Traditionally, in the domestic system of musical education, singing activity occupies a leading place. This is due to a number of reasons (M. S. Osenneva, L. A. Bezborodova and others):.

■ the song beginning of the Russian musical culture: all folk holidays, rituals, all church services were accompanied by singing;

■ the adequacy of singing to the psychological and age characteristics of children, their desire for active forms of mastering art, their active nature;

■ special accessibility for perception due to the synthesis of words and music;

■ the importance of educating the feelings of human community in the modern world - singing unites people, creating conditions for emotional communication.

The importance of singing activity can hardly be overestimated in child's personal development. Singing develops aesthetic perception, aesthetic feelings, artistic taste, musical and musical-sensory abilities and above all musical and auditory performances. It contributes to the formation aesthetic attitude to the environment, enriching the experience of the child, his mental development. Expands horizons, the amount of knowledge about the environment. Enriches the vocabulary of the child, improves his articulatory apparatus and speech.

Singing classes help develop socio-personal And communication qualities, to unite the children's team, to bring up the will, organization, endurance. The influence of singing on moral development expressed in the fact that the songs convey a certain content and attitude to it. Singing gives rise to the ability to experience the moods reflected in the songs.

Singing is viewed as body strengthening agent preschoolers. It forms proper breathing, strengthens the lungs and vocal apparatus. According to doctors, singing is the best form of breathing exercises. Singing activity contributes to the formation of correct posture.

In the field of musical psychology, singing is considered as one of the forms of music therapy that affects the emergence of various emotional states.

Traditionally, the tasks of teaching preschoolers to sing are the following (A. N. Zimina, O. P. Radynova, etc.):

■ to educate the basics of singing and general musical culture: to form aesthetic emotions, interests and vocal and choral skills and abilities;

■ develop musical abilities and, above all, the distinction between intonationally accurate and inaccurate singing of sounds in height, duration;

■ promote the all-round spiritual and physical development of children.

Singing for the development of musical perception:

listening to songs not meant to be sung;

listening to songs intended for their subsequent performance;

singing melodies and exercises to develop ideas about the height, timbre, duration, strength of sounds (development of sensory abilities).

Song performance:

singing with and without accompaniment;

singing with own accompaniment on children's musical instruments;

singing to accompany movements (round dances).

Singing in musical and educational activities:

singing exercises to acquire singing skills and musical knowledge;

pedagogical analysis of songs (the most vivid expressive means, structure, character, etc.).

Song creation:


composition of melodies to given texts;

choral composition.

Various types of singing activity are closely related to each other, have a mutual influence: singing and listening to songs, singing and exercises, listening to songs and songwriting, etc. The forms of their organization are also diverse: classes (collective and individual), independent activities, holidays and entertainment.

Purpose and tasks of singing activity. The main goal is to educate children in singing culture, to introduce them to music. The tasks of singing activity follow from the general tasks of musical education and are inextricably linked with them. They are as follows:

1. Develop musical abilities (emotional responsiveness to music, modal feeling, musical and auditory representations, a sense of rhythm).

2. To form the foundations of singing and general musical culture (aesthetic emotions, interests, assessments, vocal and choral skills and abilities).

3. Contribute to the comprehensive spiritual and physical development of children.

These tasks are solved on the basis of a certain song repertoire, the use of appropriate teaching methods and techniques, and various forms of organizing children's musical activities.

Song repertoire includes: exercises for the development of singing voice and hearing; songs for various types of musical activity (listening, choral and solo singing, singing with movements, playing musical instruments with singing, musical literacy, creativity).

The repertoire must be selected so that it corresponds to the physical, mental characteristics of the child, performs aesthetic and general educational tasks. Both music and lyrics play an important role here.

Singing exercises must be used on a particular system. Their main goal is the development of singing technique, musical ear. Each exercise has some basic narrow task: the development of breathing, diction, range, etc., but it is solved against the background of the whole complex of skills. In order for the work on the basic skills to be systematic, the sequence of exercises is important. We can recommend the following order of development of singing skills (conditionally): diction and articulation, breathing, sound production, range expansion, sound knowledge.

At the beginning of the school year, in all age groups, it is proposed to sing exercises for development diction and articulation. (This is especially important for younger groups, since there are children with speech defects in them.) Many teachers believe that good diction contributes to the purity of intonation, the beauty of the sound of the voice. First, children sing exercises to help overcome speech defects, then - to align vowels and syllables with consonants.

The following are developmental exercises. singing breath. The quality of the sound, the singing of phrases, the purity of intonation depend on the correct breath (calm, but active). Inhalation is recommended to be done simultaneously through the nose and mouth. The exhalation should be calm and slow so that the breath lasts until the end of the phrase. For the development of breathing, all exercises are given in the following sequence: first, singing two-bar chants, songs at an average tempo in 2/4 time, then the phrases are lengthened. There are also exercises with pauses for taking the right breath.

Exercises for correct sound production(natural singing, relaxed, melodious, light) also take into account the importance of developing a “soft attack” of sound in children (the initial moment of sound formation). Children should be able to sing calmly, without jerks. The "hard attack" harms the child's voice, the correct singing sound: it is rarely allowed, only as a performing technique 4 . Among the exercises for children 3-6 years old should not be "beating" on the vocal cords. You need to teach the guys to sing long, melodious.

For the development of singing ranges the same exercises are used, but transposed into other keys.

