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Lesson 30. Modeling "Cookies"

Software content. To consolidate the ability of children to roll clay in a circular motion; flatten the ball by squeezing it with your palms. Develop a desire to sculpt. Continue practicing your sculpting skills. To consolidate the ability to accurately work with clay (plasticine).

The methodology of the lesson. Invite the children to make cookies for playing with dolls (to the “shop”, on the “birthday”, on the “guest”, etc.).

Consider round cookies with children, clarify its shape (round, flat). Ask the guys: “How can you make cookies?” If no one answers, say that you first need to roll a round ball, and then squeeze it with your palms.

For children who will have difficulty flattening the ball, show this technique on a separate lump of clay or by taking the child’s hands in their own and slightly squeezing the ball.

Materials. Cookie. Clay, boards, sticks for drawing a pattern on cookies (for each child).

During games, walks, consider flat round objects with children.


Lesson 31. Drawing "Snowballs, big and small"

(Option "Fluffy toy")

Software content. Strengthen the ability of children to draw round objects. Learn the correct techniques for painting with paints (without leaving the contour, draw lines with a brush from top to bottom or from left to right). Learn to repeat the image, filling the free space of the sheet.

The methodology of the lesson. Recall with the children how they sculpted lumps of snow on a walk, clarify their shape.

Invite them to remember with their hand in the air, and then with a hand with a brush to make a circular motion.

Show coloring on the board. Encourage children to draw.

Note. This lesson can be done as a group. In this case, children draw (in subgroups) on a large sheet of paper.

Materials. Sheets of A4 color paper or slightly larger (depending on the size of the brushes), white gouache, water jars, brushes, napkins (for each child).

Relationship with other occupations and activities. Children play with snow during a walk. Examination of illustrations, fluffy toys.

Lesson 32

Software content. Continue to teach children to pinch off large and small lumps from a large piece of clay; roll out lumps of clay in a circular motion. Strengthen the ability to flatten the ball by squeezing it with your palms.

The methodology of the lesson. Invite the children to remember and show in the air the techniques for sculpting cakes, encourage them to name the actions performed: “I broke off a piece of clay, put it on my palm, rolled out a ball with both palms and squeezed it with my palms - it turned out to be a cake.”

If the children cannot name the sequence of actions, turn on and name the actions, activating the guys and asking them: “What to do next?” The words accompanying the image process will help children understand and remember what and how to do.

Invite the children to make cakes, large and small. Ask to name what else they sculpted similar to cakes.

When the cakes are molded, praise the guys for the fact that they molded diligently; offer to treat dolls with cakes.

Materials. Clay, boards, sticks for decorating molded cakes (for each child).

Lesson 33. Sculpting "Rattle"

Software content. To teach children to sculpt an object consisting of two parts: a ball and a stick; connect the parts, firmly pressing them together. Exercise in rolling clay with straight and circular movements of the palms.

The methodology of the lesson. Consider 2-3 rattles with children, clarify their shape and structure, offer to “draw” rattles in the air with the fingers of one, then the other hand.

Ask the children about modeling techniques. Invite them to show in the air with their hands how they will roll out the clay for the rattle parts. To say that every child can mold the rattle that he wants.

In the process of work, monitor the use of the correct modeling techniques. The guys who quickly completed the work should be given additional lumps of clay so that they can mold one more toy.

Consider all fashioned rattles with the children, note the variety of toys; to activate the guys for statements about the shape and structure of rattles.

Materials. 2-3 rattles of different designs. Plasticine of different colors or clay, boards (for each child)

Relationship with other occupations and activities. Games in the play corner, examining rattles, clarifying their shape.

Lesson 34. Drawing "Trees on our site"

Software content. To teach children to create an image of a tree in drawing; draw objects consisting of straight vertical and inclined lines, place images on the entire sheet of paper, draw large, full sheet. Continue learning to paint. The methodology of the lesson. Recall with children the features of the structure of trees. You can invite them to go to the window and once again look at the trees that grow on the kindergarten site, on the street.

Invite the children to show together with the movement of their hands how the trunk and branches of the tree are located. Call a few guys to the board to show image techniques.

At the end of the work, review all the drawings with the children. Note how many different trees they drew - a whole forest turned out.

Note. This lesson can be done as a group. For a collective composition, you should prepare a large sheet of paper, placing it on a separate table, to which 2-3 children will come up and draw. The rest of the children at this time draw on their leaves. The collective composition can be supplemented with images suitable for the topic in free time. (This activity is organized by the teacher, discussing with the children what else can be in the forest (bushes, broken branches of trees lying on the snow, etc.).) Encourage the activity and creativity of children who have come up with something of their own. At the end of the work, consider big picture, note the beautiful trees; offer to hang a picture in a group to admire it, show it to parents.

"Winter Tree"

Kostya I., 2nd junior group

Materials. White paper 1/2 size of a landscape sheet (or a large sheet for a collective composition), gouache paints, cans of water, brushes, napkins (for each child).

Relationship with other occupations and activities. Observations on a walk; looking at different trees, including hand movements that outline the branches and trunk. Draw the attention of children to the color of the trunks and branches of trees.

Lesson 35. Application "Pyramid"

Software content. To teach children to convey the image of a toy in applications; depict an object consisting of several parts; Arrange items in decreasing order. Strengthen knowledge of colors. Develop color perception.

The methodology of the lesson. Consider a pyramid with children, clarify the shape, size of its parts.

Together with the guys, determine the sequence of gluing. In the process of work, direct their actions by asking questions about the procedure for gluing. To draw the attention of children to the need to use the correct gluing techniques.

Consider all the resulting pyramids, invite the children to name their colors. Select the most beautiful work.

Materials. Pyramid (preferably consisting of balls or rings of the same color). Album sheets, paper mugs (different colors for different tables), glue, glue brushes, napkins.

Relationship with other occupations and activities. Children's games with round objects and toys of various sizes; disassembling and assembling pyramids and other toys consisting of round parts (caterpillar).

Lesson 36. Drawing "Herringbone"

Software content. To teach children to convey the image of a Christmas tree in drawing; draw objects consisting of lines (vertical, horizontal or oblique). Continue to learn how to use paints and a brush (rinse the brush in water and blot it on a cloth (napkin) before picking up paint of a different color).

"Christmas Trees"

Ira F., 2nd junior group

The methodology of the lesson. Remind the kids about Christmas. Consider the New Year tree with them, turning on the display of its shape with the movement of the hand in the air. Call 2–3 children (those who have mastered drawing methods well) to the Christmas tree drawing board.

