Anger and irritation are among the most powerful, and, moreover, unpleasant emotions. How to learn to control ourselves when everything around seems to be only going on with the aim of driving us crazy? We can not always control our mood, and the state of other people, the events that take place do not depend on us. Irritation is a normal reaction to something that a person would not want to face.

The child does not get angry because he does not like us, he wants to be "rude". It shows difficult behavior because it can't help it, lost and frightened, unable to cope with the rising tide of emotions. He cannot calm down. Our role is to help your child learn.

You Can't Prevent Negative Emotions

The child learns by imitation, is a mad observer. First, he believes that our gestures, body language, words are not as important as actions. Many parents, given the weight of the responsibility they bear, are trapped. He does everything to deny emotions, not to feel them and to deny their existence. There is only one goal: do not be angry with the child, do not be upset, do not despair, do not get annoyed, do not shout. Emotions that we do not express do not disappear, they accumulate inside us and wait for the moment when they can explode, usually too painfully, which leads to guilt and remorse.

It can be physiological, for example, the reaction of the skin to an unpleasant tissue, and emotional, when we are annoyed by someone's manner of speaking. How to learn to restrain our emotions when we are forced not to show our true feelings? Let's consider several ways.

Use deep breathing to overcome anger.

And these emotions are not a good adviser. There is another risk that comes with hiding emotions: falling into a vicious circle. A bad feeling after an outburst of anger is likely to end in a way that further masks the negative feelings so it doesn't happen in the future. A child does not need a perfect but authentic parent.

How can you help your child deal with emotions?

Give yourself permission to be angry with the child, let the child be upset. This is very important for mental health. Let the negative emotions of the child and himself, do not protect the child from difficult situations and emotions, show that you are not afraid of his reaction and give him permission, be patient, give time to play freely, which allows you to develop the frontal lobe responsible for emotions, hinder stress and negative emotions, movement makes it easier to regulate unpleasant emotions, talk about emotions when the child is calm, learns to cope with emotions. It is important never to punish negative emotions, not to make fun of the child's behavior.

This will help take your mind off strong emotions and will be the first step back to a normal track. After the most acute emotions subside, try not to think about the causes of irritation. Between the moment when you have recovered a little from the passions that overwhelm the soul and complete calm, there is a small buffer. During this time, angry thoughts may still return. Therefore, try not to be distracted by them and do breathing exercises and relaxation again.

It is also very important that the child feels understood and accepted, even in difficult moments. Building a sense of security, secure attachment gives you the strength to deal with difficult emotions. The child needs to know and feel loved. Sometimes we help ourselves in the tension felt by something sweet. Why is it ineffective?

Self-control of emotions is sometimes understood as the control of one's experience or expression. Most people would like to reduce and reduce the intensity of the experience of sadness or anxiety, as well as increase the experience of happiness, curiosity or love. Often, we also want, in a different way than so far, to express experienced emotions, rather than swallow anger in the face of fear reaction, to reveal it as assertive and elegant, instead of running in a dark corner, hiding our shame, to be able to say about it, instead of blocking the express and giving up.

For believers, a method such as prayer is suitable.

If you are in adverse circumstances, reading even the simplest prayers will quickly help you feel secure. You can learn your favorite prayer by heart in advance. Meditation can also serve as an alternative to prayer. However, it must be remembered that these spiritual practices still differ from each other.

We are often faced with individual or social responsibility for the lack or insufficiency of emotional self-control, suggesting negligence in subordinating a person. Simultaneously with psychotherapeutic practice, it shows that the most frequently encountered problems reported by clients relate to their helplessness against being flooded with unwanted emotions, for example. Fear, sadness, anger, sadness. Thus, the question arises whether the lack of emotional control is due to the omission of what is available to us, but what we have not yet learned, or negligence, or is it a desirable requirement, but only in a certain, slightly subordinate to the will and abilities of a person ?

Meditation is a technique aimed at calming the mind, detaching from the situation. It has a much greater effect when practiced for a long time. But focusing on something in a state of strong emotion also has a good effect. The mind switches, and negative thoughts gradually leave with it.

Emotions arise very early in phylogenetic development, which demonstrates their special role for humans. Emotions function as an identifier of the relationship between a person and environment. Arnold Lazarus talks about two types of evaluation that affect the growth and quality of the emotional process.