Vocal skills (sound production, breathing, diction) are acquired simultaneously with choral skills (purity of intonation, ensemble). Purity of intonation is the most difficult singing skill. It is associated with the development of hearing (modal sense and musical-auditory representations), the feeling of a melody's attraction to stable sounds, and the presentation of a melodic pitch pattern. Unclean intonation in singing is often the result of a small vocal range. In such cases, it is useful for the child to sing in a comfortable range so that he can catch the melodic pattern and reproduce it.

Feeling ensemble also requires auditory attention, the ability to listen to each other. In order for children to be able to listen to singing, it is important to sing quietly, at an average pace.

Songs without accompaniment. From the age of 3, children sing without instrumental accompaniment in small groups and individually with the support of an adult's voice. These are onomatopoeia, folk songs, small songs. Melodic moves, rhythm are very simple, easy for intonation. The melody consists of one or two repeated motifs. Children 4-6 years old sing more difficult songs, with a wider range, interesting rhythms, and melody. The main purpose of unaccompanied singing is to develop purity of intonation; therefore, it is necessary that the technical side of the performance does not require much effort and that children can focus on pure intonation.

Songs with accompaniment. At the beginning of the school year, preschoolers sing simple, uncomplicated songs to restore those skills that have been forgotten over the summer. The melody of the song is accurately duplicated by the instrument; melodic moves are convenient for intonation, written in medium tessitura, with a narrow range.

At the next stage of training, songs with a more complex rhythm and melodic structure are offered. In older groups, instrumental accompaniment can only partially duplicate the melody, sound in a different register. Songs are used with an introduction, conclusion, pauses, chorus, chorus of a different nature, which requires melodious or moving singing, the use of all singing skills.

Another group of songs, more difficult, is designed for children 5-6 years old. These are songs of a two-part or three-part form (parts may have a different character). There are already unexpected pauses, short durations, chanting (two notes per syllable), wide ranges (septim, octave), long phrases. These songs are performed by more capable children (soloists or small groups) with and without instrumental accompaniment.

Songs to accompany movements. When selecting a repertoire for this type of activity, it must be borne in mind that singing is incompatible with fast, abrupt movements; therefore, the songs should be of a calm, smooth character.

Movements activate the emotional manifestations of children. Children always sing songs with movements willingly. Such songs are already being taught in junior groups.

Songs to accompany movements (round dances) have a simple melody, they are lighter than those offered in the "Songs with Accompaniment" section. Combining singing and movements requires great physical effort from children, concentration and distribution of attention. At the beginning of the school year, songs with short phrases are used, simple, of a small range, then - more detailed (two-part or three-part form), of a different nature, with varied, but calm movements. It is important to remember that sudden movements lead to increased breathing, and singing becomes intermittent and inexpressive.

Songs for playing musical instruments. This repertoire is intended for intermediate and senior groups. At the beginning of the year, children improvise on a given topic (“Bells”, “Rain”, “Brook”, etc.). The purpose of these exercises is to introduce the instrument, to let them play with it like with a toy. Then the children play rhythmic exercises on one or two notes and sing along. Gradually, the guys learn to select melodies by ear from a familiar repertoire (chants from several sounds).

Sample songs for teaching children the basics of musical literacy. The repertoire for various types of singing activities can be used in teaching the basics of musical literacy. Drawing the attention of children to the direction of movement of the sounds of the melody, their length, the nature of the performance of the song, the teacher gives the children some information about the height and duration of sounds, timbre, tempo, rhythm, dynamics, etc. To develop ideas about the height and duration of sounds, characteristic rhythmic or melodic turns from already familiar works. Children reproduce them as exercises, for example, clap, tap with a stick or play a rhythmic pattern of a melody on one plate of a metallophone, sing melodic turns into syllables la-la, doo-doo, mi-mi, mo-mo etc. so that the text does not distract from the reproduction of the pitch of the sounds.

Singing teaching methodology. The singing abilities of preschoolers (singing ranges, features of singing breathing, articulatory apparatus) in each age group are different.

Three age periods can be distinguished in accordance with the general and musical development of children: up to 3 years, from 3 to 5 and from 5 to 6 (7) years. In the first age period, babies accumulate the experience of perceiving music, initial musical impressions, the experience of sensory-auditory and rhythmic representations, intoning the melody with their voice. In the second age period, the coordination of hearing and voice, music and movements, the combination of knowledge and skills take place. At the age of 5 to 6 (7) years, practical actions are supported by knowledge about music, enriched by it, elements of an aesthetic attitude to singing and music in general are formed and visibly manifested.

In classes with the youngest children, singing and small songs that are imitative in nature (voices of birds, animals, sounds of the surrounding reality, repetitive intonations) are used. With their help, hearing develops, diction and articulation are formed. It is desirable that there are sounds in the text w, w, h, r. Melodies should be simple, built on 2-4 sounds, in the fourth range (re 1-salt 1), the rhythmic pattern should consist of quarter and eighth durations, the tempo and strength of the sound are medium, and the breathing is short. In children 3-4 years old, as a rule, the range of singing re- la the first octave, breathing is still uneven, short, not everyone has developed articulation, diction, some find it difficult to pronounce individual sounds. At 4-5 years old, the range of singing expands: re-si the first octave, breathing becomes more stable, children can sing longer phrases (two measures at an average pace), pronounce words better. In this age period, songs and round dances about nature, the surrounding reality are selected, singing exercises are built on a text that is feasible for the children. They help the formation of diction, articulation, singing breathing, ensemble. For the development of coordination of hearing and voice, singing breathing, it is important to choose songs that have not only uniform, but also lingering sounds. By the age of 5, children already use different types of breathing (clavicular, thoracic, lower costal, and also mixed). Melodies are sung more complex, at a slow and medium pace, the dynamics are quiet and moderately loud. At 5-6 (7) years, the range is even wider: re first octave - before second octave (sometimes even re first octave - re second octave). Children have a better command of singing breathing - they can sing phrases of two measures at a slow pace. During these years, musically gifted children appear, they are noticeably ahead of their peers. This is revealed in the following: purity of intonation, sonorous voice, artistically expressive singing, artistry, interest in music.

