There are babies here, starting from two months. The nursery also has its own daily routine and mandatory developmental classes. It is desirable that the child has elementary skills in accordance with age: he can walk, eat, drink, dress himself, etc.


The most common type and popular type of educational institutions. As a rule, children are here from morning to evening, here they sleep, play, study, study, eat. Gardens may differ from each other in educational programs, however, within the framework of the norms established by the state (with the exception of private gardens).

Allocate kindergartens of a general developmental type with the priority implementation of one or more areas of development of pupils (intellectual, artistic and aesthetic, physical, etc.).

Compensatory Kindergarten

These are children's institutions with priority implementation of qualified correction. They accept children with various pathologies: mental retardation, tuberculosis intoxication, disorders of the musculoskeletal system, hearing, speech, vision, intelligence, frequently ill children, etc.

Special conditions have been created here and specially trained teachers and doctors work here. It is also important that such kindergartens have counseling centers for parents.

Kindergarten of combined type

The kindergarten of the combined type includes several different groups: general developmental, compensatory, and health-improving.

Child Development Center

Such an institution is aimed at the comprehensive development and disclosure of the talents and abilities of the child. There are a game and sports and recreation complexes, an art studio, a computer class, children's theater, pool. An integrated approach to the organization of work with children is used, non-traditional programs are often used.

In recent years, new models of preschool education have become increasingly popular in Russia: preschool groups based on general education institutions, groups based on additional education institutions, home education for children, etc.

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The system of preschool education in Russia

In most kindergartens, the working hours are close to the state working schedule: from 7-8 to 18-19, five days a week. There are also round-the-clock kindergartens, 10-hour and 14-hour modes.

The number of groups in a preschool educational institution is determined by the founder, based on their maximum occupancy, adopted when calculating the budget funding standard. In groups: from 2 months to 1 year - 10 children; from 1 year to 3 years - 15 children; from 3 years to 7 years - 20 children. There are also different age groups with different numbers of children.

All kindergartens work according to programs approved at the state level and imply a certain daily routine. As a rule, it consists of studies, walks, sleep, rest, etc.

In the morning, the kids do exercises, have breakfast. Then there are training sessions, a walk, outdoor games. Daytime naps are required. After it, the kids are also offered a variety of activities, a walk, classes.

Meals in kindergartens, as a rule, are four times a day.

Many kindergartens have swimming pools, hardening is carried out.

Educational programs can include not only the minimum preparation of children for school, but also develop them Creative skills to teach useful skills.

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The system of preschool education in Russia

Preschool education - ensuring the intellectual, personal and physical development of a child of preschool age from 2 months to 7 years.

Pre-school education in Russia is not compulsory, and therefore many families raise and educate their child on their own. There are several types of institutions of preschool education, general education (preceding school), additional development.

The first educational institutions for kids appeared in Russia at the end of the 19th century. Ordinary children of unprivileged parents in 1866 were able to attend the first free "people's kindergarten". At the same time, the first kindergarten for children of the intelligentsia appeared.

The system of preschool educational institutions was actively developing, and after three decades several dozens of kindergartens appeared in Russia: paid and free, for the nobility and intelligentsia, workers, as well as for orphanages.

At this time, educational courses for educators began to be organized, lectures and “trainings” were held, and relevant literature was published.

On November 20, 1917, the official "Declaration on Preschool Education" was adopted. This document guaranteed free education and upbringing of preschool children.

The first pedagogical faculty with a preschool department was opened in 1918 at Moscow State University. The first "Kindergarten Work Program" was published in 1934, and in 1938 the "Charter of the Kindergarten" was published, which determined the tasks of work, the structure and features of the functioning of preschool institutions, and the "Guide for Kindergarten Teachers", which contained methodological instructions for sections of work with kids.

By the middle of the 20th century, a network of over two million children were already attending kindergartens.

In the post-war period, the first nurseries appeared in the USSR, where parents could leave their babies, starting from two months.

In the early 1960s, a single document was developed for all institutions of preschool education, defining their program of work.

IN early XXI century in Russia there are more than 45 thousand preschool institutions. The modern system of preschool education consists of nurseries, kindergartens, short-stay groups for children, centers of preschool education.

The system of preschool education in Russia - Page 7

The system of preschool education in the Russian Federation. Types of preschool educational institutions.

In the system of rights and freedoms of man and citizen, the right of every person to education occupies a dominant position. At present, the functioning of the educational system in Russia is carried out in accordance with international law and the legislation of the Russian Federation.

For the upbringing of preschool children, the protection and strengthening of their physical and mental health, the development of individual abilities and the necessary correction of developmental disorders of these children, a network of preschool educational institutions operates to help the family. Preschool education is the first step in the system of continuous education, ensuring the continuity of the upbringing and education of the child in the conditions of kindergarten, family and school.

