One of the most important trends in the development of education is the informational nature of educational processes.It follows that one of the main goals of the modern process of education and upbringing is the formation of a person's readiness for life in the information society.(ICT competence and information literacy, educating the ability to adapt to a rapidly changing information world), where information and communication technologies, rapidly emerging and developing, are an integral part of human life. The use of modern ICT capabilities allows, in the most accessible and attractive form, to explain the studied educational material, enrich the lessons with clarity (illustrations, charts, graphs, tables), audio materials, video materials, make the educational process more accessible and interesting, deep and durable, improve the quality of education, makes the teacher keep abreast of pedagogical innovations, use new technologies in workwhich contributes to the improvement of the level of professional pedagogical skills.

Should, that at present, mastering ICT by a teacher is becoming an important component of his professionalism, because othe adoption of new information technologies contributes to the increaseprofessional opportunities of the teacher, serves to increase the effectiveness of his professional activities, that is, it contributes to improving the quality of education.

In modern conditions, there is a rapid formation and development of high-tech teaching aids, developmental and training programs, multimedia presentations, computer games, encyclopedias, books, websites, etc., aimed at improving the quality of education and upbringing. It is the duty of the teacher to follow the modern process of IT promotion, to be aware, to be able to process and use in their practice.

The use of ICT in educational educational process allows to solve a number of specific tasks - to improve professional skills (including self-education), to use ICT in the joint activities of a teacher and students, to use IT. in working with parents.

The teacher uses ICT in solving the tasks that he sets to achieve the goal of his activity,Whatleads to the expansion of the complex of professionally important qualities, pedagogical methods and techniques that affect the characterteaching activities.

Information and communication technologies, their use, in our opinion, are one of the main forms of increasing the level of professional skills,improving the professional competence of the teacher.

IT development. opens up great opportunities for:

    speeches at scientific and practical conferences;

    mastering the skills of design activities of the educational process;

    application of IR technologies in their activities and work with modern electronic databases;

    participation in professional competitions;

    preparing students for olympiads and competitions;

    presentations of the results of classroom and extracurricular activities;

    presentation of the results of pedagogical activity and methodological experience and other achievements;

    participation in online communities of teachers;

    self-education, etc.

As already mentioned, one of the main goals modern education becomes the formation of a person's readiness for life in the information society, characterized by the rapid development and penetration into all spheres of human life of information and communication technologies.

As a result of activities to achieve this goal, new information products appear: long-term plans, educational and teaching aids, recommendations, analytical reports, generalizations of work experience, projects, lectures, lesson developments, outline plans, etc. High-quality preparation is possible only if the teacher has a high level of information competence.

So, developmentnew information technologies, mastering computer literacy and experience in the practical use of computers allows teachers to improve the level of professional pedagogical skills, thereby affecting the quality and efficiency of pedagogical work in general.

Svetlana Petrenko
The use of ICT in the work of a modern teacher.

The rapid development of ICT has led to the fact that a computer in kindergarten has become necessary.

One way to improve efficiency teacher's work is, creation and use of ICT. It is a convenient and efficient way of presenting information using computer programs. It combines dynamics, sound and image, i.e. factors that hold the child's attention for the longest time. Proficiency in ICT gives teacher the opportunity to enrich their knowledge and skills, to rethink methodological techniques. The methodological strength lies in the fact that the child is more easily interested and taught when he perceives a coherent stream of sound and visual images.

For a preschool child, a game is a leading activity in which his personality is manifested, formed and developed. And here the computer has ample opportunities, because correctly selected developing computer games and tasks are for the child, first of all, a game activity, and then educational.

In his at work I use ICT in the selection of illustrative and additional material for educational activities, in the design of stands, in working with parents, creating presentations, as well as for creating e-mail, maintaining a site, exchanging experiences.

Use in your work non-traditional methods and techniques, for example, multimedia presentations, allows the educational process to be made more vivid, emotional, with the involvement of large illustrative material, with using sound effects and video recordings, and also prevents children from fatigue, supports cognitive activity, increases efficiency work in general.

With this organization of the lesson, three types of memory are included in children: visual, motor, auditory. English proverb says: "I heard and forgot, I saw and remembered".