The guys who quickly cope with the work can be given another sheet of paper. If a child places several Christmas trees on one sheet, he should be praised for his independence, creativity; emphasize the variety of created images.

At the end of the lesson, put all the drawings on the board, be glad that you got a lot of different Christmas trees (small, tall, slender, fluffy, etc.). This activity can be done as a group.

Materials. 1/2 album sheet size paper, dark green gouache, brushes, water cans, napkins (for each child).

Relationship with other occupations and activities. Examination of the Christmas tree (spruce) in the kindergarten area, Christmas trees in the group room; comparison of a Christmas tree with other trees. Reading poems about the New Year holiday. Examination of illustrations in children's books, highlighting the main parts and features of fir trees.

Lesson 37. Modeling "Turret" ("Pyramid of disks, rings")

Software content. Continue to teach children to roll lumps of clay between the palms in a circular motion; flatten the ball between the palms; to compose an object from several parts, superimposing one on top of the other. Strengthen the ability to sculpt neatly.

The methodology of the lesson. Consider the turret with the children, clarify what parts it consists of. Invite all the guys to show in the air how they roll out the clay in a circular motion with their palms.

To teach children to achieve the transfer of differences in rings in size; pinch off excess clay from a lump if it turns out to be larger than necessary.

Consider all the fashioned products, rejoice with the children at how many beautiful turrets, consisting of rings of various sizes, turned out.

Materials. Turret consisting of 4-5 rings of the same color. Clay, boards (for each child)

Relationship with other occupations and activities. Games with turrets "Who will collect it sooner?", "Collect the same one." Exercise children in comparing objects of different sizes in the process of games.

Lesson 38. Drawing “Introduction to Dymkovo toys. Drawing patterns»

(Option "Beautiful toy" - drawing by design)

Software content. To acquaint with folk Dymkovo toys. Cause joy from looking at a bright, elegant painted toy. Draw the attention of children to the patterns decorating toys. Learn to highlight and name the individual elements of the pattern, their color.

The methodology of the lesson. Have the children sit around a table with Dymkovo toys on display. Offer to consider them; to tell that these elegant, bright toys are made of clay, covered with white paint, and then painted with bright patterns.

Invite the children to highlight and name the patterns, give the opportunity to draw a finger along the lines of the pattern and name its parts. If the guys find it difficult to answer, ask them (by repeating the movement of a finger along the contours of the pattern elements) what this shape is called (ringlet, stripe, speck), what color it is.

Invite the children to come up to the tables set in a long row and draw patterns, whoever wants what.

At the end of the work, invite the children to consider all the drawings, say what patterns they drew, name their color and shape.

Materials. 3-4 Dymkovo toys decorated with simple patterns. Album sheets, gouache paints (2-3 colors, one for two children standing next to each other), brushes, water, napkins (for each child).

Relationship with other occupations and activities. When considering the layout group room draw the attention of children to Dymkovo toys, admire them, note their brightness, elegance, beauty; offer to name the objects transferred to them, highlight decorations (lines, spots, dots; their color).

Lesson 39

Software content. Develop the ability to independently think about the content of modeling. Practice in a variety of modeling techniques.

The methodology of the lesson. Invite the children to name beautiful toys and objects around them, seen on a walk. If any named items are in the group, review them with the children.

Invite the guys to blind whoever wants what. Remind about the correct sculpting techniques. Encourage independence and perseverance.

Collect all the objects fashioned by children on a common board.

Praise the children for their efforts and tell them a fairy tale invented by the teacher, including fashioned objects in action.

Materials. Clay (plasticine, plastic mass), boards (for each child).

Lesson 40. Application "Stick what you want toy"

Software content. Develop children's imagination and creativity. To consolidate knowledge about the form and size. Exercise in the correct techniques for composing images from parts, gluing.

The methodology of the lesson. Invite children to name toys that are round or made of round parts.

Say that each child should think about what he would like to stick on, and then compose the image on the sheet. Check the correctness of the task and allow the children to start gluing. Encourage pasting multiple items.


Anya B., 2nd junior group

Put all the finished works on the board or lay them out on the table, examine them with the children, offer to name the depicted toys.

Praise the guys and rejoice with them in bright, beautiful pictures. Ask the children to name the shape and color of the pictures.

Materials. 3-4 toys of a round shape or consisting of round parts (rattles, balls, pyramids, etc.). Multi-colored paper mugs of different sizes, landscape sheets, glue, glue brushes, napkins (for each child).

Relationship with other occupations and activities. Games with toys; clarification of the shape, structure, color of toys.

Lesson 41. Drawing " Christmas tree with lights and balloons

Software content. To teach children to convey in the drawing the image of an elegant Christmas tree; draw a Christmas tree large, in full sheet; decorate it using the techniques of sticking, drawing round shapes and lines. Develop aesthetic perception, form figurative representations. Introduce pink and blue flowers. Cause a feeling of joy from beautiful drawings.

The methodology of the lesson. Before the start of the lesson, consider elegant Christmas trees with the children in the group, in the hall. Emphasize that the tree in the hall is very high - from floor to ceiling. Draw the children's attention to the Christmas tree decorations that they can draw (balls, beads, rain threads, flags, etc.), their shape and color.

Invite the children called to the board to show on a Christmas tree cut out of paper how it can be decorated (lights, balls, silver threads, beads) and what techniques this can be done. (The tutor shows the priming technique.)

"Beautiful balls and an elegant Christmas tree"

Julia P., 2nd junior group

At the end of the lesson, admire the bright pictures with the children, name the colors used (pink, blue).

Materials. Album sheets; gouache paints green, yellow, pink, blue, white; brushes, jars of water, napkins (for each child).

Relationship with other occupations and activities. Participation in the New Year's holiday, viewing the Christmas tree and Christmas tree decorations. Games with toys, didactic games to consolidate knowledge about the shape and color of objects. Invite the children to tell what Christmas trees they have at home, how they are decorated.

Lesson 42. Drawing "Decorate the mitten-house"

(Integrated lesson based on theatrical action)

Software content. To teach children to draw based on the fairy tale "Mitten", to create a fabulous image. Develop imagination and creativity. To form the ability to decorate an object. To consolidate the ability to use paints of different colors in the process of drawing; rinse the brush cleanly and dry it on a tissue before taking another paint.

The methodology of the lesson. After watching the performance "Mitten", invite the children to decorate the mitten so that the animals have a new, beautiful house.

Ask the guys how you can decorate a mitten with a brush and paints.