In connection with the reform of the education system on the threshold of the 80s-90s, the "Concept of Preschool Education" arose (authors Vasily Davydov, V. A. Petrovsky). It outlines four main principles that are fundamental for expert assessments of preschool education in Russia:

The developmental nature of education is a focus on the personality of the child, the preservation and strengthening of his health, an orientation towards mastering ways of thinking and activity, speech development;

Differentiation and individualization of education and training - the development of the child in accordance with his inclinations, interests, abilities and capabilities;

Russian preschool educational institutions in their activities are guided by the Model Regulation on a preschool educational institution, adopted in 2008. According to the Model Regulation, preschool institutions are called upon to solve a set of tasks, such as:

Protection of life and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children;

Providing cognitive-speech, social-personal, artistic-aesthetic and physical development of children;

Education taking into account the age categories of children of citizenship, respect for human rights and freedoms, love for the environment, Motherland, family;

Implementation of the necessary correction of deficiencies in the physical and (or) mental development of children;

Interaction with families of children to ensure the full development of children;

Providing advisory and methodological assistance to parents (legal representatives) on the upbringing, education and development of children.

Modern preschool institutions are characterized by multifunctionality, heterogeneity, freedom in choosing the priority direction of the educational process, the use of educational programs.

Preschool educational institutions (DOE) are designed for children aged 2 months to 7 years.

In accordance with the model provision, various types of preschool institutions:

Preschool educational institutions include educational institutions of the following types:

Kindergarten (implements the main general educational program of preschool education in general developmental groups);

Kindergarten for young children (implements the main general educational program of preschool education in general developmental groups for children aged 2 months to 3 years, creates conditions for social adaptation and early socialization of children);

Kindergarten for children of preschool (senior preschool) age (implements the main general educational program of preschool education in groups of general developmental orientation, as well as, if necessary, in groups of compensatory and combined orientation for children aged 5 to 7 years with priority implementation of activities to ensure equal starting opportunities for teaching children in educational institutions);

Kindergarten of supervision and improvement (implements the main general educational program of preschool education in health-improving groups with priority implementation of activities for the implementation of sanitary-hygienic, preventive and health-improving measures and procedures);

A compensatory type kindergarten (implements the main general educational program of preschool education in compensatory groups with the priority implementation of activities for the qualified correction of deficiencies in the physical and (or) mental development of one or more categories of children with handicapped health);

Kindergarten of a combined type (implements the main general educational program of preschool education in groups of general developmental, compensatory, health-improving and combined orientations in various combinations);

A kindergarten of a general developmental type with a priority implementation of activities in one of the areas of development of children (implements the main general educational program of preschool education in groups of a general developmental orientation with a priority implementation of activities for the development of children in one of such areas as cognitive-speech, social-personal, artistic and aesthetic or physical) ;

Child Development Center - kindergarten (implements the main general educational program of preschool education in general developmental groups with the priority implementation of activities for the development of children in several areas, such as cognitive-speech, social-personal, artistic-aesthetic and physical).

On average in Russia, about 55% of children aged 1 to 7 years are covered by various forms of preschool education.

The domestic system of preschool education, according to experts from all over the world, is unique. As in no other country, in the Russian kindergarten, the child is provided not only with care, supervision, upbringing and education, but also with food and medical care.

Other legal entities, as well as individual entrepreneurs, are also entitled to carry out educational activities, including educational programs for preschool education.

If parents give their child pre-school education in the family, then they have the right to receive methodological, psychological-pedagogical, diagnostic and advisory assistance free of charge, including in pre-school educational organizations and general education organizations, if they have established appropriate counseling centers.

A preschool educational organization provides education, training, supervision, care and rehabilitation of children from the age of 2 months.

See also:


The system of preschool education in Russia: problems and prospects | Articles | Ros Education

24 April00 The level of pre-school education in Russia is low. Perhaps the fact is that this type of education is not compulsory in our country? What problems exist in kindergartens and nurseries? Can anything be done to overcome them?

What is the state planning in the light of the new law "On Education" in relation to kindergartens?

Pre-school education in Russia was quite successful before the period of "demographic failure". After that, due to a sharp decrease in the number of children of the corresponding age, many preschool institutions were closed, and their buildings were sold or transferred to other municipal organizations. Later, the situation with the birth rate stabilized and very soon there were not enough kindergartens.

Why do we need kindergarten?

Kindergarten is for the child's parents. This gives them the opportunity to get a job, receive wages and improve the well-being of their family. At the same time, they are sure that the child is under the supervision of experienced caregivers, well-fed and calm.

Kindergarten is needed by the child himself, in order to:

  • satisfy the need for communication;
  • successfully socialize - learn to communicate with both peers and adults;
  • get ready for school;
  • learn how to adequately respond to emerging conflicts and disputable situations;
  • avoid "pedagogical neglect".

However, this is ideal. Unfortunately, the realities of today are sad.

Problems of modern preschool education

There are many problems. The main ones are the following:

  1. Insufficient number of places in pre-school institutions, especially for children under the age of three.
  2. Lack of experienced staff due to low pay coupled with huge responsibility.
  3. Narrow differentiation of preschool institutions, which violates the harmonious development of the child.
  4. The categorization of institutions seems to be a blessing, but in reality it puts children in initially unequal conditions, since kindergartens provide different levels of development for children, and parents have no choice in which preschool to send their child.
  5. The lack of a single program that provides the same approach to all children in the country. Distortions in the development of preschool children are associated with this. Some kindergartens teach children at a minimum, while others clearly overload with information. The first ones do not provide proper mental development of children, and the second ones lead to systematic overwork of kids, which leads to somatic diseases and rejection of imposed education.
  6. Focus on the early transfer of the child to school - from the age of 6, often even before his functional readiness.
  7. Illegal replacement of preschool activities with preparation for school, the presence of many teachers in kindergarten. Small child hardly gets used to different faces - this is a great strain for him, and sitting out lessons at the desks is generally nonsense. Education in kindergartens is possible only in the form of a game.