But we must always remember that no computer technology, no matter how effective, can replace live communication with children. Computer technology in the classroom is not a goal, but a tool teacher, the computer should only supplement teacher rather than replace it.

We, educators, must keep up with the times, become a guide for the child into the world of new technologies.

Related publications:

The use of ICT in the work of a speech therapist with parents Consultation for educators "The use of ICT in the work of a speech therapist teacher with parents" Speech therapist teacher Moiseeva O. I. Practical significance.

Information and communication technology in the work of a modern teacher in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard Innovative project Organization: MBDOU TsRR No. 28 Location: Chita Project name: Information and communication technology in operation.

The use of gaming pedagogical technologies in the work of a teacher in museum pedagogy Since January 2014, the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (FSES DO) came into force - new type document,.

The use of ICT in correctional and developmental work with preschoolers At present, a new education system is being formed in Russia. This process is accompanied by significant changes in pedagogy.

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Use of ICT in work with children of middle preschool age. Lesson summary Annotation: this abstract presents the author's development of a lesson for children of middle preschool age using ICT within the framework.

Oksana Zotkina
The use of ICT in the work of a teacher of a preschool educational institution

Usage information and communication technologies in educational educational process is one of the newest problems in the domestic preschool pedagogy because science and technology do not stand still. And the educator can and should use new technologies at work in all areas of its activity, always be aware of pedagogical novelties.

Active attraction teachers of preschool educational institutions the possibilities of modern information and communication technologies allow using multimedia, in the most accessible, attractive and playful way, to achieve a new quality of children's knowledge, parents' awareness, professional skills teacher. The novelty of innovative experience lies in the fact that the direction of use ICT is just beginning to be introduced into preschool education . This is due to the fact that this requires a good material and technical base and a sufficient level of ICT competence. teacher.

Realizing the goal of improving the quality of educational educational process through the use of ICT, teacher resolves the following tasks:

1. Improving professional skills through the use of information and communication technologies.

2. Implementation of ICT in joint activities teacher and children.

3. Use of ICT at work with parents to increase competence in the upbringing of children.

One of the most important factors influencing the professionalism of the educator is self-education. The search for new techniques, methods and technologies is relevant especially in our time. To improve professional skills, there are many courses on ICT. Usage The Internet allows you to share your own experience work to adopt the best practices of colleagues in Russia and abroad. The Internet also makes it possible to create a library of electronic resources: multimedia presentations on various topics, methodological materials on educational activities(these are OOD scenarios, a selection of demonstration material on cognitive, speech, social and communicative, physical and artistic and aesthetic development).

The Internet also provides an opportunity to improve pedagogical mastery through participation in webinars, Internet conferences, social network forums.

One of modern trends work on the use ICT is the execution of basic documentation in electronic form. Maintaining the main documentation in electronic format significantly reduces the time for filling it out, makes it possible to quickly make changes, additions, facilitates storage and access to information. These are documents How: lists of children, information about parents, diagnostic cards, perspective and calendar plans in all directions group work. It's a pity that on working there is no personal computer in the place of the educator, which would greatly facilitate the work of each of us.

Innovative activities for use information technology has had a positive impact on the level of ICT competence, which results in the creation of their own mini-sites in "Social network preschool education workers» , on the portal "About childhood", on «».

Very positive effect on the increase early childhood education use ICT as a means to improve the development of the studied material preschoolers. It is important for the educator to remember that every child is a personality and his abilities develop in the activity in which he is engaged in of his own free will and with interest. Therefore, it is necessary to choose such technologies that would make it possible to implement this. It is information and communication technologies that are such a means, as they open up unlimited opportunities for the educator for effective creative work. These include an electronic library, which includes presentations on various topics, physical education, didactic, handouts for children, card files of games, observations, walks, plot pictures for compiling stories for the development of speech, ready-made coloring pages (according to exemplary, labyrinths for the development of fine motor skills. This media library takes up very little space. To transfer information flash cards are used, disks.

I would like to note that the children really like the use of media technology in educational activities, but it is imperative to comply with the requirements of SanPiN when it use. Reasonable use in educational The process of visual teaching aids develops observation, attention, speech and thinking in children. Right selected videos demonstrated with the help of media technology allow you to make an organized educational activities more interesting and dynamic, help "load" the child into the subject of study, create the illusion of co-presence, empathy with the object being studied, contribute to the formation of voluminous and vivid ideas. All this helps to increase the motivation of children to educational activities, activates cognitive activity, improves the quality of assimilation of program material with children.