At the age of 5 to 6 (7) years, a more varied song repertoire is used, the tempo is from slow to moving, the dynamics are from quiet to moderately loud. Singing loudly is not recommended. The strength of the sound of children's voices is moderate, since the vocal cords are not yet formed.

The most suitable material for classes with children of all ages is folk songs, songs, round dances. Their melodies are simple and accessible to preschoolers. They are often performed unaccompanied, contribute to the development of hearing, form taste, and can be used in various life situations.

The work on the song can be conditionally divided into several stages, each of which has its own methods and techniques.

At the first stage work on the song (familiarization, perception), visual and verbal methods are used. With the help of an expressive performance of a song, a figurative word, a conversation about the nature of music, the teacher seeks to arouse interest in it, the desire to learn it. It is important that the children feel the moods conveyed in the music, speak about the nature of the song as a whole, the change of moods in its parts. Only a bright, expressive performance of a teacher can evoke positive emotions in children, an experience of the content of music. A conversation about the emotional and figurative content of the song helps to set the guys up for its expressive performance, the choice of sound formation, diction, and breathing corresponding to the nature of the song. So, if the children defined the nature of the music as affectionate, gentle, calm, they are explained to them that it must also be sung in a melodious, drawling voice.

At the second stage the actual learning of the song begins (for 3-5 lessons). In addition to visual and verbal methods, here great importance has a practical method. Children master the necessary singing skills, memorize and reproduce the melody, rhythm of the song, expressive nuances. At this stage, exercises play an important role. At first, the guys learn by imitation, so the teacher's demonstration of performance techniques and their consolidation in the exercises are very important. Exercises are given as chanting, before singing songs. With their help, difficult melodic moves found in the song are learned. For example, before singing the song "Herringbone" by L. Beckman, starting with a move up a sixth, you can use the song from the "Musical Primer" by N. A. Vetlugina "Echo" to prepare children for playing this difficult interval.

Working on difficult melodies based on the material of the song itself requires multiple repetitions, which inevitably reduce children's interest in the song. The exercise, given in a playful way, helps to overcome difficulties, to acquire singing skills. Exercises that have a playful character, children sing with pleasure not only in the classroom, but also in independent activities and at home. Children like songs related to the world close to them. These are melodies from folklore, imitation of the voices of birds, animals, tongue twisters, nursery rhymes, counting rhymes.

When performing singing exercises, children constantly train their singing voice, develop an ear for music, coordination of hearing and voice, and purity of intonation.

Very simple exercises are also used, built on one or two intervals. For example, the exercise "cuckoo" is built on a minor third. Children come up with their own words for this interval. This is how auditory representations are formed, which are important for the development of modal feeling. (The interval of a minor third is included in the tonic triad, which forms the basis of the mode.) Other exercises can be created in a similar way: imitation of the voice of a lapwing (down fifth), the croak of a crow (on one sound), etc.

Learning to sing requires a lot of willpower from a child. To maintain interest in the song, to focus the attention of children, it is important to be able to create game situations, use musical and didactic games, problem tasks. On average, a song is learned in 8-9 lessons. Children show the greatest interest in the first three lessons, then interest may fall. It is necessary to support it with the help of various pedagogical techniques, to connect singing with other types of musical activity: movements, playing musical instruments.

At the second stage of work on a song, children master the skills of sound production, breathing, diction, purity of intonation, ensemble.

To develop the habit of correct sound production such methods and techniques are used as a figurative word, a conversation about the nature of music, and a demonstration of performance techniques. The melodiousness is connected with sound formation. From a young age, it is important to teach children to draw out vowels, the ends of musical phrases, and learn songs in slow motion. Melodies are helped by singing melodies without words, into a consonant m or l combined with vowels u, oh In older groups, exercises in which syllables dominate are useful. coo-coo, mo-mo. Mobile light sound formation is facilitated by exercises that begin and end with consonants (ding-ding, knock-knock) 5. The method of comparing sound with musical instruments(smooth sound of a pipe, jerky and light - a bell).

To help children master the right breath, they are explained and shown where and how to take breath, how to spend it on musical phrases. For proper breathing, the singing attitude is important - the landing is straight, without raising the shoulders.

To develop the correct diction the following methods apply: expressive reading text, explaining the meaning of some unfamiliar words, their correct and distinct pronunciation, reading the text in a whisper, with clear articulation. It is important to develop the mobility of the articulatory apparatus (lips, tongue, palate, lower jaw) in children with the help of exercises. Meaningful pronunciation of the text makes singing more expressive. This is facilitated by the clear sound of consonants, soft endings of phrases, semantic accents, etc.

Purity of intonation in singing requires constant work on improving the ear from an early age: from the development of auditory concentration to the distinction and reproduction of sounds in height, reproduction of the direction of movement of the melody. So that children can easily determine the direction of movement of the melody, modeling is used (showing the movement of sounds with the hand, didactic games, demonstrating the sounds of the melody on the flannelograph, etc.).

