Formation and development preschool education in Russia.

Completed by a student of group 12

Anna Fedotova

Specialty: Social pedagogy Specialization: Social and psychological development of personality

Scientific adviser Ph.D., associate professor Anufrieva D.Yu.

Novosibirsk 2012


Conclusions to the second chapter


The relevance of research. Preschool age is the most important period in the formation of a person, when the prerequisites for civic qualities are laid, the responsibility and ability of the child to freely choose, respect and understand other people, regardless of their social origin, race and nationality, language, gender, religion, are formed. Domestic and world pedagogical science throughout its development has paid close attention to the issues of preschool education of children. The content of education is the priority area on which the development of a person who is able to independently and consciously build his life in the spirit of universal values, taking into account the traditions of his people, depends.

At present, historical and pedagogical research in our country is of particular importance. Awareness of their theoretical importance in the system of pedagogical sciences is largely determined and stimulated by the social conditions of the existence of science that have developed at the present stage of social development. It has been historically confirmed that a society that is undergoing fundamental changes in its way of life or is experiencing crisis conditions associated with the search for new ones, unconventional ways development, inevitably turns to its past. Knowledge of the history of this process, which contains the experience of forecasting, can help choose the best ways to translate preschool educational institutions into the "development mode" and realize the role of the historical material of preschool education; comprehend the interdependence of traditional and innovative in the civilized process of development of Russian society, which is extremely important in the context of standardization of education. One of the trends that distinguish the current state of history preschool pedagogy in Russia lies in the fact that the desire of preschool education specialists to learn the history of scientific fields, directions and individual problems of preschool pedagogy is becoming more and more pronounced. The role of theoretical knowledge is growing, which implies the expansion and enrichment of content, improving the quality of education and training, revising preschool education programs from the point of view of their compliance with the requirements of socio-economic and scientific progress. Success in the implementation of these and other measures largely depends on the educator, his scientific erudition, general culture and professional skills, as well as his theoretical preparedness. No practical activity of an educator is possible without theory. Pedagogical practice without theory is still K.D. Ushinsky compared with quackery in medicine. There is a connection and dependence between theoretical and practical pedagogy, they can develop and enrich only in interaction.

In historical and pedagogical research, an approach was developed aimed at studying the preschool pedagogy that served the public-state forms of primary education and training. As a result, there was an impression that after K.D. Ushinsky, S.A. Rachinsky and prominent figures of preschool education of the second half of the 19th century. development of preschool pedagogy almost ceased. There was even some disregard for pre-revolutionary experience implicitly, the researchers focused only on modern science, forgetting that "without history there is no theory." Recent studies have confirmed the fact that preschool pedagogy in Russia has had significant achievements. Modern preschool pedagogy even today, when describing the educational process, often refers to the works of teachers of the late 19th - early 20th centuries. Analysis of the general situation in modern history Pedagogy highlighted the following contradictions of a theoretical nature, which determine the known difficulties and shortcomings in the study of the problems of educating and educating children of early and before school age in Russia:

between the need for high theoretical training of the educator, the practical demand for historical and pedagogical knowledge in the training of modern workers in preschool education and the lack of a holistic historical and scientific concept of the formation and development of preschool pedagogy as a field of scientific knowledge in Russia;

between the significance of the space of historical and pedagogical knowledge of Russia, the desire for its objective description and not always scientifically correct analysis;

between the general use of the provision on the growth and development of pedagogical knowledge in the historical and pedagogical process and the lack of understanding and development of the logic, stages, patterns of this development;

between the real contribution of Russian pedagogy to the world pedagogical process, which solved the fundamental problems associated with the upbringing and education of children of early and preschool age, and the lack of substantiation of their relationships, as well as the originality of formation and development in Russia, in modern historical and pedagogical research.

Taking into account the foregoing and the indicated contradictions, the research problem was formulated: the main directions of development of preschool education in modern Russia.

This problem led to the choice of the topic of the thesis - "Formation and development of preschool education in Russia".

Research hypothesis: The theory of such a complex, changeable object as a single process of upbringing and education of a child of early and preschool age does not appear suddenly. It is the result of a long historical experience. Each subsequent stage of its development involves a critical assimilation of the ideas of the past. The development of the system of preschool education should take into account the historical and theoretical analysis of the development of the Russian system of preschool education.

Object of study : development of the system of preschool education in Russia.

Subject of research: the modern system of preschool education in Russia.

The relevance of the study, the hypothesis, the object and the subject determined the purpose of the study: to determine the main directions for the development of preschool education in modern Russia.

Research objectives:

.To study the psychological and pedagogical literature on the research problem, to formulate the main directions in the development of preschool education in Russia;

2.To reveal the prerequisites that determined the formation of preschool pedagogy as a special branch of scientific knowledge in Russia.

.To formulate modern requirements for the organization of the content of preschool education in Russia.

.Determine trends in the development of preschool education at the present stage.

Theoretical basis of the research: The following research methods were used in the work: To solve the tasks set, a set of mutually complementary theoretical research methods was used: study and theoretical analysis of literary and archival sources, materials of periodicals; method of generalization and systematization of factual material; comparative analysis of the state of preschool education at different historical stages of development; system analysis, taking into account socio-economic, ethno-cultural and other factors in the development of preschool institutions. The choice of specific research methods was determined by the logic of the research and the tasks to be solved at each individual stage.

The theoretical significance of the study lies in the fact that it substantiates the concepts of the content of preschool education in the domestic pedagogy of Russia; achievements and difficulties in the development of the content of preschool education are identified. The study uses the term and reveals the essence of the category "content of preschool education"; the results of the study influence an objective assessment of the history of domestic preschool pedagogy.

The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that the material collected in the work and the conclusions can be used in further research related to the study of this topic, which will increase the theoretical preparedness and competence, scientific erudition, general culture and professional skills of the educator.

The structure of the work: the final qualifying work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a bibliography and applications.

preschool education russia

Chapter 1. Historical foundations for the development and formation of preschool education in Russia

1.1 Emergence of preschool education in Russia

In Kievan Rus, the upbringing of children of all ages was carried out mainly in the family. The purpose of education was to prepare children for work, the fulfillment of basic social roles. Religious education was of great importance. The factors of folk pedagogical culture (rhymes, rhymes, tongue twisters, riddles, fairy tales, folk games, etc.) acted as the main means of influence. All these means of pedagogy were transmitted orally. In connection with the baptism of Rus', the church occupied a significant place in the upbringing of the younger generation. Such means appeared as the performance of rituals, the memorization of prayers, and so on.

In the XVI century. typography appeared. In 1572, the first Russian textbook "ABC" by Ivan Fedorov was published. Around the same time, the collection "Domostroy" was published. It outlined the main directions of family education and behavior in family life. "Domostroy" isolated home comfort from the outside world, recommended cruel forms of treatment of household members (husband and wife, father and children). The children were brought up love for God, fear of him, unquestioning obedience to elders. However, there were also positive provisions in Domostroy. It gave recommendations on the education of politeness, on teaching household chores and crafts. In the second half of the XVII century. Epiphanius Slavnitsky compiled the pedagogical book "Citizenship of Childhood Customs". It set out the rules for the behavior of children in society (hygiene of the child, the meaning of facial expressions, facial expressions, postures; rules of behavior in various situations, etc.). The collection has a chapter on games. It contains recommendations for games for preschool children. Slavnitsky's advice is psychologically substantiated and imbued with loving attitude to children.

At the beginning of the XVIII century. there was a rapid development and change in Russia under the influence of the reforms carried out by Peter I. One of the areas of reform is education. At this time, a large number of educational institutions were opened in Russia, a lot of scientific and educational literature(translated). A new civil alphabet was introduced. It printed books and the first newspapers. In 1701, a school of mathematical and navigational sciences for the lower strata was established in Moscow (Leonty Magnitsky). In 1715, the Naval Academy was created in St. Petersburg. In 1725, the Academy of Sciences was established with a university and gymnasiums. Preschool education at that time did not stand out as independent, but was carried out under the influence of general pedagogical branches.

Preschool education at that time did not stand out as independent, but was carried out under the influence of general pedagogical branches. Pedagogical ideas were expressed and published by the best representatives of that time. M.V. Lomonosov (1711-1765) was an encyclopedic scientist who was active in scientific and educational activities. Ivan Ivanovich Betskoy (1704-1795) is one of the most enlightened people of his time. He received his education abroad, mainly in France. From Catherine II he received the task of transforming the education system that existed in Russia. He was the founder of the Smolny Institute. Nikolai Ivanovich Novikov (1744-1818) - an educator who, among other things, was engaged in the publication of literature for children. In the field of pre-school education, his article on the upbringing of children "For the dissemination of general useful knowledge and the general well-being" occupies a significant place. This article formulates the rules for parents: "Do not extinguish the curiosity of your children, exercise children in the use of feelings (joy, emotions); beware of giving children false knowledge, it is much better not to know than to know incorrectly; do not teach children that they are by age cannot comprehend."

In 1763, the first educational house was opened in Russia. It accommodated children from 2 to 14 years old. They were divided into groups: from 2 to 7; from 7 to 11; from 11 to 14 years old. Until the age of 2, children were brought up by nurses. Children of the first group were brought up in games and labor affairs: the boys were taught gardening and gardening; girls - housework and housekeeping.

1.2 Preschool education of the period of the XIX - early XX centuries. in Russia

The theory of such a complex, changeable object as a single process of upbringing and education of a child of early and preschool age does not appear suddenly. It is the result of a long historical experience. Each subsequent stage of its development involves a critical assimilation of the ideas of the past. But not each of the periods of history was equally fruitful for the theory of preschool pedagogy. It developed most intensively where and when the struggle of various directions and currents of pedagogical thought was accompanied by the accumulation of new knowledge about the realities of the unified process of upbringing and education of children of early and preschool age and its patterns, which constitute the enduring values ​​of pedagogical science. The end of the 19th - the beginning of the 20th centuries also belongs to such periods. in Russia.

At the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. progressive Russian teachers subjected to a radical revision of all aspects of education before school, its content, forms and methods. At that time, new educational systems were created that excluded the passivity and pedagogical neglect of the child, stimulated his activity and amateur performance. Separate preschool institutions and educators, advanced for that time, made attempts to construct the pedagogical process in such a way that it would provide conditions for the general development of all aspects of the child's psyche. Experimental studies of the influence of upbringing and education on the formation of the personality of a child of early and preschool age were carried out.

On this basis, the theory of preschool pedagogy developed. However, the history of its formation and development is still insufficiently studied.

This situation is due to the fact that during the period of intensive formation of this branch of pedagogical science, theoretical and methodological issues naturally came to the fore. The task of studying the distance traveled has not yet been set. A brief outline of the development of the ideas of preschool education in post-reform Russia was included by P.F. Kapterev in "The History of Russian Pedagogy" (St. Petersburg, 1909; 2nd ed., 1915). He carefully selected and analyzed the facts and ideas that everything progressive in the upbringing and education of children was achieved as a result of a public initiative. Not the state and not the church, but only society itself can influence, manage and direct education. No one, except parents, is most interested in the proper upbringing and education of their children. Passion for evidence of the existence of a social period in the development of domestic pedagogy did not allow P.F. Kapterev to evaluate the contribution of V.M. Bekhtereva, M.M. Manaseina, I.A. Sikorsky and many other Russian scientists in the development of preschool pedagogy. In addition, they were all contemporaries of P.F. Kapterev and the concepts of preschool education that they developed were perceived as a reality of the present. The period of their critical analysis has not yet come. This was to be done in the future.

In the context of many other issues, a historical view on the development of the theory of preschool pedagogy was presented to one degree or another in a number of general guidelines on preschool education (P.P. Blonsky, E.N. Vodovozova). However, in these works it was mainly about the development of world scientific thought, and very little attention was paid to the domestic science of preschool childhood.

After the October Revolution of 1917, all science, including the history of preschool pedagogy, began to develop on a new methodological (Marxist) basis. The value of pre-revolutionary experience was called into question. The initiator of the development of historical and pedagogical research on the new methodological basis became N.D. Vinogradov. The teacher first of all defined the attitude to the term "preschool". In a broad sense, the term "preschool" means the entire period child development from birth to school entry. In a narrow sense - an era in a child's life, starting from about 3 to 7 years. The author adhered to the second position, explaining that from the age of 3, children can develop more comfortably and more productively in a collective existence. Indeed, the word "preschool" at different times had an ambiguous meaning. But it always referred to the age that is most receptive to educational influences. In pre-revolutionary Russia, preschool age included children from birth to 10-11 years old, who were brought up and educated in a family, private boarding schools and other institutions before entering a gymnasium. Sign of collectivity N.D. Vinogradov recognized as the main one in the discussion of all the problems of preschool pedagogy. This approach narrowed the object and subject field of research in the field of the history of preschool pedagogy.

In the 30s of the XX century, the works of L.I. Krasnogorskaya, which covered the issues of the formation of public preschool education before October and in the first decades after the revolution from positions corresponding to the conjuncture of that time. Nevertheless, her historical essays, written by an eyewitness and a participant in the pedagogical process, contained rich factual material and served as a source for researchers.

The issues of the history of Russian preschool pedagogy of the pre-revolutionary period were most intensively studied in the 40-50s of the XX century (V.A. Veikshan, B.E. Kulagin, E.N. Medynsky, E.K. Sukhenko, O.A. Frolova, I.V. Chuvashev and others). This was caused by the need to understand the heritage of the past, to understand the essence of the theory of preschool pedagogy of the late XIX - early XX centuries, which in the early years of Soviet power continued to influence the development of the Soviet system of preschool education.

A significant contribution to the creation of the history of Russian preschool pedagogy was made by I.V. Chuvashev. His research covers the history of the issue from ancient times to 1917. The author paid the main attention to the analysis of preschool education in Russia in the second half of the 19th century. and at the beginning of the 20th century. (of the six chapters of the doctoral dissertation, four are devoted to this issue). He noted that the process of separating preschool pedagogy into a special branch took place gradually. Having unfolded in the 19th century, it ended by the beginning of the 20th century, when Russian preschool pedagogy turned into an independent field that studies the theory and practice of social and family education of preschool children.

Research results I.V. Chuvashev provide an opportunity to get a general idea of ​​the development of Russian preschool pedagogy until 1917, the struggle of various social groups and parties to justify the need for public education of preschool children, the main types of preschool institutions of that time and the content of their work. At the same time, the development of the theory of preschool pedagogy of that time remains largely unclear. In the study, much attention is paid to issues of a general pedagogical nature to the detriment of issues of preschool pedagogy proper. Developing its own original concepts, preschool pedagogy was enriched not only with general pedagogical ideas, but also with ideas of sciences related to pedagogy.

However, the work of I.V. Chuvashev, we owe the idea of ​​the pre-revolutionary period in the development of preschool pedagogy, not only contradictory, but rich, fruitful progressive ideas, in some cases have not lost their significance to this day. His research presented to scientists both the qualities of source and research. It objectively prepared favorable opportunities for historical and pedagogical research on certain issues of preschool pedagogy in subsequent decades.

In the 60-80s of the XX century, such well-known scientists as N.K. Goncharov, M.G. Danilchenko, S.F. Egorov, F.F. Korolev, P.A. Lebedev, A.V. Plekhanov, V.Z. Smirnov, I.A. Frenkel and others. Their works highlighted the pedagogical views of K.D. Ushinsky, L.N. Tolstoy, P.F. Lesgaft, A.S. Simonovich, K.N. Wentzel, P.P. Blonsky, P.F. Kaptereva and others. At the same time, these works did not fully reveal the contribution of these teachers to the theory of preschool pedagogy. However, these studies contributed to the reassessment of the pre-revolutionary pedagogical heritage. The significance of many undeservedly forgotten teachers in the history of Russian pedagogical thought was restored. Their views have found a worthy place in pedagogical science.

In the first half of the XIX century. a number of public figures, representatives of culture and teachers appeared in Russia, each of whom contributed to the development of pedagogy in general and preschool pedagogy in particular. Belinsky (1811-1848) - outlined age periodization(from birth to 3 years - infancy; from 3 to 7 years - childhood; from 7 to 14 - adolescence). He was a supporter of family education and assigned a large role in the upbringing of a preschooler to his mother. Pirogov (1810-1881) attached great importance to the role of the mother in the upbringing of preschool children. He spoke about the need for pedagogical training of mothers. He believed that play plays an important role in the development of preschool children.