An integral part The job of an educator is to work with parents. Usage ICT significantly reduces the time for preparing and conducting parenting assemblies, helps to arrange parents for easy communication. Parents are given the opportunity to personally observe the development of children in preschool. This form work has become a worthy alternative to oral presentations, written reports on meetings.

During the period of morning and evening meetings with parents, the educator cannot always pay due attention to the parents. Therefore, it is necessary to search for new productive forms of interaction with parents. The way out of this situation is easy to find, using the website of the DOW or the group. Use of ICT at work with parents gives big advantages:

E-mail to exchange opinions without wasting time;

Information is studied by parents at a convenient time for them;

Increasing flows of information;

Individual approach in presenting information;

The presence of the site of the preschool educational institution and the group, electronic and printed materials on paper made it possible for parents to improve their pedagogical competence in communicating with children, made them active participants in the life of our group.

From all of the above, we can conclude that the use of ICT in educational educational process:

1. Promotes an increase professional level teacher, activates it to search for new non-traditional forms and methods of teaching, gives an incentive to the manifestation creativity teacher.

2. Increases children's interest in learning, activates cognitive activity, improves the quality of assimilation of program material by children.

3. Raises the level pedagogical the competence of parents, their awareness of the life of the preschool educational institution and the group and the results of each individual child, increased interest in events in the kindergarten.

Related publications:

Formation of a positive image of a preschool educational institution Dear Colleagues. Your attention is invited to the results of the work of the educator MADOU No. 3 Sapunova Natalia Vladimirovna. Topic: “Formation.

Changes in the work of a preschool teacher with the introduction of the federal state educational standard Today, preschool institutions are entering a period of profound qualitative changes. In the new Federal Educational Standard (hereinafter -.

"Project method in the activities of a preschool educational institution" The formation of a new education system keeps a reference to the world space and requires significant changes in pedagogical theory and.

Interaction of specialists of a preschool educational institution in working with children with general underdevelopment of speech"Interaction of specialists of a preschool educational institution in working with children with general underdevelopment of speech" INTRODUCTION Analyzing.

What should change in the work of a preschool teacher with the introduction of the federal educational standard The functions of the teacher will change: the main thing is to create conditions for independent knowledge and development of children. The content of pedagogical interaction:.

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Completed by the educator

Ryzhova Oksana


S. im. Babushkina






The use of information and communication technologies in the educational process is one of the newest problems in domestic preschool pedagogy, since science and technology do not stand still. And the educator can and should use new technologies in work in all areas of his activity, always be aware of pedagogical innovations. Therefore, the use of ICT (information and communication technologies) is one of the priorities of education. Informatization of the education system makes new demands on the teacher and his professional competence. The communicative competence of a teacher implies the ability to build communications in various formats: oral, written, discussion, visual, computer, electronic. The teacher should not only be able to use a computer and modern multimedia equipment, but also create their own educational resources, widely use them in their pedagogical activities.
Information technology is not only and not so much computers and their software. ICT refers to the use of a computer, the Internet, television, video, DVD, CD, multimedia, audiovisual equipment, that is, everything that can provide ample opportunities for communication.

Realizing the goal of improving the quality of the educational process through the use of ICT, I set myself the following tasks:

  • Improve professional skills through the use of information and communication technologies
  • Implement ICT in the joint activities of the teacher and children
  • Use ICT in working with parents to increase competence in raising children



Working with children:

  • Information technology significantly expands the possibilities of presenting information. The use of color, graphics, sound, all modern video equipment allows you to recreate the real environment of the activity.
  • The computer can significantly increase the motivation of pupils for learning. Motivation is increased by applying adequate rewards for correct problem solving.
  • ICT involves preschoolers in the educational process, contributing to the widest disclosure of their abilities, enhancing mental activity.
  • The use of ICT in the educational process increases the possibility of setting upbringing and educational tasks and managing the process of their solution. Computers make it possible to build and analyze models of various objects, situations, and phenomena.

But at the same time, it must be remembered that the computer will not replace the emotional human communication so necessary in preschool age. He only complements the educator, and does not replace him.