Techniques help to get the purity of intonation in singing: tuning on the first sound of the song; singing of one melody by the teacher (children's perception of the melody from the voice); performance of a melody on the piano and other instruments; learning a melody in parts, phrases, in slow motion. They usually begin to learn a song from simpler, more memorable fragments, for example, from a chorus. In addition, the auditory attention of children is necessary. They should sing quietly, expressively, listening to themselves and others. It is useful to sing in small groups and solo.

It is important for the teacher to understand the causes of impure intonation. It can be an underdeveloped hearing, articulation deficiencies, a diseased vocal apparatus. It is recommended to deal with children with impure intonation individually.

One of the reasons for incorrect intonation is the low range of the voice. In this case, the transposition of the melody into a key that is convenient for the child helps. If he manages to catch the pattern of the melody and reproduce it in a comfortable tessitura, he can begin to sing correctly and together with other children, in a higher sound. Gradually, the range expands, starting with primary (i.e., comfortable for humans) sounds.

Along with this technique, the reverse also helps - “opening up” the sounds of the upper register of a child’s voice (la, si first octave, before, re second octave). First, children perform onomatopoeia exercises. (coo-coo, doo-doo) then they sing jokes. Moreover, it is desirable that the melody goes from top to bottom: this immediately sets the voice apparatus to a high sound. The third way - along with the strengthening of low sounds - immediately expand the upper register of the child's voice, accustoming him to high sounds (RT Zinich) 6 .

N. A. Metlov advised seating children for singing so that children with impure intonation would sit in the first row, behind them - medium intonation and in the third row - well-singing children. At the same time, children with poor intonation better adjust to the correct intonation: in front they hear the sound of the instrument and the singing of the teacher, and behind them - pure intonation children 7 .

Establishing the purity of intonation in singing is facilitated by the systematic repetition of the learned songs both with and without accompaniment, listening to songs well performed by adults and children.

Feeling ensemble(from the French ansamble - together) is also necessary for choral singing. The teacher shows the children the moment of entry, encourages auditory attention, coherence of sound. One should strive not only for the simultaneity of singing, but also its expressiveness: soft endings of phrases, dynamic shades, semantic accents, the quality of sound science corresponding to the nature of the music. Therefore, the bright performance of the song by the teacher and the figurative word are also important at the second stage of work on the work, when learning it.

On third stage songs are repeated. Children have already mastered singing skills and freely perform the learned repertoire. If the song is loved, the guys sing it at will, not only in the classroom. They remember it for a long time, include it in games, and “perform” in front of the audience with pleasure.

Traditionally, in the domestic system of musical education, singing activity occupies a leading place. This is due to a number of reasons (M. S. Osenneva, L. A. Bezborodova and others):.

■ the song beginning of Russian musical culture: all folk holidays, rituals, all church services were accompanied by singing;

■ the adequacy of singing to the psychological and age characteristics of children, their desire for active forms of mastering art, their active nature;

■ special accessibility for perception due to the synthesis of words and music;

■ the importance of educating the feelings of human community in the modern world - singing unites people, creating conditions for emotional communication.

The importance of singing activity can hardly be overestimated in child's personal development. Singing develops aesthetic perception, aesthetic feelings, artistic taste, musical and musical-sensory abilities and above all musical and auditory performances. It contributes to the formation aesthetic attitude to the environment, enriching the experience of the child, his mental development. Expands horizons, the amount of knowledge about the environment. Enriches the vocabulary of the child, improves his articulatory apparatus and speech.

Singing classes help develop socio-personal And communication qualities, to unite the children's team, to bring up the will, organization, endurance. The influence of singing on moral development expressed in the fact that the songs convey a certain content and attitude to it. Singing gives rise to the ability to experience the moods reflected in the songs.

Singing is viewed as body strengthening agent preschoolers. It forms proper breathing, strengthens the lungs and vocal apparatus. According to doctors, singing is the best form of breathing exercises. Singing activity contributes to the formation of correct posture.

In the field of musical psychology, singing is considered as one of the forms of music therapy that affects the emergence of various emotional states.

Traditionally, the tasks of teaching preschoolers to sing are the following (A. N. Zimina, O. P. Radynova, etc.):

■ to educate the basics of singing and general musical culture: to form aesthetic emotions, interests and vocal and choral skills and abilities;

■ develop musical abilities and, above all, the distinction between intonationally accurate and inaccurate singing of sounds in height, duration;

■ promote the all-round spiritual and physical development of children.

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Description of pedagogical experience on the topic: "Singing activity - as a means of developing an emotionally creative and healthy personality of a child"

What compares to music in terms of sound?

Noise of the forest? The singing of a nightingale?

Thunderstorms? A brook murmuring?

I can't find comparisons.

The current stage of development of society in Russia is characterized by significant changes in all social spheres that have affected the education system. In modern conditions, the tasks of preschool educational institutions have changed and become more complicated in terms of training, education and development of the younger generation. To the fore, along with the assimilation of primary knowledge, skills and abilities, the tasks of ethical and aesthetic education of preschoolers, the development of creativity and the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

The comprehensive program for the upbringing, education and development of preschoolers "Rainbow", which is implemented by the Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution "Kindergarten of the combined type "Rainbow", meets these requirements. The purpose of the program is to preserve and strengthen the health of children, to form in them the habit of a healthy lifestyle, in a timely and complete manner. mental development and upbringing, providing each child with the opportunity to joyfully and meaningfully live the period of preschool childhood.