It consists in the recognition by the subject of a particular event as significant for his own goals and interests. Imagine that it is already late in the evening, and suddenly there was a sound of impact. A sleeping child may think that he is knocking an evil magician, looks good and will be very anxious. He completely hides under the covers or calls to help his mother. His father identifies these sounds as a pile hammer and feel something of a surprise, like a neighbor's preference if just flying in on the television of an IMPORTANT football game, anger or negligence on the neighbor if he is going to sleep earlier, and throwing him completely excited.

To contain your emotions, take your mind off your worries.

When feelings begin to manifest in all their power, it's time to turn on soothing music in your headphones or pay attention to some unfinished work project. You can pause and play your favorite computer game. Or call an old friend who always knew how to cheer you up. Humor is also a sure way to get rid of negative emotions.

Emotion is perceived as positive if the event corresponds to goals and interests, or negative if it is incompatible with them. The appearance of an emotion triggers a priority for the associated program of action. You experience an emotional accompanying therefore four components.

Robert Plucik mentions eight primary emotions that depict the figure. They are arranged according to the ease of passing one into the other; According to this principle, opposite emotions, such as anger and fear, joy and sorrow, are in opposition. Other emotions are the result of the main compilations. First order diapers are created by the fusion of two adjacent emotions, for example the coexistence of fear and surprise creates fear, joy and recognition of kindness.

Work on developing willpower.

This quality will be useful to you in other areas of life. But in relation to control over the emotional state, it is simply irreplaceable. Eliminate the phrase "I can't" from your vocabulary. Whenever you encounter difficulties, say to yourself accusatory "I don't." By doing this every time, gradually you will be able to regain control over your own life. Including, over the experiences of anger and irritation.

Sometimes also the coexistence of emotions more distant from each other, sometimes in conflict, for example. Sadness and anger cause despondency, joy, fear separates recognition, therefore their merging is incomplete, and what is the result of conflict becomes a source of guilt.

Certain structures in the brain play a special role in the process of testing and storing emotions, namely the location of the hippocampus and the amygdala. The first is responsible for declarative memory, i.e. recording the course of a particular emotional event. In contrast, the amygdala, which assumes its function, previously stores hidden emotional memory, ie. Emotional experience, experience in a given situation.

Use emotions as additional motivators.

For example, if you feel angry about the incorrect behavior of an employee at work, turn your feelings to your own advantage. Instead of endlessly drowning in thoughts about the actions he performs, transfer the energy of your emotions to work on your skills and abilities. In a normal state, it is not easy to move from one place and start working on oneself, and the potential for negative emotions is so great that it will serve as a good impetus for development.

Mariusz was involved in a car accident. His car slid into the slip, went to left side road, crashed into a bus, and then drove off. This event was accompanied by an intense cavity of the blocked horn. Mariusz is able to accurately tell the course of events. The sound of the horn that causes new anxiety is also remembered and recorded. There is muscle tension, palpitations, horror, just like the one he felt during the accident. This is the result of latent emotional memory.

Probably some of them come from experience early childhood that the explicit memory system was not yet functioning, but there is a record of emotions registered by the amygdala. However, there was no memory of the event that accompanied him. Exceptionally strong memories are called so. Flash memory. They are especially expressive and lively because of the emotional implications. It turns out that the fixation of such experiences is adrenaline released as a result of the activation of the hormonal system. Serious, practical problems are recurring, negative, emotional experiences experienced by rescuers who are involved in rescue operations in various natural disasters.

See also:

Show respect.

If the cause of resentment is any person, especially a close relative or work colleague, do not rush to show your ego. Try to treat this person with respect and courtesy. Not all people who make us angry and angry may be completely incapable of a sound assessment of the situation. When you approach them with a sincere desire to improve the situation, there is a chance to open the door for new communication, cooperation and even trust.

It turns out that giving rescuers or soldiers adrenaline blockers significantly reduces and inhibits the emergence of harsh memories. This emotional style is responsible for "brain biology", namely the level of activation of the selected cerebellar hemispheres of the cerebellum in the right hemisphere. The equipment is responsible for the different moods of young children, which are defined as cheerful or restless. These assumptions are supported by studies of infants who show a certain dominant emotionality, although they are too young to be emotional as an effect of training and education.

Determine the reasons.

An emotional reaction cannot come out of nowhere. Analyze what specifically causes your feelings. If the anger is caused by the behavior of another person, try to calmly talk to him, find out the reasons for the situation. Allow yourself and others to be heard and understood.

Plan your vacation.

The first four of them are predominantly genetically determined, they are the result of our innate equipment, and the level of conscientiousness is mainly dependent on educational and environmental exposures. Thus, personality is largely biologically conditioned. One of its manifestations is a predisposition to experiencing certain emotional states. People with a high level of neuroticism are characterized by the ease of experiencing anxiety, sadness, anger and extravagant people, characterized by susceptibility to experiencing states of joy and optimism.