In 1832, a small experimental school for young children was opened at the Gatchina Orphanage. They were there all day - eating, drinking, kids playing games, mostly in the air; the elders were taught to read, write, count and sing. significant place in the daily routine was devoted to stories and conversations. The school did not last long, but showed the success of such activities with preschool children. Ushinsky and Odoevsky spoke positively about the activities of the school.

In Russia in the 60s. 19th century the first kindergartens began to open. They worked according to F. Fröbel's system, but some developed their own methodological ideas. Kindergartens were paid, private. In 1866-1869. a special pedagogical magazine "Kindergarten" was published. Its editors are A.S. Simonovich and L.M. Simonovich.A.S. Simonovich opened several kindergartens. One of them existed in St. Petersburg from 1866 to 1869. At the same time, the first free garden for the children of working women in St. Petersburg was opened. Unfortunately, despite the positive experience, the gardens did not last long. Shelters and educational gardens. In a word, the practice of preschool education in Russia developed slowly, while the theory and methodology developed much more intensively. Simonovich (1840-1933), on the basis of her pedagogical activity, developed some pedagogical and methodological approaches to the organization of preschool education. She believed that until the age of 3, a child should be brought up in a family, but further education should go outside the family, since he needs comrades, peers for games and activities. Children must be in kindergarten from 3 to 7 years old. The purpose of kindergartens is the physical, mental, moral education of preschool children, their preparation for school. Simonovich also believed that the work of educators in kindergartens and in individual education should be carried out methodically and consistently. She attached great importance to the personality of the educators: "The energetic, tireless, inventive teacher gives the kindergarten a fresh color and supports the inexhaustible, cheerful activity of children in it."

At the end of the XIX-beginning of the XX centuries. the number of preschool institutions intended for children from poor families began to gradually increase: factory nurseries; public kindergartens. They appeared mainly in cities with developed industry, where parents were employed in production. In folk kindergartens, there were up to 50 children per teacher, and the groups were of different ages. Children were in kindergartens from 6 to 8 hours. Despite poor funding, organizational and methodological difficulties, some teachers were engaged in the search and testing of effective programs, methods, materials, and the best forms of organizing work with children. Thus, practical experience was gradually accumulated in the social education of preschool children. Paid kindergartens for children of wealthy parents continued to appear. In paid schools, there was a higher level of organization of the upbringing of children. In 1900, the first kindergarten for deaf and dumb children appeared in Moscow. Later, in 1902-1904, similar establishments were opened in St. Petersburg and Kyiv. Before the revolution, according to approximate data, there were 250 paid kindergartens and about 30 free kindergartens in Russia. Although public preschool education developed slowly, it nevertheless stimulated domestic pedagogy. A certain contribution to this section of pedagogical science was made by Petr Frankovich Lesgaft, Petr Fedorovich Kapterov, Karl Nikolaevich Wentzel. P.F. Lesgaft (1837-1909) was a prominent anatomist, biologist, and teacher. In his book "Family Education and Its Significance," he outlined his views on the development of the preschooler. He believed that "kindergarten should be like a family."

Understanding the enormous responsibility of pedagogical work, P.F. Lesgaft as N.I. Pirogov, P.F. Kapterev, I.A. Sikorsky and others, urges teachers to treat him consciously, carefully, since in the vast majority of cases it is not the hereditary characteristics of the child, but incorrectly chosen methods of education that can cause him irreparable harm in the moral and mental sphere. P.F. Lesgaft requires teachers to clearly represent not only all the links educational process, but also their interrelations with each other: the goals, means and results of their application, that is, to understand the essence of the changes that occur in the child as a subject of education. Such an awareness of P.F. Lesgaft calls psychological analysis. He reveals its essence in one of the reports, in which he points out that the gymnastics teacher "should explain well to himself the meaning of all the exercises assigned to him, their sequence, connection and purpose ..., be also well acquainted not only with the physical, but also with the mental qualities of his student and must be able to produce, like every thinking teacher, psychological analysis abilities of the student, to whom he explains all the actions. "Linking the goal of education with the knowledge of the child, P.F. Lesgaft calls: "It is necessary to have an accurate and definite knowledge of the meaning of one's business, knowledge of one's student and the ability to analyze it." "It is necessary that the teacher be in able to determine the degree of development and understanding of his student and find out the influence of his explanations on him, "writes P.F. Lesgaft, requiring the educator to evaluate the results of his influences on the child. The educator must not only remember the goal that he pursues with his actions, but and understand whether it achieves this goal.

A prominent scientist and practitioner who devoted her whole life to preschool education was E.I. Tikheeva (1866-1944). She created the original theory of preschool education. The main ideas of this theory are: continuity of education in kindergarten, family, school; a special place in the methodology for the development of speech of a preschooler. Luiza Yarkovna Shlyager (1863-1942) - theorist and practitioner of preschool pedagogy - also wrote works on preschool education: "Materials for conversations with young children", " Practical work in kindergarten". Yulia Ivanovna Bautsel, a follower of the ideas of M. Montessori, was engaged in the practical implementation of these ideas in the activities of kindergartens in Russia.

1.3 Experience in organizing preschool education in the Soviet period of Russia's development

In the 19th century in Russia, the creation of an education system focused on the best Western traditions continues. Domestic pedagogy is developing on the basis of Western pedagogical ideas. However, from the second quarter of the XIX century. serious attempts are being made to identify and substantiate the original features of Russian pedagogy, to reveal its unique character. In the process of development and reform of education in the XIX century. three periods can be distinguished: from the beginning of the century to 1824, 1825 - the beginning of the 1860s, 1860 - 1890s.

Start state system preschool education in our country was established after the adoption on November 20, 1917 of the "Declaration on Preschool Education". This document defined the principles of Soviet preschool education: free and accessible public education of preschool children. In 1918, a special preschool department was organized under the People's Commissariat for Education. At the same time, departments were opened in vocational pedagogical schools for the training of kindergarten teachers. A preschool institute (research institute) began its work under the leadership of Konstantin Ivanovich Kornilov.K.I. Kornilov (1879-1957) was a staunch supporter of public education. He owns the works: "Public education of proletarian children", "Essay on the psychology of a child of preschool age", "Methodology for the study of a child of early age". These works had great importance in the development of problems of preschool pedagogy, they were very popular. At this time, a museum on preschool education was created. The initiator was Evgeny Abramovich Arkin (1873-1948). E.A. Arkin did a lot of work on the study of the anatomical and physiological characteristics of a preschooler. His fundamental work "Preschool age, its features and hygiene" (1921) became an excellent guide for children's doctors and educators. E.A. Arkin advocated a close connection between physiology and psychology: "He who does not know physiology will not know psychology, and vice versa."

In 1921-1940. there has been a significant increase in the number of preschool institutions. Gardens and hearths began to move to an 11-12-hour working day. Children's rooms were organized at house administrations, where mothers could bring their children in the evening. Summer playgrounds were opened in the villages. A significant number of kindergartens have become departmental. They were opened on the basis of large enterprises and industries. The targeted training of personnel has been strengthened. An idea of ​​the growth in the number of children in kindergartens can be obtained from the following table No. 1.

Table No. 1

The weak point in the activities of preschool institutions was the determination of the content of education for preschoolers (development of educational programs). In 1937, the first attempt was made to develop a draft program in preschool institutions. In the first part, the main types of activity were determined (socio-political, labor and physical education, musical and visual classes, mathematics, and literacy). In the second part, recommendations were given on the basics of planning activities through "Organizing Moments".

In 1938, the charter of preschool institutions and program and methodological instructions were developed under the title "Guidelines for Kindergarten Teachers." It included 7 sections.

Physical education.

The development of speech.


Modeling and classes with other materials.

Music lessons.

Acquaintance with nature and development of initial mathematical knowledge.

The war interrupted the development of preschool pedagogy and the formation of preschool education. Nevertheless, in 1944 a new charter and a new guide for educators were adopted. A significant improvement to this guide was that children's activities were listed according to age groups. After the war, the development of the system of public preschool education continued, which, according to the thoughts of communist ideologists, was supposed to replace family education. There was a significant increase in preschool institutions. Table 2 gives an idea of ​​development.

Table number 2.

In 1954, a reprint of the guide for educators took place, and intensive work continued on the creation of a program-methodological approach to education. A great merit in this belongs to Alexandra Platonovna Usova (1888-1965). Her methodical works "Classes in kindergarten", "Education in kindergarten" were especially famous. Of great importance for the development of preschool education in the USSR was the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted on May 21, 1959 "On measures for the further development of preschool institutions, improving the education and medical care of preschool children." The resolution provided for a whole system of measures of a material and pedagogical nature. In pursuance of this resolution, the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR approved in 1960 the "Temporary Regulations on the Preschool Kindergarten". The regulation stated that the nursery-kindergartens were created with the aim of "implementing a unified system of communist education of children of preschool age." Children from two months to seven years old are brought up in the nursery-gardens. These children's institutions can be created both in the system of public education bodies and at enterprises, institutions, collective farms and other organizations. Control over the selection of leaders and teaching staff is carried out by public education bodies. This was due to the need to improve the organization of the work of preschool institutions and, in particular, to establish continuity in the education of children of early and preschool age. The significance of the development of institutions of preschool education was emphasized in the Program of the CPSU, which stated: "The communist system of public education is based on the public education of children. The educational influence of the family on children should be more and more organically combined with their public education." In the early 60s, a comprehensive program "Education in kindergarten" was created. As a result of the improvement of this program, the program "Education and Education in Kindergarten" was created, which became the only mandatory document in the work of preschool institutions in the country.

Leading research institutes of preschool education of the Academy of Pedagogical Education of the USSR and leading departments of preschool pedagogy worked on the program. And in 1978, after making the next changes, the program was called Model.

It lasted until 1984, when it was replaced by the Model Kindergarten Education and Training Program. Table No. 3 gives an idea of ​​the growth in the number of kindergartens and the number of children employed in the system of preschool education.

Table number 3.

From the mid 1980s. radical changes have taken place in our country in all aspects of society, including in the education system. These changes are both positive and negative.

In 1983 the Law on Education was passed. It formulates new principles of state policy in the field of education, fixes the rights of teachers, parents, students and preschoolers in this area. The law approved the right of teachers to freely choose the content of education and its methodological research. He formulated the principles of the diversity of types of preschool institutions (kindergartens with priority implementation, kindergartens of a compensated type, kindergartens-school, etc.). The law enshrines the right of parents to choose an educational institution.

Since the 1980s, many comprehensive and partial educational programs have been created and tested. Intensive work has been done to develop methodological programs. At the same time, a negative trend was observed in the system of preschool education: a decrease in the number of children's institutions and the number of children in them.

In connection with the reform of the education system on the threshold of the 80s-90s, the "Concept of preschool education" arose. It outlines four basic principles that are fundamental for expert assessments of preschool education in Russia: humanization - the education of a humanistic orientation of the personality of a preschooler, the foundations of citizenship, hard work, respect for human rights and freedoms, love for family, Motherland, nature; the developing nature of education - focusing on the personality of the child, preserving and strengthening his health, setting on mastering the ways of thinking and activity, speech development differentiation and individualization of education and training - the development of the child in accordance with his inclinations, interests, abilities and capabilities; de-ideologization of preschool education - the priority of universal human values, the rejection of the ideological orientation of the content of the educational programs of the kindergarten.

In 1989 a new "Concept of preschool education" was adopted (authors - V.V. Davydov, V.A. Petrovsky and others), in which the idea of ​​the need for fundamental changes in the system of preschool education was declared. The document was approved by the State Committee for Public Education of the USSR - the central body directing and regulating the work of all educational institutions in the country at that time, approved by the Congress of Public Education Workers. The implementation of this concept required the creation of a legal framework. The existence of a unified state program ("The Program of Education and Education in Kindergarten" edited by M.A. Vasilyeva) and the system of financing preschool education that was established at that time did not allow the authors of the Concept to formulate specific recommendations for the implementation of the intended goals.

In 1990, the enrollment of children in pre-school education institutions in the Russian Federation was approximately 70%. At the same time, about 1 million parents' applications for admission of children to kindergarten were unsatisfied. In addition, a powerful infrastructure was created in the form of an industry that produced children's clothing, books, toys and other necessary equipment. And, what is very important, a serious scientific (medical, pedagogical and psychological) support for preschool education was established. All these factors, including the last one, played their decisive role at the beginning of perestroika, when domestic education, in principle, turned out to be quite ready for the meaningful implementation of a long overdue reform.

In 1991, the "Temporary regulation on preschool institutions", which defined as the main functions of the preschool educational institution the protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children, ensuring their intellectual and personal development, caring for the emotional well-being of each child. Adopted in 1992, the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" determined the legal status of preschool educational institutions, their functions and responsibilities.

The last 10-15 years have brought radical changes to the system of public preschool education. The standard program was replaced by variable ones, the unified "kindergarten" was replaced by different types and types of preschool institutions. Preschool educational institutions today officially work on complex basic, partial, special educational programs. In addition, in accordance with Appendix 3 to the order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of August 22, 1996 No. 448, 3 categories and 6 types of preschool educational institutions are "registered" in the Russian educational space. The search and independent choice of specific forms of educational work has become the norm for teachers. The innovative movement in preschool education is not inferior in scale to the school one. However, by the end of 2004, the enrollment rate in pre-school institutions was already 59% on average.

Taking into account the fact that in Russia, during this period of time, more than a third of young families with a child were not provided with preschool institutions, preparing parents for the basics of family preschool education became one of the most important tasks of youth family policy.

The "Temporary regulation on a preschool institution", adopted in 1991 by a resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR, made it possible for each preschool institution to choose from the available training and education programs, make their own additions to it, create author's programs, and use various forms of work. The document noted that the program, as a mandatory document for all preschool institutions, inevitably leads to the uniformity of the forms, content and methods of the pedagogical process, does not take into account the individual characteristics of children.

The "Model Regulations on a Preschool Educational Institution", approved in 1995 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 677 dated July 1, 1995, secured this right. A preschool educational institution has now become independent in choosing a program from a set of variable programs recommended by state educational authorities, making changes to them, as well as in developing their own (author's) programs in accordance with the requirements of the State Educational Standard: "The content of the educational process in a preschool educational institution is determined by the program of preschool education. A preschool educational institution is independent in choosing a program from a set of variable programs recommended by state educational authorities, making changes to them, as well as developing its own (author's) programs in accordance with the requirements of the state educational standard "(Section II. Organization of activities preschool educational institution, paragraph 19).

The change in the legal framework entailed the need to prepare a variety of programs that, along with the Model, could be used in the practice of preschool education.

The first program developed by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and recommended for use was the "Rainbow" program (1993-1995), which was developed by the team of authors of the preschool education laboratory of the Research Institute of General Education under the direction of T.N. Doronova (Moscow). The "Rainbow" program has passed a wide experimental approbation.

In the second half of the 1990s. the process of preparation and publication of variable programs of preschool education is actively going on:

) serious scientists or large scientific teams (for many years they have tested experimental programs in practice);

) teams of preschool educational institutions in collaboration with qualified methodologists, as well as creative, initiative teachers in all regions of Russia (they created their own programs).

In accordance with the official document "On the software and methodological support of preschool education - in the context of development pedagogy" (Instructive and methodological letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated March 24, 1995 No. 42 / 19-15 signed by Deputy Minister of Education of the Russian Federation A.G. Asmolov) the following programs received the stamp "Recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation" (see Appendix.):

A. Comprehensive programs:

"Rainbow" - developed by the staff of the laboratory of preschool education of the Research Institute of General Education, head T.N. Doronova;

"Development", "Gifted Child" - developed by a team of researchers from the Children's Center L.A. Venger RAO;

"Golden Key" - developed by a team of teachers and psychologists under the leadership of G.G. Kravtsov.

B. Partial Programs

The educational and methodological package for the musical and aesthetic development of preschoolers, including the programs "Harmony", "Synthesis" and "Playing in the orchestra by ear", was developed by a team of teachers and psychologists, musicologists under the guidance of Doctor of Psychological Sciences K.V. Tarasova.

So, preschool education in Russia in the 1990s. began to be actively saturated with all sorts of programs, technologies and methods that claim to be alternative.

In the conditions of polyprogramming, it was important to ensure state control over the quality of preschool education, which would help protect the child from incompetent pedagogical influences, from unprofessionalism.