Invite the children to name the colors of the paints that are on the tables in front of them. Ask how to properly hold the brush, pick up paint on it, rinse the brush. During the lesson, remind the techniques of drawing, ways of decorating.

Together with the children, consider the finished drawings, enjoy the variety of decorations. You can, picking up the animals, show them the new mitten houses and ask: “Do you like the houses that the guys drew for you?”, Praise all the children.

Materials. Gloves cut out of paper by the teacher, gouache paints of 4-5 colors, brushes, jars of water, napkins (for each child).

Relationship with other occupations and activities. Consider clothing decorations, Dymkovo toys with children. Reading Belarusian folk tale“Mitten” (Book for reading in kindergarten and at home. 2–4 years old. Compiled by V.V. Gerbova, N.P. Ilchuk. - M .: Onyx, 2005).

Lesson 43

Software content. To consolidate the ability of children to sculpt round objects by rolling clay in a circular motion between the palms. Learn to sculpt objects of different sizes.

The methodology of the lesson. Consider tangerines and oranges with children (you can take other fruits or objects of different sizes), determine their shape and size. Specify the amount of clay needed to sculpt large and small objects.

Invite the children to gesture in the air to roll out the clay.

The guys who finish the work before the others can be given an extra lump of clay. To achieve that children more clearly convey the difference between objects in size. Enjoy all the images created together.

Materials. Tangerines and oranges (or other round objects of various sizes). Clay, boards (for each child).

Relationship with other occupations and activities. IN Everyday life and in the process of games, enrich children's ideas about round objects of different sizes, for different purposes (toys, vegetables, fruits).

Lesson 44. Drawing "Decorate the Dymkovo duck"

Software content. Continue to introduce children to the Dymkovo toy. Learn to highlight the elements of the painting, apply them to a duck cut out of paper. Cause joy from the result; from the brightness and beauty of the Dymkovo painting.

The methodology of the lesson. Consider 2-3 Dymkovo toys with children. Ask how the toys are decorated, offer to name the elements of decoration (stripes, spots, dots). Invite the children who wish to show on a piece of paper pinned to the board how they will decorate their ducks.

Then invite the children to paint with a pattern of white ducks. Clarify the correct techniques for working with paints. Lay out all the painted ducks on the table, admire them with the children. Note that all the ducks turned out bright, elegant, beautiful.

Materials. 2–3 Dymkovo toys. Ducks cut out of white paper by the teacher (duck silhouette length 10-12 cm), gouache paints of 2 colors (different combinations of colors on each table), brushes, napkins, water cans (for each child).

Relationship with other occupations and activities. In your free time, look at Dymkovo toys with children, their bright elegant painting.

Lesson 45. Application "Beautiful napkin"

Software content. To teach children to make a pattern on square-shaped paper, placing large circles of the same color in the corners and in the middle, and in the middle of each side small circles of a different color. Develop compositional skills, color perception, aesthetic feelings.

The methodology of the lesson. Tell the children that today they will decorate the napkin. Remind them that they have already looked at various decorated objects. Consider two samples of napkins with the children, ask how they are decorated. Recall that you first need to lay out the mugs on a piece of paper. Clarify the order of the figures and offer to carefully stick them.

Put all finished works on the board, mark the most beautiful napkins in terms of composition, color combination. Encourage children to make statements (name the figures, their color; tell how the decorations are located).

"Cat and toys: bear, ball, ball"

Lena T., 2nd junior group

Materials. Two samples of napkins, different in color. White paper 15x15 cm in size, paper mugs of different sizes (diameter 3 cm and 2 cm), well combined in color (2 colors per table, different combinations on different tables), brushes, glue, napkins (for each child).

Relationship with other occupations and activities. Examination of objects decorated with simple decorative patterns, Dymkovo toys, napkins, etc.

Anastasia Rybakova
Abstract open lesson on drawing in the second junior group"Herringbone"

Target: To teach children to convey the image of a Christmas tree in drawing.

Program tasks:

Learn to draw objects consisting of lines (vertical, oblique);

Develop the ability to use gouache and a brush (hold the brush correctly, dip only the bristle of the brush into the paint, remove excess paint on the edge of the jar, rinse the brush well, drain it on a napkin);

Cultivate independence in work and a desire to help the Bunny.

Preliminary work:

Looking at the Christmas tree for a walk, looking at illustrations, guessing riddles, reading poetry, singing songs.

Vocabulary work: crown, trunk, branches, short, long.


An envelope with a letter, paper silhouettes of bunnies, a silhouette of a Christmas tree, a sheet for each child (1/2 album sheet, green, brown paint, brushes with a stand, jars of water, napkins according to the number of children.


The children stand next to the teacher.

There is a knock on the door. The teacher brings in an envelope and silhouettes of little bunnies.

Educator: Guys, look, this letter, let's guess who it is from.

"Running fast

And jumps smartly

Rides in white

That in a gray coat,

Everyone is invited to eat carrots

This eared, shy ... (hare) "

Children: Bunny.

Educator: The bunny sent us a letter, let me read it to you:

“There are many different trees in the forest, but few Christmas trees. And under them it is very good to hide from the cold and from the wind. Draw for me and my friends - Bunny (takes out the silhouettes of bunnies from the envelope, please, such Christmas trees (takes out a sample from the envelope).

Educator: Guys, let's help the Bunnies and draw Christmas trees for them! Each of you will draw a Christmas tree for your bunny (paper silhouettes of little bunnies are handed out to children). Come and sit at the tables.

Course progress.

Teacher: Now we will draw. Let's take a look at the tree.

What color is she? - Green.

What does she have? (points to the trunk) - Trunk.

What trunk? - Straight, high.

What else is on the tree? (points to branches) - Branches.

Where are the branches going? - Look down.

What branches? - Short at the top, longer at the bottom, lowered down.

What is the top of the tree called? - The crown.

Educator: Look how to draw a Christmas tree:

1. We collect paint on a brush, remove excess paint on the edge of the jar, like this. We retreat a little from above, apply a brush and lead without tearing it from top to bottom. This is a stem.

2. Now at the top, at the very top, we draw branches: first on one side, then on the other side, they are short, looking down.

3. Step back down and draw more branches, they are longer, looking down. Branches are friends - keep in pairs.

4. We retreat and draw more branches on one and the other side of the trunk, they are the longest.

It turned out to be a tree.

I wash the brush, dry it on a napkin

Educator: The brush “jumps” on the napkin and put it in the stand with the pile up.

Fizminutka. (Children stand near the table).

Teacher: And now we will play with you.