The beginning of the work on the declared topic was the diagnostics to determine the initial level of singing skills of preschoolers. According to the diagnostic results, only 15% of children in the groups were with a high level, 26% of children were at an average level, 59% - at a low level of development. Thus, there was a need to create conditions for the creative self-realization of children in singing activities. We have set a goal: a singing creative voice

Creation of conditions for the development of an emotionally creative and healthy personality of a child through singing activities.

To achieve my goal, I have chosen this topic current pedagogical experience: “Singing activity is a means of developing an emotionally creative and healthy personality of a child”, since the process of singing helps a child not only acquire certain skills in voice development, but also contributes to the formation of a personality in general, the ability to express oneself, the development of his musical taste; promotes health (develops respiratory muscles, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system).

Relevance. The latest scientific research in the field of music pedagogy and experience in preschool, as well as historical experience has shown that vocal education has an impact not only on the emotional and aesthetic structure of the child's personality, but also on his comprehensive development.

Singing is considered to be the primary of all types of musical performance, one of the first manifestations of a child's musicality. This problem is always relevant, since singing, vocal and choral work are an important form of musical activity in the system of mass musical education.

The formation of singing skills is one of the most difficult sections of the musical education of children. preschool age. When teaching children vocals, it is necessary to take into account that the child's vocal apparatus is fragile, delicate, and continuously grows in accordance with the child's body. Therefore, the teacher must not only master the methodology of teaching singing, but also protect the voice of the child, find such methods of vocal technique that would most effectively contribute to the development of the child's voice, which can be seen in the description of work experience. The problem under consideration is also relevant because it is connected with the search for new ways of aesthetic education of the child by means of music through the most accessible and active type of musical activity, which is singing. Systematic, systematic vocal education has a beneficial effect on the physical health of children.

develop creative activity preschoolers is not possible in full, since in preschool musical education there are a number of contradictions between the orientation of the new content of additional education on the development of children's creative abilities and traditional methods and forms of teaching, as well as the child's desire to express his emotions, feelings in music and the insufficient formation of musical singing skills; the desire of the individual for creativity, originality, self-expression and the lack of the opportunity to express their abilities.

To solve these problems, the following tasks were set.

1. The optimal combination of traditional and innovative technologies of student-centered, integrated learning, (game, individual, group methods)

2. Designing the content of a music lesson focused on the individual, collective creative activity of children.

3. Organization of musical holidays, entertainment, participation in city musical creative competitions.

Based on the contradictions that have arisen, the idea arose to systematize and introduce a set of exercises that help improve the general condition of the body: breathing and health-improving gymnastics, which in turn will lead to the activation of the creative abilities of preschool children.

· Breathing exercises. Breathing affects sound pronunciation, articulation and voice development.

· Recreational gymnastics complex.

This complex prevents various diseases, relieves fatigue, headaches, improves vision, hearing.

The leading pedagogical idea is to determine methods for activating the creative abilities of preschool children through the development of singing skills.

This idea is driven by:

The use of traditional and innovative technologies in teaching (game, individual, group; integration);

The release of the inner creative forces of the child, his emotional and aesthetic potential through the application of the developed system of exercises;

Teaching the ability to freely, naturally and at the same time extremely responsibly use the voice, its flexible and musical nature, its potential for an accurate and expressive equivalent to one's own feeling.

Ways of implementation. Work on this topic is carried out in stages and covers the period from 2010-2011 academic year. to 2013-2014 academic year(second junior group - preparatory). Throughout the activity, the development of the singing skills of preschoolers is monitored.

Stage 1-stating (1 year)

1. Study of regulatory documents and materials.

2. Selection and development of exercises for the development of singing abilities.

3. Design of visual and demonstration material.

4. Initial diagnosis.

Stage 2-formative (2 years)

2. Consistent formation of singing skills that develop voice and hearing.

3. Intermediate diagnostics.

Stage 3-final (1 year)

1. Final diagnosis of the level of formation of singing skills in children.

2. Establishing the dynamics of the development of children's creative abilities.

3. Generalization.

Theoretical base. It is based on the ideas of L.S. Vygotsky, D.B. Kabalevsky, A.A. Volkova, N.A. Vetlugina, about the need to develop creative, including musical, abilities of preschool children. Practical developments by E.N. Tilicheeva, V.V. Emelyanov, B.S. Tolkachev on vocal, articulation exercises for preschool children, as well as a system of exercises for the development of voice and hearing.

Based on the scientific idea of ​​N.A. Vetlugina, who in her research comprehensively analyzed the possibilities of children in performing creative tasks, the origins of children's creativity, the ways of its development, developed a theoretical basis for this experience, including the relationship, interdependence of learning and children's creativity. It was found that the necessary conditions for the emergence of children's creativity are the accumulation of impressions from the perception of art and the accumulation of experience in performing. In improvisations, the child emotionally, directly applies everything that he has learned in the learning process. In turn, learning is enriched by the creative manifestations of children, acquires a developing character.

For example, L.S. Vygotsky substantiated an interesting thesis about the possibility of forming a child’s habit of creativity through specially designed exercises of a creative nature. His concept creative development personality, having a pronounced humanistic orientation, oriented teachers to preserve the individuality of the child and create the conditions necessary for his comprehensive creative development.

Work on the problem of the creative development of the child continued into the 20th century. The result of this activity was the creation of a variety of educational technologies that provide for a student-centered approach to teaching a child and developing his creative abilities.