In order to protect the child from incompetent pedagogical influence in the context of the variability of education, the Ministry of Education of Russia in 1995 prepared a methodological letter "Recommendations for the examination of educational programs for preschool educational institutions of the Russian Federation" (Methodological letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated April 24, 1995 No. 46 / 19-15), where it was stated that complex and partial programs should be based on the principle of personality-oriented interaction between adults and children and should provide:

interaction with the family to ensure the full development of the child, see Appendix No. 1.

On the basis of the Recommendations given in this Methodological Letter, a state examination of preschool education programs was carried out. All programs that met the expert requirements received the stamp of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

Programs that have passed the state examination and received the stamp "Recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation" were analyzed and recommended for widespread implementation in the practice of preschool education in official regulatory documents:

Conclusions to the first chapter.

The formation and development of preschool education is a historical phenomenon and in Russia it was predetermined by a number of factors. In the historical aspect, these are, first of all, the features of the country's economic development, the degree of well-being of society. The socio-cultural aspect includes the openness of society and the family to innovations, the literacy of the population and the social activity of women. In the socio-pedagogical aspect, preschool education depends on the nature of the ideology of society, the level of development of pedagogical science and the education system.

The development of the content of preschool education was determined by a complex of political, socio-economic, cultural, psychological and pedagogical conditions. Between 1894 and 1905 traditional folk origins had a decisive influence on the content of preschool education. Russia throughout the entire pre-revolutionary period remained a deeply religious country with its own national characteristics. However, a specific feature of the manifestation of this trend was the combination of patriarchal pedagogical ideas with new economic phenomena.

At the stage from 1905 to 1914. the main factor in the development of preschool education was socio - economic. As a protest against the existing education system, a new trend in the development of the content of preschool education has taken shape, based on the ideas of the "free education theory". During the First World War (1914-1917), political and military events became the leading factor in the development of the content of preschool education. An analysis of the factors made it possible to identify the main stages in the development of the content of preschool education and substantiate their internal periodization. According to the paradigm approach, the main criterion for periodization was significant changes in the content of preschool education, the emergence and development of basic scientific schools, psychological and pedagogical concepts and trends in the development of the content of preschool education. Three stages are designated: the first - the search for the content of preschool education (from 1894 to 1905); the second - the program and methodological creativity of teachers (from 1905 to 1914); the third - scientific understanding of the content of preschool education (from 1914 to 1917) (table No. 4).

Table number 4.

Stages of development of the content of preschool education

from 1894 to 1905 from 1905 to 1914 from 1914 to 1917 The stage of searching for the content of preschool education The stage of program and methodological creativity of teachers The stage of scientific understanding of the content of preschool education

The analysis made it possible to establish that the main theoretical problems of preschool pedagogy in Russia at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. include general patterns and age-related features of development, mental and moral education of children of early and preschool age. These problems remained relevant throughout the entire period, occupied one of the main places in the works of the most prominent teachers of the end XIX - early XX centuries.

Late XIX - early XX centuries. in the development of domestic preschool pedagogy were characterized by a new level of interest in the ideas of classical pedagogy of the 60s. XIX century, to the work of N.I. Pirogov and K.D. Ushinsky as the most prominent exponents of these ideas, the desire to put the personality of a child of preschool age at the center of the pedagogical process. The problems of raising a child of an early age were the subject of pedagogical reflections of N.I. Pirogov. "Man as a subject of education" - this is how K.D. defined the content of pedagogy. Ushinsky. At the same time, he considered the upbringing and education of a person as a whole - at all ages. Gradually, this point of view was supplemented by the formula: "The child as an object of education" (L.N. Tolstoy), which did not contradict K.D. Ushinsky, but only supplemented his definition, emphasizing the exceptional importance of education at an early age. This approach became increasingly popular among educators in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

At the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. two directions of development of "free education" are designated: "the theory of free education" and "reasonable free education", but in mass practice there is a variety in the understanding and implementation of the principles of free education, which is explained by the complexity and dialectic of the theory itself. Since the mid 80s. a new stage of reforming preschool education began in the country, which made it possible to open a number of new, both public and private, preschool institutions, gave the right to work according to individual and alternative programs, and, to a certain extent, freed from formalism in work.

The experience and theoretical studies of leading teachers in the field of preschool education allow us to conclude that the system of preschool education should be based on taking into account the inherent value of each period of development of preschool education in Russia.

The process of formation and development trends of the content of preschool education in the chronological framework under consideration showed that it was evolutionary in nature, and a complex of political, socio-economic, cultural, psychological and pedagogical factors had a significant impact on its initial methodological positions.

Knowledge of the history of this process, which contains the experience of forecasting, can help choose the best ways to transfer preschool educational institutions to the "development mode".

Socio-political transformations in Russian society in the 1980s and 1990s led to serious changes in the education system in general and in its preschool level in particular.

These changes affected both organizational and content aspects of preschool education. As a result, the model program was replaced with variable programs, innovative versions of the software and scientific and methodological support for the activities of the preschool educational institution were widely used, the development of "through", integrated programs was carried out, new classes were included in the curriculum of the preschool educational institution ("Ecology", " Foreign language"and others :) and health-saving educational technologies, the psychological support of the educational process was intensified. In the 90s of the XX century, the development of the theory of the content of preschool education was based on the following principles: the humanization of the orientation of pedagogical work, which implies a focus on the personality of the child, the maximum disclosure of his inclinations and interests, abilities through the organization of various types of children's activities; recognizing personality-oriented education as a priority; focusing the content of education on the socialization of the child; creating a subject-spatial and social developmental environment; unity of universal and national values ​​in the content, forms and methods of work; continuity of preschool and primary education .

Chapter 2. Directions for the development of the modern system of preschool education in Russia

2.1 The current state of the organization of preschool education in Russia

The situation of children in Russia at the beginning of the 21st century is of great concern. The number of children left virtually without parental care has increased. Kindergarten gives the family the opportunity to work and live normally. The mass closure of kindergartens is a real social explosion, a complication of the lives of millions of parents with children of preschool age.

For many parents, the main argument in favor of visiting a kindergarten for their child is the fact that today the kindergarten provides free continuous education, high-quality preparation for school, as it has the necessary specialists and professional teachers for this.

In a preschool institution, the foundations of a healthy lifestyle are laid, since the conditions necessary for the physical, mental, spiritual, moral and social development of children have been created here.

Among the factors affecting the efficiency and quality of education of children in a preschool educational institution, an important role belongs to the educational program. It is a guideline for the creative activity of educators: it determines the content of the educational process in a preschool educational institution, reflects the ideological, scientific and methodological concept of preschool education, fixes its content in all major (comprehensive program) or one (several) areas (specialized, partial program) of child development . In accordance with the direction and level of implementation of the program, the type and category of preschool educational institutions are established.

In the thirteen years that have passed since the publication of the methodological letter "Recommendations for the examination of educational programs for preschool educational institutions of the Russian Federation" (i.e., for the period from 1995 to 2008), a lot has changed in the Russian education system.

I. New forms of organization of preschool education (not only preschool full day, but also groups of short-term stay of children at preschool educational institutions, child development support centers at educational institutions - preschool educational institutions and schools, etc.).

II. Currently, there is a development of pedagogical innovation - and in the field of preschool education as well.

Serious research teams, advanced educational institutions and individual creative teachers are developing a huge number of new programs, pedagogical technologies of various directions, and methods for preschool children.

II. The level of psychological and pedagogical literacy of parents has significantly increased. Their requirements for the education, upbringing and development of children in the preschool period of life have changed. Parents, grandparents wish to be active participants (subjects) of the pedagogical process in a preschool educational institution that their child attends; they are ready to participate in the implementation of the pre-school education program to the extent that this is provided for by it.

IV. Currently, parents are given the right to choose to independently determine the start time for their child's schooling - there is no hard limit of 6 or 7 years. As a result, some parents - supporters of the acceleration of child development - feel the need for intensive preparation of their child for schooling from the age of 6. The rest needs programs of education, upbringing and development of children up to 7 years of age.

V. Psychological testing when a child enters the 1st grade, which has been widespread for quite a long time, is currently prohibited by law.

In the first place is not the teaching of preschoolers to read, write, count, complex arithmetic, a foreign language, etc., but the formation of functional readiness for schooling, social maturity. IN last years a new term has come into use - "pre-school education".

This, in turn, requires the development and active introduction into pedagogical practice of education, development and upbringing programs designed specifically for children of preschool age (5-7 years old).

VI. The already difficult situation that has developed in the modern system of preschool education is further complicated by the fact that the State Educational Standard for Preschool Education has not yet been developed and approved.

The standard should be based on a scientifically verified strategy for the modernization of preschool education, which links together its social, organizational, financial, economic, program and methodological and other priorities, defining a well-thought-out program of action in the system of preschool education.

The changes that have taken place in the field of preschool education over the past 15 years have become extensive. They require the solution of particular problems laid down in the framework of the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for 2006-2010. This program is being successfully implemented. It remains to be hoped that by the end of 2010 in Russia:

the innovative system of preschool education will work successfully and competently as the first stage of general education;

equal starting opportunities for preschoolers will be given, which will improve their quality of education at subsequent levels of education;

there will be a cultural image of preschool age;

there will be a consolidation of the parent and educational community.

April 2010 V.V. Putin signed the Federal Law "On the Approval of the Federal Program for the Development of Education", which says about preschool education:

" Article 18. Pre-school education

Parents are the first teachers. They are obliged to lay the foundations for the physical, moral and intellectual development of the child's personality in early childhood.

Lost strength. - Federal Law of August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ.

For the upbringing of preschool children, the protection and strengthening of their physical and mental health, the development of individual abilities and the necessary correction of developmental disorders of these children, a network of preschool educational institutions operates to help the family.

Relations between a preschool educational institution and parents (legal representatives) are governed by an agreement between them, which cannot limit the rights of the parties established by law.

Local self-government bodies organize and coordinate methodological, diagnostic and advisory assistance to families raising preschool children at home.

The modern system of domestic preschool education is based on the principles of dynamism, variability of organizational forms, flexible response to the needs of society and the individual, is characterized by the emergence of new types of educational institutions for children, a variety of pedagogical services.

The emergence of new documents that free up the creative energy of educators, at the same time poses a rather responsible task for a preschool institution - to choose a program of work with children that can not only be successfully implemented by the teaching staff, but will also contribute to the effective development and education of children.

2.2 Differentiation of the content of preschool education at the present stage

The terms "individualization of learning", "differentiation of learning" are widely used in scientific pedagogical literature. These concepts are very close, have a common scope. However, neither concept completely absorbs the other.

Differentiation of learning, according to researchers, is taking into account the individual typological characteristics of a person in the form of grouping students and different construction of the learning process in selected groups. Both individualization and differentiation take into account the individual characteristics of children. The difference between these concepts is as follows: when individualizing, the characteristics of each child are taken into account, and when differentiating, groups of children are taken into account. We can say that individualization is the highest degree of differentiation.

As for the field of preschool education, here the issue of individualization and differentiation of education is to some extent declarative: the idea itself has been promoted for a long time, but the conditions for implementing a differentiated approach have not been worked out enough (both in the field of theory and practice). There are few scientific works devoted to this problem. This, for example, is the study by V. Shebeko, dedicated to the implementation of a differentiated approach in the process of physical education of preschoolers. Also this issue found its reflection in the works of M. Runova, M. Makhaneva, Y. Kovalchuk, T. Ivanova. It can be argued that the problem of individualization and differentiation of preschool education is one of the central psychological and pedagogical problems, which consists not in resolving the issue of the need for differentiation of preschool education as such, but in the absence of specific ways to implement it.

One of the factors affecting the success of the process of teaching preschool children is how clearly the teacher imagines the main characteristics of students - their ability to perceive material, remember, process and use it. In other words, in the process of teaching preschoolers, it is necessary to focus on the specifics of their cognitive processes. The development of ways and means of teaching should be inextricably linked with the study of those changes in the mental activity of students that are caused by pedagogical influence. This gives the teacher the opportunity to vary the presentation educational material according to the abilities and needs of the child.

The learning process in a simplified, schematic form is the process of perception and assimilation of the information offered to the child. In this regard, it seems necessary to us to pay attention to the individual characteristics of the perception of information by children of preschool age. Even N. Krupskaya, speaking about the peculiarities of the perception of reality by preschoolers and the assimilation of information about it, argued that the child needs to "feel every thing, smell it, do something over it a dozen times, examine it dozens of times, repeat its name a dozen times and etc. etc." This fact as a whole has always been taken into account in preschool pedagogy. But the question of the individual characteristics of children - which of them first of all needs to be heard, to whom - to smell and see, etc. has been little developed so far.

Among the factors affecting the efficiency and quality of education of children in a preschool educational institution, an important role belongs to the educational program. The modern differentiation of preschool education, the variety of types of preschool educational institutions suggest significant variability in the use of programs and pedagogical technologies. In accordance with paragraph 5 of Article 14 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", each educational institution is granted the right to independently develop or choose from a set of alternative programs those programs that most fully take into account the specific conditions of work of a preschool educational institution. In the context of the new educational policy of education variability, a number of domestic programs and pedagogical technologies of a new generation have been developed. All programs provide different approaches to the organization of the pedagogical process in kindergarten.

According to the model regulation on a preschool educational institution in paragraph 5, a closed list has now been established possible types preschool educational institutions, differentiated depending on the areas of activity being implemented, related to the need of pupils for certain services (health, intellectual, artistic and aesthetic, correctional, etc.).


· kindergarten of a general developmental type with the priority implementation of one or more areas of development of pupils (intellectual, artistic and aesthetic, physical, etc.):

· a compensatory type kindergarten with the priority implementation of a qualified correction of deviations in the physical and mental development of pupils;

· kindergarten supervision and rehabilitation with priority implementation of sanitary-hygienic, preventive and health-improving measures and procedures;

· a kindergarten of a combined type (a composition of a combined kindergarten may include general developmental, compensatory and recreational groups in various combinations);

· child development center - kindergarten with physical and mental development, correction and rehabilitation of all pupils.

The Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" secured the right of preschool institutions to work according to various programs. Appeal to student-centered pedagogy, a departure from strictly regulated forms of upbringing and education of children characterize the general trends in the restructuring of preschool education. The humanization of modern education is associated primarily with a change in attitude to education, in the center of which is the child, the formation of his subjectivity. The transition from the uniformity of types of preschool institutions to the creation of a flexible multifunctional system, including new types of state and non-state institutions, makes it possible to respond to the diverse educational needs of the population and satisfy them by providing broad educational services.

The restructuring of the education system is connected with overcoming difficulties. Renewal of pedagogical consciousness is a long, complicated and painful process. It is important that educators realize the significance of their social mission and direct their efforts towards the full-fledged upbringing and education of children, their psychological protection.

Teachers' awareness of the meaning of ongoing processes is to a large extent connected with their acceptance of the variability of education, the desire to update its content and technologies, and the understanding of those positions that impede a significant reform of the system.

The appearance of the "Concept of preschool education" marked the beginning of an intensive discussion of theoretical and applied issues related to updating the content of preschool education, approbation of new pedagogical technologies in wide practice, mastering new methods and forms of work by teachers. The development of innovative processes in domestic preschool education was reflected in the regulatory legal and program and methodological documents. Specialists of all levels of education management, methodological service, science and practice have participated and are participating in this work, creating a single educational space.

At present, Russia is developing a new system of preschool education, which is focused on entering the world educational space, on the social demand that has been formed in our society during the reform period.

In Russian preschool education, the principle of variability has been proclaimed today, which gives the teaching staff of preschool educational institutions the opportunity to choose and design the pedagogical process.

New educational technologies have been developed and put into practice, which are designed to make preschool education humane, protecting the interests and health of the child. It is this factor - health - that makes us today turn to personality-oriented technologies, which include the differentiation and individualization of the preschool educational process.

On the wave of democratization and humanization of education, there is an increase in the attention of theorists and practitioners of education to the idea of ​​differentiated and individualized education.

The basis of a differentiated approach is knowledge of the state of health of the child in the broadest sense of the word, including not only physical but also mental health, as well as social well-being and social adaptation of the child. In the learning process, it is necessary to keep in mind his temperament, intellect, memory, attention, perception, which manifest themselves in varying degrees and in various combinations, creating an integral property that determines the success of the entire pedagogical process. Educators and psychologists call this "learning , meaning by "learning an ensemble of intellectual properties of a person, on which, other things being equal, the success of training depends.

The key positions of modern preschool education can be considered as follows.

Protecting the mental and physical health of preschool children, creating the most comfortable conditions for children in preschool institutions and ensuring emotional well-being.