The Christmas tree lived in the forest, (children stand near the chairs)

The tree was small. (squatting down)

And then it grew, grew, (gradually get up)

Rising up to the sky. (hands up)

The branches are tilted down, (shaking hands from side to side)

They are friends as a couple. (they press their hands to their chest, depicting the paws of a bunny.)

Bunnies ran to the Christmas tree, (jump on the spot)

They jumped on the lawn.

Well done. Sit down at the tables.

Educator: And now you will draw a Christmas tree yourself. Take the brush in right hand, Show. Let's draw a Christmas tree in the air. (Verbal reminder of the Christmas tree image). And now type in brown paint and draw the trunk first, with brown paint. As you draw, do not forget to rinse the brush well from paint, dial green paint and draw branches.

Independent work by children.

In the course of work, the educator provides assistance by drawing a spruce on his sheet.

The teacher lays out the finished work on the table so that all the children can examine the work.


Educator: Look what kind of forest your Christmas trees turned out to be. Do you like it? Guys, "plant" your bunny under the Christmas tree that you liked the most. Well done, you have got beautiful Christmas trees, with straight trunks, fluffy branches, now all the bunnies will be warm under your Christmas trees. I liked the way you did today.

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Synopsis of an open lesson in the younger drawing group

In the early preschool age children lay the foundations of visual activity. Pupils of the second younger group are actively developing key mental processes (first of all, perception and thinking) - the kids are already aware of the meaning of drawing. Of course, they are still far from creating realistic images, drawings are often a shapeless combination of lines. However, this is initial stage formation of key visual skills.

The value of visual activity for the development of pupils of the second junior group of the preschool educational institution

Drawing classes have a significant impact on the harmonious development of preschoolers from an early age. For toddlers, this is a great way to express their emotions. This is especially important for children who are still poorly able to speak or have communication problems. The drawing will help an adult understand the child, because even what colors he chooses for the image is important.

Visual activity develops thinking, brings up such useful qualities as perseverance, purposefulness, wean children from laziness. Undoubtedly, all this will be very useful during schooling and, in general, throughout life. Drawing is a great way to captivate overly mobile kids.

Three-year-olds absorb knowledge like a sponge. Activities related to artistic creativity develop their taste, bring up a sense of beauty.

The specifics of visual activity at a given age

The main goal of visual activity when working with children of three or four years old is to teach them to draw lines, both straight and rounded, since it is from them that the forms of the simplest objects are subsequently formed. Moreover, they must learn to do it on their own, not focusing on the model proposed by the educator. This process is directly related to the development of fine motor skills of hand and finger movements.

Another important task is the formation of color perception - knowledge of basic colors and their names.

During the period of study in the junior preschool level, primary compositional skills are also formed - children learn to place their drawing in the central part of the sheet.

The teacher systematically involves children in the process of depicting objects. At first, the child completes the composition started by the teacher: he finishes the strings of the balloons (selecting the appropriate color), similarly depicts the stems of the flowers, the sticks of the flags.

The lesson should bring joy to the child - that's when he wants to do it again and again. Here, of course, the defining role is played by the personality of the teacher, his benevolent attitude, sensitivity, emotionality, and the ability to support the interest of pupils in artistic creativity.

Note that at the age of three, children still cannot keep the teacher’s explanation in their heads for a long time: they remember the instructions partially or they need to be explained again. The teacher should try to ensure that each child understands the task, organize his actions. An individual approach is indispensable here. During the lesson, the teacher constantly reminds preschoolers about the subject of the image.

The emotionality of the lesson always increases art word, it creates in the mind of the child a figurative representation of the object of the image. Thus, visual activity can be preceded by a riddle or a short poem. At the same time, they should be extremely simple and accessible to kids. Otherwise, mental stress will interfere with the emotional mood of the child, and he will no longer want to draw. Note that the same rhyme can be recited to sum up the session after discussing the results of the work.

In addition, drawing in the second younger group is inseparable from play activities. Indeed, motivation for creativity is very important for children, for example, on a fairy-tale basis. This will make the subject of the image interesting and more alive.

The material in the lesson with the kids should be extremely specific, because at this age abstract thinking is still alien to them. Children should visually perceive the objects of the world around them - this is the basis of learning to draw at an early age. The images with which the graphic elements (lines, circles, dots) are associated should be perceived visually, and even better tactilely.

In some cases, when the teacher cannot show the object to preschoolers (for example, because of its significant size), it is permissible to use a picture or a well-executed drawing. At the same time, the attention of children is also drawn to the shape (you need to circle it with your finger) and color. Note that the drawing should not be small, the object itself is depicted separately from others, so that children's attention is focused only on it.

The teacher, starting with sweeping hand movements in the air that are simpler for the child, gradually moves on to moving the brush on paper (note that pencil manipulations are more limited). For example, when depicting paths, the kids, together with the teacher, show the direct direction of the lines in the air, and then on paper they demonstrate how long the path is. Finally, they draw it with gouache or pencil.

Moreover, it is desirable that the guys accompany their actions with words - this will make the drawing process more rhythmic, the movement itself - more exciting. For this reason, in order to increase emotional mood It is also recommended to include musical accompaniment in the lesson.

All actions kids at this age perform as an imitation of the teacher. He shows hand movements in the air, and then repeats them with the children. Similarly, the teacher shows all the techniques of drawing: for example, how to hold the tool, draw paint on the brush. Preschoolers will be able to perform actions on their own when they master all these techniques well and acquire initial skills.

The teacher's drawing should not be simplified to a diagram - after all, the image must correspond to the real object. For example, when explaining the sequence of drawing a Christmas tree, the teacher focuses on the requirements of the program intended for the second younger group: it indicates a vertical trunk, and then green branches diverging to the sides. However, many other trees have such signs. Therefore, the trunk should not be drawn straight, but slightly extended downwards, and the branches are drawn slightly inclined.

The trunk is sequentially drawn first, and then the branches

Demonstration of image techniques is necessary until the kids master the skills of drawing this form. Then, in their free time, they will be able to draw the same Christmas tree on their own.

Similarly, when the guys learn how to draw straight lines and the simplest rectangular shapes, you can invite them to draw a spatula, a ladder, a fence, etc., without demonstrating tricks.

Note that when working with children of the second younger group, the teacher should focus on the personal experience of each pupil. After all, there are always older children in the same team (and during this period the difference of six months also affects development), in addition, some kids start attending kindergarten only from the age of three (before that they didn’t go to nursery group). Therefore, the task of the educator is to analyze the characteristics of his group and, depending on this, differentiate tasks in the process of drawing. Complications may lie in expanding the range of materials for work (for example, offering more colors), increasing the number of images (not one Christmas tree, but several).