Reform of preschool education

The new law "On Education" also affects preschool education. For example, shared payment for the maintenance of a child in kindergarten is introduced.

The idea of ​​compulsory pre-school education for children of 5-6 years old, as well as the presence of a child in kindergarten part-time, depending on the capabilities of parents, is being considered. But be that as it may, first of all, it is necessary to provide kindergartens with good employees, and this can be done only by significantly increasing their wages. We must not forget that it is these people who are responsible for the future of our country and saving on them is an unaffordable luxury.

Modern preschool education in Russia - abstracts, download abstracts, free abstracts

1.1 History of the development of preschool education in Russia

1.2 Principles of early childhood education

2. Methodological, psychological and methodological foundations of preschool education

2.1 The program and methods of preschool education

2.2 Psychological foundations of preschool education


Annex B


Relevance of the topic term paper is that in Russia, according to the recognition of the world pedagogical community in the past, the 20th century, a unique system of preschool education developed, which provided a comprehensive, full-fledged education and development of children from birth to 7 years.

The socio-economic transformations that have taken place in Russian society have led to serious changes in the education system in general and in its preschool level in particular.

These changes affected both organizational and content aspects of preschool education. The system of preschool education has become a multifunctional network of preschool educational institutions (PEE), focused on the needs of society and providing a diverse range of educational services, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the child's development. Kindergartens of supervision and improvement have appeared; compensatory type; child development centers; educational institutions "Primary school-kindergarten", groups of short-term stay of children in kindergarten and other institutions.

As experience shows, in Russian education the search for ways to solve the problem of the continuity of preschool and primary general education is constantly being carried out.

At present, the task is not just to rationalize the process of educating children of senior preschool age, but by forming the continuity of preschool and primary school education programs in the content and forms inherent in each of these age groups, to maximize the coverage of children with various forms of preschool education, to increase overall efficiency education, to optimize the intellectual load on children of primary school age.

The education of a preschool child should be aimed at enrichment, and not artificial acceleration (acceleration) of development. The enrichment of the mental development of the child involves the maximum realization of its capabilities. Unlike artificial acceleration of development, it makes it possible to preserve and strengthen the physical and mental health of the child, ensures its normal harmonious development, and preserves the joy of childhood.

The object of this study is preschool education.

The subject of the study are the features and principles of preschool education.

The purpose of the course work is to study the principles, objectives and features of preschool education.

Accordingly, the following tasks were set:

Consider the history of the development of preschool education in Russia;

To reveal the principles of preschool education;

Research programs and methods of early childhood education;

To analyze the psychological foundations of preschool education.

Hypothesis - the humanization of the pedagogical process in preschool education is the fundamental principle of modern preschool education.

As methodological basis research used modern methods of scientific knowledge: dialectical, comparative, synthetic, analytical, systemic and others.

The theoretical basis for the study was the scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists in the field of psychology, such as Ananiev B. G., Stolyarenko L. D., Zinchenko V. P. and others.

The practical significance of the work lies in the fact that the material collected in the work and the conclusions can be used in further research related to the study of this topic.

1. History of development and principles of preschool education

1.1 The history of the development of preschool education in Russia

Preschool education is carried out, as a rule, in institutions of preschool education, general education institutions (preschool), institutions of additional education for children (centers and associations for the early development of the child), but it can also be carried out at home in the family. Taking into account the fact that in Russia now more than a third of young families with a child are not provided with preschool institutions, preparing parents for the basics of family preschool education is becoming one of the most important tasks of youth family policy.

In the last third of the 19th century, following the countries of Western Europe, new types of educational institutions appeared in Russia. The first free, "people's kindergarten" in Russia for the children of citizens from the lower strata of the population was opened in 1866 at the charitable "Society of cheap apartments" in St. Petersburg. In the same year, A. S. Simonovich opened a paid private kindergarten for children of the intelligentsia.

By the beginning of the 20th century, a fairly large number of preschool institutions were opened in Russia, both paid for the intelligentsia and the emerging bourgeoisie, as well as free kindergartens, playgrounds, shelters, centers for children of the lower strata of the population, as well as for orphans ..

In the same years, the methodology of preschool education arose, the first journal where systematic notes on the forms and methods of teaching preschool children were published was Kindergarten, edited by A. Simonovich. the authority of the publication was quite high, evidence of this was the participation in its work and publication of K. D. Ushinsky.

In 1871, the St. Petersburg Society for the Promotion of the Primary Education of Preschool Children was established. The society contributed to the opening of courses for the training of women teachers in families and kindergartens, as well as the holding of lectures on preschool education.

By 1914, there were several dozen kindergartens in the country. In 1913 - 1917, the well-known Russian teacher Elizaveta Ivanovna Tikheeva, who studied the issues of didactics and methods of primary education, was the Vice-President of the St. Petersburg Society for the Promotion of Preschool Education. From 1913, she directed a kindergarten established under the Society for the Promotion of Preschool Education, which after 1917 she directed until 1928.