This point is mandatory, since learning to restrain anger and irritation is impossible if you do not periodically give yourself a break. In this case nervous system may simply not withstand overloads. And so that she can cope with daily stress productively, rest is simply necessary. Spend at least one day a week doing your favorite hobby. If you are a sociable person, arrange a meeting with friends. In general, organize your schedule so that it leaves time for those activities from which you can draw strength of mind.

High openness is associated with a predisposition to curiosity, while high coherence is accompanied by increased ease of experiencing emotions and compassion. Even from this very superficial overview, the implications are obvious. It would seem that the natural state that a person strives for is a feeling of positive emotions, but despite these expectations, people also come into situations that are a source of negative emotions, such as fear, horror, disgust, regret, sadness.

There are a number of reasons why a person seeks difficult emotions. Here are some of them: sudden relief when sources of negative emotions disappear, comparison of a tragic situation creates an opportunity to experience the positive of one's own situation, Confidence in the future, possible negative events, faith in life, accepting a balance of joy and suffering from negative experiences from there will increase the likelihood of positive experiences in the future , causing negative emotions, will increase the experience of reality, give a sense of non-triviality and real life.

Anger is one of the most difficult emotions, because it can affect both health and the world that surrounds us. To prevent its destructive effects, use the methods described, and sooner or later you will be able to gain complete control over your feelings.

Emotions are what makes us human. But sometimes the manifestation of feelings is completely inappropriate, interferes with thinking sensibly and leads to mistakes. You cannot (and should not!) keep yourself from experiencing certain emotions. But it must be manifested and expressed at the right time and in the right place. Use your feelings constructively and don't let them ruin everything you've been working towards for so long.

Typically, self-control measures refer to situations where an emotional event has already occurred. However, self-control can also prevent them from occurring and therefore avoid situations that are their source. In situations where avoidance of unwanted emotions is not feasible or very restrictive, he is left to deal with it.

Self-control can take place on three levels, focusing on three different elements of the emotional process. Receive information that gives off emotions, intrapsychic processes by expressing emotions. In addition to selective perception, a similar role is played by jokes in situations of danger, imagery, and task concentration, when we view the situation as a solving task.

Don't rock yourself

Adjust the degree of your emotions like the temperature on a thermostat. Not too hot, not too cold - just right to feel good. This applies to both good and bad emotions.

An overabundance of excitement can be inappropriate, as well as overly aggressive or depressive behavior.

People who know how to control their emotions try all the time to avoid disharmony in their state of mind.

Stop to reflect

Do you feel like you are "boiling"? This is a dangerous condition, and you need to put yourself in order as soon as possible. Instead of reacting to the situation immediately, think about what tools and solutions can be used. Cool down and reflect on what happened, regaining your focus and ability to analyze. Hasty decisions often bring a bitter feeling of regret. On the other hand, a short pause will help you focus on the most important and choose an effective and tactful way to solve the problem.

Avoid emotional overload

Emotional overload is a situation in which a certain feeling completely overwhelms you. This condition is accompanied by physical symptoms such as increased heart rate, increased breathing, trembling knees, sweating, and nausea. Do you feel something similar? This is a clear sign that you are emotionally overwhelmed. Instead of going with the flow and giving up, brace yourself! Process the information in parts, gradually coming to your senses. You can evaluate the result with a sober look.

Kate Ter Haar/

Practice deep breathing

The reaction of the body to emotional overload directly affects all the muscles of the body. You experience tension, after which you will definitely feel overwhelmed. To avoid such surges, practice deep breathing. It will oxygenate your brain and help you relax. The technique is very simple: stop doing anything, close your eyes and inhale very slowly through your nose, counting five seconds. Hold your breath for another two seconds, and then exhale just as slowly through your mouth, counting to five again. Repeat at least 10 times.

Avoid emotional company

People are known to easily communicate their emotions to others. That is why you should avoid those who see only the negative in everything: you will borrow the same point of view without even noticing. The same applies to overly emotional people. If you want to control your feelings and be in harmony, you should distance yourself from those who can be called drama queens.

Think about the solution, not the problem

A negative reaction to a difficult situation is one of the most common problems associated with emotions. Feeling sad or angry as a reaction to changed circumstances is normal, but not rational.

You can not stop thinking about the problem, you need to use the time to think through a plan for the next action.

Make a list of possible solutions, be creative and . During work, emotions will fade into the background, you will emerge from the situation as a winner.