The most suitable materials for classes

The basis for drawing in the second junior group is A4 paper. When drawing with gouache paints, the teacher must tint it in the required shade (in the younger preschool level, this is especially true, since it increases interest in artistic creativity). In some cases, it is advisable to offer kids colored paper or cardboard. Indeed, for example, it is more interesting to draw a bright yellow sun on a gray or blue background that represents the sky. Likewise, the "It's snowing" activity suggests a base color of blue, which could very well be a navy blue or purple base shade.

Note that the base should be quite dense. After all, at first the child does not draw with the tip of the brush - he intensively works with the whole pile, sometimes rubbing the paper to the holes.

In the second younger group, as a rule, gouache is used. It gives a brighter tone than watercolor. But color in early preschool age causes a strong emotional reaction, for the baby the result of the activity is a bright spot. In addition, gouache paints are easier for kids to work with than watercolors: no effort is needed to dilute them with water.

There is no need to buy expensive paints with many shades for three-year-old children - it will be difficult for a child to choose the right color. The optimal number is six basic colors.

It is worth paying attention to the selection of brushes. For beginners, the ideal option is squirrel brushes with a short handle.

As for colored pencils, they should be good quality(do not crumble), soft enough.

There are a lot of additional materials that can be used in drawing classes in the second younger group. For example, cotton wool, confetti will come in handy for the winter theme, in other seasons - natural materials: seeds, leaves, etc. All these details diversify the composition, make it original, which, of course, will further stimulate kids' interest in artistic creativity.

Used methods and techniques of drawing

The key task of the teacher in the second younger group is to teach children shaping movements - first simple, and then more complex. This is, first of all, drawing a variety of lines: from left to right, from top to bottom, intersecting, etc. The easiest way to do this is when depicting objects such as paths, ribbons, a fence, a staircase.

When working with pencils, the teacher offers the kids one or two colors so as not to scatter children's attention. After some time, gouache is offered to children. Note that it is easier to draw with a brush, because it does not require effort when pressed. The teacher teaches preschoolers how to properly apply a brush to paper.

At the beginning, the works are created with only one paint (for example, blue paint conveys raindrops, and yellow paint autumn leaves). Since the compositions gradually become more complex - the color scheme becomes more diverse, then the technique of washing the brush is introduced at the lesson.

Another task that is set in the second younger group is to teach a preschooler to combine several forms in a drawing, homogeneous (for example, a tumbler, a snowman) or different (sun). Such work requires the ability to control the movements of the hand, plus combine the forms into a composition.

More difficult for a child of three years is the image of a rectangular shape - he learns to impute the direction of movement to get an angle, as well as to close the line at the starting point. Kids practice this technique by drawing the same simple items, like flags, windows, books and other rectangular things.

In drawing classes, the teacher constantly focuses on the setting of the hand. At first, the brush is put into the pen of each pupil, because everyone holds it differently: someone clamps it in a fist, bending their fingers, someone holds it at the very base, while other children, on the contrary, at the very tip. At the same time, the hand gets tired quickly, and the child gets tired. The correct position of the hand is in the middle part of the brush, while it is held by three fingers (their position is somewhat similar to the beak of a bird, which the child should pay attention to). In the same way, you should hold a pencil, wax crayon, felt-tip pen.

In addition, the teacher teaches the children to carefully pick up paint, dipping the brush with all the pile in the jar. Excess paint is removed from the edge of the jar.

Note that you should not limit learning to draw at an early age only with traditional techniques. Non-standard image methods develop fine motor skills and imagination very well. By the way, drawing with fingers or poking with a semi-dry brush is easier for kids than with brushes and pencils. At the same time, the baby feels at ease and liberated.

Classes visual activity in the second younger group, as a rule, they are of a general group character. But at this age it is already quite possible to practice teamwork (or divide children into subgroups). The chosen form of work should be determined by the topic of the lesson - for example, “A bouquet for mommy” (each pupil draws a flower with his palm) or “Dandelions” (with the help of fingers, kids depict flower buds and a blue sky above them).

Teamwork (palms)

Teamwork (fingers)

Topics: multi-colored balls, twigs and berries, cups and plates, toys and much more

As for the topics of visual activity at preschool age, child psychologists recommend offering children as many diverse topics as possible, covering various areas of life around them.

There is a standard common topics(thematic blocks), which are used in the classroom in almost all kindergartens. In this case, the teacher can vary the subtopics within each block.

Consider the main sections that must be covered in drawing classes in the second younger group (the teacher can choose one or two topics within each block to implement them in the process of working with children, or he can come up with his own version).

Simple round shapes

These topics are: “Colorful wheels”, “Inflate, bubble”, “Saucer for milk”, “Rings”, “Colored balls”, “Colorful hoops”, “Bablis, donuts”, “My cheerful sonorous ball”, “Snowballs ".

Drawing with pencils

Drawings based on straight lines

These themes are: "Salute", "Staircase", "Dishes", "Furniture", "Fence", "Striped rug", "Baby books", "Colorful handkerchiefs are drying".

gouache painting

gouache painting


Kids draw: "My house", "House with a pipe", "House for a dog", "Birdhouse".

Teamwork (coloring the template and decorating it with a pattern)

anthropomorphic creatures

"Snowman", "Tumbler", "Matryoshka", "Gingerbread Man".

gouache painting

Decorative drawing (pattern decoration)

“Painting a plate”, “Decorate a tea cup”, “Decorate towels”, “Decorate a mitten”, “Decorate a handkerchief”.

gouache painting

Poke drawing


(coloring templates, adding details to them):“Mittens”, “Shoes”, “Siberian felt boots”, “Dress for a doll”.

gouache painting

Animals, birds, fireflies and other insects

"Chicken", "Birds", "Titmouse", "Firefly", "Bees", "Duck", " Ladybug"," Fish.

gouache painting

Bubble painting

Berries, mushrooms, vegetables, fruits

“Mushrooms”, “Amanita”, “Vegetables and fruits”, “Orange and tangerine”, “Berry by berry”, “Berries on a branch”, “Currant sprig”, “Apple with a leaf”.

Drawing with cotton swabs

gouache painting

Vegetable world

“A multi-colored carpet of leaves”, “Leaf fall”, “Trees on our site”, “Christmas tree”, “Flowers”, “Dandelion”.

gouache painting gouache painting gouache painting

Natural phenomena

"Rain", "Sun", "Hail", "Rainbow".