Working with parents:

  • minimizing the time of access to information of communication subjects;
  • the ability to demonstrate any documents, photographic materials;
  • providing an individual approach to the subject of communication;
  • optimal combination individual work with group;
  • growth in the volume of information;
  • provides a dialogue of communication subjects (e-mail, forum);
  • prompt receipt of information;
  • expansion of information flows;
  • creation of electronic newspapers, magazines;
  • at parent meetings, you can show photos of various activities of children, video materials in the presentation and conduct various consultations with clarity;
  • online consultations of specialists for parents;

In the methodological work of the educator:

  • Saving labor cost and time
  • Quick and large-scale selection of additional educational material through Internet resources;
  • Aesthetic design of documentation, reports, diagnostics, stands, information corners, screens, etc.
  • Communication on the forums of the site, the use of e-mail allow

keep abreast of events taking place in the pedagogical communities;

track announcements of events (contests, seminars);

receive advice on emerging problems;

get acquainted with the best practices and best practices of their colleagues;

post their work on websites, thereby acquainting the pedagogical community with their activities, presenting the accumulated experience to colleagues, parents and children

  • Using the Internet allows you to read electronic media - magazines, newspapers, articles from official websites, etc.

The ICT tools in our group are:

  • Computer
  • Multimedia projector
  • Printer
  • Music Center
  • Scanner
  • Camera
  • Camcorder

I started my work on the use of ICT a few years ago. I like to master the latest achievements of pedagogical science and practice, learn and discover something new, so I actively use the developments in this area.

One of the most important factors influencing the professionalism of a teacher is self-education. The search for new techniques, methods and technologies is relevant especially in our time. Connecting to the Internet allowed me to share my own work experience, to adopt the best practices of my Russian colleagues.

One of the areas of my work on the use of ICT is the preparation of basic documentation in electronic form. From my own experience, I was convinced that maintaining the main documentation in electronic format significantly reduces the time it takes to fill it out, makes it possible to quickly make changes, additions, and facilitates storage and access to information. These are documents such as: lists of children, information about parents, diagnostic cards, questionnaires for teachers, questionnaires for parents.

In my work, I try to actively involve the possibilities of modern information and communication technologies. Since the use of ICT allows multimedia, in the most accessible and attractive, game form, to achieve a new quality of children's knowledge, parents' awareness, and professional skills of a teacher. The novelty of the innovative experience lies in the fact that the direction of using ICT is just beginning to be introduced into preschool education. This is due to the fact that this requires a good material and technical base and a sufficient level of ICT competence of the teacher. Innovative activities in the use of information technology have positively affected the level of my ICT competence, which resulted in the creation of my own mini-site in the "Social Network of Preschool Education Workers".I posted information about myself on the Internet pages: professional interests, hobbies, my achievements, portfolio. Very quickly I found like-minded people in the professional field of communication in my interests. On the site I communicate with colleagues, find out their point of view, express my opinion, get expert advice.

The next direction in my work was the use of ICT as a means to improve the development of the studied material by preschoolers. It is important for the educator to remember that every child is a personality and his abilities develop in the activity in which he is engaged in of his own free will and with interest. Therefore, it is necessary to choose such technologies that would make it possible to implement this. I believe that information and communication technologies are such a tool, as they open up unlimited opportunities for the educator to effectively creative work.

This is where the electronic library I created helps me, which includes presentations on various topics, various physical education sessions, didactic, handouts for children, card files of games, observations, walks, plot pictures for compiling stories for speech development, ready-made coloring pages (according to the model), labyrinths for the development of fine motor skills. This media library takes up very little space. To transfer information I use flash cards, disks.

I would like to note that children really like the use of media technology in educational activities, but it is imperative to comply with the requirements of SanPiN when using it.

It's no secret that the material that is interesting to the child is well absorbed.

Multimedia presentations make it possible to present educational and developmental material as a system of bright reference images filled with comprehensive structured information in an algorithmic manner. In this case, various channels of perception are involved, which makes it possible to store information not only in factographic, but also in associative form in the memory of children.