Humanization of ideas and principles of upbringing and educational work with children, expressed in a fundamentally different approach to the organization of learning activities in kindergarten, based on the leading activity of preschool children. Emancipation of the living conditions and activities of children and the work of educators, de-ideologization of the content of work with children.

Changing the conditions for the functioning and financing of preschool institutions. The introduction of innovative technologies for teaching and educating preschoolers, the creation of a psychological service in the system of public preschool education, expanding the range and improving the quality of educational services provided. Changing the nature of the training of teaching staff for work in preschool institutions of various types.

At the present stage, the ongoing changes in preschool educational institutions are due to their variability in a broad sense, the focus on meeting different needs. educational needs various social strata, state, society, survival in a competitive environment. It can be stated that preschool education in Russia is going through a stage of intensive reform and development. At the present stage of development of the preschool branch of the public education system, the main goal of the work of preschool institutions is to improve the quality of the educational services provided and create the most optimal conditions for the development of each child, revealing his potential, laying the foundations of a full-fledged personality. The development of pre-school education, both in traditional and non-traditional forms, will become one of the main tasks of the state for 2011-2015, said Andrey Fursenko, head of the Ministry of Education and Science.

2.3 Prospects for the development of preschool education in Russia

The main documents that set the target guidelines for the state educational policy are the Concept for the Modernization of Russian Education, Priority Directions for the Development of the Educational System of the Russian Federation until 2010.

Prerequisite general accessibility of high-quality general education - ensuring equal starting opportunities for children to study in primary school. Achieving the optimal level of development of each child of preschool age, which will allow him to be successful at school, is one of the priority tasks for the development of preschool education in the Russian Federation. Its solution is impossible without a flexible, multifunctional system of preschool education that ensures the constitutional right of every citizen of Russia to public and free preschool education.

The importance and significance of preschool education is due to the fact that only in a peer society, through well-organized specific types of children's activities - play, design, visual activity, observation and experimentation - a child of preschool age develops the basic personality traits (thinking, memory, attention, imagination and speech). ) which, in elementary school and at subsequent stages of education, allow him to successfully study in any program, assimilate any information.

In addition, the system of preschool education is considered today as one of the factors in strengthening and maintaining the health of children, as well as improving the demographic situation in the Russian Federation. From this point of view, an increase in the birth rate is not possible without providing the citizens of Russia, especially women, with firm social guarantees of the possibility of placing a small child in a preschool educational institution, so that a woman mother can, after the parental leave, in accordance with her desires return to full labor activity. To achieve the demographic objectives, the system of preschool education must become publicly available, and a place in a preschool educational institution must be provided to the child in real time.

According to the state program of the Russian Federation for the development of education, a whole range of problems has not yet been resolved, including: restoring the role of preschool education as the most important public level of the education system, whose activities are aimed at developing fundamental personality traits in children, spiritual and physical health, training to get a general and vocational education. The solution of this and other problems is supposed to be carried out within the framework of the State Program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education" for 2012-2020. Renovation of organizational and economic mechanisms at all levels of the education system will ensure its compliance with promising trends in economic development and social needs, increase the practical orientation of the industry, and its investment attractiveness. Increasing the flexibility and diversity of the forms of service provision of the preschool education system will provide support and better use of the educational potential of families.

The implementation of the State Program will be carried out in 2 stages:

stage: 2012-2015

stage: 2016-2020

One of the subprograms to be implemented under the Program:

Subprogram 1. Improving the availability and quality of preschool and general education.

Also, the federal law "On Education" is at the final stage of adoption. After several stages of professional and expert discussions, it reflects the main mechanisms for modernizing the education system.

The ongoing transformations in the system of preschool education are due to the objective need for an adequate change in social development and the development of the educational system, which is reflected in the awareness of the pedagogical community of the need for significant changes in the previous course of the functioning of the institution. The main mechanism for optimizing the development of the preschool education system is the search for and development of innovations that contribute to qualitative changes in the activities of a preschool educational institution (DOE), which is expressed in the transition of institutions to the development mode.

Today, we can confidently state the fact of the formal or meaningful transition of most preschool educational institutions to the search mode. This mode is transitional on the way to qualitative changes and the transfer of preschool educational institutions to the development mode. Another aspect is related to the qualitative features of this transition: to what extent the innovations implemented in the preschool educational institution correspond to the urgent needs and opportunities for its development, satisfy the interests and needs of children, parents, teachers, and contribute to the achievement of sustainable high development indicators. So the question of definition actual problems in the development of preschool education becomes the most important.

The analysis of existing concepts, projects and programs in the field of preschool education allows us to identify a number of basic trends in the development of the system (Table No. 5):

· humanization - determines the primacy of the personal development of subjects (parents, teachers, children), the centering of the educational process on the values ​​of human development, the orientation towards the comprehensive and harmonious development of the personality, the transfer of the subject to the position of self-managed development in the process of revealing essential forces. The humanization of education is a process aimed at the development of the individual as a subject of creative activity, which "constitutes and the most important characteristic way of life of teachers and pupils, which involves the establishment of truly human (humane) relations between them in the pedagogical process "and is a key component of the new pedagogical thinking, focused around the idea of ​​personality development. The leading direction in the humanization of education is considered to be "self-determination personality in culture", its familiarization with national-cultural traditions enriched with the human content of humanization - increased attention to the personality of each child as the highest social value of society, setting on the formation of a citizen with high intellectual, moral and physical qualities;

· democratization is associated with the expansion of the rights and powers of the participants in the educational process, the focus on meeting the individual needs and requests of the subjects. This involves the creation of prerequisites for the development of activity, initiative and creativity of pupils and teachers, their interested interaction, as well as broad public participation in the management of preschool education;

· diversification is defined as a necessary and sufficient variety of types and types of institutions, educational services and approaches to their implementation in order to meet the diverse and versatile needs of participants in the educational process in a preschool educational institution.

Table number 5.

Modern trends in the development of preschool education

The projection of the identified foundations on the educational process in a preschool educational institution presents all its subsystems in a new way.

In this regard, a number of basic principles appear that ensure the implementation of these areas in the development process of the preschool educational institution and its participants:

the principle of human conformity (the unity of culture and nature conformity);

the principle of the integrity of the pedagogical process and the complexity of goals;

the principle of activity and equal partnership in the pedagogical interaction of all subjects of the pedagogical process.

The modernization of the management of a preschool educational institution is associated with a variety of types and management technologies that provide a comprehensive and comprehensive impact of the management system on the managed system of preschool educational institutions within the framework of motivational and program-targeted approaches, motivational program-targeted management, co-management, reflexive management and self-government. The indicators of the qualitative transformation of the management of preschool educational institutions are, first of all, the new principles:

democratization and humanization;

consistency and integrity of management;


interconnections and separation of strategic, tactical and operational levels of management and their respective types of management (traditional, reflexive, self-management);

unity of command and collegiality;

objectivity and completeness of information in making managerial decisions.

At the present stage, there are a number of problems in the development of the innovation process in preschool educational institutions, in particular, such as:

· combining innovative programs with existing ones in preschool educational institutions;

· the split of the pedagogical community and the coexistence of representatives of various pedagogical concepts;

· non-compliance of new types of preschool educational institutions with the expectations and requirements of parents;

· the need for new scientific and methodological support for ongoing educational activities;

· the need for new teaching staff;

· adaptation of innovations to new conditions;

· the problem of changing, optimizing, replacing innovations, the ability to get rid of outdated, pedagogically inappropriate in time;

· the problem of the reproduction of innovation and the formation of conditions conducive to this.

Based on the analysis of existing concepts for the development of preschool education, the leading areas of innovation in preschool education include the assertion of humane subject-subject relations, the development of creative abilities, the intellectual powers of children; individual creative development the personality of the child; development of communication between practitioners and researchers in the field of innovation.

The change in the paradigm settings of modern education makes it possible to consider the development of a child as a process of his self-development, where education is a form of mental development of a preschooler, and development standards are transformed into an understanding of development as a norm (V.T. Kudryavtsev, 1999).

In 1919, the first Waldorf school opened in Stuttgart. In Russia, Waldorf schools and kindergartens appeared only in the late 80s and early 90s. On the initiative of one mother of many children, in 1987 a home kindergarten was established. And in 1991, a seminar was opened in Moscow to train Waldorf kindergarten teachers. At the same time, the first schools began to open in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yaroslavl, Samara and other cities. Currently, there are about 30 Waldorf schools and 60 kindergartens in our country. Kindergarten teachers have united in the Commonwealth. Only those who have been trained and successfully led the group for several years can become full members of this association.

Fundamental to preschool Waldorf pedagogy is the proposition that childhood is a unique period in a person's life, which faces its own special tasks. This age cannot be approached with the assessments and goals that are inherent in the later stages of the child's development. It is extremely important to allow the forms, ways of life and activities of children that are characteristic of this particular age to open up with the greatest fullness. Therefore, Waldorf pedagogy rejects those forms of work with kids and influence on them that seek to "accelerate" development. This concerns, first of all, various programs of intellectual training, early learning to write and read, designed to accelerate the development of children. Supporters of Waldorf pedagogy proceed from the premise that the development of the intellect should be included in the overall development of the personality - primarily psychosomatic, emotional, social and practical. The main principles of the Waldorf kindergarten:

· creating an atmosphere conducive to development;

· education through imitation and example;

· cultivation of diverse forms of gaming activity;

· creating a space conducive to the development of free play;

· organization of a healthy rhythm of group life;

· classes in various types of labor activity ("pedagogy of the hand") and various arts (painting, music, modeling, eurythmy)

All of the above provisions are not separate parts of the "program" of the kindergarten or methodological "techniques", but represent a single organic whole. The life of the group is more like the life of a large, friendly family than the work of an "educational institution".

Beginning in 1992, it became possible in Russia to create a network of Orthodox-oriented preschool institutions with the aim of educating children on the values ​​of Orthodoxy, the foundations of which should be laid from the earliest preschool age. This is of great importance in preparing a child for admission to Orthodox educational institutions: gymnasiums, progymnasiums and lyceums, to ensure continuity in matters of upbringing and education.

In a relatively short period of time, Orthodox preschool education has come a long way, reflecting the search for different approaches to the organization, forms and content of preschool institutions and groups of this profile.

The main directions of the system of Orthodox education of children of early and preschool age are: spiritual and moral education in state and municipal preschool institutions; development of a network of Orthodox preschool groups and kindergartens; the formation of social rehabilitation institutions that use spiritual and moral education as a means of correcting the development and behavior of preschool children; the revival of the traditions of Orthodox family education and the way of the family.

In most of the dioceses of the Russian Orthodox Church, church kindergartens and Orthodox groups are open: in each of the 130 dioceses today there are from 2 to 15 such institutions. On the basis of state and municipal institutions, groups with an Orthodox orientation are being created, and the network of institutions with an ethno-cultural component is expanding. In a number of children's institutions, circles and elective courses on questions of Christian culture appeared.

Accordingly, the main trends in the development of preschool education are associated with the installation of a full-fledged space for the development of the child and the organization of comprehensive support for the individual development of preschool children. A rich and safe life, eventfulness, connectedness of an adult and a child in the educational process, the priority of developing and educational tasks in preschool educational institutions contribute to the favorable socialization of children and lay the basic competencies of a preschooler in mastering the world and appropriating culture.

Conclusions to the second chapter

Forecasting the development of any centrally controlled area of ​​activity makes sense only in relation to certain managerial steps or initiatives. In this case, the project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation "On priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation" acts as such an initiative. One of the central points of these directions is the inclusion in the system of general education of another level, designed for children 5-7 years old.

The last decade has brought radical changes to the system of public preschool education. The standard program was replaced by variable ones, the unified "kindergarten" was replaced by different types and types of preschool institutions (DOE). Preschool educational institutions today officially work on 12 comprehensive basic, 25 partial, 2 special (for children with speech disorders) educational programs. In addition, in accordance with Appendix 3 to the order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of August 22, 1996 No. 448, 3 categories and 6 types of preschool educational institutions are "registered" in the Russian educational space. The search and independent choice of specific forms of educational work has become the norm for teachers. The innovation movement in preschool education is not inferior in scale to school innovations. However, at the end of 2004, the enrollment rate in preschool institutions averaged already 59%. At the same time, only 55% of 5-year-old children attend kindergartens.

Recall that by the time of the reform of domestic education in the early 90s, three relatively independent systems had developed in all its links: the system of public education of preschool children, the system of general secondary education and the system of vocational education. All three systems fully corresponded to the signs of systemicity - they included: a set of standard educational and educational programs, clear regulatory requirements for each level and type of education, a network of educational institutions of various types, educational authorities and institutions and organizations subordinate to them. In their totality, they constituted the education system of the USSR. As for the innovation movement, on its own initial stage it necessarily destroyed the established system, advancing education to new frontiers.

Let us consider the most general types of these innovative changes in relation to different levels of organization of the preschool educational system.

At the social level, this is, first of all, the transformation of the status of the once unified "public preschool education" into a very heterogeneous institution - "preschool education". This Institute was able to selectively meet the educational (and non-educational) needs of different segments of the population. The network of non-state preschool educational institutions was intensively developing, preschool education was turning into an open system, which could now quickly respond to the requests of parents and the general education school.

At the financial and economic level, this is the actual curtailment of support for the preschool educational system from the federal budget, the delegation of responsibility to regional and local budgets, the emergence of multi-channel financing, and an increase in the number of paid educational services.

At the organizational level, this is the replacement of a unified "kindergarten" with different types and types of preschool institutions (DOE), these are attempts to ensure the continuity of preschool and general secondary education through the creation of educational complexes "School - Kindergarten", "Development Centers", opening preschool groups based on schools, etc.

At the program-methodical level, this is the replacement of the standard program with variable ones, the widespread use of innovative options for software, organizational management and scientific and methodological support for the activities of the preschool educational institution, the inclusion of new classes in the curriculum ("grid") of the preschool educational institution ("Ecology", "Foreign language", etc. .), development of "through", integrated programs and health-saving educational technologies, intensification of psychological support of the educational process.

Thus, the changes that have taken place in the field of preschool education over the past 15 years have become extensive and largely irreversible. However, we can safely state that all this has not yet led to the structuring of the system of preschool education, to its reasonable reorganization into a new system of preschool education.

In our opinion, this is the point of growth where a meaningful reformist step is possible. The only question remains - can the Project of the Main Directions for the Development of Russian Education proposed by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, which sets the task of turning preschool education into a full-fledged stage of an integral education system (which is partially determined by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education"), be such a step? And does this Project imply the fundamental preservation of the socio-cultural and psychological specificity and identity of preschool childhood?

Changing the status of preschool education is a global trend. Russia has the advantage here that preschool institutions, with the exception of nurseries, have been under the jurisdiction of educational authorities for many decades, and not, say, social protection or health authorities.

From this point of view, the proposed Project of Priority Directions for the Development of Russian Education (in terms of the reform of the preschool educational system) may be a useful innovation. Here, for the first time and finally, an attempt is made to transform the once unified system of "public preschool education", which today has turned into a loose set of preschool educational institutions with many no less loose forms of educational activity, into a genuine system of preschool education, as the initial, full and integral stage of general education. And that means - guaranteed by the state (at the level of regional and municipal authorities (isn't it better - and federal?)) For the child population of the country aged 5 to 7 years. This means the actual recognition that a child of preschool age (and earlier ages) needs not only care and guardianship, but also education, training, and development.

However, this, as we believe - for the time being, political decision, if it is professionally illiterate and even just behind the scenes and hastily implemented, is fraught with negative consequences. Moreover, if we keep in mind the established tradition, according to which reforms are carried out not through gradual, cautious trials, but at the same time - with global coverage, and the mistakes made are not recognized and not corrected, then all these consequences will certainly turn out to be irreversible.

Thus, the first danger is that during the implementation of the Project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, preschool education, being in the same team with such a strong organization as a school, will not be able to de facto defend its specifics and will simply turn into the first stage of school education. Then, instead of preschool education, we will get an ugly version of school education that has spread out of its legal limits.

Until now, the ongoing attempts to accelerate the preparation of children for school, which supposedly should have ensured the continuity of preschool and school (primarily primary) education, are a pseudo-solution to this large-scale problem. The lack of serious scientific and methodological support already gives rise to massive violations of the somatic and psychological health of children, a blockade of the child's personal growth and, as a result, the impossibility of his normal integration into school, and subsequently into social life. This is all the more likely that today even the preschool institutions themselves in their mass often do not retain the specifics of the preschool age in the way that the modern understanding of childhood requires.