Singing is the main means of musical and creative education, it is the closest and most accessible to children. A prerequisite for the formation and improvement of singing skills are: work on breathing, articulation, diction, as well as exercises (chants) on which it is easier to form singing skills and intonation pitch hearing.

As you know, an exercise is a repeatedly repeated, specially organized action, which is aimed at improving its performance. In my practice, I widely use the exercises of the teacher-musician, composer E.N. Tilicheeva, who help children to master elementary singing skills, to achieve ease and ease of sounding, proper breathing in singing.

V.V. Yemelyanov, head of the expert children's choir music school in Yekaterinburg, considers the most important development of the system of the voice-forming complex, grouped according to the following criteria: generator (larynx), resonator (horn), respiratory.

Like V.V. Emelyanov, in working with children, I give paramount importance to the development of the vocal apparatus. He said: “Any unprejudiced person can clearly imagine that with the ear, with the help of hearing, we do not feel anything, but we feel with the heart and even more with the “throat”, where the thinnest and richly innervated muscles are located.”

Based on the theoretical and practical methods of well-known teachers and musicians, I developed a set of breathing and healing exercises to enhance the creative abilities of preschool children through the development of singing skills based on the method of B.S. Tolkachev and articulation exercises of V.V. Emelyanov, as well as various exercises by E. Tilicheeva.

Degree of novelty. The novelty lies in the combination of the following technologies: student-centered, integrated learning, game technology, exercises for the development of the vocal apparatus according to the system of V.V. Emelyanov, systems of exercises for the development of breathing by B.S. Tolkachev, as well as vocal exercises by E.N. Tilicheeva.

In order to fully realize the set goal, it was studied methodical literature on this topic, and the following tasks are set:

To form and accumulate singing skills: articulation, singing breathing, diction;

Form and improve the sound quality of the voice: purity of intonation, timbre, range, flight and mobility of the voice;

Develop lingering singing, clear diction;

Develop children's creativity.

Singing is one of the favorite musical activities for children. Thanks to the verbal text, the song is more accessible to children in terms of content than any other musical genre. Singing in the choir unites children, creates conditions for their musical emotional communication. The expressive performance of songs helps to experience their content most vividly and in depth, evokes an aesthetic attitude to the surrounding reality. In singing, the whole complex of musical abilities is successfully formed: emotional responsiveness to music, modal feeling, musical and auditory representations, a sense of rhythm. In addition, children receive various information about music. In singing, the musical needs of the child are realized, because. familiar and favorite songs he can perform at will at any time.

The problem of staging the singing voice of a preschool child is one of the most complex and least developed in musical pedagogical theory and practice. At the same time, this is one of the most important problems in the practice of musical education of preschoolers.

Based on the research and experience of leading theoretical and practical musicians, widely using the latest achievements in musical pedagogy, she has developed a set of exercises to develop the singing skills of preschool children.

This work begins with children of three years of age. Vocal skills are formed in the process of working on singing. Particular attention is paid to breathing and sound formation: to teach children to sing in a long, natural voice, without tension and screaming. In order to develop song creativity, young children are offered creative tasks, didactic games, such as "Call the Kitty", "Hen and Chickens", "Swing and lull the doll" and others.

In middle, senior and preparatory groups work on singing skills continues, children show an increased interest in songwriting.

The system is based on the ideas of children's musical education Emelyanova V.V. , B.S. Tolkacheva, Tilicheeva E.N.

The cycle of classes can be divided into 3 sections, which are interconnected and interact with each other:

1. Breathing exercises

Respiratory gymnastics is a good prevention of respiratory diseases, develops imperfect respiratory system child, strengthens the body's defenses. Breathing exercises are especially useful for children suffering from frequent colds, bronchitis, bronchial asthma. The child can be taught proper breathing. A child who does not know how to breathe properly can be recognized: narrow shoulders, weak chest, open mouth, nervous movements.

The essence of breathing is to let air into the lungs and oxygenate the blood in the pulmonary alveoli (this is the bubble-shaped end of our breathing apparatus in the lung). Breathing is divided into two acts: inhalation, during which the chest expands and air enters the lungs; and exhalation - the chest returns to its usual volume, the lungs contract and push out the air in them. It is necessary to accustom the child to full breathing so that he expands the chest and develops the abdominal muscles. Show how to draw in the stomach during breathing, making it flat and sunken.

To understand what breathing is, a game with a rose and a dandelion will help. Let him smell the flower (mouth closed, nostrils turned). Many children sniff rather than sniff. Help me feel the difference. Then let him blow on the dandelion: first with his mouth, so that he sees how the grains scatter, then with his nose (alternately pressing one nostril to the bridge of the nose, then the other). (Appendix "Health-saving exercises", p. 4)

You can continue the game: make the paper windmill spin, blow out the candle. These exercises are also performed alternately (mouth and nose). Children are very entertained bubble- also a useful activity for the development of proper breathing!

With the right exercise, breathing exercises are pleasant and enjoyable.

2. Articulation gymnastics.

For proper sound production, the precise work of the vocal apparatus (lower jaw, lips, soft palate with a small tongue) is of great importance, therefore, to achieve this goal, articulation exercises are carried out at each lesson according to the Emelyanov V.V. system. (Appendix "Health-saving exercises", p. 21). These exercises not only develop the singing voice, but also contribute to its protection, strengthen the health of the child.

Articulation exercises include:

Working with the tongue (bite the tip of the tongue, chew the tongue alternately with the left and right side teeth, click the tongue in different positions, stretch the tongue, roll it into a tube, etc.);

With lips (bite the lower and upper lip with teeth, stick out the lower lip, giving the face an offended expression, raise the upper lip, opening the upper teeth, giving the face a smile expression), massage the face from the roots of the hair to the neck with your own fingers.