The beginning of the state system of preschool education in our country was laid after the adoption on November 20, 1917 of the "Declaration on Preschool Education". This document defined the principles of Soviet preschool education: free and accessible public education of preschool children.

In 1918, on the basis of the Moscow Higher Women's Courses, on the initiative of Professor K. N. Kornilov, the second Moscow State University, where the pedagogical faculty with a preschool department was organized. An important milestone in the creation of the state system for the training of teachers of preschool education was the first All-Russian Congress on Preschool Education, held in Moscow in 1919.

The first "Kindergarten Work Program" was published in 1934, and in 1938 the "Charter of the Kindergarten" was published, which determined the tasks of work, the structure and features of the functioning of preschool institutions, and the "Guide for Kindergarten Teachers", which contained methodological instructions for sections of work with kids.

In 1937, departmental kindergartens were introduced by a special resolution of the Council of People's Commissars; in 1939, model staffs were established for kindergartens of all types and departments.

Since 1928, the monthly scientific and methodological journal "Preschool Education" began to appear. By the 1940s, the network of preschool educational institutions had reached a fairly high level; more than two million pupils were covered by public education.

After the war, the development of the system of public preschool education continued, which, according to the thoughts of communist ideologists, was supposed to replace family education. In 1959, a new type of preschool educational institution appeared - a nursery-kindergarten, where, at the request of parents, children could be brought up from two months to seven years. This was due to the need to improve the organization of the work of preschool institutions and, in particular, to establish continuity in the education of children of early and preschool age.

In the early 1960s, a comprehensive program education in kindergarten, which has become a single mandatory document in the work of preschool institutions in the country. Leading research institutes of preschool education of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and leading departments worked on the program preschool pedagogy.

And in 1978, after making the next changes, the program was called Model. It lasted until 1984, when it was replaced by the Model Kindergarten Education and Training Program.

In connection with the reform of the education system on the threshold of the 80s-90s, the "Concept of Preschool Education" arose (authors Vasily Davydov, V. A. Petrovsky). It outlines the basic principles that are fundamental for expert assessments of preschool education in Russia:

Humanization - education of the humanistic orientation of the personality of a preschooler, the basics of citizenship, hard work, respect for human rights and freedoms, love for the family, Motherland, nature;

Developing nature of education;

Orientation to the personality of the child, preservation and strengthening of his health, installation on mastering the ways of thinking and activity, speech development, differentiation and individualization of education and training;

Development of the child in accordance with his inclinations, interests, abilities and capabilities;

The de-ideologization of preschool education is the priority of universal human values, the rejection of the ideological orientation of the content of kindergarten educational programs.

1.2 Principlespreschoolth educationI

Preschool education in Russia - ensuring the intellectual, personal and physical development of a child of preschool age from 2 to 7 years.

Preschool education is designed to ensure the mental, physical, personal development of a child aged 2 months to 7 years. An institution for raising children can be a municipal or private kindergarten, a preschool education center, an early development center, and so on. The task of preschool education is to convey to the child the basic foundations of culture and the rules of behavior in society, as well as intellectual and aesthetic education.

The question of the historical origin of the periods of childhood, of the connection between the history of childhood and the history of society, and of the history of childhood as a whole, continues to be developed to this day. Such aspects of the problem as the social reality of childhood (E.M. Rybinsky), the features of the social construction of childhood (S.N. Shcheglova), the starting potential of childhood (Yu.V. Ovinova), children's subculture (I.S. Kon, M. Knyazeva, N.B. Krylova, A.V. Mudrik, V.T. Kudryavtsev, M.V. Osorina, N.Ya. Mikhailenko, N.A. Korotkova).

An analysis of modern childhood studies allows us to single out two main aspects that most capaciously and conceptually accumulate the main problems associated with the attitude of the world of adults to childhood in the process of ensuring a multifaceted and multifaceted process of socialization of the younger generation.

First aspect associated with the problem of understanding childhood as a special form of manifestation and a special state of social development. Being a complex, independent organism, childhood is an integral part of society, acts as a generalized subject of socialization and multifaceted relations in which it objectively sets the tasks of interaction with adults, develops its own socially significant world. The main goal of childhood in general and of each child in particular is growing up - the development, appropriation, realization of adulthood. But the same goal - "the growing up of children, - subjectively having a different direction - to ensure this growing up, - is the main thing for the adult world."

In accordance with this, the subject-object position that adults take in relation to childhood is also built. This is the position of teacher and leader. The principle of influence is dominant in the relationship of adults to children, and despite the constant declaration of the need to encourage the active position of the child, one-pointedness continues to prevail, which is expressed in the fact that “childhood is objectively perceived by adults as a kind of “receiver” (D.I. Feldshtein), mastering and appropriating the influences of the adult community.

Thus, at the present stage, there is a divergence, on the one hand, of the educational system - its values ​​and results, and on the other - of the system of growing up. The assimilation of adulthood, which should be understood as the assimilation of forms of independence and responsibility, turned out not to be singled out in the education system and was replaced by various forms of cultural assimilation. Growing up takes place outside the education system, and education takes place outside the system of growing up.