The second danger is entirely related to the first and consists in the fact that this ugly education may become compulsory for children, despite the fact that at present many parents are not able to create adequate conditions for their children's development themselves. This can actually deprive children of their childhood, making them "like students" and taking away the possibility of a free - playful, emotionally rich experience of an extremely important period of human development. Pre-school education cannot be automatically and universally included in the existing system of school education. It is necessary to provide targeted support for various models of combining preschool and primary levels of education. The main thing is to create conditions for the implementation of the most important principle in human life of the development of the child, and not just drawing him into the available forms of education, which is basically what the school does.

Another danger is that as a result of various reformist manipulations, preschool children will find themselves (of course, as an experiment, which, as it is already clear, will end in obvious failure) in the same buildings with schoolchildren, and the existing preschool infrastructure will swiftly and irrevocably transferred to other hands and privatized.

The fourth danger lies in the fact that in the reformist aspiration to create anew new type preschool education, a fundamentally important thing will be missed - that domestic science is not at all so backward in understanding and solving the problems of normal development and normal education of preschool children. Existing theories, as well as various kinds of educational programs, have long embarked on the path of self-reformation and today need more support for testing than a radical change.

The fifth danger, very serious in its consequences, is that, amid the noise of the birth of a new educational system, the state will deprive federal support for preschool education for children from 3 to 5 years old. In this tragic case, most preschool educational institutions, even with a combination of municipal and private funding, will find themselves in difficult economic conditions due to the cost of the very sphere of preschool education and the relatively low solvency of the population for most regions of the Russian Federation. This can lead to severe negative social consequences.

Difficulties also arise in the field of protecting and strengthening the mental and somatic health of children. In preschool institutions, in accordance with the current legislation and programs recommended by the former Ministry of Education, the regime and duration of various types of activity and rest for children are clearly regulated, and preventive general strengthening measures are prescribed. These developments are made taking into account the anatomical, physiological and epidemiological requirements, there is a system for monitoring the development of children. Particular attention is paid to the quality of nutrition and medical care for children. There is a program of vaccination of preschool children against infectious diseases. A change in the status of preschool institutions may lead to a situation where all the above factors for the protection and promotion of children's health will simply be shifted onto the shoulders of their parents.

The complete withdrawal of federal management structures from this sphere is fraught with a decline in the quality of life of most preschool children, which will inevitably lead to social and cultural stratification of the representatives of the younger generations already at the level of preschool childhood. Let us especially note that the majority of parents have neither the educational base, nor the time, nor the necessary inclination to ensure the conditions for the normal development of a preschool child. Private kindergartens, where these conditions can be created, are also inaccessible to the vast majority of families.

Thus, with an abstractly positive attitude towards the initiative of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, one should unequivocally state the need for a broad professional and public discussion of its possible pluses and minuses. And if it is generally approved, it is fundamentally important that federal institutions participate in providing scientific expertise and scientific and methodological support for both projects for building the very stage of preschool education and its coordination with the stage of primary education. No less obvious is the need to include the already existing scientific potential of the Russian Academy of Education in the solution of this state-important task.

During the direct implementation of the Project, in the process of developing, disseminating and implementing innovative programs and models of "pre-school" education, a number of specific problems will arise that require prompt and large-scale solutions. However, there are quite definite and objective obstacles on this path.

At the stage of creating such models, this is the low science intensity of many existing programs and technologies, the absence of their fundamental psychological and pedagogical justification, although it was the presence of the latter that traditionally characterized domestic preschool education. Along with this, the lack of state standards for preschool education leads to the fact that the minimum and optimal standards for the development of a preschool child, determined by these programs and technologies, are often subjective and arbitrary.

At the stage of dissemination of innovative developments, the main difficulty lies in the lack of clearly perceived needs in the majority of teachers in the development of certain innovative products against the background of their wide choice. Appropriate evaluation criteria have not been developed, moreover, the very problem of their development is still ignored both at the level of managerial decision-making, and within the framework of professional pedagogical education, and in the context of direct professional activity. This is the reason for the sluggish dynamics of advancement of specific innovative models into preschool educational practice, which, moreover, is of a local ("point") character. The lack of a developed information and methodological base only exacerbates the situation.

At the stage of implementation of such developments, the first and main obstacle is the existing level of professional training of the teacher. In pedagogical universities, innovative models are studied only (at best) within the framework of special courses, while the main courses are based on the presentation of traditional methods of 20-40 years ago. Special work on the formation of the personal and professional readiness of teachers for innovative activity is not carried out for the most part. Professional retraining programs for teachers are mainly "informing" in nature, in fact there are no programs for mastering the project culture in education.

The solution of these and a number of more particular problems requires the co-organization of the entire complex of scientific and educational resources in Russia within the framework of the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for 2006-2010. The priority directions for the development of the Russian educational system outlined in the project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation are extremely cardinal, and therefore a hasty and superficial approach to building a program for the implementation of this Project is extremely dangerous. Irresponsible organizational and managerial decisions will have catastrophic devastating consequences for Russian education.

At the same time, a professionally competent solution to the above problems allows us to hope that in 5 years:

in Russia, an innovative system of pre-school (not pre-school) education will be formed and will work as the first stage of general education;

truly equal starting opportunities for preschool children will be created, which will improve the quality of education at its subsequent stages;

a cultural image of preschool age will develop, which will make it possible to meaningfully understand its place in the structure of the age stratification of our society;

optimization of the activities of other institutions in the field of education will be carried out: pedagogical universities, IPK, research institutes, secondary schools, centers for psychological and pedagogical support and support for children, etc.;

the framework and directions for the development of the preschool educational industry will be determined;

there will be a consolidation of the parent and educational community if the proposals of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation acquire the appearance and status of a nationwide project.

Methodological letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated 04.24.95 No. 46 / 19-15

General provisions.

1 These Recommendations are addressed to the Federal Expert Council for General Education of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, regional (local) education authorities organizing the examination of new programs for preschool education, expert commissions for the certification of preschool educational institutions.

.The objectives of these Recommendations are to regulate the quality of preschool education, to protect the child from incompetent pedagogical influences in the context of the variability of education, and also to focus the work of preschool educational institutions on developmental pedagogy.

2.These Recommendations are consistent with the strategy for developing state educational standards for preschool education and can be used by employees of the preschool education system of the Russian Federation in the period before the approval and implementation of these standards.

2. Types of programs.

1 Programs are divided into complex and partial.

1 Comprehensive program includes all the main areas of child development.

.The partial program includes one or more areas of child development.

4.The integrity of the pedagogical process in a preschool educational institution is ensured by using a comprehensive program or a set of partial programs.

3. General requirements for programs.

.Integrated and partial programs for preschool educational institutions must comply with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", the Model Regulation on a preschool educational institution.

2.The programs must respect the secular nature of education.

.Programs should be based on the principle of personality-oriented interaction between adults and children.

.The content of the integrated educational program(or a set of partial programs) should be focused on the universal (world) culture and, at the same time, correspond to Russian cultural traditions. The content of a comprehensive program (a set of partial programs) should include: the development of the child's speech, his acquaintance with the basics of natural science knowledge, physical, artistic and aesthetic development.

3.5 Programs should aim to:

the development of curiosity as the basis of the cognitive activity of a preschooler; development of the child's abilities; the formation of creative imagination; development of communication.

6 Programs should provide:

protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children, their physical development;

the emotional well-being of each child;

intellectual development of the child;

creation of conditions for the development of the child's personality, his creative abilities;

introducing children to universal values;

interaction with the family to ensure the full development of the child.

7 Programs should provide for the organization of children's life in three forms:

classes as a specially organized form of education; non-regulated activities;

free time provided for a child in kindergarten during the day.

8 The programs should include the optimal combination of individual and joint activities children. Programs should be built taking into account the types of activities specific to preschool children (games, construction, visual, musical, theatrical activities, etc.).

9 Programs should provide for the possibility of implementing an individual approach to the child, work with different subgroups of children; take their age into account.

10. Programs should include a description of the organization of the developing environment, indicating the main lists of materials and equipment used.

11. Programs should provide an optimal load on the child in order to protect him from overwork and maladaptation.

Requirements for a combination of programs.

.Partial programs used in the pedagogical process should ensure the integrity of the pedagogical process and complement each other.

2.Partial programs used in the pedagogical process should be based on common principles (concepts).

.When using a partial program instead of the corresponding section of the complex program, duplication of content, contradictions in the basic principles (concepts) of these Programs are not allowed.

.The set of programs used in the pedagogical process should provide the optimal load on the child.

5. Regional requirements for programs.

1 Regional (local) educational authorities may establish additional regional requirements for programs.

.Additional regional requirements should not provoke a significant increase in the load on children, contribute to their overwork and maladaptation.

3.Taking into account socio-economic, national-cultural, demographic, climatic and other conditions, regional requirements may determine:

priority areas of educational programs based on the needs of the population in educational services for preschool children of the rural, urban population, metropolis, resort, industrial, military zone, university campus, etc.;

carrying out recreational activities and regime moments, taking into account the peculiarities of the climate and natural conditions, the state of the ecological situation, and the health of the population;

selection of works by national (local) writers, poets, composers, artists, samples of national (local) folklore and folk art crafts when introducing children to art;

teaching the national language, acquaintance with national and cultural traditions.

Examination of preschool education programs.

.The examination of complex and partial programs is carried out by the Federal Expert Council for General Education of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. In case of a positive assessment, the program (complex or partial) is recommended for use by preschool educational institutions of the Russian Federation.

2.Regional (local) educational authorities can create expert councils (commissions) for the examination of preschool education programs. At the same time, in case of a positive assessment, the program is recommended for use in preschool educational institutions of the region (city, district).

6.3 Examination of a set of partial programs is carried out:

the council of teachers of a preschool educational institution to use a set of programs in the work of this institution;

by the commission for attestation of a preschool educational institution in the process of a comprehensive examination of its activities.

For the examination of a set of partial programs, a preschool educational institution may apply to the expert council (commission) of the regional (local) education authority, if the practice of examination of preschool education programs is carried out in the region (city, district).

Head of the Department of Preschool Education R.B. Sterkin

Programs of preschool education with the stamp of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation ("Recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation") 1995-2002

Regulatory documents

. "On the software and methodological support of preschool education - in the context of development pedagogy". Instructional-methodical letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated March 24, 1995 No. 42 / 19-15, deputy. Minister of Education of the Russian Federation A.G. Asmolov.

. "About new Russian programs for preschool educational institutions". Letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated January 29, 1996 No. 90 / 19-15, deputy. Minister of Education of the Russian Federation A.G. Asmolov.

. "About new program and methodical sets on preschool education". Letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 18.07.97 No. 112 / 34-16, deputy. Minister of Education of the Russian Federation, First Deputy Minister of Education V.D. Shadrikov.

. "About new developing educational and methodical sets for preschool educational institutions". Letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated May 24, 1999 No. 104/23-16, First Deputy Minister A.F. Kiselev.

Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of September 23, 2002 No. 03-51-142in / 23-03 "On new topical programs for preschool education", First Deputy Minister V.A. Bolotov.

Comprehensive programs

("On the software and methodological support of preschool education - in the context of development pedagogy. " Instructional and methodological letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 03.24.95 No. 42 / 19-15, Deputy Minister of Education of the Russian Federation A.G. Asmolov; "On new program and methodological kits for preschool education". Letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated July 18, 1997 No. 112 / 34-16, Deputy Minister of Education of the Russian Federation, First Deputy Minister of Education V.D. Shadrikov).

("On the software and methodological support of preschool education - in the context of development pedagogy." Instructive and methodological letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated March 24, 1995 No. 42 / 19-15, Deputy Minister of Education of the Russian Federation A.G. Asmolov).

("On the software and methodological support of preschool education - in the context of development pedagogy." Instructive and methodological letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated March 24, 1995 No. 42 / 19-15, Deputy Minister of Education of the Russian Federation A.G. Asmolov).

Note. In some sources, this program is characterized as a continuing education program (it is intended for children aged 3-10).

· "Baby". Program and guidelines for working with young children. The group of authors - G. Grigoryeva, D. Sergeeva, N. Kochetova, I. Chirkova (Nizhny Novgorod Institute for the Development of Education).

("On new program and methodological packages for preschool education." Letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 18.07.97 No. 112 / 34-16, Deputy Minister of Education of the Russian Federation, First Deputy Minister of Education V.D. Shadrikov).

Note. The goal is the comprehensive development, upbringing and education of children under the age of three.

· Educational-methodical set "From childhood to adolescence". A comprehensive educational program and a set of manuals for teachers and parents raising children aged 4 to 10 years. The team of authors led by Ph.D. n. T.N. Doronova (Moscow).


Note. In some sources, this program is characterized as a program of continuing education (it is intended for children 4-10 years old).

Partial programs

Educational and methodological set for the musical and aesthetic development of preschoolers. Developed by a group of authors of teachers and psychologists, musicologists under the guidance of Doctor of Psychology. n. K.V. Tarasova. Includes four programs:

· "Harmony", "Synthesis", "We play in the orchestra by ear"

("On the software and methodological support of preschool education - in the context of development pedagogy." Instructional and methodological letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated March 24, 1995 No. 42 / 19-15, Deputy Minister of Education of the Russian Federation A.G. Asmolov),

· "Baby". Program and methodological kit for the education of young children. The author is V. Petrova, musical director-consultant of the preschool educational institution No. 817 in Moscow.

("On new program and methodological packages for preschool education." Letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 18.07.97 No. 112 / 34-16, Deputy Minister of Education of the Russian Federation, First Deputy Minister of Education V.D. Shadrikov).

Note. The goal is to develop the musical abilities of children of the third year of life in all forms available to them. musical activity, initiation in the early stages of preschool childhood to the world musical culture and high spiritual values.

A comprehensive program of cultural and environmental education and upbringing of preschool children (3-7 years old) "Semitsvetik". Authors - Ashikov Valery Igorevich, Ashikova Svetlana Gennadievna, teachers of additional education of the Center for Children's Creativity in Troitsk, Moscow Region.

Note.1. The program can be used by educators and teachers of additional education for children. It is built on the basis of the complex use of different types of arts and the organization of children's activities.2. The "Semitsvetik" program, although it is declared by the authors as "complex", in fact, is partial.

· "In the space of the game." A comprehensive program of continuous theatrical and aesthetic education. Author - Ivanitskaya Leonora Mikhailovna, Associate Professor of Directing Department of the Krasnodar Academy of Culture.

("On new Russian programs for preschool educational institutions". Letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 01.29.96 No. 90 / 19-15, Deputy Minister of Education of the Russian Federation A.G. Asmolov).

Note. The program "In the space of the game", although it is declared by the authors as "complex", in fact, is partial.

· "Little Emo and Big Tuner". A comprehensive program of emotional and aesthetic development of preschoolers 5-7 years old. Author - Razhnikov Vladimir Grigorievich, Doctor of Psychology, poet, musician.

("On new Russian programs for preschool educational institutions". Letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 01.29.96 No. 90 / 19-15, Deputy Minister of Education of the Russian Federation A.G. Asmolov).

Note. The "Little Emo and Big Adjuster" program, although it is declared by the authors as "complex", in fact, is partial.

· "Our home is nature." The program of environmental education and upbringing of older preschoolers. Author - Ryzhova Natalya Alexandrovna, Head. Laboratory of Ecology of the Tambov Institute for Advanced Studies of Educators, Candidate of Biological Sciences.

("On new Russian programs for preschool educational institutions". Letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 01.29.96 No. 90 / 19-15, Deputy Minister of Education of the Russian Federation A.G. Asmolov).

· "Spider web". The program of ecological education and training of preschoolers. Author - Vasyakina Zhanna Leonidovna, methodologist for preschool education of the Children's Ecological Center of the Education Department of the North-Western District of Moscow.

("On new Russian programs for preschool educational institutions". Letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 01.29.96 No. 90 / 19-15, V.A. Bolotov).

· "Fundamentals of Safety for Preschool Children". Program for preschool educational institutions and methodical set. The team of authors - R. Sterkina (Ministry of Education of Russia), N. Avdeeva (Institute of Human RAS), O. Knyazeva (Institute of Pedagogical Innovations of the Russian Academy of Education).

("On new program and methodological packages for preschool education." Letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 18.07.97 No. 112 / 34-16, Deputy Minister of Education of the Russian Federation, First Deputy Minister of Education V.D. Shadrikov).