Drawing with cotton swabs

Finger painting

household items

"Umbrella", "Comb".

Finger painting


« Food", "Pies".


"Traffic light", "Rules of the road", "Fire safety", "Fire".

gouache painting


"Car", "Trolley", "Airplanes are flying", "Beautiful train".

Finger painting


"My family", "Friendship", "Parts of the body", "Professions".

pencil drawing

My toys

"My favorite toy", "Dymkovo toy".

gouache painting


"Flag", "My City".

gouache painting

Lesson notes on the image of a snowman, salute, dandelion and car

Name of the author Abstract title
Shestakova E.»
Educational tasks: exercise children in the image of a round shape, make an image from several parts of a similar shape.
Development tasks: exercise in coloring a round shape, the ratio of objects by size, consolidate the idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba snowman.
Educational tasks: to cultivate accuracy, the desire to help.
Integration educational areas : « Artistic creativity”, “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Socialization”, “Health”.
Handout: sheets of blue-tinted paper according to the number of children, gouache, non-spill cups, brushes, coasters for them, napkins.
Lesson progress:
The teacher tells the children that a guest has come to them and asks a riddle:
  • Bucket on the head
    Great carrot nose.
    All winter long
    I watch in the yard.
    I look around with coal eyes!

A toy snowman appears. Children examine it, discuss how it can be fashioned (show with gestures).
The shape of the snowman and the size of his lumps are discussed. The teacher draws attention to the fact that there is a bucket on the snowman's head, and there are eyes, nose and mouth on the face.
The snowman tells the kids that he is sad because there is no one to play with. The teacher invites the children to draw many friends for the character (game motivation).
The order of the work is discussed. The teacher, together with preschoolers, draws circles in the air, explains that first you need to draw the largest lump on paper, then a little smaller, and finally the smallest. Well, so that the snowman does not fall, you first need to draw a path on paper. It is noted that the eyes, nose, mouth are drawn with the tip of the brush.
Physical education "Snowman" is held:

  • We will jump like balls fun:
    jump yes lope, jump yes lope repeat again!
    Snowman, snowman, you're so good
    Snowman, snowman, clap your hands!
    We will squat together like dolls:
    like this, like this, repeat again!
    Snowman, snowman, you're so good
    Snowman, snowman, clap your hands!
    We will perform like clowns in a circus,
    like this, like this, repeat again.

Independent activity of children. The teacher monitors the process of work, directs the kids.
Drawing analysis. The snowman thanks the guys (now he will not be lonely) and says goodbye.

Zharikova E. "Festive fireworks"
(non-traditional drawing technique "protruding pattern")
The lesson begins with a riddle about fireworks:
  • Suddenly from the black darkness
    Bushes grew in the sky.
    And they are blue
    Pink and colored
    Flowers are blooming
    Unprecedented beauty.
    And all the streets below them
    They are all colored too.
    How to name them tell me
    Those bright flowers?

The teacher discusses with preschoolers what a salute is, where we can see it. The theme of the Victory Day holiday is touched upon. On this day in our country there are the most colorful and bright fireworks.
It turns out what the salute volleys look like (a ball, rain, multi-colored ribbons, etc.)
The teacher invites the children to come up with their own festive fireworks, which they would like to see in the evening in the sky of their city. It turns out that they have magic pencils (wax) on the table. You need to draw a salute with them, and then magic will happen.
Physical education is carried out:

  • 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
    We start drawing.
    Work begins
    The mouth is closed.
    Painted, painted
    The pencils are tired
    And now we'll take them
    And put it in a box.
    1, 2, 3, 4, 5
    I'm starting to tinker!
    I take blue paint
    And our salute will turn blue!

The teacher takes a foam rubber sponge and paints over his salute sample with blue paint. An interesting effect arises - the paint does not paint over the wax pencils, it rolls off them. The result is a beautiful fireworks display against the night sky.
Children do the same. The result is amazing.

Komisina O. "Dandelions in the Grass"

The teacher reads a poem, and the children must guess which flower they are talking about:

  • Only the sun warmed
    By the path in a row
    Flowers dressed up
    Your sunny outfit.
    bask in the sun,
    Bathed in dew
    Shine like stars
    In the low grass
    Time flies and a flower
    Turned into a bubble!
    Blowed softly at him
    - And in the palm of your hand it is not!

A picture of a dandelion is shown. Its shape, color of leaves, stem, bud are discussed. Kids talk about what flowers are for. The teacher tells the children that flowers are needed not only to admire them: they give food to insects - nectar. The teacher warns the children not to pick dandelions on a walk - after all, they die immediately in a vase.
Physical education "Dandelion, dandelion!"

  • The stem is thin, like a finger.
    If the wind is fast, fast
    (They run in different directions)
    Will fly into the meadow,
    Everything around will rustle.
    (They say "shhhhhhhhhhh")
    dandelion stamen,
    Scatter in a round dance
    (Hold hands and walk in a circle)
    And merge with the sky.

The teacher shows preschoolers how to draw a flower, paying attention that a thin stalk is depicted with the tip of a brush. Since dandelions grow in grass, children are invited to draw grass as well.
Independent work of children.
An exhibition is being organized - a large dandelion meadow.

Ermakova O. "Automobile"

At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher reads a funny poem about a car:

  • For me to take you
    I don't need oats.
    Feed me gasoline
    Give rubber to the hooves,
    And then, raising the dust,
    Will run. (Automobile).

The children discuss the cars they saw on the way to kindergarten. The teacher reports that one of the cars decided to visit the guys. Children examine it, determine the color, name the details of which it consists.
The children are invited to draw their car, special, favorite color. On the tables they have sheets with a drawn typewriter. It needs to be carefully painted and finished on the wheels so that the car can roll down the street.
The teacher shows how to paint the car with paints, paying attention to the technique: take the brush by the metal skirt, carefully pick up the paint, removing the excess on the edge of the can.
Independent activity of children.

Games in the drawing classes in the second junior group

At a younger preschool age, it can be difficult for children to explain some material, especially to make sure that they remember it. Here, didactic games on visual activity will come to the aid of the teacher.

These manuals (you can buy them in stores or make them yourself) are presented in the following target areas:

  • Games for the development of color perception.
  • Games that exercise preschoolers in drawing up patterns (develop decorative skills) or whole compositions
  • Games, the purpose of which is to supplement the object with the missing details (subsequently, the child also draws the elements in the picture).

Let's look at examples from each category.