Articulation exercises for children are accessible and interesting if the teacher uses them in the classroom in a playful way. For the development of the creative abilities of children, the etude stories of the “Tongue” invented by the children are used based on the exercises of the system of V.V. Emelyanov.

Since the game is the favorite activity of the child and the game he asserts himself as a person, he develops a fantasy. Without noticing it themselves, preschoolers solve complex tasks in the game for the development of diction and articulation.

After conducting articulatory gymnastics, it is necessary to use intonation-phonetic exercises that help overcome speech defects, align vowels and consonants. When singing exercises from a number of vowels in order to equalize them, one vowel sound should, as it were, be poured into another smoothly, without a push (uuuuaaaoooo). Singing vowels in one sequence or another has a specific goal, depending on what timbre sound you need to tune your voice to. To form the sound of a child's voice closer to falsetto sound, vowels [y], [o], [a] should be used (among which the vowel [y] is most preferable). IN practical work with children, the position of the lips in a half-smile is taken as the basis for singing articulation. With this arrangement, the larynx rises, the vocal cords work in a more subtle mode, the voice sounds light and light. The location of the lips in a half-smile helps to find a close vocal position, which characterizes the correct sound production. Particular attention should be paid to the emancipation of the chin. "Check" is carried out by opening the mouth with hands attached to the cheeks (fingers through the cheeks lie on the lower teeth), while the vowel sound [y] sounds.

3. Mandatory condition for music lessons- is to work on the development of a healthy personality of the child. Improving gymnastics is a system of specially selected physical exercises that contribute to the comprehensive development and strengthening of health. Gymnastics improves the functioning of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, strengthens the muscular and skeletal apparatus, enhances the metabolism in the body, and improves adaptive mechanisms for various physical activities. This set of exercises helps to activate the brain, relieve fatigue, improve the general condition of the body, prevent various diseases, relieve headaches, normalize blood pressure, improve vision, hearing, bowel function (Appendix "Health-saving exercises", p. 28).

Thus, the use of traditional and innovative technologies, a system of special exercises - all this made it possible to achieve positive results in the development of singing skills in children of senior preschool age, as well as to activate the creative abilities of preschoolers. Music has firmly entered the life of children. They sing in a group, at home for their parents and together with their parents, not only accompanied by an instrument, but also on their own without anyone's help.

To achieve high results, the work is built in cooperation with parents and educators. Conversations and consultations are held on the organization of children's musical activities.

Efficiency. The performance criterion is the degree of creative realization of preschool children in musical activity.

The use of this system in working with preschoolers significantly increases the level of formation of singing skills and performing culture in children, enriches their knowledge of choral performance, the characteristics of the vocal apparatus, the protection of a child's voice, ways to control it, and also contributes to the development of children's creative abilities. The development of children's creative abilities is one of the components of the musical development of preschoolers.

The results of the effectiveness of the work carried out are clearly seen in the comparison of summary diagnostic data on the musical development of preschool children.

As a result of such purposeful work, I managed to achieve consistently high results.

The level of formation of singing skills

positive dynamics of the level of formation of singing skills and children;

expansion of the singing range;

successful development of the main complexes of respiratory and articulatory and health-improving gymnastics;

getting joy and pleasure from the performance of vocal works;

parents' awareness of the need to develop an emotionally creative and healthy personality of the child.

Each person, having been born, receives from mother nature a precious and great gift - a special quality musical instrument-voice. You just need to learn how to properly use this tool.


1. Asafiev B. V. About musical and creative skills in children / B. V. Asafiev. -- M.: Enlightenment, 1990. 106 p.

2. Boguslavskaya E. Musical education in kindergarten. - M., 2000.

3. Vetlugina N. A. Types of children's musical activity // Preschool education. - 1980. No. 9. - S. 85-93.

4. Vetlugina N.A. Musical development of the child. -- M.: Enlightenment, 1968.

5. Vygotsky JI.C. Imagination and creativity in childhood. - M.: Enlightenment, 1991.

6. Gogoberidze A. G., Derkunskaya V. A. Theory and methods of musical education of preschool children. M.: "Academy", 2005. 320 p.

7. Emelyanov V.V. Phonopedic method of voice development. - Novosibirsk; Science, Siberian branch 1991 102s.

8. Tolkachev B.S. Physical culture barrier ORZ.-M. Enlightenment, - 2001.

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Subject consultation:

"Vocal and singing development in preschool children"

Performed: Musical director– Pokhlebaeva E.F.

Musical education -
This is not the education of a musician,
and above all education
Sukhomlinsky V.A.

One of the main documents of the educational sphere “The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child” puts the development of individuality in a prominent place already at preschool age: “The education of the child should be aimed at the development of the individual”.

Singing occupies a leading place in the system of musical and aesthetic education of preschool children. A good song entertains and soothes the child, develops and educates him. Sukhomlinsky claimed that singing opens a person's eyes to beauty native land. Singing accompanies a person's life from the very beginning. early childhood. It affects his feelings, takes up leisure, in a bright, imaginative, entertaining form deepens the existing ideas about the surrounding reality. Compared to instrumental music, singing has a great mass of emotional impact on children, as it combines word and music. Singing is the most widespread and accessible type of folk performance. There is no corner on earth where people would not sing songs about work, nature, life, feelings. Singing brings people together, serves as a means of understanding the world around us.

primary goal singing activity - education of singing culture in children, introducing them to music.