· "Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture". Program and methodological kit. Authors - O. Knyazeva (Institute of Pedagogical Innovations of the Russian Academy of Education), M. Makhaneva (DOE No. 17 of OAO GAZ, Nizhny Novgorod).

("On new program and methodological packages for preschool education." Letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated July 18, 1997 No. 112 / 34-16, Deputy Minister of Education of the Russian Federation, First Deputy Minister of Education V.D. Shadrikov)

· Educational-methodical set "I, you, we". Program, guidelines, a set of teaching and visual aids for children 3-6 years old. Authors - O.L. Knyazeva, Ph.D. n. (Institute of Pedagogical Innovations), R.B. Sterkina, PhD in Psychology. n. (Ministry of Education of Russia).

("On new developing educational and methodological kits for preschool educational institutions". Letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 05.24.99 No. 104 / 23-16, First Deputy Minister A.F. Kiselev)

· "Harmony of Development" (original name - "Harmony"). Author - k. ped. n.D.I. Vorobyov.

(Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of September 23, 2002 No. 03-51-142in / 23-03 "On new topical programs for preschool education", First Deputy Minister V.A. Bolotov).

Note. Continuing musical education program for children aged 2-7.

· "The program for the development of speech of preschool children in kindergarten." Author - Dr. ped. nose. Ushakov.

(Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of September 23, 2002 No. 03-51-142in / 23-03 "On new topical programs for preschool education", First Deputy Minister V.A. Bolotov)

· "The program of mathematical development of children of preschool age" in the system "School 2000 ...". Author - Dr. ped. n.L.G. Peterson.

(Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of September 23, 2002 No. 03-51-142in / 23-03 "On new topical programs for preschool education", First Deputy Minister V.A. Bolotov)

· "Artistic labor. Teaching children the elements of folk crafts in kindergarten and elementary school. Author - N.A. Malysheva.

(Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of September 23, 2002 No. 03-51-142in / 23-03 "On new topical programs for preschool education", First Deputy Minister V.A. Bolotov)

(Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of September 23, 2002 No. 03-51-142in / 23-03 "On new topical programs for preschool education", First Deputy Minister V.A. Bolotov) (moral education, education of humane feelings and relations)

· Educational and methodical set "Community" ("Step by step"). Authors' team

("On new developing educational and methodological kits for preschool educational institutions". Letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 05.24.99 No. 104 / 23-16, First Deputy Minister A.F. Kiselev)

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Preschool education is the very first public-state form in which professional pedagogical work is carried out with the younger generation. Psychologists say that the fundamental qualities of a person's personality are formed precisely in the first years of a child's life. Preschool age is a sensitive period characterized by rapid changes in a child's cognitive abilities, physical, language, social and emotional development. The positive experience laid down at an early age and the basis for successful development and learning creates a solid foundation for the future development of the child. This determines the sociocultural significance of preschool education in combination with the family form of education.
Much has been done in recent years to improve the quality of preschool education. In the system of Moscow preschool education, the formula of the “Successful Kindergarten” is defined - this is a kindergarten, in which children rush in the morning with pleasure, whose activities are satisfied with parents, in which creative teachers work. There are three such terms in all popular kindergartens. In order for a kindergarten to become “successful”, in addition to other components necessary for effective pedagogical work, it must also use modern educational technologies and methods.

For the third year, the Moscow Department of Education, together with UNESCO, has been implementing a pilot project “Moscow Education: from infancy to school”. In the process of implementing the pilot project, the circle of participants expanded and the personnel resource of the innovative movement of preschool education in Moscow was formed. At present, around 17 successfully operating resource centers that implement the main directions in preschool education, a fourth of all preschool institutions, about 5 thousand enthusiastic creative teachers, have united in networking. Today, the question is not so much how many institutions are involved in the project, although these figures confirm a steady interest in the problems being developed, but what are the results of the pilot project?
The project has become a powerful impetus to the development of the creative initiative of preschool pedagogical teams together with the scientific community dealing with childhood problems. Each staff of the resource center moved from formulating hypotheses in one or another segment of the child's development to building a model of a new educational space.
It would seem that these problems are known and not new? Children in kindergartens have always been engaged in the intellectual development of children: they read books to them, told them, taught them to observe the world around them, taught them various tricks and games. But only now they began to understand that project activities and laboratory research can be done at an early age, as in the most favorable period for the development of the child's brain. This encourages children and their parents to become more and more actively involved in the intellectual marathon "Know!", competitions and exhibitions, where the personal achievements of the child are traced.
The development and implementation of modern educational technologies aimed at protecting and strengthening the health of children, the development and support of children's cognitive and creative initiatives, multicultural and inclusive education, and much more, familiarized the preschool pedagogical community with world experience, led to an intensive search for their own solutions, the implementation of successful practices in kindergartens. There was a personal reassessment of values ​​and authorities, where the main thing for the teacher was the awareness of himself as a teacher-creator.
Combining kindergartens and teachers in networking in the project "Moscow Education: from infancy to school" made it possible to put into practice an effective form of advanced training.
“Since March 1 of this year, for 63 days in Moscow, within the framework of the project “Moscow Education: from Infancy to School”, the Relay Race of Pedagogical Excellence was held for the first time, which was a vivid proof of those interesting and creative activities that preschool education in the capital lives on. In total, over 390 conferences, master classes, discussions, round tables and presentations of the best experience in the city have been held in three years.
At the 35th session of the General Conference of UNESCO, held in October 2009, a draft Resolution was adopted to hold the World Conference on Early Childhood Care and Education in Moscow from 27 to 29 September 2010. In order for the participants of the conference to get acquainted with the innovative experience of the work of Moscow preschool institutions, intensive work is underway to prepare it.
However, the implementation of the pilot project does not end with the holding of the World Conference in Moscow. The task of the Department of Education and district departments of education is to make the accumulated experience available to all teaching staff.
Of course, these practices, as well as the experience of experimental sites operating in preschool educational institutions, the practice of the winners of preschool institutions that participated in the competition "Kindergarten of the Year", "Educator of the Year" and "Kids of the Capital", should become the content of the electronic library "Moscow Education: from infancy to school”, created in the city. Unfortunately, the process of creating an electronic library is going slowly, since the Moscow Institute of Open Education has not yet worked out the technology for submitting materials to an electronic library.
The task of the leaders of preschool educational institutions is to more actively involve teachers in the implementation of the project. A benchmark for the district departments of education for 2011 is that every third kindergarten should become a participant in the Moscow Education: From Infancy to School project.
For their part, pedagogical universities, advanced training departments should make this experience available to students and, together with the Department of Education, create platforms for training students and colleagues on the basis of such preschool institutions.
Within the framework of the joint pilot project of Moscow and UNESCO "Moscow Education: from infancy to school", an educational technology has been developed, thanks to which the child's adaptation in kindergarten has become favorable. As a result, the incidence of two-year-old children has almost halved. Such results were obtained in kindergartens that have opened centers for child play support or adaptation groups for short stays.
Starting from September 1, 2010, 282 game support centers and 467 short stay adaptation groups will operate in the Moscow education system. Our common task is to create conditions under which all children, even before entering kindergarten, could go through an adaptation period by attending classes in such groups and centers.
New forms of work such as counseling centers for parents and children brought up in a family environment, services early help, lecotheques, family kindergartens, play support centers and short stay groups are very popular among the population. Today they are attended by over 24 thousand children, which is 7% of the contingent of pupils of the state system of preschool education. But unfortunately, they are not yet being actively introduced in all districts, and sometimes they are not sufficiently popularized among the population.
From September 1, 2010, in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 655 of November 23, 2009, Federal State Requirements (FGT) are introduced to the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education. These requirements have a status similar to the Federal State Educational Standard, which was adopted for elementary school.
The new regulatory document - Federal State Requirements for the Structure of the Basic General Education Program of Preschool Education - defines the basis of the educational program of the Russian kindergarten and puts forward the development of each child as the main goal of pedagogical work. FGT contain requirements for the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education and requirements for sections of the mandatory part of the main general educational program of preschool education.
The main general education program of each kindergarten consists of two parts: compulsory and optional, formed by participants in the educational process. The mandatory part includes 6 sections, among which it is worth highlighting the educational areas (there are 10 in total): “Physical Education”, “Health”, “Safety”, “Socialization”, “Labor”, “Cognition”, “Communication”, “ Reading fiction», « Artistic creativity", "Music".
The variable part, formed by the participants in the educational process, creates room for maneuver and the implementation of the principle of variability, which makes it possible to take into account the needs of specific children, the wishes of parents and other features of a particular kindergarten.
The implementation of FGT is not an easy process that requires maximum attention and support of teachers from the city and district methodological services. The most difficult thing will be those teachers who are accustomed to considering the lesson the main form of work with children. In FGT, play is defined as the main form of work with children. In addition, interaction with the families of children is included in the scope of the mandatory part of the general education program of each kindergarten.
Some kindergartens will find it difficult to make the transition from "type of activity" to "educational area". This applies, for example, to those teachers who are used to believing that art activity is the formation of skills and abilities. It will not be easy for them to adjust to the educational area "Artistic Creativity", the tasks of which are primarily aimed at developing children's creativity.
Certain problems may arise in the implementation of the educational areas "Socialization" and "Communication" and the area "Labor", completely undeservedly excluded from the programs during the years of perestroika. When implementing the educational area "Safety", there may be difficulties with the formation of gender identity, which is often reduced to sex-role education.
Additional problems will also arise due to the fact that the existing and currently used variable programs for the upbringing and education of children, and there are more than 40 of them, are focused on a classical approach that is understandable to practitioners in organizing work on the physical, social and personal, cognitive and speech, and artistic and aesthetic development of children.
The Department of Pedagogy and Methods of the Moscow Institute of Open Education, together with the regional methodological centers and the Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University, developed guidelines for the implementation of the FGT, and by September 1, 2010, each preschool educational institution developed the main general education program in accordance with the FGT. District methodological services need to analyze them and provide practical assistance to preschool educational institutions experiencing difficulties in the implementation of FGT. FGT should become and integral part systems of training and retraining of personnel, as well as advanced training. This is the task of MIOO, MGPU, MGPPU and MGPI.
The most important task is to organize systematic work with kindergartens that have a low rating among the population. This task was set by the Department of Education 2 years ago.
In the course of the city monitoring on this issue, preschool educational institutions were identified that have a low rating among the population. These include kindergartens to which parents refuse to take vouchers, for which there have been confirmed substantiated complaints.
According to parents, the reasons for the low rating of some preschool institutions are:
short professional level teachers;
staff turnover and, as a result, understaffing;
conservatism in management;
lack of additional education services, or a mismatch between the social order of parents and the services offered by a preschool institution.
To provide methodological assistance to such preschool educational institutions, a city methodological council has been established under the Department of Education. To improve the quality of work, the district administrations and methodological services, together with the Moscow Institute of Open Education, are working with them in a variety of areas.
In general, there is a positive trend in the city: out of 51 preschool educational institutions with a low rating at the end of the 2009 academic year, 24 preschool educational institutions are now under control.
Work with kindergartens with a low rating among the population will continue in 2010-2011 academic year. New areas of focus will be public reports from the leaders of these preschools, as well as a forum set up by the Department of Education. All services need to be extremely attentive to the messages posted on the forum, and immediately respond to them.
An important social task facing preschool educational institutions is to assist the family in raising a child. In the process of implementing the program "Moscow Family - Competent Parents", not only the forms and methods of interaction with the parents of pupils have changed, but also the philosophy of interaction: from "work with parents" to "cooperation". Interaction with parents, assistance to them in solving psychological and pedagogical problems is carried out not only in preschool educational institutions, but also in advisory centers for parents and children brought up in a family, early aid services, lecotheques and, of course, in family kindergartens.
In the new academic year, the district departments of education, together with the health authorities and municipal services, should organize the work of the "School of the Young Parent". At the same time, special attention should be paid to those who are just getting ready to become mothers and fathers, which will certainly help reduce the level of social orphanhood in Moscow.
It is also difficult to underestimate the role of the preschool education system in preparing children for schooling. At the last city pedagogical council, the district departments of education were tasked with analyzing the current situation and building a system for preparing a child for school on the basis of a preschool institution. In the past academic year, 96% of children aged 6-7 received preschool education in various forms.
In accordance with the decision of the board of the Department of Education, a working group was created to implement the plan for organizing work to ensure the continuity of preschool and primary general education, designed for 2010 and 2011. For the first time after a long break at the city level, joint meetings of specialists from district departments responsible for pre-school and primary general education began to be held.
The districts have introduced the practice of open days in schools for children preparatory groups, educators, parents, speeches and acquaintance of teachers of future first-graders with pupils of kindergartens, building joint activities to prepare children for school. This practice should become the norm for all districts and districts of the city. Heads of preschool institutions, building a work plan for the new academic year, should consider this a must for themselves. In development of work in October this year in all schools of the city we will hold an open day for parents of future first-graders.
In the new academic year, the task of the district departments of education is to analyze not only the human resources of educators of senior and preparatory groups of preschool educational institutions and teachers primary school but the educational programs and technologies they use. In addition, it is also necessary to analyze approaches to assessing the achievements of older preschoolers and younger schoolchildren and the interaction of the family and the educational institution in the interests of the development of the child.
To help every parent understand their child's school readiness, the Department of Education has prepared a parent guide, Is Your Child Ready for School?. Currently, parents are getting acquainted with its layout. According to the results of the survey, 50% of parents read such literature for the first time, 25% are constantly studying this issue, 25% have read several books on this topic, that is, this issue worries every second parent to one degree or another.
Parents who are familiar with such literature note that the new manual is much better than analogues, or at least better in some way. Moreover, most of them noted that they found in the manual a lot of new things on this topic. Those for whom this benefit was the first noted that they need it, as this is the only way to learn how to prepare their child for school. 75% of parents would definitely recommend the allowance to friends and acquaintances. Taking into account the wishes and suggestions of parents, the manual will be finalized and published, and distributed through kindergartens and basic schools.
The queue in preschool educational institutions continues to be a serious problem for the city. Solving it, the city authorities took measures aimed at eliminating the shortage of places in preschool institutions: from 2006 to 2009, 311 kindergartens were built in Moscow and 85 buildings of kindergartens owned by the city, federal or private property were transferred to the city education system.
Currently, 2,033 public kindergartens and 310 educational institutions are operating in the system of the Department of Education, implementing preschool education programs. From September 1, 2010, the metropolitan system of preschool education will have 343.7 thousand children, which is 23.7 thousand more than in 2009-2010.
Despite the measures taken, according to the forecast for September 1, 2010, the queue will be 25.5 thousand people.
This year, on behalf of Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov, the Department of Education prepared a decree of the Government of Moscow “On Extraordinary Measures to Eliminate the Waiting Order for State Preschool Educational Institutions of the System of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow in 2011-2012”. In accordance with it in 2011-2012. planned:
build 214 kindergartens, vacate buildings owned by the city, previously owned by preschool institutions, from third-party organizations;
to determine additional resources for the creation of preschool institutions on the basis of small schools, elementary schools - kindergartens, blocks of elementary schools.
The following areas were identified as priority areas for the new academic year to ensure the availability of preschool education:
improvement of the system of acquisition of preschool educational institutions;
provision of public services to the population in electronic form from October 1, 2010 for the registration and enrollment of children in kindergarten via the Internet;
creation of a regulatory legal framework and methodological recommendations for the organization of corporate kindergartens;
expanding the network of family kindergartens;
elaboration with the Department of Economic Policy and Development and the Moscow Architecture Committee on the issue of building extensions to the existing buildings of kindergartens.
In this regard, district education departments need to:
to continue work on the re-profiling of premises in preschool educational institutions;
to open pre-school groups for children aged 5-6 in small schools and blocks of primary classes;
work out models of corporate kindergartens together with prefectures and interested organizations.