The use of computer slide presentations in the process of teaching children has the following advantages:

– implementation of polysensory perception of the material;

- the possibility of demonstrating various objects using a multimedia projector and a projection screen in a multiply enlarged form;

- combining audio, video and animation effects into a single presentation helps to compensate for the amount of information received by children from educational literature;

- the possibility of demonstrating objects that are more accessible to the perception of a intact sensory system;

- activation of visual functions, visual abilities of the child;

- computer presentation slide films are convenient to use for displaying information in the form of printouts in large print on a printer as a handout for classes with preschoolers.

During the classes, various multimedia presentations are used, which have great potential.

Reasonable use of visual teaching aids in the educational process develops observation, attention, speech and thinking in children. Properly selected video materials demonstrated with the help of media technology make it possible to directly make educational activities more interesting and dynamic, help to “immerse” the child in the subject of study, create the illusion of co-presence, empathy with the object being studied, and contribute to the formation of voluminous and vivid ideas. All this helps to increase the motivation of children for educational activities, activates cognitive activity, improves the quality of assimilation of program material with children.

An integral part of the teacher's work is working with parents. The use of ICT, in my opinion, has significantly reduced the time for preparing and holding parent-teacher meetings, and helped to arrange parents for easy communication. Parents are given the opportunity to personally observe the development of children in preschool.During the period of morning and evening meetings with parents, the teacher is often busy with the children and cannot always pay due attention to the parents. It is necessary to search for new productive forms of interaction with parents. For them, I designed a wonderful parental corner, the materials for which I found all on the same sites on the Internet.I photograph children in class, during play activities, on a walk. I create photo galleries and place them in the parent group corner and on the MBDOU website.Such bright and colorful information always attracts attention and is concise and accessible to parents.

Using ICT in my work with parents, I realized that it provides great benefits:

  • E-mail to exchange opinions without wasting time;
  • Information is studied by parents at a convenient time for them;
  • Increasing flows of information;
  • Individual approach in presenting information;

The presence of electronic and printed materials on paper made it possible for parents to improve their pedagogical competence in communicating with children, made them active participants in the life of our group.

From all of the above, we can conclude that the use of ICT by me in the educational process:

  1. It contributed to the improvement of my professional level as a teacher, activated me to search for new non-traditional forms and methods of teaching, gave an incentive to the manifestation of my creative abilities.
  2. Increased children's interest in learning, intensified cognitive activity, improved the quality of assimilation of program material by children.
  3. Raised the level of pedagogical competence of parents, their awareness of the life of the group and the results of each individual child, increased interest in events in kindergarten.

Like everyone else, my work also has its stumbling blocks.

  • The material and technical base of the preschool educational institution is insufficient. I would like each teacher to have a personal computer, each group to have a projector, interactive whiteboards, etc.
  • Insufficient level of ICT competence of parents

Nevertheless, in our work we always look to the future with hope. Therefore, I would like to announce further perspectives in my work:

  • Improving the efficiency of the process of teaching and raising children.
  • Activation of cognitive activity of children.
  • Increasing the level of professional skills of preschool teachers.
  • Identification of the level of psychological and pedagogical competence of parents.
  • Disclosure of the personal potential of pupils in the educational system of the preschool educational institution and the family.
  • Implementation of personal and professional growth of teachers.
  • Activation of the pedagogical and cultural consciousness of parents, teachers and other professionals to create a unified information environment.
  • Creation of an active, workable system of support for family education, through the use of information and communication technologies.
  • Participation of parents in the educational process kindergarten.
  • Improving the pedagogical culture of parents.

ICT (information and communication technologies) are the processes and methods of interaction with information that are carried out using computer technology devices, as well as telecommunications.

The role of ICT in modern society

Currently, one can observe a constant increase in the influence of media technologies on a person. They have a particularly strong impact on children: even twenty years ago, a child would rather watch a movie than read a book. However, today, under the powerful pressure of information, advertising, computer technology, electronic toys, game consoles, etc., it is increasingly detached from reality. Now, if a student cannot avoid reading a book, he no longer goes to the library, but downloads it to his tablet. Very often one can observe the following picture: a group of young people are sitting in a park, square or shopping and entertainment complex, they do not communicate with each other, all their attention is riveted to smartphones, tablets, laptops. If this phenomenon continues to be observed, then soon the children will completely forget how to communicate. And so the ministries of education in many countries on our planet, instead of developing an interest in students in live communication and learning in general, decided to take the path of least resistance and give children what they want. According to some experts, the child's brain perceives better new information, if it is presented in an entertaining form, that is why they easily perceive the data offered in the lesson with the help of media (in this regard, the use of information and communication technologies in education is constantly growing today). It’s hard to argue with this, but the other side of the medal of such an educational process is that children stop communicating with the teacher, which means that the ability to think is reduced. It is much better to restructure the educational process so that it is not boring and always keeps the child thirsty for new knowledge. But this question left to the discretion of the officials.