Tasks singing activity stem from the general tasks of musical education and are inextricably linked with them.

They are as follows:

1. Develop musical ability:

Emotional responsiveness to music;

Fret feeling;

Musical and auditory performances

Sense of rhythm

2. Form the foundations of singing and social culture:

Aesthetic emotions;

Interests, grades;

Vocal and singing skills and abilities.

3. Contribute to the comprehensive spiritual and physical development of children.

These tasks are solved on the basis of a certain song repertoire, the use of appropriate teaching methods and techniques, and various forms of organizing musical activity. Therefore, we teach children to sing precisely in order to achieve the main goal - personal development through the development of the emotional and intellectual spheres of the child by means of musical art.

In order for children to want to sing, it is necessary to show them the beauty of the sound of a singing voice, make the learning process interesting, convince the children of the success of training with a certain interest and perseverance on their part. Voice- a public tool, and it is he who allows you to attract a child to active musical activity, to the knowledge of the beauty and laws of musical art.

Singing should also be considered as a means of strengthening the body of preschoolers. It forms proper breathing, strengthens the lungs and vocal apparatus. According to doctors, singing is the best form of breathing exercises. Therefore, it is very important to sing in a clean, ventilated room, and in summer - on outdoors. Singing activity contributes to the formation of correct posture. Singing classes help to organize, unite the children's team. In the process of singing, such important personality traits as will, organization and endurance are brought up. In the process of learning to sing, the musical abilities of the child are actively developing: musical and auditory representations, modal and musical - rhythmic feeling.

P.K. Anokhin studied the influence of major and minor modes on the listener, came to the conclusion that the skillful use of melody, rhythm and other means of expression music can regulate the state of a person during work and rest, stimulate or calm him down. Correctly choreographed forms the activity of the vocal apparatus, strengthens the vocal cords, develops a pleasant timbre of voice. Correct posture affects even and deep breathing. Singing, developing coordination of voice and hearing, improves children's speech. Singing contributes to the mental development of the child. It expands children's horizons, increases the amount of knowledge about the surrounding life, events, natural phenomena.

A child's voice has special qualities that distinguish it from the voice of adults. Children's vocal cords are short compared to those of adults - hence the special sound of children's voices, especially in younger groups. Excessively loud singing is detrimental to the vocal cords of children. The slightest forcing, tension of the voice leads to the fact that it loses the necessary lightness, acquires an unpleasant throaty character and turns into a cry.

Very important, so that the child speaks calmly in everyday life, without screaming, sings in a natural voice. On initial stage You need to talk to your kids about this. Saying that you can't scream, sing in the street in cold and damp weather, you can't sing when you're sick.

The correct selection of the repertoire helps to study the range of the sound of the child's voice. singing range- this is the volume of sounds, which is determined by the interval (distance) from the highest to the lowest sound, within which the voice sounds good.

However, sometimes it happens that children begin to sing adult pop songs, this causes tenderness of parents. But as the child grows older, his singing becomes less and less pleasant to listen to. He cannot penetrate the meaning and content of the song, therefore, instead of an expressive performance, antics or an attempt at inept imitation appear. With such singing, the artistic taste of the child is not only spoiled, but the vocal apparatus is also harmed. By performing adult songs that are technically inaccessible to them, children overcome difficulties by applying different pressures to various parts of the vocal apparatus. Children, involving the entire muscle mass of the vocal apparatus into work, sing loudly, voices deteriorate from such tension, wear out prematurely, and various diseases of the vocal apparatus occur.

To avoid all these problems, it is necessary to carry out diagnostics of the development of vocal and singing skills of preschoolers at least 2 times a year.

It is important from the very beginning to establish contact with each child, to arouse in him a sense of trust, to find out his attitude towards music, to give him the opportunity to believe in himself. Each child, of course, must be praised, encouraged, even for small successes.

The main components of the success of children's vocal and singing development.

Good diction contributes to the purity of intonation, the beauty of the sound of the voice. With insufficient clarity and clarity of pronunciation of words, singing becomes sluggish, colorless, it lacks melodiousness, expressiveness of sound. The condition for good diction and expressive singing is the children's understanding of the meaning of the words, the musical image of the song.

Purity of intonation - the most difficult singing skill, it is associated with the development of hearing (modal sense and musical - auditory representations), Impure intonation in singing has a number of reasons:
- various diseases of the vocal apparatus;
- shyness of the child;
- lack of sustained attention;
- violations of the articulatory apparatus;
- inability to extract sound;
- a small range of the child's voice.

Ensemble feeling also requires auditory attention, the ability to listen to each other. Harmonious, pure singing in unison lays the foundations of the ensemble - integrity, unity of sound. In choral singing, it is important to teach children to listen to themselves and others, to merge with the general singing, to make sure that not a single voice stands out.

Analyzing the end result of the work experience, one can see a steady increase in the level of development of singing skills and draw the following conclusions.

There are a number of techniques in the method of teaching singing, the systematic use of which contributes to the development of singing skills in preschool children.

The sequence of application of various techniques in the process of teaching children to sing varies depending on:
- on the tasks and content of individual classes;
- from the repertoire;
- from the age characteristics of children (general and individual);
- on the level of musical and singing development of children.

Perspectives and conclusions.

Work on a variety of forms, methods and techniques for conducting classes;

Continue to work closely with other teachers;

Continue to improve software methodological support and subject-developing environment;

To ensure the participation of parents in various forms of work on the musical education of children.