The second aspect revealing the specifics of the relationship of the world of adults to modern childhood, is associated with the problem of implementing the intermediary function of adults in introducing children to society. Unfortunately, in modern society there is a tendency to deformation of the relationship between two generations. On the one hand, childhood is becoming more and more socially significant; the attitude of the adult community towards childhood is characterized by humanity, detocentrism, the desire to secure a certain social status for the child, even some absolutization of the significance of this period for the subsequent development of a person. On the other hand, the deep ties between the adult community and children are broken, the spiritual gap between them widens, the holistic socio-psychological attitude of society towards childhood is lost, which leads to the fact that children begin to be near, and not inside the adult world.

The 21st century is characterized by attempts to rethink the purpose of the world of childhood and the basic values ​​of the relationship of the world of adulthood to it, which creates favorable conditions for revising the principles of relations between the two worlds. There is a search for new approaches to building relationships between adults and children that meet the needs and interests of each child, the definition of space, content, ways of their mutual action (Sh.A. Amonashvili, I.V. Bestuzhev-Lada, B.S. Gershunsky, V. V. Gorshkova, SV Kulnevich, B.T. Likhachev, V.A. Petrovsky, S.D. Polyakov, M.M. Potashnik, S.N. Shcheglova, B.D. Elkonin, E.A. Yamburg and etc.).

A new understanding of the relationship between children and adults is presented in the works of modern scientists in the field of philosophy and history of education (B.S. Gershunsky, E.V. Bondarevskaya, S. Kulnevich, N.D. Nikandrov), psychology and pedagogy (V.T. Kudryavtsev , A. B. Orlov, D. I. Feldshtein, B. D. Elkonin).

In the humanistic psychology of childhood, the principles of new relations between the world of adults and the world of childhood (A.B. Orlov) are formulated, which should be the basis of pedagogical support and support for the social development of the modern child: the principles of equality, dialogism, coexistence, freedom, co-development, unity, acceptance. These principles underlie the development of a new humanistic paradigm in pedagogy - centered on the world of childhood, contributing to the creation of psychological and pedagogical conditions for the successful accommodation of the world of adulthood to the world of childhood with the aim of harmonization and joint productive development.

In accordance with this, the development of pedagogical foundations for constructing the world of childhood is relevant, allowing to build pedagogically appropriate strategies for the interaction of children and adults and to select educational technologies, methods adapted to the modern social needs of the younger generation.

One of the ways to overcome a one-sided approach in the implementation of the mediating role of adults and rethink the subject-object position in relation to childhood in the process of socialization of an adult can be the knowledge of adult features inner world childhood, its identity, which are most fully revealed in the children's subculture.

Children's subculture- this is a special system of ideas about the world, values ​​that exist in the children's environment, a kind of culture within a culture that lives according to specific and original laws, although it is “embedded” in a common cultural whole. Children's subculture is a variant of the objective social process of transmission of culture and social experience from generation to generation that is widespread in society. In a broad sense, this is everything that is created in human society for children and children; in a narrower sense - the semantic space of values, attitudes, methods of activity and forms of communication carried out in children's communities in a particular historical situation of development.

In the general human culture, the children's subculture occupies a subordinate place and at the same time it has a relative autonomy, since in any society children have their own language, various forms of interaction, their own moral regulators of behavior, which are very stable for each age level and develop largely independently of adults.

One of the main features of the children's subculture is that, on the one hand, in it the world of childhood declares its difference from the world of adults, and on the other hand, the children's subculture is a hidden, dialogic appeal to the world of adults, an original way of mastering the adult social world. , a way of self-affirmation in it (V.T. Kudryavtsev, D.I. Feldshtein).

The existence of a children's subculture has long been disputed. Slowly and gradually, the modern view of the child as a relatively independent and active social individual was formed. The gradual process of autonomization of the younger generation led to. is the formation in children's communities of their own world "for themselves", i.e. relatively independent of adults children's subculture.

V.V. Abramenkova, considering the socio-evolutionary meaning of the children's subculture for humanity, identifies several of its main functions.

Firstly, due to the fact that the children's subculture provides the child with a special psychological space, thanks to which he acquires social competence in a group of equals, the main function of the children's subculture is socializing. Already at the earliest stages of socio- and ontogenesis, the children's community, together with, and sometimes instead of the family, takes on teaching and educating functions. It is in the children's environment that sometimes quite harshly with the help of cultural means - the children's legal code, children's folklore, game rules - the child is subjected to group norms and mastered by his own behavior, forming him as a person. In addition, the most important and very first personal category - gender - the child learns largely thanks to other children.

Secondly, the children's subculture provides the child with an experimental platform for testing himself, determining the boundaries of his capabilities, determines the zone of variable development, preparing him to solve problematic tasks in non-standard situations.

Thirdly, the space of the children's subculture creates a "psychological shelter" for the child, protection from the adverse effects of the adult world, that is, it performs a psychotherapeutic function, and, as V.V. Abramenkov, the degree of a child's immersion in a children's subculture is a kind of indicator of his harmonious relations with other people.

Fourthly, the children's subculture performs a cultural-protective function: genres and rituals that have been lost by modern civilization are preserved in its content.