Games for the development of color perception

“Collect a bouquet” (for the Snow Maiden and for the Sunbeam). This game teaches children to distinguish between warm and cold tones. A similar option is to choose your favorite colors of the snowman and the sun.

Didactic game introduces warm and cold shades

Didactic game develops color perception

Game "Collect the caterpillar". Children are offered several shades of the same color, from which the caterpillar's body must be folded - from the darkest shade to the lightest.

Didactic game for the development of color perception

"Name the colors of autumn, summer, spring and winter." Kids are offered cards with a color palette, and they must match them with pictures depicting a certain season.

Didactic game on art at the same time reinforces the signs of the seasons

"Beads for Mom". Pictures with different color combinations of beads are presented. The task of the child is to pick up beads of the same color as in the picture.

"Aquarium". The paper aquarium has four sectors of different colors. There are also fish and shells of these colors. The task of the child is to sort them into sectors.

Games for the development of decorative skills (drawing up a pattern)

Decorative and applied arts are an important part of the culture of the Russian people, who since ancient times have sought to convey their understanding of beauty in an artistic form. The products of talented craftsmen develop the aesthetic taste of children, teach them to understand and appreciate beauty. Didactic games will help kids get acquainted with folk art crafts, as well as teach them how to make their own beautiful ornaments.

These are split pictures depicting Dymkovo toys, dish patterns that need to be decorated with a Gorodets pattern, dominoes and lotos on this topic.

Didactic game Didactic game Didactic game Cut pictures Cut pictures loto

The game "Assemble a still life" teaches younger preschoolers to compose a composition, kids from an early age get acquainted with the genre of still life.

Didactic game develops compositional skills

And the manual "Collect a pattern according to a model" develops their aesthetic taste, teaches them to correlate an object with its image.

The manual contributes to the formation of aesthetic taste

Games to complete the subject with details

"Draw a butterfly." The child is offered an image of half a butterfly. You need to complete the picture by picking up the same elements and place them on the missing half.

Didactic game reinforces the knowledge of the shape of the object and at the same time contributes to the correct color perception.

"Merry Train". The child is offered the body of a steam locomotive without wheels, pipes and doors. The task is to find among the many details the missing elements for the picture and supplement the image of the locomotive with them. As a result, children remember the shape of this type of transport, and later it will be easier for them to draw it.

Analysis of visual activity

An important component of any artistic activity is the analysis of finished works. This is also true when working with young children. The teacher puts all the drawings on the stand and arranges a joint discussion with the children: asks the children for their opinion, and also evaluates the work himself, points out their positive aspects, and gives recommendations on what can be done better. Both the quality and accuracy of the work performed are taken into account.

Note that you should not focus the attention of children on unsuccessful drawings, because often poor-quality performance of the task is not due to the child’s unwillingness, but to the peculiarities of his development (weak motor skills). These babies need more attention during productive activity, invite them to draw in their free time.

Joint viewing and discussion of works brings up activity in kids, causes a desire to correct mistakes, and next time draw better. Those children who were not active during the discussion should be given special attention and individually discuss the drawings with them.

Related videos

Drawing in the second junior group on the topic "Dandelion"

Drawing in the second junior group on the topic "It's raining."

It is difficult to overestimate the role of drawing in the development of children. This is one of the most important ways of self-expression. After all, some children find it difficult to verbally express their feelings and knowledge. This extremely useful activity simultaneously stimulates mental activity and educates aesthetic feelings. The diverse topics of classes in the second junior group lay the foundation for a realistic image of a variety of objects and phenomena real life which children learn as they grow up.

Integrated lesson "Decorate the Christmas tree" (non-traditional drawing technique) 2 junior group

Program content:
- improve the skills of non-traditional image of the subject.
develop speech, imagination, Creative skills.
- to give children the opportunity to experience a variety of muscle loads by imitative repetition of the movements and actions of the teacher.
- to form a sense of rhythm, coordination of movements.
- develop the articulatory apparatus and fine motor skills of the hands, develop speech, imagination, creativity, develop and improve communication skills.
- to create a situation of success, an atmosphere of joy and kindness, to create a sense of group unity.
Material: diluted gouache, baths with water, napkins, plates, illustrations, whatman paper with the image of a Christmas tree, soft toys, health paths, an audio recording of the seasons, a tape recorder.
Receptions and methods: game, conversation, story, visual, verbal, game.
Dictionary: circular movements of fingers, priming, birch to fix the concept of forest, garden.
Lesson progress
1. Organizational moment"Hello" (formation of emotional contact).
Under quiet music children join the group. The teacher reads the poem:
Hello golden sun!
Hello blue sky
Hello, free breeze,
Hello white snow!
Hello, kids: girls and boys,
Hello, I'll tell you, I welcome you all!
Today we have guests, let's welcome them.
2. Psychological training:
"Zimushka - winter" (development of the transfer emotional state, positive emotions, development of imagination).
An audio recording of "The Four Seasons" by P.I. Tchaikovsky sounds
Educator: What a wonderful tune, right guys? What does it look like, how can you say about this music? (Light, joyful, snowy, fluffy, winter). This is a winter tune, do you like winter? What do you like, Alina? And you, Valeria? Why does Kostya like winter, and why does Vlade like it? I love winter too.
Tell me, guys, what do you like to do most in winter, what games do you play? (Ride downhill, sledding, play snowballs, wallow in the snow, sculpt a snowman ...).
Educator: I invite you for a walk winter forest do you want to go with me? Well then, let's go! (background music playing)
3. Simulation exercise"We're walking on snowdrifts" (emotional release)
We walk through the snowdrifts
Let's raise our feet high
On steep snowdrifts.
Raise your leg up.
For a long time we walked
Our legs are tired.
Now let's sit down and rest
And let's go for a walk again.
Look, guys, what a winter glade we went to.
Oh, look at some pictures here, what is shown on them? (tree, tree)
What is the difference between a tree and a Christmas tree? (tree branches grow up, tree branches down).
- Where do trees grow? (in the forest, garden). (illustration display)
- What kind of trees grow in the forest? - Which (birch, rowan, Christmas tree).And how did you guess that this is a birch (white stem), Christmas tree (needles, bumps), Rowan (fruits of rowan).
- In the garden? (trees that grow fruit). Name these trees?
- What forest tree came to visit us recently? (Christmas tree).
- And who can read poems about the Christmas tree? (reading poetry).
4. Physical Minute
5. Surprise moment
- Bunny comes to visit the children.
I came to visit you at the request of all the inhabitants of the forest. They are very upset that all the guys had a beautiful, elegant Christmas tree. And there are a lot of Christmas trees in the forest, but we all don’t know how to dress her up beautifully, can you help us? (takes out a drawing paper with an image of a Christmas tree).
- Guys, what can you hang on a Christmas tree? (balls, beads, icicles, flags).
- And now I want you to turn into artists and draw decorations for the Christmas tree.
Bunny: But you don’t have brushes, what will you use to paint decorations for the Christmas tree?
Come to the tables, sit down. Before starting work, let's say what color we will draw balls, icicles). Will our icicles be round? (long), remember how to properly use paints on plates.
(wet your finger in water, then in a plate of paint, and after we draw a ball, you need to wash your finger and pick up another paint).
Let's prepare our fingers for work, warm them up.
Bunny: Guys, can I decorate the Christmas tree with you?
6. Finger game- massage "Boy - finger"
Finger-boy, where have you been,
Where did you go with your brothers?
- With this I rolled in the snow,
- With this, I rode down the hill,
- With this I walked through the forest,
I used to play snowballs with this.
We are all fingers-friends,
Where they are, there I am!
7. Doing work.
- the top row is red balls, the bottom row is blue.
And the work is amazing! It's time for me to praise you!
They did everything so beautifully, What a miracle - masters!
Look what a wonderful tree we have turned out. It looks like our Christmas tree, which we had in kindergarten. And now let's take it to the forest and give it to the forest animals, they are already waiting for us. And we will go along the path. Blue is fast, green is slow. Well, let's go, and the bunny will show us the way.
(children walk along the path to the magnetic board, animals are waiting for them there).
8. Reflection. Lesson analysis.
- Did you like our lesson?
- How did Alina remember it? What about Costa?
- How do you feel now after our lesson? Choose from the proposed pictures (funny, sad, joyful).
What is the mood?
- In! (show thumb). Let's give our good mood to our guests. (Children blow the mood from their palms).