Valentina BADIL, Head of the Western District Department of Education:

- Pre-school education is among our priorities. Even in quantitative terms, this is the largest network, already accounting for more than half of all educational institutions in the district. There are 199 pre-school educational institutions and 8 primary schools - kindergartens on the territory of the Western District.
The system of public preschool education in the Western District covers 37,665 children aged 1 to 7 years. In relation to preschool education today, accessibility means, first of all, the removal of the queue. The main positive developments are associated with an increase in the coverage of children with organized forms of preschool education - from 49% last year to 55.4% this year. And for children 5-7 years of age, this figure is 98%.
The main problem is the continuing order (more than 4.5 thousand children) with overcrowding of groups by 25%. The highest priority is in the areas of Solntsevo, Novo-Peredelkino, Mozhaysky, Troparevo-Nikulino, Fili-Davydkovo, Ochakovo-Matveevskoye, Filevsky Park. The current state of affairs has developed due to the reduction in the number of children in preschool institutions due to a sharp decline in the birth rate in 1990-1998, which led to the closure of departmental institutions and their re-profiling; outpacing rates of housing construction in comparison with the terms of commissioning of social facilities; infill development that does not provide for the construction of kindergartens; the demolition of dilapidated housing and the relocation of residents to other areas, the absence, until recently, of a document providing for the admission, first of all, to kindergartens of children with permanent registration in the city.
A lot has been done to eliminate the waiting list in the district. The prefecture of the ZAO, the Western District Department of Education and structural subdivisions have developed a district comprehensive program of measures to eliminate the shortage of places in public preschool educational institutions of the ZAO for 2010 and 2011, which provides for:
re-profiling of group premises;
placement of preschool groups in small schools;
withdrawal of tenants from the buildings of preschool institutions;
construction of kindergartens in new areas;
transfer of departmental kindergartens to the system of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow.
Through the joint efforts of the prefecture, the Western District Department of Education, 11 departmental kindergartens were transferred to the system of the Department of Education, and preschool institutions are already operating in place of seven of them. Work on the transfer of preschool institutions continues. In accordance with the program of the Government of Moscow for the construction of new kindergartens, 48 ​​new pre-school educational institutions were built in the district, 22 of them on new areas. In 2010 it is planned to build three more kindergartens.
In our district, the Comprehensive Program for the Continuity of Preschool and Primary Education "Step by Step" for 2009-2011 was developed. The program is based on the thesis: pre-school and primary education is a single developing world, one era, called childhood.

New forms of preschool education
To eliminate the waiting list in preschool institutions, new forms of preschool education have been opened, which today cover 3,362 children.

Main tasks for the coming year
Implementation (together with the prefecture of the Western District) of the district target program of measures to eliminate the shortage of places in kindergartens.
Improving the quality of preschool education, including through the growth of professionalism of teachers (increase in the number of teachers of preschool educational institutions with higher pedagogical education, up to 60%).
Inclusion in the project "Moscow education: from infancy to school" every third preschool educational institution.

Olga LARIONOVA, Head of the Department of Education:

In the development and formation of the child, his preparation for the future school life, it is impossible to overestimate the socio-cultural significance of preschool education. Here the foundation is laid, which will later become the basis of the life achievements of a young person.
In recent years, the system of preschool education has been developing productively. One of the powerful impulses for its development was the pilot project “Moscow Education: from infancy to school”. For 3 years, he united around him more than 5 thousand teachers and a quarter of the city's preschool institutions. The project participants are preparing in September 2010 to introduce the innovative experience of Moscow institutions to the participants of the UNESCO World Conference on Early Childhood Care and Education.
The introduction of innovative educational technologies, the progressive development of new forms of work, the provision of modern equipment, the creation of comfortable conditions for the child in kindergartens and the improvement of cooperation with parents have become the basis for improving the quality of the upbringing process, which, among other things, has caused an increase in parents' confidence in preschool education and became one of the reasons for the increase in the shortage of places in kindergartens in the city.
The Moscow government is taking unprecedented measures to reduce the queue, thanks to which in September this year the capital's preschool education system will accept 343.7 thousand children, which is 23.7 thousand more than in the past academic year.
The city program for the implementation of extraordinary measures to eliminate queues in kindergartens, adopted by the Moscow Government for 2011-2012, is also aimed at eliminating the shortage of places in preschool educational institutions. In addition to new construction and the return to the education system of buildings of preschool institutions previously transferred to third parties, it takes into account the internal resources of the education system itself.
The expected intensive increase in the number of kindergarten students due to the construction and opening of new institutions, the re-profiling of premises in existing kindergartens and the opening of new pre-school departments in general education schools makes it an urgent task for us to prevent a decrease in the achieved level of education quality. The resource centers and methodological services of the city and the district should play a leading role in this work.
From this academic year, the number of pre-school departments created on the basis of small-class schools will increase significantly. From September 1, they will open in 54 more schools of the city, where the conditions necessary for this have been created. In the new academic year, the task of schools working with young children is to work out in practice the principles of continuity between preschool and primary education.
The new academic year will become a year of work in new conditions for preschool education. From September, kindergartens will start implementing educational programs developed by institutions in accordance with the federal state requirements that have come into force. Their status is similar to the status of the educational standard adopted for elementary school. In the new academic year, the institutions of the advanced training system will have to carry out large-scale work on the formation of new components of professional competence among preschool teachers. The city and district methodological services, for their part, should provide practical assistance to institutions in the implementation of new educational programs.

1. The formation of the system of preschool education in Belarus in the XIX - early XX centuries. Public preschool education in Belarus originated in the 19th century. Already in 1802 in Mogilev the first Nikolaev orphanage. Later, orphanages and homes were created in other large cities. But there was no mass growth of the network of such children's institutions. At the end of XIX - beginning of XX centuries. there are about 50 of them. They were opened mainly at the initiative of rich people, the clergy, and the state only praised such a charitable cause.

Child guardianship, which began to develop in tsarist Russia under Peter and Catherine II, in the 30-40s. 19th century significantly intensified under the influence of the socio-political movement in the country. In 1839, a special “Regulation on Orphanages” was published, developed by the Russian teacher V.F. Odoevsky. Among the first cities in Belarus that opened shelters for children aged 3-10 were Vitebsk, Minsk, Mogilev. Charitable institutions were organized with funds donated to shelters by city associations and some private individuals.

The well-known Russian teacher V.F. Odoevsky.

Socio-economic and cultural development of Belarus in the 70s - the first half of the 90s. 19th century left its mark on the activities of children's institutions. At that time, a number of special legislative acts were adopted that regulated some aspects of the activities of orphanages. In particular, in 1888 a note “On measures to improve the system of guardianship of abandoned and illegitimate children” was published. A few years after the note, 2 shelters were created in the Minsk region and Bykhov.

Public preschool education in Belarus, both in terms of the development of a network of children's institutions, and in terms of the level of organization of educational work, occupied in the second half of the 19th century. an insignificant place in the system of public education, took only the first steps in its development.

At the end of XIX - beginning of XX centuries. Belarus was in a less favorable position in the implementation of the idea of ​​public education of children in comparison with many regions of Central Russia. If in large industrial centers of Russia it was possible to meet nurseries and kindergartens that were opened by enterprises and factories, then not a single such case is known on the territory of Belarus. Pre-school education developed here mainly on the initiative of progressive public figures and private individuals.

This period (the end of the 19th - the beginning of the 20th centuries) is characterized by the emergence of a new type of institutions for children of pre-preschool and preschool age - nursery-shelters. This type of institution was supposed to be one of the means of fighting to reduce child neglect and mortality. In Belarus, nursery shelters were first organized in Minsk, where women workers made up a fairly high percentage of the number of workers. The first daytime shelter "Yasli" was opened by the Minsk Association for the Protection of Women on January 18, 1905.

The day shelter "Yasli" accepted children aged 2 to 8 years, whose parents lived in Minsk. In the future, the shelter "Nursery" began to exist independently under the name of the partnership "Nursery". The Board (management) of the Partnership developed and approved the Charter, which determined the purpose, objectives and content of work with children. The main purpose, stated in the Charter, is to "support the poor working people and help them in the search and education of their children."

The bourgeois-philanthropic partnerships of Belarus were opened at the beginning of the 20th century. free folk kindergartens, predominantly in large cities and industrial centers for the children of the urban poor and the working class. In contrast to nurseries-orphanages, people's kindergartens worked no more than 6 hours a day. Of all the cities of Belarus, Minsk had the largest number of folk kindergartens and hearths. At the beginning of the XX century. a public kindergarten was opened, in which the children of workers and the poorest population were kept free of charge.

During the First World War, a new type of preschool institutions appeared in Belarus - children's hearth. In terms of its goals, objectives and content of work with children, it was in many ways similar to a kindergarten. The difference was only in the duration of the children's stay in it: at least 8 hours a day. Educational work in these institutions was carried out according to the system borrowed from F. Fröbel and M. Montessori.

Free people's kindergartens and hearths constantly suffered large material losses, which interfered with the organization and education of children. Many centers did not have land plots for playing games and outdoor activities with children. fresh air. Great crowding, the lack of normal sanitary and hygienic conditions were the main reason for the reduction in the time spent by children in the outbreak, which contradicted its purpose. Children often came to the hearth for only 6 hours or less instead of the established 8–12 hours. Such a short stay of children in the hearth did not at all satisfy the needs of workers who worked in production for at least 12 hours a day. Without exception, all the folk children's centers were very crowded. There were an average of 40–50 children per leader, and they were of different ages.

Kindergartens and centers of charitable associations and individuals could not solve the acute problem of public education of the children of working people. And yet, despite the fact that voluntary associations opened new types of preschool institutions (nurseries, shelters, hearths and gardens) in poor, poorly adapted and almost unequipped premises, they are compared with the institutions of the 50-80s. 19th century inspection of children had some advantages, they were a certain step forward in the development of public education of preschool children.

2. Development of the system of preschool education in the BSSR in the 20-80s. 20th century Public preschool education acquired a truly state character only after Great October Socialist Revolution of 1917 In accordance with the first decrees of the RSFSR on public education and school, which were also guided in Belarus, three priority tasks were set: the creation of a network of preschool institutions, the development of a new system of education in them, and the formation of qualified teaching staff. Only after the expulsion of the Polish invaders from Belarus in the summer of 1920 did they begin to attach a truly national significance to the solution of these problems.

Initially, the most expanded types of preschool institutions were nurseries, shelters, gardens, houses, playgrounds. The main program documents that guided them in their practical activities were "On preschool education" (Declaration of the Preschool Department of the People's Commissariat of the RSFSR of December 20, 1917) and "Basic Principles of a Unified Labor School" adopted by the State Commission on Education of the People's Commissariat of the RSFSR on October 6, 1918 d. The systems of education of Western European scientists and educators were also used. Zh.Zh. Russo, I.G. Pestalozzi, F. Frebel, M. Montessori and Russian teachers E.N. Vodovozova, E.I. Tiheeva and others.

The lack of the necessary material and financial resources in the state, the urgent need for urgent staffing of preschool institutions have made one-, three-, and six-month courses the most popular form of their training. At the same time, certain steps were also taken to train specialists in preschool education of a higher qualification. In 1921, a department for the training of kindergarten teachers was opened at the Minsk Institute of Public Education (MINO).

In addition to the Ministry of Education and Science, preschool departments began to be created in other pedagogical institutes. So, on August 19, 1920, a message was published on the admission of applicants to such a department of the Mogilev Institute of Public Education. In 1938, the first graduation of specialists in preschool education from the Minsk Pedagogical Institute named after A.M. Gorky. But the number of specialists in preschool education that these institutions trained was very small. Therefore, pre-school departments were additionally opened in a number of secondary pedagogical educational institutions. On the eve of the Great patriotic war in the republic, 6 schools trained teachers for kindergartens: Minsk, Mogilev, Bobruisk, Polotsk, Krichevsky, Vysochansky. But the arrival of specialists with secondary specialized education was expected after a fairly long period of time. Therefore, coursework long years was to occupy a leading place in the system of preschool pedagogical education.

Scientific thought was developing on the upbringing of preschool children. In 1932, the “Draft Kindergarten Program” was prepared, in 1938 - “The Manual for the Kindergarten Teacher”, which formulated the basic principles, goals, objectives, outlined the content of preschool education, taking into account the age characteristics of children, defined forms, methods and means education and training, the place of the Belarusian language and literature in work with children.

The pre-war preschool pedagogy in Belarus stood out for its specificity in comparison with the same science in other republics of the USSR. She played a decisive role in the creation of the Belarusian national kindergarten.

During the war, almost all preschool institutions in Belarus were destroyed or burned down. But immediately after the liberation in 1944, the revival of the network of preschool institutions began. By the end of 1944, 19,295 preschool children were being brought up in 284 kindergartens. The network of pre-school institutions reached the pre-war level only in 1958.

In 1945, a new "Manual for Kindergarten Teachers" was published, which in 1953, and then in 1963, was revised into the Kindergarten Program, which was significantly supplemented with new content, forms and methods of education and training, taking into account the achievements of scientists in the development of mental health issues. , physical, aesthetic and moral education of preschoolers.

Practically anew it was necessary to create a system of training educators. And during this period, there were no short courses. Although the Mogilev and Minsk pedagogical schools quickly resumed their activities, they opened preschool departments in Pinsk (1960), Polotsk (1967) schools. The Minsk State Pedagogical Institute named after A.M. Gorky and Mogilev State Pedagogical Institute. In 1984, the Faculty of Preschool Education was created at the Brest State Pedagogical Institute named after A.S. Pushkin.

Although with a great delay, but nevertheless, the training of certified scientists-teachers in the field of preschool education began in Belarus. For a long time in solving this problem we were in one of the last places among the republics of the USSR. The first to start training scientists in preschool education was the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after A.M. Gorky. In 1970, 6 specialists in the field of preschool education studied at his postgraduate course. At that time, only 2 candidates of pedagogical sciences (G.V. Petrochenko and Ya.I. Kovalchuk) worked at the Department of Preschool Pedagogy of the Institute. In 1972, at the Academic Council at the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after A.M. Gorky on the problems of preschool education were defended by candidate dissertations of E.A. Andreeva and A.I. Vasiliev.

The emergence of candidates of science in the field of preschool education among scientists and teachers created real opportunities for preparing doctors of science from them. In the 1980s-1990s, they defended doctoral dissertations by E.A. Andreeva (on the problem of the development of preschool education in the Byelorussian SSR), L.D. Glazyrina (on the problem of physical education of preschoolers), N.S. Starzhinskaya (on the problem of speech development of preschool children).

The post-war development of preschool education cannot be reduced only to the creation of a wide network of preschool institutions, secondary specialized and higher educational institutions for the training of educators. Some success has been achieved in the development of the theory of preschool education. This problem was dealt with by the departments of pedagogical institutes, a special department of the Research Institute of Pedagogy (today the National Institute of Education). They have provided invaluable assistance to the Department of Pre-School Education of the Ministry of Education in establishing their kindergarten education and training programs. After the publication in 1958 of the Law on the connection of school with life, for the first time such a program was thoroughly developed in the republic in 1963. It reflects such issues as: continuity of nursery, preschool and primary school age; the dialectical relationship between preschool pedagogy and psychology, physical, mental, spiritual, aesthetic and labor education; psychophysical preparation of preschool children for school. In the 1970s and 1980s, this program was significantly improved by including materials on the spiritual and aesthetic education of children. The proposal to build this type of educational work on the national Belarusian basis, using the Belarusian artistic word, Belarusian folklore, Belarusian songs and dances, paintings, drawings, ceramics, national clothes and household items, etc., deserves attention. The kindergarten made it possible to at least slightly increase the feeling of patriotism and national self-consciousness in children, which was not facilitated by the realities of the then life in our republic.

3. The main directions of development of the system of preschool education at the present stage. By the beginning of the 1990s, a fairly strong system of preschool education had developed in the BSSR. In 1991, 62.8% of preschool children were covered by the system. More than 80% of the teachers who worked in it had higher and secondary special education. However, since the 1990s, the process of destruction of the system of preschool education has begun. For 2 years (1991 - 1993), 316 preschool institutions ceased to exist in the republic (of which 263 were in rural areas), the number of pupils, especially of early age, began to decline. The coverage of children with public preschool education decreased to 55% (in the countryside - to 33.7%, in the city - to 60.8%). For the first time in 1992-1993, graduates of pedagogical institutes and colleges could not find a job in preschool institutions.

But thanks to the efforts of the head of the department of preschool education of the Ministry of Education T.M. The korostel system of preschool institutions was not only preserved, but also developed. If earlier the department of preschool education was mainly engaged in inspecting preschool institutions of the republic, then, starting from the 1990s, it became a real generator for the development of new, time-appropriate ideas of preschool pedagogy and their implementation in practice.

On April 24, 1992, the resolutions of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Belarus “On the preservation and development of the network of preschool institutions” were adopted, and on February 4, 1993, “On amendments to the resolution of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Belarus “On the preservation and development of the network of preschool institutions”, which could not only to suspend the process of their closure, sale, but also contributed to the creation of extrabudgetary funds. In the republic, measures were developed not only to further develop the network of preschool institutions, but also to improve the quality of preschool education, to assist families in raising children.