The concept of communication and information technology

Informatization processes in modern society, as well as the reform of educational activities closely related to them, are characterized by the improvement and mass dissemination of modern ICT. They are actively used to transfer data and ensure interaction between the teacher and the student in the modern system of distance and open education. Today, a teacher must have skills not only in the field of ICT, but also be responsible for the professional use of information and communication technologies in their direct activities.

The term "technology" came to us from the Greek language, and in translation it means "science". The modern understanding of this word includes the application of engineering and scientific knowledge to solve specific practical problems. Then information and communication technology is a technology that is aimed at transforming and processing information. But that's not all. In fact, information and communication technology is a general concept that describes various mechanisms, devices, algorithms, methods of data processing. The most important modern ICT device is a computer equipped with the necessary software. The second in a row, but no less important equipment, are the means of communication with the information placed on them.

ICT tools used in the modern education system

The main means of ICT technology for the information environment of the education system is a personal computer equipped with the necessary software (of a systemic and applied nature, as well as tools). Operating software is primarily referred to as system software. It provides interaction of all PC programs with equipment and PC user. This category also includes service and service software. Application programs include software, which is an information technology toolkit - working with texts, graphics, tables, etc. The modern education system widely uses universal application office software and ICT tools, such as word processors, presentations, spreadsheets, graphics packages, organizers, databases, etc.

Development of information and communication technologies

With the organization of computer networks and similar means, the process of education has moved to a new quality. First of all, this is due to the possibility of promptly obtaining information from anywhere in the world. Thanks to the global computer network Internet is now possible instant access to the planet (electronic libraries, file storage, databases, etc.). More than two billion different multimedia documents have been published in this popular resource. The network opens up access and allows the use of other common ICT technologies, such as e-mail, chat, lists, mailing lists. In addition, special software has been developed for online communication (in real time), which allows, after establishing a session, to transmit text (entered from the keyboard), as well as sound, images and various files. Such software makes it possible to organize a joint connection of remote users with software running on a local personal computer.

7. Providing training flexibility.

Negative impact of ICT tools on the learner

Information and communication technology introduced into everything leads to a number of negative consequences, among which a number of negative psychological and pedagogical factors influencing the health and physiological state of the student should be noted. As mentioned at the beginning of the article, ITC leads to the individualization of the educational process. However, this has a serious drawback associated with total individualization. Such a program entails the curtailment of the already deficient in the educational process of live dialogic communication of participants: students and teachers, students among themselves. She offers them, in fact, a surrogate for communication - a dialogue with a computer. Indeed, even a student who is active in speech terms falls silent for a long time when working with ICT tools. This is especially true for students of distance and open forms of education.

Why is it so dangerous?

As a result of this form of learning, during the entire lesson, the student is busy consuming the material silently. This leads to the fact that the part of the brain responsible for the objectification of human thinking turns out to be turned off, in fact, immobilized for many years of study. It must be understood that the trainee does not already have the necessary practice of forming, formulating thoughts, as well as dialogic communication in a professional language. As psychological studies have shown, without developed communication, the student’s monologue communication with himself will not be formed at the proper level, exactly what is commonly called independent thinking. Agree that asking yourself a question is the most accurate indicator of the presence of independent thinking. As a result, if we follow the path of individualization of education, we can miss the very possibility of forming a creative process in a person, the origin of which is built on dialogue.


Summing up, we can note another significant drawback of information and communication technologies, which follows from the main advantage - the general availability of information resources published on the network. Often this leads to the fact that the student follows the path of least resistance and borrows ready-made essays, problem solutions, projects, reports, etc. on the Internet. Today, this already familiar fact confirms the low effectiveness of this form of education. Of course, the prospects for the development of information and communication technologies are high, but they must be implemented deliberately, without maniacal totalization.