A generalized analysis of the studies allowed us to identify the following components of children's subculture:

Children's legal code, revealing the originality of the norms of behavior, interaction, relationships with peers. These are the rules for entering and exiting various forms and types of children's activities, various ritual components of children's communication (for example, conciliatory rituals),

Specific ways of educational influences on peers and resolution of controversial, conflict situations (for example, teasing, name-calling);

Children's folklore: lullabies, jokes, nursery rhymes, counting rhymes;

Peculiar hobbies: children's collecting (treasuries, secrets, caches), children's collecting;

Ways and forms of free time, among which the leading place is occupied by various types of gaming activities and productive activities, as well as trips to "special" places: "terrible" (basements, attics, cemetery, abandoned houses) and places prohibited by adults for visits (landfill, trash can, construction site); storytelling scary stories etc.;

Children's fashion;

Subcultural forms that play a decisive role in the child's mastery of the content of universal human values: children's problematization, children's philosophizing, word creation, the laughter world of childhood (shifters, absurdities, fiction stories, "black humor" or sadistic nursery rhymes), fairy-tale world;

Children's picture of the world, that is, a special system of worldview knowledge about it. Signs of subculture can already be seen in groups of preschoolers. They have common values, quite material and ranked. This is manifested in the options of exchange (toys, candy wrappers), in the options for evaluating another person as equal or unequal in terms of possession of an object of value. The human ideal is quite specific. The scale of values ​​and personifications of a person's qualities in an object has a sufficient degree of stability so that the invasion of strangers (not-We) was met with obvious resistance.

At the present stage, children's subculture is considered as the most important factor in the socialization of the younger generation and is perceived as a peculiar form of childhood social education that regulates the social interactions of children within their group and at the level of age subgroups.

On the one hand, in the process of joining the children's subculture, conditions are purposefully created that ensure the accumulation of social experience of the child's interactions with adults and peers, which contribute to the integration of the child into the children's community and the regulation of interaction between children of different ages and different sexes.

On the other hand, satisfying the needs for recognition, gaining a personal status that is different from the formal status of the child in the family, the children's subculture has an impact on the formation of the personality and the formation of the self-concept of the child, on the education of such socially significant qualities as social confidence, activity, independence, initiative. . Cognition of the world of peers, adults makes it possible to join the values ​​of other people, realize their differences, preferences, interests, adjust and form their own system of values.

Thanks to the children's subculture, the child acquires his essence, constructs his own world.

Thus, the problem of interaction between the adult and children's community, associated with the need to rethink the position of the relationship of the world of adults to childhood, is of particular importance in modern conditions, not as a collection of children of different ages, but as a subject of interaction, as a special social state. The development of childhood, the social development of each child presupposes the subjective principle of building relationships not only between individual adults and children, but also between the worlds of adults and children as subjects of interaction. One of the conditions for the implementation of this principle is the knowledge, understanding and acceptance by adults of the values ​​of childhood, the characteristics of the children's subculture as a source of existence and development of the modern world of childhood.

Preschool education as a pedagogical system

The education system of the Russian Federation includes:

1) federal state educational standards and federal state requirements, educational standards, educational programs of various types, levels and (or) directions;

2) organizations engaged in educational activities, teachers, students and parents (legal representatives) of underage students;

3) federal state bodies and state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercising state management in the field of education, and local government bodies exercising management in the field of education, advisory, advisory and other bodies created by them;

4) organizations providing educational activities, assessing the quality of education;

5) associations of legal entities, employers and their associations, public associations operating in the field of education (Article 10).

Preschool education system:

    is a multifunctional network of preschool educational institutions (DOE), focused on the needs of society and the family;

    solves the problems of protecting and strengthening the health of children;

    implements a range of educational programs (basic and additional) in accordance with priority the activities of the preschool educational institution and the needs of the parents of pupils;

    provides a diverse range of educational, health and medical services, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the child's development;

    creates psychological and pedagogical conditions for the child's stay in a preschool educational institution;

    interacts with the family on the upbringing, education and development of preschool children;

    is integrated into the system of continuous education;

    develops in the conditions of social partnership;

    takes into account regional peculiarities of education development.

Federal state educational standards and federal state requirements provide:

1) the unity of the educational space of the Russian Federation;

2) continuity of the main educational programs;

3) the variability of the content of educational programs of the corresponding level of education, the possibility of forming educational programs of various levels of complexity and focus, taking into account the educational needs and abilities of students;

4) state guarantees of the level and quality of education based on the unity of mandatory requirements for the conditions for the implementation of basic educational programs and the results of their development.

Educational programs determine the content of education. The main educational programs include: educational programs of preschool education. Educational programs for preschool education are developed and approved by the organization carrying out educational activities in accordance with the federal state educational standard for preschool education and taking into account the relevant exemplary educational programs for preschool education. Educational programs are implemented by an organization carrying out educational activities, both independently and through network forms of their implementation. When implementing educational programs, various educational technologies are used, including distance learning technologies, e-learning.

In the Russian Federation, the following type of educational organization has been established that implements basic educational programs: preschool educational organization. A preschool educational organization carries out, as the main goal of its activities, educational activities in educational programs of preschool education, childcare and care (Article 23).