Lukasheva Valentina Vladimirovna
Job title: teacher, senior teacher
Educational institution: MKDOU " Kindergarten №3"
Locality: Korenevo village, Kursk region
Material name: abstract
Subject: Integrated lesson on unconventional technique drawing in the 2nd junior group "Decorate the Christmas tree"
Publication date: 06.08.2016
Chapter: preschool education

Integrated lesson on non-traditional technique

drawing in the 2nd junior group "Decorate the Christmas tree"

Program content:
- improve the skills of non-traditional image of the subject, develop speech, imagination, creativity; - to give children the opportunity to experience a variety of muscle loads by imitating the repetition of movements and actions of the teacher. - to form a sense of rhythm, coordination of movements. - develop the articulatory apparatus and fine motor skills of the hands, develop and improve communication skills. - create a situation of success, an atmosphere of joy and kindness. - educate accuracy, interest in the lesson.
diluted gouache, jars of water, napkins, illustrations, an image of a Christmas tree, a soft toy, an audio recording of The Seasons, a tape recorder.
Vocabulary work:
explain the meaning of the word steep snowdrifts.
Individual work:
fix the name of the flowers with Ilya R., Angelina K., Vanya Khr., Vanya M., Timur A..
Receptions and methods:
game, conversation, story, visual, verbal, game.
GCD content
1. Organizational moment "Hello" (the formation of emotional contact). Children enter the group to quiet music. The teacher reads a poem: Hello, golden sun! Hello, blue sky. Hello, free breeze. Hello, little white snow! Hello, kids: girls and boys. Hello, I'll tell you, I greet you all! Today, guests have come to us, let's greet them. 2. Psychological training: "Winter - winter" (development of the transfer of emotional state, positive emotions, development of imagination). year "P.I. Tchaikovsky Educator: What a wonderful melody, really, guys? What does it look like, how can you say about this music? (Light, joyful, snowy, fluffy, winter). This is a winter melody, but do you like winter? What do you like about it? I also love winter. Tell me, guys, what do you like to do in winter, what games to play? (Sledding, playing snowballs, wallowing in the snow, making a snowman. Educator: I invite you for a walk in the winter forest, do you want to go with me? Well then, let's go! (background music playing)
3. Imitation exercise "We walk in snowdrifts" (emotional discharge) We walk in snowdrifts. Let's raise our feet high. On steep snowdrifts. Raise your legs up. We walked for a very long time. Our legs are tired. And now we will rest. And let's go for a walk again. Look, guys, what a winter glade we went to. (winter forest - models of Christmas trees, trees, illustrations of trees on an easel). - Oh, look at some pictures here, what is shown on them? (trees) - And where do the trees grow "? (in the forest, garden), - And what kind of trees are they? (looking at illustrations - birch, mountain ash, Christmas tree). And how did you guess that this is a birch (white trunk), a Christmas tree (needles , cones), mountain ash (fruits of mountain ash). What forest tree comes to visit us for the holiday? (tree). 4. Surprise moment. Bunny (toy) comes to visit the children. Hare: I came to visit you at the request all the inhabitants of the forest. They are very upset that all the guys have a smart Christmas tree on New Year's holiday. And there are a lot of Christmas trees in the forest, but we all don't know how to dress it up beautifully, can you help us? (takes out an envelope with a picture of a Christmas tree). : Guys, what can you hang on a Christmas tree? (balls, beads, icicles, flags). And now I want you to turn into artists and decorate the Christmas trees that the animals sent us. Educator: But you don’t have brushes on the tables at all What are you going to draw decorations for the Christmas tree with? (with fingers).Educator: Go to the tables, sit down.Before you start work, let's say what color we will draw balls, icicles. Will our icicles be round? (long), and the balls are square? (round), let's remember how to properly use paints on plates. (wet your finger in water, then in a plate with paint, and after we draw a ball, you need to wash your finger, wipe it on a napkin and pick up another paint). Bunny: Guys, can I decorate the Christmas tree with you? Let's prepare our fingers for work, warm them up. "Where did you go with your brothers? I rolled in the snow with this. I rode down the hill with this. I walked through the forest with this. I played snowballs with this. We are all friends-fingers. (children squeeze and unclench all fingers) Where are they - there and I!
6. Doing work by children. 7. Consideration of finished works. Educator: And the work is amazing! It's time for me to praise you! They did everything so beautifully, What a miracle - masters! Look what wonderful Christmas trees we got. 8. Reflection. Lesson analysis. - Did you like what we did today? - What do you remember? - How do you feel after our lesson? Choose from the proposed pictures a picture depicting your mood (cheerful, sad, joyful) - What is your mood? - In! (show thumb). Let's give our good mood to our guests. (Children blow the mood from their palms).