In 1991, the Concept of preschool education was developed. In 1997, by decision of UNESCO, the term "preschool education" was introduced. In 2000, the Concept of preschool education of the Republic of Belarus was developed, which reflected the current trends in the development of preschool education in our country and abroad, taking into account the opinions of practicing teachers, methodologists, and scientists.

On the initiative of the department for preschool education of the Ministry of Education, in 1991, the Praleska magazine (editor-in-chief - A.I. Sachenko) began to be published in the republic for the first time, on the pages of which scientific, methodological, journalistic articles are published on the family and public education of preschoolers, recommendations are given psychologists, teachers, physicians, sociologists.

In 1995, with the participation of employees of the Department of Preschool Education, a new program of education and training for preschool institutions "Praleska" was published (supervisor - Professor of the Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after M. Tank E.A. Panko).

In the 1990s, new types of preschool institutions appeared in our country: preschool child development centers, kindergarten schools, preschool institutions with short stays for children, with in-depth work direction, private preschool institutions.

The modern system of preschool education is developing in the context of the tasks facing the entire education system in the light of the instructions of the Government of the Republic of Belarus, the implementation of the Program for the Development of the National Education System for 2006-2010, the Program for the Social and Economic Development of the Republic of Belarus for 2006-2010, and other state programs. In 2008, for the first time, the Program for the Development of the Preschool Education System for 2009-2014 was developed and approved by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus on August 19. This is the most important document that actually determined the status of preschool education in the country, fixed the priorities in its development for the future, sources of funding and the timing of the implementation of the main indicators and activities. Among them the main ones are:

Ø maintaining the availability of pre-school education for all categories of the population;

Ø improving the quality of educational services in preschool institutions;

Ø creation of a health-saving environment;

Ø development of new forms of preschool education in accordance with the needs of the family;

Ø Raising the social status of workers in the preschool education system.

The program for the development of the system of preschool education in the Republic of Belarus for 2009-2010 is a new mechanism for guaranteed financing of preschool institutions and solving urgent problems of the system of preschool education. The new mechanism for financing the system is promising and long-term, since after the expiration of the implementation of this Program, a new Program will be developed and adopted for the corresponding period, taking into account the real needs of the system.

The Program provides for incentive measures that allow not only to maintain the human resources potential of preschool institutions, but also ensure its development. At present, proposals to increase wages for teachers and assistants to preschool teachers are being coordinated, and a scientific justification has been prepared for the preparation of a normative act to reduce the duration of the working week of educators.

A draft Code of the Republic of Belarus on Education has already been prepared. It has a separate section regulating the functioning and development of the preschool education system.

Thus, in the Republic of Belarus, the state policy in the field of preschool education is being effectively implemented, providing social, pedagogical, psychological support for the family raising children of preschool age. The system of preschool education provides high-quality education of pupils, recognition and realization of the rights of the child to his full-fledged upbringing, training and development, starting from an early age, is the foundation on which the well-being of children, families, and the nation is built.

Questions for self-control:

1. What types of institutions was represented by the system of preschool education in Belarus in the XIX beginning. XX centuries?

2. In what directions did the system of preschool education develop in the BSSR in the 20–80s of the 20th century?

3. What are the priority areas for the development of the system of preschool education at the present stage.

Literature: 5, 18, 20, 21 (basic).

The main directions for the development of preschool education: a comparative analysis of the FGT and the Federal State Educational Standard The federal state standard for preschool education was developed for the first time in Russian history in accordance with the requirements of the federal law "On Education in the Russian Federation" and will come into force on January 1, 2014. The development of the standard has been carried out since January 30, 2013 by a working group of leading experts in the field of preschool education, led by the director of the Federal Institute for the Development of Education, Alexander Asmolov. The Federal State Educational Standard will begin to work actively only in 10 regions of the country; in the remaining subjects of the Russian Federation, the Federal State Educational Standard will begin to be implemented in 2016. In the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" p. 6, art. 2 defines "Federal State Educational Standard - a set of mandatory requirements for education of a certain level and (or) for a profession, specialty and area of ​​training, approved by the federal executive body responsible for developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education." Thus, the Federal State Educational Standard is a standard for the quality of preschool education. According to Alexander Asmolov, “The standard of preschool education is, first of all, the standard for supporting the diversity of childhood.” Why did it become necessary to develop GEF for preschool institutions? This is a requirement of the new law "On Education" - preschool education is recognized as an independent level of general education, and this means that it must now work in accordance with the standards, since all levels of education are being standardized. Standards are developed to give Russian education unity. The Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education gives the right to receive high-quality preschool education. In the FGT, the problem of the quality of preschool education is narrowed down to the problem of the quality of the conditions for the implementation of the educational process. Thus, the state, society and parents of pupils direct their moral and material efforts to organize the process of education of preschoolers, regardless of the achievement of the result. The Federal State Educational Standard aligns preschool education with other educational systems of continuous education in the Russian Federation. According to the monitoring of the state and development of the system 1 of preschool education (monitoring was carried out by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation), today Russian preschool education operates in the system of continuous education of the Russian Federation according to the “leftover principle” of providing all groups of resources (personnel, finance, regulatory documents, programmatic - methodological kits, etc.): - the network of preschool institutions in the country satisfies the needs of the population of the Russian Federation only by 60% and, thus, does not ensure the constitutional right of all willing citizens of Russia to receive public and free preschool education. The standard is designed to provide regulatory guarantees of state guarantees of equal opportunities for each child in obtaining preschool education; - in financing, there is a high regional and municipal differentiation (municipalities, being 80% subsidized, cannot ensure the normal functioning of the system with resources and, accordingly, equal conditions for obtaining preschool education throughout the Russian Federation); - pedagogical workers of the system of preschool education in Russia generally have a lower educational level than their colleagues from general education (for comparison: about 40% of workers with higher pedagogical education work in the system of preschool education, more than 90% in the system of general education); - the average salary of preschool teachers is only 70% of the average salary of teachers in the general education system; - the assessment of the work of preschool education workers in the form of awarding industry and state awards is also carried out according to the residual principle, both in quantitative and "qualitative" terms (the share of preschool teachers who received these awards is many times less than their colleagues - school teachers ; teachers of preschool educational institutions, not officially being employees of the general education system, receive “not their own” awards - for example, the badge “Honorary Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation”, the title of “Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation”). The developed new standards should change the current situation, because they determine the requirements for material, technical, financial and personnel conditions. The Federal State Educational Standard pursues the goal of creating equal opportunities for each child in obtaining a quality preschool education. The specifics of preschool age 2 is such that the achievements of preschool children are determined not by the sum of specific knowledge, skills and abilities, but by a combination of personal qualities, including those that ensure the child's psychological readiness for school. The standards say that it is necessary to abandon the teaching model in kindergarten, i.e. from classes. The standard requires the appeal of educators and teachers to new forms of work with children that would allow teachers, figuratively speaking, to educate preschoolers in such a way that they do not even know about it. The difference between preschool education and general education lies in the fact that there is no rigid objectivity in kindergarten The basis of development is the game. Preschool education acts as an institution of socialization and individualization and is not limited to the service sector. The main principle of this document is the preservation of the uniqueness and intrinsic value of preschool childhood as an important stage in the overall development of a person. The state educational standard regulates the content of education, defining its minimum. Pre-school education has become an element of the state guarantee. Until now, federal state requirements have been imposed on preschool education. The difference is that the standards, in addition to the requirements for the structure of the program and the conditions for its implementation, also contain requirements for the results of its development, this is a fundamental innovation. The new Federal State Educational Standard for preschool institutions clearly spells out the requirements for: 1) the structure of the main educational programs (including the ratio of the mandatory part of the main educational program and the part formed by the participants in educational relations) and their volume; 2) conditions for the implementation of basic educational programs, including personnel, financial, logistical and other conditions; 3) the results of mastering the main educational programs. Section: requirements for the structure of basic educational programs. Educational organizations of preschool education will independently develop and approve their main educational programs on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard, taking into account the exemplary basic educational programs of preschool education, which are developed by experienced specialists and will be placed in the federal register. 3 The standard offers a clear clarification regarding the two parts of the educational program prescribed by law (clause II.5). The fact is that the law requires to distinguish between the “mandatory part” and “the part formed by the participants in educational relations” in the main educational program, and these explanations are presented in terms familiar to preschool teachers: - the mandatory part of the program is its complex part. - "the part formed by the participants in educational relations" - these are those partial programs that teachers can either choose from existing ones or develop on their own. The measure of the ratio of these two parts is not fixed, but in the form of a range (60% and 40%), within which each kindergarten will be able to determine a more suitable ratio for itself (paragraph II.6). The standards define the order of presentation and the principles of internal structuring of all sections of the Program, i.e., the requirements for sections of the main general education program are listed (clause II.7). What is new is that the main program may not include an exemplary program, but be developed independently (this right is determined by law), and then it must be presented in detail. If the favorite sample program is included in the federal register, then the kindergarten will be able to simply refer to it, i.e. it will be possible to issue it as a link to the corresponding sample program(clause II.8). The order of presentation and the principles of internal structuring of all sections of the Program are chosen by the authors, taking into account the proposed structure of the main educational program in accordance with its specifics. This is an important point, given the fundamentally different approaches to the relationship of content material in different preschool programs. The part of the Program formed by the participants of educational relations can also be presented in the form of links to the relevant methodical literature . This moment does not look fundamental, but at least somehow reduces the “paper” pressure on kindergartens. Another innovation, an additional section of the Program is required. This section includes the text of the Program and its brief presentation. A brief presentation of the Program should be focused on the parents of pupils and be available for review (clause II.9). It should also be noted that the new standard is aimed at reducing the educational burden on children. It provides 4 individual approach to each child. In other words, children will not be forced into the same demands. The solution of the problems of children's development will take place in five educational areas: communicative-personal, cognitive, speech, artistic and aesthetic and the field of physical development. The developers of the Federal State Educational Standard clearly say: the standard should be aimed at ensuring that the child has a motivation for learning, cognition and creativity. It is more important to develop memory, attention, thinking, imagination: not a kindergarten should prepare a child for school, but a school should prepare for a child: a child prodigy, problematic in socialization, underdeveloped, etc. The central psychodidactic technology of the standard is the developmental interaction of the child with adults and peers and not just a one-sided impact on the child. The developed standard does not allow the transfer of the educational and disciplinary model of education to the life of a child of preschool age. A preschool child is a person who plays, therefore, the standard stipulates that learning enters the life of a child through the “gates of children's play”. “This is a standard that allows you to hear a child,” said Nikolai Veraksa, Dean of the Faculty of Educational Psychology at the Russian State Humanitarian University. - Previously, the entire education system sought to understand the child, gave the child the system of knowledge that he needed, but hearing the child is a new, basic thing that was taken as the basis of this standard. The voice of the child is especially valuable: if we do not hear it, there will be no curiosity, arbitrariness (ability to master activities), initiative, readiness to change. This is a new step in understanding childhood.” The authors of the new preschool education standard believe that the implementation of this project will make it possible to turn kindergartens into adequate preschool education institutions, in which there will be no pursuit of school knowledge. Section: conditions for the implementation of basic educational programs. Requirements for the psychological and pedagogical context of the implementation of the program look thoughtful, thorough and systemic. Innovative: (clause III.4) in a group, an assessment of the development of children can be carried out ... by a teacher together with a teacher-psychologist as part of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics (or monitoring). Participation of a child in psychological and pedagogical diagnostics (monitoring) is allowed only with the consent of his parents (legal representatives) opinions of standards developers. At discussion meetings, they argued that there should be no more than 15 children per adult. Requirements for personnel conditions for the implementation of the main educational program of preschool education. The standard also reflects the requirements for preschool teachers themselves. The preparation of the educator must necessarily be carried out taking into account psychological preparation, obtaining knowledge about the age characteristics of children. The humanistic aspect of their activity is outlined. The key position of the developed standards - the educator must not only have knowledge, but also be able to communicate with children - echoes the positions of the "Professional Standard of the Teacher". The teacher implementing the Program must have the basic competencies necessary to create a social situation for the development of pupils that corresponds to the specifics of preschool age. The above formulations (clause III.6) look wonderful and fully reflect both the characteristic parental expectations from the profession of an educator, and the scientific and pedagogical ideas about the competent organization of his activities. However, in many respects they do not correspond either to the actual state of affairs in most kindergartens, or to the training that teachers received in institutes and schools. This is the main difficulty - we need to break the stereotypes, the mentality that was set by the entire system of professional training of our educators. “Each group must be continuously accompanied by an educator during the entire time of the pupils' stay” (clause III.15.1) - this corresponds to the minimum staffing now. Also, “the implementation of the program is carried out by other pedagogical workers” (clause III.15.2) - this only emphasizes that at least some specialist teachers other than educators “in the group” should participate in the implementation of the educational program. No measure of their number is specified. This is worse than the current state of affairs, when there are still some regulations regarding music directors, leaders of physical culture, speech therapists, etc. “Educator assistants take part in creating the conditions necessary for the implementation of the educational program” (clause III.15.3) - i.e. the activities of caregiver assistants should also be considered in connection with education, and not with care and supervision (although it is not obvious from the text whether it is fully or only partially). 6 The requirements for the developing object-spatial environment are listed. The basic concepts of the standard are the terms "individualization" and "socialization". At this stage of development, the child develops a special position towards the world: his communication system is created, ethical norms are assimilated, therefore, a special educational environment should be created in preschool institutions. The developing object-spatial environment of the group should be rich in content, transformable, multifunctional, variable, accessible and safe. The saturation of the environment should correspond to the age capabilities of the children and the content of the Program. These requirements look really adequate to the positive prospects for the development of preschool education. Requirements for the material and technical conditions for the implementation of the main educational program of preschool education require the implementation of SanPin. In the Requirements for the financial conditions for the implementation of the main educational program of preschool education "Implementation of the Program requires the Organization to manage educational activities, methodological support for the implementation of the Program, accounting, financial and economic activities, necessary medical support" (clause III.15.4) - this paragraph emphasizes that the relevant items of expenditure are considered as necessary for the implementation of the educational program, must be financed by the state and cannot be passed on to the parents. The costs of a child's stay in kindergarten are clearly spelled out in the new standard. The state bears all the expenses for the education of children, leaving the costs of care and supervision to the parents. In other words, if desired, parents will be able to save a little on paying for kindergarten. For example, if parents choose a short-term form of the child's stay in kindergarten, which includes only the educational part. In this case, parents will not have to pay for kindergarten at all, since the child will not need to cook, clean and do laundry after him. It is also emphasized that the costs associated with the additional professional education of teachers in the profile of their activities should be provided for (p. III.20), the main thing is that this item of expenditure is provided with the necessary funding. 7 Section: “Requirements for the results of mastering the program ...” Here we can say about the main advantage of this section - the interpretation of the results of preschool education as targets. This position also corresponds to the world experience in standardizing preschool education: not the requirements for the results of children, but guidelines for adults, which they can correlate with the real development of pupils. If the target guidelines for preschool education include “characteristics of a child’s personality at the stage of completion of preschool education”, then the content of the list of these characteristics looks quite complete, it highlights not external, but those essential features that do not contradict the infinite multiplicity of options for the development of preschool children. The form of presentation can be considered debatable: is it justified to present the targets in the form of a “psychological portrait of an ideal child” (this still indirectly sets teachers up for the fact that their goal is not the diversity of disclosure of the personal capabilities of children, but an approximation to a certain unified ideal). The standard of preschool education clearly states that it is impossible to evaluate the development of a child, it is necessary to evaluate its dynamics, that is, the assessment of the vector of development that the child is going through, rather than some final result that needs to be achieved, will be correct. Here we are talking only about personal results. In this regard, it is allowed to monitor the dynamics of the child's development, but it is needed not for evaluation in itself, but for identifying the ways in which the teacher can allow the child to develop, discover some abilities, overcome problems. At the same time, it is noted that only a specially trained educational psychologist can do this, and only with the consent of the parents. Alexander Asmolov noted that " new standard should guarantee quality pre-school education to every child. There will be no testing, certification, testing of the knowledge of a preschooler. "Thus, the developed standard reflects the agreed socio-cultural, public and state expectations regarding the level of preschool education, which, in turn, are guidelines for the founders of preschool organizations, specialists in the education system, families pupils and the general public 8 9