A preschool educational organization is also entitled to carry out educational activities under additional general developmental programs, the implementation of which is not the main goal of their activities.

A preschool educational organization operates on the basis of a charter approved in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The charter of an educational organization contains the following information:

1) type of educational organization;

2) the founder or founders of the educational organization;

3) types of implemented educational programs indicating the level of education and (or) focus.

Preschool education (Article 64) is aimed at the formation of a general culture, the development of physical, intellectual, moral, aesthetic and personal qualities, the formation of the prerequisites for educational activities, the preservation and strengthening of the health of preschool children.

Educational programs of preschool education are aimed at the versatile development of preschool children, taking into account their age and individual characteristics, including the achievement by children of preschool age of the level of development necessary and sufficient for their successful mastering of educational programs of primary general education, based on an individual approach to preschool children and activities specific to preschool children. The development of educational programs of preschool education is not accompanied by intermediate certification and final certification of students.

Parents (legal representatives) of minors who provide children with preschool education in the form of family education have the right to receive methodological, psychological and pedagogical, diagnostic and advisory assistance free of charge, including in preschool educational organizations and general educational organizations, if they relevant counseling centers have been established. Ensuring the provision of such types of assistance is carried out by state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Getting pre-school education in educational organizations can begin when children reach the age of two months (Article 67).

In the "Organization and implementation of educational activities for the main general educational programs - educational programs of preschool education" reveals the features of the functioning of preschool educational organizations :

The organization procedure is mandatory for organizations engaged in educational activities and implementing the main general educational programs - educational programs of preschool education, including individual entrepreneurs.

According to the Order of Organization, a preschool educational organization implements educational programs for preschool education, provides upbringing, training and development, as well as supervision, care and rehabilitation of pupils aged from 2 months to 7 years, creates conditions for the realization of the right guaranteed to citizens of the Russian Federation to receive publicly available and free preschool education.

Educational activities in educational programs of preschool education in an educational organization are carried out in groups.

Groups can have a general developmental, compensatory, health-improving or combined focus.

    IN general developmental groups the educational program of preschool education is being implemented.

    IN groups of compensatory orientation an adapted educational program of preschool education for children with disabilities is being implemented, taking into account the peculiarities of their psychophysical development, individual capabilities, which ensures the correction of developmental disorders and the social adaptation of pupils with disabilities.

    Wellness groups are created for children with tuberculosis intoxication, frequently ill children and other categories of children in need of long-term treatment and the necessary complex of special medical and recreational measures for them. In health-improving groups, the educational program of preschool education is implemented, as well as a complex of sanitary-hygienic, health-improving and preventive measures and procedures.

    In groups of combined orientation joint education of healthy children and children with disabilities is carried out in accordance with the educational program of preschool education, adapted for children with disabilities, taking into account the peculiarities of their psychophysical development, individual capabilities, providing correction of developmental disorders and social adaptation of pupils with disabilities.

In an educational organization, the following can also be organized:

    groups of young children without the implementation of the educational program of preschool education, ensuring the development, supervision, care and rehabilitation of pupils aged from 2 months to 3 years;

    care groups without the implementation of the educational program of preschool education for pupils aged from 2 months to 7 years. In groups for supervision and care, a set of measures is provided for catering and household services for children, ensuring that they observe personal hygiene and daily routine;

    family preschool groups in order to meet the needs of the population in the services of preschool education in families. Family preschool groups may have a general developmental orientation or provide supervision and care for children without implementing an educational program for preschool education.

Groups can include both pupils of the same age and pupils of different ages (different age groups).

14. The mode of operation of an educational organization for a five-day or six-day working week is determined by the educational organization independently in accordance with its charter. Groups can function in the mode: full day (12-hour stay); shortened day (8-10.5 hour stay); extended day (13-14 hour stay); short-term stays (from 3 to 5 hours a day) and round-the-clock stays. At the request of parents (legal representatives) it is possible to organize the work of groups also on weekends and holidays.

Participants in the educational process of a preschool educational institution are pupils, their parents (legal representatives), teachers and their representatives, organizations engaged in educational activities (Law of the Russian Federation "On Education in the Russian Federation", Article 2).

According to the Order of Organization, the content of educational activities is determined by the main general educational program of preschool education, including the adapted educational program of preschool education for children with disabilities, taking into account the peculiarities of their psychophysical development, individual capabilities, which ensures the correction of developmental disorders and the social adaptation of pupils with disabilities .

The legal and regulatory update of the preschool education system is presented in the documents:

    Law of the Russian Federation "On Education in the Russian Federation" (dated December 26, 2012);

    Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for preschool groups located in residential premises of the housing stock SanPiN (dated December 19, 2013 No. 68);

    Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the working hours of preschool educational organizations SanPiN (dated May 15, 2013 No. 26);

    GEF DO (dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155);

    The order of organization and implementation of educational activities for the main general educational programs - educational programs of preschool education (dated August 30, 2013 No. 1014);

    Approximate basic educational program of preschool education.

preschool education is a factor in expanding access to school preparation for children from different segments of the population. Pre-school education should provide optimal conditions for the maximum realization of the child's age and individual capabilities. It is the full-fledged living by the child of a unique and original period of childhood that provides a natural transition to the next stage of development.

    positive self-esteem, self-confidence;

    striving for new knowledge, interest in the world around;

    motivation to achieve success, active, active position;

    communication skills and abilities;

    the foundations of the spiritual and moral image of the individual, the definition of personal and the assimilation of universal values;

    ways of cognitive activity;

    competencies in various fields of human activity.

Preschool education is the right of every child, which is implemented by the relevant preparatory institutions, but can be carried out by parents independently at home.

As statistics show, in Russia about a third of families do not have the opportunity to raise a child in state preparatory organizations. Therefore, preschool education in our country is one of the priorities of youth policy.

The history of the formation of the system of preschool education in Russia

Following the European states, at the end of the 19th century, preparatory educational institutions began to appear in the domestic expanses. The first free kindergarten in our country was organized in 1866 in the city of St. Petersburg. At the same time, private preparatory institutions for the children of the intelligentsia began to emerge.

In the first half of the 20th century, the educational program of preschool education in Russia was already quite developed. Public access was opened to a whole mass of paid and free preparatory organizations. Several kindergartens were constantly operating in the country, the organization of which was close to the modern level.

The first program, according to which all state kindergartens were supposed to work, was adopted in 1934, and starting from 1938, the main tasks of such institutions were defined, the structure of institutions was formed, the postulates of the functioning of kindergartens were documented, and methodological instructions were introduced for teachers.

In the 40s of the last century, preschool education reached an unprecedented scale at that time. More than two million children across the country have gained access to free training.

In 1959, absolutely new formations appeared in the form of a nursery. Parents could send their children here at their own request from 2 to 7 years old, thus shifting the task of education onto the shoulders of state teachers and freeing free time for employment.

A comprehensive reform of the education system, which was carried out in our country in the period from the late 80s to the mid-90s of the last century, led to the formation of the "Concept of Preschool Education". The document contained several fundamental principles that teachers had to follow in the process of raising kids:

  1. Humanization is the development of industriousness, respect for the rights of other people, love for the family and the world around.
  2. Personal development - strengthening the physical and mental health of the child, helping to comprehend the basics of mental and labor activity.
  3. Individual and differential education - the development of the child's inclinations, teaching kids based on their personal interests, capabilities and abilities.
  4. De-ideologization is the disclosure of the rejection of a specific ideology in the course of the implementation of general educational programs.

Budget institutions

Organizations of a non-commercial orientation, created according to the decree of the authorities, to provide services to the population in the field of preschool education, are recognized as budgetary. The property of such institutions rightfully belongs to the state, but is entrusted to the management of the educational institution.

State kindergartens are financed from the budget in the form of subsidies. Such organizations are not prohibited from conducting entrepreneurial activities if the receipt of income is aimed at achieving the goals for which the institution was created.

Autonomous institutions

The system of preschool education implies the possibility of organization This category includes institutions established by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to provide services in the field of education.

Financing of autonomous kindergartens is carried out at the expense of the founder's personal funds, through subventions or subsidies. Services to the population here can be provided both on a paid and free basis. The property of autonomous institutions is assigned to the management and entrusted to independent disposal.

Tasks of modern preschool educational institutions

Currently, the following tasks for the functioning of preschool education organizations are distinguished:

  • strengthening the mental and physical health of children, protecting the lives of pupils;
  • ensuring social and personal growth, development of speech abilities, satisfaction;
  • raising kids based on age characteristics, developing love for the world around them, respect for the freedoms and rights of other people;
  • interaction with parents, providing methodological and advisory

Preschool teacher

The main task of the teacher is the development of the original individual personality of the child, the disclosure of the foundations of the perception of the surrounding world, the formation of values ​​in relation to nature and society.

A teacher in the system of preschool education should have the following qualities:

  • developed thinking, long-term and working memory;
  • high emotional stability, objectivity of assessments, tact and morality;
  • empathy for the environment, exactingness;
  • the presence of creative abilities;
  • the ability to quickly switch attention;
  • kindness, tolerance, justice, initiative.

Types of modern preschool educational institutions

Given the need to work with certain age groups and the specific focus of raising individual kids, the following types of preschool educational institutions are distinguished:

  1. Traditional kindergarten - implements generally accepted programs for the preparation and education of children.
  2. Kindergarten for young children - is engaged in the preparation of pupils aged from 2 months to 3 years. Responsible for creating optimal conditions that promote early socialization and adaptation of babies to the outside world.
  3. Kindergarten for children of older, preschool age - implements the main educational program, and also teaches kids aged 5-7 years in special groups, which provide equal opportunities for subsequent successful schooling.
  4. Kindergartens of rehabilitation and care - not only preschool program, but also preventive, health-improving and sanitary-hygienic works are being carried out.
  5. Compensatory institutions - the main emphasis is on the qualified correction of mental and physical disabilities of pupils.
  6. A kindergarten with a priority on a specific type of activity - in addition to general education, teachers satisfy the cognitive, personal, social, aesthetic and artistic needs of kids.


Despite a fairly developed system of preschool educational institutions, the improvement of teaching staff, the formation of the personal qualities of educators based on considerations of

Full-scale disclosure of pedagogical potential, increasing the competence of educators, self-education, modernization and development of the system of children's preparatory institutions - all this is among the most actual problems in the field of preschool education.